1. =pod
  2. =head1 NAME
  5. sk_TYPE_num, sk_TYPE_value, sk_TYPE_new, sk_TYPE_new_null,
  6. sk_TYPE_reserve, sk_TYPE_free, sk_TYPE_zero, sk_TYPE_delete,
  7. sk_TYPE_delete_ptr, sk_TYPE_push, sk_TYPE_unshift, sk_TYPE_pop,
  8. sk_TYPE_shift, sk_TYPE_pop_free, sk_TYPE_insert, sk_TYPE_set,
  9. sk_TYPE_find, sk_TYPE_find_ex, sk_TYPE_find_all, sk_TYPE_sort,
  10. sk_TYPE_is_sorted, sk_TYPE_dup, sk_TYPE_deep_copy, sk_TYPE_set_cmp_func,
  11. sk_TYPE_new_reserve,
  12. OPENSSL_sk_deep_copy, OPENSSL_sk_delete, OPENSSL_sk_delete_ptr,
  13. OPENSSL_sk_dup, OPENSSL_sk_find, OPENSSL_sk_find_ex, OPENSSL_sk_find_all,
  14. OPENSSL_sk_free, OPENSSL_sk_insert, OPENSSL_sk_is_sorted, OPENSSL_sk_new,
  15. OPENSSL_sk_new_null, OPENSSL_sk_new_reserve, OPENSSL_sk_num, OPENSSL_sk_pop,
  16. OPENSSL_sk_pop_free, OPENSSL_sk_push, OPENSSL_sk_reserve, OPENSSL_sk_set,
  17. OPENSSL_sk_set_cmp_func, OPENSSL_sk_shift, OPENSSL_sk_sort,
  18. OPENSSL_sk_unshift, OPENSSL_sk_value, OPENSSL_sk_zero
  19. - stack container
  20. =head1 SYNOPSIS
  21. =for openssl generic
  22. #include <openssl/safestack.h>
  28. typedef int (*sk_TYPE_compfunc)(const TYPE *const *a, const TYPE *const *b);
  29. typedef TYPE * (*sk_TYPE_copyfunc)(const TYPE *a);
  30. typedef void (*sk_TYPE_freefunc)(TYPE *a);
  31. int sk_TYPE_num(const STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk);
  32. TYPE *sk_TYPE_value(const STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk, int idx);
  33. STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk_TYPE_new(sk_TYPE_compfunc compare);
  34. STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk_TYPE_new_null(void);
  35. int sk_TYPE_reserve(STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk, int n);
  36. void sk_TYPE_free(STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk);
  37. void sk_TYPE_zero(STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk);
  38. TYPE *sk_TYPE_delete(STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk, int i);
  39. TYPE *sk_TYPE_delete_ptr(STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk, TYPE *ptr);
  40. int sk_TYPE_push(STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk, const TYPE *ptr);
  41. int sk_TYPE_unshift(STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk, const TYPE *ptr);
  42. TYPE *sk_TYPE_pop(STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk);
  43. TYPE *sk_TYPE_shift(STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk);
  44. void sk_TYPE_pop_free(STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk, sk_TYPE_freefunc freefunc);
  45. int sk_TYPE_insert(STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk, TYPE *ptr, int idx);
  46. TYPE *sk_TYPE_set(STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk, int idx, const TYPE *ptr);
  47. int sk_TYPE_find(STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk, TYPE *ptr);
  48. int sk_TYPE_find_ex(STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk, TYPE *ptr);
  49. int sk_TYPE_find_all(STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk, TYPE *ptr, int *pnum);
  50. void sk_TYPE_sort(const STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk);
  51. int sk_TYPE_is_sorted(const STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk);
  52. STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk_TYPE_dup(const STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk);
  53. STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk_TYPE_deep_copy(const STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk,
  54. sk_TYPE_copyfunc copyfunc,
  55. sk_TYPE_freefunc freefunc);
  56. sk_TYPE_compfunc (*sk_TYPE_set_cmp_func(STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk,
  57. sk_TYPE_compfunc compare));
  58. STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk_TYPE_new_reserve(sk_TYPE_compfunc compare, int n);
  59. =head1 DESCRIPTION
  60. Applications can create and use their own stacks by placing any of the macros
  61. described below in a header file. These macros define typesafe inline
  62. functions that wrap around the utility B<OPENSSL_sk_> API.
  63. In the description here, B<I<TYPE>> is used
  64. as a placeholder for any of the OpenSSL datatypes, such as B<X509>.
  65. The STACK_OF() macro returns the name for a stack of the specified B<I<TYPE>>.
  66. This is an opaque pointer to a structure declaration.
  67. This can be used in every header file that references the stack.
  68. There are several B<DEFINE...> macros that create static inline functions
  69. for all of the functions described on this page.
  70. This should normally be used in one source file, and the stack manipulation
  71. is wrapped with application-specific functions.
  72. DEFINE_STACK_OF() creates set of functions for a stack of B<I<TYPE>> elements.
  73. The type is referenced by
  74. B<STACK_OF>(B<I<TYPE>>) and each function name begins with B<sk_I<TYPE>_>.
  75. DEFINE_STACK_OF_CONST() is identical to DEFINE_STACK_OF() except
  76. each element is constant.
  78. TYPE *sk_TYPE_value(STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk, int idx);
  80. const TYPE *sk_TYPE_value(STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk, int idx);
  82. except B<FUNCNAME> is used in the function names:
  84. TYPE *sk_FUNCNAME_value(STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk, int idx);
  86. const TYPE *sk_FUNCNAME_value(STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk, int idx);
  87. B<sk_I<TYPE>_num>() returns the number of elements in I<sk> or -1 if I<sk> is
  88. NULL.
  89. B<sk_I<TYPE>_value>() returns element I<idx> in I<sk>, where I<idx> starts at
  90. zero. If I<idx> is out of range then NULL is returned.
  91. B<sk_I<TYPE>_new>() allocates a new empty stack using comparison function
  92. I<compare>. If I<compare> is NULL then no comparison function is used. This
  93. function is equivalent to B<sk_I<TYPE>_new_reserve>(I<compare>, 0).
  94. B<sk_I<TYPE>_new_null>() allocates a new empty stack with no comparison
  95. function. This function is equivalent to B<sk_I<TYPE>_new_reserve>(NULL, 0).
  96. B<sk_I<TYPE>_reserve>() allocates additional memory in the I<sk> structure
  97. such that the next I<n> calls to B<sk_I<TYPE>_insert>(), B<sk_I<TYPE>_push>()
  98. or B<sk_I<TYPE>_unshift>() will not fail or cause memory to be allocated
  99. or reallocated. If I<n> is zero, any excess space allocated in the
  100. I<sk> structure is freed. On error I<sk> is unchanged.
  101. B<sk_I<TYPE>_new_reserve>() allocates a new stack. The new stack will have
  102. additional memory allocated to hold I<n> elements if I<n> is positive.
  103. The next I<n> calls to B<sk_I<TYPE>_insert>(), B<sk_I<TYPE>_push>() or
  104. B<sk_I<TYPE>_unshift>() will not fail or cause memory to be allocated or
  105. reallocated. If I<n> is zero or less than zero, no memory is allocated.
  106. B<sk_I<TYPE>_new_reserve>() also sets the comparison function I<compare>
  107. to the newly created stack. If I<compare> is NULL then no comparison
  108. function is used.
  109. B<sk_I<TYPE>_set_cmp_func>() sets the comparison function of I<sk> to
  110. I<compare>. The previous comparison function is returned or NULL if there
  111. was no previous comparison function.
  112. B<sk_I<TYPE>_free>() frees up the I<sk> structure. It does I<not> free up any
  113. elements of I<sk>. After this call I<sk> is no longer valid.
  114. B<sk_I<TYPE>_zero>() sets the number of elements in I<sk> to zero. It does not
  115. free I<sk> so after this call I<sk> is still valid.
  116. B<sk_I<TYPE>_pop_free>() frees up all elements of I<sk> and I<sk> itself. The
  117. free function freefunc() is called on each element to free it.
  118. B<sk_I<TYPE>_delete>() deletes element I<i> from I<sk>. It returns the deleted
  119. element or NULL if I<i> is out of range.
  120. B<sk_I<TYPE>_delete_ptr>() deletes element matching I<ptr> from I<sk>. It
  121. returns the deleted element or NULL if no element matching I<ptr> was found.
  122. B<sk_I<TYPE>_insert>() inserts I<ptr> into I<sk> at position I<idx>. Any
  123. existing elements at or after I<idx> are moved downwards. If I<idx> is out
  124. of range the new element is appended to I<sk>. B<sk_I<TYPE>_insert>() either
  125. returns the number of elements in I<sk> after the new element is inserted or
  126. zero if an error (such as memory allocation failure) occurred.
  127. B<sk_I<TYPE>_push>() appends I<ptr> to I<sk> it is equivalent to:
  128. sk_TYPE_insert(sk, ptr, -1);
  129. B<sk_I<TYPE>_unshift>() inserts I<ptr> at the start of I<sk> it is equivalent
  130. to:
  131. sk_TYPE_insert(sk, ptr, 0);
  132. B<sk_I<TYPE>_pop>() returns and removes the last element from I<sk>.
  133. B<sk_I<TYPE>_shift>() returns and removes the first element from I<sk>.
  134. B<sk_I<TYPE>_set>() sets element I<idx> of I<sk> to I<ptr> replacing the current
  135. element. The new element value is returned or NULL if an error occurred:
  136. this will only happen if I<sk> is NULL or I<idx> is out of range.
  137. B<sk_I<TYPE>_find>() searches I<sk> for the element I<ptr>. In the case
  138. where no comparison function has been specified, the function performs
  139. a linear search for a pointer equal to I<ptr>. The index of the first
  140. matching element is returned or B<-1> if there is no match. In the case
  141. where a comparison function has been specified, I<sk> is sorted and
  142. B<sk_I<TYPE>_find>() returns the index of a matching element or B<-1> if there
  143. is no match. Note that, in this case the comparison function will usually
  144. compare the values pointed to rather than the pointers themselves and
  145. the order of elements in I<sk> can change.
  146. B<sk_I<TYPE>_find_ex>() operates like B<sk_I<TYPE>_find>() except when a
  147. comparison function has been specified and no matching element is found.
  148. Instead of returning B<-1>, B<sk_I<TYPE>_find_ex>() returns the index of the
  149. element either before or after the location where I<ptr> would be if it were
  150. present in I<sk>. The function also does not guarantee that the first matching
  151. element in the sorted stack is returned.
  152. B<sk_I<TYPE>_find_all>() operates like B<sk_I<TYPE>_find>() but it also
  153. sets the I<*pnum> to number of matching elements in the stack. In case
  154. no comparison function has been specified the I<*pnum> will be always set
  155. to 1 if matching element was found, 0 otherwise.
  156. B<sk_I<TYPE>_sort>() sorts I<sk> using the supplied comparison function.
  157. B<sk_I<TYPE>_is_sorted>() returns B<1> if I<sk> is sorted and B<0> otherwise.
  158. B<sk_I<TYPE>_dup>() returns a shallow copy of I<sk>
  159. or an empty stack if the passed stack is NULL.
  160. Note the pointers in the copy are identical to the original.
  161. B<sk_I<TYPE>_deep_copy>() returns a new stack where each element has been
  162. copied or an empty stack if the passed stack is NULL.
  163. Copying is performed by the supplied copyfunc() and freeing by freefunc().
  164. The function freefunc() is only called if an error occurs.
  165. =head1 NOTES
  166. Care should be taken when accessing stacks in multi-threaded environments.
  167. Any operation which increases the size of a stack such as B<sk_I<TYPE>_insert>()
  168. or B<sk_I<TYPE>_push>() can "grow" the size of an internal array and cause race
  169. conditions if the same stack is accessed in a different thread. Operations such
  170. as B<sk_I<TYPE>_find>() and B<sk_I<TYPE>_sort>() can also reorder the stack.
  171. Any comparison function supplied should use a metric suitable
  172. for use in a binary search operation. That is it should return zero, a
  173. positive or negative value if I<a> is equal to, greater than
  174. or less than I<b> respectively.
  175. Care should be taken when checking the return values of the functions
  176. B<sk_I<TYPE>_find>() and B<sk_I<TYPE>_find_ex>(). They return an index to the
  177. matching element. In particular B<0> indicates a matching first element.
  178. A failed search is indicated by a B<-1> return value.
  180. DEFINE_SPECIAL_STACK_OF() are implemented as macros.
  181. It is not an error to call B<sk_I<TYPE>_num>(), B<sk_I<TYPE>_value>(),
  182. B<sk_I<TYPE>_free>(), B<sk_I<TYPE>_zero>(), B<sk_I<TYPE>_pop_free>(),
  183. B<sk_I<TYPE>_delete>(), B<sk_I<TYPE>_delete_ptr>(), B<sk_I<TYPE>_pop>(),
  184. B<sk_I<TYPE>_shift>(), B<sk_I<TYPE>_find>(), B<sk_I<TYPE>_find_ex>(),
  185. and B<sk_I<TYPE>_find_all>() on a NULL stack, empty stack, or with
  186. an invalid index. An error is not raised in these conditions.
  187. The underlying utility B<OPENSSL_sk_> API should not be used directly.
  188. It defines these functions: OPENSSL_sk_deep_copy(),
  189. OPENSSL_sk_delete(), OPENSSL_sk_delete_ptr(), OPENSSL_sk_dup(),
  190. OPENSSL_sk_find(), OPENSSL_sk_find_ex(), OPENSSL_sk_find_all(),
  191. OPENSSL_sk_free(), OPENSSL_sk_insert(), OPENSSL_sk_is_sorted(),
  192. OPENSSL_sk_new(), OPENSSL_sk_new_null(), OPENSSL_sk_new_reserve(),
  193. OPENSSL_sk_num(), OPENSSL_sk_pop(), OPENSSL_sk_pop_free(), OPENSSL_sk_push(),
  194. OPENSSL_sk_reserve(), OPENSSL_sk_set(), OPENSSL_sk_set_cmp_func(),
  195. OPENSSL_sk_shift(), OPENSSL_sk_sort(), OPENSSL_sk_unshift(),
  196. OPENSSL_sk_value(), OPENSSL_sk_zero().
  197. =head1 RETURN VALUES
  198. B<sk_I<TYPE>_num>() returns the number of elements in the stack or B<-1> if the
  199. passed stack is NULL.
  200. B<sk_I<TYPE>_value>() returns a pointer to a stack element or NULL if the
  201. index is out of range.
  202. B<sk_I<TYPE>_new>(), B<sk_I<TYPE>_new_null>() and B<sk_I<TYPE>_new_reserve>()
  203. return an empty stack or NULL if an error occurs.
  204. B<sk_I<TYPE>_reserve>() returns B<1> on successful allocation of the required
  205. memory or B<0> on error.
  206. B<sk_I<TYPE>_set_cmp_func>() returns the old comparison function or NULL if
  207. there was no old comparison function.
  208. B<sk_I<TYPE>_free>(), B<sk_I<TYPE>_zero>(), B<sk_I<TYPE>_pop_free>() and
  209. B<sk_I<TYPE>_sort>() do not return values.
  210. B<sk_I<TYPE>_pop>(), B<sk_I<TYPE>_shift>(), B<sk_I<TYPE>_delete>() and
  211. B<sk_I<TYPE>_delete_ptr>() return a pointer to the deleted element or NULL
  212. on error.
  213. B<sk_I<TYPE>_insert>(), B<sk_I<TYPE>_push>() and B<sk_I<TYPE>_unshift>() return
  214. the total number of elements in the stack and 0 if an error occurred.
  215. B<sk_I<TYPE>_set>() returns a pointer to the replacement element or NULL on
  216. error.
  217. B<sk_I<TYPE>_find>() and B<sk_I<TYPE>_find_ex>() return an index to the found
  218. element or B<-1> on error.
  219. B<sk_I<TYPE>_is_sorted>() returns B<1> if the stack is sorted and B<0> if it is
  220. not.
  221. B<sk_I<TYPE>_dup>() and B<sk_I<TYPE>_deep_copy>() return a pointer to the copy
  222. of the stack or NULL on error.
  223. =head1 HISTORY
  224. Before OpenSSL 1.1.0, this was implemented via macros and not inline functions
  225. and was not a public API.
  226. B<sk_I<TYPE>_reserve>() and B<sk_I<TYPE>_new_reserve>() were added in OpenSSL
  227. 1.1.1.
  228. From OpenSSL 3.2.0, the B<sk_I<TYPE>_find>(), B<sk_I<TYPE>_find_ex>()
  229. and B<sk_I<TYPE>_find_all>() calls are read-only and do not sort the
  230. stack. To avoid any performance implications this change introduces,
  231. B<sk_I<TYPE>_sort>() should be called before these find operations.
  232. Before OpenSSL 3.3.0 B<sk_I<TYPE>_push>() returned -1 if I<sk> was NULL. It
  233. was changed to return 0 in this condition as for other errors.
  234. =head1 COPYRIGHT
  235. Copyright 2000-2024 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
  236. Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use
  237. this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
  238. in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
  239. L<>.
  240. =cut