mkstack.pl 4.6 KB

  1. #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
  2. # This is a utility that searches out "DECLARE_STACK_OF()"
  3. # declarations in .h and .c files, and updates/creates/replaces
  4. # the corresponding macro declarations in crypto/stack/safestack.h.
  5. # As it's not generally possible to have macros that generate macros,
  6. # we need to control this from the "outside", here in this script.
  7. #
  8. # Geoff Thorpe, June, 2000 (with massive Perl-hacking
  9. # help from Steve Robb)
  10. my $safestack = "crypto/stack/safestack";
  11. my $do_write;
  12. while (@ARGV) {
  13. my $arg = $ARGV[0];
  14. if($arg eq "-write") {
  15. $do_write = 1;
  16. }
  17. shift @ARGV;
  18. }
  19. @source = (<crypto/*.[ch]>, <crypto/*/*.[ch]>, <ssl/*.[ch]>);
  20. foreach $file (@source) {
  21. next if -l $file;
  22. # Open the .c/.h file for reading
  23. open(IN, "< $file") || die "Can't open $file for reading: $!";
  24. while(<IN>) {
  25. if (/^DECLARE_STACK_OF\(([^)]+)\)/) {
  26. push @stacklst, $1;
  27. } if (/^DECLARE_ASN1_SET_OF\(([^)]+)\)/) {
  28. push @asn1setlst, $1;
  29. } if (/^DECLARE_PKCS12_STACK_OF\(([^)]+)\)/) {
  30. push @p12stklst, $1;
  31. }
  32. }
  33. close(IN);
  34. }
  35. my $old_stackfile = "";
  36. my $new_stackfile = "";
  37. my $inside_block = 0;
  38. my $type_thing;
  39. open(IN, "< $safestack.h") || die "Can't open input file: $!";
  40. while(<IN>) {
  41. $old_stackfile .= $_;
  42. if (m|^/\* This block of defines is updated by util/mkstack.pl, please do not touch! \*/|) {
  43. $inside_block = 1;
  44. }
  45. if (m|^/\* End of util/mkstack.pl block, you may now edit :-\) \*/|) {
  46. $inside_block = 0;
  47. } elsif ($inside_block == 0) {
  48. $new_stackfile .= $_;
  49. }
  50. next if($inside_block != 1);
  51. $new_stackfile .= "/* This block of defines is updated by util/mkstack.pl, please do not touch! */";
  52. foreach $type_thing (sort @stacklst) {
  53. $new_stackfile .= <<EOF;
  54. #define sk_${type_thing}_new(st) SKM_sk_new($type_thing, (st))
  55. #define sk_${type_thing}_new_null() SKM_sk_new_null($type_thing)
  56. #define sk_${type_thing}_free(st) SKM_sk_free($type_thing, (st))
  57. #define sk_${type_thing}_num(st) SKM_sk_num($type_thing, (st))
  58. #define sk_${type_thing}_value(st, i) SKM_sk_value($type_thing, (st), (i))
  59. #define sk_${type_thing}_set(st, i, val) SKM_sk_set($type_thing, (st), (i), (val))
  60. #define sk_${type_thing}_zero(st) SKM_sk_zero($type_thing, (st))
  61. #define sk_${type_thing}_push(st, val) SKM_sk_push($type_thing, (st), (val))
  62. #define sk_${type_thing}_unshift(st, val) SKM_sk_unshift($type_thing, (st), (val))
  63. #define sk_${type_thing}_find(st, val) SKM_sk_find($type_thing, (st), (val))
  64. #define sk_${type_thing}_find_ex(st, val) SKM_sk_find_ex($type_thing, (st), (val))
  65. #define sk_${type_thing}_delete(st, i) SKM_sk_delete($type_thing, (st), (i))
  66. #define sk_${type_thing}_delete_ptr(st, ptr) SKM_sk_delete_ptr($type_thing, (st), (ptr))
  67. #define sk_${type_thing}_insert(st, val, i) SKM_sk_insert($type_thing, (st), (val), (i))
  68. #define sk_${type_thing}_set_cmp_func(st, cmp) SKM_sk_set_cmp_func($type_thing, (st), (cmp))
  69. #define sk_${type_thing}_dup(st) SKM_sk_dup($type_thing, st)
  70. #define sk_${type_thing}_pop_free(st, free_func) SKM_sk_pop_free($type_thing, (st), (free_func))
  71. #define sk_${type_thing}_shift(st) SKM_sk_shift($type_thing, (st))
  72. #define sk_${type_thing}_pop(st) SKM_sk_pop($type_thing, (st))
  73. #define sk_${type_thing}_sort(st) SKM_sk_sort($type_thing, (st))
  74. #define sk_${type_thing}_is_sorted(st) SKM_sk_is_sorted($type_thing, (st))
  75. EOF
  76. }
  77. foreach $type_thing (sort @asn1setlst) {
  78. $new_stackfile .= <<EOF;
  79. #define d2i_ASN1_SET_OF_${type_thing}(st, pp, length, d2i_func, free_func, ex_tag, ex_class) \\
  80. SKM_ASN1_SET_OF_d2i($type_thing, (st), (pp), (length), (d2i_func), (free_func), (ex_tag), (ex_class))
  81. #define i2d_ASN1_SET_OF_${type_thing}(st, pp, i2d_func, ex_tag, ex_class, is_set) \\
  82. SKM_ASN1_SET_OF_i2d($type_thing, (st), (pp), (i2d_func), (ex_tag), (ex_class), (is_set))
  83. #define ASN1_seq_pack_${type_thing}(st, i2d_func, buf, len) \\
  84. SKM_ASN1_seq_pack($type_thing, (st), (i2d_func), (buf), (len))
  85. #define ASN1_seq_unpack_${type_thing}(buf, len, d2i_func, free_func) \\
  86. SKM_ASN1_seq_unpack($type_thing, (buf), (len), (d2i_func), (free_func))
  87. EOF
  88. }
  89. foreach $type_thing (sort @p12stklst) {
  90. $new_stackfile .= <<EOF;
  91. #define PKCS12_decrypt_d2i_${type_thing}(algor, d2i_func, free_func, pass, passlen, oct, seq) \\
  92. SKM_PKCS12_decrypt_d2i($type_thing, (algor), (d2i_func), (free_func), (pass), (passlen), (oct), (seq))
  93. EOF
  94. }
  95. $new_stackfile .= "/* End of util/mkstack.pl block, you may now edit :-) */\n";
  96. $inside_block = 2;
  97. }
  98. if ($new_stackfile eq $old_stackfile) {
  99. print "No changes to $safestack.h.\n";
  100. exit 0; # avoid unnecessary rebuild
  101. }
  102. if ($do_write) {
  103. print "Writing new $safestack.h.\n";
  104. open OUT, ">$safestack.h" || die "Can't open output file";
  105. print OUT $new_stackfile;
  106. close OUT;
  107. }