RSA_get_ex_new_index.pod 5.1 KB

  1. =pod
  2. =head1 NAME
  3. RSA_get_ex_new_index, RSA_set_ex_data, RSA_get_ex_data - add application specific data to RSA structures
  4. =head1 SYNOPSIS
  5. #include <openssl/rsa.h>
  6. int RSA_get_ex_new_index(long argl, void *argp,
  7. CRYPTO_EX_new *new_func,
  8. CRYPTO_EX_dup *dup_func,
  9. CRYPTO_EX_free *free_func);
  10. int RSA_set_ex_data(RSA *r, int idx, void *arg);
  11. void *RSA_get_ex_data(RSA *r, int idx);
  12. typedef int CRYPTO_EX_new(void *parent, void *ptr, CRYPTO_EX_DATA *ad,
  13. int idx, long argl, void *argp);
  14. typedef void CRYPTO_EX_free(void *parent, void *ptr, CRYPTO_EX_DATA *ad,
  15. int idx, long argl, void *argp);
  16. typedef int CRYPTO_EX_dup(CRYPTO_EX_DATA *to, CRYPTO_EX_DATA *from, void *from_d,
  17. int idx, long argl, void *argp);
  18. =head1 DESCRIPTION
  19. Several OpenSSL structures can have application specific data attached to them.
  20. This has several potential uses, it can be used to cache data associated with
  21. a structure (for example the hash of some part of the structure) or some
  22. additional data (for example a handle to the data in an external library).
  23. Since the application data can be anything at all it is passed and retrieved
  24. as a B<void *> type.
  25. The B<RSA_get_ex_new_index()> function is initially called to "register" some
  26. new application specific data. It takes three optional function pointers which
  27. are called when the parent structure (in this case an RSA structure) is
  28. initially created, when it is copied and when it is freed up. If any or all of
  29. these function pointer arguments are not used they should be set to NULL. The
  30. precise manner in which these function pointers are called is described in more
  31. detail below. B<RSA_get_ex_new_index()> also takes additional long and pointer
  32. parameters which will be passed to the supplied functions but which otherwise
  33. have no special meaning. It returns an B<index> which should be stored
  34. (typically in a static variable) and passed used in the B<idx> parameter in
  35. the remaining functions. Each successful call to B<RSA_get_ex_new_index()>
  36. will return an index greater than any previously returned, this is important
  37. because the optional functions are called in order of increasing index value.
  38. B<RSA_set_ex_data()> is used to set application specific data, the data is
  39. supplied in the B<arg> parameter and its precise meaning is up to the
  40. application.
  41. B<RSA_get_ex_data()> is used to retrieve application specific data. The data
  42. is returned to the application, this will be the same value as supplied to
  43. a previous B<RSA_set_ex_data()> call.
  44. B<new_func()> is called when a structure is initially allocated (for example
  45. with B<RSA_new()>. The parent structure members will not have any meaningful
  46. values at this point. This function will typically be used to allocate any
  47. application specific structure.
  48. B<free_func()> is called when a structure is being freed up. The dynamic parent
  49. structure members should not be accessed because they will be freed up when
  50. this function is called.
  51. B<new_func()> and B<free_func()> take the same parameters. B<parent> is a
  52. pointer to the parent RSA structure. B<ptr> is a the application specific data
  53. (this wont be of much use in B<new_func()>. B<ad> is a pointer to the
  54. B<CRYPTO_EX_DATA> structure from the parent RSA structure: the functions
  55. B<CRYPTO_get_ex_data()> and B<CRYPTO_set_ex_data()> can be called to manipulate
  56. it. The B<idx> parameter is the index: this will be the same value returned by
  57. B<RSA_get_ex_new_index()> when the functions were initially registered. Finally
  58. the B<argl> and B<argp> parameters are the values originally passed to the same
  59. corresponding parameters when B<RSA_get_ex_new_index()> was called.
  60. B<dup_func()> is called when a structure is being copied. Pointers to the
  61. destination and source B<CRYPTO_EX_DATA> structures are passed in the B<to> and
  62. B<from> parameters respectively. The B<from_d> parameter is passed a pointer to
  63. the source application data when the function is called, when the function returns
  64. the value is copied to the destination: the application can thus modify the data
  65. pointed to by B<from_d> and have different values in the source and destination.
  66. The B<idx>, B<argl> and B<argp> parameters are the same as those in B<new_func()>
  67. and B<free_func()>.
  68. =head1 RETURN VALUES
  69. B<RSA_get_ex_new_index()> returns a new index or -1 on failure (note 0 is a valid
  70. index value).
  71. B<RSA_set_ex_data()> returns 1 on success or 0 on failure.
  72. B<RSA_get_ex_data()> returns the application data or 0 on failure. 0 may also
  73. be valid application data but currently it can only fail if given an invalid B<idx>
  74. parameter.
  75. B<new_func()> and B<dup_func()> should return 0 for failure and 1 for success.
  76. On failure an error code can be obtained from L<ERR_get_error(3)|ERR_get_error(3)>.
  77. =head1 BUGS
  78. B<dup_func()> is currently never called.
  79. The return value of B<new_func()> is ignored.
  80. The B<new_func()> function isn't very useful because no meaningful values are
  81. present in the parent RSA structure when it is called.
  82. =head1 SEE ALSO
  83. L<rsa(3)|rsa(3)>, L<CRYPTO_set_ex_data(3)|CRYPTO_set_ex_data(3)>
  84. =head1 HISTORY
  85. RSA_get_ex_new_index(), RSA_set_ex_data() and RSA_get_ex_data() are
  86. available since SSLeay 0.9.0.
  87. =cut