BN_bn2bin.pod 5.9 KB

  1. =pod
  2. =head1 NAME
  3. BN_bn2binpad, BN_signed_bn2bin, BN_bn2bin, BN_bin2bn, BN_signed_bin2bn,
  4. BN_bn2lebinpad, BN_signed_bn2lebin, BN_lebin2bn, BN_signed_lebin2bn,
  5. BN_bn2nativepad, BN_signed_bn2native, BN_native2bn, BN_signed_native2bn,
  6. BN_bn2hex, BN_bn2dec, BN_hex2bn, BN_dec2bn,
  7. BN_print, BN_print_fp, BN_bn2mpi, BN_mpi2bn - format conversions
  8. =head1 SYNOPSIS
  9. #include <openssl/bn.h>
  10. int BN_bn2bin(const BIGNUM *a, unsigned char *to);
  11. int BN_bn2binpad(const BIGNUM *a, unsigned char *to, int tolen);
  12. int BN_signed_bn2bin(const BIGNUM *a, unsigned char *to, int tolen);
  13. BIGNUM *BN_bin2bn(const unsigned char *s, int len, BIGNUM *ret);
  14. BIGNUM *BN_signed_bin2bn(const unsigned char *s, int len, BIGNUM *ret);
  15. int BN_bn2lebinpad(const BIGNUM *a, unsigned char *to, int tolen);
  16. int BN_signed_bn2lebin(const BIGNUM *a, unsigned char *to, int tolen);
  17. BIGNUM *BN_lebin2bn(const unsigned char *s, int len, BIGNUM *ret);
  18. BIGNUM *BN_signed_lebin2bn(const unsigned char *s, int len, BIGNUM *ret);
  19. int BN_bn2nativepad(const BIGNUM *a, unsigned char *to, int tolen);
  20. int BN_signed_bn2native(const BIGNUM *a, unsigned char *to, int tolen);
  21. BIGNUM *BN_native2bn(const unsigned char *s, int len, BIGNUM *ret);
  22. BIGNUM *BN_signed_native2bn(const unsigned char *s, int len, BIGNUM *ret);
  23. char *BN_bn2hex(const BIGNUM *a);
  24. char *BN_bn2dec(const BIGNUM *a);
  25. int BN_hex2bn(BIGNUM **a, const char *str);
  26. int BN_dec2bn(BIGNUM **a, const char *str);
  27. int BN_print(BIO *fp, const BIGNUM *a);
  28. int BN_print_fp(FILE *fp, const BIGNUM *a);
  29. int BN_bn2mpi(const BIGNUM *a, unsigned char *to);
  30. BIGNUM *BN_mpi2bn(unsigned char *s, int len, BIGNUM *ret);
  31. =head1 DESCRIPTION
  32. BN_bn2bin() converts the absolute value of B<a> into big-endian form
  33. and stores it at B<to>. B<to> must point to BN_num_bytes(B<a>) bytes of
  34. memory.
  35. BN_bn2binpad() also converts the absolute value of B<a> into big-endian form
  36. and stores it at B<to>. B<tolen> indicates the length of the output buffer
  37. B<to>. The result is padded with zeros if necessary. If B<tolen> is less than
  38. BN_num_bytes(B<a>) an error is returned.
  39. BN_signed_bn2bin() converts the value of B<a> into big-endian signed 2's
  40. complements form and stores it at B<to>. B<tolen> indicates the length of
  41. the output buffer B<to>. The result is signed extended (padded with 0x00
  42. for positive numbers or with 0xff for negative numbers) if necessary.
  43. If B<tolen> is smaller than the necessary size (which may be
  44. C<<BN_num_bytes(B<a>) + 1>>), an error is returned.
  45. BN_bin2bn() converts the positive integer in big-endian form of length
  46. B<len> at B<s> into a B<BIGNUM> and places it in B<ret>. If B<ret> is
  47. NULL, a new B<BIGNUM> is created.
  48. BN_signed_bin2bn() converts the integer in big-endian signed 2's complement
  49. form of length B<len> at B<s> into a B<BIGNUM> and places it in B<ret>. If
  50. B<ret> is NULL, a new B<BIGNUM> is created.
  51. BN_bn2lebinpad(), BN_signed_bn2lebin() and BN_lebin2bn() are identical to
  52. BN_bn2binpad(), BN_signed_bn2bin() and BN_bin2bn() except the buffer is in
  53. little-endian format.
  54. BN_bn2nativepad(), BN_signed_bn2native() and BN_native2bn() are identical
  55. to BN_bn2binpad(), BN_signed_bn2bin() and BN_bin2bn() except the buffer is
  56. in native format, i.e. most significant byte first on big-endian platforms,
  57. and least significant byte first on little-endian platforms.
  58. BN_bn2hex() and BN_bn2dec() return printable strings containing the
  59. hexadecimal and decimal encoding of B<a> respectively. For negative
  60. numbers, the string is prefaced with a leading '-'. The string must be
  61. freed later using OPENSSL_free().
  62. BN_hex2bn() takes as many characters as possible from the string B<str>,
  63. including the leading character '-' which means negative, to form a valid
  64. hexadecimal number representation and converts them to a B<BIGNUM> and
  65. stores it in **B<a>. If *B<a> is NULL, a new B<BIGNUM> is created. If
  66. B<a> is NULL, it only computes the length of valid representation.
  67. A "negative zero" is converted to zero.
  68. BN_dec2bn() is the same using the decimal system.
  69. BN_print() and BN_print_fp() write the hexadecimal encoding of B<a>,
  70. with a leading '-' for negative numbers, to the B<BIO> or B<FILE>
  71. B<fp>.
  72. BN_bn2mpi() and BN_mpi2bn() convert B<BIGNUM>s from and to a format
  73. that consists of the number's length in bytes represented as a 4-byte
  74. big-endian number, and the number itself in big-endian format, where
  75. the most significant bit signals a negative number (the representation
  76. of numbers with the MSB set is prefixed with null byte).
  77. BN_bn2mpi() stores the representation of B<a> at B<to>, where B<to>
  78. must be large enough to hold the result. The size can be determined by
  79. calling BN_bn2mpi(B<a>, NULL).
  80. BN_mpi2bn() converts the B<len> bytes long representation at B<s> to
  81. a B<BIGNUM> and stores it at B<ret>, or in a newly allocated B<BIGNUM>
  82. if B<ret> is NULL.
  83. =head1 RETURN VALUES
  84. BN_bn2bin() returns the length of the big-endian number placed at B<to>.
  85. BN_bin2bn() returns the B<BIGNUM>, NULL on error.
  86. BN_bn2binpad(), BN_signed_bn2bin(), BN_bn2lebinpad(), BN_signed_bn2lebin(),
  87. BN_bn2nativepad(), and_signed BN_bn2native() return the number of bytes
  88. written or -1 if the supplied buffer is too small.
  89. BN_bn2hex() and BN_bn2dec() return a NUL-terminated string, or NULL
  90. on error. BN_hex2bn() and BN_dec2bn() return the number of characters
  91. used in parsing, or 0 on error, in which
  92. case no new B<BIGNUM> will be created.
  93. BN_print_fp() and BN_print() return 1 on success, 0 on write errors.
  94. BN_bn2mpi() returns the length of the representation. BN_mpi2bn()
  95. returns the B<BIGNUM>, and NULL on error.
  96. The error codes can be obtained by L<ERR_get_error(3)>.
  97. =head1 SEE ALSO
  98. L<ERR_get_error(3)>, L<BN_zero(3)>,
  99. L<ASN1_INTEGER_to_BN(3)>,
  100. L<BN_num_bytes(3)>
  101. =head1 COPYRIGHT
  102. Copyright 2000-2022 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
  103. Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use
  104. this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
  105. in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
  106. L<https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html>.
  107. =cut