tinc.service.in 462 B

  1. # This is a mostly empty service, but allows commands like stop, start, reload
  2. # to propagate to all tinc@ service instances.
  3. [Unit]
  4. Description=Tinc VPN
  5. Documentation=info:tinc
  6. Documentation=man:tinc(8) man:tinc.conf(5)
  7. Documentation=http://tinc-vpn.org/docs/
  8. After=network.target
  9. Wants=network.target
  10. [Service]
  11. Type=oneshot
  12. RemainAfterExit=yes
  13. ExecStart=/bin/true
  14. ExecReload=/bin/true
  15. WorkingDirectory=@sysconfdir@/tinc
  16. [Install]
  17. WantedBy=multi-user.target