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Andras Fekete 7 months ago
2 changed files with 29 additions and 6 deletions
  1. 4 1
  2. 25 5

+ 4 - 1

@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@ This is a Docker environment for compiling, testing and running WolfSSL. Use `ru
 When the compilation and tests succeed, you will be dropped in to a shell environment within the container. This can be useful to build other things within the environment. Additional tests can be run as well as debugging of code.
+# Docker Hub
+These images are also uploaded to the wolfSSL's [Docker Hub page]( There is a convenience script here `` that will create the appropriate containers and push them to the repo.
 # FAQ
 ## permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock
 You need to be added to the `docker` group to run Docker containers. Run `sudo usermod -aG docker $USER`. You may need to restart the Docker daemon.
@@ -10,4 +13,4 @@ You need to be added to the `docker` group to run Docker containers. Run `sudo u
 ## Unable to access symlinked files outside of WolfSSL
 The volume mounted in the Docker container needs to have all files that your compilation will need. To solve this, you have a couple options:
 1. Change the `WOLFSSL_DIR` variable in the `` to one higher up (by adding `/..` to the path). Then update the `docker build` to include the correct path to the Dockerfile and the `docker run` argument to the working directory (`-w`) to the WolfSSL source directory
-2. Move the external repository to within the WolfSSL directory. For example create an `external` folder which has your files. This route may have complications when stashing Git work.
+2. Move the external repository to within the WolfSSL directory. For example create an `external` folder which has your files. This route may have complications when stashing Git work.

+ 25 - 5

@@ -5,13 +5,33 @@ if [ "${DOCKER_BASE_IMAGE}" != "" ]; then
 CUR_DATE=$(date -u +%F)
 echo "Building wolfssl/wolfssl-builder:${CUR_DATE} as ${DOCKER_BUILD_OPTIONS}"
 docker build -t wolfssl/wolfssl-builder:${CUR_DATE} ${DOCKER_BUILD_OPTIONS} "${WOLFSSL_DIR}/Docker" && \
-    docker push wolfssl/wolfssl-builder:${CUR_DATE} && \
     docker tag wolfssl/wolfssl-builder:${CUR_DATE} wolfssl/wolfssl-builder:latest && \
-    docker push wolfssl/wolfssl-builder:latest && \
     docker build --build-arg DOCKER_BASE_IMAGE=wolfssl/wolfssl-builder:${CUR_DATE} -t wolfssl/testing-cross-compiler:${CUR_DATE} "${WOLFSSL_DIR}/Docker" -f Dockerfile.cross-compiler && \
-    docker push wolfssl/testing-cross-compiler:${CUR_DATE} && \
-    docker tag wolfssl/testing-cross-compiler:${CUR_DATE} wolfssl/testing-cross-compiler:latest && \
-    docker push wolfssl/testing-cross-compiler:latest
+    docker tag wolfssl/testing-cross-compiler:${CUR_DATE} wolfssl/testing-cross-compiler:latest
+if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+    echo "Pushing containers to DockerHub"
+    docker push wolfssl/wolfssl-builder:${CUR_DATE} && docker push wolfssl/wolfssl-builder:latest && \
+        docker push wolfssl/testing-cross-compiler:${CUR_DATE} && docker push wolfssl/testing-cross-compiler:latest
+    echo "Warning: Build wolfssl/wolfssl-builder failed. Continuing"
+    ((NUM_FAILURES++))
+echo "Building wolfssl/wolfCLU:${CUR_DATE}"
+docker build --pull --build-arg DUMMY=${CUR_DATE} -t wolfssl/wolfclu:${CUR_DATE} "${WOLFSSL_DIR}/Docker/wolfCLU" && \
+    docker tag wolfssl/wolfclu:${CUR_DATE} wolfssl/wolfclu:latest
+if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+    echo "Pushing containers to DockerHub"
+    docker push wolfssl/wolfclu:${CUR_DATE} && docker push wolfssl/wolfclu:latest
+    echo "Warning: Build wolfssl/wolfclu failed. Continuing"
+    ((NUM_FAILURES++))
+echo "Script completed in $SECONDS seconds. Had $NUM_FAILURES failures."