Browse Source

Support for Infineon AURIX IDE. Fixes for Aurix compiler warnings.

David Garske 1 year ago

+ 151 - 0

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+/* Cpu0_Main.c
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2022 wolfSSL Inc.
+ *
+ * This file is part of wolfSSL.
+ *
+ * wolfSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * wolfSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA
+ */
+/* Infineon includes */
+#include "Ifx_Types.h"
+#include "IfxCpu.h"
+#include "IfxScuWdt.h"
+#include "IfxAsclin_Asc.h"
+#include "IfxCpu_Irq.h"
+#include "IfxPort.h"
+#include "SysSe/Bsp/Bsp.h"
+/* For mapping stdio printf */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+/* used to wait for CPU sync event */
+IFX_ALIGN(4) IfxCpu_syncEvent g_cpuSyncEvent = 0;
+#define SERIAL_BAUDRATE         115200  /* Baud rate in bit/s */
+#define SERIAL_PIN_RX           IfxAsclin0_RXA_P14_1_IN /* RX pin of the board */
+#define SERIAL_PIN_TX           IfxAsclin0_TX_P14_0_OUT /* TX pin of the board */
+#define INTPRIO_ASCLIN0_TX      19  /* Priority of the ISR */
+#define ASC_TX_BUFFER_SIZE      128 /* Definition of the buffer size */
+/* Declaration of the ASC handle */
+static IfxAsclin_Asc g_asc;
+/* Declaration of the FIFOs parameters:
+ * The transfer buffers allocate memory for the data itself and for FIFO runtime
+ * variables. 8 more bytes have to be added to ensure a proper circular buffer
+ * handling independent from the address to which the buffers have been located.
+ */
+static uint8 g_ascTxBuffer[ASC_TX_BUFFER_SIZE + sizeof(Ifx_Fifo) + 8];
+/*----Function Implementations------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Re-target the C library printf function to the asc lin. */
+int fputc(int ch, FILE *f)
+    Ifx_SizeT count;
+    /* convert to CRLF */
+    if (ch == (int)'\n') {
+        int chcr = (int)'\r';
+        count = 1;
+        IfxAsclin_Asc_write(&g_asc, &chcr, &count, TIME_INFINITE);    
+    }
+    count = 1;
+    IfxAsclin_Asc_write(&g_asc, &ch, &count, TIME_INFINITE);
+    return ch;
+/* Add the Interrupt Service Routine */
+void asclin0_Tx_ISR(void)
+    IfxAsclin_Asc_isrTransmit(&g_asc);
+static void init_UART(void)
+    IfxAsclin_Asc_Config ascConfig;
+    /* Port pins configuration */
+    const IfxAsclin_Asc_Pins pins = {
+        NULL_PTR,         IfxPort_InputMode_pullUp,     /* CTS pin not used   */
+        &SERIAL_PIN_RX,   IfxPort_InputMode_pullUp,     /* RX pin             */
+        NULL_PTR,         IfxPort_OutputMode_pushPull,  /* RTS pin not used   */
+        &SERIAL_PIN_TX,   IfxPort_OutputMode_pushPull,  /* TX pin             */
+        IfxPort_PadDriver_cmosAutomotiveSpeed1
+    };
+    /* Initialize an instance of IfxAsclin_Asc_Config with default values */
+    IfxAsclin_Asc_initModuleConfig(&ascConfig, SERIAL_PIN_TX.module);
+    /* Set the desired baud rate */
+    ascConfig.baudrate.baudrate = SERIAL_BAUDRATE;
+    /* ISR priorities and interrupt target */
+    ascConfig.interrupt.txPriority = INTPRIO_ASCLIN0_TX;
+    ascConfig.interrupt.typeOfService = IfxCpu_Irq_getTos(IfxCpu_getCoreIndex());
+    /* FIFO configuration */
+    ascConfig.txBuffer = &g_ascTxBuffer;
+    ascConfig.txBufferSize = ASC_TX_BUFFER_SIZE;
+    ascConfig.pins = &pins;
+    /* Initialize module with above parameters  */
+    IfxAsclin_Asc_initModule(&g_asc, &ascConfig);
+    /* Turn off buffers, so I/O occurs immediately */
+    setvbuf(stdin, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
+    setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
+    setvbuf(stderr, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
+int send_UART(const char* str)
+    Ifx_SizeT count = (Ifx_SizeT)strlen(str);
+    IfxAsclin_Asc_write(&g_asc, str, &count, TIME_INFINITE);
+    return (int)count;
+void core0_main(void)
+    IfxCpu_enableInterrupts();
+     * Enable the watchdogs and service them periodically if it is required
+     */
+    IfxScuWdt_disableCpuWatchdog(IfxScuWdt_getCpuWatchdogPassword());
+    IfxScuWdt_disableSafetyWatchdog(IfxScuWdt_getSafetyWatchdogPassword());
+    /* Wait for CPU sync event */
+    IfxCpu_emitEvent(&g_cpuSyncEvent);
+    IfxCpu_waitEvent(&g_cpuSyncEvent, 1);
+    /* Initialize the UART to board VCOM */
+    init_UART();
+    /* bare metal loop */
+    while(1)
+    {
+        extern void run_wolf_tests(void);
+        run_wolf_tests();
+        /* wait 5 seconds */
+        waitTime(IfxStm_getTicksFromMilliseconds(BSP_DEFAULT_TIMER, 5 * 1000));
+    } /* while */

+ 114 - 0

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+# Infineon AURIX Development Studio
+An Eclipse based IDE for developing software for the Infineon TriCore AURIX TX3XX.
+Tested Platform:
+* Infineon AURIX™ Development Studio 1.7.2 (Build 20220617-0730)
+* Infineon TriBoard TC399 v2.0
+* wolfSSL v5.4.0 (with PR 5419)
+## Running wolfCrypt on TriCore
+1) Add the wolfSSL source and headers to `Libraries/wolfssl`. 
+  - Only the following folders are required: `src`, `wolfcrypt` and `wolfssl`.
+  - See script to help with producing bundle here:
+2) Add `WOLFSSL_USER_SETTINGS` to the Preprocessing symbols list. C/C++ Build -> Settings -> TASKING C/C++ Compiler -> Preprocessing.
+3) Add `Libraries/wolfssl` to the include path. C/C++ General -> Paths and Symbols -> Includes -> GNU C
+4) Add ignores for the following warnings. Unused static function (553) and switch missing break (536). C/C++ Build -> Settings -> TASKING C/C++ Compiler -> Diagnostics
+5) Copy `Cpu0_Main.c`, `user_settings.h` and `wolf_main.c` into the project folder.
+6) Increase the stack by modifying `Lcf_Tasking_Tricore_Tc.lsl` to adjusting the USTACK0-4 (`LCF_USTACK#_SIZE`) from 2k to 12k.
+6) Build and run/debug.
+### Example output from wolfCrypt test and benchmark
+Benchmark Configuration:
+* TriCore (TC1.6.2P) 32-bit super-scalar running at 300MHz:
+* Release build: `-O2`
+* SP Math SMALL: sp_c32.c for RSA/ECC/DH
+Running wolfCrypt Tests...
+ wolfSSL version 5.4.0
+error    test passed!
+MEMORY   test passed!
+base64   test passed!
+asn      test passed!
+RANDOM   test passed!
+SHA      test passed!
+SHA-256  test passed!
+Hash     test passed!
+HMAC-SHA test passed!
+HMAC-SHA256 test passed!
+HMAC-KDF    test passed!
+TLSv1.3 KDF test passed!
+GMAC     test passed!
+Chacha   test passed!
+POLY1305 test passed!
+ChaCha20-Poly1305 AEAD test passed!
+AES      test passed!
+AES192   test passed!
+AES256   test passed!
+AES-GCM  test passed!
+RSA      test passed!
+ECC      test passed!
+ECC buffer test passed!
+CMAC     test passed!
+logging  test passed!
+time test passed!
+mutex    test passed!
+memcb    test passed!
+Test complete
+Crypt Test: Return code 0
+Running wolfCrypt Benchmarks...
+wolfCrypt Benchmark (block bytes 1024, min 1.0 sec each)
+RNG                725 KB took 1.023 seconds,  708.703 KB/s
+AES-128-CBC-enc      2 MB took 1.002 seconds,    2.071 MB/s
+AES-128-CBC-dec      2 MB took 1.005 seconds,    2.065 MB/s
+AES-192-CBC-enc      2 MB took 1.002 seconds,    1.779 MB/s
+AES-192-CBC-dec      2 MB took 1.013 seconds,    1.783 MB/s
+AES-256-CBC-enc      2 MB took 1.003 seconds,    1.558 MB/s
+AES-256-CBC-dec      2 MB took 1.009 seconds,    1.573 MB/s
+AES-128-GCM-enc    225 KB took 1.013 seconds,  222.112 KB/s
+AES-128-GCM-dec    225 KB took 1.014 seconds,  221.892 KB/s
+AES-192-GCM-enc    225 KB took 1.046 seconds,  215.107 KB/s
+AES-192-GCM-dec    225 KB took 1.046 seconds,  215.104 KB/s
+AES-256-GCM-enc    225 KB took 1.070 seconds,  210.279 KB/s
+AES-256-GCM-dec    225 KB took 1.069 seconds,  210.477 KB/s
+GMAC Small         251 KB took 1.000 seconds,  251.000 KB/s
+AES-128-ECB-enc      2 MB took 1.000 seconds,    2.000 MB/s
+AES-128-ECB-dec      2 MB took 1.000 seconds,    2.049 MB/s
+AES-192-ECB-enc      2 MB took 1.000 seconds,    1.727 MB/s
+AES-192-ECB-dec      2 MB took 1.000 seconds,    1.772 MB/s
+AES-256-ECB-enc      2 MB took 1.000 seconds,    1.518 MB/s
+AES-256-ECB-dec      2 MB took 1.000 seconds,    1.563 MB/s
+CHACHA               3 MB took 1.007 seconds,    3.322 MB/s
+CHA-POLY             2 MB took 1.011 seconds,    2.028 MB/s
+POLY1305             6 MB took 1.003 seconds,    6.012 MB/s
+SHA                  3 MB took 1.004 seconds,    3.380 MB/s
+SHA-256              2 MB took 1.003 seconds,    1.558 MB/s
+AES-128-CMAC         2 MB took 1.010 seconds,    2.055 MB/s
+AES-256-CMAC         2 MB took 1.010 seconds,    1.547 MB/s
+HMAC-SHA             3 MB took 1.004 seconds,    3.356 MB/s
+HMAC-SHA256          2 MB took 1.010 seconds,    1.547 MB/s
+RSA     2048 public         50 ops took 1.020 sec, avg 20.400 ms, 49.019 ops/sec
+RSA     2048 private         2 ops took 2.377 sec, avg 1188.492 ms, 0.841 ops/sec
+ECC   [      SECP256R1]   256 key gen        16 ops took 1.061 sec, avg 66.313 ms, 15.080 ops/sec
+ECDHE [      SECP256R1]   256 agree          16 ops took 1.059 sec, avg 66.187 ms, 15.109 ops/sec
+ECDSA [      SECP256R1]   256 sign           14 ops took 1.058 sec, avg 75.570 ms, 13.233 ops/sec
+ECDSA [      SECP256R1]   256 verify          8 ops took 1.080 sec, avg 135.002 ms, 7.407 ops/sec
+Benchmark complete
+Benchmark Test: Return code 0
+## Running wolfCrypt on the HSM (Cortex M3)
+Coming soon
+## Support
+For questions please email

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@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# vim:ft=automake
+# included from Top Level
+# All paths should be given relative to the root
+EXTRA_DIST+= IDE/AURIX/user_settings.h
+EXTRA_DIST+= IDE/AURIX/wolf_main.c

+ 461 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,461 @@
+/* user_settings.h
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2022 wolfSSL Inc.
+ *
+ * This file is part of wolfSSL.
+ *
+ * wolfSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * wolfSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA
+ */
+/* Template for the Infineon AURIX Development Studio and TC3XX
+ * Example wolfSSL user settings with #if 0/1 gates to enable/disable algorithms and features.
+ * This file is included with wolfssl/wolfcrypt/settings.h when WOLFSSL_USER_SETTINGS is defined.
+ */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Platform */
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Alignment and sizeof 64-bit */
+/* disable threading - mutex locking */
+/* ignore file include warnings */
+/* disable the built-in socket support and use the IO callbacks.
+ * Set with wolfSSL_CTX_SetIORecv/wolfSSL_CTX_SetIOSend
+ */
+/* Disable file system */
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Port */
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Override Current Time */
+/* Allows custom "custom_time()" function to be used for benchmark */
+#define USER_TICKS
+extern unsigned long my_time(unsigned long* timer);
+#define XTIME my_time
+/* Use built-in P-RNG (SHA256 based) with HW RNG */
+/* Custom Seed Source */
+#define CUSTOM_RAND_TYPE      unsigned int
+extern unsigned int my_rng_seed_gen(void);
+#define CUSTOM_RAND_GENERATE  my_rng_seed_gen
+/* Standard Lib - C89 */
+#define XSTRCASECMP(s1,s2) strcmp((s1),(s2))
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Math Configuration */
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#undef WOLFSSL_SP
+#if 1
+    /* Wolf Single Precision Math */
+    #define WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_RSA
+    //#define WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_DH
+    #define WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_ECC
+    #define WOLFSSL_SP_4096 /* Enable RSA/RH 4096-bit support */
+    #define WOLFSSL_SP_384 /* Enable ECC 384-bit SECP384R1 support */
+    #define WOLFSSL_SP_MATH     /* only SP math - disables integer.c/tfm.c */
+    //#define WOLFSSL_SP_MATH_ALL /* use SP math for all key sizes and curves */
+    //#define WOLFSSL_SP_DIV_32 /* do not use 64-bit divides */
+    /* use smaller version of code */
+    #define WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL
+    /* SP Assembly Speedups - specific to chip type */
+    //#define WOLFSSL_SP_ASM
+    //#define WOLFSSL_SP_ARM32_ASM
+    //#define WOLFSSL_SP_ARM64_ASM
+    #if 0
+        /* fast math (tfmc.) (stack based and timing resistant) */
+        #define USE_FAST_MATH
+        #define TFM_TIMING_RESISTANT
+    #else
+        /* normal heap based integer.c (not timing resistant) */
+        #define USE_INTEGER_HEAP_MATH
+    #endif
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Crypto */
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* RSA */
+#undef NO_RSA
+#if 1
+    #ifdef USE_FAST_MATH
+        /* Maximum math bits (Max RSA key bits * 2) */
+        #define FP_MAX_BITS 4096
+    #endif
+    /* half as much memory but twice as slow */
+    //#define RSA_LOW_MEM
+    /* Enables blinding mode, to prevent timing attacks */
+    #define WC_RSA_BLINDING
+    /* RSA PSS Support */
+    #define WC_RSA_PSS
+    #define NO_RSA
+/* DH */
+#undef  NO_DH
+#if 0
+    /* Use table for DH instead of -lm (math) lib dependency */
+    #if 1
+        #define WOLFSSL_DH_CONST
+        #define HAVE_FFDHE_2048
+        //#define HAVE_FFDHE_4096
+        //#define HAVE_FFDHE_6144
+        //#define HAVE_FFDHE_8192
+    #endif
+    #define NO_DH
+/* ECC */
+#undef HAVE_ECC
+#if 1
+    #define HAVE_ECC
+    /* Manually define enabled curves */
+    #define ECC_USER_CURVES
+    #ifdef ECC_USER_CURVES
+        /* Manual Curve Selection */
+        //#define HAVE_ECC192
+        //#define HAVE_ECC224
+        #undef NO_ECC256
+        #define HAVE_ECC384
+        //#define HAVE_ECC521
+    #endif
+    /* Fixed point cache (speeds repeated operations against same private key) */
+    //#define FP_ECC
+    #ifdef FP_ECC
+        /* Bits / Entries */
+        #define FP_ENTRIES  2
+        #define FP_LUT      4
+    #endif
+    /* Optional ECC calculation method */
+    /* Note: doubles heap usage, but slightly faster */
+    #define ECC_SHAMIR
+    /* Reduces heap usage, but slower */
+    /* Compressed ECC Key Support */
+    //#define HAVE_COMP_KEY
+    /* Use alternate ECC size for ECC math */
+    #ifdef USE_FAST_MATH
+        /* MAX ECC BITS = ROUND8(MAX ECC) * 2 */
+        #if defined(NO_RSA) && defined(NO_DH)
+            /* Custom fastmath size if not using RSA/DH */
+            #define FP_MAX_BITS     (256 * 2)
+        #else
+            /* use heap allocation for ECC points */
+            #define ALT_ECC_SIZE
+            /* wolfSSL will compute the FP_MAX_BITS_ECC, but it can be overriden */
+            //#define FP_MAX_BITS_ECC (256 * 2)
+        #endif
+        /* Speedups specific to curve */
+        #ifndef NO_ECC256
+            #define TFM_ECC256
+        #endif
+    #endif
+/* AES */
+#undef NO_AES
+#if 1
+    #define HAVE_AES_CBC
+    #define HAVE_AESGCM
+    #define GCM_SMALL
+    #define HAVE_AES_ECB
+    #define NO_AES
+/* DES3 */
+#undef NO_DES3
+#if 0
+    #define NO_DES3
+/* ChaCha20 / Poly1305 */
+#undef HAVE_POLY1305
+#if 1
+    #define HAVE_CHACHA
+    #define HAVE_POLY1305
+    /* Needed for Poly1305 */
+    #define HAVE_ONE_TIME_AUTH
+/* Ed25519 / Curve25519 */
+#undef HAVE_CURVE25519
+#undef HAVE_ED25519
+#if 0
+    #define HAVE_CURVE25519
+    #define HAVE_ED25519 /* ED25519 Requires SHA512 */
+    /* Optionally use small math (less flash usage, but much slower) */
+    #if 1
+        #define CURVED25519_SMALL
+    #endif
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Hashing */
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Sha */
+#undef NO_SHA
+#if 1
+    /* on by default */
+    /* 1k smaller, but 25% slower */
+    //#define USE_SLOW_SHA
+    #define NO_SHA
+/* Sha256 */
+#undef NO_SHA256
+#if 1
+    /* not unrolled - ~2k smaller and ~25% slower */
+    //#define USE_SLOW_SHA256
+    /* Sha224 */
+    #if 0
+        #define WOLFSSL_SHA224
+    #endif
+    #define NO_SHA256
+/* Sha512 */
+#undef WOLFSSL_SHA512
+#if 0
+    #define WOLFSSL_SHA512
+    /* Sha384 */
+    #undef  WOLFSSL_SHA384
+    #if 0
+        #define WOLFSSL_SHA384
+    #endif
+    /* over twice as small, but 50% slower */
+    //#define USE_SLOW_SHA512
+/* Sha3 */
+#undef WOLFSSL_SHA3
+#if 0
+    #define WOLFSSL_SHA3
+/* MD5 */
+#undef NO_MD5
+#if 0
+    /* on by default */
+    #define NO_MD5
+/* HKDF */
+#undef HAVE_HKDF
+#if 1
+    #define HAVE_HKDF
+/* CMAC */
+#if 1
+    #define WOLFSSL_CMAC
+    /* Note: requires WOLFSSL_AES_DIRECT */
+/* HMAC - on by default */
+#undef NO_HMAC
+#if 1
+    /* on by default */
+    #define NO_HMAC
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* ASN */
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#if 0
+    /* Use the newer ASN template code */
+    //#define WOLFSSL_CUSTOM_OID
+    //#define HAVE_OID_ENCODING
+    //#define HAVE_OID_DECODING
+    /* Use the original custom ASN code */
+/* Optionally disable time checking for ASN */
+//#define NO_ASN_TIME
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Benchmark / Test */
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Use reduced benchmark / test sizes */
+/* Use test buffers from array (not filesystem) */
+#define USE_CERT_BUFFERS_256
+#define USE_CERT_BUFFERS_2048
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Debugging */
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#if 0
+    #define DEBUG_WOLFSSL
+    #if 0
+        #define NO_ERROR_STRINGS
+    #endif
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Memory */
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#if 0
+    /* Static memory requires fast math or SP math with no malloc */
+    /* Disable fallback malloc/free */
+    #define WOLFSSL_NO_MALLOC
+    #if 1
+        #define WOLFSSL_MALLOC_CHECK /* trap malloc failure */
+    #endif
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Enable Features */
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#define WOLFSSL_TLS13
+#define WOLFSSL_OLD_PRIME_CHECK /* Use faster DH prime checking */
+//#define WOLFSSL_KEY_GEN /* For RSA Key gen only */
+//#define KEEP_PEER_CERT
+//#define HAVE_COMP_KEY
+/* TLS Session Cache */
+#if 0
+    #define NO_SESSION_CACHE
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Disable Features */
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+//#define NO_CRYPT_TEST
+/* In-lining of misc.c functions */
+/* If defined, must include wolfcrypt/src/misc.c in build */
+/* Slower, but about 1k smaller */
+//#define NO_INLINE
+#define NO_WRITEV
+//#define NO_DEV_RANDOM
+#define NO_OLD_TLS
+#define NO_PSK
+#define NO_DSA
+#define NO_RC4
+#define NO_MD4
+#define NO_PWDBASED
+//#define NO_CODING
+//#define NO_CERTS
+//#define NO_SIG_WRAPPER
+#ifdef __cplusplus

+ 150 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+/* wolf_main.c
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2022 wolfSSL Inc.
+ *
+ * This file is part of wolfSSL.
+ *
+ * wolfSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * wolfSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA
+ */
+/* wolfSSL includes */
+    #include <wolfssl/options.h>
+#include <wolfssl/wolfcrypt/settings.h>
+#include <wolfssl/wolfcrypt/error-crypt.h>
+#include <wolfssl/wolfcrypt/random.h> /* for CUSTOM_RAND_TYPE */
+#include <wolfcrypt/test/test.h>
+#include <wolfcrypt/benchmark/benchmark.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <string.h>
+/* Infineon Includes */
+#include "Ifx_Types.h"
+#include "IfxStm.h"
+extern int send_UART(const char* str);
+static void my_logging_cb(const int logLevel, const char *const logMessage)
+    send_UART(logMessage);
+    send_UART("\r\n");
+    (void)logLevel; /* not used */
+/* TIME CODE */
+/* Optionally you can define NO_ASN_TIME to disable all cert time checks */
+static int hw_get_time_sec(void)
+    /* get time in seconds */
+    return IfxStm_get(&MODULE_STM0) / IfxStm_getFrequency(&MODULE_STM0);
+/* This is used by wolfCrypt asn.c for cert time checking */
+unsigned long my_time(unsigned long* timer)
+    (void)timer;
+    return hw_get_time_sec();
+/* This is used by TLS only */
+unsigned int LowResTimer(void)
+    return hw_get_time_sec();
+/* This is used by wolfCrypt benchmark tool only */
+double current_time(int reset)
+    double timeNow;
+    uint64_t timeMs, ticks = IfxStm_get(&MODULE_STM0);
+    (void)reset;
+    timeMs = ticks / (IfxStm_getFrequency(&MODULE_STM0) / 1000);
+    timeNow = (timeMs / 1000); // sec
+    timeNow += (double)(timeMs % 1000) / 1000; // ms
+    return timeNow;
+/* RNG CODE */
+/* TODO: Implement real RNG */
+static unsigned int gCounter;
+unsigned int hw_rand(void)
+    //#warning Must implement your own random source
+    return ++gCounter;
+unsigned int my_rng_seed_gen(void)
+    return hw_rand();
+typedef struct func_args {
+    int    argc;
+    char** argv;
+    int    return_code;
+} func_args;
+void run_wolf_tests(void)
+    func_args args;
+    wolfSSL_Debugging_ON();
+    wolfSSL_SetLoggingCb(my_logging_cb);
+    /* initialize wolfSSL */
+    wolfCrypt_Init();
+    wolfSSL_Init();
+    memset(&args, 0, sizeof(args));
+    args.return_code = NOT_COMPILED_IN; /* default */
+    printf("Running wolfCrypt Tests...\n");
+#ifndef NO_CRYPT_TEST
+    args.return_code = 0;
+    wolfcrypt_test(&args);
+    printf("Crypt Test: Return code %d\n", args.return_code);
+    args.return_code = NOT_COMPILED_IN;
+    printf("Running wolfCrypt Benchmarks...\n");
+    args.return_code = 0;
+    benchmark_test(&args);
+    args.return_code = NOT_COMPILED_IN;
+    printf("Benchmark Test: Return code %d\n", args.return_code);
+    wolfCrypt_Cleanup();
+    wolfSSL_Cleanup();

+ 1 - 0

@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ include IDE/Android/
 include IDE/NETOS/
 include IDE/IAR-MSP430/
 include IDE/zephyr/
+include IDE/AURIX/

+ 9 - 8

@@ -18031,10 +18031,9 @@ static WC_INLINE int VerifyMac(WOLFSSL* ssl, const byte* input, word32 msgSz,
         else {  /* sslv3, some implementations have bad padding, but don't
                  * allow bad read */
             int  badPadLen = 0;
-            byte dmy[sizeof(WOLFSSL) >= MAX_PAD_SIZE ? 1 : MAX_PAD_SIZE] = {0};
+            byte dmy[sizeof(WOLFSSL) >= MAX_PAD_SIZE ? 1 : MAX_PAD_SIZE];
             byte* dummy = sizeof(dmy) < MAX_PAD_SIZE ? (byte*) ssl : dmy;
-            (void)dmy;
+            XMEMSET(dmy, 0, sizeof(dmy));
             if (pad > (msgSz - digestSz - 1)) {
                 WOLFSSL_MSG("Plain Len not long enough for pad/mac");
@@ -18991,7 +18990,7 @@ int ProcessReplyEx(WOLFSSL* ssl, int allowSocketErr)
                     ret = BuildFinished(ssl, &ssl->hsHashes->verifyHashes,
                                        ssl->options.side == WOLFSSL_CLIENT_END ?
-                                       server : client);
+                                       kTlsServerStr : kTlsClientStr);
                     if (ret != 0)
                         return ret;
 #endif /* !WOLFSSL_NO_TLS12 */
@@ -20089,8 +20088,8 @@ int SendFinished(WOLFSSL* ssl)
     /* make finished hashes */
     hashes = (Hashes*)&input[headerSz];
-    ret = BuildFinished(ssl, hashes,
-                     ssl->options.side == WOLFSSL_CLIENT_END ? client : server);
+    ret = BuildFinished(ssl, hashes, ssl->options.side == WOLFSSL_CLIENT_END ?
+                                                 kTlsClientStr : kTlsServerStr);
     if (ret != 0) return ret;
@@ -20118,13 +20117,15 @@ int SendFinished(WOLFSSL* ssl)
     #ifdef WOLFSSL_DTLS
         if (IsDtlsNotSctpMode(ssl)) {
-            if ((ret = DtlsMsgPoolSave(ssl, input, headerSz + finishedSz, finished)) != 0)
+            if ((ret = DtlsMsgPoolSave(ssl, input, headerSz + finishedSz,
+                                                              finished)) != 0) {
                 return ret;
+            }
     sendSz = BuildMessage(ssl, output, outputSz, input, headerSz + finishedSz,
-                                                          handshake, 1, 0, 0, CUR_ORDER);
+                                                 handshake, 1, 0, 0, CUR_ORDER);
     if (sendSz < 0)
         return BUILD_MSG_ERROR;

+ 6 - 7

@@ -187,13 +187,13 @@ int BuildTlsFinished(WOLFSSL* ssl, Hashes* hashes, const byte* sender)
     ret = BuildTlsHandshakeHash(ssl, handshake_hash, &hashSz);
     if (ret == 0) {
-        if (XSTRNCMP((const char*)sender, (const char*)client,
+        if (XSTRNCMP((const char*)sender, (const char*)kTlsClientStr,
                                                           SIZEOF_SENDER) == 0) {
-            side = tls_client;
+            side = kTlsClientFinStr;
-        else if (XSTRNCMP((const char*)sender, (const char*)server,
+        else if (XSTRNCMP((const char*)sender, (const char*)kTlsServerStr,
                                                           SIZEOF_SENDER) == 0) {
-            side = tls_server;
+            side = kTlsServerFinStr;
         else {
             ret = BAD_FUNC_ARG;
@@ -5901,12 +5901,11 @@ static int TLSX_SupportedVersions_Parse(WOLFSSL* ssl, const byte* input,
     ProtocolVersion pv = ssl->ctx->method->version;
     int i;
     int len;
-    byte major, minor;
     int newMinor = 0;
     int set = 0;
     int ret;
-    int tls13minor;
-    int tls12minor;
+    byte major, minor;
+    byte tls13minor, tls12minor;
     byte isDtls;
     tls13minor = TLSv1_3_MINOR;

+ 1 - 1

@@ -2668,7 +2668,7 @@ int BuildTls13Message(WOLFSSL* ssl, byte* output, int outSz, const byte* input,
                 const byte* aad = output;
                 output += args->headerSz;
                 ret = EncryptTls13(ssl, output, output, args->size, aad,
-                                   args->headerSz, asyncOkay);
+                                   (word16)args->headerSz, asyncOkay);
 #ifdef WOLFSSL_DTLS13
                 if (ret == 0 && ssl->options.dtls) {
                     /* AAD points to the header. Reuse the variable  */

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1499,7 +1499,7 @@ static WC_INLINE int bench_stats_sym_check(double start)
 static void bench_stats_sym_finish(const char* desc, int useDeviceID, int count,
                                    int countSz, double start, int ret)
-    double total, persec = 0, blocks = count;
+    double total, persec = 0, blocks = (double)count;
     const char* blockType;
     char msg[128] = {0};
     const char** word = bench_result_words1[lng_index];

+ 11 - 11

@@ -1949,7 +1949,7 @@ static WC_INLINE sp_digit sp_2048_div_word_36(sp_digit d1, sp_digit d0,
     m = d - ((sp_int64)r * div);
     r += (sp_digit)(m >> 29);
     m = d - ((sp_int64)r * div);
-    r += (m >> 58) - (sp_digit)(d >> 58);
+    r += (sp_digit)(m >> 58) - (sp_digit)(d >> 58);
     m = d - ((sp_int64)r * div);
     sign = (sp_digit)(0 - ((sp_uint32)m >> 31)) * 2 + 1;
@@ -3011,7 +3011,7 @@ static WC_INLINE sp_digit sp_2048_div_word_72(sp_digit d1, sp_digit d0,
     m = d - ((sp_int64)r * div);
     r += (sp_digit)(m >> 29);
     m = d - ((sp_int64)r * div);
-    r += (m >> 58) - (sp_digit)(d >> 58);
+    r += (sp_digit)(m >> 58) - (sp_digit)(d >> 58);
     m = d - ((sp_int64)r * div);
     sign = (sp_digit)(0 - ((sp_uint32)m >> 31)) * 2 + 1;
@@ -5631,7 +5631,7 @@ static WC_INLINE sp_digit sp_3072_div_word_53(sp_digit d1, sp_digit d0,
     m = d - ((sp_int64)r * div);
     r += (sp_digit)(m >> 29);
     m = d - ((sp_int64)r * div);
-    r += (m >> 58) - (sp_digit)(d >> 58);
+    r += (sp_digit)(m >> 58) - (sp_digit)(d >> 58);
     m = d - ((sp_int64)r * div);
     sign = (sp_digit)(0 - ((sp_uint32)m >> 31)) * 2 + 1;
@@ -6470,7 +6470,7 @@ static WC_INLINE sp_digit sp_3072_div_word_106(sp_digit d1, sp_digit d0,
     m = d - ((sp_int64)r * div);
     r += (sp_digit)(m >> 29);
     m = d - ((sp_int64)r * div);
-    r += (m >> 58) - (sp_digit)(d >> 58);
+    r += (sp_digit)(m >> 58) - (sp_digit)(d >> 58);
     m = d - ((sp_int64)r * div);
     sign = (sp_digit)(0 - ((sp_uint32)m >> 31)) * 2 + 1;
@@ -9654,7 +9654,7 @@ static WC_INLINE sp_digit sp_3072_div_word_56(sp_digit d1, sp_digit d0,
     m = d - ((sp_int64)r * div);
     r += (sp_digit)(m >> 28);
     m = d - ((sp_int64)r * div);
-    r += (m >> 56) - (sp_digit)(d >> 56);
+    r += (sp_digit)(m >> 56) - (sp_digit)(d >> 56);
     m = d - ((sp_int64)r * div);
     sign = (sp_digit)(0 - ((sp_uint32)m >> 31)) * 2 + 1;
@@ -10572,7 +10572,7 @@ static WC_INLINE sp_digit sp_3072_div_word_112(sp_digit d1, sp_digit d0,
     m = d - ((sp_int64)r * div);
     r += (sp_digit)(m >> 28);
     m = d - ((sp_int64)r * div);
-    r += (m >> 56) - (sp_digit)(d >> 56);
+    r += (sp_digit)(m >> 56) - (sp_digit)(d >> 56);
     m = d - ((sp_int64)r * div);
     sign = (sp_digit)(0 - ((sp_uint32)m >> 31)) * 2 + 1;
@@ -13274,7 +13274,7 @@ static WC_INLINE sp_digit sp_4096_div_word_71(sp_digit d1, sp_digit d0,
     m = d - ((sp_int64)r * div);
     r += (sp_digit)(m >> 29);
     m = d - ((sp_int64)r * div);
-    r += (m >> 58) - (sp_digit)(d >> 58);
+    r += (sp_digit)(m >> 58) - (sp_digit)(d >> 58);
     m = d - ((sp_int64)r * div);
     sign = (sp_digit)(0 - ((sp_uint32)m >> 31)) * 2 + 1;
@@ -14114,7 +14114,7 @@ static WC_INLINE sp_digit sp_4096_div_word_142(sp_digit d1, sp_digit d0,
     m = d - ((sp_int64)r * div);
     r += (sp_digit)(m >> 29);
     m = d - ((sp_int64)r * div);
-    r += (m >> 58) - (sp_digit)(d >> 58);
+    r += (sp_digit)(m >> 58) - (sp_digit)(d >> 58);
     m = d - ((sp_int64)r * div);
     sign = (sp_digit)(0 - ((sp_uint32)m >> 31)) * 2 + 1;
@@ -17177,7 +17177,7 @@ static WC_INLINE sp_digit sp_4096_div_word_81(sp_digit d1, sp_digit d0,
     m = d - ((sp_int64)r * div);
     r += (sp_digit)(m >> 26);
     m = d - ((sp_int64)r * div);
-    r += (m >> 52) - (sp_digit)(d >> 52);
+    r += (sp_digit)(m >> 52) - (sp_digit)(d >> 52);
     m = d - ((sp_int64)r * div);
     sign = (sp_digit)(0 - ((sp_uint32)m >> 31)) * 2 + 1;
@@ -18081,7 +18081,7 @@ static WC_INLINE sp_digit sp_4096_div_word_162(sp_digit d1, sp_digit d0,
     m = d - ((sp_int64)r * div);
     r += (sp_digit)(m >> 26);
     m = d - ((sp_int64)r * div);
-    r += (m >> 52) - (sp_digit)(d >> 52);
+    r += (sp_digit)(m >> 52) - (sp_digit)(d >> 52);
     m = d - ((sp_int64)r * div);
     sign = (sp_digit)(0 - ((sp_uint32)m >> 31)) * 2 + 1;
@@ -43708,7 +43708,7 @@ static WC_INLINE sp_digit sp_1024_div_word_42(sp_digit d1, sp_digit d0,
     m = d - ((sp_int64)r * div);
     r += (sp_digit)(m >> 25);
     m = d - ((sp_int64)r * div);
-    r += (m >> 50) - (sp_digit)(d >> 50);
+    r += (sp_digit)(m >> 50) - (sp_digit)(d >> 50);
     m = d - ((sp_int64)r * div);
     sign = (sp_digit)(0 - ((sp_uint32)m >> 31)) * 2 + 1;

+ 13 - 13

@@ -869,7 +869,7 @@ static WC_INLINE sp_digit sp_2048_div_word_17(sp_digit d1, sp_digit d0,
     m = d - ((sp_int128)r * div);
     r += (sp_digit)(m >> 61);
     m = d - ((sp_int128)r * div);
-    r += (m >> 122) - (sp_digit)(d >> 122);
+    r += (sp_digit)(m >> 122) - (sp_digit)(d >> 122);
     m = d - ((sp_int128)r * div);
     sign = (sp_digit)(0 - ((sp_uint64)m >> 63)) * 2 + 1;
@@ -1694,7 +1694,7 @@ static WC_INLINE sp_digit sp_2048_div_word_34(sp_digit d1, sp_digit d0,
     m = d - ((sp_int128)r * div);
     r += (sp_digit)(m >> 61);
     m = d - ((sp_int128)r * div);
-    r += (m >> 122) - (sp_digit)(d >> 122);
+    r += (sp_digit)(m >> 122) - (sp_digit)(d >> 122);
     m = d - ((sp_int128)r * div);
     sign = (sp_digit)(0 - ((sp_uint64)m >> 63)) * 2 + 1;
@@ -4393,7 +4393,7 @@ static WC_INLINE sp_digit sp_2048_div_word_18(sp_digit d1, sp_digit d0,
     m = d - ((sp_int128)r * div);
     r += (sp_digit)(m >> 57);
     m = d - ((sp_int128)r * div);
-    r += (m >> 114) - (sp_digit)(d >> 114);
+    r += (sp_digit)(m >> 114) - (sp_digit)(d >> 114);
     m = d - ((sp_int128)r * div);
     sign = (sp_digit)(0 - ((sp_uint64)m >> 63)) * 2 + 1;
@@ -5279,7 +5279,7 @@ static WC_INLINE sp_digit sp_2048_div_word_36(sp_digit d1, sp_digit d0,
     m = d - ((sp_int128)r * div);
     r += (sp_digit)(m >> 57);
     m = d - ((sp_int128)r * div);
-    r += (m >> 114) - (sp_digit)(d >> 114);
+    r += (sp_digit)(m >> 114) - (sp_digit)(d >> 114);
     m = d - ((sp_int128)r * div);
     sign = (sp_digit)(0 - ((sp_uint64)m >> 63)) * 2 + 1;
@@ -7732,7 +7732,7 @@ static WC_INLINE sp_digit sp_3072_div_word_26(sp_digit d1, sp_digit d0,
     m = d - ((sp_int128)r * div);
     r += (sp_digit)(m >> 60);
     m = d - ((sp_int128)r * div);
-    r += (m >> 120) - (sp_digit)(d >> 120);
+    r += (sp_digit)(m >> 120) - (sp_digit)(d >> 120);
     m = d - ((sp_int128)r * div);
     sign = (sp_digit)(0 - ((sp_uint64)m >> 63)) * 2 + 1;
@@ -8563,7 +8563,7 @@ static WC_INLINE sp_digit sp_3072_div_word_52(sp_digit d1, sp_digit d0,
     m = d - ((sp_int128)r * div);
     r += (sp_digit)(m >> 60);
     m = d - ((sp_int128)r * div);
-    r += (m >> 120) - (sp_digit)(d >> 120);
+    r += (sp_digit)(m >> 120) - (sp_digit)(d >> 120);
     m = d - ((sp_int128)r * div);
     sign = (sp_digit)(0 - ((sp_uint64)m >> 63)) * 2 + 1;
@@ -11400,7 +11400,7 @@ static WC_INLINE sp_digit sp_3072_div_word_27(sp_digit d1, sp_digit d0,
     m = d - ((sp_int128)r * div);
     r += (sp_digit)(m >> 57);
     m = d - ((sp_int128)r * div);
-    r += (m >> 114) - (sp_digit)(d >> 114);
+    r += (sp_digit)(m >> 114) - (sp_digit)(d >> 114);
     m = d - ((sp_int128)r * div);
     sign = (sp_digit)(0 - ((sp_uint64)m >> 63)) * 2 + 1;
@@ -12297,7 +12297,7 @@ static WC_INLINE sp_digit sp_3072_div_word_54(sp_digit d1, sp_digit d0,
     m = d - ((sp_int128)r * div);
     r += (sp_digit)(m >> 57);
     m = d - ((sp_int128)r * div);
-    r += (m >> 114) - (sp_digit)(d >> 114);
+    r += (sp_digit)(m >> 114) - (sp_digit)(d >> 114);
     m = d - ((sp_int128)r * div);
     sign = (sp_digit)(0 - ((sp_uint64)m >> 63)) * 2 + 1;
@@ -14792,7 +14792,7 @@ static WC_INLINE sp_digit sp_4096_div_word_35(sp_digit d1, sp_digit d0,
     m = d - ((sp_int128)r * div);
     r += (sp_digit)(m >> 59);
     m = d - ((sp_int128)r * div);
-    r += (m >> 118) - (sp_digit)(d >> 118);
+    r += (sp_digit)(m >> 118) - (sp_digit)(d >> 118);
     m = d - ((sp_int128)r * div);
     sign = (sp_digit)(0 - ((sp_uint64)m >> 63)) * 2 + 1;
@@ -15618,7 +15618,7 @@ static WC_INLINE sp_digit sp_4096_div_word_70(sp_digit d1, sp_digit d0,
     m = d - ((sp_int128)r * div);
     r += (sp_digit)(m >> 59);
     m = d - ((sp_int128)r * div);
-    r += (m >> 118) - (sp_digit)(d >> 118);
+    r += (sp_digit)(m >> 118) - (sp_digit)(d >> 118);
     m = d - ((sp_int128)r * div);
     sign = (sp_digit)(0 - ((sp_uint64)m >> 63)) * 2 + 1;
@@ -18510,7 +18510,7 @@ static WC_INLINE sp_digit sp_4096_div_word_39(sp_digit d1, sp_digit d0,
     m = d - ((sp_int128)r * div);
     r += (sp_digit)(m >> 53);
     m = d - ((sp_int128)r * div);
-    r += (m >> 106) - (sp_digit)(d >> 106);
+    r += (sp_digit)(m >> 106) - (sp_digit)(d >> 106);
     m = d - ((sp_int128)r * div);
     sign = (sp_digit)(0 - ((sp_uint64)m >> 63)) * 2 + 1;
@@ -19408,7 +19408,7 @@ static WC_INLINE sp_digit sp_4096_div_word_78(sp_digit d1, sp_digit d0,
     m = d - ((sp_int128)r * div);
     r += (sp_digit)(m >> 53);
     m = d - ((sp_int128)r * div);
-    r += (m >> 106) - (sp_digit)(d >> 106);
+    r += (sp_digit)(m >> 106) - (sp_digit)(d >> 106);
     m = d - ((sp_int128)r * div);
     sign = (sp_digit)(0 - ((sp_uint64)m >> 63)) * 2 + 1;
@@ -43170,7 +43170,7 @@ static WC_INLINE sp_digit sp_1024_div_word_18(sp_digit d1, sp_digit d0,
     m = d - ((sp_int128)r * div);
     r += (sp_digit)(m >> 57);
     m = d - ((sp_int128)r * div);
-    r += (m >> 114) - (sp_digit)(d >> 114);
+    r += (sp_digit)(m >> 114) - (sp_digit)(d >> 114);
     m = d - ((sp_int128)r * div);
     sign = (sp_digit)(0 - ((sp_uint64)m >> 63)) * 2 + 1;

+ 2 - 2

@@ -1826,7 +1826,7 @@ WOLFSSL_TEST_SUBROUTINE int base64_test(void)
     /* Invalid character less than 0x2b */
     for (i = 1; i < 0x2b; i++) {
         outLen = sizeof(out);
-        charTest[0] = i;
+        charTest[0] = (byte)i;
         ret = Base64_Decode(charTest, sizeof(charTest), out, &outLen);
         if (ret != ASN_INPUT_E)
             return -1240 - i;
@@ -1842,7 +1842,7 @@ WOLFSSL_TEST_SUBROUTINE int base64_test(void)
     /* Invalid character greater than 0x7a */
     for (i = 0x7b; i < 0x100; i++) {
         outLen = sizeof(out);
-        charTest[0] = i;
+        charTest[0] = (byte)i;
         ret = Base64_Decode(charTest, sizeof(charTest), out, &outLen);
         if (ret != ASN_INPUT_E)
             return -1290 - i;

+ 4 - 4

@@ -5057,11 +5057,11 @@ enum ProvisionSide {
-static const byte client[SIZEOF_SENDER+1] = { 0x43, 0x4C, 0x4E, 0x54, 0x00 }; /* CLNT */
-static const byte server[SIZEOF_SENDER+1] = { 0x53, 0x52, 0x56, 0x52, 0x00 }; /* SRVR */
+static const byte kTlsClientStr[SIZEOF_SENDER+1] = { 0x43, 0x4C, 0x4E, 0x54, 0x00 }; /* CLNT */
+static const byte kTlsServerStr[SIZEOF_SENDER+1] = { 0x53, 0x52, 0x56, 0x52, 0x00 }; /* SRVR */
-static const byte tls_client[FINISHED_LABEL_SZ + 1] = "client finished";
-static const byte tls_server[FINISHED_LABEL_SZ + 1] = "server finished";
+static const byte kTlsClientFinStr[FINISHED_LABEL_SZ + 1] = "client finished";
+static const byte kTlsServerFinStr[FINISHED_LABEL_SZ + 1] = "server finished";
 #if defined(OPENSSL_EXTRA) || defined(WOLFSSL_WPAS_SMALL)
 typedef struct {