Apache Mynewt Port ============= ## Overview This port is for Apache Mynewt available [here](https://mynewt.apache.org/). It provides follows mynewt packages. - crypto/wolfssl - wolfssl library - apps/wolfcrypttest - wolfcrypt unit test application ## How to setup ### delopy wolfssl source to mynewt project Specify the path of the mynewt project and execute `wolfssl/IDE/mynewt/setup.sh`. ```bash ./IDE/mynewt/setup.sh /path/to/myproject_path ``` This script will deploy wolfssl's mynewt package described in the Overview to the mynewt project. ## Customization ### logging To enable logging, please append `-DDEBUG_WOLFSSL` to `crypto.wolfssl.pkg.yml`(or `/path/to/myproject_path/crypto/wolfssl/pkg.yml`) in `pkg.cflags:` and inject dependency of mynewt log modules. mynewt/crypto.wolfssl.pkg.yml ```yaml pkg.req_apis: ... - log - stats - console pkg.cflags: -DWOLFSSL_APACHE_MYNEWT ... -DDEBUG_WOLFSSL ``` Please add `wolfSSL_Debugging_ON()` to application code. When it executes application, display tty device for output display devices. please confirm with the `cat /dev/ttysXXX` command or `kermit` or `screen`. ## example setting example applications to targets This section eplains how to set wolfssl example application to target device. Please execute follows commands at only once. create wolfcrypttest_sim that is simulator device for unit test of wolfcrypt. ``` cd /path/to/myproject_path newt target create wolfcrypttest_sim newt target set wolfcrypttest_sim app=apps/wolfcrypttest newt target set wolfcrypttest_sim bsp=@apache-mynewt-core/hw/bsp/native newt target set wolfcrypttest_sim build_profile=debug ``` ## build & test build and execute wolfcrypttest_sim ``` newt clean wolfcrypttest_sim newt build wolfcrypttest_sim ./bin/targets/wolfcrypttest_sim/app/apps/wolfcrypttest/wolfcrypttest.elf ```