# Infineon Modus Toolbox Steps for building wolfSSL/wolfTPM with the Infineon Modus Toolbox examples: 1) Add Dependency: In "deps" folder add wolfssl.mtb containing: ``` https://github.com/wolfssl/wolfssl#v5.7.0-stable#$$ASSET_REPO$$/wolfssl/wolfssl-stable ``` For wolfTPM add wolftpm.mtb containing: ``` https://github.com/wolfssl/wolftpm#master#$$ASSET_REPO$$/wolftpm/wolftpm-stable ``` 2) Add components: In `Makefile` under `COMPONENTS` add `WOLFSSL` and `WOLFTPM`. 3) Add defines: Add `DEFINES+=WOLFSSL_USER_SETTINGS WOLFTPM_USER_SETTINGS` in Makefile. 4) Build settings: Add a `user_settings.h` file for wolfSSL/wolfTPM build settings into `config` directory. A template is provided here in `IDE/Infineon/user_settings.h`. 5) Ignores: The required library ignores are found in the `.cyignore` file in the wolfSSL and wolfTPM root.