/* sp.c * * Copyright (C) 2006-2020 wolfSSL Inc. * * This file is part of wolfSSL. * * wolfSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * wolfSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA */ /* Implementation by Sean Parkinson. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #ifdef NO_INLINE #include #else #define WOLFSSL_MISC_INCLUDED #include #endif #if defined(WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_RSA) || defined(WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_DH) || \ defined(WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_ECC) #ifdef RSA_LOW_MEM #ifndef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL #define WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL #endif #endif #include #ifdef __IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__ #define __asm__ asm #define __volatile__ volatile #endif /* __IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__ */ #ifdef __KEIL__ #define __asm__ __asm #define __volatile__ volatile #endif #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_ARM_CORTEX_M_ASM #if defined(WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_RSA) || defined(WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_DH) #ifndef WOLFSSL_SP_NO_2048 /* Read big endian unsigned byte array into r. * * r A single precision integer. * size Maximum number of bytes to convert * a Byte array. * n Number of bytes in array to read. */ static void sp_2048_from_bin(sp_digit* r, int size, const byte* a, int n) { int i, j = 0; word32 s = 0; r[0] = 0; for (i = n-1; i >= 0; i--) { r[j] |= (((sp_digit)a[i]) << s); if (s >= 24U) { r[j] &= 0xffffffff; s = 32U - s; if (j + 1 >= size) { break; } r[++j] = (sp_digit)a[i] >> s; s = 8U - s; } else { s += 8U; } } for (j++; j < size; j++) { r[j] = 0; } } /* Convert an mp_int to an array of sp_digit. * * r A single precision integer. * size Maximum number of bytes to convert * a A multi-precision integer. */ static void sp_2048_from_mp(sp_digit* r, int size, const mp_int* a) { #if DIGIT_BIT == 32 int j; XMEMCPY(r, a->dp, sizeof(sp_digit) * a->used); for (j = a->used; j < size; j++) { r[j] = 0; } #elif DIGIT_BIT > 32 int i, j = 0; word32 s = 0; r[0] = 0; for (i = 0; i < a->used && j < size; i++) { r[j] |= ((sp_digit)a->dp[i] << s); r[j] &= 0xffffffff; s = 32U - s; if (j + 1 >= size) { break; } /* lint allow cast of mismatch word32 and mp_digit */ r[++j] = (sp_digit)(a->dp[i] >> s); /*lint !e9033*/ while ((s + 32U) <= (word32)DIGIT_BIT) { s += 32U; r[j] &= 0xffffffff; if (j + 1 >= size) { break; } if (s < (word32)DIGIT_BIT) { /* lint allow cast of mismatch word32 and mp_digit */ r[++j] = (sp_digit)(a->dp[i] >> s); /*lint !e9033*/ } else { r[++j] = 0L; } } s = (word32)DIGIT_BIT - s; } for (j++; j < size; j++) { r[j] = 0; } #else int i, j = 0, s = 0; r[0] = 0; for (i = 0; i < a->used && j < size; i++) { r[j] |= ((sp_digit)a->dp[i]) << s; if (s + DIGIT_BIT >= 32) { r[j] &= 0xffffffff; if (j + 1 >= size) { break; } s = 32 - s; if (s == DIGIT_BIT) { r[++j] = 0; s = 0; } else { r[++j] = a->dp[i] >> s; s = DIGIT_BIT - s; } } else { s += DIGIT_BIT; } } for (j++; j < size; j++) { r[j] = 0; } #endif } /* Write r as big endian to byte array. * Fixed length number of bytes written: 256 * * r A single precision integer. * a Byte array. */ static void sp_2048_to_bin(sp_digit* r, byte* a) { int i, j, s = 0, b; j = 2048 / 8 - 1; a[j] = 0; for (i=0; i<64 && j>=0; i++) { b = 0; /* lint allow cast of mismatch sp_digit and int */ a[j--] |= (byte)(r[i] << s); /*lint !e9033*/ b += 8 - s; if (j < 0) { break; } while (b < 32) { a[j--] = (byte)(r[i] >> b); b += 8; if (j < 0) { break; } } s = 8 - (b - 32); if (j >= 0) { a[j] = 0; } if (s != 0) { j++; } } } #ifndef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL /* Multiply a and b into r. (r = a * b) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_2048_mul_8(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit tmp_arr[8]; sp_digit* tmp = tmp_arr; __asm__ __volatile__ ( /* A[0] * B[0] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #0]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" "str r3, [%[tmp], #0]\n\t" "mov r3, #0\n\t" /* A[0] * B[1] */ "ldr r8, [%[b], #4]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adc r5, r5, r8\n\t" /* A[1] * B[0] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #0]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "adc r3, r3, #0\n\t" "str r4, [%[tmp], #4]\n\t" "mov r4, #0\n\t" /* A[0] * B[2] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #8]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" /* A[1] * B[1] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #4]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" /* A[2] * B[0] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #0]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" "str r5, [%[tmp], #8]\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" /* A[0] * B[3] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #12]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[1] * B[2] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #8]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[2] * B[1] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #4]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[3] * B[0] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #0]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" "str r3, [%[tmp], #12]\n\t" "mov r3, #0\n\t" /* A[0] * B[4] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #16]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "adc r3, r3, #0\n\t" /* A[1] * B[3] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #12]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "adc r3, r3, #0\n\t" /* A[2] * B[2] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #8]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "adc r3, r3, #0\n\t" /* A[3] * B[1] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #4]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "adc r3, r3, #0\n\t" /* A[4] * B[0] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #0]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "adc r3, r3, #0\n\t" "str r4, [%[tmp], #16]\n\t" "mov r4, #0\n\t" /* A[0] * B[5] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #20]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" /* A[1] * B[4] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #16]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" /* A[2] * B[3] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #12]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" /* A[3] * B[2] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #8]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" /* A[4] * B[1] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #4]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" /* A[5] * B[0] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #0]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" "str r5, [%[tmp], #20]\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" /* A[0] * B[6] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #24]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[1] * B[5] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #20]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[2] * B[4] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #16]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[3] * B[3] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #12]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[4] * B[2] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #8]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[5] * B[1] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #4]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[6] * B[0] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #0]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" "str r3, [%[tmp], #24]\n\t" "mov r3, #0\n\t" /* A[0] * B[7] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #28]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "adc r3, r3, #0\n\t" /* A[1] * B[6] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #24]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "adc r3, r3, #0\n\t" /* A[2] * B[5] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #20]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "adc r3, r3, #0\n\t" /* A[3] * B[4] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #16]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "adc r3, r3, #0\n\t" /* A[4] * B[3] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #12]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "adc r3, r3, #0\n\t" /* A[5] * B[2] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #8]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "adc r3, r3, #0\n\t" /* A[6] * B[1] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #4]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "adc r3, r3, #0\n\t" /* A[7] * B[0] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #0]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "adc r3, r3, #0\n\t" "str r4, [%[tmp], #28]\n\t" "mov r4, #0\n\t" /* A[1] * B[7] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #28]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" /* A[2] * B[6] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #24]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" /* A[3] * B[5] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #20]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" /* A[4] * B[4] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #16]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" /* A[5] * B[3] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #12]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" /* A[6] * B[2] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #8]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" /* A[7] * B[1] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #4]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], #32]\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" /* A[2] * B[7] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #28]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[3] * B[6] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #24]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[4] * B[5] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #20]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[5] * B[4] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #16]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[6] * B[3] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #12]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[7] * B[2] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #8]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #36]\n\t" "mov r3, #0\n\t" /* A[3] * B[7] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #28]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "adc r3, r3, #0\n\t" /* A[4] * B[6] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #24]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "adc r3, r3, #0\n\t" /* A[5] * B[5] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #20]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "adc r3, r3, #0\n\t" /* A[6] * B[4] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #16]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "adc r3, r3, #0\n\t" /* A[7] * B[3] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #12]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "adc r3, r3, #0\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #40]\n\t" "mov r4, #0\n\t" /* A[4] * B[7] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #28]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" /* A[5] * B[6] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #24]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" /* A[6] * B[5] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #20]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" /* A[7] * B[4] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #16]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], #44]\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" /* A[5] * B[7] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #28]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[6] * B[6] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #24]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[7] * B[5] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #20]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #48]\n\t" "mov r3, #0\n\t" /* A[6] * B[7] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #28]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "adc r3, r3, #0\n\t" /* A[7] * B[6] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #24]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "adc r3, r3, #0\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #52]\n\t" "mov r4, #0\n\t" /* A[7] * B[7] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #28]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adc r3, r3, r8\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], #56]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #60]\n\t" /* Transfer tmp to r */ "ldr r3, [%[tmp], #0]\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[tmp], #4]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[tmp], #8]\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[tmp], #12]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #0]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #4]\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], #8]\n\t" "str r6, [%[r], #12]\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[tmp], #16]\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[tmp], #20]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[tmp], #24]\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[tmp], #28]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #16]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #20]\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], #24]\n\t" "str r6, [%[r], #28]\n\t" : : [r] "r" (r), [a] "r" (a), [b] "r" (b), [tmp] "r" (tmp) : "memory", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8" ); } /* Square a and put result in r. (r = a * a) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_2048_sqr_8(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a) { sp_digit tmp_arr[8]; sp_digit* tmp = tmp_arr; __asm__ __volatile__ ( /* A[0] * A[0] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r6\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" "str r3, [%[tmp], #0]\n\t" "mov r3, #0\n\t" /* A[0] * A[1] */ "ldr r8, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adc r5, r5, r8\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "adc r3, r3, #0\n\t" "str r4, [%[tmp], #4]\n\t" "mov r4, #0\n\t" /* A[0] * A[2] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adc r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" /* A[1] * A[1] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r6\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" "str r5, [%[tmp], #8]\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" /* A[0] * A[3] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "umull r9, r10, r6, r8\n\t" "mov r11, #0\n\t" /* A[1] * A[2] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r9, r9, r6\n\t" "adcs r10, r10, r8\n\t" "adc r11, r11, #0\n\t" "adds r9, r9, r9\n\t" "adcs r10, r10, r10\n\t" "adc r11, r11, r11\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r9\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r10\n\t" "adc r5, r5, r11\n\t" "str r3, [%[tmp], #12]\n\t" "mov r3, #0\n\t" /* A[0] * A[4] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "umull r9, r10, r6, r8\n\t" "mov r11, #0\n\t" /* A[1] * A[3] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r9, r9, r6\n\t" "adcs r10, r10, r8\n\t" "adc r11, r11, #0\n\t" /* A[2] * A[2] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r6\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "adc r3, r3, #0\n\t" "adds r9, r9, r9\n\t" "adcs r10, r10, r10\n\t" "adc r11, r11, r11\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r9\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r10\n\t" "adc r3, r3, r11\n\t" "str r4, [%[tmp], #16]\n\t" "mov r4, #0\n\t" /* A[0] * A[5] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "umull r9, r10, r6, r8\n\t" "mov r11, #0\n\t" /* A[1] * A[4] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r9, r9, r6\n\t" "adcs r10, r10, r8\n\t" "adc r11, r11, #0\n\t" /* A[2] * A[3] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r9, r9, r6\n\t" "adcs r10, r10, r8\n\t" "adc r11, r11, #0\n\t" "adds r9, r9, r9\n\t" "adcs r10, r10, r10\n\t" "adc r11, r11, r11\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r9\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r10\n\t" "adc r4, r4, r11\n\t" "str r5, [%[tmp], #20]\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" /* A[0] * A[6] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "umull r9, r10, r6, r8\n\t" "mov r11, #0\n\t" /* A[1] * A[5] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r9, r9, r6\n\t" "adcs r10, r10, r8\n\t" "adc r11, r11, #0\n\t" /* A[2] * A[4] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r9, r9, r6\n\t" "adcs r10, r10, r8\n\t" "adc r11, r11, #0\n\t" /* A[3] * A[3] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r6\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" "adds r9, r9, r9\n\t" "adcs r10, r10, r10\n\t" "adc r11, r11, r11\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r9\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r10\n\t" "adc r5, r5, r11\n\t" "str r3, [%[tmp], #24]\n\t" "mov r3, #0\n\t" /* A[0] * A[7] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "umull r9, r10, r6, r8\n\t" "mov r11, #0\n\t" /* A[1] * A[6] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r9, r9, r6\n\t" "adcs r10, r10, r8\n\t" "adc r11, r11, #0\n\t" /* A[2] * A[5] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r9, r9, r6\n\t" "adcs r10, r10, r8\n\t" "adc r11, r11, #0\n\t" /* A[3] * A[4] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r9, r9, r6\n\t" "adcs r10, r10, r8\n\t" "adc r11, r11, #0\n\t" "adds r9, r9, r9\n\t" "adcs r10, r10, r10\n\t" "adc r11, r11, r11\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r9\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r10\n\t" "adc r3, r3, r11\n\t" "str r4, [%[tmp], #28]\n\t" "mov r4, #0\n\t" /* A[1] * A[7] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "umull r9, r10, r6, r8\n\t" "mov r11, #0\n\t" /* A[2] * A[6] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r9, r9, r6\n\t" "adcs r10, r10, r8\n\t" "adc r11, r11, #0\n\t" /* A[3] * A[5] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r9, r9, r6\n\t" "adcs r10, r10, r8\n\t" "adc r11, r11, #0\n\t" /* A[4] * A[4] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r6\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" "adds r9, r9, r9\n\t" "adcs r10, r10, r10\n\t" "adc r11, r11, r11\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r9\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r10\n\t" "adc r4, r4, r11\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], #32]\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" /* A[2] * A[7] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "umull r9, r10, r6, r8\n\t" "mov r11, #0\n\t" /* A[3] * A[6] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r9, r9, r6\n\t" "adcs r10, r10, r8\n\t" "adc r11, r11, #0\n\t" /* A[4] * A[5] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r9, r9, r6\n\t" "adcs r10, r10, r8\n\t" "adc r11, r11, #0\n\t" "adds r9, r9, r9\n\t" "adcs r10, r10, r10\n\t" "adc r11, r11, r11\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r9\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r10\n\t" "adc r5, r5, r11\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #36]\n\t" "mov r3, #0\n\t" /* A[3] * A[7] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "umull r9, r10, r6, r8\n\t" "mov r11, #0\n\t" /* A[4] * A[6] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r9, r9, r6\n\t" "adcs r10, r10, r8\n\t" "adc r11, r11, #0\n\t" /* A[5] * A[5] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r6\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "adc r3, r3, #0\n\t" "adds r9, r9, r9\n\t" "adcs r10, r10, r10\n\t" "adc r11, r11, r11\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r9\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r10\n\t" "adc r3, r3, r11\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #40]\n\t" "mov r4, #0\n\t" /* A[4] * A[7] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" /* A[5] * A[6] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], #44]\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" /* A[5] * A[7] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[6] * A[6] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r6\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #48]\n\t" "mov r3, #0\n\t" /* A[6] * A[7] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "adc r3, r3, #0\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "adc r3, r3, #0\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #52]\n\t" "mov r4, #0\n\t" /* A[7] * A[7] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r6\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adc r3, r3, r8\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], #56]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #60]\n\t" /* Transfer tmp to r */ "ldr r3, [%[tmp], #0]\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[tmp], #4]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[tmp], #8]\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[tmp], #12]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #0]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #4]\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], #8]\n\t" "str r6, [%[r], #12]\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[tmp], #16]\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[tmp], #20]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[tmp], #24]\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[tmp], #28]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #16]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #20]\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], #24]\n\t" "str r6, [%[r], #28]\n\t" : : [r] "r" (r), [a] "r" (a), [tmp] "r" (tmp) : "memory", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8", "r9", "r10", "r11" ); } /* Add b to a into r. (r = a + b) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static sp_digit sp_2048_add_8(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit c = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "mov %[c], #0\n\t" "adc %[c], %[c], %[c]\n\t" : [c] "+r" (c), [r] "+r" (r), [a] "+r" (a), [b] "+r" (b) : : "memory", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8" ); return c; } /* Sub b from a into r. (r = a - b) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static sp_digit sp_2048_sub_in_place_16(sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit c = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "subs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "sbc %[c], %[c], %[c]\n\t" : [c] "+r" (c), [a] "+r" (a), [b] "+r" (b) : : "memory", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6" ); return c; } /* Add b to a into r. (r = a + b) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static sp_digit sp_2048_add_16(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit c = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "mov %[c], #0\n\t" "adc %[c], %[c], %[c]\n\t" : [c] "+r" (c), [r] "+r" (r), [a] "+r" (a), [b] "+r" (b) : : "memory", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8" ); return c; } /* AND m into each word of a and store in r. * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * m Mask to AND against each digit. */ static void sp_2048_mask_8(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, sp_digit m) { #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL int i; for (i=0; i<8; i++) { r[i] = a[i] & m; } #else r[0] = a[0] & m; r[1] = a[1] & m; r[2] = a[2] & m; r[3] = a[3] & m; r[4] = a[4] & m; r[5] = a[5] & m; r[6] = a[6] & m; r[7] = a[7] & m; #endif } /* Multiply a and b into r. (r = a * b) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_2048_mul_16(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit* z0 = r; sp_digit z1[16]; sp_digit a1[8]; sp_digit b1[8]; sp_digit z2[16]; sp_digit u, ca, cb; ca = sp_2048_add_8(a1, a, &a[8]); cb = sp_2048_add_8(b1, b, &b[8]); u = ca & cb; sp_2048_mul_8(z1, a1, b1); sp_2048_mul_8(z2, &a[8], &b[8]); sp_2048_mul_8(z0, a, b); sp_2048_mask_8(r + 16, a1, 0 - cb); sp_2048_mask_8(b1, b1, 0 - ca); u += sp_2048_add_8(r + 16, r + 16, b1); u += sp_2048_sub_in_place_16(z1, z2); u += sp_2048_sub_in_place_16(z1, z0); u += sp_2048_add_16(r + 8, r + 8, z1); r[24] = u; XMEMSET(r + 24 + 1, 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * (8 - 1)); (void)sp_2048_add_16(r + 16, r + 16, z2); } /* Square a and put result in r. (r = a * a) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_2048_sqr_16(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a) { sp_digit* z0 = r; sp_digit z2[16]; sp_digit z1[16]; sp_digit a1[8]; sp_digit u; u = sp_2048_add_8(a1, a, &a[8]); sp_2048_sqr_8(z1, a1); sp_2048_sqr_8(z2, &a[8]); sp_2048_sqr_8(z0, a); sp_2048_mask_8(r + 16, a1, 0 - u); u += sp_2048_add_8(r + 16, r + 16, r + 16); u += sp_2048_sub_in_place_16(z1, z2); u += sp_2048_sub_in_place_16(z1, z0); u += sp_2048_add_16(r + 8, r + 8, z1); r[24] = u; XMEMSET(r + 24 + 1, 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * (8 - 1)); (void)sp_2048_add_16(r + 16, r + 16, z2); } /* Sub b from a into r. (r = a - b) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static sp_digit sp_2048_sub_in_place_32(sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit c = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "subs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "sbc %[c], %[c], %[c]\n\t" : [c] "+r" (c), [a] "+r" (a), [b] "+r" (b) : : "memory", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6" ); return c; } /* Add b to a into r. (r = a + b) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static sp_digit sp_2048_add_32(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit c = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "mov %[c], #0\n\t" "adc %[c], %[c], %[c]\n\t" : [c] "+r" (c), [r] "+r" (r), [a] "+r" (a), [b] "+r" (b) : : "memory", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8" ); return c; } /* AND m into each word of a and store in r. * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * m Mask to AND against each digit. */ static void sp_2048_mask_16(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, sp_digit m) { #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL int i; for (i=0; i<16; i++) { r[i] = a[i] & m; } #else int i; for (i = 0; i < 16; i += 8) { r[i+0] = a[i+0] & m; r[i+1] = a[i+1] & m; r[i+2] = a[i+2] & m; r[i+3] = a[i+3] & m; r[i+4] = a[i+4] & m; r[i+5] = a[i+5] & m; r[i+6] = a[i+6] & m; r[i+7] = a[i+7] & m; } #endif } /* Multiply a and b into r. (r = a * b) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_2048_mul_32(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit* z0 = r; sp_digit z1[32]; sp_digit a1[16]; sp_digit b1[16]; sp_digit z2[32]; sp_digit u, ca, cb; ca = sp_2048_add_16(a1, a, &a[16]); cb = sp_2048_add_16(b1, b, &b[16]); u = ca & cb; sp_2048_mul_16(z1, a1, b1); sp_2048_mul_16(z2, &a[16], &b[16]); sp_2048_mul_16(z0, a, b); sp_2048_mask_16(r + 32, a1, 0 - cb); sp_2048_mask_16(b1, b1, 0 - ca); u += sp_2048_add_16(r + 32, r + 32, b1); u += sp_2048_sub_in_place_32(z1, z2); u += sp_2048_sub_in_place_32(z1, z0); u += sp_2048_add_32(r + 16, r + 16, z1); r[48] = u; XMEMSET(r + 48 + 1, 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * (16 - 1)); (void)sp_2048_add_32(r + 32, r + 32, z2); } /* Square a and put result in r. (r = a * a) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_2048_sqr_32(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a) { sp_digit* z0 = r; sp_digit z2[32]; sp_digit z1[32]; sp_digit a1[16]; sp_digit u; u = sp_2048_add_16(a1, a, &a[16]); sp_2048_sqr_16(z1, a1); sp_2048_sqr_16(z2, &a[16]); sp_2048_sqr_16(z0, a); sp_2048_mask_16(r + 32, a1, 0 - u); u += sp_2048_add_16(r + 32, r + 32, r + 32); u += sp_2048_sub_in_place_32(z1, z2); u += sp_2048_sub_in_place_32(z1, z0); u += sp_2048_add_32(r + 16, r + 16, z1); r[48] = u; XMEMSET(r + 48 + 1, 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * (16 - 1)); (void)sp_2048_add_32(r + 32, r + 32, z2); } /* Sub b from a into r. (r = a - b) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static sp_digit sp_2048_sub_in_place_64(sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit c = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "subs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "sbc %[c], %[c], %[c]\n\t" : [c] "+r" (c), [a] "+r" (a), [b] "+r" (b) : : "memory", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6" ); return c; } /* Add b to a into r. (r = a + b) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static sp_digit sp_2048_add_64(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit c = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "mov %[c], #0\n\t" "adc %[c], %[c], %[c]\n\t" : [c] "+r" (c), [r] "+r" (r), [a] "+r" (a), [b] "+r" (b) : : "memory", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8" ); return c; } /* AND m into each word of a and store in r. * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * m Mask to AND against each digit. */ static void sp_2048_mask_32(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, sp_digit m) { #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL int i; for (i=0; i<32; i++) { r[i] = a[i] & m; } #else int i; for (i = 0; i < 32; i += 8) { r[i+0] = a[i+0] & m; r[i+1] = a[i+1] & m; r[i+2] = a[i+2] & m; r[i+3] = a[i+3] & m; r[i+4] = a[i+4] & m; r[i+5] = a[i+5] & m; r[i+6] = a[i+6] & m; r[i+7] = a[i+7] & m; } #endif } /* Multiply a and b into r. (r = a * b) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_2048_mul_64(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit* z0 = r; sp_digit z1[64]; sp_digit a1[32]; sp_digit b1[32]; sp_digit z2[64]; sp_digit u, ca, cb; ca = sp_2048_add_32(a1, a, &a[32]); cb = sp_2048_add_32(b1, b, &b[32]); u = ca & cb; sp_2048_mul_32(z1, a1, b1); sp_2048_mul_32(z2, &a[32], &b[32]); sp_2048_mul_32(z0, a, b); sp_2048_mask_32(r + 64, a1, 0 - cb); sp_2048_mask_32(b1, b1, 0 - ca); u += sp_2048_add_32(r + 64, r + 64, b1); u += sp_2048_sub_in_place_64(z1, z2); u += sp_2048_sub_in_place_64(z1, z0); u += sp_2048_add_64(r + 32, r + 32, z1); r[96] = u; XMEMSET(r + 96 + 1, 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * (32 - 1)); (void)sp_2048_add_64(r + 64, r + 64, z2); } /* Square a and put result in r. (r = a * a) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_2048_sqr_64(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a) { sp_digit* z0 = r; sp_digit z2[64]; sp_digit z1[64]; sp_digit a1[32]; sp_digit u; u = sp_2048_add_32(a1, a, &a[32]); sp_2048_sqr_32(z1, a1); sp_2048_sqr_32(z2, &a[32]); sp_2048_sqr_32(z0, a); sp_2048_mask_32(r + 64, a1, 0 - u); u += sp_2048_add_32(r + 64, r + 64, r + 64); u += sp_2048_sub_in_place_64(z1, z2); u += sp_2048_sub_in_place_64(z1, z0); u += sp_2048_add_64(r + 32, r + 32, z1); r[96] = u; XMEMSET(r + 96 + 1, 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * (32 - 1)); (void)sp_2048_add_64(r + 64, r + 64, z2); } #endif /* !WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL */ #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL /* Add b to a into r. (r = a + b) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static sp_digit sp_2048_add_64(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit c = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r6, %[a]\n\t" "mov r8, #0\n\t" "add r6, r6, #256\n\t" "sub r8, r8, #1\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" "adds %[c], %[c], r8\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a]]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[b]]\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r5\n\t" "str r4, [%[r]]\n\t" "mov %[c], #0\n\t" "adc %[c], %[c], %[c]\n\t" "add %[a], %[a], #4\n\t" "add %[b], %[b], #4\n\t" "add %[r], %[r], #4\n\t" "cmp %[a], r6\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "bne 1b\n\t" #else "bne.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ : [c] "+r" (c), [r] "+r" (r), [a] "+r" (a), [b] "+r" (b) : : "memory", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8" ); return c; } #endif /* WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL */ #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL /* Sub b from a into a. (a -= b) * * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static sp_digit sp_2048_sub_in_place_64(sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit c = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r8, %[a]\n\t" "add r8, r8, #256\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" "subs r5, r5, %[c]\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a]]\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[b]]\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[b], #4]\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "str r3, [%[a]]\n\t" "str r4, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "sbc %[c], %[c], %[c]\n\t" "add %[a], %[a], #8\n\t" "add %[b], %[b], #8\n\t" "cmp %[a], r8\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "bne 1b\n\t" #else "bne.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ : [c] "+r" (c), [a] "+r" (a), [b] "+r" (b) : : "memory", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8" ); return c; } #endif /* WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL */ #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL /* Multiply a and b into r. (r = a * b) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_2048_mul_64(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit tmp_arr[64 * 2]; sp_digit* tmp = tmp_arr; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r3, #0\n\t" "mov r4, #0\n\t" "mov r9, r3\n\t" "mov r12, %[r]\n\t" "mov r10, %[a]\n\t" "mov r11, %[b]\n\t" "mov r6, #1\n\t" "lsl r6, r6, #8\n\t" "add r6, r6, r10\n\t" "mov r14, r6\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" "mov %[r], #0\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" "mov r6, #252\n\t" "mov %[a], r9\n\t" "subs %[a], %[a], r6\n\t" "sbc r6, r6, r6\n\t" "mvn r6, r6\n\t" "and %[a], %[a], r6\n\t" "mov %[b], r9\n\t" "sub %[b], %[b], %[a]\n\t" "add %[a], %[a], r10\n\t" "add %[b], %[b], r11\n\t" "\n2:\n\t" /* Multiply Start */ "ldr r6, [%[a]]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b]]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, %[r]\n\t" /* Multiply Done */ "add %[a], %[a], #4\n\t" "sub %[b], %[b], #4\n\t" "cmp %[a], r14\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "beq 3f\n\t" #else "beq.n 3f\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "mov r6, r9\n\t" "add r6, r6, r10\n\t" "cmp %[a], r6\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "ble 2b\n\t" #else "ble.n 2b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "\n3:\n\t" "mov %[r], r12\n\t" "mov r8, r9\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], r8]\n\t" "mov r3, r4\n\t" "mov r4, r5\n\t" "add r8, r8, #4\n\t" "mov r9, r8\n\t" "mov r6, #1\n\t" "lsl r6, r6, #8\n\t" "add r6, r6, #248\n\t" "cmp r8, r6\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "ble 1b\n\t" #else "ble.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "str r3, [%[r], r8]\n\t" "mov %[a], r10\n\t" "mov %[b], r11\n\t" : : [r] "r" (tmp), [a] "r" (a), [b] "r" (b) : "memory", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8", "r9", "r10", "r11", "r12", "r14" ); XMEMCPY(r, tmp_arr, sizeof(tmp_arr)); } /* Square a and put result in r. (r = a * a) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_2048_sqr_64(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a) { __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r3, #0\n\t" "mov r4, #0\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" "mov r9, r3\n\t" "mov r12, %[r]\n\t" "mov r6, #2\n\t" "lsl r6, r6, #8\n\t" "neg r6, r6\n\t" "add sp, sp, r6\n\t" "mov r11, sp\n\t" "mov r10, %[a]\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" "mov %[r], #0\n\t" "mov r6, #252\n\t" "mov %[a], r9\n\t" "subs %[a], %[a], r6\n\t" "sbc r6, r6, r6\n\t" "mvn r6, r6\n\t" "and %[a], %[a], r6\n\t" "mov r2, r9\n\t" "sub r2, r2, %[a]\n\t" "add %[a], %[a], r10\n\t" "add r2, r2, r10\n\t" "\n2:\n\t" "cmp r2, %[a]\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "beq 4f\n\t" #else "beq.n 4f\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ /* Multiply * 2: Start */ "ldr r6, [%[a]]\n\t" "ldr r8, [r2]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, %[r]\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, %[r]\n\t" /* Multiply * 2: Done */ #ifdef __GNUC__ "bal 5f\n\t" #else "bal.n 5f\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "\n4:\n\t" /* Square: Start */ "ldr r6, [%[a]]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r6\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, %[r]\n\t" /* Square: Done */ "\n5:\n\t" "add %[a], %[a], #4\n\t" "sub r2, r2, #4\n\t" "mov r6, #1\n\t" "lsl r6, r6, #8\n\t" "add r6, r6, r10\n\t" "cmp %[a], r6\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "beq 3f\n\t" #else "beq.n 3f\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "cmp %[a], r2\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "bgt 3f\n\t" #else "bgt.n 3f\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "mov r8, r9\n\t" "add r8, r8, r10\n\t" "cmp %[a], r8\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "ble 2b\n\t" #else "ble.n 2b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "\n3:\n\t" "mov %[r], r11\n\t" "mov r8, r9\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], r8]\n\t" "mov r3, r4\n\t" "mov r4, r5\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" "add r8, r8, #4\n\t" "mov r9, r8\n\t" "mov r6, #1\n\t" "lsl r6, r6, #8\n\t" "add r6, r6, #248\n\t" "cmp r8, r6\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "ble 1b\n\t" #else "ble.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "mov %[a], r10\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], r8]\n\t" "mov %[r], r12\n\t" "mov %[a], r11\n\t" "mov r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, #8\n\t" "add r3, r3, #252\n\t" "\n4:\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[a], r3]\n\t" "str r6, [%[r], r3]\n\t" "subs r3, r3, #4\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "bge 4b\n\t" #else "bge.n 4b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "mov r6, #2\n\t" "lsl r6, r6, #8\n\t" "add sp, sp, r6\n\t" : : [r] "r" (r), [a] "r" (a) : "memory", "r2", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8", "r9", "r10", "r11", "r12" ); } #endif /* WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL */ #if (defined(WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_RSA) && !defined(WOLFSSL_RSA_PUBLIC_ONLY)) || defined(WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_DH) #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL /* AND m into each word of a and store in r. * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * m Mask to AND against each digit. */ static void sp_2048_mask_32(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, sp_digit m) { int i; for (i=0; i<32; i++) { r[i] = a[i] & m; } } #endif /* WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL */ #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL /* Add b to a into r. (r = a + b) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static sp_digit sp_2048_add_32(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit c = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r6, %[a]\n\t" "mov r8, #0\n\t" "add r6, r6, #128\n\t" "sub r8, r8, #1\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" "adds %[c], %[c], r8\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a]]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[b]]\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r5\n\t" "str r4, [%[r]]\n\t" "mov %[c], #0\n\t" "adc %[c], %[c], %[c]\n\t" "add %[a], %[a], #4\n\t" "add %[b], %[b], #4\n\t" "add %[r], %[r], #4\n\t" "cmp %[a], r6\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "bne 1b\n\t" #else "bne.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ : [c] "+r" (c), [r] "+r" (r), [a] "+r" (a), [b] "+r" (b) : : "memory", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8" ); return c; } #endif /* WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL */ #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL /* Sub b from a into a. (a -= b) * * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static sp_digit sp_2048_sub_in_place_32(sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit c = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r8, %[a]\n\t" "add r8, r8, #128\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" "subs r5, r5, %[c]\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a]]\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[b]]\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[b], #4]\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "str r3, [%[a]]\n\t" "str r4, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "sbc %[c], %[c], %[c]\n\t" "add %[a], %[a], #8\n\t" "add %[b], %[b], #8\n\t" "cmp %[a], r8\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "bne 1b\n\t" #else "bne.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ : [c] "+r" (c), [a] "+r" (a), [b] "+r" (b) : : "memory", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8" ); return c; } #endif /* WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL */ #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL /* Multiply a and b into r. (r = a * b) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_2048_mul_32(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit tmp_arr[32 * 2]; sp_digit* tmp = tmp_arr; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r3, #0\n\t" "mov r4, #0\n\t" "mov r9, r3\n\t" "mov r12, %[r]\n\t" "mov r10, %[a]\n\t" "mov r11, %[b]\n\t" "mov r6, #128\n\t" "add r6, r6, r10\n\t" "mov r14, r6\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" "mov %[r], #0\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" "mov r6, #124\n\t" "mov %[a], r9\n\t" "subs %[a], %[a], r6\n\t" "sbc r6, r6, r6\n\t" "mvn r6, r6\n\t" "and %[a], %[a], r6\n\t" "mov %[b], r9\n\t" "sub %[b], %[b], %[a]\n\t" "add %[a], %[a], r10\n\t" "add %[b], %[b], r11\n\t" "\n2:\n\t" /* Multiply Start */ "ldr r6, [%[a]]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b]]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, %[r]\n\t" /* Multiply Done */ "add %[a], %[a], #4\n\t" "sub %[b], %[b], #4\n\t" "cmp %[a], r14\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "beq 3f\n\t" #else "beq.n 3f\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "mov r6, r9\n\t" "add r6, r6, r10\n\t" "cmp %[a], r6\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "ble 2b\n\t" #else "ble.n 2b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "\n3:\n\t" "mov %[r], r12\n\t" "mov r8, r9\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], r8]\n\t" "mov r3, r4\n\t" "mov r4, r5\n\t" "add r8, r8, #4\n\t" "mov r9, r8\n\t" "mov r6, #248\n\t" "cmp r8, r6\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "ble 1b\n\t" #else "ble.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "str r3, [%[r], r8]\n\t" "mov %[a], r10\n\t" "mov %[b], r11\n\t" : : [r] "r" (tmp), [a] "r" (a), [b] "r" (b) : "memory", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8", "r9", "r10", "r11", "r12", "r14" ); XMEMCPY(r, tmp_arr, sizeof(tmp_arr)); } /* Square a and put result in r. (r = a * a) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_2048_sqr_32(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a) { __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r3, #0\n\t" "mov r4, #0\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" "mov r9, r3\n\t" "mov r12, %[r]\n\t" "mov r6, #1\n\t" "lsl r6, r6, #8\n\t" "neg r6, r6\n\t" "add sp, sp, r6\n\t" "mov r11, sp\n\t" "mov r10, %[a]\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" "mov %[r], #0\n\t" "mov r6, #124\n\t" "mov %[a], r9\n\t" "subs %[a], %[a], r6\n\t" "sbc r6, r6, r6\n\t" "mvn r6, r6\n\t" "and %[a], %[a], r6\n\t" "mov r2, r9\n\t" "sub r2, r2, %[a]\n\t" "add %[a], %[a], r10\n\t" "add r2, r2, r10\n\t" "\n2:\n\t" "cmp r2, %[a]\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "beq 4f\n\t" #else "beq.n 4f\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ /* Multiply * 2: Start */ "ldr r6, [%[a]]\n\t" "ldr r8, [r2]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, %[r]\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, %[r]\n\t" /* Multiply * 2: Done */ #ifdef __GNUC__ "bal 5f\n\t" #else "bal.n 5f\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "\n4:\n\t" /* Square: Start */ "ldr r6, [%[a]]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r6\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, %[r]\n\t" /* Square: Done */ "\n5:\n\t" "add %[a], %[a], #4\n\t" "sub r2, r2, #4\n\t" "mov r6, #128\n\t" "add r6, r6, r10\n\t" "cmp %[a], r6\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "beq 3f\n\t" #else "beq.n 3f\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "cmp %[a], r2\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "bgt 3f\n\t" #else "bgt.n 3f\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "mov r8, r9\n\t" "add r8, r8, r10\n\t" "cmp %[a], r8\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "ble 2b\n\t" #else "ble.n 2b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "\n3:\n\t" "mov %[r], r11\n\t" "mov r8, r9\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], r8]\n\t" "mov r3, r4\n\t" "mov r4, r5\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" "add r8, r8, #4\n\t" "mov r9, r8\n\t" "mov r6, #248\n\t" "cmp r8, r6\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "ble 1b\n\t" #else "ble.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "mov %[a], r10\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], r8]\n\t" "mov %[r], r12\n\t" "mov %[a], r11\n\t" "mov r3, #252\n\t" "\n4:\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[a], r3]\n\t" "str r6, [%[r], r3]\n\t" "subs r3, r3, #4\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "bge 4b\n\t" #else "bge.n 4b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "mov r6, #1\n\t" "lsl r6, r6, #8\n\t" "add sp, sp, r6\n\t" : : [r] "r" (r), [a] "r" (a) : "memory", "r2", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8", "r9", "r10", "r11", "r12" ); } #endif /* WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL */ #endif /* (WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_RSA && !WOLFSSL_RSA_PUBLIC_ONLY) || WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_DH */ /* Caclulate the bottom digit of -1/a mod 2^n. * * a A single precision number. * rho Bottom word of inverse. */ static void sp_2048_mont_setup(const sp_digit* a, sp_digit* rho) { sp_digit x, b; b = a[0]; x = (((b + 2) & 4) << 1) + b; /* here x*a==1 mod 2**4 */ x *= 2 - b * x; /* here x*a==1 mod 2**8 */ x *= 2 - b * x; /* here x*a==1 mod 2**16 */ x *= 2 - b * x; /* here x*a==1 mod 2**32 */ /* rho = -1/m mod b */ *rho = -x; } /* Mul a by digit b into r. (r = a * b) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision digit. */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_2048_mul_d_64(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, sp_digit b) { __asm__ __volatile__ ( "add r9, %[a], #256\n\t" /* A[0] * B */ "ldr r6, [%[a]], #4\n\t" "umull r5, r3, r6, %[b]\n\t" "mov r4, #0\n\t" "str r5, [%[r]], #4\n\t" /* A[0] * B - Done */ "\n1:\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" /* A[] * B */ "ldr r6, [%[a]], #4\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, %[b]\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[] * B - Done */ "str r3, [%[r]], #4\n\t" "mov r3, r4\n\t" "mov r4, r5\n\t" "cmp %[a], r9\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "blt 1b\n\t" #else "blt.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "str r3, [%[r]]\n\t" : [r] "+r" (r), [a] "+r" (a) : [b] "r" (b) : "memory", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8", "r9" ); } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_RSA) && !defined(WOLFSSL_RSA_PUBLIC_ONLY)) || defined(WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_DH) /* r = 2^n mod m where n is the number of bits to reduce by. * Given m must be 2048 bits, just need to subtract. * * r A single precision number. * m A single precision number. */ static void sp_2048_mont_norm_32(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* m) { XMEMSET(r, 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 32); /* r = 2^n mod m */ sp_2048_sub_in_place_32(r, m); } /* Conditionally subtract b from a using the mask m. * m is -1 to subtract and 0 when not copying. * * r A single precision number representing condition subtract result. * a A single precision number to subtract from. * b A single precision number to subtract. * m Mask value to apply. */ SP_NOINLINE static sp_digit sp_2048_cond_sub_32(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b, sp_digit m) { sp_digit c = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r5, #128\n\t" "mov r9, r5\n\t" "mov r8, #0\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[b], r8]\n\t" "and r6, r6, %[m]\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" "subs r5, r5, %[c]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[a], r8]\n\t" "sbcs r5, r5, r6\n\t" "sbcs %[c], %[c], %[c]\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], r8]\n\t" "add r8, r8, #4\n\t" "cmp r8, r9\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "blt 1b\n\t" #else "blt.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ : [c] "+r" (c) : [r] "r" (r), [a] "r" (a), [b] "r" (b), [m] "r" (m) : "memory", "r5", "r6", "r8", "r9" ); return c; } /* Reduce the number back to 2048 bits using Montgomery reduction. * * a A single precision number to reduce in place. * m The single precision number representing the modulus. * mp The digit representing the negative inverse of m mod 2^n. */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_2048_mont_reduce_32(sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* m, sp_digit mp) { sp_digit ca = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r9, %[mp]\n\t" "mov r12, %[m]\n\t" "mov r10, %[a]\n\t" "mov r4, #0\n\t" "add r11, r10, #128\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" /* mu = a[i] * mp */ "mov %[mp], r9\n\t" "ldr %[a], [r10]\n\t" "mul %[mp], %[mp], %[a]\n\t" "mov %[m], r12\n\t" "add r14, r10, #120\n\t" "\n2:\n\t" /* a[i+j] += m[j] * mu */ "ldr %[a], [r10]\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" /* Multiply m[j] and mu - Start */ "ldr r8, [%[m]], #4\n\t" "umull r6, r8, %[mp], r8\n\t" "adds %[a], %[a], r6\n\t" "adc r5, r5, r8\n\t" /* Multiply m[j] and mu - Done */ "adds r4, r4, %[a]\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" "str r4, [r10], #4\n\t" /* a[i+j+1] += m[j+1] * mu */ "ldr %[a], [r10]\n\t" "mov r4, #0\n\t" /* Multiply m[j] and mu - Start */ "ldr r8, [%[m]], #4\n\t" "umull r6, r8, %[mp], r8\n\t" "adds %[a], %[a], r6\n\t" "adc r4, r4, r8\n\t" /* Multiply m[j] and mu - Done */ "adds r5, r5, %[a]\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" "str r5, [r10], #4\n\t" "cmp r10, r14\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "blt 2b\n\t" #else "blt.n 2b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ /* a[i+30] += m[30] * mu */ "ldr %[a], [r10]\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" /* Multiply m[j] and mu - Start */ "ldr r8, [%[m]], #4\n\t" "umull r6, r8, %[mp], r8\n\t" "adds %[a], %[a], r6\n\t" "adc r5, r5, r8\n\t" /* Multiply m[j] and mu - Done */ "adds r4, r4, %[a]\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" "str r4, [r10], #4\n\t" /* a[i+31] += m[31] * mu */ "mov r4, %[ca]\n\t" "mov %[ca], #0\n\t" /* Multiply m[31] and mu - Start */ "ldr r8, [%[m]]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, %[mp], r8\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc %[ca], %[ca], #0\n\t" /* Multiply m[31] and mu - Done */ "ldr r6, [r10]\n\t" "ldr r8, [r10, #4]\n\t" "adds r6, r6, r5\n\t" "adcs r8, r8, r4\n\t" "adc %[ca], %[ca], #0\n\t" "str r6, [r10]\n\t" "str r8, [r10, #4]\n\t" /* Next word in a */ "sub r10, r10, #120\n\t" "cmp r10, r11\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "blt 1b\n\t" #else "blt.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "mov %[a], r10\n\t" "mov %[m], r12\n\t" : [ca] "+r" (ca), [a] "+r" (a) : [m] "r" (m), [mp] "r" (mp) : "memory", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8", "r9", "r10", "r11", "r12", "r14" ); sp_2048_cond_sub_32(a - 32, a, m, (sp_digit)0 - ca); } /* Multiply two Montogmery form numbers mod the modulus (prime). * (r = a * b mod m) * * r Result of multiplication. * a First number to multiply in Montogmery form. * b Second number to multiply in Montogmery form. * m Modulus (prime). * mp Montogmery mulitplier. */ static void sp_2048_mont_mul_32(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b, const sp_digit* m, sp_digit mp) { sp_2048_mul_32(r, a, b); sp_2048_mont_reduce_32(r, m, mp); } /* Square the Montgomery form number. (r = a * a mod m) * * r Result of squaring. * a Number to square in Montogmery form. * m Modulus (prime). * mp Montogmery mulitplier. */ static void sp_2048_mont_sqr_32(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* m, sp_digit mp) { sp_2048_sqr_32(r, a); sp_2048_mont_reduce_32(r, m, mp); } /* Mul a by digit b into r. (r = a * b) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision digit. */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_2048_mul_d_32(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, sp_digit b) { __asm__ __volatile__ ( "add r9, %[a], #128\n\t" /* A[0] * B */ "ldr r6, [%[a]], #4\n\t" "umull r5, r3, r6, %[b]\n\t" "mov r4, #0\n\t" "str r5, [%[r]], #4\n\t" /* A[0] * B - Done */ "\n1:\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" /* A[] * B */ "ldr r6, [%[a]], #4\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, %[b]\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[] * B - Done */ "str r3, [%[r]], #4\n\t" "mov r3, r4\n\t" "mov r4, r5\n\t" "cmp %[a], r9\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "blt 1b\n\t" #else "blt.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "str r3, [%[r]]\n\t" : [r] "+r" (r), [a] "+r" (a) : [b] "r" (b) : "memory", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8", "r9" ); } /* Divide the double width number (d1|d0) by the dividend. (d1|d0 / div) * * d1 The high order half of the number to divide. * d0 The low order half of the number to divide. * div The dividend. * returns the result of the division. * * Note that this is an approximate div. It may give an answer 1 larger. */ SP_NOINLINE static sp_digit div_2048_word_32(sp_digit d1, sp_digit d0, sp_digit div) { sp_digit r = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "lsr r6, %[div], #16\n\t" "add r6, r6, #1\n\t" "udiv r4, %[d1], r6\n\t" "lsl r8, r4, #16\n\t" "umull r4, r5, %[div], r8\n\t" "subs %[d0], %[d0], r4\n\t" "sbc %[d1], %[d1], r5\n\t" "udiv r5, %[d1], r6\n\t" "lsl r4, r5, #16\n\t" "add r8, r8, r4\n\t" "umull r4, r5, %[div], r4\n\t" "subs %[d0], %[d0], r4\n\t" "sbc %[d1], %[d1], r5\n\t" "lsl r4, %[d1], #16\n\t" "orr r4, r4, %[d0], lsr #16\n\t" "udiv r4, r4, r6\n\t" "add r8, r8, r4\n\t" "umull r4, r5, %[div], r4\n\t" "subs %[d0], %[d0], r4\n\t" "sbc %[d1], %[d1], r5\n\t" "lsl r4, %[d1], #16\n\t" "orr r4, r4, %[d0], lsr #16\n\t" "udiv r4, r4, r6\n\t" "add r8, r8, r4\n\t" "umull r4, r5, %[div], r4\n\t" "subs %[d0], %[d0], r4\n\t" "sbc %[d1], %[d1], r5\n\t" "udiv r4, %[d0], %[div]\n\t" "add r8, r8, r4\n\t" "mov %[r], r8\n\t" : [r] "+r" (r) : [d1] "r" (d1), [d0] "r" (d0), [div] "r" (div) : "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8" ); return r; } /* Compare a with b in constant time. * * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. * return -ve, 0 or +ve if a is less than, equal to or greater than b * respectively. */ SP_NOINLINE static int32_t sp_2048_cmp_32(const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit r = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r3, #0\n\t" "mvn r3, r3\n\t" "mov r6, #124\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], r6]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[b], r6]\n\t" "and r8, r8, r3\n\t" "and r5, r5, r3\n\t" "mov r4, r8\n\t" "subs r8, r8, r5\n\t" "sbc r8, r8, r8\n\t" "add %[r], %[r], r8\n\t" "mvn r8, r8\n\t" "and r3, r3, r8\n\t" "subs r5, r5, r4\n\t" "sbc r8, r8, r8\n\t" "sub %[r], %[r], r8\n\t" "mvn r8, r8\n\t" "and r3, r3, r8\n\t" "sub r6, r6, #4\n\t" "cmp r6, #0\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "bge 1b\n\t" #else "bge.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ : [r] "+r" (r) : [a] "r" (a), [b] "r" (b) : "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8" ); return r; } /* Divide d in a and put remainder into r (m*d + r = a) * m is not calculated as it is not needed at this time. * * a Number to be divided. * d Number to divide with. * m Multiplier result. * r Remainder from the division. * returns MP_OKAY indicating success. */ static WC_INLINE int sp_2048_div_32(const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* d, sp_digit* m, sp_digit* r) { sp_digit t1[64], t2[33]; sp_digit div, r1; int i; (void)m; div = d[31]; XMEMCPY(t1, a, sizeof(*t1) * 2 * 32); for (i=31; i>=0; i--) { sp_digit hi = t1[32 + i] - (t1[32 + i] == div); r1 = div_2048_word_32(hi, t1[32 + i - 1], div); sp_2048_mul_d_32(t2, d, r1); t1[32 + i] += sp_2048_sub_in_place_32(&t1[i], t2); t1[32 + i] -= t2[32]; sp_2048_mask_32(t2, d, t1[32 + i]); t1[32 + i] += sp_2048_add_32(&t1[i], &t1[i], t2); sp_2048_mask_32(t2, d, t1[32 + i]); t1[32 + i] += sp_2048_add_32(&t1[i], &t1[i], t2); } r1 = sp_2048_cmp_32(t1, d) >= 0; sp_2048_cond_sub_32(r, t1, d, (sp_digit)0 - r1); return MP_OKAY; } /* Reduce a modulo m into r. (r = a mod m) * * r A single precision number that is the reduced result. * a A single precision number that is to be reduced. * m A single precision number that is the modulus to reduce with. * returns MP_OKAY indicating success. */ static WC_INLINE int sp_2048_mod_32(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* m) { return sp_2048_div_32(a, m, NULL, r); } #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL /* Modular exponentiate a to the e mod m. (r = a^e mod m) * * r A single precision number that is the result of the operation. * a A single precision number being exponentiated. * e A single precision number that is the exponent. * bits The number of bits in the exponent. * m A single precision number that is the modulus. * returns 0 on success and MEMORY_E on dynamic memory allocation failure. */ static int sp_2048_mod_exp_32(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* e, int bits, const sp_digit* m, int reduceA) { #if defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) sp_digit* td; #else sp_digit td[16 * 64]; #endif sp_digit* t[16]; sp_digit* norm; sp_digit mp = 1; sp_digit n; sp_digit mask; int i; int c, y; int err = MP_OKAY; #if defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) td = (sp_digit*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_digit) * (16 * 64), NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); if (td == NULL) { err = MEMORY_E; } #endif if (err == MP_OKAY) { norm = td; for (i=0; i<16; i++) { #if defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) t[i] = td + i * 64; #else t[i] = &td[i * 64]; #endif } sp_2048_mont_setup(m, &mp); sp_2048_mont_norm_32(norm, m); XMEMSET(t[1], 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 32U); if (reduceA != 0) { err = sp_2048_mod_32(t[1] + 32, a, m); if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_2048_mod_32(t[1], t[1], m); } } else { XMEMCPY(t[1] + 32, a, sizeof(sp_digit) * 32); err = sp_2048_mod_32(t[1], t[1], m); } } if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_2048_mont_sqr_32(t[ 2], t[ 1], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_mul_32(t[ 3], t[ 2], t[ 1], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_sqr_32(t[ 4], t[ 2], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_mul_32(t[ 5], t[ 3], t[ 2], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_sqr_32(t[ 6], t[ 3], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_mul_32(t[ 7], t[ 4], t[ 3], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_sqr_32(t[ 8], t[ 4], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_mul_32(t[ 9], t[ 5], t[ 4], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_sqr_32(t[10], t[ 5], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_mul_32(t[11], t[ 6], t[ 5], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_sqr_32(t[12], t[ 6], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_mul_32(t[13], t[ 7], t[ 6], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_sqr_32(t[14], t[ 7], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_mul_32(t[15], t[ 8], t[ 7], m, mp); i = (bits - 1) / 32; n = e[i--]; c = bits & 31; if (c == 0) { c = 32; } c -= bits % 4; if (c == 32) { c = 28; } if (c < 0) { /* Number of bits in top word is less than number needed. */ c = -c; y = (int)(n << c); n = e[i--]; y |= (int)(n >> (64 - c)); n <<= c; c = 64 - c; } else { y = (int)(n >> c); n <<= 32 - c; } XMEMCPY(r, t[y], sizeof(sp_digit) * 32); for (; i>=0 || c>=4; ) { if (c == 0) { n = e[i--]; y = (int)(n >> 28); n <<= 4; c = 28; } else if (c < 4) { y = (int)(n >> 28); n = e[i--]; c = 4 - c; y |= (int)(n >> (32 - c)); n <<= c; c = 32 - c; } else { y = (int)((n >> 28) & 0xf); n <<= 4; c -= 4; } sp_2048_mont_sqr_32(r, r, m, mp); sp_2048_mont_sqr_32(r, r, m, mp); sp_2048_mont_sqr_32(r, r, m, mp); sp_2048_mont_sqr_32(r, r, m, mp); sp_2048_mont_mul_32(r, r, t[y], m, mp); } XMEMSET(&r[32], 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 32U); sp_2048_mont_reduce_32(r, m, mp); mask = 0 - (sp_2048_cmp_32(r, m) >= 0); sp_2048_cond_sub_32(r, r, m, mask); } #if defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (td != NULL) { XFREE(td, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); } #endif return err; } #else /* Modular exponentiate a to the e mod m. (r = a^e mod m) * * r A single precision number that is the result of the operation. * a A single precision number being exponentiated. * e A single precision number that is the exponent. * bits The number of bits in the exponent. * m A single precision number that is the modulus. * returns 0 on success and MEMORY_E on dynamic memory allocation failure. */ static int sp_2048_mod_exp_32(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* e, int bits, const sp_digit* m, int reduceA) { #if defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) sp_digit* td; #else sp_digit td[32 * 64]; #endif sp_digit* t[32]; sp_digit* norm; sp_digit mp = 1; sp_digit n; sp_digit mask; int i; int c, y; int err = MP_OKAY; #if defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) td = (sp_digit*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_digit) * (32 * 64), NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); if (td == NULL) { err = MEMORY_E; } #endif if (err == MP_OKAY) { norm = td; for (i=0; i<32; i++) { #if defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) t[i] = td + i * 64; #else t[i] = &td[i * 64]; #endif } sp_2048_mont_setup(m, &mp); sp_2048_mont_norm_32(norm, m); XMEMSET(t[1], 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 32U); if (reduceA != 0) { err = sp_2048_mod_32(t[1] + 32, a, m); if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_2048_mod_32(t[1], t[1], m); } } else { XMEMCPY(t[1] + 32, a, sizeof(sp_digit) * 32); err = sp_2048_mod_32(t[1], t[1], m); } } if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_2048_mont_sqr_32(t[ 2], t[ 1], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_mul_32(t[ 3], t[ 2], t[ 1], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_sqr_32(t[ 4], t[ 2], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_mul_32(t[ 5], t[ 3], t[ 2], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_sqr_32(t[ 6], t[ 3], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_mul_32(t[ 7], t[ 4], t[ 3], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_sqr_32(t[ 8], t[ 4], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_mul_32(t[ 9], t[ 5], t[ 4], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_sqr_32(t[10], t[ 5], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_mul_32(t[11], t[ 6], t[ 5], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_sqr_32(t[12], t[ 6], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_mul_32(t[13], t[ 7], t[ 6], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_sqr_32(t[14], t[ 7], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_mul_32(t[15], t[ 8], t[ 7], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_sqr_32(t[16], t[ 8], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_mul_32(t[17], t[ 9], t[ 8], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_sqr_32(t[18], t[ 9], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_mul_32(t[19], t[10], t[ 9], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_sqr_32(t[20], t[10], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_mul_32(t[21], t[11], t[10], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_sqr_32(t[22], t[11], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_mul_32(t[23], t[12], t[11], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_sqr_32(t[24], t[12], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_mul_32(t[25], t[13], t[12], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_sqr_32(t[26], t[13], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_mul_32(t[27], t[14], t[13], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_sqr_32(t[28], t[14], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_mul_32(t[29], t[15], t[14], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_sqr_32(t[30], t[15], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_mul_32(t[31], t[16], t[15], m, mp); i = (bits - 1) / 32; n = e[i--]; c = bits & 31; if (c == 0) { c = 32; } c -= bits % 5; if (c == 32) { c = 27; } if (c < 0) { /* Number of bits in top word is less than number needed. */ c = -c; y = (int)(n << c); n = e[i--]; y |= (int)(n >> (64 - c)); n <<= c; c = 64 - c; } else { y = (int)(n >> c); n <<= 32 - c; } XMEMCPY(r, t[y], sizeof(sp_digit) * 32); for (; i>=0 || c>=5; ) { if (c == 0) { n = e[i--]; y = (int)(n >> 27); n <<= 5; c = 27; } else if (c < 5) { y = (int)(n >> 27); n = e[i--]; c = 5 - c; y |= (int)(n >> (32 - c)); n <<= c; c = 32 - c; } else { y = (int)((n >> 27) & 0x1f); n <<= 5; c -= 5; } sp_2048_mont_sqr_32(r, r, m, mp); sp_2048_mont_sqr_32(r, r, m, mp); sp_2048_mont_sqr_32(r, r, m, mp); sp_2048_mont_sqr_32(r, r, m, mp); sp_2048_mont_sqr_32(r, r, m, mp); sp_2048_mont_mul_32(r, r, t[y], m, mp); } XMEMSET(&r[32], 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 32U); sp_2048_mont_reduce_32(r, m, mp); mask = 0 - (sp_2048_cmp_32(r, m) >= 0); sp_2048_cond_sub_32(r, r, m, mask); } #if defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (td != NULL) { XFREE(td, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); } #endif return err; } #endif /* WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL */ #endif /* (WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_RSA && !WOLFSSL_RSA_PUBLIC_ONLY) || WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_DH */ #if defined(WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_RSA) || defined(WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_DH) /* r = 2^n mod m where n is the number of bits to reduce by. * Given m must be 2048 bits, just need to subtract. * * r A single precision number. * m A single precision number. */ static void sp_2048_mont_norm_64(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* m) { XMEMSET(r, 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 64); /* r = 2^n mod m */ sp_2048_sub_in_place_64(r, m); } #endif /* WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_RSA || WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_DH */ /* Conditionally subtract b from a using the mask m. * m is -1 to subtract and 0 when not copying. * * r A single precision number representing condition subtract result. * a A single precision number to subtract from. * b A single precision number to subtract. * m Mask value to apply. */ SP_NOINLINE static sp_digit sp_2048_cond_sub_64(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b, sp_digit m) { sp_digit c = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r5, #1\n\t" "lsl r5, r5, #8\n\t" "mov r9, r5\n\t" "mov r8, #0\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[b], r8]\n\t" "and r6, r6, %[m]\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" "subs r5, r5, %[c]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[a], r8]\n\t" "sbcs r5, r5, r6\n\t" "sbcs %[c], %[c], %[c]\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], r8]\n\t" "add r8, r8, #4\n\t" "cmp r8, r9\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "blt 1b\n\t" #else "blt.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ : [c] "+r" (c) : [r] "r" (r), [a] "r" (a), [b] "r" (b), [m] "r" (m) : "memory", "r5", "r6", "r8", "r9" ); return c; } /* Reduce the number back to 2048 bits using Montgomery reduction. * * a A single precision number to reduce in place. * m The single precision number representing the modulus. * mp The digit representing the negative inverse of m mod 2^n. */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_2048_mont_reduce_64(sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* m, sp_digit mp) { sp_digit ca = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r9, %[mp]\n\t" "mov r12, %[m]\n\t" "mov r10, %[a]\n\t" "mov r4, #0\n\t" "add r11, r10, #256\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" /* mu = a[i] * mp */ "mov %[mp], r9\n\t" "ldr %[a], [r10]\n\t" "mul %[mp], %[mp], %[a]\n\t" "mov %[m], r12\n\t" "add r14, r10, #248\n\t" "\n2:\n\t" /* a[i+j] += m[j] * mu */ "ldr %[a], [r10]\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" /* Multiply m[j] and mu - Start */ "ldr r8, [%[m]], #4\n\t" "umull r6, r8, %[mp], r8\n\t" "adds %[a], %[a], r6\n\t" "adc r5, r5, r8\n\t" /* Multiply m[j] and mu - Done */ "adds r4, r4, %[a]\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" "str r4, [r10], #4\n\t" /* a[i+j+1] += m[j+1] * mu */ "ldr %[a], [r10]\n\t" "mov r4, #0\n\t" /* Multiply m[j] and mu - Start */ "ldr r8, [%[m]], #4\n\t" "umull r6, r8, %[mp], r8\n\t" "adds %[a], %[a], r6\n\t" "adc r4, r4, r8\n\t" /* Multiply m[j] and mu - Done */ "adds r5, r5, %[a]\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" "str r5, [r10], #4\n\t" "cmp r10, r14\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "blt 2b\n\t" #else "blt.n 2b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ /* a[i+62] += m[62] * mu */ "ldr %[a], [r10]\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" /* Multiply m[j] and mu - Start */ "ldr r8, [%[m]], #4\n\t" "umull r6, r8, %[mp], r8\n\t" "adds %[a], %[a], r6\n\t" "adc r5, r5, r8\n\t" /* Multiply m[j] and mu - Done */ "adds r4, r4, %[a]\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" "str r4, [r10], #4\n\t" /* a[i+63] += m[63] * mu */ "mov r4, %[ca]\n\t" "mov %[ca], #0\n\t" /* Multiply m[63] and mu - Start */ "ldr r8, [%[m]]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, %[mp], r8\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc %[ca], %[ca], #0\n\t" /* Multiply m[63] and mu - Done */ "ldr r6, [r10]\n\t" "ldr r8, [r10, #4]\n\t" "adds r6, r6, r5\n\t" "adcs r8, r8, r4\n\t" "adc %[ca], %[ca], #0\n\t" "str r6, [r10]\n\t" "str r8, [r10, #4]\n\t" /* Next word in a */ "sub r10, r10, #248\n\t" "cmp r10, r11\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "blt 1b\n\t" #else "blt.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "mov %[a], r10\n\t" "mov %[m], r12\n\t" : [ca] "+r" (ca), [a] "+r" (a) : [m] "r" (m), [mp] "r" (mp) : "memory", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8", "r9", "r10", "r11", "r12", "r14" ); sp_2048_cond_sub_64(a - 64, a, m, (sp_digit)0 - ca); } /* Multiply two Montogmery form numbers mod the modulus (prime). * (r = a * b mod m) * * r Result of multiplication. * a First number to multiply in Montogmery form. * b Second number to multiply in Montogmery form. * m Modulus (prime). * mp Montogmery mulitplier. */ static void sp_2048_mont_mul_64(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b, const sp_digit* m, sp_digit mp) { sp_2048_mul_64(r, a, b); sp_2048_mont_reduce_64(r, m, mp); } /* Square the Montgomery form number. (r = a * a mod m) * * r Result of squaring. * a Number to square in Montogmery form. * m Modulus (prime). * mp Montogmery mulitplier. */ static void sp_2048_mont_sqr_64(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* m, sp_digit mp) { sp_2048_sqr_64(r, a); sp_2048_mont_reduce_64(r, m, mp); } /* Divide the double width number (d1|d0) by the dividend. (d1|d0 / div) * * d1 The high order half of the number to divide. * d0 The low order half of the number to divide. * div The dividend. * returns the result of the division. * * Note that this is an approximate div. It may give an answer 1 larger. */ SP_NOINLINE static sp_digit div_2048_word_64(sp_digit d1, sp_digit d0, sp_digit div) { sp_digit r = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "lsr r6, %[div], #16\n\t" "add r6, r6, #1\n\t" "udiv r4, %[d1], r6\n\t" "lsl r8, r4, #16\n\t" "umull r4, r5, %[div], r8\n\t" "subs %[d0], %[d0], r4\n\t" "sbc %[d1], %[d1], r5\n\t" "udiv r5, %[d1], r6\n\t" "lsl r4, r5, #16\n\t" "add r8, r8, r4\n\t" "umull r4, r5, %[div], r4\n\t" "subs %[d0], %[d0], r4\n\t" "sbc %[d1], %[d1], r5\n\t" "lsl r4, %[d1], #16\n\t" "orr r4, r4, %[d0], lsr #16\n\t" "udiv r4, r4, r6\n\t" "add r8, r8, r4\n\t" "umull r4, r5, %[div], r4\n\t" "subs %[d0], %[d0], r4\n\t" "sbc %[d1], %[d1], r5\n\t" "lsl r4, %[d1], #16\n\t" "orr r4, r4, %[d0], lsr #16\n\t" "udiv r4, r4, r6\n\t" "add r8, r8, r4\n\t" "umull r4, r5, %[div], r4\n\t" "subs %[d0], %[d0], r4\n\t" "sbc %[d1], %[d1], r5\n\t" "udiv r4, %[d0], %[div]\n\t" "add r8, r8, r4\n\t" "mov %[r], r8\n\t" : [r] "+r" (r) : [d1] "r" (d1), [d0] "r" (d0), [div] "r" (div) : "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8" ); return r; } /* AND m into each word of a and store in r. * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * m Mask to AND against each digit. */ static void sp_2048_mask_64(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, sp_digit m) { #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL int i; for (i=0; i<64; i++) { r[i] = a[i] & m; } #else int i; for (i = 0; i < 64; i += 8) { r[i+0] = a[i+0] & m; r[i+1] = a[i+1] & m; r[i+2] = a[i+2] & m; r[i+3] = a[i+3] & m; r[i+4] = a[i+4] & m; r[i+5] = a[i+5] & m; r[i+6] = a[i+6] & m; r[i+7] = a[i+7] & m; } #endif } /* Compare a with b in constant time. * * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. * return -ve, 0 or +ve if a is less than, equal to or greater than b * respectively. */ SP_NOINLINE static int32_t sp_2048_cmp_64(const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit r = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r3, #0\n\t" "mvn r3, r3\n\t" "mov r6, #252\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], r6]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[b], r6]\n\t" "and r8, r8, r3\n\t" "and r5, r5, r3\n\t" "mov r4, r8\n\t" "subs r8, r8, r5\n\t" "sbc r8, r8, r8\n\t" "add %[r], %[r], r8\n\t" "mvn r8, r8\n\t" "and r3, r3, r8\n\t" "subs r5, r5, r4\n\t" "sbc r8, r8, r8\n\t" "sub %[r], %[r], r8\n\t" "mvn r8, r8\n\t" "and r3, r3, r8\n\t" "sub r6, r6, #4\n\t" "cmp r6, #0\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "bge 1b\n\t" #else "bge.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ : [r] "+r" (r) : [a] "r" (a), [b] "r" (b) : "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8" ); return r; } /* Divide d in a and put remainder into r (m*d + r = a) * m is not calculated as it is not needed at this time. * * a Number to be divided. * d Number to divide with. * m Multiplier result. * r Remainder from the division. * returns MP_OKAY indicating success. */ static WC_INLINE int sp_2048_div_64(const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* d, sp_digit* m, sp_digit* r) { sp_digit t1[128], t2[65]; sp_digit div, r1; int i; (void)m; div = d[63]; XMEMCPY(t1, a, sizeof(*t1) * 2 * 64); for (i=63; i>=0; i--) { sp_digit hi = t1[64 + i] - (t1[64 + i] == div); r1 = div_2048_word_64(hi, t1[64 + i - 1], div); sp_2048_mul_d_64(t2, d, r1); t1[64 + i] += sp_2048_sub_in_place_64(&t1[i], t2); t1[64 + i] -= t2[64]; sp_2048_mask_64(t2, d, t1[64 + i]); t1[64 + i] += sp_2048_add_64(&t1[i], &t1[i], t2); sp_2048_mask_64(t2, d, t1[64 + i]); t1[64 + i] += sp_2048_add_64(&t1[i], &t1[i], t2); } r1 = sp_2048_cmp_64(t1, d) >= 0; sp_2048_cond_sub_64(r, t1, d, (sp_digit)0 - r1); return MP_OKAY; } /* Reduce a modulo m into r. (r = a mod m) * * r A single precision number that is the reduced result. * a A single precision number that is to be reduced. * m A single precision number that is the modulus to reduce with. * returns MP_OKAY indicating success. */ static WC_INLINE int sp_2048_mod_64(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* m) { return sp_2048_div_64(a, m, NULL, r); } /* Divide d in a and put remainder into r (m*d + r = a) * m is not calculated as it is not needed at this time. * * a Number to be divided. * d Number to divide with. * m Multiplier result. * r Remainder from the division. * returns MP_OKAY indicating success. */ static WC_INLINE int sp_2048_div_64_cond(const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* d, sp_digit* m, sp_digit* r) { sp_digit t1[128], t2[65]; sp_digit div, r1; int i; (void)m; div = d[63]; XMEMCPY(t1, a, sizeof(*t1) * 2 * 64); for (i=63; i>=0; i--) { sp_digit hi = t1[64 + i] - (t1[64 + i] == div); r1 = div_2048_word_64(hi, t1[64 + i - 1], div); sp_2048_mul_d_64(t2, d, r1); t1[64 + i] += sp_2048_sub_in_place_64(&t1[i], t2); t1[64 + i] -= t2[64]; if (t1[64 + i] != 0) { t1[64 + i] += sp_2048_add_64(&t1[i], &t1[i], d); if (t1[64 + i] != 0) t1[64 + i] += sp_2048_add_64(&t1[i], &t1[i], d); } } r1 = sp_2048_cmp_64(t1, d) >= 0; sp_2048_cond_sub_64(r, t1, d, (sp_digit)0 - r1); return MP_OKAY; } /* Reduce a modulo m into r. (r = a mod m) * * r A single precision number that is the reduced result. * a A single precision number that is to be reduced. * m A single precision number that is the modulus to reduce with. * returns MP_OKAY indicating success. */ static WC_INLINE int sp_2048_mod_64_cond(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* m) { return sp_2048_div_64_cond(a, m, NULL, r); } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_RSA) && !defined(WOLFSSL_RSA_PUBLIC_ONLY)) || \ defined(WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_DH) #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL /* Modular exponentiate a to the e mod m. (r = a^e mod m) * * r A single precision number that is the result of the operation. * a A single precision number being exponentiated. * e A single precision number that is the exponent. * bits The number of bits in the exponent. * m A single precision number that is the modulus. * returns 0 on success and MEMORY_E on dynamic memory allocation failure. */ static int sp_2048_mod_exp_64(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* e, int bits, const sp_digit* m, int reduceA) { #if defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) sp_digit* td; #else sp_digit td[16 * 128]; #endif sp_digit* t[16]; sp_digit* norm; sp_digit mp = 1; sp_digit n; sp_digit mask; int i; int c, y; int err = MP_OKAY; #if defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) td = (sp_digit*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_digit) * (16 * 128), NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); if (td == NULL) { err = MEMORY_E; } #endif if (err == MP_OKAY) { norm = td; for (i=0; i<16; i++) { #if defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) t[i] = td + i * 128; #else t[i] = &td[i * 128]; #endif } sp_2048_mont_setup(m, &mp); sp_2048_mont_norm_64(norm, m); XMEMSET(t[1], 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 64U); if (reduceA != 0) { err = sp_2048_mod_64(t[1] + 64, a, m); if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_2048_mod_64(t[1], t[1], m); } } else { XMEMCPY(t[1] + 64, a, sizeof(sp_digit) * 64); err = sp_2048_mod_64(t[1], t[1], m); } } if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_2048_mont_sqr_64(t[ 2], t[ 1], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_mul_64(t[ 3], t[ 2], t[ 1], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_sqr_64(t[ 4], t[ 2], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_mul_64(t[ 5], t[ 3], t[ 2], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_sqr_64(t[ 6], t[ 3], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_mul_64(t[ 7], t[ 4], t[ 3], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_sqr_64(t[ 8], t[ 4], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_mul_64(t[ 9], t[ 5], t[ 4], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_sqr_64(t[10], t[ 5], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_mul_64(t[11], t[ 6], t[ 5], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_sqr_64(t[12], t[ 6], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_mul_64(t[13], t[ 7], t[ 6], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_sqr_64(t[14], t[ 7], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_mul_64(t[15], t[ 8], t[ 7], m, mp); i = (bits - 1) / 32; n = e[i--]; c = bits & 31; if (c == 0) { c = 32; } c -= bits % 4; if (c == 32) { c = 28; } if (c < 0) { /* Number of bits in top word is less than number needed. */ c = -c; y = (int)(n << c); n = e[i--]; y |= (int)(n >> (64 - c)); n <<= c; c = 64 - c; } else { y = (int)(n >> c); n <<= 32 - c; } XMEMCPY(r, t[y], sizeof(sp_digit) * 64); for (; i>=0 || c>=4; ) { if (c == 0) { n = e[i--]; y = (int)(n >> 28); n <<= 4; c = 28; } else if (c < 4) { y = (int)(n >> 28); n = e[i--]; c = 4 - c; y |= (int)(n >> (32 - c)); n <<= c; c = 32 - c; } else { y = (int)((n >> 28) & 0xf); n <<= 4; c -= 4; } sp_2048_mont_sqr_64(r, r, m, mp); sp_2048_mont_sqr_64(r, r, m, mp); sp_2048_mont_sqr_64(r, r, m, mp); sp_2048_mont_sqr_64(r, r, m, mp); sp_2048_mont_mul_64(r, r, t[y], m, mp); } XMEMSET(&r[64], 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 64U); sp_2048_mont_reduce_64(r, m, mp); mask = 0 - (sp_2048_cmp_64(r, m) >= 0); sp_2048_cond_sub_64(r, r, m, mask); } #if defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (td != NULL) { XFREE(td, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); } #endif return err; } #else /* Modular exponentiate a to the e mod m. (r = a^e mod m) * * r A single precision number that is the result of the operation. * a A single precision number being exponentiated. * e A single precision number that is the exponent. * bits The number of bits in the exponent. * m A single precision number that is the modulus. * returns 0 on success and MEMORY_E on dynamic memory allocation failure. */ static int sp_2048_mod_exp_64(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* e, int bits, const sp_digit* m, int reduceA) { #if defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) sp_digit* td; #else sp_digit td[32 * 128]; #endif sp_digit* t[32]; sp_digit* norm; sp_digit mp = 1; sp_digit n; sp_digit mask; int i; int c, y; int err = MP_OKAY; #if defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) td = (sp_digit*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_digit) * (32 * 128), NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); if (td == NULL) { err = MEMORY_E; } #endif if (err == MP_OKAY) { norm = td; for (i=0; i<32; i++) { #if defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) t[i] = td + i * 128; #else t[i] = &td[i * 128]; #endif } sp_2048_mont_setup(m, &mp); sp_2048_mont_norm_64(norm, m); XMEMSET(t[1], 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 64U); if (reduceA != 0) { err = sp_2048_mod_64(t[1] + 64, a, m); if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_2048_mod_64(t[1], t[1], m); } } else { XMEMCPY(t[1] + 64, a, sizeof(sp_digit) * 64); err = sp_2048_mod_64(t[1], t[1], m); } } if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_2048_mont_sqr_64(t[ 2], t[ 1], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_mul_64(t[ 3], t[ 2], t[ 1], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_sqr_64(t[ 4], t[ 2], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_mul_64(t[ 5], t[ 3], t[ 2], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_sqr_64(t[ 6], t[ 3], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_mul_64(t[ 7], t[ 4], t[ 3], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_sqr_64(t[ 8], t[ 4], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_mul_64(t[ 9], t[ 5], t[ 4], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_sqr_64(t[10], t[ 5], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_mul_64(t[11], t[ 6], t[ 5], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_sqr_64(t[12], t[ 6], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_mul_64(t[13], t[ 7], t[ 6], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_sqr_64(t[14], t[ 7], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_mul_64(t[15], t[ 8], t[ 7], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_sqr_64(t[16], t[ 8], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_mul_64(t[17], t[ 9], t[ 8], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_sqr_64(t[18], t[ 9], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_mul_64(t[19], t[10], t[ 9], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_sqr_64(t[20], t[10], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_mul_64(t[21], t[11], t[10], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_sqr_64(t[22], t[11], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_mul_64(t[23], t[12], t[11], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_sqr_64(t[24], t[12], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_mul_64(t[25], t[13], t[12], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_sqr_64(t[26], t[13], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_mul_64(t[27], t[14], t[13], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_sqr_64(t[28], t[14], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_mul_64(t[29], t[15], t[14], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_sqr_64(t[30], t[15], m, mp); sp_2048_mont_mul_64(t[31], t[16], t[15], m, mp); i = (bits - 1) / 32; n = e[i--]; c = bits & 31; if (c == 0) { c = 32; } c -= bits % 5; if (c == 32) { c = 27; } if (c < 0) { /* Number of bits in top word is less than number needed. */ c = -c; y = (int)(n << c); n = e[i--]; y |= (int)(n >> (64 - c)); n <<= c; c = 64 - c; } else { y = (int)(n >> c); n <<= 32 - c; } XMEMCPY(r, t[y], sizeof(sp_digit) * 64); for (; i>=0 || c>=5; ) { if (c == 0) { n = e[i--]; y = (int)(n >> 27); n <<= 5; c = 27; } else if (c < 5) { y = (int)(n >> 27); n = e[i--]; c = 5 - c; y |= (int)(n >> (32 - c)); n <<= c; c = 32 - c; } else { y = (int)((n >> 27) & 0x1f); n <<= 5; c -= 5; } sp_2048_mont_sqr_64(r, r, m, mp); sp_2048_mont_sqr_64(r, r, m, mp); sp_2048_mont_sqr_64(r, r, m, mp); sp_2048_mont_sqr_64(r, r, m, mp); sp_2048_mont_sqr_64(r, r, m, mp); sp_2048_mont_mul_64(r, r, t[y], m, mp); } XMEMSET(&r[64], 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 64U); sp_2048_mont_reduce_64(r, m, mp); mask = 0 - (sp_2048_cmp_64(r, m) >= 0); sp_2048_cond_sub_64(r, r, m, mask); } #if defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (td != NULL) { XFREE(td, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); } #endif return err; } #endif /* WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL */ #endif /* (WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_RSA && !WOLFSSL_RSA_PUBLIC_ONLY) || WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_DH */ #ifdef WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_RSA /* RSA public key operation. * * in Array of bytes representing the number to exponentiate, base. * inLen Number of bytes in base. * em Public exponent. * mm Modulus. * out Buffer to hold big-endian bytes of exponentiation result. * Must be at least 256 bytes long. * outLen Number of bytes in result. * returns 0 on success, MP_TO_E when the outLen is too small, MP_READ_E when * an array is too long and MEMORY_E when dynamic memory allocation fails. */ int sp_RsaPublic_2048(const byte* in, word32 inLen, mp_int* em, mp_int* mm, byte* out, word32* outLen) { #if (!defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) || defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) sp_digit a[128], m[64], r[128]; #else sp_digit* d = NULL; sp_digit* a = NULL; sp_digit* m = NULL; sp_digit* r = NULL; #endif sp_digit *ah = NULL; sp_digit e[1]; int err = MP_OKAY; if (*outLen < 256) { err = MP_TO_E; } else if (mp_count_bits(em) > 32 || inLen > 256 || mp_count_bits(mm) != 2048) { err = MP_READ_E; } else if (mp_iseven(mm)) { err = MP_VAL; } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (err == MP_OKAY) { d = (sp_digit*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_digit) * 64 * 5, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_RSA); if (d == NULL) err = MEMORY_E; } if (err == MP_OKAY) { a = d; r = a + 64 * 2; m = r + 64 * 2; } #endif if (err == MP_OKAY) { ah = a + 64; sp_2048_from_bin(ah, 64, in, inLen); #if DIGIT_BIT >= 32 e[0] = em->dp[0]; #else e[0] = em->dp[0]; if (em->used > 1) { e[0] |= ((sp_digit)em->dp[1]) << DIGIT_BIT; } #endif if (e[0] == 0) { err = MP_EXPTMOD_E; } } if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_2048_from_mp(m, 64, mm); if (e[0] == 0x3) { if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_2048_sqr_64(r, ah); err = sp_2048_mod_64_cond(r, r, m); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_2048_mul_64(r, ah, r); err = sp_2048_mod_64_cond(r, r, m); } } else { int i; sp_digit mp; sp_2048_mont_setup(m, &mp); /* Convert to Montgomery form. */ XMEMSET(a, 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 64); err = sp_2048_mod_64_cond(a, a, m); if (err == MP_OKAY) { for (i = 31; i >= 0; i--) { if (e[0] >> i) { break; } } XMEMCPY(r, a, sizeof(sp_digit) * 64); for (i--; i>=0; i--) { sp_2048_mont_sqr_64(r, r, m, mp); if (((e[0] >> i) & 1) == 1) { sp_2048_mont_mul_64(r, r, a, m, mp); } } XMEMSET(&r[64], 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 64); sp_2048_mont_reduce_64(r, m, mp); for (i = 63; i > 0; i--) { if (r[i] != m[i]) { break; } } if (r[i] >= m[i]) { sp_2048_sub_in_place_64(r, m); } } } } if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_2048_to_bin(r, out); *outLen = 256; } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (d != NULL) { XFREE(d, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_RSA); } #endif return err; } #ifndef WOLFSSL_RSA_PUBLIC_ONLY /* Conditionally add a and b using the mask m. * m is -1 to add and 0 when not. * * r A single precision number representing conditional add result. * a A single precision number to add with. * b A single precision number to add. * m Mask value to apply. */ SP_NOINLINE static sp_digit sp_2048_cond_add_32(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b, sp_digit m) { sp_digit c = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r5, #128\n\t" "mov r9, r5\n\t" "mov r8, #0\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[b], r8]\n\t" "and r6, r6, %[m]\n\t" "adds r5, %[c], #-1\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[a], r8]\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r6\n\t" "mov %[c], #0\n\t" "adcs %[c], %[c], %[c]\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], r8]\n\t" "add r8, r8, #4\n\t" "cmp r8, r9\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "blt 1b\n\t" #else "blt.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ : [c] "+r" (c) : [r] "r" (r), [a] "r" (a), [b] "r" (b), [m] "r" (m) : "memory", "r5", "r6", "r8", "r9" ); return c; } /* RSA private key operation. * * in Array of bytes representing the number to exponentiate, base. * inLen Number of bytes in base. * dm Private exponent. * pm First prime. * qm Second prime. * dpm First prime's CRT exponent. * dqm Second prime's CRT exponent. * qim Inverse of second prime mod p. * mm Modulus. * out Buffer to hold big-endian bytes of exponentiation result. * Must be at least 256 bytes long. * outLen Number of bytes in result. * returns 0 on success, MP_TO_E when the outLen is too small, MP_READ_E when * an array is too long and MEMORY_E when dynamic memory allocation fails. */ int sp_RsaPrivate_2048(const byte* in, word32 inLen, mp_int* dm, mp_int* pm, mp_int* qm, mp_int* dpm, mp_int* dqm, mp_int* qim, mp_int* mm, byte* out, word32* outLen) { #if defined(SP_RSA_PRIVATE_EXP_D) || defined(RSA_LOW_MEM) sp_digit* a = NULL; sp_digit* d = NULL; sp_digit* m = NULL; sp_digit* r = NULL; int err = MP_OKAY; (void)pm; (void)qm; (void)dpm; (void)dqm; (void)qim; if (*outLen < 256U) { err = MP_TO_E; } if (err == MP_OKAY) { if (mp_count_bits(dm) > 2048) { err = MP_READ_E; } else if (inLen > 256) { err = MP_READ_E; } else if (mp_count_bits(mm) != 2048) { err = MP_READ_E; } else if (mp_iseven(mm)) { err = MP_VAL; } } if (err == MP_OKAY) { d = (sp_digit*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_digit) * 64 * 4, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_RSA); if (d == NULL) { err = MEMORY_E; } } if (err == MP_OKAY) { a = d + 64; m = a + 128; r = a; sp_2048_from_bin(a, 64, in, inLen); sp_2048_from_mp(d, 64, dm); sp_2048_from_mp(m, 64, mm); err = sp_2048_mod_exp_64(r, a, d, 2048, m, 0); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_2048_to_bin(r, out); *outLen = 256; } if (d != NULL) { XMEMSET(d, 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 64); XFREE(d, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_RSA); } return err; #else #if (!defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) || defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) sp_digit a[64 * 2]; sp_digit p[32], q[32], dp[32]; sp_digit tmpa[64], tmpb[64]; #else sp_digit* t = NULL; sp_digit* a = NULL; sp_digit* p = NULL; sp_digit* q = NULL; sp_digit* dp = NULL; sp_digit* tmpa = NULL; sp_digit* tmpb = NULL; #endif sp_digit* r = NULL; sp_digit* qi = NULL; sp_digit* dq = NULL; sp_digit c; int err = MP_OKAY; (void)dm; (void)mm; if (*outLen < 256) { err = MP_TO_E; } else if (inLen > 256 || mp_count_bits(mm) != 2048) { err = MP_READ_E; } else if (mp_iseven(mm)) { err = MP_VAL; } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (err == MP_OKAY) { t = (sp_digit*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_digit) * 32 * 11, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_RSA); if (t == NULL) err = MEMORY_E; } if (err == MP_OKAY) { a = t; p = a + 64 * 2; q = p + 32; qi = dq = dp = q + 32; tmpa = qi + 32; tmpb = tmpa + 64; r = t + 64; } #else #endif if (err == MP_OKAY) { #if (!defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) || defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) r = a; qi = dq = dp; #endif sp_2048_from_bin(a, 64, in, inLen); sp_2048_from_mp(p, 32, pm); sp_2048_from_mp(q, 32, qm); sp_2048_from_mp(dp, 32, dpm); err = sp_2048_mod_exp_32(tmpa, a, dp, 1024, p, 1); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_2048_from_mp(dq, 32, dqm); err = sp_2048_mod_exp_32(tmpb, a, dq, 1024, q, 1); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { c = sp_2048_sub_in_place_32(tmpa, tmpb); c += sp_2048_cond_add_32(tmpa, tmpa, p, c); sp_2048_cond_add_32(tmpa, tmpa, p, c); sp_2048_from_mp(qi, 32, qim); sp_2048_mul_32(tmpa, tmpa, qi); err = sp_2048_mod_32(tmpa, tmpa, p); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_2048_mul_32(tmpa, q, tmpa); XMEMSET(&tmpb[32], 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 32); sp_2048_add_64(r, tmpb, tmpa); sp_2048_to_bin(r, out); *outLen = 256; } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (t != NULL) { XMEMSET(t, 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 32 * 11); XFREE(t, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_RSA); } #else XMEMSET(tmpa, 0, sizeof(tmpa)); XMEMSET(tmpb, 0, sizeof(tmpb)); XMEMSET(p, 0, sizeof(p)); XMEMSET(q, 0, sizeof(q)); XMEMSET(dp, 0, sizeof(dp)); #endif #endif /* SP_RSA_PRIVATE_EXP_D || RSA_LOW_MEM */ return err; } #endif /* WOLFSSL_RSA_PUBLIC_ONLY */ #endif /* WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_RSA */ #if defined(WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_DH) || (defined(WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_RSA) && \ !defined(WOLFSSL_RSA_PUBLIC_ONLY)) /* Convert an array of sp_digit to an mp_int. * * a A single precision integer. * r A multi-precision integer. */ static int sp_2048_to_mp(const sp_digit* a, mp_int* r) { int err; err = mp_grow(r, (2048 + DIGIT_BIT - 1) / DIGIT_BIT); if (err == MP_OKAY) { /*lint !e774 case where err is always MP_OKAY*/ #if DIGIT_BIT == 32 XMEMCPY(r->dp, a, sizeof(sp_digit) * 64); r->used = 64; mp_clamp(r); #elif DIGIT_BIT < 32 int i, j = 0, s = 0; r->dp[0] = 0; for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) { r->dp[j] |= (mp_digit)(a[i] << s); r->dp[j] &= (1L << DIGIT_BIT) - 1; s = DIGIT_BIT - s; r->dp[++j] = (mp_digit)(a[i] >> s); while (s + DIGIT_BIT <= 32) { s += DIGIT_BIT; r->dp[j++] &= (1L << DIGIT_BIT) - 1; if (s == SP_WORD_SIZE) { r->dp[j] = 0; } else { r->dp[j] = (mp_digit)(a[i] >> s); } } s = 32 - s; } r->used = (2048 + DIGIT_BIT - 1) / DIGIT_BIT; mp_clamp(r); #else int i, j = 0, s = 0; r->dp[0] = 0; for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) { r->dp[j] |= ((mp_digit)a[i]) << s; if (s + 32 >= DIGIT_BIT) { #if DIGIT_BIT != 32 && DIGIT_BIT != 64 r->dp[j] &= (1L << DIGIT_BIT) - 1; #endif s = DIGIT_BIT - s; r->dp[++j] = a[i] >> s; s = 32 - s; } else { s += 32; } } r->used = (2048 + DIGIT_BIT - 1) / DIGIT_BIT; mp_clamp(r); #endif } return err; } /* Perform the modular exponentiation for Diffie-Hellman. * * base Base. MP integer. * exp Exponent. MP integer. * mod Modulus. MP integer. * res Result. MP integer. * returns 0 on success, MP_READ_E if there are too many bytes in an array * and MEMORY_E if memory allocation fails. */ int sp_ModExp_2048(mp_int* base, mp_int* exp, mp_int* mod, mp_int* res) { int err = MP_OKAY; sp_digit b[128], e[64], m[64]; sp_digit* r = b; int expBits = mp_count_bits(exp); if (mp_count_bits(base) > 2048) { err = MP_READ_E; } else if (expBits > 2048) { err = MP_READ_E; } else if (mp_count_bits(mod) != 2048) { err = MP_READ_E; } else if (mp_iseven(mod)) { err = MP_VAL; } if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_2048_from_mp(b, 64, base); sp_2048_from_mp(e, 64, exp); sp_2048_from_mp(m, 64, mod); err = sp_2048_mod_exp_64(r, b, e, expBits, m, 0); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_2048_to_mp(r, res); } XMEMSET(e, 0, sizeof(e)); return err; } #ifdef WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_DH #ifdef HAVE_FFDHE_2048 static void sp_2048_lshift_64(sp_digit* r, sp_digit* a, byte n) { __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r6, #31\n\t" "sub r6, r6, %[n]\n\t" "add %[a], %[a], #192\n\t" "add %[r], %[r], #192\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #60]\n\t" "lsr r4, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r4, r4, r6\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #56]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #64]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #52]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #60]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #48]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #56]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #44]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #52]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #40]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #48]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #36]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #44]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #32]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #40]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #36]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #32]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #28]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #24]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #20]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #16]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #12]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #8]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "sub %[a], %[a], #64\n\t" "sub %[r], %[r], #64\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #60]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #68]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #56]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #64]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #52]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #60]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #48]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #56]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #44]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #52]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #40]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #48]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #36]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #44]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #32]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #40]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #36]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #32]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #28]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #24]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #20]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #16]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #12]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #8]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sub %[a], %[a], #64\n\t" "sub %[r], %[r], #64\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #60]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #68]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #56]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #64]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #52]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #60]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #48]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #56]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #44]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #52]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #40]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #48]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #36]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #44]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #32]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #40]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #36]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #32]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #28]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #24]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #20]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #16]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #12]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #8]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "sub %[a], %[a], #64\n\t" "sub %[r], %[r], #64\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #60]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #68]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #56]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #64]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #52]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #60]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #48]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #56]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #44]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #52]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #40]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #48]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #36]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #44]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #32]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #40]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #36]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #32]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #28]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #24]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #20]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #16]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #12]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #8]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "str r3, [%[r]]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #4]\n\t" : : [r] "r" (r), [a] "r" (a), [n] "r" (n) : "memory", "r2", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6" ); } /* Modular exponentiate 2 to the e mod m. (r = 2^e mod m) * * r A single precision number that is the result of the operation. * e A single precision number that is the exponent. * bits The number of bits in the exponent. * m A single precision number that is the modulus. * returns 0 on success and MEMORY_E on dynamic memory allocation failure. */ static int sp_2048_mod_exp_2_64(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* e, int bits, const sp_digit* m) { #if defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) sp_digit* td; #else sp_digit td[193]; #endif sp_digit* norm; sp_digit* tmp; sp_digit mp = 1; sp_digit n, o; sp_digit mask; int i; int c, y; int err = MP_OKAY; #if defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) td = (sp_digit*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_digit) * 193, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); if (td == NULL) { err = MEMORY_E; } #endif if (err == MP_OKAY) { norm = td; #if defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) tmp = td + 128; #else tmp = &td[128]; #endif sp_2048_mont_setup(m, &mp); sp_2048_mont_norm_64(norm, m); i = (bits - 1) / 32; n = e[i--]; c = bits & 31; if (c == 0) { c = 32; } c -= bits % 5; if (c == 32) { c = 27; } if (c < 0) { /* Number of bits in top word is less than number needed. */ c = -c; y = (int)(n << c); n = e[i--]; y |= (int)(n >> (64 - c)); n <<= c; c = 64 - c; } else { y = (int)(n >> c); n <<= 32 - c; } sp_2048_lshift_64(r, norm, (byte)y); for (; i>=0 || c>=5; ) { if (c == 0) { n = e[i--]; y = (int)(n >> 27); n <<= 5; c = 27; } else if (c < 5) { y = (int)(n >> 27); n = e[i--]; c = 5 - c; y |= (int)(n >> (32 - c)); n <<= c; c = 32 - c; } else { y = (int)((n >> 27) & 0x1f); n <<= 5; c -= 5; } sp_2048_mont_sqr_64(r, r, m, mp); sp_2048_mont_sqr_64(r, r, m, mp); sp_2048_mont_sqr_64(r, r, m, mp); sp_2048_mont_sqr_64(r, r, m, mp); sp_2048_mont_sqr_64(r, r, m, mp); sp_2048_lshift_64(r, r, (byte)y); sp_2048_mul_d_64(tmp, norm, r[64]); r[64] = 0; o = sp_2048_add_64(r, r, tmp); sp_2048_cond_sub_64(r, r, m, (sp_digit)0 - o); } XMEMSET(&r[64], 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 64U); sp_2048_mont_reduce_64(r, m, mp); mask = 0 - (sp_2048_cmp_64(r, m) >= 0); sp_2048_cond_sub_64(r, r, m, mask); } #if defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (td != NULL) { XFREE(td, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); } #endif return err; } #endif /* HAVE_FFDHE_2048 */ /* Perform the modular exponentiation for Diffie-Hellman. * * base Base. * exp Array of bytes that is the exponent. * expLen Length of data, in bytes, in exponent. * mod Modulus. * out Buffer to hold big-endian bytes of exponentiation result. * Must be at least 256 bytes long. * outLen Length, in bytes, of exponentiation result. * returns 0 on success, MP_READ_E if there are too many bytes in an array * and MEMORY_E if memory allocation fails. */ int sp_DhExp_2048(mp_int* base, const byte* exp, word32 expLen, mp_int* mod, byte* out, word32* outLen) { int err = MP_OKAY; sp_digit b[128], e[64], m[64]; sp_digit* r = b; word32 i; if (mp_count_bits(base) > 2048) { err = MP_READ_E; } else if (expLen > 256) { err = MP_READ_E; } else if (mp_count_bits(mod) != 2048) { err = MP_READ_E; } else if (mp_iseven(mod)) { err = MP_VAL; } if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_2048_from_mp(b, 64, base); sp_2048_from_bin(e, 64, exp, expLen); sp_2048_from_mp(m, 64, mod); #ifdef HAVE_FFDHE_2048 if (base->used == 1 && base->dp[0] == 2 && m[63] == (sp_digit)-1) err = sp_2048_mod_exp_2_64(r, e, expLen * 8, m); else #endif err = sp_2048_mod_exp_64(r, b, e, expLen * 8, m, 0); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_2048_to_bin(r, out); *outLen = 256; for (i=0; i<256 && out[i] == 0; i++) { } *outLen -= i; XMEMMOVE(out, out + i, *outLen); } XMEMSET(e, 0, sizeof(e)); return err; } #endif /* WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_DH */ /* Perform the modular exponentiation for Diffie-Hellman. * * base Base. MP integer. * exp Exponent. MP integer. * mod Modulus. MP integer. * res Result. MP integer. * returns 0 on success, MP_READ_E if there are too many bytes in an array * and MEMORY_E if memory allocation fails. */ int sp_ModExp_1024(mp_int* base, mp_int* exp, mp_int* mod, mp_int* res) { int err = MP_OKAY; sp_digit b[64], e[32], m[32]; sp_digit* r = b; int expBits = mp_count_bits(exp); if (mp_count_bits(base) > 1024) { err = MP_READ_E; } else if (expBits > 1024) { err = MP_READ_E; } else if (mp_count_bits(mod) != 1024) { err = MP_READ_E; } else if (mp_iseven(mod)) { err = MP_VAL; } if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_2048_from_mp(b, 32, base); sp_2048_from_mp(e, 32, exp); sp_2048_from_mp(m, 32, mod); err = sp_2048_mod_exp_32(r, b, e, expBits, m, 0); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { XMEMSET(r + 32, 0, sizeof(*r) * 32U); err = sp_2048_to_mp(r, res); res->used = mod->used; mp_clamp(res); } XMEMSET(e, 0, sizeof(e)); return err; } #endif /* WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_DH || (WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_RSA && !WOLFSSL_RSA_PUBLIC_ONLY) */ #endif /* !WOLFSSL_SP_NO_2048 */ #ifndef WOLFSSL_SP_NO_3072 /* Read big endian unsigned byte array into r. * * r A single precision integer. * size Maximum number of bytes to convert * a Byte array. * n Number of bytes in array to read. */ static void sp_3072_from_bin(sp_digit* r, int size, const byte* a, int n) { int i, j = 0; word32 s = 0; r[0] = 0; for (i = n-1; i >= 0; i--) { r[j] |= (((sp_digit)a[i]) << s); if (s >= 24U) { r[j] &= 0xffffffff; s = 32U - s; if (j + 1 >= size) { break; } r[++j] = (sp_digit)a[i] >> s; s = 8U - s; } else { s += 8U; } } for (j++; j < size; j++) { r[j] = 0; } } /* Convert an mp_int to an array of sp_digit. * * r A single precision integer. * size Maximum number of bytes to convert * a A multi-precision integer. */ static void sp_3072_from_mp(sp_digit* r, int size, const mp_int* a) { #if DIGIT_BIT == 32 int j; XMEMCPY(r, a->dp, sizeof(sp_digit) * a->used); for (j = a->used; j < size; j++) { r[j] = 0; } #elif DIGIT_BIT > 32 int i, j = 0; word32 s = 0; r[0] = 0; for (i = 0; i < a->used && j < size; i++) { r[j] |= ((sp_digit)a->dp[i] << s); r[j] &= 0xffffffff; s = 32U - s; if (j + 1 >= size) { break; } /* lint allow cast of mismatch word32 and mp_digit */ r[++j] = (sp_digit)(a->dp[i] >> s); /*lint !e9033*/ while ((s + 32U) <= (word32)DIGIT_BIT) { s += 32U; r[j] &= 0xffffffff; if (j + 1 >= size) { break; } if (s < (word32)DIGIT_BIT) { /* lint allow cast of mismatch word32 and mp_digit */ r[++j] = (sp_digit)(a->dp[i] >> s); /*lint !e9033*/ } else { r[++j] = 0L; } } s = (word32)DIGIT_BIT - s; } for (j++; j < size; j++) { r[j] = 0; } #else int i, j = 0, s = 0; r[0] = 0; for (i = 0; i < a->used && j < size; i++) { r[j] |= ((sp_digit)a->dp[i]) << s; if (s + DIGIT_BIT >= 32) { r[j] &= 0xffffffff; if (j + 1 >= size) { break; } s = 32 - s; if (s == DIGIT_BIT) { r[++j] = 0; s = 0; } else { r[++j] = a->dp[i] >> s; s = DIGIT_BIT - s; } } else { s += DIGIT_BIT; } } for (j++; j < size; j++) { r[j] = 0; } #endif } /* Write r as big endian to byte array. * Fixed length number of bytes written: 384 * * r A single precision integer. * a Byte array. */ static void sp_3072_to_bin(sp_digit* r, byte* a) { int i, j, s = 0, b; j = 3072 / 8 - 1; a[j] = 0; for (i=0; i<96 && j>=0; i++) { b = 0; /* lint allow cast of mismatch sp_digit and int */ a[j--] |= (byte)(r[i] << s); /*lint !e9033*/ b += 8 - s; if (j < 0) { break; } while (b < 32) { a[j--] = (byte)(r[i] >> b); b += 8; if (j < 0) { break; } } s = 8 - (b - 32); if (j >= 0) { a[j] = 0; } if (s != 0) { j++; } } } #ifndef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL /* Multiply a and b into r. (r = a * b) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_3072_mul_12(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit tmp_arr[12 * 2]; sp_digit* tmp = tmp_arr; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r3, #0\n\t" "mov r4, #0\n\t" "mov r9, r3\n\t" "mov r12, %[r]\n\t" "mov r10, %[a]\n\t" "mov r11, %[b]\n\t" "mov r6, #48\n\t" "add r6, r6, r10\n\t" "mov r14, r6\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" "mov %[r], #0\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" "mov r6, #44\n\t" "mov %[a], r9\n\t" "subs %[a], %[a], r6\n\t" "sbc r6, r6, r6\n\t" "mvn r6, r6\n\t" "and %[a], %[a], r6\n\t" "mov %[b], r9\n\t" "sub %[b], %[b], %[a]\n\t" "add %[a], %[a], r10\n\t" "add %[b], %[b], r11\n\t" "\n2:\n\t" /* Multiply Start */ "ldr r6, [%[a]]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b]]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, %[r]\n\t" /* Multiply Done */ "add %[a], %[a], #4\n\t" "sub %[b], %[b], #4\n\t" "cmp %[a], r14\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "beq 3f\n\t" #else "beq.n 3f\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "mov r6, r9\n\t" "add r6, r6, r10\n\t" "cmp %[a], r6\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "ble 2b\n\t" #else "ble.n 2b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "\n3:\n\t" "mov %[r], r12\n\t" "mov r8, r9\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], r8]\n\t" "mov r3, r4\n\t" "mov r4, r5\n\t" "add r8, r8, #4\n\t" "mov r9, r8\n\t" "mov r6, #88\n\t" "cmp r8, r6\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "ble 1b\n\t" #else "ble.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "str r3, [%[r], r8]\n\t" "mov %[a], r10\n\t" "mov %[b], r11\n\t" : : [r] "r" (tmp), [a] "r" (a), [b] "r" (b) : "memory", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8", "r9", "r10", "r11", "r12", "r14" ); XMEMCPY(r, tmp_arr, sizeof(tmp_arr)); } /* Square a and put result in r. (r = a * a) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_3072_sqr_12(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a) { __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r3, #0\n\t" "mov r4, #0\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" "mov r9, r3\n\t" "mov r12, %[r]\n\t" "mov r6, #96\n\t" "neg r6, r6\n\t" "add sp, sp, r6\n\t" "mov r11, sp\n\t" "mov r10, %[a]\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" "mov %[r], #0\n\t" "mov r6, #44\n\t" "mov %[a], r9\n\t" "subs %[a], %[a], r6\n\t" "sbc r6, r6, r6\n\t" "mvn r6, r6\n\t" "and %[a], %[a], r6\n\t" "mov r2, r9\n\t" "sub r2, r2, %[a]\n\t" "add %[a], %[a], r10\n\t" "add r2, r2, r10\n\t" "\n2:\n\t" "cmp r2, %[a]\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "beq 4f\n\t" #else "beq.n 4f\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ /* Multiply * 2: Start */ "ldr r6, [%[a]]\n\t" "ldr r8, [r2]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, %[r]\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, %[r]\n\t" /* Multiply * 2: Done */ #ifdef __GNUC__ "bal 5f\n\t" #else "bal.n 5f\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "\n4:\n\t" /* Square: Start */ "ldr r6, [%[a]]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r6\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, %[r]\n\t" /* Square: Done */ "\n5:\n\t" "add %[a], %[a], #4\n\t" "sub r2, r2, #4\n\t" "mov r6, #48\n\t" "add r6, r6, r10\n\t" "cmp %[a], r6\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "beq 3f\n\t" #else "beq.n 3f\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "cmp %[a], r2\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "bgt 3f\n\t" #else "bgt.n 3f\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "mov r8, r9\n\t" "add r8, r8, r10\n\t" "cmp %[a], r8\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "ble 2b\n\t" #else "ble.n 2b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "\n3:\n\t" "mov %[r], r11\n\t" "mov r8, r9\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], r8]\n\t" "mov r3, r4\n\t" "mov r4, r5\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" "add r8, r8, #4\n\t" "mov r9, r8\n\t" "mov r6, #88\n\t" "cmp r8, r6\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "ble 1b\n\t" #else "ble.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "mov %[a], r10\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], r8]\n\t" "mov %[r], r12\n\t" "mov %[a], r11\n\t" "mov r3, #92\n\t" "\n4:\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[a], r3]\n\t" "str r6, [%[r], r3]\n\t" "subs r3, r3, #4\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "bge 4b\n\t" #else "bge.n 4b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "mov r6, #96\n\t" "add sp, sp, r6\n\t" : : [r] "r" (r), [a] "r" (a) : "memory", "r2", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8", "r9", "r10", "r11", "r12" ); } /* Add b to a into r. (r = a + b) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static sp_digit sp_3072_add_12(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit c = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "mov %[c], #0\n\t" "adc %[c], %[c], %[c]\n\t" : [c] "+r" (c), [r] "+r" (r), [a] "+r" (a), [b] "+r" (b) : : "memory", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8" ); return c; } /* Sub b from a into r. (r = a - b) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static sp_digit sp_3072_sub_in_place_24(sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit c = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "subs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "sbc %[c], %[c], %[c]\n\t" : [c] "+r" (c), [a] "+r" (a), [b] "+r" (b) : : "memory", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6" ); return c; } /* Add b to a into r. (r = a + b) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static sp_digit sp_3072_add_24(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit c = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "mov %[c], #0\n\t" "adc %[c], %[c], %[c]\n\t" : [c] "+r" (c), [r] "+r" (r), [a] "+r" (a), [b] "+r" (b) : : "memory", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8" ); return c; } /* AND m into each word of a and store in r. * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * m Mask to AND against each digit. */ static void sp_3072_mask_12(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, sp_digit m) { #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL int i; for (i=0; i<12; i++) { r[i] = a[i] & m; } #else r[0] = a[0] & m; r[1] = a[1] & m; r[2] = a[2] & m; r[3] = a[3] & m; r[4] = a[4] & m; r[5] = a[5] & m; r[6] = a[6] & m; r[7] = a[7] & m; r[8] = a[8] & m; r[9] = a[9] & m; r[10] = a[10] & m; r[11] = a[11] & m; #endif } /* Multiply a and b into r. (r = a * b) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_3072_mul_24(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit* z0 = r; sp_digit z1[24]; sp_digit a1[12]; sp_digit b1[12]; sp_digit z2[24]; sp_digit u, ca, cb; ca = sp_3072_add_12(a1, a, &a[12]); cb = sp_3072_add_12(b1, b, &b[12]); u = ca & cb; sp_3072_mul_12(z1, a1, b1); sp_3072_mul_12(z2, &a[12], &b[12]); sp_3072_mul_12(z0, a, b); sp_3072_mask_12(r + 24, a1, 0 - cb); sp_3072_mask_12(b1, b1, 0 - ca); u += sp_3072_add_12(r + 24, r + 24, b1); u += sp_3072_sub_in_place_24(z1, z2); u += sp_3072_sub_in_place_24(z1, z0); u += sp_3072_add_24(r + 12, r + 12, z1); r[36] = u; XMEMSET(r + 36 + 1, 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * (12 - 1)); (void)sp_3072_add_24(r + 24, r + 24, z2); } /* Square a and put result in r. (r = a * a) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_3072_sqr_24(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a) { sp_digit* z0 = r; sp_digit z2[24]; sp_digit z1[24]; sp_digit a1[12]; sp_digit u; u = sp_3072_add_12(a1, a, &a[12]); sp_3072_sqr_12(z1, a1); sp_3072_sqr_12(z2, &a[12]); sp_3072_sqr_12(z0, a); sp_3072_mask_12(r + 24, a1, 0 - u); u += sp_3072_add_12(r + 24, r + 24, r + 24); u += sp_3072_sub_in_place_24(z1, z2); u += sp_3072_sub_in_place_24(z1, z0); u += sp_3072_add_24(r + 12, r + 12, z1); r[36] = u; XMEMSET(r + 36 + 1, 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * (12 - 1)); (void)sp_3072_add_24(r + 24, r + 24, z2); } /* Sub b from a into r. (r = a - b) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static sp_digit sp_3072_sub_in_place_48(sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit c = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "subs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "sbc %[c], %[c], %[c]\n\t" : [c] "+r" (c), [a] "+r" (a), [b] "+r" (b) : : "memory", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6" ); return c; } /* Add b to a into r. (r = a + b) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static sp_digit sp_3072_add_48(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit c = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "mov %[c], #0\n\t" "adc %[c], %[c], %[c]\n\t" : [c] "+r" (c), [r] "+r" (r), [a] "+r" (a), [b] "+r" (b) : : "memory", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8" ); return c; } /* AND m into each word of a and store in r. * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * m Mask to AND against each digit. */ static void sp_3072_mask_24(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, sp_digit m) { #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL int i; for (i=0; i<24; i++) { r[i] = a[i] & m; } #else int i; for (i = 0; i < 24; i += 8) { r[i+0] = a[i+0] & m; r[i+1] = a[i+1] & m; r[i+2] = a[i+2] & m; r[i+3] = a[i+3] & m; r[i+4] = a[i+4] & m; r[i+5] = a[i+5] & m; r[i+6] = a[i+6] & m; r[i+7] = a[i+7] & m; } #endif } /* Multiply a and b into r. (r = a * b) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_3072_mul_48(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit* z0 = r; sp_digit z1[48]; sp_digit a1[24]; sp_digit b1[24]; sp_digit z2[48]; sp_digit u, ca, cb; ca = sp_3072_add_24(a1, a, &a[24]); cb = sp_3072_add_24(b1, b, &b[24]); u = ca & cb; sp_3072_mul_24(z1, a1, b1); sp_3072_mul_24(z2, &a[24], &b[24]); sp_3072_mul_24(z0, a, b); sp_3072_mask_24(r + 48, a1, 0 - cb); sp_3072_mask_24(b1, b1, 0 - ca); u += sp_3072_add_24(r + 48, r + 48, b1); u += sp_3072_sub_in_place_48(z1, z2); u += sp_3072_sub_in_place_48(z1, z0); u += sp_3072_add_48(r + 24, r + 24, z1); r[72] = u; XMEMSET(r + 72 + 1, 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * (24 - 1)); (void)sp_3072_add_48(r + 48, r + 48, z2); } /* Square a and put result in r. (r = a * a) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_3072_sqr_48(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a) { sp_digit* z0 = r; sp_digit z2[48]; sp_digit z1[48]; sp_digit a1[24]; sp_digit u; u = sp_3072_add_24(a1, a, &a[24]); sp_3072_sqr_24(z1, a1); sp_3072_sqr_24(z2, &a[24]); sp_3072_sqr_24(z0, a); sp_3072_mask_24(r + 48, a1, 0 - u); u += sp_3072_add_24(r + 48, r + 48, r + 48); u += sp_3072_sub_in_place_48(z1, z2); u += sp_3072_sub_in_place_48(z1, z0); u += sp_3072_add_48(r + 24, r + 24, z1); r[72] = u; XMEMSET(r + 72 + 1, 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * (24 - 1)); (void)sp_3072_add_48(r + 48, r + 48, z2); } /* Sub b from a into r. (r = a - b) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static sp_digit sp_3072_sub_in_place_96(sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit c = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "subs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "sbc %[c], %[c], %[c]\n\t" : [c] "+r" (c), [a] "+r" (a), [b] "+r" (b) : : "memory", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6" ); return c; } /* Add b to a into r. (r = a + b) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static sp_digit sp_3072_add_96(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit c = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "mov %[c], #0\n\t" "adc %[c], %[c], %[c]\n\t" : [c] "+r" (c), [r] "+r" (r), [a] "+r" (a), [b] "+r" (b) : : "memory", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8" ); return c; } /* AND m into each word of a and store in r. * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * m Mask to AND against each digit. */ static void sp_3072_mask_48(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, sp_digit m) { #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL int i; for (i=0; i<48; i++) { r[i] = a[i] & m; } #else int i; for (i = 0; i < 48; i += 8) { r[i+0] = a[i+0] & m; r[i+1] = a[i+1] & m; r[i+2] = a[i+2] & m; r[i+3] = a[i+3] & m; r[i+4] = a[i+4] & m; r[i+5] = a[i+5] & m; r[i+6] = a[i+6] & m; r[i+7] = a[i+7] & m; } #endif } /* Multiply a and b into r. (r = a * b) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_3072_mul_96(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit* z0 = r; sp_digit z1[96]; sp_digit a1[48]; sp_digit b1[48]; sp_digit z2[96]; sp_digit u, ca, cb; ca = sp_3072_add_48(a1, a, &a[48]); cb = sp_3072_add_48(b1, b, &b[48]); u = ca & cb; sp_3072_mul_48(z1, a1, b1); sp_3072_mul_48(z2, &a[48], &b[48]); sp_3072_mul_48(z0, a, b); sp_3072_mask_48(r + 96, a1, 0 - cb); sp_3072_mask_48(b1, b1, 0 - ca); u += sp_3072_add_48(r + 96, r + 96, b1); u += sp_3072_sub_in_place_96(z1, z2); u += sp_3072_sub_in_place_96(z1, z0); u += sp_3072_add_96(r + 48, r + 48, z1); r[144] = u; XMEMSET(r + 144 + 1, 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * (48 - 1)); (void)sp_3072_add_96(r + 96, r + 96, z2); } /* Square a and put result in r. (r = a * a) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_3072_sqr_96(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a) { sp_digit* z0 = r; sp_digit z2[96]; sp_digit z1[96]; sp_digit a1[48]; sp_digit u; u = sp_3072_add_48(a1, a, &a[48]); sp_3072_sqr_48(z1, a1); sp_3072_sqr_48(z2, &a[48]); sp_3072_sqr_48(z0, a); sp_3072_mask_48(r + 96, a1, 0 - u); u += sp_3072_add_48(r + 96, r + 96, r + 96); u += sp_3072_sub_in_place_96(z1, z2); u += sp_3072_sub_in_place_96(z1, z0); u += sp_3072_add_96(r + 48, r + 48, z1); r[144] = u; XMEMSET(r + 144 + 1, 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * (48 - 1)); (void)sp_3072_add_96(r + 96, r + 96, z2); } #endif /* !WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL */ #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL /* Add b to a into r. (r = a + b) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static sp_digit sp_3072_add_96(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit c = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r6, %[a]\n\t" "mov r8, #0\n\t" "add r6, r6, #384\n\t" "sub r8, r8, #1\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" "adds %[c], %[c], r8\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a]]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[b]]\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r5\n\t" "str r4, [%[r]]\n\t" "mov %[c], #0\n\t" "adc %[c], %[c], %[c]\n\t" "add %[a], %[a], #4\n\t" "add %[b], %[b], #4\n\t" "add %[r], %[r], #4\n\t" "cmp %[a], r6\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "bne 1b\n\t" #else "bne.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ : [c] "+r" (c), [r] "+r" (r), [a] "+r" (a), [b] "+r" (b) : : "memory", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8" ); return c; } #endif /* WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL */ #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL /* Sub b from a into a. (a -= b) * * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static sp_digit sp_3072_sub_in_place_96(sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit c = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r8, %[a]\n\t" "add r8, r8, #384\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" "subs r5, r5, %[c]\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a]]\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[b]]\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[b], #4]\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "str r3, [%[a]]\n\t" "str r4, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "sbc %[c], %[c], %[c]\n\t" "add %[a], %[a], #8\n\t" "add %[b], %[b], #8\n\t" "cmp %[a], r8\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "bne 1b\n\t" #else "bne.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ : [c] "+r" (c), [a] "+r" (a), [b] "+r" (b) : : "memory", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8" ); return c; } #endif /* WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL */ #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL /* Multiply a and b into r. (r = a * b) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_3072_mul_96(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit tmp_arr[96 * 2]; sp_digit* tmp = tmp_arr; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r3, #0\n\t" "mov r4, #0\n\t" "mov r9, r3\n\t" "mov r12, %[r]\n\t" "mov r10, %[a]\n\t" "mov r11, %[b]\n\t" "mov r6, #1\n\t" "lsl r6, r6, #8\n\t" "add r6, r6, #128\n\t" "add r6, r6, r10\n\t" "mov r14, r6\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" "mov %[r], #0\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" "mov r6, #1\n\t" "lsl r6, r6, #8\n\t" "add r6, r6, #124\n\t" "mov %[a], r9\n\t" "subs %[a], %[a], r6\n\t" "sbc r6, r6, r6\n\t" "mvn r6, r6\n\t" "and %[a], %[a], r6\n\t" "mov %[b], r9\n\t" "sub %[b], %[b], %[a]\n\t" "add %[a], %[a], r10\n\t" "add %[b], %[b], r11\n\t" "\n2:\n\t" /* Multiply Start */ "ldr r6, [%[a]]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b]]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, %[r]\n\t" /* Multiply Done */ "add %[a], %[a], #4\n\t" "sub %[b], %[b], #4\n\t" "cmp %[a], r14\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "beq 3f\n\t" #else "beq.n 3f\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "mov r6, r9\n\t" "add r6, r6, r10\n\t" "cmp %[a], r6\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "ble 2b\n\t" #else "ble.n 2b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "\n3:\n\t" "mov %[r], r12\n\t" "mov r8, r9\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], r8]\n\t" "mov r3, r4\n\t" "mov r4, r5\n\t" "add r8, r8, #4\n\t" "mov r9, r8\n\t" "mov r6, #2\n\t" "lsl r6, r6, #8\n\t" "add r6, r6, #248\n\t" "cmp r8, r6\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "ble 1b\n\t" #else "ble.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "str r3, [%[r], r8]\n\t" "mov %[a], r10\n\t" "mov %[b], r11\n\t" : : [r] "r" (tmp), [a] "r" (a), [b] "r" (b) : "memory", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8", "r9", "r10", "r11", "r12", "r14" ); XMEMCPY(r, tmp_arr, sizeof(tmp_arr)); } /* Square a and put result in r. (r = a * a) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_3072_sqr_96(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a) { __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r3, #0\n\t" "mov r4, #0\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" "mov r9, r3\n\t" "mov r12, %[r]\n\t" "mov r6, #3\n\t" "lsl r6, r6, #8\n\t" "neg r6, r6\n\t" "add sp, sp, r6\n\t" "mov r11, sp\n\t" "mov r10, %[a]\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" "mov %[r], #0\n\t" "mov r6, #1\n\t" "lsl r6, r6, #8\n\t" "add r6, r6, #124\n\t" "mov %[a], r9\n\t" "subs %[a], %[a], r6\n\t" "sbc r6, r6, r6\n\t" "mvn r6, r6\n\t" "and %[a], %[a], r6\n\t" "mov r2, r9\n\t" "sub r2, r2, %[a]\n\t" "add %[a], %[a], r10\n\t" "add r2, r2, r10\n\t" "\n2:\n\t" "cmp r2, %[a]\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "beq 4f\n\t" #else "beq.n 4f\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ /* Multiply * 2: Start */ "ldr r6, [%[a]]\n\t" "ldr r8, [r2]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, %[r]\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, %[r]\n\t" /* Multiply * 2: Done */ #ifdef __GNUC__ "bal 5f\n\t" #else "bal.n 5f\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "\n4:\n\t" /* Square: Start */ "ldr r6, [%[a]]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r6\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, %[r]\n\t" /* Square: Done */ "\n5:\n\t" "add %[a], %[a], #4\n\t" "sub r2, r2, #4\n\t" "mov r6, #1\n\t" "lsl r6, r6, #8\n\t" "add r6, r6, #128\n\t" "add r6, r6, r10\n\t" "cmp %[a], r6\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "beq 3f\n\t" #else "beq.n 3f\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "cmp %[a], r2\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "bgt 3f\n\t" #else "bgt.n 3f\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "mov r8, r9\n\t" "add r8, r8, r10\n\t" "cmp %[a], r8\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "ble 2b\n\t" #else "ble.n 2b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "\n3:\n\t" "mov %[r], r11\n\t" "mov r8, r9\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], r8]\n\t" "mov r3, r4\n\t" "mov r4, r5\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" "add r8, r8, #4\n\t" "mov r9, r8\n\t" "mov r6, #2\n\t" "lsl r6, r6, #8\n\t" "add r6, r6, #248\n\t" "cmp r8, r6\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "ble 1b\n\t" #else "ble.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "mov %[a], r10\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], r8]\n\t" "mov %[r], r12\n\t" "mov %[a], r11\n\t" "mov r3, #2\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, #8\n\t" "add r3, r3, #252\n\t" "\n4:\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[a], r3]\n\t" "str r6, [%[r], r3]\n\t" "subs r3, r3, #4\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "bge 4b\n\t" #else "bge.n 4b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "mov r6, #3\n\t" "lsl r6, r6, #8\n\t" "add sp, sp, r6\n\t" : : [r] "r" (r), [a] "r" (a) : "memory", "r2", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8", "r9", "r10", "r11", "r12" ); } #endif /* WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL */ #if (defined(WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_RSA) && !defined(WOLFSSL_RSA_PUBLIC_ONLY)) || defined(WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_DH) #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL /* AND m into each word of a and store in r. * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * m Mask to AND against each digit. */ static void sp_3072_mask_48(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, sp_digit m) { int i; for (i=0; i<48; i++) { r[i] = a[i] & m; } } #endif /* WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL */ #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL /* Add b to a into r. (r = a + b) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static sp_digit sp_3072_add_48(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit c = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r6, %[a]\n\t" "mov r8, #0\n\t" "add r6, r6, #192\n\t" "sub r8, r8, #1\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" "adds %[c], %[c], r8\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a]]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[b]]\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r5\n\t" "str r4, [%[r]]\n\t" "mov %[c], #0\n\t" "adc %[c], %[c], %[c]\n\t" "add %[a], %[a], #4\n\t" "add %[b], %[b], #4\n\t" "add %[r], %[r], #4\n\t" "cmp %[a], r6\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "bne 1b\n\t" #else "bne.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ : [c] "+r" (c), [r] "+r" (r), [a] "+r" (a), [b] "+r" (b) : : "memory", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8" ); return c; } #endif /* WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL */ #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL /* Sub b from a into a. (a -= b) * * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static sp_digit sp_3072_sub_in_place_48(sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit c = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r8, %[a]\n\t" "add r8, r8, #192\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" "subs r5, r5, %[c]\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a]]\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[b]]\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[b], #4]\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "str r3, [%[a]]\n\t" "str r4, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "sbc %[c], %[c], %[c]\n\t" "add %[a], %[a], #8\n\t" "add %[b], %[b], #8\n\t" "cmp %[a], r8\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "bne 1b\n\t" #else "bne.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ : [c] "+r" (c), [a] "+r" (a), [b] "+r" (b) : : "memory", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8" ); return c; } #endif /* WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL */ #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL /* Multiply a and b into r. (r = a * b) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_3072_mul_48(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit tmp_arr[48 * 2]; sp_digit* tmp = tmp_arr; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r3, #0\n\t" "mov r4, #0\n\t" "mov r9, r3\n\t" "mov r12, %[r]\n\t" "mov r10, %[a]\n\t" "mov r11, %[b]\n\t" "mov r6, #192\n\t" "add r6, r6, r10\n\t" "mov r14, r6\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" "mov %[r], #0\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" "mov r6, #188\n\t" "mov %[a], r9\n\t" "subs %[a], %[a], r6\n\t" "sbc r6, r6, r6\n\t" "mvn r6, r6\n\t" "and %[a], %[a], r6\n\t" "mov %[b], r9\n\t" "sub %[b], %[b], %[a]\n\t" "add %[a], %[a], r10\n\t" "add %[b], %[b], r11\n\t" "\n2:\n\t" /* Multiply Start */ "ldr r6, [%[a]]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b]]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, %[r]\n\t" /* Multiply Done */ "add %[a], %[a], #4\n\t" "sub %[b], %[b], #4\n\t" "cmp %[a], r14\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "beq 3f\n\t" #else "beq.n 3f\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "mov r6, r9\n\t" "add r6, r6, r10\n\t" "cmp %[a], r6\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "ble 2b\n\t" #else "ble.n 2b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "\n3:\n\t" "mov %[r], r12\n\t" "mov r8, r9\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], r8]\n\t" "mov r3, r4\n\t" "mov r4, r5\n\t" "add r8, r8, #4\n\t" "mov r9, r8\n\t" "mov r6, #1\n\t" "lsl r6, r6, #8\n\t" "add r6, r6, #120\n\t" "cmp r8, r6\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "ble 1b\n\t" #else "ble.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "str r3, [%[r], r8]\n\t" "mov %[a], r10\n\t" "mov %[b], r11\n\t" : : [r] "r" (tmp), [a] "r" (a), [b] "r" (b) : "memory", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8", "r9", "r10", "r11", "r12", "r14" ); XMEMCPY(r, tmp_arr, sizeof(tmp_arr)); } /* Square a and put result in r. (r = a * a) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_3072_sqr_48(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a) { __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r3, #0\n\t" "mov r4, #0\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" "mov r9, r3\n\t" "mov r12, %[r]\n\t" "mov r6, #1\n\t" "lsl r6, r6, #8\n\t" "add r6, r6, #128\n\t" "neg r6, r6\n\t" "add sp, sp, r6\n\t" "mov r11, sp\n\t" "mov r10, %[a]\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" "mov %[r], #0\n\t" "mov r6, #188\n\t" "mov %[a], r9\n\t" "subs %[a], %[a], r6\n\t" "sbc r6, r6, r6\n\t" "mvn r6, r6\n\t" "and %[a], %[a], r6\n\t" "mov r2, r9\n\t" "sub r2, r2, %[a]\n\t" "add %[a], %[a], r10\n\t" "add r2, r2, r10\n\t" "\n2:\n\t" "cmp r2, %[a]\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "beq 4f\n\t" #else "beq.n 4f\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ /* Multiply * 2: Start */ "ldr r6, [%[a]]\n\t" "ldr r8, [r2]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, %[r]\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, %[r]\n\t" /* Multiply * 2: Done */ #ifdef __GNUC__ "bal 5f\n\t" #else "bal.n 5f\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "\n4:\n\t" /* Square: Start */ "ldr r6, [%[a]]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r6\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, %[r]\n\t" /* Square: Done */ "\n5:\n\t" "add %[a], %[a], #4\n\t" "sub r2, r2, #4\n\t" "mov r6, #192\n\t" "add r6, r6, r10\n\t" "cmp %[a], r6\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "beq 3f\n\t" #else "beq.n 3f\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "cmp %[a], r2\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "bgt 3f\n\t" #else "bgt.n 3f\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "mov r8, r9\n\t" "add r8, r8, r10\n\t" "cmp %[a], r8\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "ble 2b\n\t" #else "ble.n 2b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "\n3:\n\t" "mov %[r], r11\n\t" "mov r8, r9\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], r8]\n\t" "mov r3, r4\n\t" "mov r4, r5\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" "add r8, r8, #4\n\t" "mov r9, r8\n\t" "mov r6, #1\n\t" "lsl r6, r6, #8\n\t" "add r6, r6, #120\n\t" "cmp r8, r6\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "ble 1b\n\t" #else "ble.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "mov %[a], r10\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], r8]\n\t" "mov %[r], r12\n\t" "mov %[a], r11\n\t" "mov r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, #8\n\t" "add r3, r3, #124\n\t" "\n4:\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[a], r3]\n\t" "str r6, [%[r], r3]\n\t" "subs r3, r3, #4\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "bge 4b\n\t" #else "bge.n 4b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "mov r6, #1\n\t" "lsl r6, r6, #8\n\t" "add r6, r6, #128\n\t" "add sp, sp, r6\n\t" : : [r] "r" (r), [a] "r" (a) : "memory", "r2", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8", "r9", "r10", "r11", "r12" ); } #endif /* WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL */ #endif /* (WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_RSA && !WOLFSSL_RSA_PUBLIC_ONLY) || WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_DH */ /* Caclulate the bottom digit of -1/a mod 2^n. * * a A single precision number. * rho Bottom word of inverse. */ static void sp_3072_mont_setup(const sp_digit* a, sp_digit* rho) { sp_digit x, b; b = a[0]; x = (((b + 2) & 4) << 1) + b; /* here x*a==1 mod 2**4 */ x *= 2 - b * x; /* here x*a==1 mod 2**8 */ x *= 2 - b * x; /* here x*a==1 mod 2**16 */ x *= 2 - b * x; /* here x*a==1 mod 2**32 */ /* rho = -1/m mod b */ *rho = -x; } /* Mul a by digit b into r. (r = a * b) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision digit. */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_3072_mul_d_96(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, sp_digit b) { __asm__ __volatile__ ( "add r9, %[a], #384\n\t" /* A[0] * B */ "ldr r6, [%[a]], #4\n\t" "umull r5, r3, r6, %[b]\n\t" "mov r4, #0\n\t" "str r5, [%[r]], #4\n\t" /* A[0] * B - Done */ "\n1:\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" /* A[] * B */ "ldr r6, [%[a]], #4\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, %[b]\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[] * B - Done */ "str r3, [%[r]], #4\n\t" "mov r3, r4\n\t" "mov r4, r5\n\t" "cmp %[a], r9\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "blt 1b\n\t" #else "blt.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "str r3, [%[r]]\n\t" : [r] "+r" (r), [a] "+r" (a) : [b] "r" (b) : "memory", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8", "r9" ); } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_RSA) && !defined(WOLFSSL_RSA_PUBLIC_ONLY)) || defined(WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_DH) /* r = 2^n mod m where n is the number of bits to reduce by. * Given m must be 3072 bits, just need to subtract. * * r A single precision number. * m A single precision number. */ static void sp_3072_mont_norm_48(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* m) { XMEMSET(r, 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 48); /* r = 2^n mod m */ sp_3072_sub_in_place_48(r, m); } /* Conditionally subtract b from a using the mask m. * m is -1 to subtract and 0 when not copying. * * r A single precision number representing condition subtract result. * a A single precision number to subtract from. * b A single precision number to subtract. * m Mask value to apply. */ SP_NOINLINE static sp_digit sp_3072_cond_sub_48(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b, sp_digit m) { sp_digit c = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r5, #192\n\t" "mov r9, r5\n\t" "mov r8, #0\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[b], r8]\n\t" "and r6, r6, %[m]\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" "subs r5, r5, %[c]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[a], r8]\n\t" "sbcs r5, r5, r6\n\t" "sbcs %[c], %[c], %[c]\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], r8]\n\t" "add r8, r8, #4\n\t" "cmp r8, r9\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "blt 1b\n\t" #else "blt.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ : [c] "+r" (c) : [r] "r" (r), [a] "r" (a), [b] "r" (b), [m] "r" (m) : "memory", "r5", "r6", "r8", "r9" ); return c; } /* Reduce the number back to 3072 bits using Montgomery reduction. * * a A single precision number to reduce in place. * m The single precision number representing the modulus. * mp The digit representing the negative inverse of m mod 2^n. */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_3072_mont_reduce_48(sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* m, sp_digit mp) { sp_digit ca = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r9, %[mp]\n\t" "mov r12, %[m]\n\t" "mov r10, %[a]\n\t" "mov r4, #0\n\t" "add r11, r10, #192\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" /* mu = a[i] * mp */ "mov %[mp], r9\n\t" "ldr %[a], [r10]\n\t" "mul %[mp], %[mp], %[a]\n\t" "mov %[m], r12\n\t" "add r14, r10, #184\n\t" "\n2:\n\t" /* a[i+j] += m[j] * mu */ "ldr %[a], [r10]\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" /* Multiply m[j] and mu - Start */ "ldr r8, [%[m]], #4\n\t" "umull r6, r8, %[mp], r8\n\t" "adds %[a], %[a], r6\n\t" "adc r5, r5, r8\n\t" /* Multiply m[j] and mu - Done */ "adds r4, r4, %[a]\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" "str r4, [r10], #4\n\t" /* a[i+j+1] += m[j+1] * mu */ "ldr %[a], [r10]\n\t" "mov r4, #0\n\t" /* Multiply m[j] and mu - Start */ "ldr r8, [%[m]], #4\n\t" "umull r6, r8, %[mp], r8\n\t" "adds %[a], %[a], r6\n\t" "adc r4, r4, r8\n\t" /* Multiply m[j] and mu - Done */ "adds r5, r5, %[a]\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" "str r5, [r10], #4\n\t" "cmp r10, r14\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "blt 2b\n\t" #else "blt.n 2b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ /* a[i+46] += m[46] * mu */ "ldr %[a], [r10]\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" /* Multiply m[j] and mu - Start */ "ldr r8, [%[m]], #4\n\t" "umull r6, r8, %[mp], r8\n\t" "adds %[a], %[a], r6\n\t" "adc r5, r5, r8\n\t" /* Multiply m[j] and mu - Done */ "adds r4, r4, %[a]\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" "str r4, [r10], #4\n\t" /* a[i+47] += m[47] * mu */ "mov r4, %[ca]\n\t" "mov %[ca], #0\n\t" /* Multiply m[47] and mu - Start */ "ldr r8, [%[m]]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, %[mp], r8\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc %[ca], %[ca], #0\n\t" /* Multiply m[47] and mu - Done */ "ldr r6, [r10]\n\t" "ldr r8, [r10, #4]\n\t" "adds r6, r6, r5\n\t" "adcs r8, r8, r4\n\t" "adc %[ca], %[ca], #0\n\t" "str r6, [r10]\n\t" "str r8, [r10, #4]\n\t" /* Next word in a */ "sub r10, r10, #184\n\t" "cmp r10, r11\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "blt 1b\n\t" #else "blt.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "mov %[a], r10\n\t" "mov %[m], r12\n\t" : [ca] "+r" (ca), [a] "+r" (a) : [m] "r" (m), [mp] "r" (mp) : "memory", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8", "r9", "r10", "r11", "r12", "r14" ); sp_3072_cond_sub_48(a - 48, a, m, (sp_digit)0 - ca); } /* Multiply two Montogmery form numbers mod the modulus (prime). * (r = a * b mod m) * * r Result of multiplication. * a First number to multiply in Montogmery form. * b Second number to multiply in Montogmery form. * m Modulus (prime). * mp Montogmery mulitplier. */ static void sp_3072_mont_mul_48(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b, const sp_digit* m, sp_digit mp) { sp_3072_mul_48(r, a, b); sp_3072_mont_reduce_48(r, m, mp); } /* Square the Montgomery form number. (r = a * a mod m) * * r Result of squaring. * a Number to square in Montogmery form. * m Modulus (prime). * mp Montogmery mulitplier. */ static void sp_3072_mont_sqr_48(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* m, sp_digit mp) { sp_3072_sqr_48(r, a); sp_3072_mont_reduce_48(r, m, mp); } /* Mul a by digit b into r. (r = a * b) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision digit. */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_3072_mul_d_48(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, sp_digit b) { __asm__ __volatile__ ( "add r9, %[a], #192\n\t" /* A[0] * B */ "ldr r6, [%[a]], #4\n\t" "umull r5, r3, r6, %[b]\n\t" "mov r4, #0\n\t" "str r5, [%[r]], #4\n\t" /* A[0] * B - Done */ "\n1:\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" /* A[] * B */ "ldr r6, [%[a]], #4\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, %[b]\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[] * B - Done */ "str r3, [%[r]], #4\n\t" "mov r3, r4\n\t" "mov r4, r5\n\t" "cmp %[a], r9\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "blt 1b\n\t" #else "blt.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "str r3, [%[r]]\n\t" : [r] "+r" (r), [a] "+r" (a) : [b] "r" (b) : "memory", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8", "r9" ); } /* Divide the double width number (d1|d0) by the dividend. (d1|d0 / div) * * d1 The high order half of the number to divide. * d0 The low order half of the number to divide. * div The dividend. * returns the result of the division. * * Note that this is an approximate div. It may give an answer 1 larger. */ SP_NOINLINE static sp_digit div_3072_word_48(sp_digit d1, sp_digit d0, sp_digit div) { sp_digit r = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "lsr r6, %[div], #16\n\t" "add r6, r6, #1\n\t" "udiv r4, %[d1], r6\n\t" "lsl r8, r4, #16\n\t" "umull r4, r5, %[div], r8\n\t" "subs %[d0], %[d0], r4\n\t" "sbc %[d1], %[d1], r5\n\t" "udiv r5, %[d1], r6\n\t" "lsl r4, r5, #16\n\t" "add r8, r8, r4\n\t" "umull r4, r5, %[div], r4\n\t" "subs %[d0], %[d0], r4\n\t" "sbc %[d1], %[d1], r5\n\t" "lsl r4, %[d1], #16\n\t" "orr r4, r4, %[d0], lsr #16\n\t" "udiv r4, r4, r6\n\t" "add r8, r8, r4\n\t" "umull r4, r5, %[div], r4\n\t" "subs %[d0], %[d0], r4\n\t" "sbc %[d1], %[d1], r5\n\t" "lsl r4, %[d1], #16\n\t" "orr r4, r4, %[d0], lsr #16\n\t" "udiv r4, r4, r6\n\t" "add r8, r8, r4\n\t" "umull r4, r5, %[div], r4\n\t" "subs %[d0], %[d0], r4\n\t" "sbc %[d1], %[d1], r5\n\t" "udiv r4, %[d0], %[div]\n\t" "add r8, r8, r4\n\t" "mov %[r], r8\n\t" : [r] "+r" (r) : [d1] "r" (d1), [d0] "r" (d0), [div] "r" (div) : "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8" ); return r; } /* Compare a with b in constant time. * * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. * return -ve, 0 or +ve if a is less than, equal to or greater than b * respectively. */ SP_NOINLINE static int32_t sp_3072_cmp_48(const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit r = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r3, #0\n\t" "mvn r3, r3\n\t" "mov r6, #188\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], r6]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[b], r6]\n\t" "and r8, r8, r3\n\t" "and r5, r5, r3\n\t" "mov r4, r8\n\t" "subs r8, r8, r5\n\t" "sbc r8, r8, r8\n\t" "add %[r], %[r], r8\n\t" "mvn r8, r8\n\t" "and r3, r3, r8\n\t" "subs r5, r5, r4\n\t" "sbc r8, r8, r8\n\t" "sub %[r], %[r], r8\n\t" "mvn r8, r8\n\t" "and r3, r3, r8\n\t" "sub r6, r6, #4\n\t" "cmp r6, #0\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "bge 1b\n\t" #else "bge.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ : [r] "+r" (r) : [a] "r" (a), [b] "r" (b) : "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8" ); return r; } /* Divide d in a and put remainder into r (m*d + r = a) * m is not calculated as it is not needed at this time. * * a Number to be divided. * d Number to divide with. * m Multiplier result. * r Remainder from the division. * returns MP_OKAY indicating success. */ static WC_INLINE int sp_3072_div_48(const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* d, sp_digit* m, sp_digit* r) { sp_digit t1[96], t2[49]; sp_digit div, r1; int i; (void)m; div = d[47]; XMEMCPY(t1, a, sizeof(*t1) * 2 * 48); for (i=47; i>=0; i--) { sp_digit hi = t1[48 + i] - (t1[48 + i] == div); r1 = div_3072_word_48(hi, t1[48 + i - 1], div); sp_3072_mul_d_48(t2, d, r1); t1[48 + i] += sp_3072_sub_in_place_48(&t1[i], t2); t1[48 + i] -= t2[48]; sp_3072_mask_48(t2, d, t1[48 + i]); t1[48 + i] += sp_3072_add_48(&t1[i], &t1[i], t2); sp_3072_mask_48(t2, d, t1[48 + i]); t1[48 + i] += sp_3072_add_48(&t1[i], &t1[i], t2); } r1 = sp_3072_cmp_48(t1, d) >= 0; sp_3072_cond_sub_48(r, t1, d, (sp_digit)0 - r1); return MP_OKAY; } /* Reduce a modulo m into r. (r = a mod m) * * r A single precision number that is the reduced result. * a A single precision number that is to be reduced. * m A single precision number that is the modulus to reduce with. * returns MP_OKAY indicating success. */ static WC_INLINE int sp_3072_mod_48(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* m) { return sp_3072_div_48(a, m, NULL, r); } #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL /* Modular exponentiate a to the e mod m. (r = a^e mod m) * * r A single precision number that is the result of the operation. * a A single precision number being exponentiated. * e A single precision number that is the exponent. * bits The number of bits in the exponent. * m A single precision number that is the modulus. * returns 0 on success and MEMORY_E on dynamic memory allocation failure. */ static int sp_3072_mod_exp_48(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* e, int bits, const sp_digit* m, int reduceA) { #if defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) sp_digit* td; #else sp_digit td[16 * 96]; #endif sp_digit* t[16]; sp_digit* norm; sp_digit mp = 1; sp_digit n; sp_digit mask; int i; int c, y; int err = MP_OKAY; #if defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) td = (sp_digit*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_digit) * (16 * 96), NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); if (td == NULL) { err = MEMORY_E; } #endif if (err == MP_OKAY) { norm = td; for (i=0; i<16; i++) { #if defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) t[i] = td + i * 96; #else t[i] = &td[i * 96]; #endif } sp_3072_mont_setup(m, &mp); sp_3072_mont_norm_48(norm, m); XMEMSET(t[1], 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 48U); if (reduceA != 0) { err = sp_3072_mod_48(t[1] + 48, a, m); if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_3072_mod_48(t[1], t[1], m); } } else { XMEMCPY(t[1] + 48, a, sizeof(sp_digit) * 48); err = sp_3072_mod_48(t[1], t[1], m); } } if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_3072_mont_sqr_48(t[ 2], t[ 1], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_mul_48(t[ 3], t[ 2], t[ 1], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_sqr_48(t[ 4], t[ 2], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_mul_48(t[ 5], t[ 3], t[ 2], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_sqr_48(t[ 6], t[ 3], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_mul_48(t[ 7], t[ 4], t[ 3], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_sqr_48(t[ 8], t[ 4], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_mul_48(t[ 9], t[ 5], t[ 4], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_sqr_48(t[10], t[ 5], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_mul_48(t[11], t[ 6], t[ 5], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_sqr_48(t[12], t[ 6], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_mul_48(t[13], t[ 7], t[ 6], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_sqr_48(t[14], t[ 7], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_mul_48(t[15], t[ 8], t[ 7], m, mp); i = (bits - 1) / 32; n = e[i--]; c = bits & 31; if (c == 0) { c = 32; } c -= bits % 4; if (c == 32) { c = 28; } if (c < 0) { /* Number of bits in top word is less than number needed. */ c = -c; y = (int)(n << c); n = e[i--]; y |= (int)(n >> (64 - c)); n <<= c; c = 64 - c; } else { y = (int)(n >> c); n <<= 32 - c; } XMEMCPY(r, t[y], sizeof(sp_digit) * 48); for (; i>=0 || c>=4; ) { if (c == 0) { n = e[i--]; y = (int)(n >> 28); n <<= 4; c = 28; } else if (c < 4) { y = (int)(n >> 28); n = e[i--]; c = 4 - c; y |= (int)(n >> (32 - c)); n <<= c; c = 32 - c; } else { y = (int)((n >> 28) & 0xf); n <<= 4; c -= 4; } sp_3072_mont_sqr_48(r, r, m, mp); sp_3072_mont_sqr_48(r, r, m, mp); sp_3072_mont_sqr_48(r, r, m, mp); sp_3072_mont_sqr_48(r, r, m, mp); sp_3072_mont_mul_48(r, r, t[y], m, mp); } XMEMSET(&r[48], 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 48U); sp_3072_mont_reduce_48(r, m, mp); mask = 0 - (sp_3072_cmp_48(r, m) >= 0); sp_3072_cond_sub_48(r, r, m, mask); } #if defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (td != NULL) { XFREE(td, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); } #endif return err; } #else /* Modular exponentiate a to the e mod m. (r = a^e mod m) * * r A single precision number that is the result of the operation. * a A single precision number being exponentiated. * e A single precision number that is the exponent. * bits The number of bits in the exponent. * m A single precision number that is the modulus. * returns 0 on success and MEMORY_E on dynamic memory allocation failure. */ static int sp_3072_mod_exp_48(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* e, int bits, const sp_digit* m, int reduceA) { #if defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) sp_digit* td; #else sp_digit td[32 * 96]; #endif sp_digit* t[32]; sp_digit* norm; sp_digit mp = 1; sp_digit n; sp_digit mask; int i; int c, y; int err = MP_OKAY; #if defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) td = (sp_digit*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_digit) * (32 * 96), NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); if (td == NULL) { err = MEMORY_E; } #endif if (err == MP_OKAY) { norm = td; for (i=0; i<32; i++) { #if defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) t[i] = td + i * 96; #else t[i] = &td[i * 96]; #endif } sp_3072_mont_setup(m, &mp); sp_3072_mont_norm_48(norm, m); XMEMSET(t[1], 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 48U); if (reduceA != 0) { err = sp_3072_mod_48(t[1] + 48, a, m); if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_3072_mod_48(t[1], t[1], m); } } else { XMEMCPY(t[1] + 48, a, sizeof(sp_digit) * 48); err = sp_3072_mod_48(t[1], t[1], m); } } if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_3072_mont_sqr_48(t[ 2], t[ 1], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_mul_48(t[ 3], t[ 2], t[ 1], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_sqr_48(t[ 4], t[ 2], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_mul_48(t[ 5], t[ 3], t[ 2], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_sqr_48(t[ 6], t[ 3], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_mul_48(t[ 7], t[ 4], t[ 3], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_sqr_48(t[ 8], t[ 4], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_mul_48(t[ 9], t[ 5], t[ 4], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_sqr_48(t[10], t[ 5], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_mul_48(t[11], t[ 6], t[ 5], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_sqr_48(t[12], t[ 6], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_mul_48(t[13], t[ 7], t[ 6], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_sqr_48(t[14], t[ 7], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_mul_48(t[15], t[ 8], t[ 7], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_sqr_48(t[16], t[ 8], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_mul_48(t[17], t[ 9], t[ 8], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_sqr_48(t[18], t[ 9], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_mul_48(t[19], t[10], t[ 9], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_sqr_48(t[20], t[10], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_mul_48(t[21], t[11], t[10], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_sqr_48(t[22], t[11], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_mul_48(t[23], t[12], t[11], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_sqr_48(t[24], t[12], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_mul_48(t[25], t[13], t[12], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_sqr_48(t[26], t[13], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_mul_48(t[27], t[14], t[13], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_sqr_48(t[28], t[14], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_mul_48(t[29], t[15], t[14], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_sqr_48(t[30], t[15], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_mul_48(t[31], t[16], t[15], m, mp); i = (bits - 1) / 32; n = e[i--]; c = bits & 31; if (c == 0) { c = 32; } c -= bits % 5; if (c == 32) { c = 27; } if (c < 0) { /* Number of bits in top word is less than number needed. */ c = -c; y = (int)(n << c); n = e[i--]; y |= (int)(n >> (64 - c)); n <<= c; c = 64 - c; } else { y = (int)(n >> c); n <<= 32 - c; } XMEMCPY(r, t[y], sizeof(sp_digit) * 48); for (; i>=0 || c>=5; ) { if (c == 0) { n = e[i--]; y = (int)(n >> 27); n <<= 5; c = 27; } else if (c < 5) { y = (int)(n >> 27); n = e[i--]; c = 5 - c; y |= (int)(n >> (32 - c)); n <<= c; c = 32 - c; } else { y = (int)((n >> 27) & 0x1f); n <<= 5; c -= 5; } sp_3072_mont_sqr_48(r, r, m, mp); sp_3072_mont_sqr_48(r, r, m, mp); sp_3072_mont_sqr_48(r, r, m, mp); sp_3072_mont_sqr_48(r, r, m, mp); sp_3072_mont_sqr_48(r, r, m, mp); sp_3072_mont_mul_48(r, r, t[y], m, mp); } XMEMSET(&r[48], 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 48U); sp_3072_mont_reduce_48(r, m, mp); mask = 0 - (sp_3072_cmp_48(r, m) >= 0); sp_3072_cond_sub_48(r, r, m, mask); } #if defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (td != NULL) { XFREE(td, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); } #endif return err; } #endif /* WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL */ #endif /* (WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_RSA && !WOLFSSL_RSA_PUBLIC_ONLY) || WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_DH */ #if defined(WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_RSA) || defined(WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_DH) /* r = 2^n mod m where n is the number of bits to reduce by. * Given m must be 3072 bits, just need to subtract. * * r A single precision number. * m A single precision number. */ static void sp_3072_mont_norm_96(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* m) { XMEMSET(r, 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 96); /* r = 2^n mod m */ sp_3072_sub_in_place_96(r, m); } #endif /* WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_RSA || WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_DH */ /* Conditionally subtract b from a using the mask m. * m is -1 to subtract and 0 when not copying. * * r A single precision number representing condition subtract result. * a A single precision number to subtract from. * b A single precision number to subtract. * m Mask value to apply. */ SP_NOINLINE static sp_digit sp_3072_cond_sub_96(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b, sp_digit m) { sp_digit c = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r5, #1\n\t" "lsl r5, r5, #8\n\t" "add r5, r5, #128\n\t" "mov r9, r5\n\t" "mov r8, #0\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[b], r8]\n\t" "and r6, r6, %[m]\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" "subs r5, r5, %[c]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[a], r8]\n\t" "sbcs r5, r5, r6\n\t" "sbcs %[c], %[c], %[c]\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], r8]\n\t" "add r8, r8, #4\n\t" "cmp r8, r9\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "blt 1b\n\t" #else "blt.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ : [c] "+r" (c) : [r] "r" (r), [a] "r" (a), [b] "r" (b), [m] "r" (m) : "memory", "r5", "r6", "r8", "r9" ); return c; } /* Reduce the number back to 3072 bits using Montgomery reduction. * * a A single precision number to reduce in place. * m The single precision number representing the modulus. * mp The digit representing the negative inverse of m mod 2^n. */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_3072_mont_reduce_96(sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* m, sp_digit mp) { sp_digit ca = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r9, %[mp]\n\t" "mov r12, %[m]\n\t" "mov r10, %[a]\n\t" "mov r4, #0\n\t" "add r11, r10, #384\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" /* mu = a[i] * mp */ "mov %[mp], r9\n\t" "ldr %[a], [r10]\n\t" "mul %[mp], %[mp], %[a]\n\t" "mov %[m], r12\n\t" "add r14, r10, #376\n\t" "\n2:\n\t" /* a[i+j] += m[j] * mu */ "ldr %[a], [r10]\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" /* Multiply m[j] and mu - Start */ "ldr r8, [%[m]], #4\n\t" "umull r6, r8, %[mp], r8\n\t" "adds %[a], %[a], r6\n\t" "adc r5, r5, r8\n\t" /* Multiply m[j] and mu - Done */ "adds r4, r4, %[a]\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" "str r4, [r10], #4\n\t" /* a[i+j+1] += m[j+1] * mu */ "ldr %[a], [r10]\n\t" "mov r4, #0\n\t" /* Multiply m[j] and mu - Start */ "ldr r8, [%[m]], #4\n\t" "umull r6, r8, %[mp], r8\n\t" "adds %[a], %[a], r6\n\t" "adc r4, r4, r8\n\t" /* Multiply m[j] and mu - Done */ "adds r5, r5, %[a]\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" "str r5, [r10], #4\n\t" "cmp r10, r14\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "blt 2b\n\t" #else "blt.n 2b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ /* a[i+94] += m[94] * mu */ "ldr %[a], [r10]\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" /* Multiply m[j] and mu - Start */ "ldr r8, [%[m]], #4\n\t" "umull r6, r8, %[mp], r8\n\t" "adds %[a], %[a], r6\n\t" "adc r5, r5, r8\n\t" /* Multiply m[j] and mu - Done */ "adds r4, r4, %[a]\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" "str r4, [r10], #4\n\t" /* a[i+95] += m[95] * mu */ "mov r4, %[ca]\n\t" "mov %[ca], #0\n\t" /* Multiply m[95] and mu - Start */ "ldr r8, [%[m]]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, %[mp], r8\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc %[ca], %[ca], #0\n\t" /* Multiply m[95] and mu - Done */ "ldr r6, [r10]\n\t" "ldr r8, [r10, #4]\n\t" "adds r6, r6, r5\n\t" "adcs r8, r8, r4\n\t" "adc %[ca], %[ca], #0\n\t" "str r6, [r10]\n\t" "str r8, [r10, #4]\n\t" /* Next word in a */ "sub r10, r10, #376\n\t" "cmp r10, r11\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "blt 1b\n\t" #else "blt.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "mov %[a], r10\n\t" "mov %[m], r12\n\t" : [ca] "+r" (ca), [a] "+r" (a) : [m] "r" (m), [mp] "r" (mp) : "memory", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8", "r9", "r10", "r11", "r12", "r14" ); sp_3072_cond_sub_96(a - 96, a, m, (sp_digit)0 - ca); } /* Multiply two Montogmery form numbers mod the modulus (prime). * (r = a * b mod m) * * r Result of multiplication. * a First number to multiply in Montogmery form. * b Second number to multiply in Montogmery form. * m Modulus (prime). * mp Montogmery mulitplier. */ static void sp_3072_mont_mul_96(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b, const sp_digit* m, sp_digit mp) { sp_3072_mul_96(r, a, b); sp_3072_mont_reduce_96(r, m, mp); } /* Square the Montgomery form number. (r = a * a mod m) * * r Result of squaring. * a Number to square in Montogmery form. * m Modulus (prime). * mp Montogmery mulitplier. */ static void sp_3072_mont_sqr_96(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* m, sp_digit mp) { sp_3072_sqr_96(r, a); sp_3072_mont_reduce_96(r, m, mp); } /* Divide the double width number (d1|d0) by the dividend. (d1|d0 / div) * * d1 The high order half of the number to divide. * d0 The low order half of the number to divide. * div The dividend. * returns the result of the division. * * Note that this is an approximate div. It may give an answer 1 larger. */ SP_NOINLINE static sp_digit div_3072_word_96(sp_digit d1, sp_digit d0, sp_digit div) { sp_digit r = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "lsr r6, %[div], #16\n\t" "add r6, r6, #1\n\t" "udiv r4, %[d1], r6\n\t" "lsl r8, r4, #16\n\t" "umull r4, r5, %[div], r8\n\t" "subs %[d0], %[d0], r4\n\t" "sbc %[d1], %[d1], r5\n\t" "udiv r5, %[d1], r6\n\t" "lsl r4, r5, #16\n\t" "add r8, r8, r4\n\t" "umull r4, r5, %[div], r4\n\t" "subs %[d0], %[d0], r4\n\t" "sbc %[d1], %[d1], r5\n\t" "lsl r4, %[d1], #16\n\t" "orr r4, r4, %[d0], lsr #16\n\t" "udiv r4, r4, r6\n\t" "add r8, r8, r4\n\t" "umull r4, r5, %[div], r4\n\t" "subs %[d0], %[d0], r4\n\t" "sbc %[d1], %[d1], r5\n\t" "lsl r4, %[d1], #16\n\t" "orr r4, r4, %[d0], lsr #16\n\t" "udiv r4, r4, r6\n\t" "add r8, r8, r4\n\t" "umull r4, r5, %[div], r4\n\t" "subs %[d0], %[d0], r4\n\t" "sbc %[d1], %[d1], r5\n\t" "udiv r4, %[d0], %[div]\n\t" "add r8, r8, r4\n\t" "mov %[r], r8\n\t" : [r] "+r" (r) : [d1] "r" (d1), [d0] "r" (d0), [div] "r" (div) : "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8" ); return r; } /* AND m into each word of a and store in r. * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * m Mask to AND against each digit. */ static void sp_3072_mask_96(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, sp_digit m) { #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL int i; for (i=0; i<96; i++) { r[i] = a[i] & m; } #else int i; for (i = 0; i < 96; i += 8) { r[i+0] = a[i+0] & m; r[i+1] = a[i+1] & m; r[i+2] = a[i+2] & m; r[i+3] = a[i+3] & m; r[i+4] = a[i+4] & m; r[i+5] = a[i+5] & m; r[i+6] = a[i+6] & m; r[i+7] = a[i+7] & m; } #endif } /* Compare a with b in constant time. * * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. * return -ve, 0 or +ve if a is less than, equal to or greater than b * respectively. */ SP_NOINLINE static int32_t sp_3072_cmp_96(const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit r = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r3, #0\n\t" "mvn r3, r3\n\t" "mov r6, #1\n\t" "lsl r6, r6, #8\n\t" "add r6, r6, #124\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], r6]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[b], r6]\n\t" "and r8, r8, r3\n\t" "and r5, r5, r3\n\t" "mov r4, r8\n\t" "subs r8, r8, r5\n\t" "sbc r8, r8, r8\n\t" "add %[r], %[r], r8\n\t" "mvn r8, r8\n\t" "and r3, r3, r8\n\t" "subs r5, r5, r4\n\t" "sbc r8, r8, r8\n\t" "sub %[r], %[r], r8\n\t" "mvn r8, r8\n\t" "and r3, r3, r8\n\t" "sub r6, r6, #4\n\t" "cmp r6, #0\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "bge 1b\n\t" #else "bge.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ : [r] "+r" (r) : [a] "r" (a), [b] "r" (b) : "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8" ); return r; } /* Divide d in a and put remainder into r (m*d + r = a) * m is not calculated as it is not needed at this time. * * a Number to be divided. * d Number to divide with. * m Multiplier result. * r Remainder from the division. * returns MP_OKAY indicating success. */ static WC_INLINE int sp_3072_div_96(const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* d, sp_digit* m, sp_digit* r) { sp_digit t1[192], t2[97]; sp_digit div, r1; int i; (void)m; div = d[95]; XMEMCPY(t1, a, sizeof(*t1) * 2 * 96); for (i=95; i>=0; i--) { sp_digit hi = t1[96 + i] - (t1[96 + i] == div); r1 = div_3072_word_96(hi, t1[96 + i - 1], div); sp_3072_mul_d_96(t2, d, r1); t1[96 + i] += sp_3072_sub_in_place_96(&t1[i], t2); t1[96 + i] -= t2[96]; sp_3072_mask_96(t2, d, t1[96 + i]); t1[96 + i] += sp_3072_add_96(&t1[i], &t1[i], t2); sp_3072_mask_96(t2, d, t1[96 + i]); t1[96 + i] += sp_3072_add_96(&t1[i], &t1[i], t2); } r1 = sp_3072_cmp_96(t1, d) >= 0; sp_3072_cond_sub_96(r, t1, d, (sp_digit)0 - r1); return MP_OKAY; } /* Reduce a modulo m into r. (r = a mod m) * * r A single precision number that is the reduced result. * a A single precision number that is to be reduced. * m A single precision number that is the modulus to reduce with. * returns MP_OKAY indicating success. */ static WC_INLINE int sp_3072_mod_96(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* m) { return sp_3072_div_96(a, m, NULL, r); } /* Divide d in a and put remainder into r (m*d + r = a) * m is not calculated as it is not needed at this time. * * a Number to be divided. * d Number to divide with. * m Multiplier result. * r Remainder from the division. * returns MP_OKAY indicating success. */ static WC_INLINE int sp_3072_div_96_cond(const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* d, sp_digit* m, sp_digit* r) { sp_digit t1[192], t2[97]; sp_digit div, r1; int i; (void)m; div = d[95]; XMEMCPY(t1, a, sizeof(*t1) * 2 * 96); for (i=95; i>=0; i--) { sp_digit hi = t1[96 + i] - (t1[96 + i] == div); r1 = div_3072_word_96(hi, t1[96 + i - 1], div); sp_3072_mul_d_96(t2, d, r1); t1[96 + i] += sp_3072_sub_in_place_96(&t1[i], t2); t1[96 + i] -= t2[96]; if (t1[96 + i] != 0) { t1[96 + i] += sp_3072_add_96(&t1[i], &t1[i], d); if (t1[96 + i] != 0) t1[96 + i] += sp_3072_add_96(&t1[i], &t1[i], d); } } r1 = sp_3072_cmp_96(t1, d) >= 0; sp_3072_cond_sub_96(r, t1, d, (sp_digit)0 - r1); return MP_OKAY; } /* Reduce a modulo m into r. (r = a mod m) * * r A single precision number that is the reduced result. * a A single precision number that is to be reduced. * m A single precision number that is the modulus to reduce with. * returns MP_OKAY indicating success. */ static WC_INLINE int sp_3072_mod_96_cond(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* m) { return sp_3072_div_96_cond(a, m, NULL, r); } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_RSA) && !defined(WOLFSSL_RSA_PUBLIC_ONLY)) || \ defined(WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_DH) #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL /* Modular exponentiate a to the e mod m. (r = a^e mod m) * * r A single precision number that is the result of the operation. * a A single precision number being exponentiated. * e A single precision number that is the exponent. * bits The number of bits in the exponent. * m A single precision number that is the modulus. * returns 0 on success and MEMORY_E on dynamic memory allocation failure. */ static int sp_3072_mod_exp_96(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* e, int bits, const sp_digit* m, int reduceA) { #if defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) sp_digit* td; #else sp_digit td[16 * 192]; #endif sp_digit* t[16]; sp_digit* norm; sp_digit mp = 1; sp_digit n; sp_digit mask; int i; int c, y; int err = MP_OKAY; #if defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) td = (sp_digit*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_digit) * (16 * 192), NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); if (td == NULL) { err = MEMORY_E; } #endif if (err == MP_OKAY) { norm = td; for (i=0; i<16; i++) { #if defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) t[i] = td + i * 192; #else t[i] = &td[i * 192]; #endif } sp_3072_mont_setup(m, &mp); sp_3072_mont_norm_96(norm, m); XMEMSET(t[1], 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 96U); if (reduceA != 0) { err = sp_3072_mod_96(t[1] + 96, a, m); if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_3072_mod_96(t[1], t[1], m); } } else { XMEMCPY(t[1] + 96, a, sizeof(sp_digit) * 96); err = sp_3072_mod_96(t[1], t[1], m); } } if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_3072_mont_sqr_96(t[ 2], t[ 1], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_mul_96(t[ 3], t[ 2], t[ 1], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_sqr_96(t[ 4], t[ 2], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_mul_96(t[ 5], t[ 3], t[ 2], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_sqr_96(t[ 6], t[ 3], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_mul_96(t[ 7], t[ 4], t[ 3], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_sqr_96(t[ 8], t[ 4], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_mul_96(t[ 9], t[ 5], t[ 4], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_sqr_96(t[10], t[ 5], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_mul_96(t[11], t[ 6], t[ 5], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_sqr_96(t[12], t[ 6], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_mul_96(t[13], t[ 7], t[ 6], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_sqr_96(t[14], t[ 7], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_mul_96(t[15], t[ 8], t[ 7], m, mp); i = (bits - 1) / 32; n = e[i--]; c = bits & 31; if (c == 0) { c = 32; } c -= bits % 4; if (c == 32) { c = 28; } if (c < 0) { /* Number of bits in top word is less than number needed. */ c = -c; y = (int)(n << c); n = e[i--]; y |= (int)(n >> (64 - c)); n <<= c; c = 64 - c; } else { y = (int)(n >> c); n <<= 32 - c; } XMEMCPY(r, t[y], sizeof(sp_digit) * 96); for (; i>=0 || c>=4; ) { if (c == 0) { n = e[i--]; y = (int)(n >> 28); n <<= 4; c = 28; } else if (c < 4) { y = (int)(n >> 28); n = e[i--]; c = 4 - c; y |= (int)(n >> (32 - c)); n <<= c; c = 32 - c; } else { y = (int)((n >> 28) & 0xf); n <<= 4; c -= 4; } sp_3072_mont_sqr_96(r, r, m, mp); sp_3072_mont_sqr_96(r, r, m, mp); sp_3072_mont_sqr_96(r, r, m, mp); sp_3072_mont_sqr_96(r, r, m, mp); sp_3072_mont_mul_96(r, r, t[y], m, mp); } XMEMSET(&r[96], 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 96U); sp_3072_mont_reduce_96(r, m, mp); mask = 0 - (sp_3072_cmp_96(r, m) >= 0); sp_3072_cond_sub_96(r, r, m, mask); } #if defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (td != NULL) { XFREE(td, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); } #endif return err; } #else /* Modular exponentiate a to the e mod m. (r = a^e mod m) * * r A single precision number that is the result of the operation. * a A single precision number being exponentiated. * e A single precision number that is the exponent. * bits The number of bits in the exponent. * m A single precision number that is the modulus. * returns 0 on success and MEMORY_E on dynamic memory allocation failure. */ static int sp_3072_mod_exp_96(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* e, int bits, const sp_digit* m, int reduceA) { #if defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) sp_digit* td; #else sp_digit td[32 * 192]; #endif sp_digit* t[32]; sp_digit* norm; sp_digit mp = 1; sp_digit n; sp_digit mask; int i; int c, y; int err = MP_OKAY; #if defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) td = (sp_digit*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_digit) * (32 * 192), NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); if (td == NULL) { err = MEMORY_E; } #endif if (err == MP_OKAY) { norm = td; for (i=0; i<32; i++) { #if defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) t[i] = td + i * 192; #else t[i] = &td[i * 192]; #endif } sp_3072_mont_setup(m, &mp); sp_3072_mont_norm_96(norm, m); XMEMSET(t[1], 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 96U); if (reduceA != 0) { err = sp_3072_mod_96(t[1] + 96, a, m); if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_3072_mod_96(t[1], t[1], m); } } else { XMEMCPY(t[1] + 96, a, sizeof(sp_digit) * 96); err = sp_3072_mod_96(t[1], t[1], m); } } if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_3072_mont_sqr_96(t[ 2], t[ 1], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_mul_96(t[ 3], t[ 2], t[ 1], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_sqr_96(t[ 4], t[ 2], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_mul_96(t[ 5], t[ 3], t[ 2], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_sqr_96(t[ 6], t[ 3], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_mul_96(t[ 7], t[ 4], t[ 3], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_sqr_96(t[ 8], t[ 4], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_mul_96(t[ 9], t[ 5], t[ 4], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_sqr_96(t[10], t[ 5], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_mul_96(t[11], t[ 6], t[ 5], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_sqr_96(t[12], t[ 6], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_mul_96(t[13], t[ 7], t[ 6], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_sqr_96(t[14], t[ 7], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_mul_96(t[15], t[ 8], t[ 7], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_sqr_96(t[16], t[ 8], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_mul_96(t[17], t[ 9], t[ 8], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_sqr_96(t[18], t[ 9], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_mul_96(t[19], t[10], t[ 9], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_sqr_96(t[20], t[10], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_mul_96(t[21], t[11], t[10], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_sqr_96(t[22], t[11], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_mul_96(t[23], t[12], t[11], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_sqr_96(t[24], t[12], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_mul_96(t[25], t[13], t[12], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_sqr_96(t[26], t[13], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_mul_96(t[27], t[14], t[13], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_sqr_96(t[28], t[14], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_mul_96(t[29], t[15], t[14], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_sqr_96(t[30], t[15], m, mp); sp_3072_mont_mul_96(t[31], t[16], t[15], m, mp); i = (bits - 1) / 32; n = e[i--]; c = bits & 31; if (c == 0) { c = 32; } c -= bits % 5; if (c == 32) { c = 27; } if (c < 0) { /* Number of bits in top word is less than number needed. */ c = -c; y = (int)(n << c); n = e[i--]; y |= (int)(n >> (64 - c)); n <<= c; c = 64 - c; } else { y = (int)(n >> c); n <<= 32 - c; } XMEMCPY(r, t[y], sizeof(sp_digit) * 96); for (; i>=0 || c>=5; ) { if (c == 0) { n = e[i--]; y = (int)(n >> 27); n <<= 5; c = 27; } else if (c < 5) { y = (int)(n >> 27); n = e[i--]; c = 5 - c; y |= (int)(n >> (32 - c)); n <<= c; c = 32 - c; } else { y = (int)((n >> 27) & 0x1f); n <<= 5; c -= 5; } sp_3072_mont_sqr_96(r, r, m, mp); sp_3072_mont_sqr_96(r, r, m, mp); sp_3072_mont_sqr_96(r, r, m, mp); sp_3072_mont_sqr_96(r, r, m, mp); sp_3072_mont_sqr_96(r, r, m, mp); sp_3072_mont_mul_96(r, r, t[y], m, mp); } XMEMSET(&r[96], 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 96U); sp_3072_mont_reduce_96(r, m, mp); mask = 0 - (sp_3072_cmp_96(r, m) >= 0); sp_3072_cond_sub_96(r, r, m, mask); } #if defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (td != NULL) { XFREE(td, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); } #endif return err; } #endif /* WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL */ #endif /* (WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_RSA && !WOLFSSL_RSA_PUBLIC_ONLY) || WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_DH */ #ifdef WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_RSA /* RSA public key operation. * * in Array of bytes representing the number to exponentiate, base. * inLen Number of bytes in base. * em Public exponent. * mm Modulus. * out Buffer to hold big-endian bytes of exponentiation result. * Must be at least 384 bytes long. * outLen Number of bytes in result. * returns 0 on success, MP_TO_E when the outLen is too small, MP_READ_E when * an array is too long and MEMORY_E when dynamic memory allocation fails. */ int sp_RsaPublic_3072(const byte* in, word32 inLen, mp_int* em, mp_int* mm, byte* out, word32* outLen) { #if (!defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) || defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) sp_digit a[192], m[96], r[192]; #else sp_digit* d = NULL; sp_digit* a = NULL; sp_digit* m = NULL; sp_digit* r = NULL; #endif sp_digit *ah = NULL; sp_digit e[1]; int err = MP_OKAY; if (*outLen < 384) { err = MP_TO_E; } else if (mp_count_bits(em) > 32 || inLen > 384 || mp_count_bits(mm) != 3072) { err = MP_READ_E; } else if (mp_iseven(mm)) { err = MP_VAL; } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (err == MP_OKAY) { d = (sp_digit*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_digit) * 96 * 5, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_RSA); if (d == NULL) err = MEMORY_E; } if (err == MP_OKAY) { a = d; r = a + 96 * 2; m = r + 96 * 2; } #endif if (err == MP_OKAY) { ah = a + 96; sp_3072_from_bin(ah, 96, in, inLen); #if DIGIT_BIT >= 32 e[0] = em->dp[0]; #else e[0] = em->dp[0]; if (em->used > 1) { e[0] |= ((sp_digit)em->dp[1]) << DIGIT_BIT; } #endif if (e[0] == 0) { err = MP_EXPTMOD_E; } } if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_3072_from_mp(m, 96, mm); if (e[0] == 0x3) { if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_3072_sqr_96(r, ah); err = sp_3072_mod_96_cond(r, r, m); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_3072_mul_96(r, ah, r); err = sp_3072_mod_96_cond(r, r, m); } } else { int i; sp_digit mp; sp_3072_mont_setup(m, &mp); /* Convert to Montgomery form. */ XMEMSET(a, 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 96); err = sp_3072_mod_96_cond(a, a, m); if (err == MP_OKAY) { for (i = 31; i >= 0; i--) { if (e[0] >> i) { break; } } XMEMCPY(r, a, sizeof(sp_digit) * 96); for (i--; i>=0; i--) { sp_3072_mont_sqr_96(r, r, m, mp); if (((e[0] >> i) & 1) == 1) { sp_3072_mont_mul_96(r, r, a, m, mp); } } XMEMSET(&r[96], 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 96); sp_3072_mont_reduce_96(r, m, mp); for (i = 95; i > 0; i--) { if (r[i] != m[i]) { break; } } if (r[i] >= m[i]) { sp_3072_sub_in_place_96(r, m); } } } } if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_3072_to_bin(r, out); *outLen = 384; } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (d != NULL) { XFREE(d, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_RSA); } #endif return err; } #ifndef WOLFSSL_RSA_PUBLIC_ONLY /* Conditionally add a and b using the mask m. * m is -1 to add and 0 when not. * * r A single precision number representing conditional add result. * a A single precision number to add with. * b A single precision number to add. * m Mask value to apply. */ SP_NOINLINE static sp_digit sp_3072_cond_add_48(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b, sp_digit m) { sp_digit c = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r5, #192\n\t" "mov r9, r5\n\t" "mov r8, #0\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[b], r8]\n\t" "and r6, r6, %[m]\n\t" "adds r5, %[c], #-1\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[a], r8]\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r6\n\t" "mov %[c], #0\n\t" "adcs %[c], %[c], %[c]\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], r8]\n\t" "add r8, r8, #4\n\t" "cmp r8, r9\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "blt 1b\n\t" #else "blt.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ : [c] "+r" (c) : [r] "r" (r), [a] "r" (a), [b] "r" (b), [m] "r" (m) : "memory", "r5", "r6", "r8", "r9" ); return c; } /* RSA private key operation. * * in Array of bytes representing the number to exponentiate, base. * inLen Number of bytes in base. * dm Private exponent. * pm First prime. * qm Second prime. * dpm First prime's CRT exponent. * dqm Second prime's CRT exponent. * qim Inverse of second prime mod p. * mm Modulus. * out Buffer to hold big-endian bytes of exponentiation result. * Must be at least 384 bytes long. * outLen Number of bytes in result. * returns 0 on success, MP_TO_E when the outLen is too small, MP_READ_E when * an array is too long and MEMORY_E when dynamic memory allocation fails. */ int sp_RsaPrivate_3072(const byte* in, word32 inLen, mp_int* dm, mp_int* pm, mp_int* qm, mp_int* dpm, mp_int* dqm, mp_int* qim, mp_int* mm, byte* out, word32* outLen) { #if defined(SP_RSA_PRIVATE_EXP_D) || defined(RSA_LOW_MEM) sp_digit* a = NULL; sp_digit* d = NULL; sp_digit* m = NULL; sp_digit* r = NULL; int err = MP_OKAY; (void)pm; (void)qm; (void)dpm; (void)dqm; (void)qim; if (*outLen < 384U) { err = MP_TO_E; } if (err == MP_OKAY) { if (mp_count_bits(dm) > 3072) { err = MP_READ_E; } else if (inLen > 384) { err = MP_READ_E; } else if (mp_count_bits(mm) != 3072) { err = MP_READ_E; } else if (mp_iseven(mm)) { err = MP_VAL; } } if (err == MP_OKAY) { d = (sp_digit*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_digit) * 96 * 4, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_RSA); if (d == NULL) { err = MEMORY_E; } } if (err == MP_OKAY) { a = d + 96; m = a + 192; r = a; sp_3072_from_bin(a, 96, in, inLen); sp_3072_from_mp(d, 96, dm); sp_3072_from_mp(m, 96, mm); err = sp_3072_mod_exp_96(r, a, d, 3072, m, 0); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_3072_to_bin(r, out); *outLen = 384; } if (d != NULL) { XMEMSET(d, 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 96); XFREE(d, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_RSA); } return err; #else #if (!defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) || defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) sp_digit a[96 * 2]; sp_digit p[48], q[48], dp[48]; sp_digit tmpa[96], tmpb[96]; #else sp_digit* t = NULL; sp_digit* a = NULL; sp_digit* p = NULL; sp_digit* q = NULL; sp_digit* dp = NULL; sp_digit* tmpa = NULL; sp_digit* tmpb = NULL; #endif sp_digit* r = NULL; sp_digit* qi = NULL; sp_digit* dq = NULL; sp_digit c; int err = MP_OKAY; (void)dm; (void)mm; if (*outLen < 384) { err = MP_TO_E; } else if (inLen > 384 || mp_count_bits(mm) != 3072) { err = MP_READ_E; } else if (mp_iseven(mm)) { err = MP_VAL; } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (err == MP_OKAY) { t = (sp_digit*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_digit) * 48 * 11, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_RSA); if (t == NULL) err = MEMORY_E; } if (err == MP_OKAY) { a = t; p = a + 96 * 2; q = p + 48; qi = dq = dp = q + 48; tmpa = qi + 48; tmpb = tmpa + 96; r = t + 96; } #else #endif if (err == MP_OKAY) { #if (!defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) || defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) r = a; qi = dq = dp; #endif sp_3072_from_bin(a, 96, in, inLen); sp_3072_from_mp(p, 48, pm); sp_3072_from_mp(q, 48, qm); sp_3072_from_mp(dp, 48, dpm); err = sp_3072_mod_exp_48(tmpa, a, dp, 1536, p, 1); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_3072_from_mp(dq, 48, dqm); err = sp_3072_mod_exp_48(tmpb, a, dq, 1536, q, 1); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { c = sp_3072_sub_in_place_48(tmpa, tmpb); c += sp_3072_cond_add_48(tmpa, tmpa, p, c); sp_3072_cond_add_48(tmpa, tmpa, p, c); sp_3072_from_mp(qi, 48, qim); sp_3072_mul_48(tmpa, tmpa, qi); err = sp_3072_mod_48(tmpa, tmpa, p); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_3072_mul_48(tmpa, q, tmpa); XMEMSET(&tmpb[48], 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 48); sp_3072_add_96(r, tmpb, tmpa); sp_3072_to_bin(r, out); *outLen = 384; } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (t != NULL) { XMEMSET(t, 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 48 * 11); XFREE(t, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_RSA); } #else XMEMSET(tmpa, 0, sizeof(tmpa)); XMEMSET(tmpb, 0, sizeof(tmpb)); XMEMSET(p, 0, sizeof(p)); XMEMSET(q, 0, sizeof(q)); XMEMSET(dp, 0, sizeof(dp)); #endif #endif /* SP_RSA_PRIVATE_EXP_D || RSA_LOW_MEM */ return err; } #endif /* WOLFSSL_RSA_PUBLIC_ONLY */ #endif /* WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_RSA */ #if defined(WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_DH) || (defined(WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_RSA) && \ !defined(WOLFSSL_RSA_PUBLIC_ONLY)) /* Convert an array of sp_digit to an mp_int. * * a A single precision integer. * r A multi-precision integer. */ static int sp_3072_to_mp(const sp_digit* a, mp_int* r) { int err; err = mp_grow(r, (3072 + DIGIT_BIT - 1) / DIGIT_BIT); if (err == MP_OKAY) { /*lint !e774 case where err is always MP_OKAY*/ #if DIGIT_BIT == 32 XMEMCPY(r->dp, a, sizeof(sp_digit) * 96); r->used = 96; mp_clamp(r); #elif DIGIT_BIT < 32 int i, j = 0, s = 0; r->dp[0] = 0; for (i = 0; i < 96; i++) { r->dp[j] |= (mp_digit)(a[i] << s); r->dp[j] &= (1L << DIGIT_BIT) - 1; s = DIGIT_BIT - s; r->dp[++j] = (mp_digit)(a[i] >> s); while (s + DIGIT_BIT <= 32) { s += DIGIT_BIT; r->dp[j++] &= (1L << DIGIT_BIT) - 1; if (s == SP_WORD_SIZE) { r->dp[j] = 0; } else { r->dp[j] = (mp_digit)(a[i] >> s); } } s = 32 - s; } r->used = (3072 + DIGIT_BIT - 1) / DIGIT_BIT; mp_clamp(r); #else int i, j = 0, s = 0; r->dp[0] = 0; for (i = 0; i < 96; i++) { r->dp[j] |= ((mp_digit)a[i]) << s; if (s + 32 >= DIGIT_BIT) { #if DIGIT_BIT != 32 && DIGIT_BIT != 64 r->dp[j] &= (1L << DIGIT_BIT) - 1; #endif s = DIGIT_BIT - s; r->dp[++j] = a[i] >> s; s = 32 - s; } else { s += 32; } } r->used = (3072 + DIGIT_BIT - 1) / DIGIT_BIT; mp_clamp(r); #endif } return err; } /* Perform the modular exponentiation for Diffie-Hellman. * * base Base. MP integer. * exp Exponent. MP integer. * mod Modulus. MP integer. * res Result. MP integer. * returns 0 on success, MP_READ_E if there are too many bytes in an array * and MEMORY_E if memory allocation fails. */ int sp_ModExp_3072(mp_int* base, mp_int* exp, mp_int* mod, mp_int* res) { int err = MP_OKAY; sp_digit b[192], e[96], m[96]; sp_digit* r = b; int expBits = mp_count_bits(exp); if (mp_count_bits(base) > 3072) { err = MP_READ_E; } else if (expBits > 3072) { err = MP_READ_E; } else if (mp_count_bits(mod) != 3072) { err = MP_READ_E; } else if (mp_iseven(mod)) { err = MP_VAL; } if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_3072_from_mp(b, 96, base); sp_3072_from_mp(e, 96, exp); sp_3072_from_mp(m, 96, mod); err = sp_3072_mod_exp_96(r, b, e, expBits, m, 0); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_3072_to_mp(r, res); } XMEMSET(e, 0, sizeof(e)); return err; } #ifdef WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_DH #ifdef HAVE_FFDHE_3072 static void sp_3072_lshift_96(sp_digit* r, sp_digit* a, byte n) { __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r6, #31\n\t" "sub r6, r6, %[n]\n\t" "add %[a], %[a], #320\n\t" "add %[r], %[r], #320\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #60]\n\t" "lsr r4, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r4, r4, r6\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #56]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #64]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #52]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #60]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #48]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #56]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #44]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #52]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #40]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #48]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #36]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #44]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #32]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #40]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #36]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #32]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #28]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #24]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #20]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #16]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #12]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #8]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "sub %[a], %[a], #64\n\t" "sub %[r], %[r], #64\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #60]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #68]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #56]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #64]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #52]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #60]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #48]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #56]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #44]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #52]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #40]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #48]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #36]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #44]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #32]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #40]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #36]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #32]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #28]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #24]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #20]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #16]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #12]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #8]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sub %[a], %[a], #64\n\t" "sub %[r], %[r], #64\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #60]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #68]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #56]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #64]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #52]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #60]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #48]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #56]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #44]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #52]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #40]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #48]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #36]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #44]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #32]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #40]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #36]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #32]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #28]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #24]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #20]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #16]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #12]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #8]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "sub %[a], %[a], #64\n\t" "sub %[r], %[r], #64\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #60]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #68]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #56]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #64]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #52]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #60]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #48]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #56]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #44]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #52]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #40]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #48]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #36]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #44]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #32]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #40]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #36]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #32]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #28]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #24]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #20]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #16]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #12]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #8]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "sub %[a], %[a], #64\n\t" "sub %[r], %[r], #64\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #60]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #68]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #56]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #64]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #52]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #60]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #48]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #56]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #44]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #52]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #40]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #48]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #36]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #44]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #32]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #40]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #36]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #32]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #28]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #24]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #20]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #16]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #12]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #8]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sub %[a], %[a], #64\n\t" "sub %[r], %[r], #64\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #60]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #68]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #56]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #64]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #52]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #60]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #48]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #56]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #44]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #52]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #40]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #48]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #36]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #44]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #32]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #40]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #36]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #32]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #28]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #24]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #20]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #16]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #12]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #8]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "str r4, [%[r]]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #4]\n\t" : : [r] "r" (r), [a] "r" (a), [n] "r" (n) : "memory", "r2", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6" ); } /* Modular exponentiate 2 to the e mod m. (r = 2^e mod m) * * r A single precision number that is the result of the operation. * e A single precision number that is the exponent. * bits The number of bits in the exponent. * m A single precision number that is the modulus. * returns 0 on success and MEMORY_E on dynamic memory allocation failure. */ static int sp_3072_mod_exp_2_96(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* e, int bits, const sp_digit* m) { #if defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) sp_digit* td; #else sp_digit td[289]; #endif sp_digit* norm; sp_digit* tmp; sp_digit mp = 1; sp_digit n, o; sp_digit mask; int i; int c, y; int err = MP_OKAY; #if defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) td = (sp_digit*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_digit) * 289, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); if (td == NULL) { err = MEMORY_E; } #endif if (err == MP_OKAY) { norm = td; #if defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) tmp = td + 192; #else tmp = &td[192]; #endif sp_3072_mont_setup(m, &mp); sp_3072_mont_norm_96(norm, m); i = (bits - 1) / 32; n = e[i--]; c = bits & 31; if (c == 0) { c = 32; } c -= bits % 5; if (c == 32) { c = 27; } if (c < 0) { /* Number of bits in top word is less than number needed. */ c = -c; y = (int)(n << c); n = e[i--]; y |= (int)(n >> (64 - c)); n <<= c; c = 64 - c; } else { y = (int)(n >> c); n <<= 32 - c; } sp_3072_lshift_96(r, norm, (byte)y); for (; i>=0 || c>=5; ) { if (c == 0) { n = e[i--]; y = (int)(n >> 27); n <<= 5; c = 27; } else if (c < 5) { y = (int)(n >> 27); n = e[i--]; c = 5 - c; y |= (int)(n >> (32 - c)); n <<= c; c = 32 - c; } else { y = (int)((n >> 27) & 0x1f); n <<= 5; c -= 5; } sp_3072_mont_sqr_96(r, r, m, mp); sp_3072_mont_sqr_96(r, r, m, mp); sp_3072_mont_sqr_96(r, r, m, mp); sp_3072_mont_sqr_96(r, r, m, mp); sp_3072_mont_sqr_96(r, r, m, mp); sp_3072_lshift_96(r, r, (byte)y); sp_3072_mul_d_96(tmp, norm, r[96]); r[96] = 0; o = sp_3072_add_96(r, r, tmp); sp_3072_cond_sub_96(r, r, m, (sp_digit)0 - o); } XMEMSET(&r[96], 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 96U); sp_3072_mont_reduce_96(r, m, mp); mask = 0 - (sp_3072_cmp_96(r, m) >= 0); sp_3072_cond_sub_96(r, r, m, mask); } #if defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (td != NULL) { XFREE(td, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); } #endif return err; } #endif /* HAVE_FFDHE_3072 */ /* Perform the modular exponentiation for Diffie-Hellman. * * base Base. * exp Array of bytes that is the exponent. * expLen Length of data, in bytes, in exponent. * mod Modulus. * out Buffer to hold big-endian bytes of exponentiation result. * Must be at least 384 bytes long. * outLen Length, in bytes, of exponentiation result. * returns 0 on success, MP_READ_E if there are too many bytes in an array * and MEMORY_E if memory allocation fails. */ int sp_DhExp_3072(mp_int* base, const byte* exp, word32 expLen, mp_int* mod, byte* out, word32* outLen) { int err = MP_OKAY; sp_digit b[192], e[96], m[96]; sp_digit* r = b; word32 i; if (mp_count_bits(base) > 3072) { err = MP_READ_E; } else if (expLen > 384) { err = MP_READ_E; } else if (mp_count_bits(mod) != 3072) { err = MP_READ_E; } else if (mp_iseven(mod)) { err = MP_VAL; } if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_3072_from_mp(b, 96, base); sp_3072_from_bin(e, 96, exp, expLen); sp_3072_from_mp(m, 96, mod); #ifdef HAVE_FFDHE_3072 if (base->used == 1 && base->dp[0] == 2 && m[95] == (sp_digit)-1) err = sp_3072_mod_exp_2_96(r, e, expLen * 8, m); else #endif err = sp_3072_mod_exp_96(r, b, e, expLen * 8, m, 0); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_3072_to_bin(r, out); *outLen = 384; for (i=0; i<384 && out[i] == 0; i++) { } *outLen -= i; XMEMMOVE(out, out + i, *outLen); } XMEMSET(e, 0, sizeof(e)); return err; } #endif /* WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_DH */ /* Perform the modular exponentiation for Diffie-Hellman. * * base Base. MP integer. * exp Exponent. MP integer. * mod Modulus. MP integer. * res Result. MP integer. * returns 0 on success, MP_READ_E if there are too many bytes in an array * and MEMORY_E if memory allocation fails. */ int sp_ModExp_1536(mp_int* base, mp_int* exp, mp_int* mod, mp_int* res) { int err = MP_OKAY; sp_digit b[96], e[48], m[48]; sp_digit* r = b; int expBits = mp_count_bits(exp); if (mp_count_bits(base) > 1536) { err = MP_READ_E; } else if (expBits > 1536) { err = MP_READ_E; } else if (mp_count_bits(mod) != 1536) { err = MP_READ_E; } else if (mp_iseven(mod)) { err = MP_VAL; } if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_3072_from_mp(b, 48, base); sp_3072_from_mp(e, 48, exp); sp_3072_from_mp(m, 48, mod); err = sp_3072_mod_exp_48(r, b, e, expBits, m, 0); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { XMEMSET(r + 48, 0, sizeof(*r) * 48U); err = sp_3072_to_mp(r, res); res->used = mod->used; mp_clamp(res); } XMEMSET(e, 0, sizeof(e)); return err; } #endif /* WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_DH || (WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_RSA && !WOLFSSL_RSA_PUBLIC_ONLY) */ #endif /* !WOLFSSL_SP_NO_3072 */ #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_4096 /* Read big endian unsigned byte array into r. * * r A single precision integer. * size Maximum number of bytes to convert * a Byte array. * n Number of bytes in array to read. */ static void sp_4096_from_bin(sp_digit* r, int size, const byte* a, int n) { int i, j = 0; word32 s = 0; r[0] = 0; for (i = n-1; i >= 0; i--) { r[j] |= (((sp_digit)a[i]) << s); if (s >= 24U) { r[j] &= 0xffffffff; s = 32U - s; if (j + 1 >= size) { break; } r[++j] = (sp_digit)a[i] >> s; s = 8U - s; } else { s += 8U; } } for (j++; j < size; j++) { r[j] = 0; } } /* Convert an mp_int to an array of sp_digit. * * r A single precision integer. * size Maximum number of bytes to convert * a A multi-precision integer. */ static void sp_4096_from_mp(sp_digit* r, int size, const mp_int* a) { #if DIGIT_BIT == 32 int j; XMEMCPY(r, a->dp, sizeof(sp_digit) * a->used); for (j = a->used; j < size; j++) { r[j] = 0; } #elif DIGIT_BIT > 32 int i, j = 0; word32 s = 0; r[0] = 0; for (i = 0; i < a->used && j < size; i++) { r[j] |= ((sp_digit)a->dp[i] << s); r[j] &= 0xffffffff; s = 32U - s; if (j + 1 >= size) { break; } /* lint allow cast of mismatch word32 and mp_digit */ r[++j] = (sp_digit)(a->dp[i] >> s); /*lint !e9033*/ while ((s + 32U) <= (word32)DIGIT_BIT) { s += 32U; r[j] &= 0xffffffff; if (j + 1 >= size) { break; } if (s < (word32)DIGIT_BIT) { /* lint allow cast of mismatch word32 and mp_digit */ r[++j] = (sp_digit)(a->dp[i] >> s); /*lint !e9033*/ } else { r[++j] = 0L; } } s = (word32)DIGIT_BIT - s; } for (j++; j < size; j++) { r[j] = 0; } #else int i, j = 0, s = 0; r[0] = 0; for (i = 0; i < a->used && j < size; i++) { r[j] |= ((sp_digit)a->dp[i]) << s; if (s + DIGIT_BIT >= 32) { r[j] &= 0xffffffff; if (j + 1 >= size) { break; } s = 32 - s; if (s == DIGIT_BIT) { r[++j] = 0; s = 0; } else { r[++j] = a->dp[i] >> s; s = DIGIT_BIT - s; } } else { s += DIGIT_BIT; } } for (j++; j < size; j++) { r[j] = 0; } #endif } /* Write r as big endian to byte array. * Fixed length number of bytes written: 512 * * r A single precision integer. * a Byte array. */ static void sp_4096_to_bin(sp_digit* r, byte* a) { int i, j, s = 0, b; j = 4096 / 8 - 1; a[j] = 0; for (i=0; i<128 && j>=0; i++) { b = 0; /* lint allow cast of mismatch sp_digit and int */ a[j--] |= (byte)(r[i] << s); /*lint !e9033*/ b += 8 - s; if (j < 0) { break; } while (b < 32) { a[j--] = (byte)(r[i] >> b); b += 8; if (j < 0) { break; } } s = 8 - (b - 32); if (j >= 0) { a[j] = 0; } if (s != 0) { j++; } } } #ifndef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL /* Sub b from a into r. (r = a - b) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static sp_digit sp_4096_sub_in_place_128(sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit c = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "subs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "sbc %[c], %[c], %[c]\n\t" : [c] "+r" (c), [a] "+r" (a), [b] "+r" (b) : : "memory", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6" ); return c; } /* Add b to a into r. (r = a + b) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static sp_digit sp_4096_add_128(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit c = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "mov %[c], #0\n\t" "adc %[c], %[c], %[c]\n\t" : [c] "+r" (c), [r] "+r" (r), [a] "+r" (a), [b] "+r" (b) : : "memory", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8" ); return c; } /* Multiply a and b into r. (r = a * b) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_4096_mul_128(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit* z0 = r; sp_digit z1[128]; sp_digit a1[64]; sp_digit b1[64]; sp_digit z2[128]; sp_digit u, ca, cb; ca = sp_2048_add_64(a1, a, &a[64]); cb = sp_2048_add_64(b1, b, &b[64]); u = ca & cb; sp_2048_mul_64(z1, a1, b1); sp_2048_mul_64(z2, &a[64], &b[64]); sp_2048_mul_64(z0, a, b); sp_2048_mask_64(r + 128, a1, 0 - cb); sp_2048_mask_64(b1, b1, 0 - ca); u += sp_2048_add_64(r + 128, r + 128, b1); u += sp_4096_sub_in_place_128(z1, z2); u += sp_4096_sub_in_place_128(z1, z0); u += sp_4096_add_128(r + 64, r + 64, z1); r[192] = u; XMEMSET(r + 192 + 1, 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * (64 - 1)); (void)sp_4096_add_128(r + 128, r + 128, z2); } /* Square a and put result in r. (r = a * a) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_4096_sqr_128(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a) { sp_digit* z0 = r; sp_digit z2[128]; sp_digit z1[128]; sp_digit a1[64]; sp_digit u; u = sp_2048_add_64(a1, a, &a[64]); sp_2048_sqr_64(z1, a1); sp_2048_sqr_64(z2, &a[64]); sp_2048_sqr_64(z0, a); sp_2048_mask_64(r + 128, a1, 0 - u); u += sp_2048_add_64(r + 128, r + 128, r + 128); u += sp_4096_sub_in_place_128(z1, z2); u += sp_4096_sub_in_place_128(z1, z0); u += sp_4096_add_128(r + 64, r + 64, z1); r[192] = u; XMEMSET(r + 192 + 1, 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * (64 - 1)); (void)sp_4096_add_128(r + 128, r + 128, z2); } #endif /* !WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL */ #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL /* Add b to a into r. (r = a + b) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static sp_digit sp_4096_add_128(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit c = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r6, %[a]\n\t" "mov r8, #0\n\t" "add r6, r6, #512\n\t" "sub r8, r8, #1\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" "adds %[c], %[c], r8\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a]]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[b]]\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r5\n\t" "str r4, [%[r]]\n\t" "mov %[c], #0\n\t" "adc %[c], %[c], %[c]\n\t" "add %[a], %[a], #4\n\t" "add %[b], %[b], #4\n\t" "add %[r], %[r], #4\n\t" "cmp %[a], r6\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "bne 1b\n\t" #else "bne.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ : [c] "+r" (c), [r] "+r" (r), [a] "+r" (a), [b] "+r" (b) : : "memory", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8" ); return c; } #endif /* WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL */ #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL /* Sub b from a into a. (a -= b) * * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static sp_digit sp_4096_sub_in_place_128(sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit c = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r8, %[a]\n\t" "add r8, r8, #512\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" "subs r5, r5, %[c]\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a]]\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[b]]\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[b], #4]\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "str r3, [%[a]]\n\t" "str r4, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "sbc %[c], %[c], %[c]\n\t" "add %[a], %[a], #8\n\t" "add %[b], %[b], #8\n\t" "cmp %[a], r8\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "bne 1b\n\t" #else "bne.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ : [c] "+r" (c), [a] "+r" (a), [b] "+r" (b) : : "memory", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8" ); return c; } #endif /* WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL */ #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL /* Multiply a and b into r. (r = a * b) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_4096_mul_128(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit tmp_arr[128 * 2]; sp_digit* tmp = tmp_arr; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r3, #0\n\t" "mov r4, #0\n\t" "mov r9, r3\n\t" "mov r12, %[r]\n\t" "mov r10, %[a]\n\t" "mov r11, %[b]\n\t" "mov r6, #2\n\t" "lsl r6, r6, #8\n\t" "add r6, r6, r10\n\t" "mov r14, r6\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" "mov %[r], #0\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" "mov r6, #1\n\t" "lsl r6, r6, #8\n\t" "add r6, r6, #252\n\t" "mov %[a], r9\n\t" "subs %[a], %[a], r6\n\t" "sbc r6, r6, r6\n\t" "mvn r6, r6\n\t" "and %[a], %[a], r6\n\t" "mov %[b], r9\n\t" "sub %[b], %[b], %[a]\n\t" "add %[a], %[a], r10\n\t" "add %[b], %[b], r11\n\t" "\n2:\n\t" /* Multiply Start */ "ldr r6, [%[a]]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b]]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, %[r]\n\t" /* Multiply Done */ "add %[a], %[a], #4\n\t" "sub %[b], %[b], #4\n\t" "cmp %[a], r14\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "beq 3f\n\t" #else "beq.n 3f\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "mov r6, r9\n\t" "add r6, r6, r10\n\t" "cmp %[a], r6\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "ble 2b\n\t" #else "ble.n 2b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "\n3:\n\t" "mov %[r], r12\n\t" "mov r8, r9\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], r8]\n\t" "mov r3, r4\n\t" "mov r4, r5\n\t" "add r8, r8, #4\n\t" "mov r9, r8\n\t" "mov r6, #3\n\t" "lsl r6, r6, #8\n\t" "add r6, r6, #248\n\t" "cmp r8, r6\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "ble 1b\n\t" #else "ble.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "str r3, [%[r], r8]\n\t" "mov %[a], r10\n\t" "mov %[b], r11\n\t" : : [r] "r" (tmp), [a] "r" (a), [b] "r" (b) : "memory", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8", "r9", "r10", "r11", "r12", "r14" ); XMEMCPY(r, tmp_arr, sizeof(tmp_arr)); } /* Square a and put result in r. (r = a * a) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_4096_sqr_128(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a) { __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r3, #0\n\t" "mov r4, #0\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" "mov r9, r3\n\t" "mov r12, %[r]\n\t" "mov r6, #4\n\t" "lsl r6, r6, #8\n\t" "neg r6, r6\n\t" "add sp, sp, r6\n\t" "mov r11, sp\n\t" "mov r10, %[a]\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" "mov %[r], #0\n\t" "mov r6, #1\n\t" "lsl r6, r6, #8\n\t" "add r6, r6, #252\n\t" "mov %[a], r9\n\t" "subs %[a], %[a], r6\n\t" "sbc r6, r6, r6\n\t" "mvn r6, r6\n\t" "and %[a], %[a], r6\n\t" "mov r2, r9\n\t" "sub r2, r2, %[a]\n\t" "add %[a], %[a], r10\n\t" "add r2, r2, r10\n\t" "\n2:\n\t" "cmp r2, %[a]\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "beq 4f\n\t" #else "beq.n 4f\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ /* Multiply * 2: Start */ "ldr r6, [%[a]]\n\t" "ldr r8, [r2]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, %[r]\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, %[r]\n\t" /* Multiply * 2: Done */ #ifdef __GNUC__ "bal 5f\n\t" #else "bal.n 5f\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "\n4:\n\t" /* Square: Start */ "ldr r6, [%[a]]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r6\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, %[r]\n\t" /* Square: Done */ "\n5:\n\t" "add %[a], %[a], #4\n\t" "sub r2, r2, #4\n\t" "mov r6, #2\n\t" "lsl r6, r6, #8\n\t" "add r6, r6, r10\n\t" "cmp %[a], r6\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "beq 3f\n\t" #else "beq.n 3f\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "cmp %[a], r2\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "bgt 3f\n\t" #else "bgt.n 3f\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "mov r8, r9\n\t" "add r8, r8, r10\n\t" "cmp %[a], r8\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "ble 2b\n\t" #else "ble.n 2b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "\n3:\n\t" "mov %[r], r11\n\t" "mov r8, r9\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], r8]\n\t" "mov r3, r4\n\t" "mov r4, r5\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" "add r8, r8, #4\n\t" "mov r9, r8\n\t" "mov r6, #3\n\t" "lsl r6, r6, #8\n\t" "add r6, r6, #248\n\t" "cmp r8, r6\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "ble 1b\n\t" #else "ble.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "mov %[a], r10\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], r8]\n\t" "mov %[r], r12\n\t" "mov %[a], r11\n\t" "mov r3, #3\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, #8\n\t" "add r3, r3, #252\n\t" "\n4:\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[a], r3]\n\t" "str r6, [%[r], r3]\n\t" "subs r3, r3, #4\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "bge 4b\n\t" #else "bge.n 4b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "mov r6, #4\n\t" "lsl r6, r6, #8\n\t" "add sp, sp, r6\n\t" : : [r] "r" (r), [a] "r" (a) : "memory", "r2", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8", "r9", "r10", "r11", "r12" ); } #endif /* WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL */ /* Caclulate the bottom digit of -1/a mod 2^n. * * a A single precision number. * rho Bottom word of inverse. */ static void sp_4096_mont_setup(const sp_digit* a, sp_digit* rho) { sp_digit x, b; b = a[0]; x = (((b + 2) & 4) << 1) + b; /* here x*a==1 mod 2**4 */ x *= 2 - b * x; /* here x*a==1 mod 2**8 */ x *= 2 - b * x; /* here x*a==1 mod 2**16 */ x *= 2 - b * x; /* here x*a==1 mod 2**32 */ /* rho = -1/m mod b */ *rho = -x; } /* Mul a by digit b into r. (r = a * b) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision digit. */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_4096_mul_d_128(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, sp_digit b) { __asm__ __volatile__ ( "add r9, %[a], #512\n\t" /* A[0] * B */ "ldr r6, [%[a]], #4\n\t" "umull r5, r3, r6, %[b]\n\t" "mov r4, #0\n\t" "str r5, [%[r]], #4\n\t" /* A[0] * B - Done */ "\n1:\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" /* A[] * B */ "ldr r6, [%[a]], #4\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, %[b]\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[] * B - Done */ "str r3, [%[r]], #4\n\t" "mov r3, r4\n\t" "mov r4, r5\n\t" "cmp %[a], r9\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "blt 1b\n\t" #else "blt.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "str r3, [%[r]]\n\t" : [r] "+r" (r), [a] "+r" (a) : [b] "r" (b) : "memory", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8", "r9" ); } #if defined(WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_RSA) || defined(WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_DH) /* r = 2^n mod m where n is the number of bits to reduce by. * Given m must be 4096 bits, just need to subtract. * * r A single precision number. * m A single precision number. */ static void sp_4096_mont_norm_128(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* m) { XMEMSET(r, 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 128); /* r = 2^n mod m */ sp_4096_sub_in_place_128(r, m); } #endif /* WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_RSA || WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_DH */ /* Conditionally subtract b from a using the mask m. * m is -1 to subtract and 0 when not copying. * * r A single precision number representing condition subtract result. * a A single precision number to subtract from. * b A single precision number to subtract. * m Mask value to apply. */ SP_NOINLINE static sp_digit sp_4096_cond_sub_128(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b, sp_digit m) { sp_digit c = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r5, #2\n\t" "lsl r5, r5, #8\n\t" "mov r9, r5\n\t" "mov r8, #0\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[b], r8]\n\t" "and r6, r6, %[m]\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" "subs r5, r5, %[c]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[a], r8]\n\t" "sbcs r5, r5, r6\n\t" "sbcs %[c], %[c], %[c]\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], r8]\n\t" "add r8, r8, #4\n\t" "cmp r8, r9\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "blt 1b\n\t" #else "blt.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ : [c] "+r" (c) : [r] "r" (r), [a] "r" (a), [b] "r" (b), [m] "r" (m) : "memory", "r5", "r6", "r8", "r9" ); return c; } /* Reduce the number back to 4096 bits using Montgomery reduction. * * a A single precision number to reduce in place. * m The single precision number representing the modulus. * mp The digit representing the negative inverse of m mod 2^n. */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_4096_mont_reduce_128(sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* m, sp_digit mp) { sp_digit ca = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r9, %[mp]\n\t" "mov r12, %[m]\n\t" "mov r10, %[a]\n\t" "mov r4, #0\n\t" "add r11, r10, #512\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" /* mu = a[i] * mp */ "mov %[mp], r9\n\t" "ldr %[a], [r10]\n\t" "mul %[mp], %[mp], %[a]\n\t" "mov %[m], r12\n\t" "add r14, r10, #504\n\t" "\n2:\n\t" /* a[i+j] += m[j] * mu */ "ldr %[a], [r10]\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" /* Multiply m[j] and mu - Start */ "ldr r8, [%[m]], #4\n\t" "umull r6, r8, %[mp], r8\n\t" "adds %[a], %[a], r6\n\t" "adc r5, r5, r8\n\t" /* Multiply m[j] and mu - Done */ "adds r4, r4, %[a]\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" "str r4, [r10], #4\n\t" /* a[i+j+1] += m[j+1] * mu */ "ldr %[a], [r10]\n\t" "mov r4, #0\n\t" /* Multiply m[j] and mu - Start */ "ldr r8, [%[m]], #4\n\t" "umull r6, r8, %[mp], r8\n\t" "adds %[a], %[a], r6\n\t" "adc r4, r4, r8\n\t" /* Multiply m[j] and mu - Done */ "adds r5, r5, %[a]\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" "str r5, [r10], #4\n\t" "cmp r10, r14\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "blt 2b\n\t" #else "blt.n 2b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ /* a[i+126] += m[126] * mu */ "ldr %[a], [r10]\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" /* Multiply m[j] and mu - Start */ "ldr r8, [%[m]], #4\n\t" "umull r6, r8, %[mp], r8\n\t" "adds %[a], %[a], r6\n\t" "adc r5, r5, r8\n\t" /* Multiply m[j] and mu - Done */ "adds r4, r4, %[a]\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" "str r4, [r10], #4\n\t" /* a[i+127] += m[127] * mu */ "mov r4, %[ca]\n\t" "mov %[ca], #0\n\t" /* Multiply m[127] and mu - Start */ "ldr r8, [%[m]]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, %[mp], r8\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc %[ca], %[ca], #0\n\t" /* Multiply m[127] and mu - Done */ "ldr r6, [r10]\n\t" "ldr r8, [r10, #4]\n\t" "adds r6, r6, r5\n\t" "adcs r8, r8, r4\n\t" "adc %[ca], %[ca], #0\n\t" "str r6, [r10]\n\t" "str r8, [r10, #4]\n\t" /* Next word in a */ "sub r10, r10, #504\n\t" "cmp r10, r11\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "blt 1b\n\t" #else "blt.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "mov %[a], r10\n\t" "mov %[m], r12\n\t" : [ca] "+r" (ca), [a] "+r" (a) : [m] "r" (m), [mp] "r" (mp) : "memory", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8", "r9", "r10", "r11", "r12", "r14" ); sp_4096_cond_sub_128(a - 128, a, m, (sp_digit)0 - ca); } /* Multiply two Montogmery form numbers mod the modulus (prime). * (r = a * b mod m) * * r Result of multiplication. * a First number to multiply in Montogmery form. * b Second number to multiply in Montogmery form. * m Modulus (prime). * mp Montogmery mulitplier. */ static void sp_4096_mont_mul_128(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b, const sp_digit* m, sp_digit mp) { sp_4096_mul_128(r, a, b); sp_4096_mont_reduce_128(r, m, mp); } /* Square the Montgomery form number. (r = a * a mod m) * * r Result of squaring. * a Number to square in Montogmery form. * m Modulus (prime). * mp Montogmery mulitplier. */ static void sp_4096_mont_sqr_128(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* m, sp_digit mp) { sp_4096_sqr_128(r, a); sp_4096_mont_reduce_128(r, m, mp); } /* Divide the double width number (d1|d0) by the dividend. (d1|d0 / div) * * d1 The high order half of the number to divide. * d0 The low order half of the number to divide. * div The dividend. * returns the result of the division. * * Note that this is an approximate div. It may give an answer 1 larger. */ SP_NOINLINE static sp_digit div_4096_word_128(sp_digit d1, sp_digit d0, sp_digit div) { sp_digit r = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "lsr r6, %[div], #16\n\t" "add r6, r6, #1\n\t" "udiv r4, %[d1], r6\n\t" "lsl r8, r4, #16\n\t" "umull r4, r5, %[div], r8\n\t" "subs %[d0], %[d0], r4\n\t" "sbc %[d1], %[d1], r5\n\t" "udiv r5, %[d1], r6\n\t" "lsl r4, r5, #16\n\t" "add r8, r8, r4\n\t" "umull r4, r5, %[div], r4\n\t" "subs %[d0], %[d0], r4\n\t" "sbc %[d1], %[d1], r5\n\t" "lsl r4, %[d1], #16\n\t" "orr r4, r4, %[d0], lsr #16\n\t" "udiv r4, r4, r6\n\t" "add r8, r8, r4\n\t" "umull r4, r5, %[div], r4\n\t" "subs %[d0], %[d0], r4\n\t" "sbc %[d1], %[d1], r5\n\t" "lsl r4, %[d1], #16\n\t" "orr r4, r4, %[d0], lsr #16\n\t" "udiv r4, r4, r6\n\t" "add r8, r8, r4\n\t" "umull r4, r5, %[div], r4\n\t" "subs %[d0], %[d0], r4\n\t" "sbc %[d1], %[d1], r5\n\t" "udiv r4, %[d0], %[div]\n\t" "add r8, r8, r4\n\t" "mov %[r], r8\n\t" : [r] "+r" (r) : [d1] "r" (d1), [d0] "r" (d0), [div] "r" (div) : "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8" ); return r; } /* AND m into each word of a and store in r. * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * m Mask to AND against each digit. */ static void sp_4096_mask_128(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, sp_digit m) { #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL int i; for (i=0; i<128; i++) { r[i] = a[i] & m; } #else int i; for (i = 0; i < 128; i += 8) { r[i+0] = a[i+0] & m; r[i+1] = a[i+1] & m; r[i+2] = a[i+2] & m; r[i+3] = a[i+3] & m; r[i+4] = a[i+4] & m; r[i+5] = a[i+5] & m; r[i+6] = a[i+6] & m; r[i+7] = a[i+7] & m; } #endif } /* Compare a with b in constant time. * * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. * return -ve, 0 or +ve if a is less than, equal to or greater than b * respectively. */ SP_NOINLINE static int32_t sp_4096_cmp_128(const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit r = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r3, #0\n\t" "mvn r3, r3\n\t" "mov r6, #1\n\t" "lsl r6, r6, #8\n\t" "add r6, r6, #252\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], r6]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[b], r6]\n\t" "and r8, r8, r3\n\t" "and r5, r5, r3\n\t" "mov r4, r8\n\t" "subs r8, r8, r5\n\t" "sbc r8, r8, r8\n\t" "add %[r], %[r], r8\n\t" "mvn r8, r8\n\t" "and r3, r3, r8\n\t" "subs r5, r5, r4\n\t" "sbc r8, r8, r8\n\t" "sub %[r], %[r], r8\n\t" "mvn r8, r8\n\t" "and r3, r3, r8\n\t" "sub r6, r6, #4\n\t" "cmp r6, #0\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "bge 1b\n\t" #else "bge.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ : [r] "+r" (r) : [a] "r" (a), [b] "r" (b) : "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8" ); return r; } /* Divide d in a and put remainder into r (m*d + r = a) * m is not calculated as it is not needed at this time. * * a Number to be divided. * d Number to divide with. * m Multiplier result. * r Remainder from the division. * returns MP_OKAY indicating success. */ static WC_INLINE int sp_4096_div_128(const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* d, sp_digit* m, sp_digit* r) { sp_digit t1[256], t2[129]; sp_digit div, r1; int i; (void)m; div = d[127]; XMEMCPY(t1, a, sizeof(*t1) * 2 * 128); for (i=127; i>=0; i--) { sp_digit hi = t1[128 + i] - (t1[128 + i] == div); r1 = div_4096_word_128(hi, t1[128 + i - 1], div); sp_4096_mul_d_128(t2, d, r1); t1[128 + i] += sp_4096_sub_in_place_128(&t1[i], t2); t1[128 + i] -= t2[128]; sp_4096_mask_128(t2, d, t1[128 + i]); t1[128 + i] += sp_4096_add_128(&t1[i], &t1[i], t2); sp_4096_mask_128(t2, d, t1[128 + i]); t1[128 + i] += sp_4096_add_128(&t1[i], &t1[i], t2); } r1 = sp_4096_cmp_128(t1, d) >= 0; sp_4096_cond_sub_128(r, t1, d, (sp_digit)0 - r1); return MP_OKAY; } /* Reduce a modulo m into r. (r = a mod m) * * r A single precision number that is the reduced result. * a A single precision number that is to be reduced. * m A single precision number that is the modulus to reduce with. * returns MP_OKAY indicating success. */ static WC_INLINE int sp_4096_mod_128(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* m) { return sp_4096_div_128(a, m, NULL, r); } /* Divide d in a and put remainder into r (m*d + r = a) * m is not calculated as it is not needed at this time. * * a Number to be divided. * d Number to divide with. * m Multiplier result. * r Remainder from the division. * returns MP_OKAY indicating success. */ static WC_INLINE int sp_4096_div_128_cond(const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* d, sp_digit* m, sp_digit* r) { sp_digit t1[256], t2[129]; sp_digit div, r1; int i; (void)m; div = d[127]; XMEMCPY(t1, a, sizeof(*t1) * 2 * 128); for (i=127; i>=0; i--) { sp_digit hi = t1[128 + i] - (t1[128 + i] == div); r1 = div_4096_word_128(hi, t1[128 + i - 1], div); sp_4096_mul_d_128(t2, d, r1); t1[128 + i] += sp_4096_sub_in_place_128(&t1[i], t2); t1[128 + i] -= t2[128]; if (t1[128 + i] != 0) { t1[128 + i] += sp_4096_add_128(&t1[i], &t1[i], d); if (t1[128 + i] != 0) t1[128 + i] += sp_4096_add_128(&t1[i], &t1[i], d); } } r1 = sp_4096_cmp_128(t1, d) >= 0; sp_4096_cond_sub_128(r, t1, d, (sp_digit)0 - r1); return MP_OKAY; } /* Reduce a modulo m into r. (r = a mod m) * * r A single precision number that is the reduced result. * a A single precision number that is to be reduced. * m A single precision number that is the modulus to reduce with. * returns MP_OKAY indicating success. */ static WC_INLINE int sp_4096_mod_128_cond(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* m) { return sp_4096_div_128_cond(a, m, NULL, r); } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_RSA) && !defined(WOLFSSL_RSA_PUBLIC_ONLY)) || \ defined(WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_DH) #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL /* Modular exponentiate a to the e mod m. (r = a^e mod m) * * r A single precision number that is the result of the operation. * a A single precision number being exponentiated. * e A single precision number that is the exponent. * bits The number of bits in the exponent. * m A single precision number that is the modulus. * returns 0 on success and MEMORY_E on dynamic memory allocation failure. */ static int sp_4096_mod_exp_128(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* e, int bits, const sp_digit* m, int reduceA) { #if defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) sp_digit* td; #else sp_digit td[16 * 256]; #endif sp_digit* t[16]; sp_digit* norm; sp_digit mp = 1; sp_digit n; sp_digit mask; int i; int c, y; int err = MP_OKAY; #if defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) td = (sp_digit*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_digit) * (16 * 256), NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); if (td == NULL) { err = MEMORY_E; } #endif if (err == MP_OKAY) { norm = td; for (i=0; i<16; i++) { #if defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) t[i] = td + i * 256; #else t[i] = &td[i * 256]; #endif } sp_4096_mont_setup(m, &mp); sp_4096_mont_norm_128(norm, m); XMEMSET(t[1], 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 128U); if (reduceA != 0) { err = sp_4096_mod_128(t[1] + 128, a, m); if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_4096_mod_128(t[1], t[1], m); } } else { XMEMCPY(t[1] + 128, a, sizeof(sp_digit) * 128); err = sp_4096_mod_128(t[1], t[1], m); } } if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_4096_mont_sqr_128(t[ 2], t[ 1], m, mp); sp_4096_mont_mul_128(t[ 3], t[ 2], t[ 1], m, mp); sp_4096_mont_sqr_128(t[ 4], t[ 2], m, mp); sp_4096_mont_mul_128(t[ 5], t[ 3], t[ 2], m, mp); sp_4096_mont_sqr_128(t[ 6], t[ 3], m, mp); sp_4096_mont_mul_128(t[ 7], t[ 4], t[ 3], m, mp); sp_4096_mont_sqr_128(t[ 8], t[ 4], m, mp); sp_4096_mont_mul_128(t[ 9], t[ 5], t[ 4], m, mp); sp_4096_mont_sqr_128(t[10], t[ 5], m, mp); sp_4096_mont_mul_128(t[11], t[ 6], t[ 5], m, mp); sp_4096_mont_sqr_128(t[12], t[ 6], m, mp); sp_4096_mont_mul_128(t[13], t[ 7], t[ 6], m, mp); sp_4096_mont_sqr_128(t[14], t[ 7], m, mp); sp_4096_mont_mul_128(t[15], t[ 8], t[ 7], m, mp); i = (bits - 1) / 32; n = e[i--]; c = bits & 31; if (c == 0) { c = 32; } c -= bits % 4; if (c == 32) { c = 28; } if (c < 0) { /* Number of bits in top word is less than number needed. */ c = -c; y = (int)(n << c); n = e[i--]; y |= (int)(n >> (64 - c)); n <<= c; c = 64 - c; } else { y = (int)(n >> c); n <<= 32 - c; } XMEMCPY(r, t[y], sizeof(sp_digit) * 128); for (; i>=0 || c>=4; ) { if (c == 0) { n = e[i--]; y = (int)(n >> 28); n <<= 4; c = 28; } else if (c < 4) { y = (int)(n >> 28); n = e[i--]; c = 4 - c; y |= (int)(n >> (32 - c)); n <<= c; c = 32 - c; } else { y = (int)((n >> 28) & 0xf); n <<= 4; c -= 4; } sp_4096_mont_sqr_128(r, r, m, mp); sp_4096_mont_sqr_128(r, r, m, mp); sp_4096_mont_sqr_128(r, r, m, mp); sp_4096_mont_sqr_128(r, r, m, mp); sp_4096_mont_mul_128(r, r, t[y], m, mp); } XMEMSET(&r[128], 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 128U); sp_4096_mont_reduce_128(r, m, mp); mask = 0 - (sp_4096_cmp_128(r, m) >= 0); sp_4096_cond_sub_128(r, r, m, mask); } #if defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (td != NULL) { XFREE(td, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); } #endif return err; } #else /* Modular exponentiate a to the e mod m. (r = a^e mod m) * * r A single precision number that is the result of the operation. * a A single precision number being exponentiated. * e A single precision number that is the exponent. * bits The number of bits in the exponent. * m A single precision number that is the modulus. * returns 0 on success and MEMORY_E on dynamic memory allocation failure. */ static int sp_4096_mod_exp_128(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* e, int bits, const sp_digit* m, int reduceA) { #if defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) sp_digit* td; #else sp_digit td[32 * 256]; #endif sp_digit* t[32]; sp_digit* norm; sp_digit mp = 1; sp_digit n; sp_digit mask; int i; int c, y; int err = MP_OKAY; #if defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) td = (sp_digit*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_digit) * (32 * 256), NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); if (td == NULL) { err = MEMORY_E; } #endif if (err == MP_OKAY) { norm = td; for (i=0; i<32; i++) { #if defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) t[i] = td + i * 256; #else t[i] = &td[i * 256]; #endif } sp_4096_mont_setup(m, &mp); sp_4096_mont_norm_128(norm, m); XMEMSET(t[1], 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 128U); if (reduceA != 0) { err = sp_4096_mod_128(t[1] + 128, a, m); if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_4096_mod_128(t[1], t[1], m); } } else { XMEMCPY(t[1] + 128, a, sizeof(sp_digit) * 128); err = sp_4096_mod_128(t[1], t[1], m); } } if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_4096_mont_sqr_128(t[ 2], t[ 1], m, mp); sp_4096_mont_mul_128(t[ 3], t[ 2], t[ 1], m, mp); sp_4096_mont_sqr_128(t[ 4], t[ 2], m, mp); sp_4096_mont_mul_128(t[ 5], t[ 3], t[ 2], m, mp); sp_4096_mont_sqr_128(t[ 6], t[ 3], m, mp); sp_4096_mont_mul_128(t[ 7], t[ 4], t[ 3], m, mp); sp_4096_mont_sqr_128(t[ 8], t[ 4], m, mp); sp_4096_mont_mul_128(t[ 9], t[ 5], t[ 4], m, mp); sp_4096_mont_sqr_128(t[10], t[ 5], m, mp); sp_4096_mont_mul_128(t[11], t[ 6], t[ 5], m, mp); sp_4096_mont_sqr_128(t[12], t[ 6], m, mp); sp_4096_mont_mul_128(t[13], t[ 7], t[ 6], m, mp); sp_4096_mont_sqr_128(t[14], t[ 7], m, mp); sp_4096_mont_mul_128(t[15], t[ 8], t[ 7], m, mp); sp_4096_mont_sqr_128(t[16], t[ 8], m, mp); sp_4096_mont_mul_128(t[17], t[ 9], t[ 8], m, mp); sp_4096_mont_sqr_128(t[18], t[ 9], m, mp); sp_4096_mont_mul_128(t[19], t[10], t[ 9], m, mp); sp_4096_mont_sqr_128(t[20], t[10], m, mp); sp_4096_mont_mul_128(t[21], t[11], t[10], m, mp); sp_4096_mont_sqr_128(t[22], t[11], m, mp); sp_4096_mont_mul_128(t[23], t[12], t[11], m, mp); sp_4096_mont_sqr_128(t[24], t[12], m, mp); sp_4096_mont_mul_128(t[25], t[13], t[12], m, mp); sp_4096_mont_sqr_128(t[26], t[13], m, mp); sp_4096_mont_mul_128(t[27], t[14], t[13], m, mp); sp_4096_mont_sqr_128(t[28], t[14], m, mp); sp_4096_mont_mul_128(t[29], t[15], t[14], m, mp); sp_4096_mont_sqr_128(t[30], t[15], m, mp); sp_4096_mont_mul_128(t[31], t[16], t[15], m, mp); i = (bits - 1) / 32; n = e[i--]; c = bits & 31; if (c == 0) { c = 32; } c -= bits % 5; if (c == 32) { c = 27; } if (c < 0) { /* Number of bits in top word is less than number needed. */ c = -c; y = (int)(n << c); n = e[i--]; y |= (int)(n >> (64 - c)); n <<= c; c = 64 - c; } else { y = (int)(n >> c); n <<= 32 - c; } XMEMCPY(r, t[y], sizeof(sp_digit) * 128); for (; i>=0 || c>=5; ) { if (c == 0) { n = e[i--]; y = (int)(n >> 27); n <<= 5; c = 27; } else if (c < 5) { y = (int)(n >> 27); n = e[i--]; c = 5 - c; y |= (int)(n >> (32 - c)); n <<= c; c = 32 - c; } else { y = (int)((n >> 27) & 0x1f); n <<= 5; c -= 5; } sp_4096_mont_sqr_128(r, r, m, mp); sp_4096_mont_sqr_128(r, r, m, mp); sp_4096_mont_sqr_128(r, r, m, mp); sp_4096_mont_sqr_128(r, r, m, mp); sp_4096_mont_sqr_128(r, r, m, mp); sp_4096_mont_mul_128(r, r, t[y], m, mp); } XMEMSET(&r[128], 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 128U); sp_4096_mont_reduce_128(r, m, mp); mask = 0 - (sp_4096_cmp_128(r, m) >= 0); sp_4096_cond_sub_128(r, r, m, mask); } #if defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (td != NULL) { XFREE(td, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); } #endif return err; } #endif /* WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL */ #endif /* (WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_RSA && !WOLFSSL_RSA_PUBLIC_ONLY) || WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_DH */ #ifdef WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_RSA /* RSA public key operation. * * in Array of bytes representing the number to exponentiate, base. * inLen Number of bytes in base. * em Public exponent. * mm Modulus. * out Buffer to hold big-endian bytes of exponentiation result. * Must be at least 512 bytes long. * outLen Number of bytes in result. * returns 0 on success, MP_TO_E when the outLen is too small, MP_READ_E when * an array is too long and MEMORY_E when dynamic memory allocation fails. */ int sp_RsaPublic_4096(const byte* in, word32 inLen, mp_int* em, mp_int* mm, byte* out, word32* outLen) { #if (!defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) || defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) sp_digit a[256], m[128], r[256]; #else sp_digit* d = NULL; sp_digit* a = NULL; sp_digit* m = NULL; sp_digit* r = NULL; #endif sp_digit *ah = NULL; sp_digit e[1]; int err = MP_OKAY; if (*outLen < 512) { err = MP_TO_E; } else if (mp_count_bits(em) > 32 || inLen > 512 || mp_count_bits(mm) != 4096) { err = MP_READ_E; } else if (mp_iseven(mm)) { err = MP_VAL; } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (err == MP_OKAY) { d = (sp_digit*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_digit) * 128 * 5, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_RSA); if (d == NULL) err = MEMORY_E; } if (err == MP_OKAY) { a = d; r = a + 128 * 2; m = r + 128 * 2; } #endif if (err == MP_OKAY) { ah = a + 128; sp_4096_from_bin(ah, 128, in, inLen); #if DIGIT_BIT >= 32 e[0] = em->dp[0]; #else e[0] = em->dp[0]; if (em->used > 1) { e[0] |= ((sp_digit)em->dp[1]) << DIGIT_BIT; } #endif if (e[0] == 0) { err = MP_EXPTMOD_E; } } if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_4096_from_mp(m, 128, mm); if (e[0] == 0x3) { if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_4096_sqr_128(r, ah); err = sp_4096_mod_128_cond(r, r, m); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_4096_mul_128(r, ah, r); err = sp_4096_mod_128_cond(r, r, m); } } else { int i; sp_digit mp; sp_4096_mont_setup(m, &mp); /* Convert to Montgomery form. */ XMEMSET(a, 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 128); err = sp_4096_mod_128_cond(a, a, m); if (err == MP_OKAY) { for (i = 31; i >= 0; i--) { if (e[0] >> i) { break; } } XMEMCPY(r, a, sizeof(sp_digit) * 128); for (i--; i>=0; i--) { sp_4096_mont_sqr_128(r, r, m, mp); if (((e[0] >> i) & 1) == 1) { sp_4096_mont_mul_128(r, r, a, m, mp); } } XMEMSET(&r[128], 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 128); sp_4096_mont_reduce_128(r, m, mp); for (i = 127; i > 0; i--) { if (r[i] != m[i]) { break; } } if (r[i] >= m[i]) { sp_4096_sub_in_place_128(r, m); } } } } if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_4096_to_bin(r, out); *outLen = 512; } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (d != NULL) { XFREE(d, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_RSA); } #endif return err; } #ifndef WOLFSSL_RSA_PUBLIC_ONLY /* Conditionally add a and b using the mask m. * m is -1 to add and 0 when not. * * r A single precision number representing conditional add result. * a A single precision number to add with. * b A single precision number to add. * m Mask value to apply. */ SP_NOINLINE static sp_digit sp_4096_cond_add_64(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b, sp_digit m) { sp_digit c = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r5, #1\n\t" "lsl r5, r5, #8\n\t" "mov r9, r5\n\t" "mov r8, #0\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[b], r8]\n\t" "and r6, r6, %[m]\n\t" "adds r5, %[c], #-1\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[a], r8]\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r6\n\t" "mov %[c], #0\n\t" "adcs %[c], %[c], %[c]\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], r8]\n\t" "add r8, r8, #4\n\t" "cmp r8, r9\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "blt 1b\n\t" #else "blt.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ : [c] "+r" (c) : [r] "r" (r), [a] "r" (a), [b] "r" (b), [m] "r" (m) : "memory", "r5", "r6", "r8", "r9" ); return c; } /* RSA private key operation. * * in Array of bytes representing the number to exponentiate, base. * inLen Number of bytes in base. * dm Private exponent. * pm First prime. * qm Second prime. * dpm First prime's CRT exponent. * dqm Second prime's CRT exponent. * qim Inverse of second prime mod p. * mm Modulus. * out Buffer to hold big-endian bytes of exponentiation result. * Must be at least 512 bytes long. * outLen Number of bytes in result. * returns 0 on success, MP_TO_E when the outLen is too small, MP_READ_E when * an array is too long and MEMORY_E when dynamic memory allocation fails. */ int sp_RsaPrivate_4096(const byte* in, word32 inLen, mp_int* dm, mp_int* pm, mp_int* qm, mp_int* dpm, mp_int* dqm, mp_int* qim, mp_int* mm, byte* out, word32* outLen) { #if defined(SP_RSA_PRIVATE_EXP_D) || defined(RSA_LOW_MEM) sp_digit* a = NULL; sp_digit* d = NULL; sp_digit* m = NULL; sp_digit* r = NULL; int err = MP_OKAY; (void)pm; (void)qm; (void)dpm; (void)dqm; (void)qim; if (*outLen < 512U) { err = MP_TO_E; } if (err == MP_OKAY) { if (mp_count_bits(dm) > 4096) { err = MP_READ_E; } else if (inLen > 512) { err = MP_READ_E; } else if (mp_count_bits(mm) != 4096) { err = MP_READ_E; } else if (mp_iseven(mm)) { err = MP_VAL; } } if (err == MP_OKAY) { d = (sp_digit*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_digit) * 128 * 4, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_RSA); if (d == NULL) { err = MEMORY_E; } } if (err == MP_OKAY) { a = d + 128; m = a + 256; r = a; sp_4096_from_bin(a, 128, in, inLen); sp_4096_from_mp(d, 128, dm); sp_4096_from_mp(m, 128, mm); err = sp_4096_mod_exp_128(r, a, d, 4096, m, 0); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_4096_to_bin(r, out); *outLen = 512; } if (d != NULL) { XMEMSET(d, 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 128); XFREE(d, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_RSA); } return err; #else #if (!defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) || defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) sp_digit a[128 * 2]; sp_digit p[64], q[64], dp[64]; sp_digit tmpa[128], tmpb[128]; #else sp_digit* t = NULL; sp_digit* a = NULL; sp_digit* p = NULL; sp_digit* q = NULL; sp_digit* dp = NULL; sp_digit* tmpa = NULL; sp_digit* tmpb = NULL; #endif sp_digit* r = NULL; sp_digit* qi = NULL; sp_digit* dq = NULL; sp_digit c; int err = MP_OKAY; (void)dm; (void)mm; if (*outLen < 512) { err = MP_TO_E; } else if (inLen > 512 || mp_count_bits(mm) != 4096) { err = MP_READ_E; } else if (mp_iseven(mm)) { err = MP_VAL; } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (err == MP_OKAY) { t = (sp_digit*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_digit) * 64 * 11, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_RSA); if (t == NULL) err = MEMORY_E; } if (err == MP_OKAY) { a = t; p = a + 128 * 2; q = p + 64; qi = dq = dp = q + 64; tmpa = qi + 64; tmpb = tmpa + 128; r = t + 128; } #else #endif if (err == MP_OKAY) { #if (!defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) || defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) r = a; qi = dq = dp; #endif sp_4096_from_bin(a, 128, in, inLen); sp_4096_from_mp(p, 64, pm); sp_4096_from_mp(q, 64, qm); sp_4096_from_mp(dp, 64, dpm); err = sp_2048_mod_exp_64(tmpa, a, dp, 2048, p, 1); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_4096_from_mp(dq, 64, dqm); err = sp_2048_mod_exp_64(tmpb, a, dq, 2048, q, 1); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { c = sp_2048_sub_in_place_64(tmpa, tmpb); c += sp_4096_cond_add_64(tmpa, tmpa, p, c); sp_4096_cond_add_64(tmpa, tmpa, p, c); sp_2048_from_mp(qi, 64, qim); sp_2048_mul_64(tmpa, tmpa, qi); err = sp_2048_mod_64(tmpa, tmpa, p); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_2048_mul_64(tmpa, q, tmpa); XMEMSET(&tmpb[64], 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 64); sp_4096_add_128(r, tmpb, tmpa); sp_4096_to_bin(r, out); *outLen = 512; } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (t != NULL) { XMEMSET(t, 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 64 * 11); XFREE(t, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_RSA); } #else XMEMSET(tmpa, 0, sizeof(tmpa)); XMEMSET(tmpb, 0, sizeof(tmpb)); XMEMSET(p, 0, sizeof(p)); XMEMSET(q, 0, sizeof(q)); XMEMSET(dp, 0, sizeof(dp)); #endif #endif /* SP_RSA_PRIVATE_EXP_D || RSA_LOW_MEM */ return err; } #endif /* WOLFSSL_RSA_PUBLIC_ONLY */ #endif /* WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_RSA */ #if defined(WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_DH) || (defined(WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_RSA) && \ !defined(WOLFSSL_RSA_PUBLIC_ONLY)) /* Convert an array of sp_digit to an mp_int. * * a A single precision integer. * r A multi-precision integer. */ static int sp_4096_to_mp(const sp_digit* a, mp_int* r) { int err; err = mp_grow(r, (4096 + DIGIT_BIT - 1) / DIGIT_BIT); if (err == MP_OKAY) { /*lint !e774 case where err is always MP_OKAY*/ #if DIGIT_BIT == 32 XMEMCPY(r->dp, a, sizeof(sp_digit) * 128); r->used = 128; mp_clamp(r); #elif DIGIT_BIT < 32 int i, j = 0, s = 0; r->dp[0] = 0; for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) { r->dp[j] |= (mp_digit)(a[i] << s); r->dp[j] &= (1L << DIGIT_BIT) - 1; s = DIGIT_BIT - s; r->dp[++j] = (mp_digit)(a[i] >> s); while (s + DIGIT_BIT <= 32) { s += DIGIT_BIT; r->dp[j++] &= (1L << DIGIT_BIT) - 1; if (s == SP_WORD_SIZE) { r->dp[j] = 0; } else { r->dp[j] = (mp_digit)(a[i] >> s); } } s = 32 - s; } r->used = (4096 + DIGIT_BIT - 1) / DIGIT_BIT; mp_clamp(r); #else int i, j = 0, s = 0; r->dp[0] = 0; for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) { r->dp[j] |= ((mp_digit)a[i]) << s; if (s + 32 >= DIGIT_BIT) { #if DIGIT_BIT != 32 && DIGIT_BIT != 64 r->dp[j] &= (1L << DIGIT_BIT) - 1; #endif s = DIGIT_BIT - s; r->dp[++j] = a[i] >> s; s = 32 - s; } else { s += 32; } } r->used = (4096 + DIGIT_BIT - 1) / DIGIT_BIT; mp_clamp(r); #endif } return err; } /* Perform the modular exponentiation for Diffie-Hellman. * * base Base. MP integer. * exp Exponent. MP integer. * mod Modulus. MP integer. * res Result. MP integer. * returns 0 on success, MP_READ_E if there are too many bytes in an array * and MEMORY_E if memory allocation fails. */ int sp_ModExp_4096(mp_int* base, mp_int* exp, mp_int* mod, mp_int* res) { int err = MP_OKAY; sp_digit b[256], e[128], m[128]; sp_digit* r = b; int expBits = mp_count_bits(exp); if (mp_count_bits(base) > 4096) { err = MP_READ_E; } else if (expBits > 4096) { err = MP_READ_E; } else if (mp_count_bits(mod) != 4096) { err = MP_READ_E; } else if (mp_iseven(mod)) { err = MP_VAL; } if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_4096_from_mp(b, 128, base); sp_4096_from_mp(e, 128, exp); sp_4096_from_mp(m, 128, mod); err = sp_4096_mod_exp_128(r, b, e, expBits, m, 0); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_4096_to_mp(r, res); } XMEMSET(e, 0, sizeof(e)); return err; } #ifdef WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_DH #ifdef HAVE_FFDHE_4096 static void sp_4096_lshift_128(sp_digit* r, sp_digit* a, byte n) { __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r6, #31\n\t" "sub r6, r6, %[n]\n\t" "add %[a], %[a], #448\n\t" "add %[r], %[r], #448\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #60]\n\t" "lsr r4, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r4, r4, r6\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #56]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #64]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #52]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #60]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #48]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #56]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #44]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #52]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #40]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #48]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #36]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #44]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #32]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #40]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #36]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #32]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #28]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #24]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #20]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #16]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #12]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #8]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "sub %[a], %[a], #64\n\t" "sub %[r], %[r], #64\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #60]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #68]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #56]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #64]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #52]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #60]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #48]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #56]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #44]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #52]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #40]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #48]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #36]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #44]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #32]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #40]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #36]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #32]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #28]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #24]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #20]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #16]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #12]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #8]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sub %[a], %[a], #64\n\t" "sub %[r], %[r], #64\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #60]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #68]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #56]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #64]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #52]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #60]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #48]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #56]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #44]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #52]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #40]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #48]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #36]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #44]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #32]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #40]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #36]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #32]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #28]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #24]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #20]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #16]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #12]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #8]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "sub %[a], %[a], #64\n\t" "sub %[r], %[r], #64\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #60]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #68]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #56]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #64]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #52]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #60]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #48]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #56]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #44]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #52]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #40]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #48]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #36]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #44]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #32]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #40]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #36]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #32]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #28]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #24]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #20]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #16]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #12]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #8]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "sub %[a], %[a], #64\n\t" "sub %[r], %[r], #64\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #60]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #68]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #56]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #64]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #52]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #60]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #48]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #56]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #44]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #52]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #40]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #48]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #36]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #44]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #32]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #40]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #36]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #32]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #28]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #24]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #20]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #16]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #12]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #8]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sub %[a], %[a], #64\n\t" "sub %[r], %[r], #64\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #60]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #68]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #56]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #64]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #52]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #60]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #48]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #56]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #44]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #52]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #40]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #48]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #36]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #44]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #32]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #40]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #36]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #32]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #28]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #24]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #20]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #16]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #12]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #8]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "sub %[a], %[a], #64\n\t" "sub %[r], %[r], #64\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #60]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #68]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #56]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #64]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #52]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #60]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #48]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #56]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #44]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #52]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #40]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #48]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #36]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #44]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #32]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #40]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #36]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #32]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #28]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #24]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #20]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #16]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #12]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #8]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "sub %[a], %[a], #64\n\t" "sub %[r], %[r], #64\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #60]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #68]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #56]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #64]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #52]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #60]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #48]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #56]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #44]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #52]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #40]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #48]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #36]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #44]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #32]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #40]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #36]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #32]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #28]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #24]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #20]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #16]\n\t" "lsr r5, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r5\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #12]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #8]\n\t" "lsr r5, r2, #1\n\t" "lsl r2, r2, %[n]\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, r6\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r5\n\t" "str r2, [%[r]]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #4]\n\t" : : [r] "r" (r), [a] "r" (a), [n] "r" (n) : "memory", "r2", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6" ); } /* Modular exponentiate 2 to the e mod m. (r = 2^e mod m) * * r A single precision number that is the result of the operation. * e A single precision number that is the exponent. * bits The number of bits in the exponent. * m A single precision number that is the modulus. * returns 0 on success and MEMORY_E on dynamic memory allocation failure. */ static int sp_4096_mod_exp_2_128(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* e, int bits, const sp_digit* m) { #if defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) sp_digit* td; #else sp_digit td[385]; #endif sp_digit* norm; sp_digit* tmp; sp_digit mp = 1; sp_digit n, o; sp_digit mask; int i; int c, y; int err = MP_OKAY; #if defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) td = (sp_digit*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_digit) * 385, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); if (td == NULL) { err = MEMORY_E; } #endif if (err == MP_OKAY) { norm = td; #if defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) tmp = td + 256; #else tmp = &td[256]; #endif sp_4096_mont_setup(m, &mp); sp_4096_mont_norm_128(norm, m); i = (bits - 1) / 32; n = e[i--]; c = bits & 31; if (c == 0) { c = 32; } c -= bits % 5; if (c == 32) { c = 27; } if (c < 0) { /* Number of bits in top word is less than number needed. */ c = -c; y = (int)(n << c); n = e[i--]; y |= (int)(n >> (64 - c)); n <<= c; c = 64 - c; } else { y = (int)(n >> c); n <<= 32 - c; } sp_4096_lshift_128(r, norm, (byte)y); for (; i>=0 || c>=5; ) { if (c == 0) { n = e[i--]; y = (int)(n >> 27); n <<= 5; c = 27; } else if (c < 5) { y = (int)(n >> 27); n = e[i--]; c = 5 - c; y |= (int)(n >> (32 - c)); n <<= c; c = 32 - c; } else { y = (int)((n >> 27) & 0x1f); n <<= 5; c -= 5; } sp_4096_mont_sqr_128(r, r, m, mp); sp_4096_mont_sqr_128(r, r, m, mp); sp_4096_mont_sqr_128(r, r, m, mp); sp_4096_mont_sqr_128(r, r, m, mp); sp_4096_mont_sqr_128(r, r, m, mp); sp_4096_lshift_128(r, r, (byte)y); sp_4096_mul_d_128(tmp, norm, r[128]); r[128] = 0; o = sp_4096_add_128(r, r, tmp); sp_4096_cond_sub_128(r, r, m, (sp_digit)0 - o); } XMEMSET(&r[128], 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 128U); sp_4096_mont_reduce_128(r, m, mp); mask = 0 - (sp_4096_cmp_128(r, m) >= 0); sp_4096_cond_sub_128(r, r, m, mask); } #if defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (td != NULL) { XFREE(td, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); } #endif return err; } #endif /* HAVE_FFDHE_4096 */ /* Perform the modular exponentiation for Diffie-Hellman. * * base Base. * exp Array of bytes that is the exponent. * expLen Length of data, in bytes, in exponent. * mod Modulus. * out Buffer to hold big-endian bytes of exponentiation result. * Must be at least 512 bytes long. * outLen Length, in bytes, of exponentiation result. * returns 0 on success, MP_READ_E if there are too many bytes in an array * and MEMORY_E if memory allocation fails. */ int sp_DhExp_4096(mp_int* base, const byte* exp, word32 expLen, mp_int* mod, byte* out, word32* outLen) { int err = MP_OKAY; sp_digit b[256], e[128], m[128]; sp_digit* r = b; word32 i; if (mp_count_bits(base) > 4096) { err = MP_READ_E; } else if (expLen > 512) { err = MP_READ_E; } else if (mp_count_bits(mod) != 4096) { err = MP_READ_E; } else if (mp_iseven(mod)) { err = MP_VAL; } if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_4096_from_mp(b, 128, base); sp_4096_from_bin(e, 128, exp, expLen); sp_4096_from_mp(m, 128, mod); #ifdef HAVE_FFDHE_4096 if (base->used == 1 && base->dp[0] == 2 && m[127] == (sp_digit)-1) err = sp_4096_mod_exp_2_128(r, e, expLen * 8, m); else #endif err = sp_4096_mod_exp_128(r, b, e, expLen * 8, m, 0); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_4096_to_bin(r, out); *outLen = 512; for (i=0; i<512 && out[i] == 0; i++) { } *outLen -= i; XMEMMOVE(out, out + i, *outLen); } XMEMSET(e, 0, sizeof(e)); return err; } #endif /* WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_DH */ #endif /* WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_DH || (WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_RSA && !WOLFSSL_RSA_PUBLIC_ONLY) */ #endif /* WOLFSSL_SP_4096 */ #endif /* WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_RSA || WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_DH */ #ifdef WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_ECC #ifndef WOLFSSL_SP_NO_256 /* Point structure to use. */ typedef struct sp_point_256 { sp_digit x[2 * 8]; sp_digit y[2 * 8]; sp_digit z[2 * 8]; int infinity; } sp_point_256; /* The modulus (prime) of the curve P256. */ static const sp_digit p256_mod[8] = { 0xffffffff,0xffffffff,0xffffffff,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000, 0x00000001,0xffffffff }; /* The Montogmery normalizer for modulus of the curve P256. */ static const sp_digit p256_norm_mod[8] = { 0x00000001,0x00000000,0x00000000,0xffffffff,0xffffffff,0xffffffff, 0xfffffffe,0x00000000 }; /* The Montogmery multiplier for modulus of the curve P256. */ static const sp_digit p256_mp_mod = 0x00000001; #if defined(WOLFSSL_VALIDATE_ECC_KEYGEN) || defined(HAVE_ECC_SIGN) || \ defined(HAVE_ECC_VERIFY) /* The order of the curve P256. */ static const sp_digit p256_order[8] = { 0xfc632551,0xf3b9cac2,0xa7179e84,0xbce6faad,0xffffffff,0xffffffff, 0x00000000,0xffffffff }; #endif /* The order of the curve P256 minus 2. */ static const sp_digit p256_order2[8] = { 0xfc63254f,0xf3b9cac2,0xa7179e84,0xbce6faad,0xffffffff,0xffffffff, 0x00000000,0xffffffff }; #if defined(HAVE_ECC_SIGN) || defined(HAVE_ECC_VERIFY) /* The Montogmery normalizer for order of the curve P256. */ static const sp_digit p256_norm_order[8] = { 0x039cdaaf,0x0c46353d,0x58e8617b,0x43190552,0x00000000,0x00000000, 0xffffffff,0x00000000 }; #endif #if defined(HAVE_ECC_SIGN) || defined(HAVE_ECC_VERIFY) /* The Montogmery multiplier for order of the curve P256. */ static const sp_digit p256_mp_order = 0xee00bc4f; #endif /* The base point of curve P256. */ static const sp_point_256 p256_base = { /* X ordinate */ { 0xd898c296,0xf4a13945,0x2deb33a0,0x77037d81,0x63a440f2,0xf8bce6e5, 0xe12c4247,0x6b17d1f2, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L }, /* Y ordinate */ { 0x37bf51f5,0xcbb64068,0x6b315ece,0x2bce3357,0x7c0f9e16,0x8ee7eb4a, 0xfe1a7f9b,0x4fe342e2, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L }, /* Z ordinate */ { 0x00000001,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000, 0x00000000,0x00000000, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L }, /* infinity */ 0 }; #if defined(HAVE_ECC_CHECK_KEY) || defined(HAVE_COMP_KEY) static const sp_digit p256_b[8] = { 0x27d2604b,0x3bce3c3e,0xcc53b0f6,0x651d06b0,0x769886bc,0xb3ebbd55, 0xaa3a93e7,0x5ac635d8 }; #endif static int sp_256_point_new_ex_8(void* heap, sp_point_256* sp, sp_point_256** p) { int ret = MP_OKAY; (void)heap; #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) (void)sp; *p = (sp_point_256*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_point_256), heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); #else *p = sp; #endif if (*p == NULL) { ret = MEMORY_E; } return ret; } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) /* Allocate memory for point and return error. */ #define sp_256_point_new_8(heap, sp, p) sp_256_point_new_ex_8((heap), NULL, &(p)) #else /* Set pointer to data and return no error. */ #define sp_256_point_new_8(heap, sp, p) sp_256_point_new_ex_8((heap), &(sp), &(p)) #endif static void sp_256_point_free_8(sp_point_256* p, int clear, void* heap) { #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) /* If valid pointer then clear point data if requested and free data. */ if (p != NULL) { if (clear != 0) { XMEMSET(p, 0, sizeof(*p)); } XFREE(p, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); } #else /* Clear point data if requested. */ if (clear != 0) { XMEMSET(p, 0, sizeof(*p)); } #endif (void)heap; } /* Multiply a number by Montogmery normalizer mod modulus (prime). * * r The resulting Montgomery form number. * a The number to convert. * m The modulus (prime). */ static int sp_256_mod_mul_norm_8(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* m) { (void)m; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "sub sp, sp, #24\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "ldr r9, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "ldr r10, [%[a], #28]\n\t" /* Clear overflow and underflow */ "mov r14, #0\n\t" "mov r12, #0\n\t" /* t[0] = 1 1 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 */ "adds r11, r2, r3\n\t" "adc r14, r14, #0\n\t" "subs r11, r11, r5\n\t" "sbc r12, r12, #0\n\t" "subs r11, r11, r6\n\t" "sbc r12, r12, #0\n\t" "subs r11, r11, r8\n\t" "sbc r12, r12, #0\n\t" "subs r11, r11, r9\n\t" "sbc r12, r12, #0\n\t" /* Store t[0] */ "str r11, [sp, #0]\n\t" "neg r12, r12\n\t" "mov r11, #0\n\t" /* t[1] = 0 1 1 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 */ "adds r14, r14, r3\n\t" "adc r11, r11, #0\n\t" "adds r14, r14, r4\n\t" "adc r11, r11, #0\n\t" "subs r14, r14, r12\n\t" "mov r12, #0\n\t" "sbc r12, r12, #0\n\t" "subs r14, r14, r6\n\t" "sbc r12, r12, #0\n\t" "subs r14, r14, r8\n\t" "sbc r12, r12, #0\n\t" "subs r14, r14, r9\n\t" "sbc r12, r12, #0\n\t" "subs r14, r14, r10\n\t" "sbc r12, r12, #0\n\t" /* Store t[1] */ "str r14, [sp, #4]\n\t" "neg r12, r12\n\t" "mov r14, #0\n\t" /* t[2] = 0 0 1 1 0 -1 -1 -1 */ "adds r11, r11, r4\n\t" "adc r14, r14, #0\n\t" "adds r11, r11, r5\n\t" "adc r14, r14, #0\n\t" "subs r11, r11, r12\n\t" "mov r12, #0\n\t" "sbc r12, r12, #0\n\t" "subs r11, r11, r8\n\t" "sbc r12, r12, #0\n\t" "subs r11, r11, r9\n\t" "sbc r12, r12, #0\n\t" "subs r11, r11, r10\n\t" "sbc r12, r12, #0\n\t" /* Store t[2] */ "str r11, [sp, #8]\n\t" "neg r12, r12\n\t" "mov r11, #0\n\t" /* t[3] = -1 -1 0 2 2 1 0 -1 */ "adds r14, r14, r5\n\t" "adc r11, r11, #0\n\t" "adds r14, r14, r5\n\t" "adc r11, r11, #0\n\t" "adds r14, r14, r6\n\t" "adc r11, r11, #0\n\t" "adds r14, r14, r6\n\t" "adc r11, r11, #0\n\t" "adds r14, r14, r8\n\t" "adc r11, r11, #0\n\t" "subs r14, r14, r12\n\t" "mov r12, #0\n\t" "sbc r12, r12, #0\n\t" "subs r14, r14, r2\n\t" "sbc r12, r12, #0\n\t" "subs r14, r14, r3\n\t" "sbc r12, r12, #0\n\t" "subs r14, r14, r10\n\t" "sbc r12, r12, #0\n\t" /* Store t[3] */ "str r14, [sp, #12]\n\t" "neg r12, r12\n\t" "mov r14, #0\n\t" /* t[4] = 0 -1 -1 0 2 2 1 0 */ "adds r11, r11, r6\n\t" "adc r14, r14, #0\n\t" "adds r11, r11, r6\n\t" "adc r14, r14, #0\n\t" "adds r11, r11, r8\n\t" "adc r14, r14, #0\n\t" "adds r11, r11, r8\n\t" "adc r14, r14, #0\n\t" "adds r11, r11, r9\n\t" "adc r14, r14, #0\n\t" "subs r11, r11, r12\n\t" "mov r12, #0\n\t" "sbc r12, r12, #0\n\t" "subs r11, r11, r3\n\t" "sbc r12, r12, #0\n\t" "subs r11, r11, r4\n\t" "sbc r12, r12, #0\n\t" /* Store t[4] */ "str r11, [sp, #16]\n\t" "neg r12, r12\n\t" "mov r11, #0\n\t" /* t[5] = 0 0 -1 -1 0 2 2 1 */ "adds r14, r14, r8\n\t" "adc r11, r11, #0\n\t" "adds r14, r14, r8\n\t" "adc r11, r11, #0\n\t" "adds r14, r14, r9\n\t" "adc r11, r11, #0\n\t" "adds r14, r14, r9\n\t" "adc r11, r11, #0\n\t" "adds r14, r14, r10\n\t" "adc r11, r11, #0\n\t" "subs r14, r14, r12\n\t" "mov r12, #0\n\t" "sbc r12, r12, #0\n\t" "subs r14, r14, r4\n\t" "sbc r12, r12, #0\n\t" "subs r14, r14, r5\n\t" "sbc r12, r12, #0\n\t" /* Store t[5] */ "str r14, [sp, #20]\n\t" "neg r12, r12\n\t" "mov r14, #0\n\t" /* t[6] = -1 -1 0 0 0 1 3 2 */ "adds r11, r11, r8\n\t" "adc r14, r14, #0\n\t" "adds r11, r11, r9\n\t" "adc r14, r14, #0\n\t" "adds r11, r11, r9\n\t" "adc r14, r14, #0\n\t" "adds r11, r11, r9\n\t" "adc r14, r14, #0\n\t" "adds r11, r11, r10\n\t" "adc r14, r14, #0\n\t" "adds r11, r11, r10\n\t" "adc r14, r14, #0\n\t" "subs r11, r11, r12\n\t" "mov r12, #0\n\t" "sbc r12, r12, #0\n\t" "subs r11, r11, r2\n\t" "sbc r12, r12, #0\n\t" "subs r11, r11, r3\n\t" "sbc r12, r12, #0\n\t" /* Store t[6] */ "mov r9, r11\n\t" "neg r12, r12\n\t" "mov r11, #0\n\t" /* t[7] = 1 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 3 */ "adds r14, r14, r2\n\t" "adc r11, r11, #0\n\t" "adds r14, r14, r10\n\t" "adc r11, r11, #0\n\t" "adds r14, r14, r10\n\t" "adc r11, r11, #0\n\t" "adds r14, r14, r10\n\t" "adc r11, r11, #0\n\t" "subs r14, r14, r12\n\t" "mov r12, #0\n\t" "sbc r12, r12, #0\n\t" "subs r14, r14, r4\n\t" "sbc r12, r12, #0\n\t" "subs r14, r14, r5\n\t" "sbc r12, r12, #0\n\t" "subs r14, r14, r6\n\t" "sbc r12, r12, #0\n\t" "subs r14, r14, r8\n\t" "sbc r12, r12, #0\n\t" /* Store t[7] */ /* Load intermediate */ "ldr r2, [sp, #0]\n\t" "ldr r3, [sp, #4]\n\t" "ldr r4, [sp, #8]\n\t" "ldr r5, [sp, #12]\n\t" "ldr r6, [sp, #16]\n\t" "ldr r8, [sp, #20]\n\t" "neg r12, r12\n\t" /* Add overflow */ /* Subtract underflow - add neg underflow */ "adds r2, r2, r11\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, #0\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, #0\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r12\n\t" "adcs r6, r6, #0\n\t" "adcs r8, r8, #0\n\t" "adcs r9, r9, r12\n\t" "adc r14, r14, r11\n\t" /* Subtract overflow */ /* Add underflow - subtract neg underflow */ "subs r2, r2, r12\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, #0\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, #0\n\t" "subs r5, r5, r11\n\t" "sbcs r6, r6, #0\n\t" "sbcs r8, r8, #0\n\t" "sbcs r9, r9, r11\n\t" "sbc r14, r14, r12\n\t" /* Store result */ "str r2, [%[r], #0]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #4]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #8]\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], #12]\n\t" "str r6, [%[r], #16]\n\t" "str r8, [%[r], #20]\n\t" "str r9, [%[r], #24]\n\t" "str r14, [%[r], #28]\n\t" "add sp, sp, #24\n\t" : : [r] "r" (r), [a] "r" (a) : "r2", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8", "r9", "r10", "r11", "r14", "r12" ); return MP_OKAY; } /* Convert an mp_int to an array of sp_digit. * * r A single precision integer. * size Maximum number of bytes to convert * a A multi-precision integer. */ static void sp_256_from_mp(sp_digit* r, int size, const mp_int* a) { #if DIGIT_BIT == 32 int j; XMEMCPY(r, a->dp, sizeof(sp_digit) * a->used); for (j = a->used; j < size; j++) { r[j] = 0; } #elif DIGIT_BIT > 32 int i, j = 0; word32 s = 0; r[0] = 0; for (i = 0; i < a->used && j < size; i++) { r[j] |= ((sp_digit)a->dp[i] << s); r[j] &= 0xffffffff; s = 32U - s; if (j + 1 >= size) { break; } /* lint allow cast of mismatch word32 and mp_digit */ r[++j] = (sp_digit)(a->dp[i] >> s); /*lint !e9033*/ while ((s + 32U) <= (word32)DIGIT_BIT) { s += 32U; r[j] &= 0xffffffff; if (j + 1 >= size) { break; } if (s < (word32)DIGIT_BIT) { /* lint allow cast of mismatch word32 and mp_digit */ r[++j] = (sp_digit)(a->dp[i] >> s); /*lint !e9033*/ } else { r[++j] = 0L; } } s = (word32)DIGIT_BIT - s; } for (j++; j < size; j++) { r[j] = 0; } #else int i, j = 0, s = 0; r[0] = 0; for (i = 0; i < a->used && j < size; i++) { r[j] |= ((sp_digit)a->dp[i]) << s; if (s + DIGIT_BIT >= 32) { r[j] &= 0xffffffff; if (j + 1 >= size) { break; } s = 32 - s; if (s == DIGIT_BIT) { r[++j] = 0; s = 0; } else { r[++j] = a->dp[i] >> s; s = DIGIT_BIT - s; } } else { s += DIGIT_BIT; } } for (j++; j < size; j++) { r[j] = 0; } #endif } /* Convert a point of type ecc_point to type sp_point_256. * * p Point of type sp_point_256 (result). * pm Point of type ecc_point. */ static void sp_256_point_from_ecc_point_8(sp_point_256* p, const ecc_point* pm) { XMEMSET(p->x, 0, sizeof(p->x)); XMEMSET(p->y, 0, sizeof(p->y)); XMEMSET(p->z, 0, sizeof(p->z)); sp_256_from_mp(p->x, 8, pm->x); sp_256_from_mp(p->y, 8, pm->y); sp_256_from_mp(p->z, 8, pm->z); p->infinity = 0; } /* Convert an array of sp_digit to an mp_int. * * a A single precision integer. * r A multi-precision integer. */ static int sp_256_to_mp(const sp_digit* a, mp_int* r) { int err; err = mp_grow(r, (256 + DIGIT_BIT - 1) / DIGIT_BIT); if (err == MP_OKAY) { /*lint !e774 case where err is always MP_OKAY*/ #if DIGIT_BIT == 32 XMEMCPY(r->dp, a, sizeof(sp_digit) * 8); r->used = 8; mp_clamp(r); #elif DIGIT_BIT < 32 int i, j = 0, s = 0; r->dp[0] = 0; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { r->dp[j] |= (mp_digit)(a[i] << s); r->dp[j] &= (1L << DIGIT_BIT) - 1; s = DIGIT_BIT - s; r->dp[++j] = (mp_digit)(a[i] >> s); while (s + DIGIT_BIT <= 32) { s += DIGIT_BIT; r->dp[j++] &= (1L << DIGIT_BIT) - 1; if (s == SP_WORD_SIZE) { r->dp[j] = 0; } else { r->dp[j] = (mp_digit)(a[i] >> s); } } s = 32 - s; } r->used = (256 + DIGIT_BIT - 1) / DIGIT_BIT; mp_clamp(r); #else int i, j = 0, s = 0; r->dp[0] = 0; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { r->dp[j] |= ((mp_digit)a[i]) << s; if (s + 32 >= DIGIT_BIT) { #if DIGIT_BIT != 32 && DIGIT_BIT != 64 r->dp[j] &= (1L << DIGIT_BIT) - 1; #endif s = DIGIT_BIT - s; r->dp[++j] = a[i] >> s; s = 32 - s; } else { s += 32; } } r->used = (256 + DIGIT_BIT - 1) / DIGIT_BIT; mp_clamp(r); #endif } return err; } /* Convert a point of type sp_point_256 to type ecc_point. * * p Point of type sp_point_256. * pm Point of type ecc_point (result). * returns MEMORY_E when allocation of memory in ecc_point fails otherwise * MP_OKAY. */ static int sp_256_point_to_ecc_point_8(const sp_point_256* p, ecc_point* pm) { int err; err = sp_256_to_mp(p->x, pm->x); if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_256_to_mp(p->y, pm->y); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_256_to_mp(p->z, pm->z); } return err; } /* Multiply two Montogmery form numbers mod the modulus (prime). * (r = a * b mod m) * * r Result of multiplication. * a First number to multiply in Montogmery form. * b Second number to multiply in Montogmery form. * m Modulus (prime). * mp Montogmery mulitplier. */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_256_mont_mul_8(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b, const sp_digit* m, sp_digit mp) { (void)mp; (void)m; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "sub sp, sp, #68\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" /* A[0] * B[0] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #0]\n\t" "umull r9, r10, r6, r8\n\t" "str r9, [sp, #0]\n\t" /* A[0] * B[1] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #4]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r10, r3, r10\n\t" "adc r11, r4, #0\n\t" /* A[1] * B[0] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #0]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r10, r3, r10\n\t" "adcs r11, r4, r11\n\t" "adc r14, r5, #0\n\t" "str r10, [sp, #4]\n\t" /* A[0] * B[2] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #8]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r11, r3, r11\n\t" "adc r14, r4, r14\n\t" /* A[1] * B[1] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #4]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r11, r3, r11\n\t" "adcs r14, r4, r14\n\t" "adc r9, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[2] * B[0] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #0]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r11, r3, r11\n\t" "adcs r14, r4, r14\n\t" "adc r9, r5, r9\n\t" "str r11, [sp, #8]\n\t" /* A[0] * B[3] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #12]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r14, r3, r14\n\t" "adcs r9, r4, r9\n\t" "adc r10, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[1] * B[2] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #8]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r14, r3, r14\n\t" "adcs r9, r4, r9\n\t" "adc r10, r5, r10\n\t" /* A[2] * B[1] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #4]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r14, r3, r14\n\t" "adcs r9, r4, r9\n\t" "adc r10, r5, r10\n\t" /* A[3] * B[0] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #0]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r14, r3, r14\n\t" "adcs r9, r4, r9\n\t" "adc r10, r5, r10\n\t" "str r14, [sp, #12]\n\t" /* A[0] * B[4] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #16]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r9, r3, r9\n\t" "adcs r10, r4, r10\n\t" "adc r11, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[1] * B[3] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #12]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r9, r3, r9\n\t" "adcs r10, r4, r10\n\t" "adc r11, r5, r11\n\t" /* A[2] * B[2] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #8]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r9, r3, r9\n\t" "adcs r10, r4, r10\n\t" "adc r11, r5, r11\n\t" /* A[3] * B[1] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #4]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r9, r3, r9\n\t" "adcs r10, r4, r10\n\t" "adc r11, r5, r11\n\t" /* A[4] * B[0] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #0]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r9, r3, r9\n\t" "adcs r10, r4, r10\n\t" "adc r11, r5, r11\n\t" "str r9, [sp, #16]\n\t" /* A[0] * B[5] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #20]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r10, r3, r10\n\t" "adcs r11, r4, r11\n\t" "adc r14, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[1] * B[4] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #16]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r10, r3, r10\n\t" "adcs r11, r4, r11\n\t" "adc r14, r5, r14\n\t" /* A[2] * B[3] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #12]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r10, r3, r10\n\t" "adcs r11, r4, r11\n\t" "adc r14, r5, r14\n\t" /* A[3] * B[2] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #8]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r10, r3, r10\n\t" "adcs r11, r4, r11\n\t" "adc r14, r5, r14\n\t" /* A[4] * B[1] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #4]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r10, r3, r10\n\t" "adcs r11, r4, r11\n\t" "adc r14, r5, r14\n\t" /* A[5] * B[0] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #0]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r10, r3, r10\n\t" "adcs r11, r4, r11\n\t" "adc r14, r5, r14\n\t" "str r10, [sp, #20]\n\t" /* A[0] * B[6] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #24]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r11, r3, r11\n\t" "adcs r14, r4, r14\n\t" "adc r9, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[1] * B[5] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #20]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r11, r3, r11\n\t" "adcs r14, r4, r14\n\t" "adc r9, r5, r9\n\t" /* A[2] * B[4] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #16]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r11, r3, r11\n\t" "adcs r14, r4, r14\n\t" "adc r9, r5, r9\n\t" /* A[3] * B[3] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #12]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r11, r3, r11\n\t" "adcs r14, r4, r14\n\t" "adc r9, r5, r9\n\t" /* A[4] * B[2] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #8]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r11, r3, r11\n\t" "adcs r14, r4, r14\n\t" "adc r9, r5, r9\n\t" /* A[5] * B[1] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #4]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r11, r3, r11\n\t" "adcs r14, r4, r14\n\t" "adc r9, r5, r9\n\t" /* A[6] * B[0] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #0]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r11, r3, r11\n\t" "adcs r14, r4, r14\n\t" "adc r9, r5, r9\n\t" "str r11, [sp, #24]\n\t" /* A[0] * B[7] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #28]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r14, r3, r14\n\t" "adcs r9, r4, r9\n\t" "adc r10, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[1] * B[6] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #24]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r14, r3, r14\n\t" "adcs r9, r4, r9\n\t" "adc r10, r5, r10\n\t" /* A[2] * B[5] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #20]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r14, r3, r14\n\t" "adcs r9, r4, r9\n\t" "adc r10, r5, r10\n\t" /* A[3] * B[4] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #16]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r14, r3, r14\n\t" "adcs r9, r4, r9\n\t" "adc r10, r5, r10\n\t" /* A[4] * B[3] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #12]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r14, r3, r14\n\t" "adcs r9, r4, r9\n\t" "adc r10, r5, r10\n\t" /* A[5] * B[2] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #8]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r14, r3, r14\n\t" "adcs r9, r4, r9\n\t" "adc r10, r5, r10\n\t" /* A[6] * B[1] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #4]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r14, r3, r14\n\t" "adcs r9, r4, r9\n\t" "adc r10, r5, r10\n\t" /* A[7] * B[0] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #0]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r14, r3, r14\n\t" "adcs r9, r4, r9\n\t" "adc r10, r5, r10\n\t" "str r14, [sp, #28]\n\t" /* A[1] * B[7] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #28]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r9, r3, r9\n\t" "adcs r10, r4, r10\n\t" "adc r11, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[2] * B[6] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #24]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r9, r3, r9\n\t" "adcs r10, r4, r10\n\t" "adc r11, r5, r11\n\t" /* A[3] * B[5] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #20]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r9, r3, r9\n\t" "adcs r10, r4, r10\n\t" "adc r11, r5, r11\n\t" /* A[4] * B[4] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #16]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r9, r3, r9\n\t" "adcs r10, r4, r10\n\t" "adc r11, r5, r11\n\t" /* A[5] * B[3] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #12]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r9, r3, r9\n\t" "adcs r10, r4, r10\n\t" "adc r11, r5, r11\n\t" /* A[6] * B[2] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #8]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r9, r3, r9\n\t" "adcs r10, r4, r10\n\t" "adc r11, r5, r11\n\t" /* A[7] * B[1] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #4]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r9, r3, r9\n\t" "adcs r10, r4, r10\n\t" "adc r11, r5, r11\n\t" "str r9, [sp, #32]\n\t" /* A[2] * B[7] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #28]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r10, r3, r10\n\t" "adcs r11, r4, r11\n\t" "adc r14, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[3] * B[6] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #24]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r10, r3, r10\n\t" "adcs r11, r4, r11\n\t" "adc r14, r5, r14\n\t" /* A[4] * B[5] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #20]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r10, r3, r10\n\t" "adcs r11, r4, r11\n\t" "adc r14, r5, r14\n\t" /* A[5] * B[4] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #16]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r10, r3, r10\n\t" "adcs r11, r4, r11\n\t" "adc r14, r5, r14\n\t" /* A[6] * B[3] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #12]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r10, r3, r10\n\t" "adcs r11, r4, r11\n\t" "adc r14, r5, r14\n\t" /* A[7] * B[2] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #8]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r10, r3, r10\n\t" "adcs r11, r4, r11\n\t" "adc r14, r5, r14\n\t" "str r10, [sp, #36]\n\t" /* A[3] * B[7] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #28]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r11, r3, r11\n\t" "adcs r14, r4, r14\n\t" "adc r9, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[4] * B[6] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #24]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r11, r3, r11\n\t" "adcs r14, r4, r14\n\t" "adc r9, r5, r9\n\t" /* A[5] * B[5] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #20]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r11, r3, r11\n\t" "adcs r14, r4, r14\n\t" "adc r9, r5, r9\n\t" /* A[6] * B[4] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #16]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r11, r3, r11\n\t" "adcs r14, r4, r14\n\t" "adc r9, r5, r9\n\t" /* A[7] * B[3] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #12]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r11, r3, r11\n\t" "adcs r14, r4, r14\n\t" "adc r9, r5, r9\n\t" "str r11, [sp, #40]\n\t" /* A[4] * B[7] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #28]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r14, r3, r14\n\t" "adcs r9, r4, r9\n\t" "adc r10, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[5] * B[6] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #24]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r14, r3, r14\n\t" "adcs r9, r4, r9\n\t" "adc r10, r5, r10\n\t" /* A[6] * B[5] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #20]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r14, r3, r14\n\t" "adcs r9, r4, r9\n\t" "adc r10, r5, r10\n\t" /* A[7] * B[4] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #16]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r14, r3, r14\n\t" "adcs r9, r4, r9\n\t" "adc r10, r5, r10\n\t" "str r14, [sp, #44]\n\t" /* A[5] * B[7] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #28]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r9, r3, r9\n\t" "adcs r10, r4, r10\n\t" "adc r11, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[6] * B[6] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #24]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r9, r3, r9\n\t" "adcs r10, r4, r10\n\t" "adc r11, r5, r11\n\t" /* A[7] * B[5] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #20]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r9, r3, r9\n\t" "adcs r10, r4, r10\n\t" "adc r11, r5, r11\n\t" /* A[6] * B[7] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #28]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r10, r3, r10\n\t" "adcs r11, r4, r11\n\t" "adc r14, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[7] * B[6] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #24]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r10, r3, r10\n\t" "adcs r11, r4, r11\n\t" "adc r14, r5, r14\n\t" /* A[7] * B[7] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #28]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r11, r3, r11\n\t" "adc r14, r4, r14\n\t" "str r9, [sp, #48]\n\t" "str r10, [sp, #52]\n\t" "str r11, [sp, #56]\n\t" "str r14, [sp, #60]\n\t" /* Start Reduction */ "ldr r4, [sp, #0]\n\t" "ldr r5, [sp, #4]\n\t" "ldr r6, [sp, #8]\n\t" "ldr r8, [sp, #12]\n\t" "ldr r9, [sp, #16]\n\t" "ldr r10, [sp, #20]\n\t" "ldr r11, [sp, #24]\n\t" "ldr r14, [sp, #28]\n\t" /* mu = a[0]-a[7] + a[0]-a[4] << 96 + (a[0]-a[1] * 2) << 192 */ /* - a[0] << 224 */ /* + (a[0]-a[1] * 2) << (6 * 32) */ "adds r11, r11, r4\n\t" "adc r14, r14, r5\n\t" "adds r11, r11, r4\n\t" "adc r14, r14, r5\n\t" /* - a[0] << (7 * 32) */ "sub r14, r14, r4\n\t" /* + a[0]-a[4] << (3 * 32) */ "mov %[a], r8\n\t" "mov %[b], r9\n\t" "adds r8, r8, r4\n\t" "adcs r9, r9, r5\n\t" "adcs r10, r10, r6\n\t" "adcs r11, r11, %[a]\n\t" "adc r14, r14, %[b]\n\t" "str r4, [sp, #0]\n\t" "str r5, [sp, #4]\n\t" "str r6, [sp, #8]\n\t" "str r8, [sp, #12]\n\t" "str r9, [sp, #16]\n\t" "str r10, [sp, #20]\n\t" /* a += mu * m */ /* += mu * ((1 << 256) - (1 << 224) + (1 << 192) + (1 << 96) - 1) */ "mov %[a], #0\n\t" /* a[6] += t[0] + t[3] */ "ldr r3, [sp, #24]\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r4\n\t" "adc %[b], %[a], #0\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adc %[b], %[b], #0\n\t" "str r11, [sp, #24]\n\t" /* a[7] += t[1] + t[4] */ "ldr r3, [sp, #28]\n\t" "adds r3, r3, %[b]\n\t" "adc %[b], %[a], #0\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r5\n\t" "adc %[b], %[b], #0\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r9\n\t" "adc %[b], %[b], #0\n\t" "str r14, [sp, #28]\n\t" "str r3, [sp, #64]\n\t" /* a[8] += t[0] + t[2] + t[5] */ "ldr r3, [sp, #32]\n\t" "adds r3, r3, %[b]\n\t" "adc %[b], %[a], #0\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r4\n\t" "adc %[b], %[b], #0\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adc %[b], %[b], #0\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r10\n\t" "adc %[b], %[b], #0\n\t" "str r3, [sp, #32]\n\t" /* a[9] += t[1] + t[3] + t[6] */ /* a[10] += t[2] + t[4] + t[7] */ "ldr r3, [sp, #36]\n\t" "ldr r4, [sp, #40]\n\t" "adds r3, r3, %[b]\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, #0\n\t" "adc %[b], %[a], #0\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r5\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adc %[b], %[b], #0\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r9\n\t" "adc %[b], %[b], #0\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r11\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r14\n\t" "adc %[b], %[b], #0\n\t" "str r3, [sp, #36]\n\t" "str r4, [sp, #40]\n\t" /* a[11] += t[3] + t[5] */ /* a[12] += t[4] + t[6] */ /* a[13] += t[5] + t[7] */ /* a[14] += t[6] */ "ldr r3, [sp, #44]\n\t" "ldr r4, [sp, #48]\n\t" "ldr r5, [sp, #52]\n\t" "ldr r6, [sp, #56]\n\t" "adds r3, r3, %[b]\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, #0\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, #0\n\t" "adcs r6, r6, #0\n\t" "adc %[b], %[a], #0\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r9\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r10\n\t" "adcs r6, r6, r11\n\t" "adc %[b], %[b], #0\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r10\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r11\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r14\n\t" "adcs r6, r6, #0\n\t" "adc %[b], %[b], #0\n\t" "str r3, [sp, #44]\n\t" "str r4, [sp, #48]\n\t" "str r5, [sp, #52]\n\t" "str r6, [sp, #56]\n\t" /* a[15] += t[7] */ "ldr r3, [sp, #60]\n\t" "adds r3, r3, %[b]\n\t" "adc %[b], %[a], #0\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r14\n\t" "adc %[b], %[b], #0\n\t" "str r3, [sp, #60]\n\t" "ldr r3, [sp, #64]\n\t" "ldr r4, [sp, #32]\n\t" "ldr r5, [sp, #36]\n\t" "ldr r6, [sp, #40]\n\t" "ldr r9, [sp, #0]\n\t" "ldr r10, [sp, #4]\n\t" "ldr r11, [sp, #8]\n\t" "ldr r14, [sp, #12]\n\t" "subs r3, r3, r9\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r10\n\t" "sbcs r5, r5, r11\n\t" "sbcs r6, r6, r14\n\t" "str r4, [sp, #32]\n\t" "str r5, [sp, #36]\n\t" "str r6, [sp, #40]\n\t" "ldr r3, [sp, #44]\n\t" "ldr r4, [sp, #48]\n\t" "ldr r5, [sp, #52]\n\t" "ldr r6, [sp, #56]\n\t" "ldr r8, [sp, #60]\n\t" "ldr r9, [sp, #16]\n\t" "ldr r10, [sp, #20]\n\t" "ldr r11, [sp, #24]\n\t" "ldr r14, [sp, #28]\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r9\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r10\n\t" "sbcs r5, r5, r11\n\t" "sbcs r6, r6, r14\n\t" "sbc r8, r8, #0\n\t" "str r3, [sp, #44]\n\t" "str r4, [sp, #48]\n\t" "str r5, [sp, #52]\n\t" "str r6, [sp, #56]\n\t" "str r8, [sp, #60]\n\t" /* mask m and sub from result if overflow */ "sub %[b], %[a], %[b]\n\t" "and %[a], %[b], #1\n\t" "ldr r3, [sp, #32]\n\t" "ldr r4, [sp, #36]\n\t" "ldr r5, [sp, #40]\n\t" "ldr r6, [sp, #44]\n\t" "ldr r8, [sp, #48]\n\t" "ldr r9, [sp, #52]\n\t" "ldr r10, [sp, #56]\n\t" "ldr r11, [sp, #60]\n\t" "subs r3, r3, %[b]\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, %[b]\n\t" "sbcs r5, r5, %[b]\n\t" "sbcs r6, r6, #0\n\t" "sbcs r8, r8, #0\n\t" "sbcs r9, r9, #0\n\t" "sbcs r10, r10, %[a]\n\t" "sbc r11, r11, %[b]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #0]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #4]\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], #8]\n\t" "str r6, [%[r], #12]\n\t" "str r8, [%[r], #16]\n\t" "str r9, [%[r], #20]\n\t" "str r10, [%[r], #24]\n\t" "str r11, [%[r], #28]\n\t" "add sp, sp, #68\n\t" : [a] "+r" (a), [b] "+r" (b) : [r] "r" (r) : "memory", "r9", "r10", "r11", "r14", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8" ); } /* Square the Montgomery form number mod the modulus (prime). (r = a * a mod m) * * r Result of squaring. * a Number to square in Montogmery form. * m Modulus (prime). * mp Montogmery mulitplier. */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_256_mont_sqr_8(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* m, sp_digit mp) { (void)mp; (void)m; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "sub sp, sp, #68\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" /* A[0] * A[1] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "umull r10, r11, r6, r8\n\t" "str r10, [sp, #4]\n\t" /* A[0] * A[2] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r11, r3, r11\n\t" "adc r14, r4, #0\n\t" "str r11, [sp, #8]\n\t" /* A[0] * A[3] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r14, r3, r14\n\t" "adc r9, r4, #0\n\t" /* A[1] * A[2] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r14, r3, r14\n\t" "adcs r9, r4, r9\n\t" "adc r10, r5, #0\n\t" "str r14, [sp, #12]\n\t" /* A[0] * A[4] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r9, r3, r9\n\t" "adc r10, r4, r10\n\t" /* A[1] * A[3] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r9, r3, r9\n\t" "adcs r10, r4, r10\n\t" "adc r11, r5, #0\n\t" "str r9, [sp, #16]\n\t" /* A[0] * A[5] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r10, r3, r10\n\t" "adc r11, r4, r11\n\t" /* A[1] * A[4] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r10, r3, r10\n\t" "adcs r11, r4, r11\n\t" "adc r14, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[2] * A[3] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r10, r3, r10\n\t" "adcs r11, r4, r11\n\t" "adc r14, r5, r14\n\t" "str r10, [sp, #20]\n\t" /* A[0] * A[6] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r11, r3, r11\n\t" "adcs r14, r4, r14\n\t" "adc r9, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[1] * A[5] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r11, r3, r11\n\t" "adcs r14, r4, r14\n\t" "adc r9, r5, r9\n\t" /* A[2] * A[4] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r11, r3, r11\n\t" "adcs r14, r4, r14\n\t" "adc r9, r5, r9\n\t" "str r11, [sp, #24]\n\t" /* A[0] * A[7] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r14, r3, r14\n\t" "adcs r9, r4, r9\n\t" "adc r10, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[1] * A[6] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r14, r3, r14\n\t" "adcs r9, r4, r9\n\t" "adc r10, r5, r10\n\t" /* A[2] * A[5] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r14, r3, r14\n\t" "adcs r9, r4, r9\n\t" "adc r10, r5, r10\n\t" /* A[3] * A[4] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r14, r3, r14\n\t" "adcs r9, r4, r9\n\t" "adc r10, r5, r10\n\t" "str r14, [sp, #28]\n\t" /* A[1] * A[7] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r9, r3, r9\n\t" "adcs r10, r4, r10\n\t" "adc r11, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[2] * A[6] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r9, r3, r9\n\t" "adcs r10, r4, r10\n\t" "adc r11, r5, r11\n\t" /* A[3] * A[5] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r9, r3, r9\n\t" "adcs r10, r4, r10\n\t" "adc r11, r5, r11\n\t" "str r9, [sp, #32]\n\t" /* A[2] * A[7] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r10, r3, r10\n\t" "adcs r11, r4, r11\n\t" "adc r14, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[3] * A[6] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r10, r3, r10\n\t" "adcs r11, r4, r11\n\t" "adc r14, r5, r14\n\t" /* A[4] * A[5] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r10, r3, r10\n\t" "adcs r11, r4, r11\n\t" "adc r14, r5, r14\n\t" "str r10, [sp, #36]\n\t" /* A[3] * A[7] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r11, r3, r11\n\t" "adcs r14, r4, r14\n\t" "adc r9, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[4] * A[6] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r11, r3, r11\n\t" "adcs r14, r4, r14\n\t" "adc r9, r5, r9\n\t" "str r11, [sp, #40]\n\t" /* A[4] * A[7] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r14, r3, r14\n\t" "adcs r9, r4, r9\n\t" "adc r10, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[5] * A[6] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r14, r3, r14\n\t" "adcs r9, r4, r9\n\t" "adc r10, r5, r10\n\t" "str r14, [sp, #44]\n\t" /* A[5] * A[7] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r9, r3, r9\n\t" "adcs r10, r4, r10\n\t" "adc r11, r5, #0\n\t" "str r9, [sp, #48]\n\t" /* A[6] * A[7] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r10, r3, r10\n\t" "adc r11, r4, r11\n\t" "str r10, [sp, #52]\n\t" "str r11, [sp, #56]\n\t" /* Double */ "ldr r4, [sp, #4]\n\t" "ldr r6, [sp, #8]\n\t" "ldr r8, [sp, #12]\n\t" "ldr r9, [sp, #16]\n\t" "ldr r10, [sp, #20]\n\t" "ldr r11, [sp, #24]\n\t" "ldr r14, [sp, #28]\n\t" "ldr r12, [sp, #32]\n\t" "ldr r3, [sp, #36]\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r4\n\t" "adcs r6, r6, r6\n\t" "adcs r8, r8, r8\n\t" "adcs r9, r9, r9\n\t" "adcs r10, r10, r10\n\t" "adcs r11, r11, r11\n\t" "adcs r14, r14, r14\n\t" "adcs r12, r12, r12\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r3\n\t" "str r4, [sp, #4]\n\t" "str r6, [sp, #8]\n\t" "str r8, [sp, #12]\n\t" "str r9, [sp, #16]\n\t" "str r10, [sp, #20]\n\t" "str r11, [sp, #24]\n\t" "str r14, [sp, #28]\n\t" "str r12, [sp, #32]\n\t" "str r3, [sp, #36]\n\t" "ldr r4, [sp, #40]\n\t" "ldr r6, [sp, #44]\n\t" "ldr r8, [sp, #48]\n\t" "ldr r9, [sp, #52]\n\t" "ldr r10, [sp, #56]\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r4\n\t" "adcs r6, r6, r6\n\t" "adcs r8, r8, r8\n\t" "adcs r9, r9, r9\n\t" "adcs r10, r10, r10\n\t" "str r4, [sp, #40]\n\t" "str r6, [sp, #44]\n\t" "str r8, [sp, #48]\n\t" "str r9, [sp, #52]\n\t" "str r10, [sp, #56]\n\t" "adc r11, r5, #0\n\t" "str r11, [sp, #60]\n\t" "ldr r4, [sp, #4]\n\t" "ldr r5, [sp, #8]\n\t" "ldr r12, [sp, #12]\n\t" /* A[0] * A[0] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "umull r9, r10, r6, r6\n\t" /* A[1] * A[1] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "umull r11, r14, r6, r6\n\t" "adds r10, r10, r4\n\t" "adcs r11, r11, r5\n\t" "adcs r14, r14, r12\n\t" "str r9, [sp, #0]\n\t" "str r10, [sp, #4]\n\t" "str r11, [sp, #8]\n\t" "str r14, [sp, #12]\n\t" "ldr r3, [sp, #16]\n\t" "ldr r4, [sp, #20]\n\t" "ldr r5, [sp, #24]\n\t" "ldr r12, [sp, #28]\n\t" /* A[2] * A[2] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "umull r9, r10, r6, r6\n\t" /* A[3] * A[3] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "umull r11, r14, r6, r6\n\t" "adcs r9, r9, r3\n\t" "adcs r10, r10, r4\n\t" "adcs r11, r11, r5\n\t" "adcs r14, r14, r12\n\t" "str r9, [sp, #16]\n\t" "str r10, [sp, #20]\n\t" "str r11, [sp, #24]\n\t" "str r14, [sp, #28]\n\t" "ldr r3, [sp, #32]\n\t" "ldr r4, [sp, #36]\n\t" "ldr r5, [sp, #40]\n\t" "ldr r12, [sp, #44]\n\t" /* A[4] * A[4] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "umull r9, r10, r6, r6\n\t" /* A[5] * A[5] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "umull r11, r14, r6, r6\n\t" "adcs r9, r9, r3\n\t" "adcs r10, r10, r4\n\t" "adcs r11, r11, r5\n\t" "adcs r14, r14, r12\n\t" "str r9, [sp, #32]\n\t" "str r10, [sp, #36]\n\t" "str r11, [sp, #40]\n\t" "str r14, [sp, #44]\n\t" "ldr r3, [sp, #48]\n\t" "ldr r4, [sp, #52]\n\t" "ldr r5, [sp, #56]\n\t" "ldr r12, [sp, #60]\n\t" /* A[6] * A[6] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "umull r9, r10, r6, r6\n\t" /* A[7] * A[7] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "umull r11, r14, r6, r6\n\t" "adcs r9, r9, r3\n\t" "adcs r10, r10, r4\n\t" "adcs r11, r11, r5\n\t" "adc r14, r14, r12\n\t" "str r9, [sp, #48]\n\t" "str r10, [sp, #52]\n\t" "str r11, [sp, #56]\n\t" "str r14, [sp, #60]\n\t" /* Start Reduction */ "ldr r4, [sp, #0]\n\t" "ldr r5, [sp, #4]\n\t" "ldr r6, [sp, #8]\n\t" "ldr r8, [sp, #12]\n\t" "ldr r9, [sp, #16]\n\t" "ldr r10, [sp, #20]\n\t" "ldr r11, [sp, #24]\n\t" "ldr r14, [sp, #28]\n\t" /* mu = a[0]-a[7] + a[0]-a[4] << 96 + (a[0]-a[1] * 2) << 192 */ /* - a[0] << 224 */ /* + (a[0]-a[1] * 2) << (6 * 32) */ "adds r11, r11, r4\n\t" "adc r14, r14, r5\n\t" "adds r11, r11, r4\n\t" "adc r14, r14, r5\n\t" /* - a[0] << (7 * 32) */ "sub r14, r14, r4\n\t" /* + a[0]-a[4] << (3 * 32) */ "mov %[a], r8\n\t" "mov r12, r9\n\t" "adds r8, r8, r4\n\t" "adcs r9, r9, r5\n\t" "adcs r10, r10, r6\n\t" "adcs r11, r11, %[a]\n\t" "adc r14, r14, r12\n\t" "str r4, [sp, #0]\n\t" "str r5, [sp, #4]\n\t" "str r6, [sp, #8]\n\t" "str r8, [sp, #12]\n\t" "str r9, [sp, #16]\n\t" "str r10, [sp, #20]\n\t" /* a += mu * m */ /* += mu * ((1 << 256) - (1 << 224) + (1 << 192) + (1 << 96) - 1) */ "mov %[a], #0\n\t" /* a[6] += t[0] + t[3] */ "ldr r3, [sp, #24]\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r4\n\t" "adc r12, %[a], #0\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adc r12, r12, #0\n\t" "str r11, [sp, #24]\n\t" /* a[7] += t[1] + t[4] */ "ldr r3, [sp, #28]\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r12\n\t" "adc r12, %[a], #0\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r5\n\t" "adc r12, r12, #0\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r9\n\t" "adc r12, r12, #0\n\t" "str r14, [sp, #28]\n\t" "str r3, [sp, #64]\n\t" /* a[8] += t[0] + t[2] + t[5] */ "ldr r3, [sp, #32]\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r12\n\t" "adc r12, %[a], #0\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r4\n\t" "adc r12, r12, #0\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adc r12, r12, #0\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r10\n\t" "adc r12, r12, #0\n\t" "str r3, [sp, #32]\n\t" /* a[9] += t[1] + t[3] + t[6] */ /* a[10] += t[2] + t[4] + t[7] */ "ldr r3, [sp, #36]\n\t" "ldr r4, [sp, #40]\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r12\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, #0\n\t" "adc r12, %[a], #0\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r5\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adc r12, r12, #0\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r9\n\t" "adc r12, r12, #0\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r11\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r14\n\t" "adc r12, r12, #0\n\t" "str r3, [sp, #36]\n\t" "str r4, [sp, #40]\n\t" /* a[11] += t[3] + t[5] */ /* a[12] += t[4] + t[6] */ /* a[13] += t[5] + t[7] */ /* a[14] += t[6] */ "ldr r3, [sp, #44]\n\t" "ldr r4, [sp, #48]\n\t" "ldr r5, [sp, #52]\n\t" "ldr r6, [sp, #56]\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r12\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, #0\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, #0\n\t" "adcs r6, r6, #0\n\t" "adc r12, %[a], #0\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r9\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r10\n\t" "adcs r6, r6, r11\n\t" "adc r12, r12, #0\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r10\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r11\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r14\n\t" "adcs r6, r6, #0\n\t" "adc r12, r12, #0\n\t" "str r3, [sp, #44]\n\t" "str r4, [sp, #48]\n\t" "str r5, [sp, #52]\n\t" "str r6, [sp, #56]\n\t" /* a[15] += t[7] */ "ldr r3, [sp, #60]\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r12\n\t" "adc r12, %[a], #0\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r14\n\t" "adc r12, r12, #0\n\t" "str r3, [sp, #60]\n\t" "ldr r3, [sp, #64]\n\t" "ldr r4, [sp, #32]\n\t" "ldr r5, [sp, #36]\n\t" "ldr r6, [sp, #40]\n\t" "ldr r9, [sp, #0]\n\t" "ldr r10, [sp, #4]\n\t" "ldr r11, [sp, #8]\n\t" "ldr r14, [sp, #12]\n\t" "subs r3, r3, r9\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r10\n\t" "sbcs r5, r5, r11\n\t" "sbcs r6, r6, r14\n\t" "str r4, [sp, #32]\n\t" "str r5, [sp, #36]\n\t" "str r6, [sp, #40]\n\t" "ldr r3, [sp, #44]\n\t" "ldr r4, [sp, #48]\n\t" "ldr r5, [sp, #52]\n\t" "ldr r6, [sp, #56]\n\t" "ldr r8, [sp, #60]\n\t" "ldr r9, [sp, #16]\n\t" "ldr r10, [sp, #20]\n\t" "ldr r11, [sp, #24]\n\t" "ldr r14, [sp, #28]\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r9\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r10\n\t" "sbcs r5, r5, r11\n\t" "sbcs r6, r6, r14\n\t" "sbc r8, r8, #0\n\t" "str r3, [sp, #44]\n\t" "str r4, [sp, #48]\n\t" "str r5, [sp, #52]\n\t" "str r6, [sp, #56]\n\t" "str r8, [sp, #60]\n\t" /* mask m and sub from result if overflow */ "sub r12, %[a], r12\n\t" "and %[a], r12, #1\n\t" "ldr r3, [sp, #32]\n\t" "ldr r4, [sp, #36]\n\t" "ldr r5, [sp, #40]\n\t" "ldr r6, [sp, #44]\n\t" "ldr r8, [sp, #48]\n\t" "ldr r9, [sp, #52]\n\t" "ldr r10, [sp, #56]\n\t" "ldr r11, [sp, #60]\n\t" "subs r3, r3, r12\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r12\n\t" "sbcs r5, r5, r12\n\t" "sbcs r6, r6, #0\n\t" "sbcs r8, r8, #0\n\t" "sbcs r9, r9, #0\n\t" "sbcs r10, r10, %[a]\n\t" "sbc r11, r11, r12\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #0]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #4]\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], #8]\n\t" "str r6, [%[r], #12]\n\t" "str r8, [%[r], #16]\n\t" "str r9, [%[r], #20]\n\t" "str r10, [%[r], #24]\n\t" "str r11, [%[r], #28]\n\t" "add sp, sp, #68\n\t" : [a] "+r" (a) : [r] "r" (r) : "memory", "r9", "r10", "r11", "r14", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8", "r12" ); } #if !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(HAVE_COMP_KEY) /* Square the Montgomery form number a number of times. (r = a ^ n mod m) * * r Result of squaring. * a Number to square in Montogmery form. * n Number of times to square. * m Modulus (prime). * mp Montogmery mulitplier. */ static void sp_256_mont_sqr_n_8(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, int n, const sp_digit* m, sp_digit mp) { sp_256_mont_sqr_8(r, a, m, mp); for (; n > 1; n--) { sp_256_mont_sqr_8(r, r, m, mp); } } #endif /* !WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL || HAVE_COMP_KEY */ #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL /* Mod-2 for the P256 curve. */ static const uint32_t p256_mod_minus_2[8] = { 0xfffffffdU,0xffffffffU,0xffffffffU,0x00000000U,0x00000000U,0x00000000U, 0x00000001U,0xffffffffU }; #endif /* !WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL */ /* Invert the number, in Montgomery form, modulo the modulus (prime) of the * P256 curve. (r = 1 / a mod m) * * r Inverse result. * a Number to invert. * td Temporary data. */ static void sp_256_mont_inv_8(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, sp_digit* td) { #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL sp_digit* t = td; int i; XMEMCPY(t, a, sizeof(sp_digit) * 8); for (i=254; i>=0; i--) { sp_256_mont_sqr_8(t, t, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); if (p256_mod_minus_2[i / 32] & ((sp_digit)1 << (i % 32))) sp_256_mont_mul_8(t, t, a, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); } XMEMCPY(r, t, sizeof(sp_digit) * 8); #else sp_digit* t1 = td; sp_digit* t2 = td + 2 * 8; sp_digit* t3 = td + 4 * 8; /* 0x2 */ sp_256_mont_sqr_8(t1, a, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); /* 0x3 */ sp_256_mont_mul_8(t2, t1, a, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); /* 0xc */ sp_256_mont_sqr_n_8(t1, t2, 2, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); /* 0xd */ sp_256_mont_mul_8(t3, t1, a, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); /* 0xf */ sp_256_mont_mul_8(t2, t2, t1, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); /* 0xf0 */ sp_256_mont_sqr_n_8(t1, t2, 4, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); /* 0xfd */ sp_256_mont_mul_8(t3, t3, t1, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); /* 0xff */ sp_256_mont_mul_8(t2, t2, t1, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); /* 0xff00 */ sp_256_mont_sqr_n_8(t1, t2, 8, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); /* 0xfffd */ sp_256_mont_mul_8(t3, t3, t1, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); /* 0xffff */ sp_256_mont_mul_8(t2, t2, t1, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); /* 0xffff0000 */ sp_256_mont_sqr_n_8(t1, t2, 16, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); /* 0xfffffffd */ sp_256_mont_mul_8(t3, t3, t1, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); /* 0xffffffff */ sp_256_mont_mul_8(t2, t2, t1, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); /* 0xffffffff00000000 */ sp_256_mont_sqr_n_8(t1, t2, 32, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); /* 0xffffffffffffffff */ sp_256_mont_mul_8(t2, t2, t1, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); /* 0xffffffff00000001 */ sp_256_mont_mul_8(r, t1, a, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); /* 0xffffffff000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000 */ sp_256_mont_sqr_n_8(r, r, 160, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); /* 0xffffffff00000001000000000000000000000000ffffffffffffffff */ sp_256_mont_mul_8(r, r, t2, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); /* 0xffffffff00000001000000000000000000000000ffffffffffffffff00000000 */ sp_256_mont_sqr_n_8(r, r, 32, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); /* 0xffffffff00000001000000000000000000000000fffffffffffffffffffffffd */ sp_256_mont_mul_8(r, r, t3, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); #endif /* WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL */ } /* Compare a with b in constant time. * * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. * return -ve, 0 or +ve if a is less than, equal to or greater than b * respectively. */ SP_NOINLINE static int32_t sp_256_cmp_8(const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit r = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r3, #0\n\t" "mvn r3, r3\n\t" "mov r6, #28\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], r6]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[b], r6]\n\t" "and r8, r8, r3\n\t" "and r5, r5, r3\n\t" "mov r4, r8\n\t" "subs r8, r8, r5\n\t" "sbc r8, r8, r8\n\t" "add %[r], %[r], r8\n\t" "mvn r8, r8\n\t" "and r3, r3, r8\n\t" "subs r5, r5, r4\n\t" "sbc r8, r8, r8\n\t" "sub %[r], %[r], r8\n\t" "mvn r8, r8\n\t" "and r3, r3, r8\n\t" "sub r6, r6, #4\n\t" "cmp r6, #0\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "bge 1b\n\t" #else "bge.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ : [r] "+r" (r) : [a] "r" (a), [b] "r" (b) : "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8" ); return r; } /* Normalize the values in each word to 32. * * a Array of sp_digit to normalize. */ #define sp_256_norm_8(a) /* Conditionally subtract b from a using the mask m. * m is -1 to subtract and 0 when not copying. * * r A single precision number representing condition subtract result. * a A single precision number to subtract from. * b A single precision number to subtract. * m Mask value to apply. */ SP_NOINLINE static sp_digit sp_256_cond_sub_8(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b, sp_digit m) { sp_digit c = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r5, #32\n\t" "mov r9, r5\n\t" "mov r8, #0\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[b], r8]\n\t" "and r6, r6, %[m]\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" "subs r5, r5, %[c]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[a], r8]\n\t" "sbcs r5, r5, r6\n\t" "sbcs %[c], %[c], %[c]\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], r8]\n\t" "add r8, r8, #4\n\t" "cmp r8, r9\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "blt 1b\n\t" #else "blt.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ : [c] "+r" (c) : [r] "r" (r), [a] "r" (a), [b] "r" (b), [m] "r" (m) : "memory", "r5", "r6", "r8", "r9" ); return c; } /* Reduce the number back to 256 bits using Montgomery reduction. * * a A single precision number to reduce in place. * m The single precision number representing the modulus. * mp The digit representing the negative inverse of m mod 2^n. */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_256_mont_reduce_8(sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* m, sp_digit mp) { (void)mp; (void)m; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r2, #0\n\t" "mov r1, #0\n\t" /* i = 0 */ "mov r9, r2\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" "mov r4, #0\n\t" /* mu = a[i] * 1 (mp) = a[i] */ "ldr r3, [%[a]]\n\t" /* a[i] += -1 * mu = -1 * a[i] => a[i] = 0 no carry */ /* a[i+1] += -1 * mu */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adc r5, r5, r2\n\t" "str r4, [%[a], #4]\n\t" /* a[i+2] += -1 * mu */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "mov r4, #0\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adc r4, r4, r2\n\t" "str r5, [%[a], #8]\n\t" /* a[i+3] += 0 * mu */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r3\n\t" "adc r5, r5, r2\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adc r5, r5, r2\n\t" "str r4, [%[a], #12]\n\t" /* a[i+4] += 0 * mu */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "mov r4, #0\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adc r4, r4, r2\n\t" "str r5, [%[a], #16]\n\t" /* a[i+5] += 0 * mu */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adc r5, r5, r2\n\t" "str r4, [%[a], #20]\n\t" /* a[i+6] += 1 * mu */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "mov r4, #0\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r3\n\t" "adc r4, r4, r2\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adc r4, r4, r2\n\t" "str r5, [%[a], #24]\n\t" /* a[i+7] += -1 * mu */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #32]\n\t" "adds r5, r1, r3\n\t" "mov r1, #0\n\t" "adc r1, r1, r2\n\t" "subs r4, r4, r3\n\t" "sbcs r5, r5, r2\n\t" "sbc r1, r1, r2\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "adc r1, r1, r2\n\t" "str r4, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "str r5, [%[a], #32]\n\t" /* i += 1 */ "add r9, r9, #1\n\t" "add %[a], %[a], #4\n\t" "mov r6, #8\n\t" "cmp r9, r6\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "blt 1b\n\t" #else "blt.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "sub %[a], %[a], #32\n\t" "mov r3, r1\n\t" "sub r1, r1, #1\n\t" "mvn r1, r1\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a],#32]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[a],#36]\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[a],#40]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a],#44]\n\t" "ldr r9, [%[a],#48]\n\t" "ldr r10, [%[a],#52]\n\t" "ldr r11, [%[a],#56]\n\t" "ldr r14, [%[a],#60]\n\t" "subs r4, r4, r1\n\t" "sbcs r5, r5, r1\n\t" "sbcs r6, r6, r1\n\t" "sbcs r8, r8, r2\n\t" "sbcs r9, r9, r2\n\t" "sbcs r10, r10, r2\n\t" "sbcs r11, r11, r3\n\t" "sbc r14, r14, r1\n\t" "str r4, [%[a],#0]\n\t" "str r5, [%[a],#4]\n\t" "str r6, [%[a],#8]\n\t" "str r8, [%[a],#12]\n\t" "str r9, [%[a],#16]\n\t" "str r10, [%[a],#20]\n\t" "str r11, [%[a],#24]\n\t" "str r14, [%[a],#28]\n\t" : [a] "+r" (a) : : "memory", "r1", "r2", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8", "r9", "r10", "r11", "r14" ); (void)m; (void)mp; } /* Reduce the number back to 256 bits using Montgomery reduction. * * a A single precision number to reduce in place. * m The single precision number representing the modulus. * mp The digit representing the negative inverse of m mod 2^n. */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_256_mont_reduce_order_8(sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* m, sp_digit mp) { sp_digit ca = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r9, %[mp]\n\t" "mov r12, %[m]\n\t" "mov r10, %[a]\n\t" "mov r4, #0\n\t" "add r11, r10, #32\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" /* mu = a[i] * mp */ "mov %[mp], r9\n\t" "ldr %[a], [r10]\n\t" "mul %[mp], %[mp], %[a]\n\t" "mov %[m], r12\n\t" "add r14, r10, #24\n\t" "\n2:\n\t" /* a[i+j] += m[j] * mu */ "ldr %[a], [r10]\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" /* Multiply m[j] and mu - Start */ "ldr r8, [%[m]], #4\n\t" "umull r6, r8, %[mp], r8\n\t" "adds %[a], %[a], r6\n\t" "adc r5, r5, r8\n\t" /* Multiply m[j] and mu - Done */ "adds r4, r4, %[a]\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" "str r4, [r10], #4\n\t" /* a[i+j+1] += m[j+1] * mu */ "ldr %[a], [r10]\n\t" "mov r4, #0\n\t" /* Multiply m[j] and mu - Start */ "ldr r8, [%[m]], #4\n\t" "umull r6, r8, %[mp], r8\n\t" "adds %[a], %[a], r6\n\t" "adc r4, r4, r8\n\t" /* Multiply m[j] and mu - Done */ "adds r5, r5, %[a]\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" "str r5, [r10], #4\n\t" "cmp r10, r14\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "blt 2b\n\t" #else "blt.n 2b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ /* a[i+6] += m[6] * mu */ "ldr %[a], [r10]\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" /* Multiply m[j] and mu - Start */ "ldr r8, [%[m]], #4\n\t" "umull r6, r8, %[mp], r8\n\t" "adds %[a], %[a], r6\n\t" "adc r5, r5, r8\n\t" /* Multiply m[j] and mu - Done */ "adds r4, r4, %[a]\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" "str r4, [r10], #4\n\t" /* a[i+7] += m[7] * mu */ "mov r4, %[ca]\n\t" "mov %[ca], #0\n\t" /* Multiply m[7] and mu - Start */ "ldr r8, [%[m]]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, %[mp], r8\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc %[ca], %[ca], #0\n\t" /* Multiply m[7] and mu - Done */ "ldr r6, [r10]\n\t" "ldr r8, [r10, #4]\n\t" "adds r6, r6, r5\n\t" "adcs r8, r8, r4\n\t" "adc %[ca], %[ca], #0\n\t" "str r6, [r10]\n\t" "str r8, [r10, #4]\n\t" /* Next word in a */ "sub r10, r10, #24\n\t" "cmp r10, r11\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "blt 1b\n\t" #else "blt.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "mov %[a], r10\n\t" "mov %[m], r12\n\t" : [ca] "+r" (ca), [a] "+r" (a) : [m] "r" (m), [mp] "r" (mp) : "memory", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8", "r9", "r10", "r11", "r12", "r14" ); sp_256_cond_sub_8(a - 8, a, m, (sp_digit)0 - ca); } /* Map the Montgomery form projective coordinate point to an affine point. * * r Resulting affine coordinate point. * p Montgomery form projective coordinate point. * t Temporary ordinate data. */ static void sp_256_map_8(sp_point_256* r, const sp_point_256* p, sp_digit* t) { sp_digit* t1 = t; sp_digit* t2 = t + 2*8; int32_t n; sp_256_mont_inv_8(t1, p->z, t + 2*8); sp_256_mont_sqr_8(t2, t1, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); sp_256_mont_mul_8(t1, t2, t1, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); /* x /= z^2 */ sp_256_mont_mul_8(r->x, p->x, t2, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); XMEMSET(r->x + 8, 0, sizeof(r->x) / 2U); sp_256_mont_reduce_8(r->x, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); /* Reduce x to less than modulus */ n = sp_256_cmp_8(r->x, p256_mod); sp_256_cond_sub_8(r->x, r->x, p256_mod, 0 - ((n >= 0) ? (sp_digit)1 : (sp_digit)0)); sp_256_norm_8(r->x); /* y /= z^3 */ sp_256_mont_mul_8(r->y, p->y, t1, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); XMEMSET(r->y + 8, 0, sizeof(r->y) / 2U); sp_256_mont_reduce_8(r->y, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); /* Reduce y to less than modulus */ n = sp_256_cmp_8(r->y, p256_mod); sp_256_cond_sub_8(r->y, r->y, p256_mod, 0 - ((n >= 0) ? (sp_digit)1 : (sp_digit)0)); sp_256_norm_8(r->y); XMEMSET(r->z, 0, sizeof(r->z)); r->z[0] = 1; } #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL /* Add b to a into r. (r = a + b) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static sp_digit sp_256_add_8(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit c = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r6, %[a]\n\t" "mov r8, #0\n\t" "add r6, r6, #32\n\t" "sub r8, r8, #1\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" "adds %[c], %[c], r8\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a]]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[b]]\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r5\n\t" "str r4, [%[r]]\n\t" "mov %[c], #0\n\t" "adc %[c], %[c], %[c]\n\t" "add %[a], %[a], #4\n\t" "add %[b], %[b], #4\n\t" "add %[r], %[r], #4\n\t" "cmp %[a], r6\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "bne 1b\n\t" #else "bne.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ : [c] "+r" (c), [r] "+r" (r), [a] "+r" (a), [b] "+r" (b) : : "memory", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8" ); return c; } #else /* Add b to a into r. (r = a + b) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static sp_digit sp_256_add_8(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit c = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "mov %[c], #0\n\t" "adc %[c], %[c], %[c]\n\t" : [c] "+r" (c), [r] "+r" (r), [a] "+r" (a), [b] "+r" (b) : : "memory", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8" ); return c; } #endif /* WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL */ /* Add two Montgomery form numbers (r = a + b % m). * * r Result of addition. * a First number to add in Montogmery form. * b Second number to add in Montogmery form. * m Modulus (prime). */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_256_mont_add_8(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b, const sp_digit* m) { (void)m; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r12, #0\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a],#0]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[a],#4]\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[a],#8]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a],#12]\n\t" "ldr r9, [%[b],#0]\n\t" "ldr r10, [%[b],#4]\n\t" "ldr r11, [%[b],#8]\n\t" "ldr r14, [%[b],#12]\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r9\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r10\n\t" "adcs r6, r6, r11\n\t" "adcs r8, r8, r14\n\t" "str r4, [%[r],#0]\n\t" "str r5, [%[r],#4]\n\t" "str r6, [%[r],#8]\n\t" "str r8, [%[r],#12]\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a],#16]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[a],#20]\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[a],#24]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a],#28]\n\t" "ldr r9, [%[b],#16]\n\t" "ldr r10, [%[b],#20]\n\t" "ldr r11, [%[b],#24]\n\t" "ldr r14, [%[b],#28]\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r9\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r10\n\t" "adcs r6, r6, r11\n\t" "adcs r8, r8, r14\n\t" "adc r3, r12, #0\n\t" "sub r3, r12, r3\n\t" "and r12, r3, #1\n\t" "ldr r9, [%[r],#0]\n\t" "ldr r10, [%[r],#4]\n\t" "ldr r11, [%[r],#8]\n\t" "ldr r14, [%[r],#12]\n\t" "subs r9, r9, r3\n\t" "sbcs r10, r10, r3\n\t" "sbcs r11, r11, r3\n\t" "sbcs r14, r14, #0\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, #0\n\t" "sbcs r5, r5, #0\n\t" "sbcs r6, r6, r12\n\t" "sbc r8, r8, r3\n\t" "str r9, [%[r],#0]\n\t" "str r10, [%[r],#4]\n\t" "str r11, [%[r],#8]\n\t" "str r14, [%[r],#12]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r],#16]\n\t" "str r5, [%[r],#20]\n\t" "str r6, [%[r],#24]\n\t" "str r8, [%[r],#28]\n\t" : : [r] "r" (r), [a] "r" (a), [b] "r" (b) : "memory", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8", "r9", "r10", "r11", "r14", "r3", "r12" ); } /* Double a Montgomery form number (r = a + a % m). * * r Result of doubling. * a Number to double in Montogmery form. * m Modulus (prime). */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_256_mont_dbl_8(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* m) { (void)m; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r12, #0\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a],#0]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[a],#4]\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[a],#8]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a],#12]\n\t" "ldr r9, [%[a],#16]\n\t" "ldr r10, [%[a],#20]\n\t" "ldr r11, [%[a],#24]\n\t" "ldr r14, [%[a],#28]\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r4\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r5\n\t" "adcs r6, r6, r6\n\t" "adcs r8, r8, r8\n\t" "adcs r9, r9, r9\n\t" "adcs r10, r10, r10\n\t" "adcs r11, r11, r11\n\t" "adcs r14, r14, r14\n\t" "adc r3, r12, #0\n\t" "sub r3, r12, r3\n\t" "and r12, r3, #1\n\t" "subs r4, r4, r3\n\t" "sbcs r5, r5, r3\n\t" "sbcs r6, r6, r3\n\t" "sbcs r8, r8, #0\n\t" "sbcs r9, r9, #0\n\t" "sbcs r10, r10, #0\n\t" "sbcs r11, r11, r12\n\t" "sbc r14, r14, r3\n\t" "str r4, [%[r],#0]\n\t" "str r5, [%[r],#4]\n\t" "str r6, [%[r],#8]\n\t" "str r8, [%[r],#12]\n\t" "str r9, [%[r],#16]\n\t" "str r10, [%[r],#20]\n\t" "str r11, [%[r],#24]\n\t" "str r14, [%[r],#28]\n\t" : : [r] "r" (r), [a] "r" (a) : "memory", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8", "r9", "r10", "r11", "r14", "r3", "r12" ); } /* Triple a Montgomery form number (r = a + a + a % m). * * r Result of Tripling. * a Number to triple in Montogmery form. * m Modulus (prime). */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_256_mont_tpl_8(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* m) { (void)m; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "ldr r2, [%[a],#0]\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a],#4]\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a],#8]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[a],#12]\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[a],#16]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a],#20]\n\t" "ldr r9, [%[a],#24]\n\t" "ldr r10, [%[a],#28]\n\t" "adds r2, r2, r2\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r3\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r4\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r5\n\t" "adcs r6, r6, r6\n\t" "adcs r8, r8, r8\n\t" "adcs r9, r9, r9\n\t" "adcs r10, r10, r10\n\t" "mov r11, #0\n\t" "mov r14, #0\n\t" "adc r11, r11, r11\n\t" "mov r12, r11\n\t" "sub r11, r11, #1\n\t" "mvn r11, r11\n\t" "subs r2, r2, r11\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r11\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r11\n\t" "sbcs r5, r5, r14\n\t" "sbcs r6, r6, r14\n\t" "sbcs r8, r8, r14\n\t" "sbcs r9, r9, r12\n\t" "sbc r10, r10, r11\n\t" "ldr r12, [%[a],#0]\n\t" "ldr r14, [%[a],#4]\n\t" "adds r2, r2, r12\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r14\n\t" "ldr r12, [%[a],#8]\n\t" "ldr r14, [%[a],#12]\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r12\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r14\n\t" "ldr r12, [%[a],#16]\n\t" "ldr r14, [%[a],#20]\n\t" "adcs r6, r6, r12\n\t" "adcs r8, r8, r14\n\t" "ldr r12, [%[a],#24]\n\t" "ldr r14, [%[a],#28]\n\t" "adcs r9, r9, r12\n\t" "adcs r10, r10, r14\n\t" "mov r11, #0\n\t" "mov r14, #0\n\t" "adc r11, r11, r11\n\t" "mov r12, r11\n\t" "sub r11, r11, #1\n\t" "mvn r11, r11\n\t" "subs r2, r2, r11\n\t" "str r2, [%[r],#0]\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r11\n\t" "str r3, [%[r],#4]\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r11\n\t" "str r4, [%[r],#8]\n\t" "sbcs r5, r5, r14\n\t" "str r5, [%[r],#12]\n\t" "sbcs r6, r6, r14\n\t" "str r6, [%[r],#16]\n\t" "sbcs r8, r8, r14\n\t" "str r8, [%[r],#20]\n\t" "sbcs r9, r9, r12\n\t" "str r9, [%[r],#24]\n\t" "sbc r10, r10, r11\n\t" "str r10, [%[r],#28]\n\t" : : [r] "r" (r), [a] "r" (a) : "memory", "r11", "r12", "r14", "r2", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8", "r9", "r10" ); } /* Subtract two Montgomery form numbers (r = a - b % m). * * r Result of subtration. * a Number to subtract from in Montogmery form. * b Number to subtract with in Montogmery form. * m Modulus (prime). */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_256_mont_sub_8(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b, const sp_digit* m) { (void)m; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r12, #0\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a],#0]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[a],#4]\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[a],#8]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a],#12]\n\t" "ldr r9, [%[b],#0]\n\t" "ldr r10, [%[b],#4]\n\t" "ldr r11, [%[b],#8]\n\t" "ldr r14, [%[b],#12]\n\t" "subs r4, r4, r9\n\t" "sbcs r5, r5, r10\n\t" "sbcs r6, r6, r11\n\t" "sbcs r8, r8, r14\n\t" "str r4, [%[r],#0]\n\t" "str r5, [%[r],#4]\n\t" "str r6, [%[r],#8]\n\t" "str r8, [%[r],#12]\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a],#16]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[a],#20]\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[a],#24]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a],#28]\n\t" "ldr r9, [%[b],#16]\n\t" "ldr r10, [%[b],#20]\n\t" "ldr r11, [%[b],#24]\n\t" "ldr r14, [%[b],#28]\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r9\n\t" "sbcs r5, r5, r10\n\t" "sbcs r6, r6, r11\n\t" "sbcs r8, r8, r14\n\t" "sbc r3, r12, #0\n\t" "and r12, r3, #1\n\t" "ldr r9, [%[r],#0]\n\t" "ldr r10, [%[r],#4]\n\t" "ldr r11, [%[r],#8]\n\t" "ldr r14, [%[r],#12]\n\t" "adds r9, r9, r3\n\t" "adcs r10, r10, r3\n\t" "adcs r11, r11, r3\n\t" "adcs r14, r14, #0\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, #0\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, #0\n\t" "adcs r6, r6, r12\n\t" "adc r8, r8, r3\n\t" "str r9, [%[r],#0]\n\t" "str r10, [%[r],#4]\n\t" "str r11, [%[r],#8]\n\t" "str r14, [%[r],#12]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r],#16]\n\t" "str r5, [%[r],#20]\n\t" "str r6, [%[r],#24]\n\t" "str r8, [%[r],#28]\n\t" : : [r] "r" (r), [a] "r" (a), [b] "r" (b) : "memory", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8", "r9", "r10", "r11", "r14", "r3", "r12" ); } /* Divide the number by 2 mod the modulus (prime). (r = a / 2 % m) * * r Result of division by 2. * a Number to divide. * m Modulus (prime). */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_256_div2_8(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* m) { __asm__ __volatile__ ( "ldr r8, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "lsl r8, r8, #31\n\t" "lsr r8, r8, #31\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" "sub r5, r5, r8\n\t" "mov r8, #0\n\t" "lsl r6, r5, #31\n\t" "lsr r6, r6, #31\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r5\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r5\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #0]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #4]\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #8]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #12]\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #16]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #20]\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r5\n\t" "adc r8, r8, r8\n\t" "lsl r8, r8, #31\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, #31\n\t" "lsr r6, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, #31\n\t" "orr r5, r5, r4\n\t" "orr r6, r6, r8\n\t" "mov r8, r3\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], #24]\n\t" "str r6, [%[r], #28]\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, #31\n\t" "lsr r6, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, #31\n\t" "orr r5, r5, r4\n\t" "orr r6, r6, r8\n\t" "mov r8, r3\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], #16]\n\t" "str r6, [%[r], #20]\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsl r3, r3, #31\n\t" "lsr r6, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, #31\n\t" "orr r5, r5, r4\n\t" "orr r6, r6, r8\n\t" "mov r8, r3\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], #8]\n\t" "str r6, [%[r], #12]\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[r], #0]\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[r], #4]\n\t" "lsr r5, r3, #1\n\t" "lsr r6, r4, #1\n\t" "lsl r4, r4, #31\n\t" "orr r5, r5, r4\n\t" "orr r6, r6, r8\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], #0]\n\t" "str r6, [%[r], #4]\n\t" : : [r] "r" (r), [a] "r" (a), [m] "r" (m) : "memory", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8" ); } /* Double the Montgomery form projective point p. * * r Result of doubling point. * p Point to double. * t Temporary ordinate data. */ #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_NONBLOCK typedef struct sp_256_proj_point_dbl_8_ctx { int state; sp_digit* t1; sp_digit* t2; sp_digit* x; sp_digit* y; sp_digit* z; } sp_256_proj_point_dbl_8_ctx; static int sp_256_proj_point_dbl_8_nb(sp_ecc_ctx_t* sp_ctx, sp_point_256* r, const sp_point_256* p, sp_digit* t) { int err = FP_WOULDBLOCK; sp_256_proj_point_dbl_8_ctx* ctx = (sp_256_proj_point_dbl_8_ctx*)sp_ctx->data; typedef char ctx_size_test[sizeof(sp_256_proj_point_dbl_8_ctx) >= sizeof(*sp_ctx) ? -1 : 1]; (void)sizeof(ctx_size_test); switch (ctx->state) { case 0: ctx->t1 = t; ctx->t2 = t + 2*8; ctx->x = r->x; ctx->y = r->y; ctx->z = r->z; /* Put infinity into result. */ if (r != p) { r->infinity = p->infinity; } ctx->state = 1; break; case 1: /* T1 = Z * Z */ sp_256_mont_sqr_8(ctx->t1, p->z, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); ctx->state = 2; break; case 2: /* Z = Y * Z */ sp_256_mont_mul_8(ctx->z, p->y, p->z, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); ctx->state = 3; break; case 3: /* Z = 2Z */ sp_256_mont_dbl_8(ctx->z, ctx->z, p256_mod); ctx->state = 4; break; case 4: /* T2 = X - T1 */ sp_256_mont_sub_8(ctx->t2, p->x, ctx->t1, p256_mod); ctx->state = 5; break; case 5: /* T1 = X + T1 */ sp_256_mont_add_8(ctx->t1, p->x, ctx->t1, p256_mod); ctx->state = 6; break; case 6: /* T2 = T1 * T2 */ sp_256_mont_mul_8(ctx->t2, ctx->t1, ctx->t2, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); ctx->state = 7; break; case 7: /* T1 = 3T2 */ sp_256_mont_tpl_8(ctx->t1, ctx->t2, p256_mod); ctx->state = 8; break; case 8: /* Y = 2Y */ sp_256_mont_dbl_8(ctx->y, p->y, p256_mod); ctx->state = 9; break; case 9: /* Y = Y * Y */ sp_256_mont_sqr_8(ctx->y, ctx->y, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); ctx->state = 10; break; case 10: /* T2 = Y * Y */ sp_256_mont_sqr_8(ctx->t2, ctx->y, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); ctx->state = 11; break; case 11: /* T2 = T2/2 */ sp_256_div2_8(ctx->t2, ctx->t2, p256_mod); ctx->state = 12; break; case 12: /* Y = Y * X */ sp_256_mont_mul_8(ctx->y, ctx->y, p->x, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); ctx->state = 13; break; case 13: /* X = T1 * T1 */ sp_256_mont_sqr_8(ctx->x, ctx->t1, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); ctx->state = 14; break; case 14: /* X = X - Y */ sp_256_mont_sub_8(ctx->x, ctx->x, ctx->y, p256_mod); ctx->state = 15; break; case 15: /* X = X - Y */ sp_256_mont_sub_8(ctx->x, ctx->x, ctx->y, p256_mod); ctx->state = 16; break; case 16: /* Y = Y - X */ sp_256_mont_sub_8(ctx->y, ctx->y, ctx->x, p256_mod); ctx->state = 17; break; case 17: /* Y = Y * T1 */ sp_256_mont_mul_8(ctx->y, ctx->y, ctx->t1, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); ctx->state = 18; break; case 18: /* Y = Y - T2 */ sp_256_mont_sub_8(ctx->y, ctx->y, ctx->t2, p256_mod); ctx->state = 19; /* fall-through */ case 19: err = MP_OKAY; break; } if (err == MP_OKAY && ctx->state != 19) { err = FP_WOULDBLOCK; } return err; } #endif /* WOLFSSL_SP_NONBLOCK */ static void sp_256_proj_point_dbl_8(sp_point_256* r, const sp_point_256* p, sp_digit* t) { sp_digit* t1 = t; sp_digit* t2 = t + 2*8; sp_digit* x; sp_digit* y; sp_digit* z; x = r->x; y = r->y; z = r->z; /* Put infinity into result. */ if (r != p) { r->infinity = p->infinity; } /* T1 = Z * Z */ sp_256_mont_sqr_8(t1, p->z, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); /* Z = Y * Z */ sp_256_mont_mul_8(z, p->y, p->z, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); /* Z = 2Z */ sp_256_mont_dbl_8(z, z, p256_mod); /* T2 = X - T1 */ sp_256_mont_sub_8(t2, p->x, t1, p256_mod); /* T1 = X + T1 */ sp_256_mont_add_8(t1, p->x, t1, p256_mod); /* T2 = T1 * T2 */ sp_256_mont_mul_8(t2, t1, t2, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); /* T1 = 3T2 */ sp_256_mont_tpl_8(t1, t2, p256_mod); /* Y = 2Y */ sp_256_mont_dbl_8(y, p->y, p256_mod); /* Y = Y * Y */ sp_256_mont_sqr_8(y, y, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); /* T2 = Y * Y */ sp_256_mont_sqr_8(t2, y, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); /* T2 = T2/2 */ sp_256_div2_8(t2, t2, p256_mod); /* Y = Y * X */ sp_256_mont_mul_8(y, y, p->x, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); /* X = T1 * T1 */ sp_256_mont_sqr_8(x, t1, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); /* X = X - Y */ sp_256_mont_sub_8(x, x, y, p256_mod); /* X = X - Y */ sp_256_mont_sub_8(x, x, y, p256_mod); /* Y = Y - X */ sp_256_mont_sub_8(y, y, x, p256_mod); /* Y = Y * T1 */ sp_256_mont_mul_8(y, y, t1, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); /* Y = Y - T2 */ sp_256_mont_sub_8(y, y, t2, p256_mod); } #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL /* Sub b from a into r. (r = a - b) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static sp_digit sp_256_sub_8(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit c = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r6, %[a]\n\t" "add r6, r6, #32\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" "subs r5, r5, %[c]\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a]]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[b]]\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r5\n\t" "str r4, [%[r]]\n\t" "sbc %[c], %[c], %[c]\n\t" "add %[a], %[a], #4\n\t" "add %[b], %[b], #4\n\t" "add %[r], %[r], #4\n\t" "cmp %[a], r6\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "bne 1b\n\t" #else "bne.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ : [c] "+r" (c), [r] "+r" (r), [a] "+r" (a), [b] "+r" (b) : : "memory", "r4", "r5", "r6" ); return c; } #else /* Sub b from a into r. (r = a - b) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static sp_digit sp_256_sub_8(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit c = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "ldr r4, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[b], #0]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #4]\n\t" "subs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "sbcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #0]\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], #4]\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[b], #8]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #12]\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "sbcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #8]\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], #12]\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[b], #16]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #20]\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "sbcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #16]\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], #20]\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[b], #24]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #28]\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "sbcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #24]\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], #28]\n\t" "sbc %[c], %[c], %[c]\n\t" : [c] "+r" (c), [r] "+r" (r), [a] "+r" (a), [b] "+r" (b) : : "memory", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8" ); return c; } #endif /* WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL */ /* Compare two numbers to determine if they are equal. * Constant time implementation. * * a First number to compare. * b Second number to compare. * returns 1 when equal and 0 otherwise. */ static int sp_256_cmp_equal_8(const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { return ((a[0] ^ b[0]) | (a[1] ^ b[1]) | (a[2] ^ b[2]) | (a[3] ^ b[3]) | (a[4] ^ b[4]) | (a[5] ^ b[5]) | (a[6] ^ b[6]) | (a[7] ^ b[7])) == 0; } /* Add two Montgomery form projective points. * * r Result of addition. * p First point to add. * q Second point to add. * t Temporary ordinate data. */ #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_NONBLOCK typedef struct sp_256_proj_point_add_8_ctx { int state; sp_256_proj_point_dbl_8_ctx dbl_ctx; const sp_point_256* ap[2]; sp_point_256* rp[2]; sp_digit* t1; sp_digit* t2; sp_digit* t3; sp_digit* t4; sp_digit* t5; sp_digit* x; sp_digit* y; sp_digit* z; } sp_256_proj_point_add_8_ctx; static int sp_256_proj_point_add_8_nb(sp_ecc_ctx_t* sp_ctx, sp_point_256* r, const sp_point_256* p, const sp_point_256* q, sp_digit* t) { int err = FP_WOULDBLOCK; sp_256_proj_point_add_8_ctx* ctx = (sp_256_proj_point_add_8_ctx*)sp_ctx->data; /* Ensure only the first point is the same as the result. */ if (q == r) { const sp_point_256* a = p; p = q; q = a; } typedef char ctx_size_test[sizeof(sp_256_proj_point_add_8_ctx) >= sizeof(*sp_ctx) ? -1 : 1]; (void)sizeof(ctx_size_test); switch (ctx->state) { case 0: /* INIT */ ctx->t1 = t; ctx->t2 = t + 2*8; ctx->t3 = t + 4*8; ctx->t4 = t + 6*8; ctx->t5 = t + 8*8; ctx->state = 1; break; case 1: /* Check double */ (void)sp_256_sub_8(ctx->t1, p256_mod, q->y); sp_256_norm_8(ctx->t1); if ((sp_256_cmp_equal_8(p->x, q->x) & sp_256_cmp_equal_8(p->z, q->z) & (sp_256_cmp_equal_8(p->y, q->y) | sp_256_cmp_equal_8(p->y, ctx->t1))) != 0) { XMEMSET(&ctx->dbl_ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx->dbl_ctx)); ctx->state = 2; } else { ctx->state = 3; } break; case 2: err = sp_256_proj_point_dbl_8_nb((sp_ecc_ctx_t*)&ctx->dbl_ctx, r, p, t); if (err == MP_OKAY) ctx->state = 27; /* done */ break; case 3: { int i; ctx->rp[0] = r; /*lint allow cast to different type of pointer*/ ctx->rp[1] = (sp_point_256*)t; /*lint !e9087 !e740*/ XMEMSET(ctx->rp[1], 0, sizeof(sp_point_256)); ctx->x = ctx->rp[p->infinity | q->infinity]->x; ctx->y = ctx->rp[p->infinity | q->infinity]->y; ctx->z = ctx->rp[p->infinity | q->infinity]->z; ctx->ap[0] = p; ctx->ap[1] = q; for (i=0; i<8; i++) { r->x[i] = ctx->ap[p->infinity]->x[i]; } for (i=0; i<8; i++) { r->y[i] = ctx->ap[p->infinity]->y[i]; } for (i=0; i<8; i++) { r->z[i] = ctx->ap[p->infinity]->z[i]; } r->infinity = ctx->ap[p->infinity]->infinity; ctx->state = 4; break; } case 4: /* U1 = X1*Z2^2 */ sp_256_mont_sqr_8(ctx->t1, q->z, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); ctx->state = 5; break; case 5: sp_256_mont_mul_8(ctx->t3, ctx->t1, q->z, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); ctx->state = 6; break; case 6: sp_256_mont_mul_8(ctx->t1, ctx->t1, ctx->x, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); ctx->state = 7; break; case 7: /* U2 = X2*Z1^2 */ sp_256_mont_sqr_8(ctx->t2, ctx->z, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); ctx->state = 8; break; case 8: sp_256_mont_mul_8(ctx->t4, ctx->t2, ctx->z, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); ctx->state = 9; break; case 9: sp_256_mont_mul_8(ctx->t2, ctx->t2, q->x, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); ctx->state = 10; break; case 10: /* S1 = Y1*Z2^3 */ sp_256_mont_mul_8(ctx->t3, ctx->t3, ctx->y, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); ctx->state = 11; break; case 11: /* S2 = Y2*Z1^3 */ sp_256_mont_mul_8(ctx->t4, ctx->t4, q->y, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); ctx->state = 12; break; case 12: /* H = U2 - U1 */ sp_256_mont_sub_8(ctx->t2, ctx->t2, ctx->t1, p256_mod); ctx->state = 13; break; case 13: /* R = S2 - S1 */ sp_256_mont_sub_8(ctx->t4, ctx->t4, ctx->t3, p256_mod); ctx->state = 14; break; case 14: /* Z3 = H*Z1*Z2 */ sp_256_mont_mul_8(ctx->z, ctx->z, q->z, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); ctx->state = 15; break; case 15: sp_256_mont_mul_8(ctx->z, ctx->z, ctx->t2, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); ctx->state = 16; break; case 16: /* X3 = R^2 - H^3 - 2*U1*H^2 */ sp_256_mont_sqr_8(ctx->x, ctx->t4, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); ctx->state = 17; break; case 17: sp_256_mont_sqr_8(ctx->t5, ctx->t2, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); ctx->state = 18; break; case 18: sp_256_mont_mul_8(ctx->y, ctx->t1, ctx->t5, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); ctx->state = 19; break; case 19: sp_256_mont_mul_8(ctx->t5, ctx->t5, ctx->t2, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); ctx->state = 20; break; case 20: sp_256_mont_sub_8(ctx->x, ctx->x, ctx->t5, p256_mod); ctx->state = 21; break; case 21: sp_256_mont_dbl_8(ctx->t1, ctx->y, p256_mod); ctx->state = 22; break; case 22: sp_256_mont_sub_8(ctx->x, ctx->x, ctx->t1, p256_mod); ctx->state = 23; break; case 23: /* Y3 = R*(U1*H^2 - X3) - S1*H^3 */ sp_256_mont_sub_8(ctx->y, ctx->y, ctx->x, p256_mod); ctx->state = 24; break; case 24: sp_256_mont_mul_8(ctx->y, ctx->y, ctx->t4, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); ctx->state = 25; break; case 25: sp_256_mont_mul_8(ctx->t5, ctx->t5, ctx->t3, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); ctx->state = 26; break; case 26: sp_256_mont_sub_8(ctx->y, ctx->y, ctx->t5, p256_mod); ctx->state = 27; /* fall-through */ case 27: err = MP_OKAY; break; } if (err == MP_OKAY && ctx->state != 27) { err = FP_WOULDBLOCK; } return err; } #endif /* WOLFSSL_SP_NONBLOCK */ static void sp_256_proj_point_add_8(sp_point_256* r, const sp_point_256* p, const sp_point_256* q, sp_digit* t) { const sp_point_256* ap[2]; sp_point_256* rp[2]; sp_digit* t1 = t; sp_digit* t2 = t + 2*8; sp_digit* t3 = t + 4*8; sp_digit* t4 = t + 6*8; sp_digit* t5 = t + 8*8; sp_digit* x; sp_digit* y; sp_digit* z; int i; /* Ensure only the first point is the same as the result. */ if (q == r) { const sp_point_256* a = p; p = q; q = a; } /* Check double */ (void)sp_256_sub_8(t1, p256_mod, q->y); sp_256_norm_8(t1); if ((sp_256_cmp_equal_8(p->x, q->x) & sp_256_cmp_equal_8(p->z, q->z) & (sp_256_cmp_equal_8(p->y, q->y) | sp_256_cmp_equal_8(p->y, t1))) != 0) { sp_256_proj_point_dbl_8(r, p, t); } else { rp[0] = r; /*lint allow cast to different type of pointer*/ rp[1] = (sp_point_256*)t; /*lint !e9087 !e740*/ XMEMSET(rp[1], 0, sizeof(sp_point_256)); x = rp[p->infinity | q->infinity]->x; y = rp[p->infinity | q->infinity]->y; z = rp[p->infinity | q->infinity]->z; ap[0] = p; ap[1] = q; for (i=0; i<8; i++) { r->x[i] = ap[p->infinity]->x[i]; } for (i=0; i<8; i++) { r->y[i] = ap[p->infinity]->y[i]; } for (i=0; i<8; i++) { r->z[i] = ap[p->infinity]->z[i]; } r->infinity = ap[p->infinity]->infinity; /* U1 = X1*Z2^2 */ sp_256_mont_sqr_8(t1, q->z, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); sp_256_mont_mul_8(t3, t1, q->z, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); sp_256_mont_mul_8(t1, t1, x, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); /* U2 = X2*Z1^2 */ sp_256_mont_sqr_8(t2, z, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); sp_256_mont_mul_8(t4, t2, z, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); sp_256_mont_mul_8(t2, t2, q->x, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); /* S1 = Y1*Z2^3 */ sp_256_mont_mul_8(t3, t3, y, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); /* S2 = Y2*Z1^3 */ sp_256_mont_mul_8(t4, t4, q->y, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); /* H = U2 - U1 */ sp_256_mont_sub_8(t2, t2, t1, p256_mod); /* R = S2 - S1 */ sp_256_mont_sub_8(t4, t4, t3, p256_mod); /* Z3 = H*Z1*Z2 */ sp_256_mont_mul_8(z, z, q->z, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); sp_256_mont_mul_8(z, z, t2, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); /* X3 = R^2 - H^3 - 2*U1*H^2 */ sp_256_mont_sqr_8(x, t4, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); sp_256_mont_sqr_8(t5, t2, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); sp_256_mont_mul_8(y, t1, t5, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); sp_256_mont_mul_8(t5, t5, t2, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); sp_256_mont_sub_8(x, x, t5, p256_mod); sp_256_mont_dbl_8(t1, y, p256_mod); sp_256_mont_sub_8(x, x, t1, p256_mod); /* Y3 = R*(U1*H^2 - X3) - S1*H^3 */ sp_256_mont_sub_8(y, y, x, p256_mod); sp_256_mont_mul_8(y, y, t4, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); sp_256_mont_mul_8(t5, t5, t3, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); sp_256_mont_sub_8(y, y, t5, p256_mod); } } #ifndef WC_NO_CACHE_RESISTANT /* Touch each possible point that could be being copied. * * r Point to copy into. * table Table - start of the entires to access * idx Index of entry to retrieve. */ static void sp_256_get_point_16_8(sp_point_256* r, const sp_point_256* table, int idx) { int i; sp_digit mask; r->x[0] = 0; r->x[1] = 0; r->x[2] = 0; r->x[3] = 0; r->x[4] = 0; r->x[5] = 0; r->x[6] = 0; r->x[7] = 0; r->y[0] = 0; r->y[1] = 0; r->y[2] = 0; r->y[3] = 0; r->y[4] = 0; r->y[5] = 0; r->y[6] = 0; r->y[7] = 0; r->z[0] = 0; r->z[1] = 0; r->z[2] = 0; r->z[3] = 0; r->z[4] = 0; r->z[5] = 0; r->z[6] = 0; r->z[7] = 0; for (i = 1; i < 16; i++) { mask = 0 - (i == idx); r->x[0] |= mask & table[i].x[0]; r->x[1] |= mask & table[i].x[1]; r->x[2] |= mask & table[i].x[2]; r->x[3] |= mask & table[i].x[3]; r->x[4] |= mask & table[i].x[4]; r->x[5] |= mask & table[i].x[5]; r->x[6] |= mask & table[i].x[6]; r->x[7] |= mask & table[i].x[7]; r->y[0] |= mask & table[i].y[0]; r->y[1] |= mask & table[i].y[1]; r->y[2] |= mask & table[i].y[2]; r->y[3] |= mask & table[i].y[3]; r->y[4] |= mask & table[i].y[4]; r->y[5] |= mask & table[i].y[5]; r->y[6] |= mask & table[i].y[6]; r->y[7] |= mask & table[i].y[7]; r->z[0] |= mask & table[i].z[0]; r->z[1] |= mask & table[i].z[1]; r->z[2] |= mask & table[i].z[2]; r->z[3] |= mask & table[i].z[3]; r->z[4] |= mask & table[i].z[4]; r->z[5] |= mask & table[i].z[5]; r->z[6] |= mask & table[i].z[6]; r->z[7] |= mask & table[i].z[7]; } } #endif /* !WC_NO_CACHE_RESISTANT */ /* Multiply the point by the scalar and return the result. * If map is true then convert result to affine coordinates. * * Simple, smaller code size and memory size, of windowing. * Calculate uindow of 4 bits. * Only add points from table. * * r Resulting point. * g Point to multiply. * k Scalar to multiply by. * map Indicates whether to convert result to affine. * ct Constant time required. * heap Heap to use for allocation. * returns MEMORY_E when memory allocation fails and MP_OKAY on success. */ static int sp_256_ecc_mulmod_fast_8(sp_point_256* r, const sp_point_256* g, const sp_digit* k, int map, int ct, void* heap) { #if (!defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) || defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) sp_point_256 td[16]; sp_point_256 rtd; sp_digit tmpd[2 * 8 * 5]; #ifndef WC_NO_CACHE_RESISTANT sp_point_256 pd; #endif #endif sp_point_256* t; sp_point_256* rt; #ifndef WC_NO_CACHE_RESISTANT sp_point_256* p; #endif sp_digit* tmp; sp_digit n; int i; int c, y; int err; /* Constant time used for cache attack resistance implementation. */ (void)ct; (void)heap; err = sp_256_point_new_8(heap, rtd, rt); #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) #ifndef WC_NO_CACHE_RESISTANT t = (sp_point_256*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_point_256) * 17, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); #else t = (sp_point_256*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_point_256) * 16, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); #endif if (t == NULL) err = MEMORY_E; tmp = (sp_digit*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_digit) * 2 * 8 * 5, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); if (tmp == NULL) err = MEMORY_E; #else t = td; tmp = tmpd; #endif if (err == MP_OKAY) { #ifndef WC_NO_CACHE_RESISTANT #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) p = t + 16; #else p = &pd; #endif #endif /* t[0] = {0, 0, 1} * norm */ XMEMSET(&t[0], 0, sizeof(t[0])); t[0].infinity = 1; /* t[1] = {g->x, g->y, g->z} * norm */ (void)sp_256_mod_mul_norm_8(t[1].x, g->x, p256_mod); (void)sp_256_mod_mul_norm_8(t[1].y, g->y, p256_mod); (void)sp_256_mod_mul_norm_8(t[1].z, g->z, p256_mod); t[1].infinity = 0; sp_256_proj_point_dbl_8(&t[ 2], &t[ 1], tmp); t[ 2].infinity = 0; sp_256_proj_point_add_8(&t[ 3], &t[ 2], &t[ 1], tmp); t[ 3].infinity = 0; sp_256_proj_point_dbl_8(&t[ 4], &t[ 2], tmp); t[ 4].infinity = 0; sp_256_proj_point_add_8(&t[ 5], &t[ 3], &t[ 2], tmp); t[ 5].infinity = 0; sp_256_proj_point_dbl_8(&t[ 6], &t[ 3], tmp); t[ 6].infinity = 0; sp_256_proj_point_add_8(&t[ 7], &t[ 4], &t[ 3], tmp); t[ 7].infinity = 0; sp_256_proj_point_dbl_8(&t[ 8], &t[ 4], tmp); t[ 8].infinity = 0; sp_256_proj_point_add_8(&t[ 9], &t[ 5], &t[ 4], tmp); t[ 9].infinity = 0; sp_256_proj_point_dbl_8(&t[10], &t[ 5], tmp); t[10].infinity = 0; sp_256_proj_point_add_8(&t[11], &t[ 6], &t[ 5], tmp); t[11].infinity = 0; sp_256_proj_point_dbl_8(&t[12], &t[ 6], tmp); t[12].infinity = 0; sp_256_proj_point_add_8(&t[13], &t[ 7], &t[ 6], tmp); t[13].infinity = 0; sp_256_proj_point_dbl_8(&t[14], &t[ 7], tmp); t[14].infinity = 0; sp_256_proj_point_add_8(&t[15], &t[ 8], &t[ 7], tmp); t[15].infinity = 0; i = 6; n = k[i+1] << 0; c = 28; y = n >> 28; #ifndef WC_NO_CACHE_RESISTANT if (ct) { sp_256_get_point_16_8(rt, t, y); rt->infinity = !y; } else #endif { XMEMCPY(rt, &t[y], sizeof(sp_point_256)); } n <<= 4; for (; i>=0 || c>=4; ) { if (c < 4) { n |= k[i--]; c += 32; } y = (n >> 28) & 0xf; n <<= 4; c -= 4; sp_256_proj_point_dbl_8(rt, rt, tmp); sp_256_proj_point_dbl_8(rt, rt, tmp); sp_256_proj_point_dbl_8(rt, rt, tmp); sp_256_proj_point_dbl_8(rt, rt, tmp); #ifndef WC_NO_CACHE_RESISTANT if (ct) { sp_256_get_point_16_8(p, t, y); p->infinity = !y; sp_256_proj_point_add_8(rt, rt, p, tmp); } else #endif { sp_256_proj_point_add_8(rt, rt, &t[y], tmp); } } if (map != 0) { sp_256_map_8(r, rt, tmp); } else { XMEMCPY(r, rt, sizeof(sp_point_256)); } } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (tmp != NULL) { XMEMSET(tmp, 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 2 * 8 * 5); XFREE(tmp, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); } if (t != NULL) { XMEMSET(t, 0, sizeof(sp_point_256) * 16); XFREE(t, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); } #else ForceZero(tmpd, sizeof(tmpd)); ForceZero(td, sizeof(td)); #endif sp_256_point_free_8(rt, 1, heap); return err; } /* A table entry for pre-computed points. */ typedef struct sp_table_entry_256 { sp_digit x[8]; sp_digit y[8]; } sp_table_entry_256; #ifdef FP_ECC /* Double the Montgomery form projective point p a number of times. * * r Result of repeated doubling of point. * p Point to double. * n Number of times to double * t Temporary ordinate data. */ static void sp_256_proj_point_dbl_n_8(sp_point_256* p, int n, sp_digit* t) { sp_digit* w = t; sp_digit* a = t + 2*8; sp_digit* b = t + 4*8; sp_digit* t1 = t + 6*8; sp_digit* t2 = t + 8*8; sp_digit* x; sp_digit* y; sp_digit* z; x = p->x; y = p->y; z = p->z; /* Y = 2*Y */ sp_256_mont_dbl_8(y, y, p256_mod); /* W = Z^4 */ sp_256_mont_sqr_8(w, z, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); sp_256_mont_sqr_8(w, w, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); #ifndef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL while (--n > 0) #else while (--n >= 0) #endif { /* A = 3*(X^2 - W) */ sp_256_mont_sqr_8(t1, x, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); sp_256_mont_sub_8(t1, t1, w, p256_mod); sp_256_mont_tpl_8(a, t1, p256_mod); /* B = X*Y^2 */ sp_256_mont_sqr_8(t1, y, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); sp_256_mont_mul_8(b, t1, x, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); /* X = A^2 - 2B */ sp_256_mont_sqr_8(x, a, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); sp_256_mont_dbl_8(t2, b, p256_mod); sp_256_mont_sub_8(x, x, t2, p256_mod); /* Z = Z*Y */ sp_256_mont_mul_8(z, z, y, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); /* t2 = Y^4 */ sp_256_mont_sqr_8(t1, t1, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL if (n != 0) #endif { /* W = W*Y^4 */ sp_256_mont_mul_8(w, w, t1, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); } /* y = 2*A*(B - X) - Y^4 */ sp_256_mont_sub_8(y, b, x, p256_mod); sp_256_mont_mul_8(y, y, a, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); sp_256_mont_dbl_8(y, y, p256_mod); sp_256_mont_sub_8(y, y, t1, p256_mod); } #ifndef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL /* A = 3*(X^2 - W) */ sp_256_mont_sqr_8(t1, x, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); sp_256_mont_sub_8(t1, t1, w, p256_mod); sp_256_mont_tpl_8(a, t1, p256_mod); /* B = X*Y^2 */ sp_256_mont_sqr_8(t1, y, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); sp_256_mont_mul_8(b, t1, x, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); /* X = A^2 - 2B */ sp_256_mont_sqr_8(x, a, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); sp_256_mont_dbl_8(t2, b, p256_mod); sp_256_mont_sub_8(x, x, t2, p256_mod); /* Z = Z*Y */ sp_256_mont_mul_8(z, z, y, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); /* t2 = Y^4 */ sp_256_mont_sqr_8(t1, t1, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); /* y = 2*A*(B - X) - Y^4 */ sp_256_mont_sub_8(y, b, x, p256_mod); sp_256_mont_mul_8(y, y, a, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); sp_256_mont_dbl_8(y, y, p256_mod); sp_256_mont_sub_8(y, y, t1, p256_mod); #endif /* Y = Y/2 */ sp_256_div2_8(y, y, p256_mod); } /* Convert the projective point to affine. * Ordinates are in Montgomery form. * * a Point to convert. * t Temporary data. */ static void sp_256_proj_to_affine_8(sp_point_256* a, sp_digit* t) { sp_digit* t1 = t; sp_digit* t2 = t + 2 * 8; sp_digit* tmp = t + 4 * 8; sp_256_mont_inv_8(t1, a->z, tmp); sp_256_mont_sqr_8(t2, t1, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); sp_256_mont_mul_8(t1, t2, t1, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); sp_256_mont_mul_8(a->x, a->x, t2, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); sp_256_mont_mul_8(a->y, a->y, t1, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); XMEMCPY(a->z, p256_norm_mod, sizeof(p256_norm_mod)); } #endif /* FP_ECC */ /* Add two Montgomery form projective points. The second point has a q value of * one. * Only the first point can be the same pointer as the result point. * * r Result of addition. * p First point to add. * q Second point to add. * t Temporary ordinate data. */ static void sp_256_proj_point_add_qz1_8(sp_point_256* r, const sp_point_256* p, const sp_point_256* q, sp_digit* t) { const sp_point_256* ap[2]; sp_point_256* rp[2]; sp_digit* t1 = t; sp_digit* t2 = t + 2*8; sp_digit* t3 = t + 4*8; sp_digit* t4 = t + 6*8; sp_digit* t5 = t + 8*8; sp_digit* x; sp_digit* y; sp_digit* z; int i; /* Check double */ (void)sp_256_sub_8(t1, p256_mod, q->y); sp_256_norm_8(t1); if ((sp_256_cmp_equal_8(p->x, q->x) & sp_256_cmp_equal_8(p->z, q->z) & (sp_256_cmp_equal_8(p->y, q->y) | sp_256_cmp_equal_8(p->y, t1))) != 0) { sp_256_proj_point_dbl_8(r, p, t); } else { rp[0] = r; /*lint allow cast to different type of pointer*/ rp[1] = (sp_point_256*)t; /*lint !e9087 !e740*/ XMEMSET(rp[1], 0, sizeof(sp_point_256)); x = rp[p->infinity | q->infinity]->x; y = rp[p->infinity | q->infinity]->y; z = rp[p->infinity | q->infinity]->z; ap[0] = p; ap[1] = q; for (i=0; i<8; i++) { r->x[i] = ap[p->infinity]->x[i]; } for (i=0; i<8; i++) { r->y[i] = ap[p->infinity]->y[i]; } for (i=0; i<8; i++) { r->z[i] = ap[p->infinity]->z[i]; } r->infinity = ap[p->infinity]->infinity; /* U2 = X2*Z1^2 */ sp_256_mont_sqr_8(t2, z, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); sp_256_mont_mul_8(t4, t2, z, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); sp_256_mont_mul_8(t2, t2, q->x, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); /* S2 = Y2*Z1^3 */ sp_256_mont_mul_8(t4, t4, q->y, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); /* H = U2 - X1 */ sp_256_mont_sub_8(t2, t2, x, p256_mod); /* R = S2 - Y1 */ sp_256_mont_sub_8(t4, t4, y, p256_mod); /* Z3 = H*Z1 */ sp_256_mont_mul_8(z, z, t2, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); /* X3 = R^2 - H^3 - 2*X1*H^2 */ sp_256_mont_sqr_8(t1, t4, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); sp_256_mont_sqr_8(t5, t2, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); sp_256_mont_mul_8(t3, x, t5, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); sp_256_mont_mul_8(t5, t5, t2, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); sp_256_mont_sub_8(x, t1, t5, p256_mod); sp_256_mont_dbl_8(t1, t3, p256_mod); sp_256_mont_sub_8(x, x, t1, p256_mod); /* Y3 = R*(X1*H^2 - X3) - Y1*H^3 */ sp_256_mont_sub_8(t3, t3, x, p256_mod); sp_256_mont_mul_8(t3, t3, t4, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); sp_256_mont_mul_8(t5, t5, y, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); sp_256_mont_sub_8(y, t3, t5, p256_mod); } } #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL #ifdef FP_ECC /* Generate the pre-computed table of points for the base point. * * a The base point. * table Place to store generated point data. * tmp Temporary data. * heap Heap to use for allocation. */ static int sp_256_gen_stripe_table_8(const sp_point_256* a, sp_table_entry_256* table, sp_digit* tmp, void* heap) { #if (!defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) || defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) sp_point_256 td, s1d, s2d; #endif sp_point_256* t; sp_point_256* s1 = NULL; sp_point_256* s2 = NULL; int i, j; int err; (void)heap; err = sp_256_point_new_8(heap, td, t); if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_256_point_new_8(heap, s1d, s1); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_256_point_new_8(heap, s2d, s2); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_256_mod_mul_norm_8(t->x, a->x, p256_mod); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_256_mod_mul_norm_8(t->y, a->y, p256_mod); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_256_mod_mul_norm_8(t->z, a->z, p256_mod); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { t->infinity = 0; sp_256_proj_to_affine_8(t, tmp); XMEMCPY(s1->z, p256_norm_mod, sizeof(p256_norm_mod)); s1->infinity = 0; XMEMCPY(s2->z, p256_norm_mod, sizeof(p256_norm_mod)); s2->infinity = 0; /* table[0] = {0, 0, infinity} */ XMEMSET(&table[0], 0, sizeof(sp_table_entry_256)); /* table[1] = Affine version of 'a' in Montgomery form */ XMEMCPY(table[1].x, t->x, sizeof(table->x)); XMEMCPY(table[1].y, t->y, sizeof(table->y)); for (i=1; i<4; i++) { sp_256_proj_point_dbl_n_8(t, 64, tmp); sp_256_proj_to_affine_8(t, tmp); XMEMCPY(table[1<x, sizeof(table->x)); XMEMCPY(table[1<y, sizeof(table->y)); } for (i=1; i<4; i++) { XMEMCPY(s1->x, table[1<x)); XMEMCPY(s1->y, table[1<y)); for (j=(1<x, table[j-(1<x)); XMEMCPY(s2->y, table[j-(1<y)); sp_256_proj_point_add_qz1_8(t, s1, s2, tmp); sp_256_proj_to_affine_8(t, tmp); XMEMCPY(table[j].x, t->x, sizeof(table->x)); XMEMCPY(table[j].y, t->y, sizeof(table->y)); } } } sp_256_point_free_8(s2, 0, heap); sp_256_point_free_8(s1, 0, heap); sp_256_point_free_8( t, 0, heap); return err; } #endif /* FP_ECC */ #ifndef WC_NO_CACHE_RESISTANT /* Touch each possible entry that could be being copied. * * r Point to copy into. * table Table - start of the entires to access * idx Index of entry to retrieve. */ static void sp_256_get_entry_16_8(sp_point_256* r, const sp_table_entry_256* table, int idx) { int i; sp_digit mask; r->x[0] = 0; r->x[1] = 0; r->x[2] = 0; r->x[3] = 0; r->x[4] = 0; r->x[5] = 0; r->x[6] = 0; r->x[7] = 0; r->y[0] = 0; r->y[1] = 0; r->y[2] = 0; r->y[3] = 0; r->y[4] = 0; r->y[5] = 0; r->y[6] = 0; r->y[7] = 0; for (i = 1; i < 16; i++) { mask = 0 - (i == idx); r->x[0] |= mask & table[i].x[0]; r->x[1] |= mask & table[i].x[1]; r->x[2] |= mask & table[i].x[2]; r->x[3] |= mask & table[i].x[3]; r->x[4] |= mask & table[i].x[4]; r->x[5] |= mask & table[i].x[5]; r->x[6] |= mask & table[i].x[6]; r->x[7] |= mask & table[i].x[7]; r->y[0] |= mask & table[i].y[0]; r->y[1] |= mask & table[i].y[1]; r->y[2] |= mask & table[i].y[2]; r->y[3] |= mask & table[i].y[3]; r->y[4] |= mask & table[i].y[4]; r->y[5] |= mask & table[i].y[5]; r->y[6] |= mask & table[i].y[6]; r->y[7] |= mask & table[i].y[7]; } } #endif /* !WC_NO_CACHE_RESISTANT */ /* Multiply the point by the scalar and return the result. * If map is true then convert result to affine coordinates. * * Implementation uses striping of bits. * Choose bits 4 bits apart. * * r Resulting point. * k Scalar to multiply by. * table Pre-computed table. * map Indicates whether to convert result to affine. * ct Constant time required. * heap Heap to use for allocation. * returns MEMORY_E when memory allocation fails and MP_OKAY on success. */ static int sp_256_ecc_mulmod_stripe_8(sp_point_256* r, const sp_point_256* g, const sp_table_entry_256* table, const sp_digit* k, int map, int ct, void* heap) { #if (!defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) || defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) sp_point_256 rtd; sp_point_256 pd; sp_digit td[2 * 8 * 5]; #endif sp_point_256* rt; sp_point_256* p = NULL; sp_digit* t; int i, j; int y, x; int err; (void)g; /* Constant time used for cache attack resistance implementation. */ (void)ct; (void)heap; err = sp_256_point_new_8(heap, rtd, rt); if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_256_point_new_8(heap, pd, p); } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) t = (sp_digit*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_digit) * 2 * 8 * 5, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); if (t == NULL) { err = MEMORY_E; } #else t = td; #endif if (err == MP_OKAY) { XMEMCPY(p->z, p256_norm_mod, sizeof(p256_norm_mod)); XMEMCPY(rt->z, p256_norm_mod, sizeof(p256_norm_mod)); y = 0; for (j=0,x=63; j<4; j++,x+=64) { y |= (int)(((k[x / 32] >> (x % 32)) & 1) << j); } #ifndef WC_NO_CACHE_RESISTANT if (ct) { sp_256_get_entry_16_8(rt, table, y); } else #endif { XMEMCPY(rt->x, table[y].x, sizeof(table[y].x)); XMEMCPY(rt->y, table[y].y, sizeof(table[y].y)); } rt->infinity = !y; for (i=62; i>=0; i--) { y = 0; for (j=0,x=i; j<4; j++,x+=64) { y |= (int)(((k[x / 32] >> (x % 32)) & 1) << j); } sp_256_proj_point_dbl_8(rt, rt, t); #ifndef WC_NO_CACHE_RESISTANT if (ct) { sp_256_get_entry_16_8(p, table, y); } else #endif { XMEMCPY(p->x, table[y].x, sizeof(table[y].x)); XMEMCPY(p->y, table[y].y, sizeof(table[y].y)); } p->infinity = !y; sp_256_proj_point_add_qz1_8(rt, rt, p, t); } if (map != 0) { sp_256_map_8(r, rt, t); } else { XMEMCPY(r, rt, sizeof(sp_point_256)); } } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (t != NULL) { XFREE(t, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); } #endif sp_256_point_free_8(p, 0, heap); sp_256_point_free_8(rt, 0, heap); return err; } #ifdef FP_ECC #ifndef FP_ENTRIES #define FP_ENTRIES 16 #endif typedef struct sp_cache_256_t { sp_digit x[8]; sp_digit y[8]; sp_table_entry_256 table[16]; uint32_t cnt; int set; } sp_cache_256_t; static THREAD_LS_T sp_cache_256_t sp_cache_256[FP_ENTRIES]; static THREAD_LS_T int sp_cache_256_last = -1; static THREAD_LS_T int sp_cache_256_inited = 0; #ifndef HAVE_THREAD_LS static volatile int initCacheMutex_256 = 0; static wolfSSL_Mutex sp_cache_256_lock; #endif static void sp_ecc_get_cache_256(const sp_point_256* g, sp_cache_256_t** cache) { int i, j; uint32_t least; if (sp_cache_256_inited == 0) { for (i=0; ix, sp_cache_256[i].x) & sp_256_cmp_equal_8(g->y, sp_cache_256[i].y)) { sp_cache_256[i].cnt++; break; } } /* No match. */ if (i == FP_ENTRIES) { /* Find empty entry. */ i = (sp_cache_256_last + 1) % FP_ENTRIES; for (; i != sp_cache_256_last; i=(i+1)%FP_ENTRIES) { if (!sp_cache_256[i].set) { break; } } /* Evict least used. */ if (i == sp_cache_256_last) { least = sp_cache_256[0].cnt; for (j=1; jx, sizeof(sp_cache_256[i].x)); XMEMCPY(sp_cache_256[i].y, g->y, sizeof(sp_cache_256[i].y)); sp_cache_256[i].set = 1; sp_cache_256[i].cnt = 1; } *cache = &sp_cache_256[i]; sp_cache_256_last = i; } #endif /* FP_ECC */ /* Multiply the base point of P256 by the scalar and return the result. * If map is true then convert result to affine coordinates. * * r Resulting point. * g Point to multiply. * k Scalar to multiply by. * map Indicates whether to convert result to affine. * ct Constant time required. * heap Heap to use for allocation. * returns MEMORY_E when memory allocation fails and MP_OKAY on success. */ static int sp_256_ecc_mulmod_8(sp_point_256* r, const sp_point_256* g, const sp_digit* k, int map, int ct, void* heap) { #ifndef FP_ECC return sp_256_ecc_mulmod_fast_8(r, g, k, map, ct, heap); #else sp_digit tmp[2 * 8 * 5]; sp_cache_256_t* cache; int err = MP_OKAY; #ifndef HAVE_THREAD_LS if (initCacheMutex_256 == 0) { wc_InitMutex(&sp_cache_256_lock); initCacheMutex_256 = 1; } if (wc_LockMutex(&sp_cache_256_lock) != 0) err = BAD_MUTEX_E; #endif /* HAVE_THREAD_LS */ if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_ecc_get_cache_256(g, &cache); if (cache->cnt == 2) sp_256_gen_stripe_table_8(g, cache->table, tmp, heap); #ifndef HAVE_THREAD_LS wc_UnLockMutex(&sp_cache_256_lock); #endif /* HAVE_THREAD_LS */ if (cache->cnt < 2) { err = sp_256_ecc_mulmod_fast_8(r, g, k, map, ct, heap); } else { err = sp_256_ecc_mulmod_stripe_8(r, g, cache->table, k, map, ct, heap); } } return err; #endif } #else #ifdef FP_ECC /* Generate the pre-computed table of points for the base point. * * a The base point. * table Place to store generated point data. * tmp Temporary data. * heap Heap to use for allocation. */ static int sp_256_gen_stripe_table_8(const sp_point_256* a, sp_table_entry_256* table, sp_digit* tmp, void* heap) { #if (!defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) || defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) sp_point_256 td, s1d, s2d; #endif sp_point_256* t; sp_point_256* s1 = NULL; sp_point_256* s2 = NULL; int i, j; int err; (void)heap; err = sp_256_point_new_8(heap, td, t); if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_256_point_new_8(heap, s1d, s1); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_256_point_new_8(heap, s2d, s2); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_256_mod_mul_norm_8(t->x, a->x, p256_mod); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_256_mod_mul_norm_8(t->y, a->y, p256_mod); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_256_mod_mul_norm_8(t->z, a->z, p256_mod); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { t->infinity = 0; sp_256_proj_to_affine_8(t, tmp); XMEMCPY(s1->z, p256_norm_mod, sizeof(p256_norm_mod)); s1->infinity = 0; XMEMCPY(s2->z, p256_norm_mod, sizeof(p256_norm_mod)); s2->infinity = 0; /* table[0] = {0, 0, infinity} */ XMEMSET(&table[0], 0, sizeof(sp_table_entry_256)); /* table[1] = Affine version of 'a' in Montgomery form */ XMEMCPY(table[1].x, t->x, sizeof(table->x)); XMEMCPY(table[1].y, t->y, sizeof(table->y)); for (i=1; i<8; i++) { sp_256_proj_point_dbl_n_8(t, 32, tmp); sp_256_proj_to_affine_8(t, tmp); XMEMCPY(table[1<x, sizeof(table->x)); XMEMCPY(table[1<y, sizeof(table->y)); } for (i=1; i<8; i++) { XMEMCPY(s1->x, table[1<x)); XMEMCPY(s1->y, table[1<y)); for (j=(1<x, table[j-(1<x)); XMEMCPY(s2->y, table[j-(1<y)); sp_256_proj_point_add_qz1_8(t, s1, s2, tmp); sp_256_proj_to_affine_8(t, tmp); XMEMCPY(table[j].x, t->x, sizeof(table->x)); XMEMCPY(table[j].y, t->y, sizeof(table->y)); } } } sp_256_point_free_8(s2, 0, heap); sp_256_point_free_8(s1, 0, heap); sp_256_point_free_8( t, 0, heap); return err; } #endif /* FP_ECC */ #ifndef WC_NO_CACHE_RESISTANT /* Touch each possible entry that could be being copied. * * r Point to copy into. * table Table - start of the entires to access * idx Index of entry to retrieve. */ static void sp_256_get_entry_256_8(sp_point_256* r, const sp_table_entry_256* table, int idx) { int i; sp_digit mask; r->x[0] = 0; r->x[1] = 0; r->x[2] = 0; r->x[3] = 0; r->x[4] = 0; r->x[5] = 0; r->x[6] = 0; r->x[7] = 0; r->y[0] = 0; r->y[1] = 0; r->y[2] = 0; r->y[3] = 0; r->y[4] = 0; r->y[5] = 0; r->y[6] = 0; r->y[7] = 0; for (i = 1; i < 256; i++) { mask = 0 - (i == idx); r->x[0] |= mask & table[i].x[0]; r->x[1] |= mask & table[i].x[1]; r->x[2] |= mask & table[i].x[2]; r->x[3] |= mask & table[i].x[3]; r->x[4] |= mask & table[i].x[4]; r->x[5] |= mask & table[i].x[5]; r->x[6] |= mask & table[i].x[6]; r->x[7] |= mask & table[i].x[7]; r->y[0] |= mask & table[i].y[0]; r->y[1] |= mask & table[i].y[1]; r->y[2] |= mask & table[i].y[2]; r->y[3] |= mask & table[i].y[3]; r->y[4] |= mask & table[i].y[4]; r->y[5] |= mask & table[i].y[5]; r->y[6] |= mask & table[i].y[6]; r->y[7] |= mask & table[i].y[7]; } } #endif /* !WC_NO_CACHE_RESISTANT */ /* Multiply the point by the scalar and return the result. * If map is true then convert result to affine coordinates. * * Implementation uses striping of bits. * Choose bits 8 bits apart. * * r Resulting point. * k Scalar to multiply by. * table Pre-computed table. * map Indicates whether to convert result to affine. * ct Constant time required. * heap Heap to use for allocation. * returns MEMORY_E when memory allocation fails and MP_OKAY on success. */ static int sp_256_ecc_mulmod_stripe_8(sp_point_256* r, const sp_point_256* g, const sp_table_entry_256* table, const sp_digit* k, int map, int ct, void* heap) { #if (!defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) || defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) sp_point_256 rtd; sp_point_256 pd; sp_digit td[2 * 8 * 5]; #endif sp_point_256* rt; sp_point_256* p = NULL; sp_digit* t; int i, j; int y, x; int err; (void)g; /* Constant time used for cache attack resistance implementation. */ (void)ct; (void)heap; err = sp_256_point_new_8(heap, rtd, rt); if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_256_point_new_8(heap, pd, p); } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) t = (sp_digit*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_digit) * 2 * 8 * 5, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); if (t == NULL) { err = MEMORY_E; } #else t = td; #endif if (err == MP_OKAY) { XMEMCPY(p->z, p256_norm_mod, sizeof(p256_norm_mod)); XMEMCPY(rt->z, p256_norm_mod, sizeof(p256_norm_mod)); y = 0; for (j=0,x=31; j<8; j++,x+=32) { y |= (int)(((k[x / 32] >> (x % 32)) & 1) << j); } #ifndef WC_NO_CACHE_RESISTANT if (ct) { sp_256_get_entry_256_8(rt, table, y); } else #endif { XMEMCPY(rt->x, table[y].x, sizeof(table[y].x)); XMEMCPY(rt->y, table[y].y, sizeof(table[y].y)); } rt->infinity = !y; for (i=30; i>=0; i--) { y = 0; for (j=0,x=i; j<8; j++,x+=32) { y |= (int)(((k[x / 32] >> (x % 32)) & 1) << j); } sp_256_proj_point_dbl_8(rt, rt, t); #ifndef WC_NO_CACHE_RESISTANT if (ct) { sp_256_get_entry_256_8(p, table, y); } else #endif { XMEMCPY(p->x, table[y].x, sizeof(table[y].x)); XMEMCPY(p->y, table[y].y, sizeof(table[y].y)); } p->infinity = !y; sp_256_proj_point_add_qz1_8(rt, rt, p, t); } if (map != 0) { sp_256_map_8(r, rt, t); } else { XMEMCPY(r, rt, sizeof(sp_point_256)); } } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (t != NULL) { XFREE(t, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); } #endif sp_256_point_free_8(p, 0, heap); sp_256_point_free_8(rt, 0, heap); return err; } #ifdef FP_ECC #ifndef FP_ENTRIES #define FP_ENTRIES 16 #endif typedef struct sp_cache_256_t { sp_digit x[8]; sp_digit y[8]; sp_table_entry_256 table[256]; uint32_t cnt; int set; } sp_cache_256_t; static THREAD_LS_T sp_cache_256_t sp_cache_256[FP_ENTRIES]; static THREAD_LS_T int sp_cache_256_last = -1; static THREAD_LS_T int sp_cache_256_inited = 0; #ifndef HAVE_THREAD_LS static volatile int initCacheMutex_256 = 0; static wolfSSL_Mutex sp_cache_256_lock; #endif static void sp_ecc_get_cache_256(const sp_point_256* g, sp_cache_256_t** cache) { int i, j; uint32_t least; if (sp_cache_256_inited == 0) { for (i=0; ix, sp_cache_256[i].x) & sp_256_cmp_equal_8(g->y, sp_cache_256[i].y)) { sp_cache_256[i].cnt++; break; } } /* No match. */ if (i == FP_ENTRIES) { /* Find empty entry. */ i = (sp_cache_256_last + 1) % FP_ENTRIES; for (; i != sp_cache_256_last; i=(i+1)%FP_ENTRIES) { if (!sp_cache_256[i].set) { break; } } /* Evict least used. */ if (i == sp_cache_256_last) { least = sp_cache_256[0].cnt; for (j=1; jx, sizeof(sp_cache_256[i].x)); XMEMCPY(sp_cache_256[i].y, g->y, sizeof(sp_cache_256[i].y)); sp_cache_256[i].set = 1; sp_cache_256[i].cnt = 1; } *cache = &sp_cache_256[i]; sp_cache_256_last = i; } #endif /* FP_ECC */ /* Multiply the base point of P256 by the scalar and return the result. * If map is true then convert result to affine coordinates. * * r Resulting point. * g Point to multiply. * k Scalar to multiply by. * map Indicates whether to convert result to affine. * ct Constant time required. * heap Heap to use for allocation. * returns MEMORY_E when memory allocation fails and MP_OKAY on success. */ static int sp_256_ecc_mulmod_8(sp_point_256* r, const sp_point_256* g, const sp_digit* k, int map, int ct, void* heap) { #ifndef FP_ECC return sp_256_ecc_mulmod_fast_8(r, g, k, map, ct, heap); #else sp_digit tmp[2 * 8 * 5]; sp_cache_256_t* cache; int err = MP_OKAY; #ifndef HAVE_THREAD_LS if (initCacheMutex_256 == 0) { wc_InitMutex(&sp_cache_256_lock); initCacheMutex_256 = 1; } if (wc_LockMutex(&sp_cache_256_lock) != 0) err = BAD_MUTEX_E; #endif /* HAVE_THREAD_LS */ if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_ecc_get_cache_256(g, &cache); if (cache->cnt == 2) sp_256_gen_stripe_table_8(g, cache->table, tmp, heap); #ifndef HAVE_THREAD_LS wc_UnLockMutex(&sp_cache_256_lock); #endif /* HAVE_THREAD_LS */ if (cache->cnt < 2) { err = sp_256_ecc_mulmod_fast_8(r, g, k, map, ct, heap); } else { err = sp_256_ecc_mulmod_stripe_8(r, g, cache->table, k, map, ct, heap); } } return err; #endif } #endif /* WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL */ /* Multiply the point by the scalar and return the result. * If map is true then convert result to affine coordinates. * * km Scalar to multiply by. * p Point to multiply. * r Resulting point. * map Indicates whether to convert result to affine. * heap Heap to use for allocation. * returns MEMORY_E when memory allocation fails and MP_OKAY on success. */ int sp_ecc_mulmod_256(mp_int* km, ecc_point* gm, ecc_point* r, int map, void* heap) { #if (!defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) || defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) sp_point_256 p; sp_digit kd[8]; #endif sp_point_256* point; sp_digit* k = NULL; int err = MP_OKAY; err = sp_256_point_new_8(heap, p, point); #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (err == MP_OKAY) { k = (sp_digit*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_digit) * 8, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); if (k == NULL) err = MEMORY_E; } #else k = kd; #endif if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_256_from_mp(k, 8, km); sp_256_point_from_ecc_point_8(point, gm); err = sp_256_ecc_mulmod_8(point, point, k, map, 1, heap); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_256_point_to_ecc_point_8(point, r); } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (k != NULL) { XFREE(k, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); } #endif sp_256_point_free_8(point, 0, heap); return err; } #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL static const sp_table_entry_256 p256_table[16] = { /* 0 */ { { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }, { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 } }, /* 1 */ { { 0x18a9143c,0x79e730d4,0x5fedb601,0x75ba95fc,0x77622510,0x79fb732b, 0xa53755c6,0x18905f76 }, { 0xce95560a,0xddf25357,0xba19e45c,0x8b4ab8e4,0xdd21f325,0xd2e88688, 0x25885d85,0x8571ff18 } }, /* 2 */ { { 0x16a0d2bb,0x4f922fc5,0x1a623499,0x0d5cc16c,0x57c62c8b,0x9241cf3a, 0xfd1b667f,0x2f5e6961 }, { 0xf5a01797,0x5c15c70b,0x60956192,0x3d20b44d,0x071fdb52,0x04911b37, 0x8d6f0f7b,0xf648f916 } }, /* 3 */ { { 0xe137bbbc,0x9e566847,0x8a6a0bec,0xe434469e,0x79d73463,0xb1c42761, 0x133d0015,0x5abe0285 }, { 0xc04c7dab,0x92aa837c,0x43260c07,0x573d9f4c,0x78e6cc37,0x0c931562, 0x6b6f7383,0x94bb725b } }, /* 4 */ { { 0xbfe20925,0x62a8c244,0x8fdce867,0x91c19ac3,0xdd387063,0x5a96a5d5, 0x21d324f6,0x61d587d4 }, { 0xa37173ea,0xe87673a2,0x53778b65,0x23848008,0x05bab43e,0x10f8441e, 0x4621efbe,0xfa11fe12 } }, /* 5 */ { { 0x2cb19ffd,0x1c891f2b,0xb1923c23,0x01ba8d5b,0x8ac5ca8e,0xb6d03d67, 0x1f13bedc,0x586eb04c }, { 0x27e8ed09,0x0c35c6e5,0x1819ede2,0x1e81a33c,0x56c652fa,0x278fd6c0, 0x70864f11,0x19d5ac08 } }, /* 6 */ { { 0xd2b533d5,0x62577734,0xa1bdddc0,0x673b8af6,0xa79ec293,0x577e7c9a, 0xc3b266b1,0xbb6de651 }, { 0xb65259b3,0xe7e9303a,0xd03a7480,0xd6a0afd3,0x9b3cfc27,0xc5ac83d1, 0x5d18b99b,0x60b4619a } }, /* 7 */ { { 0x1ae5aa1c,0xbd6a38e1,0x49e73658,0xb8b7652b,0xee5f87ed,0x0b130014, 0xaeebffcd,0x9d0f27b2 }, { 0x7a730a55,0xca924631,0xddbbc83a,0x9c955b2f,0xac019a71,0x07c1dfe0, 0x356ec48d,0x244a566d } }, /* 8 */ { { 0xf4f8b16a,0x56f8410e,0xc47b266a,0x97241afe,0x6d9c87c1,0x0a406b8e, 0xcd42ab1b,0x803f3e02 }, { 0x04dbec69,0x7f0309a8,0x3bbad05f,0xa83b85f7,0xad8e197f,0xc6097273, 0x5067adc1,0xc097440e } }, /* 9 */ { { 0xc379ab34,0x846a56f2,0x841df8d1,0xa8ee068b,0x176c68ef,0x20314459, 0x915f1f30,0xf1af32d5 }, { 0x5d75bd50,0x99c37531,0xf72f67bc,0x837cffba,0x48d7723f,0x0613a418, 0xe2d41c8b,0x23d0f130 } }, /* 10 */ { { 0xd5be5a2b,0xed93e225,0x5934f3c6,0x6fe79983,0x22626ffc,0x43140926, 0x7990216a,0x50bbb4d9 }, { 0xe57ec63e,0x378191c6,0x181dcdb2,0x65422c40,0x0236e0f6,0x41a8099b, 0x01fe49c3,0x2b100118 } }, /* 11 */ { { 0x9b391593,0xfc68b5c5,0x598270fc,0xc385f5a2,0xd19adcbb,0x7144f3aa, 0x83fbae0c,0xdd558999 }, { 0x74b82ff4,0x93b88b8e,0x71e734c9,0xd2e03c40,0x43c0322a,0x9a7a9eaf, 0x149d6041,0xe6e4c551 } }, /* 12 */ { { 0x80ec21fe,0x5fe14bfe,0xc255be82,0xf6ce116a,0x2f4a5d67,0x98bc5a07, 0xdb7e63af,0xfad27148 }, { 0x29ab05b3,0x90c0b6ac,0x4e251ae6,0x37a9a83c,0xc2aade7d,0x0a7dc875, 0x9f0e1a84,0x77387de3 } }, /* 13 */ { { 0xa56c0dd7,0x1e9ecc49,0x46086c74,0xa5cffcd8,0xf505aece,0x8f7a1408, 0xbef0c47e,0xb37b85c0 }, { 0xcc0e6a8f,0x3596b6e4,0x6b388f23,0xfd6d4bbf,0xc39cef4e,0xaba453fa, 0xf9f628d5,0x9c135ac8 } }, /* 14 */ { { 0x95c8f8be,0x0a1c7294,0x3bf362bf,0x2961c480,0xdf63d4ac,0x9e418403, 0x91ece900,0xc109f9cb }, { 0x58945705,0xc2d095d0,0xddeb85c0,0xb9083d96,0x7a40449b,0x84692b8d, 0x2eee1ee1,0x9bc3344f } }, /* 15 */ { { 0x42913074,0x0d5ae356,0x48a542b1,0x55491b27,0xb310732a,0x469ca665, 0x5f1a4cc1,0x29591d52 }, { 0xb84f983f,0xe76f5b6b,0x9f5f84e1,0xbe7eef41,0x80baa189,0x1200d496, 0x18ef332c,0x6376551f } }, }; /* Multiply the base point of P256 by the scalar and return the result. * If map is true then convert result to affine coordinates. * * r Resulting point. * k Scalar to multiply by. * map Indicates whether to convert result to affine. * ct Constant time required. * heap Heap to use for allocation. * returns MEMORY_E when memory allocation fails and MP_OKAY on success. */ static int sp_256_ecc_mulmod_base_8(sp_point_256* r, const sp_digit* k, int map, int ct, void* heap) { return sp_256_ecc_mulmod_stripe_8(r, &p256_base, p256_table, k, map, ct, heap); } #else static const sp_table_entry_256 p256_table[256] = { /* 0 */ { { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }, { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 } }, /* 1 */ { { 0x18a9143c,0x79e730d4,0x5fedb601,0x75ba95fc,0x77622510,0x79fb732b, 0xa53755c6,0x18905f76 }, { 0xce95560a,0xddf25357,0xba19e45c,0x8b4ab8e4,0xdd21f325,0xd2e88688, 0x25885d85,0x8571ff18 } }, /* 2 */ { { 0x4147519a,0x20288602,0x26b372f0,0xd0981eac,0xa785ebc8,0xa9d4a7ca, 0xdbdf58e9,0xd953c50d }, { 0xfd590f8f,0x9d6361cc,0x44e6c917,0x72e9626b,0x22eb64cf,0x7fd96110, 0x9eb288f3,0x863ebb7e } }, /* 3 */ { { 0x5cdb6485,0x7856b623,0x2f0a2f97,0x808f0ea2,0x4f7e300b,0x3e68d954, 0xb5ff80a0,0x00076055 }, { 0x838d2010,0x7634eb9b,0x3243708a,0x54014fbb,0x842a6606,0xe0e47d39, 0x34373ee0,0x83087761 } }, /* 4 */ { { 0x16a0d2bb,0x4f922fc5,0x1a623499,0x0d5cc16c,0x57c62c8b,0x9241cf3a, 0xfd1b667f,0x2f5e6961 }, { 0xf5a01797,0x5c15c70b,0x60956192,0x3d20b44d,0x071fdb52,0x04911b37, 0x8d6f0f7b,0xf648f916 } }, /* 5 */ { { 0xe137bbbc,0x9e566847,0x8a6a0bec,0xe434469e,0x79d73463,0xb1c42761, 0x133d0015,0x5abe0285 }, { 0xc04c7dab,0x92aa837c,0x43260c07,0x573d9f4c,0x78e6cc37,0x0c931562, 0x6b6f7383,0x94bb725b } }, /* 6 */ { { 0x720f141c,0xbbf9b48f,0x2df5bc74,0x6199b3cd,0x411045c4,0xdc3f6129, 0x2f7dc4ef,0xcdd6bbcb }, { 0xeaf436fd,0xcca6700b,0xb99326be,0x6f647f6d,0x014f2522,0x0c0fa792, 0x4bdae5f6,0xa361bebd } }, /* 7 */ { { 0x597c13c7,0x28aa2558,0x50b7c3e1,0xc38d635f,0xf3c09d1d,0x07039aec, 0xc4b5292c,0xba12ca09 }, { 0x59f91dfd,0x9e408fa4,0xceea07fb,0x3af43b66,0x9d780b29,0x1eceb089, 0x701fef4b,0x53ebb99d } }, /* 8 */ { { 0xb0e63d34,0x4fe7ee31,0xa9e54fab,0xf4600572,0xd5e7b5a4,0xc0493334, 0x06d54831,0x8589fb92 }, { 0x6583553a,0xaa70f5cc,0xe25649e5,0x0879094a,0x10044652,0xcc904507, 0x02541c4f,0xebb0696d } }, /* 9 */ { { 0xac1647c5,0x4616ca15,0xc4cf5799,0xb8127d47,0x764dfbac,0xdc666aa3, 0xd1b27da3,0xeb2820cb }, { 0x6a87e008,0x9406f8d8,0x922378f3,0xd87dfa9d,0x80ccecb2,0x56ed2e42, 0x55a7da1d,0x1f28289b } }, /* 10 */ { { 0x3b89da99,0xabbaa0c0,0xb8284022,0xa6f2d79e,0xb81c05e8,0x27847862, 0x05e54d63,0x337a4b59 }, { 0x21f7794a,0x3c67500d,0x7d6d7f61,0x207005b7,0x04cfd6e8,0x0a5a3781, 0xf4c2fbd6,0x0d65e0d5 } }, /* 11 */ { { 0xb5275d38,0xd9d09bbe,0x0be0a358,0x4268a745,0x973eb265,0xf0762ff4, 0x52f4a232,0xc23da242 }, { 0x0b94520c,0x5da1b84f,0xb05bd78e,0x09666763,0x94d29ea1,0x3a4dcb86, 0xc790cff1,0x19de3b8c } }, /* 12 */ { { 0x26c5fe04,0x183a716c,0x3bba1bdb,0x3b28de0b,0xa4cb712c,0x7432c586, 0x91fccbfd,0xe34dcbd4 }, { 0xaaa58403,0xb408d46b,0x82e97a53,0x9a697486,0x36aaa8af,0x9e390127, 0x7b4e0f7f,0xe7641f44 } }, /* 13 */ { { 0xdf64ba59,0x7d753941,0x0b0242fc,0xd33f10ec,0xa1581859,0x4f06dfc6, 0x052a57bf,0x4a12df57 }, { 0x9439dbd0,0xbfa6338f,0xbde53e1f,0xd3c24bd4,0x21f1b314,0xfd5e4ffa, 0xbb5bea46,0x6af5aa93 } }, /* 14 */ { { 0x10c91999,0xda10b699,0x2a580491,0x0a24b440,0xb8cc2090,0x3e0094b4, 0x66a44013,0x5fe3475a }, { 0xf93e7b4b,0xb0f8cabd,0x7c23f91a,0x292b501a,0xcd1e6263,0x42e889ae, 0xecfea916,0xb544e308 } }, /* 15 */ { { 0x16ddfdce,0x6478c6e9,0xf89179e6,0x2c329166,0x4d4e67e1,0x4e8d6e76, 0xa6b0c20b,0xe0b6b2bd }, { 0xbb7efb57,0x0d312df2,0x790c4007,0x1aac0dde,0x679bc944,0xf90336ad, 0x25a63774,0x71c023de } }, /* 16 */ { { 0xbfe20925,0x62a8c244,0x8fdce867,0x91c19ac3,0xdd387063,0x5a96a5d5, 0x21d324f6,0x61d587d4 }, { 0xa37173ea,0xe87673a2,0x53778b65,0x23848008,0x05bab43e,0x10f8441e, 0x4621efbe,0xfa11fe12 } }, /* 17 */ { { 0x2cb19ffd,0x1c891f2b,0xb1923c23,0x01ba8d5b,0x8ac5ca8e,0xb6d03d67, 0x1f13bedc,0x586eb04c }, { 0x27e8ed09,0x0c35c6e5,0x1819ede2,0x1e81a33c,0x56c652fa,0x278fd6c0, 0x70864f11,0x19d5ac08 } }, /* 18 */ { { 0x309a4e1f,0x1e99f581,0xe9270074,0xab7de71b,0xefd28d20,0x26a5ef0b, 0x7f9c563f,0xe7c0073f }, { 0x0ef59f76,0x1f6d663a,0x20fcb050,0x669b3b54,0x7a6602d4,0xc08c1f7a, 0xc65b3c0a,0xe08504fe } }, /* 19 */ { { 0xa031b3ca,0xf098f68d,0xe6da6d66,0x6d1cab9e,0x94f246e8,0x5bfd81fa, 0x5b0996b4,0x78f01882 }, { 0x3a25787f,0xb7eefde4,0x1dccac9b,0x8016f80d,0xb35bfc36,0x0cea4877, 0x7e94747a,0x43a773b8 } }, /* 20 */ { { 0xd2b533d5,0x62577734,0xa1bdddc0,0x673b8af6,0xa79ec293,0x577e7c9a, 0xc3b266b1,0xbb6de651 }, { 0xb65259b3,0xe7e9303a,0xd03a7480,0xd6a0afd3,0x9b3cfc27,0xc5ac83d1, 0x5d18b99b,0x60b4619a } }, /* 21 */ { { 0x1ae5aa1c,0xbd6a38e1,0x49e73658,0xb8b7652b,0xee5f87ed,0x0b130014, 0xaeebffcd,0x9d0f27b2 }, { 0x7a730a55,0xca924631,0xddbbc83a,0x9c955b2f,0xac019a71,0x07c1dfe0, 0x356ec48d,0x244a566d } }, /* 22 */ { { 0xeacf1f96,0x6db0394a,0x024c271c,0x9f2122a9,0x82cbd3b9,0x2626ac1b, 0x3581ef69,0x45e58c87 }, { 0xa38f9dbc,0xd3ff479d,0xe888a040,0xa8aaf146,0x46e0bed7,0x945adfb2, 0xc1e4b7a4,0xc040e21c } }, /* 23 */ { { 0x6f8117b6,0x847af000,0x73a35433,0x651969ff,0x1d9475eb,0x482b3576, 0x682c6ec7,0x1cdf5c97 }, { 0x11f04839,0x7db775b4,0x48de1698,0x7dbeacf4,0xb70b3219,0xb2921dd1, 0xa92dff3d,0x046755f8 } }, /* 24 */ { { 0xbce8ffcd,0xcc8ac5d2,0x2fe61a82,0x0d53c48b,0x7202d6c7,0xf6f16172, 0x3b83a5f3,0x046e5e11 }, { 0xd8007f01,0xe7b8ff64,0x5af43183,0x7fb1ef12,0x35e1a03c,0x045c5ea6, 0x303d005b,0x6e0106c3 } }, /* 25 */ { { 0x88dd73b1,0x48c73584,0x995ed0d9,0x7670708f,0xc56a2ab7,0x38385ea8, 0xe901cf1f,0x442594ed }, { 0x12d4b65b,0xf8faa2c9,0x96c90c37,0x94c2343b,0x5e978d1f,0xd326e4a1, 0x4c2ee68e,0xa796fa51 } }, /* 26 */ { { 0x823addd7,0x359fb604,0xe56693b3,0x9e2a6183,0x3cbf3c80,0xf885b78e, 0xc69766e9,0xe4ad2da9 }, { 0x8e048a61,0x357f7f42,0xc092d9a0,0x082d198c,0xc03ed8ef,0xfc3a1af4, 0xc37b5143,0xc5e94046 } }, /* 27 */ { { 0x2be75f9e,0x476a538c,0xcb123a78,0x6fd1a9e8,0xb109c04b,0xd85e4df0, 0xdb464747,0x63283daf }, { 0xbaf2df15,0xce728cf7,0x0ad9a7f4,0xe592c455,0xe834bcc3,0xfab226ad, 0x1981a938,0x68bd19ab } }, /* 28 */ { { 0x1887d659,0xc08ead51,0xb359305a,0x3374d5f4,0xcfe74fe3,0x96986981, 0x3c6fdfd6,0x495292f5 }, { 0x1acec896,0x4a878c9e,0xec5b4484,0xd964b210,0x664d60a7,0x6696f7e2, 0x26036837,0x0ec7530d } }, /* 29 */ { { 0xad2687bb,0x2da13a05,0xf32e21fa,0xa1f83b6a,0x1dd4607b,0x390f5ef5, 0x64863f0b,0x0f6207a6 }, { 0x0f138233,0xbd67e3bb,0x272aa718,0xdd66b96c,0x26ec88ae,0x8ed00407, 0x08ed6dcf,0xff0db072 } }, /* 30 */ { { 0x4c95d553,0x749fa101,0x5d680a8a,0xa44052fd,0xff3b566f,0x183b4317, 0x88740ea3,0x313b513c }, { 0x08d11549,0xb402e2ac,0xb4dee21c,0x071ee10b,0x47f2320e,0x26b987dd, 0x86f19f81,0x2d3abcf9 } }, /* 31 */ { { 0x815581a2,0x4c288501,0x632211af,0x9a0a6d56,0x0cab2e99,0x19ba7a0f, 0xded98cdf,0xc036fa10 }, { 0xc1fbd009,0x29ae08ba,0x06d15816,0x0b68b190,0x9b9e0d8f,0xc2eb3277, 0xb6d40194,0xa6b2a2c4 } }, /* 32 */ { { 0x6d3549cf,0xd433e50f,0xfacd665e,0x6f33696f,0xce11fcb4,0x695bfdac, 0xaf7c9860,0x810ee252 }, { 0x7159bb2c,0x65450fe1,0x758b357b,0xf7dfbebe,0xd69fea72,0x2b057e74, 0x92731745,0xd485717a } }, /* 33 */ { { 0xf0cb5a98,0x11741a8a,0x1f3110bf,0xd3da8f93,0xab382adf,0x1994e2cb, 0x2f9a604e,0x6a6045a7 }, { 0xa2b2411d,0x170c0d3f,0x510e96e0,0xbe0eb83e,0x8865b3cc,0x3bcc9f73, 0xf9e15790,0xd3e45cfa } }, /* 34 */ { { 0xe83f7669,0xce1f69bb,0x72877d6b,0x09f8ae82,0x3244278d,0x9548ae54, 0xe3c2c19c,0x207755de }, { 0x6fef1945,0x87bd61d9,0xb12d28c3,0x18813cef,0x72df64aa,0x9fbcd1d6, 0x7154b00d,0x48dc5ee5 } }, /* 35 */ { { 0xf7e5a199,0x123790bf,0x989ccbb7,0xe0efb8cf,0x0a519c79,0xc27a2bfe, 0xdff6f445,0xf2fb0aed }, { 0xf0b5025f,0x41c09575,0x40fa9f22,0x550543d7,0x380bfbd0,0x8fa3c8ad, 0xdb28d525,0xa13e9015 } }, /* 36 */ { { 0xa2b65cbc,0xf9f7a350,0x2a464226,0x0b04b972,0xe23f07a1,0x265ce241, 0x1497526f,0x2bf0d6b0 }, { 0x4b216fb7,0xd3d4dd3f,0xfbdda26a,0xf7d7b867,0x6708505c,0xaeb7b83f, 0x162fe89f,0x42a94a5a } }, /* 37 */ { { 0xeaadf191,0x5846ad0b,0x25a268d7,0x0f8a4890,0x494dc1f6,0xe8603050, 0xc65ede3d,0x2c2dd969 }, { 0x93849c17,0x6d02171d,0x1da250dd,0x460488ba,0x3c3a5485,0x4810c706, 0x42c56dbc,0xf437fa1f } }, /* 38 */ { { 0x4a0f7dab,0x6aa0d714,0x1776e9ac,0x0f049793,0xf5f39786,0x52c0a050, 0x54707aa8,0xaaf45b33 }, { 0xc18d364a,0x85e37c33,0x3e497165,0xd40b9b06,0x15ec5444,0xf4171681, 0xf4f272bc,0xcdf6310d } }, /* 39 */ { { 0x8ea8b7ef,0x7473c623,0x85bc2287,0x08e93518,0x2bda8e34,0x41956772, 0xda9e2ff2,0xf0d008ba }, { 0x2414d3b1,0x2912671d,0xb019ea76,0xb3754985,0x453bcbdb,0x5c61b96d, 0xca887b8b,0x5bd5c2f5 } }, /* 40 */ { { 0xf49a3154,0xef0f469e,0x6e2b2e9a,0x3e85a595,0xaa924a9c,0x45aaec1e, 0xa09e4719,0xaa12dfc8 }, { 0x4df69f1d,0x26f27227,0xa2ff5e73,0xe0e4c82c,0xb7a9dd44,0xb9d8ce73, 0xe48ca901,0x6c036e73 } }, /* 41 */ { { 0x0f6e3138,0x5cfae12a,0x25ad345a,0x6966ef00,0x45672bc5,0x8993c64b, 0x96afbe24,0x292ff658 }, { 0x5e213402,0xd5250d44,0x4392c9fe,0xf6580e27,0xda1c72e8,0x097b397f, 0x311b7276,0x644e0c90 } }, /* 42 */ { { 0xa47153f0,0xe1e421e1,0x920418c9,0xb86c3b79,0x705d7672,0x93bdce87, 0xcab79a77,0xf25ae793 }, { 0x6d869d0c,0x1f3194a3,0x4986c264,0x9d55c882,0x096e945e,0x49fb5ea3, 0x13db0a3e,0x39b8e653 } }, /* 43 */ { { 0xb6fd2e59,0x37754200,0x9255c98f,0x35e2c066,0x0e2a5739,0xd9dab21a, 0x0f19db06,0x39122f2f }, { 0x03cad53c,0xcfbce1e0,0xe65c17e3,0x225b2c0f,0x9aa13877,0x72baf1d2, 0xce80ff8d,0x8de80af8 } }, /* 44 */ { { 0x207bbb76,0xafbea8d9,0x21782758,0x921c7e7c,0x1c0436b1,0xdfa2b74b, 0x2e368c04,0x87194906 }, { 0xa3993df5,0xb5f928bb,0xf3b3d26a,0x639d75b5,0x85b55050,0x011aa78a, 0x5b74fde1,0xfc315e6a } }, /* 45 */ { { 0xe8d6ecfa,0x561fd41a,0x1aec7f86,0x5f8c44f6,0x4924741d,0x98452a7b, 0xee389088,0xe6d4a7ad }, { 0x4593c75d,0x60552ed1,0xdd271162,0x70a70da4,0x7ba2c7db,0xd2aede93, 0x9be2ae57,0x35dfaf9a } }, /* 46 */ { { 0xaa736636,0x6b956fcd,0xae2cab7e,0x09f51d97,0x0f349966,0xfb10bf41, 0x1c830d2b,0x1da5c7d7 }, { 0x3cce6825,0x5c41e483,0xf9573c3b,0x15ad118f,0xf23036b8,0xa28552c7, 0xdbf4b9d6,0x7077c0fd } }, /* 47 */ { { 0x46b9661c,0xbf63ff8d,0x0d2cfd71,0xa1dfd36b,0xa847f8f7,0x0373e140, 0xe50efe44,0x53a8632e }, { 0x696d8051,0x0976ff68,0xc74f468a,0xdaec0c95,0x5e4e26bd,0x62994dc3, 0x34e1fcc1,0x028ca76d } }, /* 48 */ { { 0xfc9877ee,0xd11d47dc,0x801d0002,0xc8b36210,0x54c260b6,0xd002c117, 0x6962f046,0x04c17cd8 }, { 0xb0daddf5,0x6d9bd094,0x24ce55c0,0xbea23575,0x72da03b5,0x663356e6, 0xfed97474,0xf7ba4de9 } }, /* 49 */ { { 0xebe1263f,0xd0dbfa34,0x71ae7ce6,0x55763735,0x82a6f523,0xd2440553, 0x52131c41,0xe31f9600 }, { 0xea6b6ec6,0xd1bb9216,0x73c2fc44,0x37a1d12e,0x89d0a294,0xc10e7eac, 0xce34d47b,0xaa3a6259 } }, /* 50 */ { { 0x36f3dcd3,0xfbcf9df5,0xd2bf7360,0x6ceded50,0xdf504f5b,0x491710fa, 0x7e79daee,0x2398dd62 }, { 0x6d09569e,0xcf4705a3,0x5149f769,0xea0619bb,0x35f6034c,0xff9c0377, 0x1c046210,0x5717f5b2 } }, /* 51 */ { { 0x21dd895e,0x9fe229c9,0x40c28451,0x8e518500,0x1d637ecd,0xfa13d239, 0x0e3c28de,0x660a2c56 }, { 0xd67fcbd0,0x9cca88ae,0x0ea9f096,0xc8472478,0x72e92b4d,0x32b2f481, 0x4f522453,0x624ee54c } }, /* 52 */ { { 0xd897eccc,0x09549ce4,0x3f9880aa,0x4d49d1d9,0x043a7c20,0x723c2423, 0x92bdfbc0,0x4f392afb }, { 0x7de44fd9,0x6969f8fa,0x57b32156,0xb66cfbe4,0x368ebc3c,0xdb2fa803, 0xccdb399c,0x8a3e7977 } }, /* 53 */ { { 0x06c4b125,0xdde1881f,0xf6e3ca8c,0xae34e300,0x5c7a13e9,0xef6999de, 0x70c24404,0x3888d023 }, { 0x44f91081,0x76280356,0x5f015504,0x3d9fcf61,0x632cd36e,0x1827edc8, 0x18102336,0xa5e62e47 } }, /* 54 */ { { 0x2facd6c8,0x1a825ee3,0x54bcbc66,0x699c6354,0x98df9931,0x0ce3edf7, 0x466a5adc,0x2c4768e6 }, { 0x90a64bc9,0xb346ff8c,0xe4779f5c,0x630a6020,0xbc05e884,0xd949d064, 0xf9e652a0,0x7b5e6441 } }, /* 55 */ { { 0x1d28444a,0x2169422c,0xbe136a39,0xe996c5d8,0xfb0c7fce,0x2387afe5, 0x0c8d744a,0xb8af73cb }, { 0x338b86fd,0x5fde83aa,0xa58a5cff,0xfee3f158,0x20ac9433,0xc9ee8f6f, 0x7f3f0895,0xa036395f } }, /* 56 */ { { 0xa10f7770,0x8c73c6bb,0xa12a0e24,0xa6f16d81,0x51bc2b9f,0x100df682, 0x875fb533,0x4be36b01 }, { 0x9fb56dbb,0x9226086e,0x07e7a4f8,0x306fef8b,0x66d52f20,0xeeaccc05, 0x1bdc00c0,0x8cbc9a87 } }, /* 57 */ { { 0xc0dac4ab,0xe131895c,0x712ff112,0xa874a440,0x6a1cee57,0x6332ae7c, 0x0c0835f8,0x44e7553e }, { 0x7734002d,0x6d503fff,0x0b34425c,0x9d35cb8b,0x0e8738b5,0x95f70276, 0x5eb8fc18,0x470a683a } }, /* 58 */ { { 0x90513482,0x81b761dc,0x01e9276a,0x0287202a,0x0ce73083,0xcda441ee, 0xc63dc6ef,0x16410690 }, { 0x6d06a2ed,0xf5034a06,0x189b100b,0xdd4d7745,0xab8218c9,0xd914ae72, 0x7abcbb4f,0xd73479fd } }, /* 59 */ { { 0x5ad4c6e5,0x7edefb16,0x5b06d04d,0x262cf08f,0x8575cb14,0x12ed5bb1, 0x0771666b,0x816469e3 }, { 0x561e291e,0xd7ab9d79,0xc1de1661,0xeb9daf22,0x135e0513,0xf49827eb, 0xf0dd3f9c,0x0a36dd23 } }, /* 60 */ { { 0x41d5533c,0x098d32c7,0x8684628f,0x7c5f5a9e,0xe349bd11,0x39a228ad, 0xfdbab118,0xe331dfd6 }, { 0x6bcc6ed8,0x5100ab68,0xef7a260e,0x7160c3bd,0xbce850d7,0x9063d9a7, 0x492e3389,0xd3b4782a } }, /* 61 */ { { 0xf3821f90,0xa149b6e8,0x66eb7aad,0x92edd9ed,0x1a013116,0x0bb66953, 0x4c86a5bd,0x7281275a }, { 0xd3ff47e5,0x503858f7,0x61016441,0x5e1616bc,0x7dfd9bb1,0x62b0f11a, 0xce145059,0x2c062e7e } }, /* 62 */ { { 0x0159ac2e,0xa76f996f,0xcbdb2713,0x281e7736,0x08e46047,0x2ad6d288, 0x2c4e7ef1,0x282a35f9 }, { 0xc0ce5cd2,0x9c354b1e,0x1379c229,0xcf99efc9,0x3e82c11e,0x992caf38, 0x554d2abd,0xc71cd513 } }, /* 63 */ { { 0x09b578f4,0x4885de9c,0xe3affa7a,0x1884e258,0x59182f1f,0x8f76b1b7, 0xcf47f3a3,0xc50f6740 }, { 0x374b68ea,0xa9c4adf3,0x69965fe2,0xa406f323,0x85a53050,0x2f86a222, 0x212958dc,0xb9ecb3a7 } }, /* 64 */ { { 0xf4f8b16a,0x56f8410e,0xc47b266a,0x97241afe,0x6d9c87c1,0x0a406b8e, 0xcd42ab1b,0x803f3e02 }, { 0x04dbec69,0x7f0309a8,0x3bbad05f,0xa83b85f7,0xad8e197f,0xc6097273, 0x5067adc1,0xc097440e } }, /* 65 */ { { 0xc379ab34,0x846a56f2,0x841df8d1,0xa8ee068b,0x176c68ef,0x20314459, 0x915f1f30,0xf1af32d5 }, { 0x5d75bd50,0x99c37531,0xf72f67bc,0x837cffba,0x48d7723f,0x0613a418, 0xe2d41c8b,0x23d0f130 } }, /* 66 */ { { 0xf41500d9,0x857ab6ed,0xfcbeada8,0x0d890ae5,0x89725951,0x52fe8648, 0xc0a3fadd,0xb0288dd6 }, { 0x650bcb08,0x85320f30,0x695d6e16,0x71af6313,0xb989aa76,0x31f520a7, 0xf408c8d2,0xffd3724f } }, /* 67 */ { { 0xb458e6cb,0x53968e64,0x317a5d28,0x992dad20,0x7aa75f56,0x3814ae0b, 0xd78c26df,0xf5590f4a }, { 0xcf0ba55a,0x0fc24bd3,0x0c778bae,0x0fc4724a,0x683b674a,0x1ce9864f, 0xf6f74a20,0x18d6da54 } }, /* 68 */ { { 0xd5be5a2b,0xed93e225,0x5934f3c6,0x6fe79983,0x22626ffc,0x43140926, 0x7990216a,0x50bbb4d9 }, { 0xe57ec63e,0x378191c6,0x181dcdb2,0x65422c40,0x0236e0f6,0x41a8099b, 0x01fe49c3,0x2b100118 } }, /* 69 */ { { 0x9b391593,0xfc68b5c5,0x598270fc,0xc385f5a2,0xd19adcbb,0x7144f3aa, 0x83fbae0c,0xdd558999 }, { 0x74b82ff4,0x93b88b8e,0x71e734c9,0xd2e03c40,0x43c0322a,0x9a7a9eaf, 0x149d6041,0xe6e4c551 } }, /* 70 */ { { 0x1e9af288,0x55f655bb,0xf7ada931,0x647e1a64,0xcb2820e5,0x43697e4b, 0x07ed56ff,0x51e00db1 }, { 0x771c327e,0x43d169b8,0x4a96c2ad,0x29cdb20b,0x3deb4779,0xc07d51f5, 0x49829177,0xe22f4241 } }, /* 71 */ { { 0x635f1abb,0xcd45e8f4,0x68538874,0x7edc0cb5,0xb5a8034d,0xc9472c1f, 0x52dc48c9,0xf709373d }, { 0xa8af30d6,0x401966bb,0xf137b69c,0x95bf5f4a,0x9361c47e,0x3966162a, 0xe7275b11,0xbd52d288 } }, /* 72 */ { { 0x9c5fa877,0xab155c7a,0x7d3a3d48,0x17dad672,0x73d189d8,0x43f43f9e, 0xc8aa77a6,0xa0d0f8e4 }, { 0xcc94f92d,0x0bbeafd8,0x0c4ddb3a,0xd818c8be,0xb82eba14,0x22cc65f8, 0x946d6a00,0xa56c78c7 } }, /* 73 */ { { 0x0dd09529,0x2962391b,0x3daddfcf,0x803e0ea6,0x5b5bf481,0x2c77351f, 0x731a367a,0xd8befdf8 }, { 0xfc0157f4,0xab919d42,0xfec8e650,0xf51caed7,0x02d48b0a,0xcdf9cb40, 0xce9f6478,0x854a68a5 } }, /* 74 */ { { 0x63506ea5,0xdc35f67b,0xa4fe0d66,0x9286c489,0xfe95cd4d,0x3f101d3b, 0x98846a95,0x5cacea0b }, { 0x9ceac44d,0xa90df60c,0x354d1c3a,0x3db29af4,0xad5dbabe,0x08dd3de8, 0x35e4efa9,0xe4982d12 } }, /* 75 */ { { 0xc34cd55e,0x23104a22,0x2680d132,0x58695bb3,0x1fa1d943,0xfb345afa, 0x16b20499,0x8046b7f6 }, { 0x38e7d098,0xb533581e,0xf46f0b70,0xd7f61e8d,0x44cb78c4,0x30dea9ea, 0x9082af55,0xeb17ca7b } }, /* 76 */ { { 0x76a145b9,0x1751b598,0xc1bc71ec,0xa5cf6b0f,0x392715bb,0xd3e03565, 0xfab5e131,0x097b00ba }, { 0x565f69e1,0xaa66c8e9,0xb5be5199,0x77e8f75a,0xda4fd984,0x6033ba11, 0xafdbcc9e,0xf95c747b } }, /* 77 */ { { 0xbebae45e,0x558f01d3,0xc4bc6955,0xa8ebe9f0,0xdbc64fc6,0xaeb705b1, 0x566ed837,0x3512601e }, { 0xfa1161cd,0x9336f1e1,0x4c65ef87,0x328ab8d5,0x724f21e5,0x4757eee2, 0x6068ab6b,0x0ef97123 } }, /* 78 */ { { 0x54ca4226,0x02598cf7,0xf8642c8e,0x5eede138,0x468e1790,0x48963f74, 0x3b4fbc95,0xfc16d933 }, { 0xe7c800ca,0xbe96fb31,0x2678adaa,0x13806331,0x6ff3e8b5,0x3d624497, 0xb95d7a17,0x14ca4af1 } }, /* 79 */ { { 0xbd2f81d5,0x7a4771ba,0x01f7d196,0x1a5f9d69,0xcad9c907,0xd898bef7, 0xf59c231d,0x4057b063 }, { 0x89c05c0a,0xbffd82fe,0x1dc0df85,0xe4911c6f,0xa35a16db,0x3befccae, 0xf1330b13,0x1c3b5d64 } }, /* 80 */ { { 0x80ec21fe,0x5fe14bfe,0xc255be82,0xf6ce116a,0x2f4a5d67,0x98bc5a07, 0xdb7e63af,0xfad27148 }, { 0x29ab05b3,0x90c0b6ac,0x4e251ae6,0x37a9a83c,0xc2aade7d,0x0a7dc875, 0x9f0e1a84,0x77387de3 } }, /* 81 */ { { 0xa56c0dd7,0x1e9ecc49,0x46086c74,0xa5cffcd8,0xf505aece,0x8f7a1408, 0xbef0c47e,0xb37b85c0 }, { 0xcc0e6a8f,0x3596b6e4,0x6b388f23,0xfd6d4bbf,0xc39cef4e,0xaba453fa, 0xf9f628d5,0x9c135ac8 } }, /* 82 */ { { 0x84e35743,0x32aa3202,0x85a3cdef,0x320d6ab1,0x1df19819,0xb821b176, 0xc433851f,0x5721361f }, { 0x71fc9168,0x1f0db36a,0x5e5c403c,0x5f98ba73,0x37bcd8f5,0xf64ca87e, 0xe6bb11bd,0xdcbac3c9 } }, /* 83 */ { { 0x4518cbe2,0xf01d9968,0x9c9eb04e,0xd242fc18,0xe47feebf,0x727663c7, 0x2d626862,0xb8c1c89e }, { 0xc8e1d569,0x51a58bdd,0xb7d88cd0,0x563809c8,0xf11f31eb,0x26c27fd9, 0x2f9422d4,0x5d23bbda } }, /* 84 */ { { 0x95c8f8be,0x0a1c7294,0x3bf362bf,0x2961c480,0xdf63d4ac,0x9e418403, 0x91ece900,0xc109f9cb }, { 0x58945705,0xc2d095d0,0xddeb85c0,0xb9083d96,0x7a40449b,0x84692b8d, 0x2eee1ee1,0x9bc3344f } }, /* 85 */ { { 0x42913074,0x0d5ae356,0x48a542b1,0x55491b27,0xb310732a,0x469ca665, 0x5f1a4cc1,0x29591d52 }, { 0xb84f983f,0xe76f5b6b,0x9f5f84e1,0xbe7eef41,0x80baa189,0x1200d496, 0x18ef332c,0x6376551f } }, /* 86 */ { { 0x562976cc,0xbda5f14e,0x0ef12c38,0x22bca3e6,0x6cca9852,0xbbfa3064, 0x08e2987a,0xbdb79dc8 }, { 0xcb06a772,0xfd2cb5c9,0xfe536dce,0x38f475aa,0x7c2b5db8,0xc2a3e022, 0xadd3c14a,0x8ee86001 } }, /* 87 */ { { 0xa4ade873,0xcbe96981,0xc4fba48c,0x7ee9aa4d,0x5a054ba5,0x2cee2899, 0x6f77aa4b,0x92e51d7a }, { 0x7190a34d,0x948bafa8,0xf6bd1ed1,0xd698f75b,0x0caf1144,0xd00ee6e3, 0x0a56aaaa,0x5182f86f } }, /* 88 */ { { 0x7a4cc99c,0xfba6212c,0x3e6d9ca1,0xff609b68,0x5ac98c5a,0x5dbb27cb, 0x4073a6f2,0x91dcab5d }, { 0x5f575a70,0x01b6cc3d,0x6f8d87fa,0x0cb36139,0x89981736,0x165d4e8c, 0x97974f2b,0x17a0cedb } }, /* 89 */ { { 0x076c8d3a,0x38861e2a,0x210f924b,0x701aad39,0x13a835d9,0x94d0eae4, 0x7f4cdf41,0x2e8ce36c }, { 0x037a862b,0x91273dab,0x60e4c8fa,0x01ba9bb7,0x33baf2dd,0xf9645388, 0x34f668f3,0xf4ccc6cb } }, /* 90 */ { { 0xf1f79687,0x44ef525c,0x92efa815,0x7c595495,0xa5c78d29,0xe1231741, 0x9a0df3c9,0xac0db488 }, { 0xdf01747f,0x86bfc711,0xef17df13,0x592b9358,0x5ccb6bb5,0xe5880e4f, 0x94c974a2,0x95a64a61 } }, /* 91 */ { { 0xc15a4c93,0x72c1efda,0x82585141,0x40269b73,0x16cb0bad,0x6a8dfb1c, 0x29210677,0x231e54ba }, { 0x8ae6d2dc,0xa70df917,0x39112918,0x4d6aa63f,0x5e5b7223,0xf627726b, 0xd8a731e1,0xab0be032 } }, /* 92 */ { { 0x8d131f2d,0x097ad0e9,0x3b04f101,0x637f09e3,0xd5e9a748,0x1ac86196, 0x2cf6a679,0xf1bcc880 }, { 0xe8daacb4,0x25c69140,0x60f65009,0x3c4e4055,0x477937a6,0x591cc8fc, 0x5aebb271,0x85169469 } }, /* 93 */ { { 0xf1dcf593,0xde35c143,0xb018be3b,0x78202b29,0x9bdd9d3d,0xe9cdadc2, 0xdaad55d8,0x8f67d9d2 }, { 0x7481ea5f,0x84111656,0xe34c590c,0xe7d2dde9,0x05053fa8,0xffdd43f4, 0xc0728b5d,0xf84572b9 } }, /* 94 */ { { 0x97af71c9,0x5e1a7a71,0x7a736565,0xa1449444,0x0e1d5063,0xa1b4ae07, 0x616b2c19,0xedee2710 }, { 0x11734121,0xb2f034f5,0x4a25e9f0,0x1cac6e55,0xa40c2ecf,0x8dc148f3, 0x44ebd7f4,0x9fd27e9b } }, /* 95 */ { { 0xf6e2cb16,0x3cc7658a,0xfe5919b6,0xe3eb7d2c,0x168d5583,0x5a8c5816, 0x958ff387,0xa40c2fb6 }, { 0xfedcc158,0x8c9ec560,0x55f23056,0x7ad804c6,0x9a307e12,0xd9396704, 0x7dc6decf,0x99bc9bb8 } }, /* 96 */ { { 0x927dafc6,0x84a9521d,0x5c09cd19,0x52c1fb69,0xf9366dde,0x9d9581a0, 0xa16d7e64,0x9abe210b }, { 0x48915220,0x480af84a,0x4dd816c6,0xfa73176a,0x1681ca5a,0xc7d53987, 0x87f344b0,0x7881c257 } }, /* 97 */ { { 0xe0bcf3ff,0x93399b51,0x127f74f6,0x0d02cbc5,0xdd01d968,0x8fb465a2, 0xa30e8940,0x15e6e319 }, { 0x3e0e05f4,0x646d6e0d,0x43588404,0xfad7bddc,0xc4f850d3,0xbe61c7d1, 0x191172ce,0x0e55facf } }, /* 98 */ { { 0xf8787564,0x7e9d9806,0x31e85ce6,0x1a331721,0xb819e8d6,0x6b0158ca, 0x6fe96577,0xd73d0976 }, { 0x1eb7206e,0x42483425,0xc618bb42,0xa519290f,0x5e30a520,0x5dcbb859, 0x8f15a50b,0x9250a374 } }, /* 99 */ { { 0xbe577410,0xcaff08f8,0x5077a8c6,0xfd408a03,0xec0a63a4,0xf1f63289, 0xc1cc8c0b,0x77414082 }, { 0xeb0991cd,0x05a40fa6,0x49fdc296,0xc1ca0866,0xb324fd40,0x3a68a3c7, 0x12eb20b9,0x8cb04f4d } }, /* 100 */ { { 0x6906171c,0xb1c2d055,0xb0240c3f,0x9073e9cd,0xd8906841,0xdb8e6b4f, 0x47123b51,0xe4e429ef }, { 0x38ec36f4,0x0b8dd53c,0xff4b6a27,0xf9d2dc01,0x879a9a48,0x5d066e07, 0x3c6e6552,0x37bca2ff } }, /* 101 */ { { 0xdf562470,0x4cd2e3c7,0xc0964ac9,0x44f272a2,0x80c793be,0x7c6d5df9, 0x3002b22a,0x59913edc }, { 0x5750592a,0x7a139a83,0xe783de02,0x99e01d80,0xea05d64f,0xcf8c0375, 0xb013e226,0x43786e4a } }, /* 102 */ { { 0x9e56b5a6,0xff32b0ed,0xd9fc68f9,0x0750d9a6,0x597846a7,0xec15e845, 0xb7e79e7a,0x8638ca98 }, { 0x0afc24b2,0x2f5ae096,0x4dace8f2,0x05398eaf,0xaecba78f,0x3b765dd0, 0x7b3aa6f0,0x1ecdd36a } }, /* 103 */ { { 0x6c5ff2f3,0x5d3acd62,0x2873a978,0xa2d516c0,0xd2110d54,0xad94c9fa, 0xd459f32d,0xd85d0f85 }, { 0x10b11da3,0x9f700b8d,0xa78318c4,0xd2c22c30,0x9208decd,0x556988f4, 0xb4ed3c62,0xa04f19c3 } }, /* 104 */ { { 0xed7f93bd,0x087924c8,0x392f51f6,0xcb64ac5d,0x821b71af,0x7cae330a, 0x5c0950b0,0x92b2eeea }, { 0x85b6e235,0x85ac4c94,0x2936c0f0,0xab2ca4a9,0xe0508891,0x80faa6b3, 0x5834276c,0x1ee78221 } }, /* 105 */ { { 0xe63e79f7,0xa60a2e00,0xf399d906,0xf590e7b2,0x6607c09d,0x9021054a, 0x57a6e150,0xf3f2ced8 }, { 0xf10d9b55,0x200510f3,0xd8642648,0x9d2fcfac,0xe8bd0e7c,0xe5631aa7, 0x3da3e210,0x0f56a454 } }, /* 106 */ { { 0x1043e0df,0x5b21bffa,0x9c007e6d,0x6c74b6cc,0xd4a8517a,0x1a656ec0, 0x1969e263,0xbd8f1741 }, { 0xbeb7494a,0x8a9bbb86,0x45f3b838,0x1567d46f,0xa4e5a79a,0xdf7a12a7, 0x30ccfa09,0x2d1a1c35 } }, /* 107 */ { { 0x506508da,0x192e3813,0xa1d795a7,0x336180c4,0x7a9944b3,0xcddb5949, 0xb91fba46,0xa107a65e }, { 0x0f94d639,0xe6d1d1c5,0x8a58b7d7,0x8b4af375,0xbd37ca1c,0x1a7c5584, 0xf87a9af2,0x183d760a } }, /* 108 */ { { 0x0dde59a4,0x29d69711,0x0e8bef87,0xf1ad8d07,0x4f2ebe78,0x229b4963, 0xc269d754,0x1d44179d }, { 0x8390d30e,0xb32dc0cf,0x0de8110c,0x0a3b2753,0x2bc0339a,0x31af1dc5, 0x9606d262,0x771f9cc2 } }, /* 109 */ { { 0x85040739,0x99993e77,0x8026a939,0x44539db9,0xf5f8fc26,0xcf40f6f2, 0x0362718e,0x64427a31 }, { 0x85428aa8,0x4f4f2d87,0xebfb49a8,0x7b7adc3f,0xf23d01ac,0x201b2c6d, 0x6ae90d6d,0x49d9b749 } }, /* 110 */ { { 0x435d1099,0xcc78d8bc,0x8e8d1a08,0x2adbcd4e,0x2cb68a41,0x02c2e2a0, 0x3f605445,0x9037d81b }, { 0x074c7b61,0x7cdbac27,0x57bfd72e,0xfe2031ab,0x596d5352,0x61ccec96, 0x7cc0639c,0x08c3de6a } }, /* 111 */ { { 0xf6d552ab,0x20fdd020,0x05cd81f1,0x56baff98,0x91351291,0x06fb7c3e, 0x45796b2f,0xc6909442 }, { 0x41231bd1,0x17b3ae9c,0x5cc58205,0x1eac6e87,0xf9d6a122,0x208837ab, 0xcafe3ac0,0x3fa3db02 } }, /* 112 */ { { 0x05058880,0xd75a3e65,0x643943f2,0x7da365ef,0xfab24925,0x4147861c, 0xfdb808ff,0xc5c4bdb0 }, { 0xb272b56b,0x73513e34,0x11b9043a,0xc8327e95,0xf8844969,0xfd8ce37d, 0x46c2b6b5,0x2d56db94 } }, /* 113 */ { { 0xff46ac6b,0x2461782f,0x07a2e425,0xd19f7926,0x09a48de1,0xfafea3c4, 0xe503ba42,0x0f56bd9d }, { 0x345cda49,0x137d4ed1,0x816f299d,0x821158fc,0xaeb43402,0xe7c6a54a, 0x1173b5f1,0x4003bb9d } }, /* 114 */ { { 0xa0803387,0x3b8e8189,0x39cbd404,0xece115f5,0xd2877f21,0x4297208d, 0xa07f2f9e,0x53765522 }, { 0xa8a4182d,0xa4980a21,0x3219df79,0xa2bbd07a,0x1a19a2d4,0x674d0a2e, 0x6c5d4549,0x7a056f58 } }, /* 115 */ { { 0x9d8a2a47,0x646b2558,0xc3df2773,0x5b582948,0xabf0d539,0x51ec000e, 0x7a1a2675,0x77d482f1 }, { 0x87853948,0xb8a1bd95,0x6cfbffee,0xa6f817bd,0x80681e47,0xab6ec057, 0x2b38b0e4,0x4115012b } }, /* 116 */ { { 0x6de28ced,0x3c73f0f4,0x9b13ec47,0x1d5da760,0x6e5c6392,0x61b8ce9e, 0xfbea0946,0xcdf04572 }, { 0x6c53c3b0,0x1cb3c58b,0x447b843c,0x97fe3c10,0x2cb9780e,0xfb2b8ae1, 0x97383109,0xee703dda } }, /* 117 */ { { 0xff57e43a,0x34515140,0xb1b811b8,0xd44660d3,0x8f42b986,0x2b3b5dff, 0xa162ce21,0x2a0ad89d }, { 0x6bc277ba,0x64e4a694,0xc141c276,0xc788c954,0xcabf6274,0x141aa64c, 0xac2b4659,0xd62d0b67 } }, /* 118 */ { { 0x2c054ac4,0x39c5d87b,0xf27df788,0x57005859,0xb18128d6,0xedf7cbf3, 0x991c2426,0xb39a23f2 }, { 0xf0b16ae5,0x95284a15,0xa136f51b,0x0c6a05b1,0xf2700783,0x1d63c137, 0xc0674cc5,0x04ed0092 } }, /* 119 */ { { 0x9ae90393,0x1f4185d1,0x4a3d64e6,0x3047b429,0x9854fc14,0xae0001a6, 0x0177c387,0xa0a91fc1 }, { 0xae2c831e,0xff0a3f01,0x2b727e16,0xbb76ae82,0x5a3075b4,0x8f12c8a1, 0x9ed20c41,0x084cf988 } }, /* 120 */ { { 0xfca6becf,0xd98509de,0x7dffb328,0x2fceae80,0x4778e8b9,0x5d8a15c4, 0x73abf77e,0xd57955b2 }, { 0x31b5d4f1,0x210da79e,0x3cfa7a1c,0xaa52f04b,0xdc27c20b,0xd4d12089, 0x02d141f1,0x8e14ea42 } }, /* 121 */ { { 0xf2897042,0xeed50345,0x43402c4a,0x8d05331f,0xc8bdfb21,0xc8d9c194, 0x2aa4d158,0x597e1a37 }, { 0xcf0bd68c,0x0327ec1a,0xab024945,0x6d4be0dc,0xc9fe3e84,0x5b9c8d7a, 0x199b4dea,0xca3f0236 } }, /* 122 */ { { 0x6170bd20,0x592a10b5,0x6d3f5de7,0x0ea897f1,0x44b2ade2,0xa3363ff1, 0x309c07e4,0xbde7fd7e }, { 0xb8f5432c,0x516bb6d2,0xe043444b,0x210dc1cb,0xf8f95b5a,0x3db01e6f, 0x0a7dd198,0xb623ad0e } }, /* 123 */ { { 0x60c7b65b,0xa75bd675,0x23a4a289,0xab8c5590,0xd7b26795,0xf8220fd0, 0x58ec137b,0xd6aa2e46 }, { 0x5138bb85,0x10abc00b,0xd833a95c,0x8c31d121,0x1702a32e,0xb24ff00b, 0x2dcc513a,0x111662e0 } }, /* 124 */ { { 0xefb42b87,0x78114015,0x1b6c4dff,0xbd9f5d70,0xa7d7c129,0x66ecccd7, 0x94b750f8,0xdb3ee1cb }, { 0xf34837cf,0xb26f3db0,0xb9578d4f,0xe7eed18b,0x7c56657d,0x5d2cdf93, 0x52206a59,0x886a6442 } }, /* 125 */ { { 0x65b569ea,0x3c234cfb,0xf72119c1,0x20011141,0xa15a619e,0x8badc85d, 0x018a17bc,0xa70cf4eb }, { 0x8c4a6a65,0x224f97ae,0x0134378f,0x36e5cf27,0x4f7e0960,0xbe3a609e, 0xd1747b77,0xaa4772ab } }, /* 126 */ { { 0x7aa60cc0,0x67676131,0x0368115f,0xc7916361,0xbbc1bb5a,0xded98bb4, 0x30faf974,0x611a6ddc }, { 0xc15ee47a,0x30e78cbc,0x4e0d96a5,0x2e896282,0x3dd9ed88,0x36f35adf, 0x16429c88,0x5cfffaf8 } }, /* 127 */ { { 0x9b7a99cd,0xc0d54cff,0x843c45a1,0x7bf3b99d,0x62c739e1,0x038a908f, 0x7dc1994c,0x6e5a6b23 }, { 0x0ba5db77,0xef8b454e,0xacf60d63,0xb7b8807f,0x76608378,0xe591c0c6, 0x242dabcc,0x481a238d } }, /* 128 */ { { 0x35d0b34a,0xe3417bc0,0x8327c0a7,0x440b386b,0xac0362d1,0x8fb7262d, 0xe0cdf943,0x2c41114c }, { 0xad95a0b1,0x2ba5cef1,0x67d54362,0xc09b37a8,0x01e486c9,0x26d6cdd2, 0x42ff9297,0x20477abf } }, /* 129 */ { { 0x18d65dbf,0x2f75173c,0x339edad8,0x77bf940e,0xdcf1001c,0x7022d26b, 0xc77396b6,0xac66409a }, { 0xc6261cc3,0x8b0bb36f,0x190e7e90,0x213f7bc9,0xa45e6c10,0x6541ceba, 0xcc122f85,0xce8e6975 } }, /* 130 */ { { 0xbc0a67d2,0x0f121b41,0x444d248a,0x62d4760a,0x659b4737,0x0e044f1d, 0x250bb4a8,0x08fde365 }, { 0x848bf287,0xaceec3da,0xd3369d6e,0xc2a62182,0x92449482,0x3582dfdc, 0x565d6cd7,0x2f7e2fd2 } }, /* 131 */ { { 0xc3770fa7,0xae4b92db,0x379043f9,0x095e8d5c,0x17761171,0x54f34e9d, 0x907702ae,0xc65be92e }, { 0xf6fd0a40,0x2758a303,0xbcce784b,0xe7d822e3,0x4f9767bf,0x7ae4f585, 0xd1193b3a,0x4bff8e47 } }, /* 132 */ { { 0x00ff1480,0xcd41d21f,0x0754db16,0x2ab8fb7d,0xbbe0f3ea,0xac81d2ef, 0x5772967d,0x3e4e4ae6 }, { 0x3c5303e6,0x7e18f36d,0x92262397,0x3bd9994b,0x1324c3c0,0x9ed70e26, 0x58ec6028,0x5388aefd } }, /* 133 */ { { 0x5e5d7713,0xad1317eb,0x75de49da,0x09b985ee,0xc74fb261,0x32f5bc4f, 0x4f75be0e,0x5cf908d1 }, { 0x8e657b12,0x76043510,0xb96ed9e6,0xbfd421a5,0x8970ccc2,0x0e29f51f, 0x60f00ce2,0xa698ba40 } }, /* 134 */ { { 0xef748fec,0x73db1686,0x7e9d2cf9,0xe6e755a2,0xce265eff,0x630b6544, 0x7aebad8d,0xb142ef8a }, { 0x17d5770a,0xad31af9f,0x2cb3412f,0x66af3b67,0xdf3359de,0x6bd60d1b, 0x58515075,0xd1896a96 } }, /* 135 */ { { 0x33c41c08,0xec5957ab,0x5468e2e1,0x87de94ac,0xac472f6c,0x18816b73, 0x7981da39,0x267b0e0b }, { 0x8e62b988,0x6e554e5d,0x116d21e7,0xd8ddc755,0x3d2a6f99,0x4610faf0, 0xa1119393,0xb54e287a } }, /* 136 */ { { 0x178a876b,0x0a0122b5,0x085104b4,0x51ff96ff,0x14f29f76,0x050b31ab, 0x5f87d4e6,0x84abb28b }, { 0x8270790a,0xd5ed439f,0x85e3f46b,0x2d6cb59d,0x6c1e2212,0x75f55c1b, 0x17655640,0xe5436f67 } }, /* 137 */ { { 0x2286e8d5,0x53f9025e,0x864453be,0x353c95b4,0xe408e3a0,0xd832f5bd, 0x5b9ce99e,0x0404f68b }, { 0xa781e8e5,0xcad33bde,0x163c2f5b,0x3cdf5018,0x0119caa3,0x57576960, 0x0ac1c701,0x3a4263df } }, /* 138 */ { { 0x9aeb596d,0xc2965ecc,0x023c92b4,0x01ea03e7,0x2e013961,0x4704b4b6, 0x905ea367,0x0ca8fd3f }, { 0x551b2b61,0x92523a42,0x390fcd06,0x1eb7a89c,0x0392a63e,0xe7f1d2be, 0x4ddb0c33,0x96dca264 } }, /* 139 */ { { 0x387510af,0x203bb43a,0xa9a36a01,0x846feaa8,0x2f950378,0xd23a5770, 0x3aad59dc,0x4363e212 }, { 0x40246a47,0xca43a1c7,0xe55dd24d,0xb362b8d2,0x5d8faf96,0xf9b08604, 0xd8bb98c4,0x840e115c } }, /* 140 */ { { 0x1023e8a7,0xf12205e2,0xd8dc7a0b,0xc808a8cd,0x163a5ddf,0xe292a272, 0x30ded6d4,0x5e0d6abd }, { 0x7cfc0f64,0x07a721c2,0x0e55ed88,0x42eec01d,0x1d1f9db2,0x26a7bef9, 0x2945a25a,0x7dea48f4 } }, /* 141 */ { { 0xe5060a81,0xabdf6f1c,0xf8f95615,0xe79f9c72,0x06ac268b,0xcfd36c54, 0xebfd16d1,0xabc2a2be }, { 0xd3e2eac7,0x8ac66f91,0xd2dd0466,0x6f10ba63,0x0282d31b,0x6790e377, 0x6c7eefc1,0x4ea35394 } }, /* 142 */ { { 0x5266309d,0xed8a2f8d,0x81945a3e,0x0a51c6c0,0x578c5dc1,0xcecaf45a, 0x1c94ffc3,0x3a76e689 }, { 0x7d7b0d0f,0x9aace8a4,0x8f584a5f,0x963ace96,0x4e697fbe,0x51a30c72, 0x465e6464,0x8212a10a } }, /* 143 */ { { 0xcfab8caa,0xef7c61c3,0x0e142390,0x18eb8e84,0x7e9733ca,0xcd1dff67, 0x599cb164,0xaa7cab71 }, { 0xbc837bd1,0x02fc9273,0xc36af5d7,0xc06407d0,0xf423da49,0x17621292, 0xfe0617c3,0x40e38073 } }, /* 144 */ { { 0xa7bf9b7c,0xf4f80824,0x3fbe30d0,0x365d2320,0x97cf9ce3,0xbfbe5320, 0xb3055526,0xe3604700 }, { 0x6cc6c2c7,0x4dcb9911,0xba4cbee6,0x72683708,0x637ad9ec,0xdcded434, 0xa3dee15f,0x6542d677 } }, /* 145 */ { { 0x7b6c377a,0x3f32b6d0,0x903448be,0x6cb03847,0x20da8af7,0xd6fdd3a8, 0x09bb6f21,0xa6534aee }, { 0x1035facf,0x30a1780d,0x9dcb47e6,0x35e55a33,0xc447f393,0x6ea50fe1, 0xdc9aef22,0xf3cb672f } }, /* 146 */ { { 0x3b55fd83,0xeb3719fe,0x875ddd10,0xe0d7a46c,0x05cea784,0x33ac9fa9, 0xaae870e7,0x7cafaa2e }, { 0x1d53b338,0x9b814d04,0xef87e6c6,0xe0acc0a0,0x11672b0f,0xfb93d108, 0xb9bd522e,0x0aab13c1 } }, /* 147 */ { { 0xd2681297,0xddcce278,0xb509546a,0xcb350eb1,0x7661aaf2,0x2dc43173, 0x847012e9,0x4b91a602 }, { 0x72f8ddcf,0xdcff1095,0x9a911af4,0x08ebf61e,0xc372430e,0x48f4360a, 0x72321cab,0x49534c53 } }, /* 148 */ { { 0xf07b7e9d,0x83df7d71,0x13cd516f,0xa478efa3,0x6c047ee3,0x78ef264b, 0xd65ac5ee,0xcaf46c4f }, { 0x92aa8266,0xa04d0c77,0x913684bb,0xedf45466,0xae4b16b0,0x56e65168, 0x04c6770f,0x14ce9e57 } }, /* 149 */ { { 0x965e8f91,0x99445e3e,0xcb0f2492,0xd3aca1ba,0x90c8a0a0,0xd31cc70f, 0x3e4c9a71,0x1bb708a5 }, { 0x558bdd7a,0xd5ca9e69,0x018a26b1,0x734a0508,0x4c9cf1ec,0xb093aa71, 0xda300102,0xf9d126f2 } }, /* 150 */ { { 0xaff9563e,0x749bca7a,0xb49914a0,0xdd077afe,0xbf5f1671,0xe27a0311, 0x729ecc69,0x807afcb9 }, { 0xc9b08b77,0x7f8a9337,0x443c7e38,0x86c3a785,0x476fd8ba,0x85fafa59, 0x6568cd8c,0x751adcd1 } }, /* 151 */ { { 0x10715c0d,0x8aea38b4,0x8f7697f7,0xd113ea71,0x93fbf06d,0x665eab14, 0x2537743f,0x29ec4468 }, { 0xb50bebbc,0x3d94719c,0xe4505422,0x399ee5bf,0x8d2dedb1,0x90cd5b3a, 0x92a4077d,0xff9370e3 } }, /* 152 */ { { 0xc6b75b65,0x59a2d69b,0x266651c5,0x4188f8d5,0x3de9d7d2,0x28a9f33e, 0xa2a9d01a,0x9776478b }, { 0x929af2c7,0x8852622d,0x4e690923,0x334f5d6d,0xa89a51e9,0xce6cc7e5, 0xac2f82fa,0x74a6313f } }, /* 153 */ { { 0xb75f079c,0xb2f4dfdd,0x18e36fbb,0x85b07c95,0xe7cd36dd,0x1b6cfcf0, 0x0ff4863d,0xab75be15 }, { 0x173fc9b7,0x81b367c0,0xd2594fd0,0xb90a7420,0xc4091236,0x15fdbf03, 0x0b4459f6,0x4ebeac2e } }, /* 154 */ { { 0x5c9f2c53,0xeb6c5fe7,0x8eae9411,0xd2522011,0xf95ac5d8,0xc8887633, 0x2c1baffc,0xdf99887b }, { 0x850aaecb,0xbb78eed2,0x01d6a272,0x9d49181b,0xb1cdbcac,0x978dd511, 0x779f4058,0x27b040a7 } }, /* 155 */ { { 0xf73b2eb2,0x90405db7,0x8e1b2118,0xe0df8508,0x5962327e,0x501b7152, 0xe4cfa3f5,0xb393dd37 }, { 0x3fd75165,0xa1230e7b,0xbcd33554,0xd66344c2,0x0f7b5022,0x6c36f1be, 0xd0463419,0x09588c12 } }, /* 156 */ { { 0x02601c3b,0xe086093f,0xcf5c335f,0xfb0252f8,0x894aff28,0x955cf280, 0xdb9f648b,0x81c879a9 }, { 0xc6f56c51,0x040e687c,0x3f17618c,0xfed47169,0x9059353b,0x44f88a41, 0x5fc11bc4,0xfa0d48f5 } }, /* 157 */ { { 0xe1608e4d,0xbc6e1c9d,0x3582822c,0x010dda11,0x157ec2d7,0xf6b7ddc1, 0xb6a367d6,0x8ea0e156 }, { 0x2383b3b4,0xa354e02f,0x3f01f53c,0x69966b94,0x2de03ca5,0x4ff6632b, 0xfa00b5ac,0x3f5ab924 } }, /* 158 */ { { 0x59739efb,0x337bb0d9,0xe7ebec0d,0xc751b0f4,0x411a67d1,0x2da52dd6, 0x2b74256e,0x8bc76887 }, { 0x82d3d253,0xa5be3b72,0xf58d779f,0xa9f679a1,0xe16767bb,0xa1cac168, 0x60fcf34f,0xb386f190 } }, /* 159 */ { { 0x2fedcfc2,0x31f3c135,0x62f8af0d,0x5396bf62,0xe57288c2,0x9a02b4ea, 0x1b069c4d,0x4cb460f7 }, { 0x5b8095ea,0xae67b4d3,0x6fc07603,0x92bbf859,0xb614a165,0xe1475f66, 0x95ef5223,0x52c0d508 } }, /* 160 */ { { 0x15339848,0x231c210e,0x70778c8d,0xe87a28e8,0x6956e170,0x9d1de661, 0x2bb09c0b,0x4ac3c938 }, { 0x6998987d,0x19be0551,0xae09f4d6,0x8b2376c4,0x1a3f933d,0x1de0b765, 0xe39705f4,0x380d94c7 } }, /* 161 */ { { 0x81542e75,0x01a355aa,0xee01b9b7,0x96c724a1,0x624d7087,0x6b3a2977, 0xde2637af,0x2ce3e171 }, { 0xf5d5bc1a,0xcfefeb49,0x2777e2b5,0xa655607e,0x9513756c,0x4feaac2f, 0x0b624e4d,0x2e6cd852 } }, /* 162 */ { { 0x8c31c31d,0x3685954b,0x5bf21a0c,0x68533d00,0x75c79ec9,0x0bd7626e, 0x42c69d54,0xca177547 }, { 0xf6d2dbb2,0xcc6edaff,0x174a9d18,0xfd0d8cbd,0xaa4578e8,0x875e8793, 0x9cab2ce6,0xa976a713 } }, /* 163 */ { { 0x93fb353d,0x0a651f1b,0x57fcfa72,0xd75cab8b,0x31b15281,0xaa88cfa7, 0x0a1f4999,0x8720a717 }, { 0x693e1b90,0x8c3e8d37,0x16f6dfc3,0xd345dc0b,0xb52a8742,0x8ea8d00a, 0xc769893c,0x9719ef29 } }, /* 164 */ { { 0x58e35909,0x820eed8d,0x33ddc116,0x9366d8dc,0x6e205026,0xd7f999d0, 0xe15704c1,0xa5072976 }, { 0xc4e70b2e,0x002a37ea,0x6890aa8a,0x84dcf657,0x645b2a5c,0xcd71bf18, 0xf7b77725,0x99389c9d } }, /* 165 */ { { 0x7ada7a4b,0x238c08f2,0xfd389366,0x3abe9d03,0x766f512c,0x6b672e89, 0x202c82e4,0xa88806aa }, { 0xd380184e,0x6602044a,0x126a8b85,0xa8cb78c4,0xad844f17,0x79d670c0, 0x4738dcfe,0x0043bffb } }, /* 166 */ { { 0x36d5192e,0x8d59b5dc,0x4590b2af,0xacf885d3,0x11601781,0x83566d0a, 0xba6c4866,0x52f3ef01 }, { 0x0edcb64d,0x3986732a,0x8068379f,0x0a482c23,0x7040f309,0x16cbe5fa, 0x9ef27e75,0x3296bd89 } }, /* 167 */ { { 0x454d81d7,0x476aba89,0x51eb9b3c,0x9eade7ef,0x81c57986,0x619a21cd, 0xaee571e9,0x3b90febf }, { 0x5496f7cb,0x9393023e,0x7fb51bc4,0x55be41d8,0x99beb5ce,0x03f1dd48, 0x9f810b18,0x6e88069d } }, /* 168 */ { { 0xb43ea1db,0xce37ab11,0x5259d292,0x0a7ff1a9,0x8f84f186,0x851b0221, 0xdefaad13,0xa7222bea }, { 0x2b0a9144,0xa2ac78ec,0xf2fa59c5,0x5a024051,0x6147ce38,0x91d1eca5, 0xbc2ac690,0xbe94d523 } }, /* 169 */ { { 0x0b226ce7,0x72f4945e,0x967e8b70,0xb8afd747,0x85a6c63e,0xedea46f1, 0x9be8c766,0x7782defe }, { 0x3db38626,0x760d2aa4,0x76f67ad1,0x460ae787,0x54499cdb,0x341b86fc, 0xa2892e4b,0x03838567 } }, /* 170 */ { { 0x79ec1a0f,0x2d8daefd,0xceb39c97,0x3bbcd6fd,0x58f61a95,0xf5575ffc, 0xadf7b420,0xdbd986c4 }, { 0x15f39eb7,0x81aa8814,0xb98d976c,0x6ee2fcf5,0xcf2f717d,0x5465475d, 0x6860bbd0,0x8e24d3c4 } }, /* 171 */ { { 0x9a587390,0x749d8e54,0x0cbec588,0x12bb194f,0xb25983c6,0x46e07da4, 0x407bafc8,0x541a99c4 }, { 0x624c8842,0xdb241692,0xd86c05ff,0x6044c12a,0x4f7fcf62,0xc59d14b4, 0xf57d35d1,0xc0092c49 } }, /* 172 */ { { 0xdf2e61ef,0xd3cc75c3,0x2e1b35ca,0x7e8841c8,0x909f29f4,0xc62d30d1, 0x7286944d,0x75e40634 }, { 0xbbc237d0,0xe7d41fc5,0xec4f01c9,0xc9537bf0,0x282bd534,0x91c51a16, 0xc7848586,0x5b7cb658 } }, /* 173 */ { { 0x8a28ead1,0x964a7084,0xfd3b47f6,0x802dc508,0x767e5b39,0x9ae4bfd1, 0x8df097a1,0x7ae13eba }, { 0xeadd384e,0xfd216ef8,0xb6b2ff06,0x0361a2d9,0x4bcdb5f3,0x204b9878, 0xe2a8e3fd,0x787d8074 } }, /* 174 */ { { 0x757fbb1c,0xc5e25d6b,0xca201deb,0xe47bddb2,0x6d2233ff,0x4a55e9a3, 0x9ef28484,0x5c222819 }, { 0x88315250,0x773d4a85,0x827097c1,0x21b21a2b,0xdef5d33f,0xab7c4ea1, 0xbaf0f2b0,0xe45d37ab } }, /* 175 */ { { 0x28511c8a,0xd2df1e34,0xbdca6cd3,0xebb229c8,0x627c39a7,0x578a71a7, 0x84dfb9d3,0xed7bc122 }, { 0x93dea561,0xcf22a6df,0xd48f0ed1,0x5443f18d,0x5bad23e8,0xd8b86140, 0x45ca6d27,0xaac97cc9 } }, /* 176 */ { { 0xa16bd00a,0xeb54ea74,0xf5c0bcc1,0xd839e9ad,0x1f9bfc06,0x092bb7f1, 0x1163dc4e,0x318f97b3 }, { 0xc30d7138,0xecc0c5be,0xabc30220,0x44e8df23,0xb0223606,0x2bb7972f, 0x9a84ff4d,0xfa41faa1 } }, /* 177 */ { { 0xa6642269,0x4402d974,0x9bb783bd,0xc81814ce,0x7941e60b,0x398d38e4, 0x1d26e9e2,0x38bb6b2c }, { 0x6a577f87,0xc64e4a25,0xdc11fe1c,0x8b52d253,0x62280728,0xff336abf, 0xce7601a5,0x94dd0905 } }, /* 178 */ { { 0xde93f92a,0x156cf7dc,0x89b5f315,0xa01333cb,0xc995e750,0x02404df9, 0xd25c2ae9,0x92077867 }, { 0x0bf39d44,0xe2471e01,0x96bb53d7,0x5f2c9020,0x5c9c3d8f,0x4c44b7b3, 0xd29beb51,0x81e8428b } }, /* 179 */ { { 0xc477199f,0x6dd9c2ba,0x6b5ecdd9,0x8cb8eeee,0xee40fd0e,0x8af7db3f, 0xdbbfa4b1,0x1b94ab62 }, { 0xce47f143,0x44f0d8b3,0x63f46163,0x51e623fc,0xcc599383,0xf18f270f, 0x055590ee,0x06a38e28 } }, /* 180 */ { { 0xb3355b49,0x2e5b0139,0xb4ebf99b,0x20e26560,0xd269f3dc,0xc08ffa6b, 0x83d9d4f8,0xa7b36c20 }, { 0x1b3e8830,0x64d15c3a,0xa89f9c0b,0xd5fceae1,0xe2d16930,0xcfeee4a2, 0xa2822a20,0xbe54c6b4 } }, /* 181 */ { { 0x8d91167c,0xd6cdb3df,0xe7a6625e,0x517c3f79,0x346ac7f4,0x7105648f, 0xeae022bb,0xbf30a5ab }, { 0x93828a68,0x8e7785be,0x7f3ef036,0x5161c332,0x592146b2,0xe11b5feb, 0x2732d13a,0xd1c820de } }, /* 182 */ { { 0x9038b363,0x043e1347,0x6b05e519,0x58c11f54,0x6026cad1,0x4fe57abe, 0x68a18da3,0xb7d17bed }, { 0xe29c2559,0x44ca5891,0x5bfffd84,0x4f7a0376,0x74e46948,0x498de4af, 0x6412cc64,0x3997fd5e } }, /* 183 */ { { 0x8bd61507,0xf2074682,0x34a64d2a,0x29e132d5,0x8a8a15e3,0xffeddfb0, 0x3c6c13e8,0x0eeb8929 }, { 0xa7e259f8,0xe9b69a3e,0xd13e7e67,0xce1db7e6,0xad1fa685,0x277318f6, 0xc922b6ef,0x228916f8 } }, /* 184 */ { { 0x0a12ab5b,0x959ae25b,0x957bc136,0xcc11171f,0xd16e2b0c,0x8058429e, 0x6e93097e,0xec05ad1d }, { 0xac3f3708,0x157ba5be,0x30b59d77,0x31baf935,0x118234e5,0x47b55237, 0x7ff11b37,0x7d314156 } }, /* 185 */ { { 0xf6dfefab,0x7bd9c05c,0xdcb37707,0xbe2f2268,0x3a38bb95,0xe53ead97, 0x9bc1d7a3,0xe9ce66fc }, { 0x6f6a02a1,0x75aa1576,0x60e600ed,0x38c087df,0x68cdc1b9,0xf8947f34, 0x72280651,0xd9650b01 } }, /* 186 */ { { 0x5a057e60,0x504b4c4a,0x8def25e4,0xcbccc3be,0x17c1ccbd,0xa6353208, 0x804eb7a2,0x14d6699a }, { 0xdb1f411a,0x2c8a8415,0xf80d769c,0x09fbaf0b,0x1c2f77ad,0xb4deef90, 0x0d43598a,0x6f4c6841 } }, /* 187 */ { { 0x96c24a96,0x8726df4e,0xfcbd99a3,0x534dbc85,0x8b2ae30a,0x3c466ef2, 0x61189abb,0x4c4350fd }, { 0xf855b8da,0x2967f716,0x463c38a1,0x41a42394,0xeae93343,0xc37e1413, 0x5a3118b5,0xa726d242 } }, /* 188 */ { { 0x948c1086,0xdae6b3ee,0xcbd3a2e1,0xf1de503d,0x03d022f3,0x3f35ed3f, 0xcc6cf392,0x13639e82 }, { 0xcdafaa86,0x9ac938fb,0x2654a258,0xf45bc5fb,0x45051329,0x1963b26e, 0xc1a335a3,0xca9365e1 } }, /* 189 */ { { 0x4c3b2d20,0x3615ac75,0x904e241b,0x742a5417,0xcc9d071d,0xb08521c4, 0x970b72a5,0x9ce29c34 }, { 0x6d3e0ad6,0x8cc81f73,0xf2f8434c,0x8060da9e,0x6ce862d9,0x35ed1d1a, 0xab42af98,0x48c4abd7 } }, /* 190 */ { { 0x40c7485a,0xd221b0cc,0xe5274dbf,0xead455bb,0x9263d2e8,0x493c7698, 0xf67b33cb,0x78017c32 }, { 0x930cb5ee,0xb9d35769,0x0c408ed2,0xc0d14e94,0x272f1a4d,0xf8b7bf55, 0xde5c1c04,0x53cd0454 } }, /* 191 */ { { 0x5d28ccac,0xbcd585fa,0x005b746e,0x5f823e56,0xcd0123aa,0x7c79f0a1, 0xd3d7fa8f,0xeea465c1 }, { 0x0551803b,0x7810659f,0x7ce6af70,0x6c0b599f,0x29288e70,0x4195a770, 0x7ae69193,0x1b6e42a4 } }, /* 192 */ { { 0xf67d04c3,0x2e80937c,0x89eeb811,0x1e312be2,0x92594d60,0x56b5d887, 0x187fbd3d,0x0224da14 }, { 0x0c5fe36f,0x87abb863,0x4ef51f5f,0x580f3c60,0xb3b429ec,0x964fb1bf, 0x42bfff33,0x60838ef0 } }, /* 193 */ { { 0x7e0bbe99,0x432cb2f2,0x04aa39ee,0x7bda44f3,0x9fa93903,0x5f497c7a, 0x2d331643,0x636eb202 }, { 0x93ae00aa,0xfcfd0e61,0x31ae6d2f,0x875a00fe,0x9f93901c,0xf43658a2, 0x39218bac,0x8844eeb6 } }, /* 194 */ { { 0x6b3bae58,0x114171d2,0x17e39f3e,0x7db3df71,0x81a8eada,0xcd37bc7f, 0x51fb789e,0x27ba83dc }, { 0xfbf54de5,0xa7df439f,0xb5fe1a71,0x7277030b,0xdb297a48,0x42ee8e35, 0x87f3a4ab,0xadb62d34 } }, /* 195 */ { { 0xa175df2a,0x9b1168a2,0x618c32e9,0x082aa04f,0x146b0916,0xc9e4f2e7, 0x75e7c8b2,0xb990fd76 }, { 0x4df37313,0x0829d96b,0xd0b40789,0x1c205579,0x78087711,0x66c9ae4a, 0x4d10d18d,0x81707ef9 } }, /* 196 */ { { 0x03d6ff96,0x97d7cab2,0x0d843360,0x5b851bfc,0xd042db4b,0x268823c4, 0xd5a8aa5c,0x3792daea }, { 0x941afa0b,0x52818865,0x42d83671,0xf3e9e741,0x5be4e0a7,0x17c82527, 0x94b001ba,0x5abd635e } }, /* 197 */ { { 0x0ac4927c,0x727fa84e,0xa7c8cf23,0xe3886035,0x4adca0df,0xa4bcd5ea, 0x846ab610,0x5995bf21 }, { 0x829dfa33,0xe90f860b,0x958fc18b,0xcaafe2ae,0x78630366,0x9b3baf44, 0xd483411e,0x44c32ca2 } }, /* 198 */ { { 0xe40ed80c,0xa74a97f1,0x31d2ca82,0x5f938cb1,0x7c2d6ad9,0x53f2124b, 0x8082a54c,0x1f2162fb }, { 0x720b173e,0x7e467cc5,0x085f12f9,0x40e8a666,0x4c9d65dc,0x8cebc20e, 0xc3e907c9,0x8f1d402b } }, /* 199 */ { { 0xfbc4058a,0x4f592f9c,0x292f5670,0xb15e14b6,0xbc1d8c57,0xc55cfe37, 0x926edbf9,0xb1980f43 }, { 0x32c76b09,0x98c33e09,0x33b07f78,0x1df5279d,0x863bb461,0x6f08ead4, 0x37448e45,0x2828ad9b } }, /* 200 */ { { 0xc4cf4ac5,0x696722c4,0xdde64afb,0xf5ac1a3f,0xe0890832,0x0551baa2, 0x5a14b390,0x4973f127 }, { 0x322eac5d,0xe59d8335,0x0bd9b568,0x5e07eef5,0xa2588393,0xab36720f, 0xdb168ac7,0x6dac8ed0 } }, /* 201 */ { { 0xeda835ef,0xf7b545ae,0x1d10ed51,0x4aa113d2,0x13741b09,0x035a65e0, 0x20b9de4c,0x4b23ef59 }, { 0x3c4c7341,0xe82bb680,0x3f58bc37,0xd457706d,0xa51e3ee8,0x73527863, 0xddf49a4e,0x4dd71534 } }, /* 202 */ { { 0x95476cd9,0xbf944672,0xe31a725b,0x648d072f,0xfc4b67e0,0x1441c8b8, 0x2f4a4dbb,0xfd317000 }, { 0x8995d0e1,0x1cb43ff4,0x0ef729aa,0x76e695d1,0x41798982,0xe0d5f976, 0x9569f365,0x14fac58c } }, /* 203 */ { { 0xf312ae18,0xad9a0065,0xfcc93fc9,0x51958dc0,0x8a7d2846,0xd9a14240, 0x36abda50,0xed7c7651 }, { 0x25d4abbc,0x46270f1a,0xf1a113ea,0x9b5dd8f3,0x5b51952f,0xc609b075, 0x4d2e9f53,0xfefcb7f7 } }, /* 204 */ { { 0xba119185,0xbd09497a,0xaac45ba4,0xd54e8c30,0xaa521179,0x492479de, 0x87e0d80b,0x1801a57e }, { 0xfcafffb0,0x073d3f8d,0xae255240,0x6cf33c0b,0x5b5fdfbc,0x781d763b, 0x1ead1064,0x9f8fc11e } }, /* 205 */ { { 0x5e69544c,0x1583a171,0xf04b7813,0x0eaf8567,0x278a4c32,0x1e22a8fd, 0x3d3a69a9,0xa9d3809d }, { 0x59a2da3b,0x936c2c2c,0x1895c847,0x38ccbcf6,0x63d50869,0x5e65244e, 0xe1178ef7,0x3006b9ae } }, /* 206 */ { { 0xc9eead28,0x0bb1f2b0,0x89f4dfbc,0x7eef635d,0xb2ce8939,0x074757fd, 0x45f8f761,0x0ab85fd7 }, { 0x3e5b4549,0xecda7c93,0x97922f21,0x4be2bb5c,0xb43b8040,0x261a1274, 0x11e942c2,0xb122d675 } }, /* 207 */ { { 0x66a5ae7a,0x3be607be,0x76adcbe3,0x01e703fa,0x4eb6e5c5,0xaf904301, 0x097dbaec,0x9f599dc1 }, { 0x0ff250ed,0x6d75b718,0x349a20dc,0x8eb91574,0x10b227a3,0x425605a4, 0x8a294b78,0x7d5528e0 } }, /* 208 */ { { 0x20c26def,0xf0f58f66,0x582b2d1e,0x025585ea,0x01ce3881,0xfbe7d79b, 0x303f1730,0x28ccea01 }, { 0x79644ba5,0xd1dabcd1,0x06fff0b8,0x1fc643e8,0x66b3e17b,0xa60a76fc, 0xa1d013bf,0xc18baf48 } }, /* 209 */ { { 0x5dc4216d,0x34e638c8,0x206142ac,0x00c01067,0x95f5064a,0xd453a171, 0xb7a9596b,0x9def809d }, { 0x67ab8d2c,0x41e8642e,0x6237a2b6,0xb4240433,0x64c4218b,0x7d506a6d, 0x68808ce5,0x0357f8b0 } }, /* 210 */ { { 0x4cd2cc88,0x8e9dbe64,0xf0b8f39d,0xcc61c28d,0xcd30a0c8,0x4a309874, 0x1b489887,0xe4a01add }, { 0xf57cd8f9,0x2ed1eeac,0xbd594c48,0x1b767d3e,0x7bd2f787,0xa7295c71, 0xce10cc30,0x466d7d79 } }, /* 211 */ { { 0x9dada2c7,0x47d31892,0x8f9aa27d,0x4fa0a6c3,0x820a59e1,0x90e4fd28, 0x451ead1a,0xc672a522 }, { 0x5d86b655,0x30607cc8,0xf9ad4af1,0xf0235d3b,0x571172a6,0x99a08680, 0xf2a67513,0x5e3d64fa } }, /* 212 */ { { 0x9b3b4416,0xaa6410c7,0xeab26d99,0xcd8fcf85,0xdb656a74,0x5ebff74a, 0xeb8e42fc,0x6c8a7a95 }, { 0xb02a63bd,0x10c60ba7,0x8b8f0047,0x6b2f2303,0x312d90b0,0x8c6c3738, 0xad82ca91,0x348ae422 } }, /* 213 */ { { 0x5ccda2fb,0x7f474663,0x8e0726d2,0x22accaa1,0x492b1f20,0x85adf782, 0xd9ef2d2e,0xc1074de0 }, { 0xae9a65b3,0xfcf3ce44,0x05d7151b,0xfd71e4ac,0xce6a9788,0xd4711f50, 0xc9e54ffc,0xfbadfbdb } }, /* 214 */ { { 0x20a99363,0x1713f1cd,0x6cf22775,0xb915658f,0x24d359b2,0x968175cd, 0x83716fcd,0xb7f976b4 }, { 0x5d6dbf74,0x5758e24d,0x71c3af36,0x8d23bafd,0x0243dfe3,0x48f47760, 0xcafcc805,0xf4d41b2e } }, /* 215 */ { { 0xfdabd48d,0x51f1cf28,0x32c078a4,0xce81be36,0x117146e9,0x6ace2974, 0xe0160f10,0x180824ea }, { 0x66e58358,0x0387698b,0xce6ca358,0x63568752,0x5e41e6c5,0x82380e34, 0x83cf6d25,0x67e5f639 } }, /* 216 */ { { 0xcf4899ef,0xf89ccb8d,0x9ebb44c0,0x949015f0,0xb2598ec9,0x546f9276, 0x04c11fc6,0x9fef789a }, { 0x53d2a071,0x6d367ecf,0xa4519b09,0xb10e1a7f,0x611e2eef,0xca6b3fb0, 0xa99c4e20,0xbc80c181 } }, /* 217 */ { { 0xe5eb82e6,0x972536f8,0xf56cb920,0x1a484fc7,0x50b5da5e,0xc78e2171, 0x9f8cdf10,0x49270e62 }, { 0xea6b50ad,0x1a39b7bb,0xa2388ffc,0x9a0284c1,0x8107197b,0x5403eb17, 0x61372f7f,0xd2ee52f9 } }, /* 218 */ { { 0x88e0362a,0xd37cd285,0x8fa5d94d,0x442fa8a7,0xa434a526,0xaff836e5, 0xe5abb733,0xdfb478be }, { 0x673eede6,0xa91f1ce7,0x2b5b2f04,0xa5390ad4,0x5530da2f,0x5e66f7bf, 0x08df473a,0xd9a140b4 } }, /* 219 */ { { 0x6e8ea498,0x0e0221b5,0x3563ee09,0x62347829,0x335d2ade,0xe06b8391, 0x623f4b1a,0x760c058d }, { 0xc198aa79,0x0b89b58c,0xf07aba7f,0xf74890d2,0xfde2556a,0x4e204110, 0x8f190409,0x7141982d } }, /* 220 */ { { 0x4d4b0f45,0x6f0a0e33,0x392a94e1,0xd9280b38,0xb3c61d5e,0x3af324c6, 0x89d54e47,0x3af9d1ce }, { 0x20930371,0xfd8f7981,0x21c17097,0xeda2664c,0xdc42309b,0x0e9545dc, 0x73957dd6,0xb1f815c3 } }, /* 221 */ { { 0x89fec44a,0x84faa78e,0x3caa4caf,0xc8c2ae47,0xc1b6a624,0x691c807d, 0x1543f052,0xa41aed14 }, { 0x7d5ffe04,0x42435399,0x625b6e20,0x8bacb2df,0x87817775,0x85d660be, 0x86fb60ef,0xd6e9c1dd } }, /* 222 */ { { 0xc6853264,0x3aa2e97e,0xe2304a0b,0x771533b7,0xb8eae9be,0x1b912bb7, 0xae9bf8c2,0x9c9c6e10 }, { 0xe030b74c,0xa2309a59,0x6a631e90,0x4ed7494d,0xa49b79f2,0x89f44b23, 0x40fa61b6,0x566bd596 } }, /* 223 */ { { 0xc18061f3,0x066c0118,0x7c83fc70,0x190b25d3,0x27273245,0xf05fc8e0, 0xf525345e,0xcf2c7390 }, { 0x10eb30cf,0xa09bceb4,0x0d77703a,0xcfd2ebba,0x150ff255,0xe842c43a, 0x8aa20979,0x02f51755 } }, /* 224 */ { { 0xaddb7d07,0x396ef794,0x24455500,0x0b4fc742,0xc78aa3ce,0xfaff8eac, 0xe8d4d97d,0x14e9ada5 }, { 0x2f7079e2,0xdaa480a1,0xe4b0800e,0x45baa3cd,0x7838157d,0x01765e2d, 0x8e9d9ae8,0xa0ad4fab } }, /* 225 */ { { 0x4a653618,0x0bfb7621,0x31eaaa5f,0x1872813c,0x44949d5e,0x1553e737, 0x6e56ed1e,0xbcd530b8 }, { 0x32e9c47b,0x169be853,0xb50059ab,0xdc2776fe,0x192bfbb4,0xcdba9761, 0x6979341d,0x909283cf } }, /* 226 */ { { 0x76e81a13,0x67b00324,0x62171239,0x9bee1a99,0xd32e19d6,0x08ed361b, 0xace1549a,0x35eeb7c9 }, { 0x7e4e5bdc,0x1280ae5a,0xb6ceec6e,0x2dcd2cd3,0x6e266bc1,0x52e4224c, 0x448ae864,0x9a8b2cf4 } }, /* 227 */ { { 0x09d03b59,0xf6471bf2,0xb65af2ab,0xc90e62a3,0xebd5eec9,0xff7ff168, 0xd4491379,0x6bdb60f4 }, { 0x8a55bc30,0xdadafebc,0x10097fe0,0xc79ead16,0x4c1e3bdd,0x42e19741, 0x94ba08a9,0x01ec3cfd } }, /* 228 */ { { 0xdc9485c2,0xba6277eb,0x22fb10c7,0x48cc9a79,0x70a28d8a,0x4f61d60f, 0x475464f6,0xd1acb1c0 }, { 0x26f36612,0xd26902b1,0xe0618d8b,0x59c3a44e,0x308357ee,0x4df8a813, 0x405626c2,0x7dcd079d } }, /* 229 */ { { 0xf05a4b48,0x5ce7d4d3,0x37230772,0xadcd2952,0x812a915a,0xd18f7971, 0x377d19b8,0x0bf53589 }, { 0x6c68ea73,0x35ecd95a,0x823a584d,0xc7f3bbca,0xf473a723,0x9fb674c6, 0xe16686fc,0xd28be4d9 } }, /* 230 */ { { 0x38fa8e4b,0x5d2b9906,0x893fd8fc,0x559f186e,0x436fb6fc,0x3a6de2aa, 0x510f88ce,0xd76007aa }, { 0x523a4988,0x2d10aab6,0x74dd0273,0xb455cf44,0xa3407278,0x7f467082, 0xb303bb01,0xf2b52f68 } }, /* 231 */ { { 0x9835b4ca,0x0d57eafa,0xbb669cbc,0x2d2232fc,0xc6643198,0x8eeeb680, 0xcc5aed3a,0xd8dbe98e }, { 0xc5a02709,0xcba9be3f,0xf5ba1fa8,0x30be68e5,0xf10ea852,0xfebd43cd, 0xee559705,0xe01593a3 } }, /* 232 */ { { 0xea75a0a6,0xd3e5af50,0x57858033,0x512226ac,0xd0176406,0x6fe6d50f, 0xaeb8ef06,0xafec07b1 }, { 0x80bb0a31,0x7fb99567,0x37309aae,0x6f1af3cc,0x01abf389,0x9153a15a, 0x6e2dbfdd,0xa71b9354 } }, /* 233 */ { { 0x18f593d2,0xbf8e12e0,0xa078122b,0xd1a90428,0x0ba4f2ad,0x150505db, 0x628523d9,0x53a2005c }, { 0xe7f2b935,0x07c8b639,0xc182961a,0x2bff975a,0x7518ca2c,0x86bceea7, 0x3d588e3d,0xbf47d19b } }, /* 234 */ { { 0xdd7665d5,0x672967a7,0x2f2f4de5,0x4e303057,0x80d4903f,0x144005ae, 0x39c9a1b6,0x001c2c7f }, { 0x69efc6d6,0x143a8014,0x7bc7a724,0xc810bdaa,0xa78150a4,0x5f65670b, 0x86ffb99b,0xfdadf8e7 } }, /* 235 */ { { 0xffc00785,0xfd38cb88,0x3b48eb67,0x77fa7591,0xbf368fbc,0x0454d055, 0x5aa43c94,0x3a838e4d }, { 0x3e97bb9a,0x56166329,0x441d94d9,0x9eb93363,0x0adb2a83,0x515591a6, 0x873e1da3,0x3cdb8257 } }, /* 236 */ { { 0x7de77eab,0x137140a9,0x41648109,0xf7e1c50d,0xceb1d0df,0x762dcad2, 0xf1f57fba,0x5a60cc89 }, { 0x40d45673,0x80b36382,0x5913c655,0x1b82be19,0xdd64b741,0x057284b8, 0xdbfd8fc0,0x922ff56f } }, /* 237 */ { { 0xc9a129a1,0x1b265dee,0xcc284e04,0xa5b1ce57,0xcebfbe3c,0x04380c46, 0xf6c5cd62,0x72919a7d }, { 0x8fb90f9a,0x298f453a,0x88e4031b,0xd719c00b,0x796f1856,0xe32c0e77, 0x3624089a,0x5e791780 } }, /* 238 */ { { 0x7f63cdfb,0x5c16ec55,0xf1cae4fd,0x8e6a3571,0x560597ca,0xfce26bea, 0xe24c2fab,0x4e0a5371 }, { 0xa5765357,0x276a40d3,0x0d73a2b4,0x3c89af44,0x41d11a32,0xb8f370ae, 0xd56604ee,0xf5ff7818 } }, /* 239 */ { { 0x1a09df21,0xfbf3e3fe,0xe66e8e47,0x26d5d28e,0x29c89015,0x2096bd0a, 0x533f5e64,0xe41df0e9 }, { 0xb3ba9e3f,0x305fda40,0x2604d895,0xf2340ceb,0x7f0367c7,0x0866e192, 0xac4f155f,0x8edd7d6e } }, /* 240 */ { { 0x0bfc8ff3,0xc9a1dc0e,0xe936f42f,0x14efd82b,0xcca381ef,0x67016f7c, 0xed8aee96,0x1432c1ca }, { 0x70b23c26,0xec684829,0x0735b273,0xa64fe873,0xeaef0f5a,0xe389f6e5, 0x5ac8d2c6,0xcaef480b } }, /* 241 */ { { 0x75315922,0x5245c978,0x3063cca5,0xd8295171,0xb64ef2cb,0xf3ce60d0, 0x8efae236,0xd0ba177e }, { 0xb1b3af60,0x53a9ae8f,0x3d2da20e,0x1a796ae5,0xdf9eef28,0x01d63605, 0x1c54ae16,0xf31c957c } }, /* 242 */ { { 0x49cc4597,0xc0f58d52,0xbae0a028,0xdc5015b0,0x734a814a,0xefc5fc55, 0x96e17c3a,0x013404cb }, { 0xc9a824bf,0xb29e2585,0x001eaed7,0xd593185e,0x61ef68ac,0x8d6ee682, 0x91933e6c,0x6f377c4b } }, /* 243 */ { { 0xa8333fd2,0x9f93bad1,0x5a2a95b8,0xa8930202,0xeaf75ace,0x211e5037, 0xd2d09506,0x6dba3e4e }, { 0xd04399cd,0xa48ef98c,0xe6b73ade,0x1811c66e,0xc17ecaf3,0x72f60752, 0x3becf4a7,0xf13cf342 } }, /* 244 */ { { 0xa919e2eb,0xceeb9ec0,0xf62c0f68,0x83a9a195,0x7aba2299,0xcfba3bb6, 0x274bbad3,0xc83fa9a9 }, { 0x62fa1ce0,0x0d7d1b0b,0x3418efbf,0xe58b60f5,0x52706f04,0xbfa8ef9e, 0x5d702683,0xb49d70f4 } }, /* 245 */ { { 0xfad5513b,0x914c7510,0xb1751e2d,0x05f32eec,0xd9fb9d59,0x6d850418, 0x0c30f1cf,0x59cfadbb }, { 0x55cb7fd6,0xe167ac23,0x820426a3,0x249367b8,0x90a78864,0xeaeec58c, 0x354a4b67,0x5babf362 } }, /* 246 */ { { 0xee424865,0x37c981d1,0xf2e5577f,0x8b002878,0xb9e0c058,0x702970f1, 0x9026c8f0,0x6188c6a7 }, { 0xd0f244da,0x06f9a19b,0xfb080873,0x1ecced5c,0x9f213637,0x35470f9b, 0xdf50b9d9,0x993fe475 } }, /* 247 */ { { 0x9b2c3609,0x68e31cdf,0x2c46d4ea,0x84eb19c0,0x9a775101,0x7ac9ec1a, 0x4c80616b,0x81f76466 }, { 0x75fbe978,0x1d7c2a5a,0xf183b356,0x6743fed3,0x501dd2bf,0x838d1f04, 0x5fe9060d,0x564a812a } }, /* 248 */ { { 0xfa817d1d,0x7a5a64f4,0xbea82e0f,0x55f96844,0xcd57f9aa,0xb5ff5a0f, 0x00e51d6c,0x226bf3cf }, { 0x2f2833cf,0xd6d1a9f9,0x4f4f89a8,0x20a0a35a,0x8f3f7f77,0x11536c49, 0xff257836,0x68779f47 } }, /* 249 */ { { 0x73043d08,0x79b0c1c1,0x1fc020fa,0xa5446774,0x9a6d26d0,0xd3767e28, 0xeb092e0b,0x97bcb0d1 }, { 0xf32ed3c3,0x2ab6eaa8,0xb281bc48,0xc8a4f151,0xbfa178f3,0x4d1bf4f3, 0x0a784655,0xa872ffe8 } }, /* 250 */ { { 0xa32b2086,0xb1ab7935,0x8160f486,0xe1eb710e,0x3b6ae6be,0x9bd0cd91, 0xb732a36a,0x02812bfc }, { 0xcf605318,0xa63fd7ca,0xfdfd6d1d,0x646e5d50,0x2102d619,0xa1d68398, 0xfe5396af,0x07391cc9 } }, /* 251 */ { { 0x8b80d02b,0xc50157f0,0x62877f7f,0x6b8333d1,0x78d542ae,0x7aca1af8, 0x7e6d2a08,0x355d2adc }, { 0x287386e1,0xb41f335a,0xf8e43275,0xfd272a94,0xe79989ea,0x286ca2cd, 0x7c2a3a79,0x3dc2b1e3 } }, /* 252 */ { { 0x04581352,0xd689d21c,0x376782be,0x0a00c825,0x9fed701f,0x203bd590, 0x3ccd846b,0xc4786910 }, { 0x24c768ed,0x5dba7708,0x6841f657,0x72feea02,0x6accce0e,0x73313ed5, 0xd5bb4d32,0xccc42968 } }, /* 253 */ { { 0x3d7620b9,0x94e50de1,0x5992a56a,0xd89a5c8a,0x675487c9,0xdc007640, 0xaa4871cf,0xe147eb42 }, { 0xacf3ae46,0x274ab4ee,0x50350fbe,0xfd4936fb,0x48c840ea,0xdf2afe47, 0x080e96e3,0x239ac047 } }, /* 254 */ { { 0x2bfee8d4,0x481d1f35,0xfa7b0fec,0xce80b5cf,0x2ce9af3c,0x105c4c9e, 0xf5f7e59d,0xc55fa1a3 }, { 0x8257c227,0x3186f14e,0x342be00b,0xc5b1653f,0xaa904fb2,0x09afc998, 0xd4f4b699,0x094cd99c } }, /* 255 */ { { 0xd703beba,0x8a981c84,0x32ceb291,0x8631d150,0xe3bd49ec,0xa445f2c9, 0x42abad33,0xb90a30b6 }, { 0xb4a5abf9,0xb465404f,0x75db7603,0x004750c3,0xca35d89f,0x6f9a42cc, 0x1b7924f7,0x019f8b9a } }, }; /* Multiply the base point of P256 by the scalar and return the result. * If map is true then convert result to affine coordinates. * * r Resulting point. * k Scalar to multiply by. * map Indicates whether to convert result to affine. * ct Constant time required. * heap Heap to use for allocation. * returns MEMORY_E when memory allocation fails and MP_OKAY on success. */ static int sp_256_ecc_mulmod_base_8(sp_point_256* r, const sp_digit* k, int map, int ct, void* heap) { return sp_256_ecc_mulmod_stripe_8(r, &p256_base, p256_table, k, map, ct, heap); } #endif /* Multiply the base point of P256 by the scalar and return the result. * If map is true then convert result to affine coordinates. * * km Scalar to multiply by. * r Resulting point. * map Indicates whether to convert result to affine. * heap Heap to use for allocation. * returns MEMORY_E when memory allocation fails and MP_OKAY on success. */ int sp_ecc_mulmod_base_256(mp_int* km, ecc_point* r, int map, void* heap) { #if (!defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) || defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) sp_point_256 p; sp_digit kd[8]; #endif sp_point_256* point; sp_digit* k = NULL; int err = MP_OKAY; err = sp_256_point_new_8(heap, p, point); #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (err == MP_OKAY) { k = (sp_digit*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_digit) * 8, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); if (k == NULL) { err = MEMORY_E; } } #else k = kd; #endif if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_256_from_mp(k, 8, km); err = sp_256_ecc_mulmod_base_8(point, k, map, 1, heap); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_256_point_to_ecc_point_8(point, r); } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (k != NULL) { XFREE(k, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); } #endif sp_256_point_free_8(point, 0, heap); return err; } #if defined(WOLFSSL_VALIDATE_ECC_KEYGEN) || defined(HAVE_ECC_SIGN) || \ defined(HAVE_ECC_VERIFY) /* Returns 1 if the number of zero. * Implementation is constant time. * * a Number to check. * returns 1 if the number is zero and 0 otherwise. */ static int sp_256_iszero_8(const sp_digit* a) { return (a[0] | a[1] | a[2] | a[3] | a[4] | a[5] | a[6] | a[7]) == 0; } #endif /* WOLFSSL_VALIDATE_ECC_KEYGEN || HAVE_ECC_SIGN || HAVE_ECC_VERIFY */ /* Add 1 to a. (a = a + 1) * * a A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_256_add_one_8(sp_digit* a) { __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r2, #1\n\t" "ldr r1, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "adds r1, r1, r2\n\t" "mov r2, #0\n\t" "str r1, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "ldr r1, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "adcs r1, r1, r2\n\t" "str r1, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "ldr r1, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "adcs r1, r1, r2\n\t" "str r1, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "ldr r1, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "adcs r1, r1, r2\n\t" "str r1, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "ldr r1, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "adcs r1, r1, r2\n\t" "str r1, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "ldr r1, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "adcs r1, r1, r2\n\t" "str r1, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "ldr r1, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "adcs r1, r1, r2\n\t" "str r1, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "ldr r1, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "adcs r1, r1, r2\n\t" "str r1, [%[a], #28]\n\t" : : [a] "r" (a) : "memory", "r1", "r2" ); } /* Read big endian unsigned byte array into r. * * r A single precision integer. * size Maximum number of bytes to convert * a Byte array. * n Number of bytes in array to read. */ static void sp_256_from_bin(sp_digit* r, int size, const byte* a, int n) { int i, j = 0; word32 s = 0; r[0] = 0; for (i = n-1; i >= 0; i--) { r[j] |= (((sp_digit)a[i]) << s); if (s >= 24U) { r[j] &= 0xffffffff; s = 32U - s; if (j + 1 >= size) { break; } r[++j] = (sp_digit)a[i] >> s; s = 8U - s; } else { s += 8U; } } for (j++; j < size; j++) { r[j] = 0; } } /* Generates a scalar that is in the range 1..order-1. * * rng Random number generator. * k Scalar value. * returns RNG failures, MEMORY_E when memory allocation fails and * MP_OKAY on success. */ static int sp_256_ecc_gen_k_8(WC_RNG* rng, sp_digit* k) { int err; byte buf[32]; do { err = wc_RNG_GenerateBlock(rng, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (err == 0) { sp_256_from_bin(k, 8, buf, (int)sizeof(buf)); if (sp_256_cmp_8(k, p256_order2) < 0) { sp_256_add_one_8(k); break; } } } while (err == 0); return err; } /* Makes a random EC key pair. * * rng Random number generator. * priv Generated private value. * pub Generated public point. * heap Heap to use for allocation. * returns ECC_INF_E when the point does not have the correct order, RNG * failures, MEMORY_E when memory allocation fails and MP_OKAY on success. */ int sp_ecc_make_key_256(WC_RNG* rng, mp_int* priv, ecc_point* pub, void* heap) { #if (!defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) || defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) sp_point_256 p; sp_digit kd[8]; #ifdef WOLFSSL_VALIDATE_ECC_KEYGEN sp_point_256 inf; #endif #endif sp_point_256* point; sp_digit* k = NULL; #ifdef WOLFSSL_VALIDATE_ECC_KEYGEN sp_point_256* infinity = NULL; #endif int err; (void)heap; err = sp_256_point_new_8(heap, p, point); #ifdef WOLFSSL_VALIDATE_ECC_KEYGEN if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_256_point_new_8(heap, inf, infinity); } #endif #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (err == MP_OKAY) { k = (sp_digit*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_digit) * 8, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); if (k == NULL) { err = MEMORY_E; } } #else k = kd; #endif if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_256_ecc_gen_k_8(rng, k); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_256_ecc_mulmod_base_8(point, k, 1, 1, NULL); } #ifdef WOLFSSL_VALIDATE_ECC_KEYGEN if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_256_ecc_mulmod_8(infinity, point, p256_order, 1, 1, NULL); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { if (sp_256_iszero_8(point->x) || sp_256_iszero_8(point->y)) { err = ECC_INF_E; } } #endif if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_256_to_mp(k, priv); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_256_point_to_ecc_point_8(point, pub); } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (k != NULL) { XFREE(k, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); } #endif #ifdef WOLFSSL_VALIDATE_ECC_KEYGEN sp_256_point_free_8(infinity, 1, heap); #endif sp_256_point_free_8(point, 1, heap); return err; } #ifdef HAVE_ECC_DHE /* Write r as big endian to byte array. * Fixed length number of bytes written: 32 * * r A single precision integer. * a Byte array. */ static void sp_256_to_bin(sp_digit* r, byte* a) { int i, j, s = 0, b; j = 256 / 8 - 1; a[j] = 0; for (i=0; i<8 && j>=0; i++) { b = 0; /* lint allow cast of mismatch sp_digit and int */ a[j--] |= (byte)(r[i] << s); /*lint !e9033*/ b += 8 - s; if (j < 0) { break; } while (b < 32) { a[j--] = (byte)(r[i] >> b); b += 8; if (j < 0) { break; } } s = 8 - (b - 32); if (j >= 0) { a[j] = 0; } if (s != 0) { j++; } } } /* Multiply the point by the scalar and serialize the X ordinate. * The number is 0 padded to maximum size on output. * * priv Scalar to multiply the point by. * pub Point to multiply. * out Buffer to hold X ordinate. * outLen On entry, size of the buffer in bytes. * On exit, length of data in buffer in bytes. * heap Heap to use for allocation. * returns BUFFER_E if the buffer is to small for output size, * MEMORY_E when memory allocation fails and MP_OKAY on success. */ int sp_ecc_secret_gen_256(mp_int* priv, ecc_point* pub, byte* out, word32* outLen, void* heap) { #if (!defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) || defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) sp_point_256 p; sp_digit kd[8]; #endif sp_point_256* point = NULL; sp_digit* k = NULL; int err = MP_OKAY; if (*outLen < 32U) { err = BUFFER_E; } if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_256_point_new_8(heap, p, point); } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (err == MP_OKAY) { k = (sp_digit*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_digit) * 8, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); if (k == NULL) err = MEMORY_E; } #else k = kd; #endif if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_256_from_mp(k, 8, priv); sp_256_point_from_ecc_point_8(point, pub); err = sp_256_ecc_mulmod_8(point, point, k, 1, 1, heap); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_256_to_bin(point->x, out); *outLen = 32; } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (k != NULL) { XFREE(k, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); } #endif sp_256_point_free_8(point, 0, heap); return err; } #endif /* HAVE_ECC_DHE */ #if defined(HAVE_ECC_SIGN) || defined(HAVE_ECC_VERIFY) /* Multiply a and b into r. (r = a * b) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_256_mul_8(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit tmp_arr[8]; sp_digit* tmp = tmp_arr; __asm__ __volatile__ ( /* A[0] * B[0] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #0]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r8\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" "str r3, [%[tmp], #0]\n\t" "mov r3, #0\n\t" /* A[0] * B[1] */ "ldr r8, [%[b], #4]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adc r5, r5, r8\n\t" /* A[1] * B[0] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #0]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "adc r3, r3, #0\n\t" "str r4, [%[tmp], #4]\n\t" "mov r4, #0\n\t" /* A[0] * B[2] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #8]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" /* A[1] * B[1] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #4]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" /* A[2] * B[0] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #0]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" "str r5, [%[tmp], #8]\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" /* A[0] * B[3] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #12]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[1] * B[2] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #8]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[2] * B[1] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #4]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[3] * B[0] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #0]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" "str r3, [%[tmp], #12]\n\t" "mov r3, #0\n\t" /* A[0] * B[4] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #16]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "adc r3, r3, #0\n\t" /* A[1] * B[3] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #12]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "adc r3, r3, #0\n\t" /* A[2] * B[2] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #8]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "adc r3, r3, #0\n\t" /* A[3] * B[1] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #4]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "adc r3, r3, #0\n\t" /* A[4] * B[0] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #0]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "adc r3, r3, #0\n\t" "str r4, [%[tmp], #16]\n\t" "mov r4, #0\n\t" /* A[0] * B[5] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #20]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" /* A[1] * B[4] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #16]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" /* A[2] * B[3] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #12]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" /* A[3] * B[2] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #8]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" /* A[4] * B[1] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #4]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" /* A[5] * B[0] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #0]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" "str r5, [%[tmp], #20]\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" /* A[0] * B[6] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #24]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[1] * B[5] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #20]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[2] * B[4] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #16]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[3] * B[3] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #12]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[4] * B[2] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #8]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[5] * B[1] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #4]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[6] * B[0] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #0]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" "str r3, [%[tmp], #24]\n\t" "mov r3, #0\n\t" /* A[0] * B[7] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #28]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "adc r3, r3, #0\n\t" /* A[1] * B[6] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #24]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "adc r3, r3, #0\n\t" /* A[2] * B[5] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #20]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "adc r3, r3, #0\n\t" /* A[3] * B[4] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #16]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "adc r3, r3, #0\n\t" /* A[4] * B[3] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #12]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "adc r3, r3, #0\n\t" /* A[5] * B[2] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #8]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "adc r3, r3, #0\n\t" /* A[6] * B[1] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #4]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "adc r3, r3, #0\n\t" /* A[7] * B[0] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #0]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "adc r3, r3, #0\n\t" "str r4, [%[tmp], #28]\n\t" "mov r4, #0\n\t" /* A[1] * B[7] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #28]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" /* A[2] * B[6] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #24]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" /* A[3] * B[5] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #20]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" /* A[4] * B[4] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #16]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" /* A[5] * B[3] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #12]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" /* A[6] * B[2] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #8]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" /* A[7] * B[1] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #4]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], #32]\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" /* A[2] * B[7] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #28]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[3] * B[6] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #24]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[4] * B[5] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #20]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[5] * B[4] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #16]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[6] * B[3] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #12]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[7] * B[2] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #8]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #36]\n\t" "mov r3, #0\n\t" /* A[3] * B[7] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #28]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "adc r3, r3, #0\n\t" /* A[4] * B[6] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #24]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "adc r3, r3, #0\n\t" /* A[5] * B[5] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #20]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "adc r3, r3, #0\n\t" /* A[6] * B[4] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #16]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "adc r3, r3, #0\n\t" /* A[7] * B[3] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #12]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "adc r3, r3, #0\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #40]\n\t" "mov r4, #0\n\t" /* A[4] * B[7] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #28]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" /* A[5] * B[6] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #24]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" /* A[6] * B[5] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #20]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" /* A[7] * B[4] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #16]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], #44]\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" /* A[5] * B[7] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #28]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[6] * B[6] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #24]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[7] * B[5] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #20]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #48]\n\t" "mov r3, #0\n\t" /* A[6] * B[7] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #28]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "adc r3, r3, #0\n\t" /* A[7] * B[6] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #24]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "adc r3, r3, #0\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #52]\n\t" "mov r4, #0\n\t" /* A[7] * B[7] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #28]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adc r3, r3, r8\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], #56]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #60]\n\t" /* Transfer tmp to r */ "ldr r3, [%[tmp], #0]\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[tmp], #4]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[tmp], #8]\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[tmp], #12]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #0]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #4]\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], #8]\n\t" "str r6, [%[r], #12]\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[tmp], #16]\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[tmp], #20]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[tmp], #24]\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[tmp], #28]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #16]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #20]\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], #24]\n\t" "str r6, [%[r], #28]\n\t" : : [r] "r" (r), [a] "r" (a), [b] "r" (b), [tmp] "r" (tmp) : "memory", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8" ); } #endif #if defined(HAVE_ECC_SIGN) || defined(HAVE_ECC_VERIFY) #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL /* Sub b from a into a. (a -= b) * * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static sp_digit sp_256_sub_in_place_8(sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit c = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r8, %[a]\n\t" "add r8, r8, #32\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" "subs r5, r5, %[c]\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a]]\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[b]]\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[b], #4]\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "str r3, [%[a]]\n\t" "str r4, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "sbc %[c], %[c], %[c]\n\t" "add %[a], %[a], #8\n\t" "add %[b], %[b], #8\n\t" "cmp %[a], r8\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "bne 1b\n\t" #else "bne.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ : [c] "+r" (c), [a] "+r" (a), [b] "+r" (b) : : "memory", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8" ); return c; } #else /* Sub b from a into r. (r = a - b) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static sp_digit sp_256_sub_in_place_8(sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit c = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "subs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "sbc %[c], %[c], %[c]\n\t" : [c] "+r" (c), [a] "+r" (a), [b] "+r" (b) : : "memory", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6" ); return c; } #endif /* WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL */ /* Mul a by digit b into r. (r = a * b) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision digit. */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_256_mul_d_8(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, sp_digit b) { __asm__ __volatile__ ( "add r9, %[a], #32\n\t" /* A[0] * B */ "ldr r6, [%[a]], #4\n\t" "umull r5, r3, r6, %[b]\n\t" "mov r4, #0\n\t" "str r5, [%[r]], #4\n\t" /* A[0] * B - Done */ "\n1:\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" /* A[] * B */ "ldr r6, [%[a]], #4\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, %[b]\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[] * B - Done */ "str r3, [%[r]], #4\n\t" "mov r3, r4\n\t" "mov r4, r5\n\t" "cmp %[a], r9\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "blt 1b\n\t" #else "blt.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "str r3, [%[r]]\n\t" : [r] "+r" (r), [a] "+r" (a) : [b] "r" (b) : "memory", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8", "r9" ); } /* Divide the double width number (d1|d0) by the dividend. (d1|d0 / div) * * d1 The high order half of the number to divide. * d0 The low order half of the number to divide. * div The dividend. * returns the result of the division. * * Note that this is an approximate div. It may give an answer 1 larger. */ SP_NOINLINE static sp_digit div_256_word_8(sp_digit d1, sp_digit d0, sp_digit div) { sp_digit r = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "lsr r6, %[div], #16\n\t" "add r6, r6, #1\n\t" "udiv r4, %[d1], r6\n\t" "lsl r8, r4, #16\n\t" "umull r4, r5, %[div], r8\n\t" "subs %[d0], %[d0], r4\n\t" "sbc %[d1], %[d1], r5\n\t" "udiv r5, %[d1], r6\n\t" "lsl r4, r5, #16\n\t" "add r8, r8, r4\n\t" "umull r4, r5, %[div], r4\n\t" "subs %[d0], %[d0], r4\n\t" "sbc %[d1], %[d1], r5\n\t" "lsl r4, %[d1], #16\n\t" "orr r4, r4, %[d0], lsr #16\n\t" "udiv r4, r4, r6\n\t" "add r8, r8, r4\n\t" "umull r4, r5, %[div], r4\n\t" "subs %[d0], %[d0], r4\n\t" "sbc %[d1], %[d1], r5\n\t" "lsl r4, %[d1], #16\n\t" "orr r4, r4, %[d0], lsr #16\n\t" "udiv r4, r4, r6\n\t" "add r8, r8, r4\n\t" "umull r4, r5, %[div], r4\n\t" "subs %[d0], %[d0], r4\n\t" "sbc %[d1], %[d1], r5\n\t" "udiv r4, %[d0], %[div]\n\t" "add r8, r8, r4\n\t" "mov %[r], r8\n\t" : [r] "+r" (r) : [d1] "r" (d1), [d0] "r" (d0), [div] "r" (div) : "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8" ); return r; } /* AND m into each word of a and store in r. * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * m Mask to AND against each digit. */ static void sp_256_mask_8(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, sp_digit m) { #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL int i; for (i=0; i<8; i++) { r[i] = a[i] & m; } #else r[0] = a[0] & m; r[1] = a[1] & m; r[2] = a[2] & m; r[3] = a[3] & m; r[4] = a[4] & m; r[5] = a[5] & m; r[6] = a[6] & m; r[7] = a[7] & m; #endif } /* Divide d in a and put remainder into r (m*d + r = a) * m is not calculated as it is not needed at this time. * * a Number to be divided. * d Number to divide with. * m Multiplier result. * r Remainder from the division. * returns MP_OKAY indicating success. */ static WC_INLINE int sp_256_div_8(const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* d, sp_digit* m, sp_digit* r) { sp_digit t1[16], t2[9]; sp_digit div, r1; int i; (void)m; div = d[7]; XMEMCPY(t1, a, sizeof(*t1) * 2 * 8); for (i=7; i>=0; i--) { sp_digit hi = t1[8 + i] - (t1[8 + i] == div); r1 = div_256_word_8(hi, t1[8 + i - 1], div); sp_256_mul_d_8(t2, d, r1); t1[8 + i] += sp_256_sub_in_place_8(&t1[i], t2); t1[8 + i] -= t2[8]; sp_256_mask_8(t2, d, t1[8 + i]); t1[8 + i] += sp_256_add_8(&t1[i], &t1[i], t2); sp_256_mask_8(t2, d, t1[8 + i]); t1[8 + i] += sp_256_add_8(&t1[i], &t1[i], t2); } r1 = sp_256_cmp_8(t1, d) >= 0; sp_256_cond_sub_8(r, t1, d, (sp_digit)0 - r1); return MP_OKAY; } /* Reduce a modulo m into r. (r = a mod m) * * r A single precision number that is the reduced result. * a A single precision number that is to be reduced. * m A single precision number that is the modulus to reduce with. * returns MP_OKAY indicating success. */ static WC_INLINE int sp_256_mod_8(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* m) { return sp_256_div_8(a, m, NULL, r); } #endif #if defined(HAVE_ECC_SIGN) || defined(HAVE_ECC_VERIFY) /* Square a and put result in r. (r = a * a) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_256_sqr_8(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a) { sp_digit tmp_arr[8]; sp_digit* tmp = tmp_arr; __asm__ __volatile__ ( /* A[0] * A[0] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "umull r3, r4, r6, r6\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" "str r3, [%[tmp], #0]\n\t" "mov r3, #0\n\t" /* A[0] * A[1] */ "ldr r8, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adc r5, r5, r8\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "adc r3, r3, #0\n\t" "str r4, [%[tmp], #4]\n\t" "mov r4, #0\n\t" /* A[0] * A[2] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adc r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" /* A[1] * A[1] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r6\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" "str r5, [%[tmp], #8]\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" /* A[0] * A[3] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "umull r9, r10, r6, r8\n\t" "mov r11, #0\n\t" /* A[1] * A[2] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r9, r9, r6\n\t" "adcs r10, r10, r8\n\t" "adc r11, r11, #0\n\t" "adds r9, r9, r9\n\t" "adcs r10, r10, r10\n\t" "adc r11, r11, r11\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r9\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r10\n\t" "adc r5, r5, r11\n\t" "str r3, [%[tmp], #12]\n\t" "mov r3, #0\n\t" /* A[0] * A[4] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "umull r9, r10, r6, r8\n\t" "mov r11, #0\n\t" /* A[1] * A[3] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r9, r9, r6\n\t" "adcs r10, r10, r8\n\t" "adc r11, r11, #0\n\t" /* A[2] * A[2] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r6\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "adc r3, r3, #0\n\t" "adds r9, r9, r9\n\t" "adcs r10, r10, r10\n\t" "adc r11, r11, r11\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r9\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r10\n\t" "adc r3, r3, r11\n\t" "str r4, [%[tmp], #16]\n\t" "mov r4, #0\n\t" /* A[0] * A[5] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "umull r9, r10, r6, r8\n\t" "mov r11, #0\n\t" /* A[1] * A[4] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r9, r9, r6\n\t" "adcs r10, r10, r8\n\t" "adc r11, r11, #0\n\t" /* A[2] * A[3] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r9, r9, r6\n\t" "adcs r10, r10, r8\n\t" "adc r11, r11, #0\n\t" "adds r9, r9, r9\n\t" "adcs r10, r10, r10\n\t" "adc r11, r11, r11\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r9\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r10\n\t" "adc r4, r4, r11\n\t" "str r5, [%[tmp], #20]\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" /* A[0] * A[6] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "umull r9, r10, r6, r8\n\t" "mov r11, #0\n\t" /* A[1] * A[5] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r9, r9, r6\n\t" "adcs r10, r10, r8\n\t" "adc r11, r11, #0\n\t" /* A[2] * A[4] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r9, r9, r6\n\t" "adcs r10, r10, r8\n\t" "adc r11, r11, #0\n\t" /* A[3] * A[3] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r6\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" "adds r9, r9, r9\n\t" "adcs r10, r10, r10\n\t" "adc r11, r11, r11\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r9\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r10\n\t" "adc r5, r5, r11\n\t" "str r3, [%[tmp], #24]\n\t" "mov r3, #0\n\t" /* A[0] * A[7] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "umull r9, r10, r6, r8\n\t" "mov r11, #0\n\t" /* A[1] * A[6] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r9, r9, r6\n\t" "adcs r10, r10, r8\n\t" "adc r11, r11, #0\n\t" /* A[2] * A[5] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r9, r9, r6\n\t" "adcs r10, r10, r8\n\t" "adc r11, r11, #0\n\t" /* A[3] * A[4] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r9, r9, r6\n\t" "adcs r10, r10, r8\n\t" "adc r11, r11, #0\n\t" "adds r9, r9, r9\n\t" "adcs r10, r10, r10\n\t" "adc r11, r11, r11\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r9\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r10\n\t" "adc r3, r3, r11\n\t" "str r4, [%[tmp], #28]\n\t" "mov r4, #0\n\t" /* A[1] * A[7] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "umull r9, r10, r6, r8\n\t" "mov r11, #0\n\t" /* A[2] * A[6] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r9, r9, r6\n\t" "adcs r10, r10, r8\n\t" "adc r11, r11, #0\n\t" /* A[3] * A[5] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r9, r9, r6\n\t" "adcs r10, r10, r8\n\t" "adc r11, r11, #0\n\t" /* A[4] * A[4] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r6\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" "adds r9, r9, r9\n\t" "adcs r10, r10, r10\n\t" "adc r11, r11, r11\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r9\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r10\n\t" "adc r4, r4, r11\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], #32]\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" /* A[2] * A[7] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "umull r9, r10, r6, r8\n\t" "mov r11, #0\n\t" /* A[3] * A[6] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r9, r9, r6\n\t" "adcs r10, r10, r8\n\t" "adc r11, r11, #0\n\t" /* A[4] * A[5] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r9, r9, r6\n\t" "adcs r10, r10, r8\n\t" "adc r11, r11, #0\n\t" "adds r9, r9, r9\n\t" "adcs r10, r10, r10\n\t" "adc r11, r11, r11\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r9\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r10\n\t" "adc r5, r5, r11\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #36]\n\t" "mov r3, #0\n\t" /* A[3] * A[7] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "umull r9, r10, r6, r8\n\t" "mov r11, #0\n\t" /* A[4] * A[6] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r9, r9, r6\n\t" "adcs r10, r10, r8\n\t" "adc r11, r11, #0\n\t" /* A[5] * A[5] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r6\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "adc r3, r3, #0\n\t" "adds r9, r9, r9\n\t" "adcs r10, r10, r10\n\t" "adc r11, r11, r11\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r9\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r10\n\t" "adc r3, r3, r11\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #40]\n\t" "mov r4, #0\n\t" /* A[4] * A[7] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" /* A[5] * A[6] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r8\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], #44]\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" /* A[5] * A[7] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[6] * A[6] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r6\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #48]\n\t" "mov r3, #0\n\t" /* A[6] * A[7] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "adc r3, r3, #0\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "adc r3, r3, #0\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #52]\n\t" "mov r4, #0\n\t" /* A[7] * A[7] */ "ldr r6, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r6\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adc r3, r3, r8\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], #56]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #60]\n\t" /* Transfer tmp to r */ "ldr r3, [%[tmp], #0]\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[tmp], #4]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[tmp], #8]\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[tmp], #12]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #0]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #4]\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], #8]\n\t" "str r6, [%[r], #12]\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[tmp], #16]\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[tmp], #20]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[tmp], #24]\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[tmp], #28]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #16]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #20]\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], #24]\n\t" "str r6, [%[r], #28]\n\t" : : [r] "r" (r), [a] "r" (a), [tmp] "r" (tmp) : "memory", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8", "r9", "r10", "r11" ); } #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL /* Order-2 for the P256 curve. */ static const uint32_t p256_order_minus_2[8] = { 0xfc63254fU,0xf3b9cac2U,0xa7179e84U,0xbce6faadU,0xffffffffU,0xffffffffU, 0x00000000U,0xffffffffU }; #else /* The low half of the order-2 of the P256 curve. */ static const uint32_t p256_order_low[4] = { 0xfc63254fU,0xf3b9cac2U,0xa7179e84U,0xbce6faadU }; #endif /* WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL */ /* Multiply two number mod the order of P256 curve. (r = a * b mod order) * * r Result of the multiplication. * a First operand of the multiplication. * b Second operand of the multiplication. */ static void sp_256_mont_mul_order_8(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_256_mul_8(r, a, b); sp_256_mont_reduce_order_8(r, p256_order, p256_mp_order); } /* Square number mod the order of P256 curve. (r = a * a mod order) * * r Result of the squaring. * a Number to square. */ static void sp_256_mont_sqr_order_8(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a) { sp_256_sqr_8(r, a); sp_256_mont_reduce_order_8(r, p256_order, p256_mp_order); } #ifndef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL /* Square number mod the order of P256 curve a number of times. * (r = a ^ n mod order) * * r Result of the squaring. * a Number to square. */ static void sp_256_mont_sqr_n_order_8(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, int n) { int i; sp_256_mont_sqr_order_8(r, a); for (i=1; i= sizeof(*sp_ctx) ? -1 : 1]; (void)sizeof(ctx_size_test); switch (ctx->state) { case 0: XMEMCPY(t, a, sizeof(sp_digit) * 8); ctx->i = 254; ctx->state = 1; break; case 1: sp_256_mont_sqr_order_8(t, t); ctx->state = 2; break; case 2: if ((p256_order_minus_2[ctx->i / 32] & ((sp_int_digit)1 << (ctx->i % 32))) != 0) { sp_256_mont_mul_order_8(t, t, a); } ctx->i--; ctx->state = (ctx->i == 0) ? 3 : 1; break; case 3: XMEMCPY(r, t, sizeof(sp_digit) * 8U); err = MP_OKAY; break; } return err; } #endif /* WOLFSSL_SP_NONBLOCK */ static void sp_256_mont_inv_order_8(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, sp_digit* td) { #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL sp_digit* t = td; int i; XMEMCPY(t, a, sizeof(sp_digit) * 8); for (i=254; i>=0; i--) { sp_256_mont_sqr_order_8(t, t); if ((p256_order_minus_2[i / 32] & ((sp_int_digit)1 << (i % 32))) != 0) { sp_256_mont_mul_order_8(t, t, a); } } XMEMCPY(r, t, sizeof(sp_digit) * 8U); #else sp_digit* t = td; sp_digit* t2 = td + 2 * 8; sp_digit* t3 = td + 4 * 8; int i; /* t = a^2 */ sp_256_mont_sqr_order_8(t, a); /* t = a^3 = t * a */ sp_256_mont_mul_order_8(t, t, a); /* t2= a^c = t ^ 2 ^ 2 */ sp_256_mont_sqr_n_order_8(t2, t, 2); /* t3= a^f = t2 * t */ sp_256_mont_mul_order_8(t3, t2, t); /* t2= a^f0 = t3 ^ 2 ^ 4 */ sp_256_mont_sqr_n_order_8(t2, t3, 4); /* t = a^ff = t2 * t3 */ sp_256_mont_mul_order_8(t, t2, t3); /* t3= a^ff00 = t ^ 2 ^ 8 */ sp_256_mont_sqr_n_order_8(t2, t, 8); /* t = a^ffff = t2 * t */ sp_256_mont_mul_order_8(t, t2, t); /* t2= a^ffff0000 = t ^ 2 ^ 16 */ sp_256_mont_sqr_n_order_8(t2, t, 16); /* t = a^ffffffff = t2 * t */ sp_256_mont_mul_order_8(t, t2, t); /* t2= a^ffffffff0000000000000000 = t ^ 2 ^ 64 */ sp_256_mont_sqr_n_order_8(t2, t, 64); /* t2= a^ffffffff00000000ffffffff = t2 * t */ sp_256_mont_mul_order_8(t2, t2, t); /* t2= a^ffffffff00000000ffffffff00000000 = t2 ^ 2 ^ 32 */ sp_256_mont_sqr_n_order_8(t2, t2, 32); /* t2= a^ffffffff00000000ffffffffffffffff = t2 * t */ sp_256_mont_mul_order_8(t2, t2, t); /* t2= a^ffffffff00000000ffffffffffffffffbce6 */ for (i=127; i>=112; i--) { sp_256_mont_sqr_order_8(t2, t2); if (((sp_digit)p256_order_low[i / 32] & ((sp_int_digit)1 << (i % 32))) != 0) { sp_256_mont_mul_order_8(t2, t2, a); } } /* t2= a^ffffffff00000000ffffffffffffffffbce6f */ sp_256_mont_sqr_n_order_8(t2, t2, 4); sp_256_mont_mul_order_8(t2, t2, t3); /* t2= a^ffffffff00000000ffffffffffffffffbce6faada7179e84 */ for (i=107; i>=64; i--) { sp_256_mont_sqr_order_8(t2, t2); if (((sp_digit)p256_order_low[i / 32] & ((sp_int_digit)1 << (i % 32))) != 0) { sp_256_mont_mul_order_8(t2, t2, a); } } /* t2= a^ffffffff00000000ffffffffffffffffbce6faada7179e84f */ sp_256_mont_sqr_n_order_8(t2, t2, 4); sp_256_mont_mul_order_8(t2, t2, t3); /* t2= a^ffffffff00000000ffffffffffffffffbce6faada7179e84f3b9cac2 */ for (i=59; i>=32; i--) { sp_256_mont_sqr_order_8(t2, t2); if (((sp_digit)p256_order_low[i / 32] & ((sp_int_digit)1 << (i % 32))) != 0) { sp_256_mont_mul_order_8(t2, t2, a); } } /* t2= a^ffffffff00000000ffffffffffffffffbce6faada7179e84f3b9cac2f */ sp_256_mont_sqr_n_order_8(t2, t2, 4); sp_256_mont_mul_order_8(t2, t2, t3); /* t2= a^ffffffff00000000ffffffffffffffffbce6faada7179e84f3b9cac2fc63254 */ for (i=27; i>=0; i--) { sp_256_mont_sqr_order_8(t2, t2); if (((sp_digit)p256_order_low[i / 32] & ((sp_int_digit)1 << (i % 32))) != 0) { sp_256_mont_mul_order_8(t2, t2, a); } } /* t2= a^ffffffff00000000ffffffffffffffffbce6faada7179e84f3b9cac2fc632540 */ sp_256_mont_sqr_n_order_8(t2, t2, 4); /* r = a^ffffffff00000000ffffffffffffffffbce6faada7179e84f3b9cac2fc63254f */ sp_256_mont_mul_order_8(r, t2, t3); #endif /* WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL */ } #endif /* HAVE_ECC_SIGN || HAVE_ECC_VERIFY */ #ifdef HAVE_ECC_SIGN #ifndef SP_ECC_MAX_SIG_GEN #define SP_ECC_MAX_SIG_GEN 64 #endif /* Sign the hash using the private key. * e = [hash, 256 bits] from binary * r = (k.G)->x mod order * s = (r * x + e) / k mod order * The hash is truncated to the first 256 bits. * * hash Hash to sign. * hashLen Length of the hash data. * rng Random number generator. * priv Private part of key - scalar. * rm First part of result as an mp_int. * sm Sirst part of result as an mp_int. * heap Heap to use for allocation. * returns RNG failures, MEMORY_E when memory allocation fails and * MP_OKAY on success. */ #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_NONBLOCK typedef struct sp_ecc_sign_256_ctx { int state; union { sp_256_ecc_mulmod_8_ctx mulmod_ctx; sp_256_mont_inv_order_8_ctx mont_inv_order_ctx; }; sp_digit e[2*8]; sp_digit x[2*8]; sp_digit k[2*8]; sp_digit r[2*8]; sp_digit tmp[3 * 2*8]; sp_point_256 point; sp_digit* s; sp_digit* kInv; int i; } sp_ecc_sign_256_ctx; int sp_ecc_sign_256_nb(sp_ecc_ctx_t* sp_ctx, const byte* hash, word32 hashLen, WC_RNG* rng, mp_int* priv, mp_int* rm, mp_int* sm, mp_int* km, void* heap) { int err = FP_WOULDBLOCK; sp_ecc_sign_256_ctx* ctx = (sp_ecc_sign_256_ctx*)sp_ctx->data; typedef char ctx_size_test[sizeof(sp_ecc_sign_256_ctx) >= sizeof(*sp_ctx) ? -1 : 1]; (void)sizeof(ctx_size_test); (void)heap; switch (ctx->state) { case 0: /* INIT */ ctx->s = ctx->e; ctx->kInv = ctx->k; if (hashLen > 32U) { hashLen = 32U; } sp_256_from_bin(ctx->e, 8, hash, (int)hashLen); ctx->i = SP_ECC_MAX_SIG_GEN; ctx->state = 1; break; case 1: /* GEN */ sp_256_from_mp(ctx->x, 8, priv); /* New random point. */ if (km == NULL || mp_iszero(km)) { err = sp_256_ecc_gen_k_8(rng, ctx->k); } else { sp_256_from_mp(ctx->k, 8, km); mp_zero(km); } XMEMSET(&ctx->mulmod_ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx->mulmod_ctx)); ctx->state = 2; break; case 2: /* MULMOD */ err = sp_256_ecc_mulmod_8_nb((sp_ecc_ctx_t*)&ctx->mulmod_ctx, &ctx->point, &p256_base, ctx->k, 1, 1, heap); if (err == MP_OKAY) { ctx->state = 3; } break; case 3: /* MODORDER */ { int32_t c; /* r = point->x mod order */ XMEMCPY(ctx->r, ctx->point.x, sizeof(sp_digit) * 8U); sp_256_norm_8(ctx->r); c = sp_256_cmp_8(ctx->r, p256_order); sp_256_cond_sub_8(ctx->r, ctx->r, p256_order, 0L - (sp_digit)(c >= 0)); sp_256_norm_8(ctx->r); ctx->state = 4; break; } case 4: /* KMODORDER */ /* Conv k to Montgomery form (mod order) */ sp_256_mul_8(ctx->k, ctx->k, p256_norm_order); err = sp_256_mod_8(ctx->k, ctx->k, p256_order); if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_256_norm_8(ctx->k); XMEMSET(&ctx->mont_inv_order_ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx->mont_inv_order_ctx)); ctx->state = 5; } break; case 5: /* KINV */ /* kInv = 1/k mod order */ err = sp_256_mont_inv_order_8_nb((sp_ecc_ctx_t*)&ctx->mont_inv_order_ctx, ctx->kInv, ctx->k, ctx->tmp); if (err == MP_OKAY) { XMEMSET(&ctx->mont_inv_order_ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx->mont_inv_order_ctx)); ctx->state = 6; } break; case 6: /* KINVNORM */ sp_256_norm_8(ctx->kInv); ctx->state = 7; break; case 7: /* R */ /* s = r * x + e */ sp_256_mul_8(ctx->x, ctx->x, ctx->r); ctx->state = 8; break; case 8: /* S1 */ err = sp_256_mod_8(ctx->x, ctx->x, p256_order); if (err == MP_OKAY) ctx->state = 9; break; case 9: /* S2 */ { sp_digit carry; int32_t c; sp_256_norm_8(ctx->x); carry = sp_256_add_8(ctx->s, ctx->e, ctx->x); sp_256_cond_sub_8(ctx->s, ctx->s, p256_order, 0 - carry); sp_256_norm_8(ctx->s); c = sp_256_cmp_8(ctx->s, p256_order); sp_256_cond_sub_8(ctx->s, ctx->s, p256_order, 0L - (sp_digit)(c >= 0)); sp_256_norm_8(ctx->s); /* s = s * k^-1 mod order */ sp_256_mont_mul_order_8(ctx->s, ctx->s, ctx->kInv); sp_256_norm_8(ctx->s); /* Check that signature is usable. */ if (sp_256_iszero_8(ctx->s) == 0) { ctx->state = 10; break; } /* not usable gen, try again */ ctx->i--; if (ctx->i == 0) { err = RNG_FAILURE_E; } ctx->state = 1; break; } case 10: /* RES */ err = sp_256_to_mp(ctx->r, rm); if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_256_to_mp(ctx->s, sm); } break; } if (err == MP_OKAY && ctx->state != 10) { err = FP_WOULDBLOCK; } if (err != FP_WOULDBLOCK) { XMEMSET(ctx->e, 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 2U * 8U); XMEMSET(ctx->x, 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 2U * 8U); XMEMSET(ctx->k, 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 2U * 8U); XMEMSET(ctx->r, 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 2U * 8U); XMEMSET(ctx->tmp, 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 3U * 2U * 8U); } return err; } #endif /* WOLFSSL_SP_NONBLOCK */ int sp_ecc_sign_256(const byte* hash, word32 hashLen, WC_RNG* rng, mp_int* priv, mp_int* rm, mp_int* sm, mp_int* km, void* heap) { #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) sp_digit* d = NULL; #else sp_digit ed[2*8]; sp_digit xd[2*8]; sp_digit kd[2*8]; sp_digit rd[2*8]; sp_digit td[3 * 2*8]; sp_point_256 p; #endif sp_digit* e = NULL; sp_digit* x = NULL; sp_digit* k = NULL; sp_digit* r = NULL; sp_digit* tmp = NULL; sp_point_256* point = NULL; sp_digit carry; sp_digit* s = NULL; sp_digit* kInv = NULL; int err = MP_OKAY; int32_t c; int i; (void)heap; err = sp_256_point_new_8(heap, p, point); #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (err == MP_OKAY) { d = (sp_digit*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_digit) * 7 * 2 * 8, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); if (d == NULL) { err = MEMORY_E; } } #endif if (err == MP_OKAY) { #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) e = d + 0 * 8; x = d + 2 * 8; k = d + 4 * 8; r = d + 6 * 8; tmp = d + 8 * 8; #else e = ed; x = xd; k = kd; r = rd; tmp = td; #endif s = e; kInv = k; if (hashLen > 32U) { hashLen = 32U; } } for (i = SP_ECC_MAX_SIG_GEN; err == MP_OKAY && i > 0; i--) { sp_256_from_mp(x, 8, priv); /* New random point. */ if (km == NULL || mp_iszero(km)) { err = sp_256_ecc_gen_k_8(rng, k); } else { sp_256_from_mp(k, 8, km); mp_zero(km); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_256_ecc_mulmod_base_8(point, k, 1, 1, NULL); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { /* r = point->x mod order */ XMEMCPY(r, point->x, sizeof(sp_digit) * 8U); sp_256_norm_8(r); c = sp_256_cmp_8(r, p256_order); sp_256_cond_sub_8(r, r, p256_order, 0L - (sp_digit)(c >= 0)); sp_256_norm_8(r); /* Conv k to Montgomery form (mod order) */ sp_256_mul_8(k, k, p256_norm_order); err = sp_256_mod_8(k, k, p256_order); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_256_norm_8(k); /* kInv = 1/k mod order */ sp_256_mont_inv_order_8(kInv, k, tmp); sp_256_norm_8(kInv); /* s = r * x + e */ sp_256_mul_8(x, x, r); err = sp_256_mod_8(x, x, p256_order); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_256_norm_8(x); sp_256_from_bin(e, 8, hash, (int)hashLen); carry = sp_256_add_8(s, e, x); sp_256_cond_sub_8(s, s, p256_order, 0 - carry); sp_256_norm_8(s); c = sp_256_cmp_8(s, p256_order); sp_256_cond_sub_8(s, s, p256_order, 0L - (sp_digit)(c >= 0)); sp_256_norm_8(s); /* s = s * k^-1 mod order */ sp_256_mont_mul_order_8(s, s, kInv); sp_256_norm_8(s); /* Check that signature is usable. */ if (sp_256_iszero_8(s) == 0) { break; } } #ifdef WOLFSSL_ECDSA_SET_K_ONE_LOOP i = 1; #endif } if (i == 0) { err = RNG_FAILURE_E; } if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_256_to_mp(r, rm); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_256_to_mp(s, sm); } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (d != NULL) { XMEMSET(d, 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 8 * 8); XFREE(d, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); } #else XMEMSET(e, 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 2U * 8U); XMEMSET(x, 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 2U * 8U); XMEMSET(k, 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 2U * 8U); XMEMSET(r, 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 2U * 8U); XMEMSET(r, 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 2U * 8U); XMEMSET(tmp, 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 3U * 2U * 8U); #endif sp_256_point_free_8(point, 1, heap); return err; } #endif /* HAVE_ECC_SIGN */ #ifndef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL static void sp_256_rshift1_8(sp_digit* r, sp_digit* a) { __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r10, #0\n\t" "mov r9, #0\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "lsr r7, r3, #1\n\t" "and r3, r3, #1\n\t" "lsr r8, r4, #1\n\t" "lsr r10, r5, #1\n\t" "lsr r14, r6, #1\n\t" "orr r7, r7, r4, lsl #31\n\t" "orr r8, r8, r5, lsl #31\n\t" "orr r10, r10, r6, lsl #31\n\t" "orr r14, r14, r9, lsl #31\n\t" "mov r9, r3\n\t" "str r7, [%[r], #16]\n\t" "str r8, [%[r], #20]\n\t" "str r10, [%[r], #24]\n\t" "str r14, [%[r], #28]\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[r], #0]\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[r], #4]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[r], #8]\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[r], #12]\n\t" "lsr r7, r3, #1\n\t" "lsr r8, r4, #1\n\t" "lsr r10, r5, #1\n\t" "lsr r14, r6, #1\n\t" "orr r7, r7, r4, lsl #31\n\t" "orr r8, r8, r5, lsl #31\n\t" "orr r10, r10, r6, lsl #31\n\t" "orr r14, r14, r9, lsl #31\n\t" "str r7, [%[r], #0]\n\t" "str r8, [%[r], #4]\n\t" "str r10, [%[r], #8]\n\t" "str r14, [%[r], #12]\n\t" : : [r] "r" (r), [a] "r" (a) : "memory", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r7", "r8", "r10", "r14", "r9" ); } /* Divide the number by 2 mod the modulus. (r = a / 2 % m) * * r Result of division by 2. * a Number to divide. * m Modulus. */ static void sp_256_div2_mod_8(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* m) { __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r10, #0\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "ands r9, r3, #1\n\t" "beq 1f\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "ldr r7, [%[m], #0]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[m], #4]\n\t" "ldr r10, [%[m], #8]\n\t" "ldr r14, [%[m], #12]\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r7\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r10\n\t" "adcs r6, r6, r14\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #0]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #4]\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], #8]\n\t" "str r6, [%[r], #12]\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "ldr r7, [%[m], #16]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[m], #20]\n\t" "ldr r10, [%[m], #24]\n\t" "ldr r14, [%[m], #28]\n\t" "adcs r3, r3, r7\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r10\n\t" "adcs r6, r6, r14\n\t" "adc r9, r10, r10\n\t" "b 2f\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "\n2:\n\t" "lsr r7, r3, #1\n\t" "and r3, r3, #1\n\t" "lsr r8, r4, #1\n\t" "lsr r10, r5, #1\n\t" "lsr r14, r6, #1\n\t" "orr r7, r7, r4, lsl #31\n\t" "orr r8, r8, r5, lsl #31\n\t" "orr r10, r10, r6, lsl #31\n\t" "orr r14, r14, r9, lsl #31\n\t" "mov r9, r3\n\t" "str r7, [%[r], #16]\n\t" "str r8, [%[r], #20]\n\t" "str r10, [%[r], #24]\n\t" "str r14, [%[r], #28]\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[r], #0]\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[r], #4]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[r], #8]\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[r], #12]\n\t" "lsr r7, r3, #1\n\t" "lsr r8, r4, #1\n\t" "lsr r10, r5, #1\n\t" "lsr r14, r6, #1\n\t" "orr r7, r7, r4, lsl #31\n\t" "orr r8, r8, r5, lsl #31\n\t" "orr r10, r10, r6, lsl #31\n\t" "orr r14, r14, r9, lsl #31\n\t" "str r7, [%[r], #0]\n\t" "str r8, [%[r], #4]\n\t" "str r10, [%[r], #8]\n\t" "str r14, [%[r], #12]\n\t" : : [r] "r" (r), [a] "r" (a), [m] "r" (m) : "memory", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r7", "r8", "r10", "r14", "r9" ); } static int sp_256_num_bits_8(sp_digit* a) { int r = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "ldr r2, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "cmp r2, #0\n\t" "beq 7f\n\t" "mov r3, #256\n\t" "clz %[r], r2\n\t" "sub %[r], r3, %[r]\n\t" "b 9f\n\t" "\n7:\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "cmp r2, #0\n\t" "beq 6f\n\t" "mov r3, #224\n\t" "clz %[r], r2\n\t" "sub %[r], r3, %[r]\n\t" "b 9f\n\t" "\n6:\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "cmp r2, #0\n\t" "beq 5f\n\t" "mov r3, #192\n\t" "clz %[r], r2\n\t" "sub %[r], r3, %[r]\n\t" "b 9f\n\t" "\n5:\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "cmp r2, #0\n\t" "beq 4f\n\t" "mov r3, #160\n\t" "clz %[r], r2\n\t" "sub %[r], r3, %[r]\n\t" "b 9f\n\t" "\n4:\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "cmp r2, #0\n\t" "beq 3f\n\t" "mov r3, #128\n\t" "clz %[r], r2\n\t" "sub %[r], r3, %[r]\n\t" "b 9f\n\t" "\n3:\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "cmp r2, #0\n\t" "beq 2f\n\t" "mov r3, #96\n\t" "clz %[r], r2\n\t" "sub %[r], r3, %[r]\n\t" "b 9f\n\t" "\n2:\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "cmp r2, #0\n\t" "beq 1f\n\t" "mov r3, #64\n\t" "clz %[r], r2\n\t" "sub %[r], r3, %[r]\n\t" "b 9f\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "mov r3, #32\n\t" "clz %[r], r2\n\t" "sub %[r], r3, %[r]\n\t" "\n9:\n\t" : [r] "+r" (r) : [a] "r" (a) : "r2", "r3" ); return r; } /* Non-constant time modular inversion. * * @param [out] r Resulting number. * @param [in] a Number to invert. * @param [in] m Modulus. * @return MP_OKAY on success. */ static int sp_256_mod_inv_8(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* m) { sp_digit u[8]; sp_digit v[8]; sp_digit b[8]; sp_digit d[8]; int ut, vt; sp_digit o; XMEMCPY(u, m, sizeof(u)); XMEMCPY(v, a, sizeof(v)); ut = sp_256_num_bits_8(u); vt = sp_256_num_bits_8(v); XMEMSET(b, 0, sizeof(b)); if ((v[0] & 1) == 0) { sp_256_rshift1_8(v, v); XMEMCPY(d, m, sizeof(u)); d[0] += 1; sp_256_rshift1_8(d, d); vt--; while ((v[0] & 1) == 0) { sp_256_rshift1_8(v, v); sp_256_div2_mod_8(d, d, m); vt--; } } else { XMEMSET(d+1, 0, sizeof(d)-sizeof(sp_digit)); d[0] = 1; } while (ut > 1 && vt > 1) { if (ut > vt || (ut == vt && sp_256_cmp_8(u, v) >= 0)) { sp_256_sub_8(u, u, v); o = sp_256_sub_8(b, b, d); if (o != 0) sp_256_add_8(b, b, m); ut = sp_256_num_bits_8(u); do { sp_256_rshift1_8(u, u); sp_256_div2_mod_8(b, b, m); ut--; } while (ut > 0 && (u[0] & 1) == 0); } else { sp_256_sub_8(v, v, u); o = sp_256_sub_8(d, d, b); if (o != 0) sp_256_add_8(d, d, m); vt = sp_256_num_bits_8(v); do { sp_256_rshift1_8(v, v); sp_256_div2_mod_8(d, d, m); vt--; } while (vt > 0 && (v[0] & 1) == 0); } } if (ut == 1) XMEMCPY(r, b, sizeof(b)); else XMEMCPY(r, d, sizeof(d)); return MP_OKAY; } #endif /* WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL */ #ifdef HAVE_ECC_VERIFY /* Verify the signature values with the hash and public key. * e = Truncate(hash, 256) * u1 = e/s mod order * u2 = r/s mod order * r == (u1.G + u2.Q)->x mod order * Optimization: Leave point in projective form. * (x, y, 1) == (x' / z'*z', y' / z'*z'*z', z' / z') * (r + n*order).z'.z' mod prime == (u1.G + u2.Q)->x' * The hash is truncated to the first 256 bits. * * hash Hash to sign. * hashLen Length of the hash data. * rng Random number generator. * priv Private part of key - scalar. * rm First part of result as an mp_int. * sm Sirst part of result as an mp_int. * heap Heap to use for allocation. * returns RNG failures, MEMORY_E when memory allocation fails and * MP_OKAY on success. */ #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_NONBLOCK typedef struct sp_ecc_verify_256_ctx { int state; union { sp_256_ecc_mulmod_8_ctx mulmod_ctx; sp_256_mont_inv_order_8_ctx mont_inv_order_ctx; sp_256_proj_point_dbl_8_ctx dbl_ctx; sp_256_proj_point_add_8_ctx add_ctx; }; sp_digit u1[2*8]; sp_digit u2[2*8]; sp_digit s[2*8]; sp_digit tmp[2*8 * 5]; sp_point_256 p1; sp_point_256 p2; } sp_ecc_verify_256_ctx; int sp_ecc_verify_256_nb(sp_ecc_ctx_t* sp_ctx, const byte* hash, word32 hashLen, mp_int* pX, mp_int* pY, mp_int* pZ, mp_int* r, mp_int* sm, int* res, void* heap) { int err = FP_WOULDBLOCK; sp_ecc_verify_256_ctx* ctx = (sp_ecc_verify_256_ctx*)sp_ctx->data; typedef char ctx_size_test[sizeof(sp_ecc_verify_256_ctx) >= sizeof(*sp_ctx) ? -1 : 1]; (void)sizeof(ctx_size_test); switch (ctx->state) { case 0: /* INIT */ if (hashLen > 32U) { hashLen = 32U; } sp_256_from_bin(ctx->u1, 8, hash, (int)hashLen); sp_256_from_mp(ctx->u2, 8, r); sp_256_from_mp(ctx->s, 8, sm); sp_256_from_mp(ctx->p2.x, 8, pX); sp_256_from_mp(ctx->p2.y, 8, pY); sp_256_from_mp(ctx->p2.z, 8, pZ); ctx->state = 1; break; case 1: /* NORMS0 */ sp_256_mul_8(ctx->s, ctx->s, p256_norm_order); err = sp_256_mod_8(ctx->s, ctx->s, p256_order); if (err == MP_OKAY) ctx->state = 2; break; case 2: /* NORMS1 */ sp_256_norm_8(ctx->s); XMEMSET(&ctx->mont_inv_order_ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx->mont_inv_order_ctx)); ctx->state = 3; break; case 3: /* NORMS2 */ err = sp_256_mont_inv_order_8_nb((sp_ecc_ctx_t*)&ctx->mont_inv_order_ctx, ctx->s, ctx->s, ctx->tmp); if (err == MP_OKAY) { ctx->state = 4; } break; case 4: /* NORMS3 */ sp_256_mont_mul_order_8(ctx->u1, ctx->u1, ctx->s); ctx->state = 5; break; case 5: /* NORMS4 */ sp_256_mont_mul_order_8(ctx->u2, ctx->u2, ctx->s); XMEMSET(&ctx->mulmod_ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx->mulmod_ctx)); ctx->state = 6; break; case 6: /* MULBASE */ err = sp_256_ecc_mulmod_8_nb((sp_ecc_ctx_t*)&ctx->mulmod_ctx, &ctx->p1, &p256_base, ctx->u1, 0, 0, heap); if (err == MP_OKAY) { if (sp_256_iszero_8(ctx->p1.z)) { ctx->p1.infinity = 1; } XMEMSET(&ctx->mulmod_ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx->mulmod_ctx)); ctx->state = 7; } break; case 7: /* MULMOD */ err = sp_256_ecc_mulmod_8_nb((sp_ecc_ctx_t*)&ctx->mulmod_ctx, &ctx->p2, &ctx->p2, ctx->u2, 0, 0, heap); if (err == MP_OKAY) { if (sp_256_iszero_8(ctx->p2.z)) { ctx->p2.infinity = 1; } XMEMSET(&ctx->add_ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx->add_ctx)); ctx->state = 8; } break; case 8: /* ADD */ err = sp_256_proj_point_add_8_nb((sp_ecc_ctx_t*)&ctx->add_ctx, &ctx->p1, &ctx->p1, &ctx->p2, ctx->tmp); if (err == MP_OKAY) ctx->state = 9; break; case 9: /* DBLPREP */ if (sp_256_iszero_8(ctx->p1.z)) { if (sp_256_iszero_8(ctx->p1.x) && sp_256_iszero_8(ctx->p1.y)) { XMEMSET(&ctx->dbl_ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx->dbl_ctx)); ctx->state = 10; break; } else { /* Y ordinate is not used from here - don't set. */ int i; for (i=0; i<8; i++) { ctx->p1.x[i] = 0; } XMEMCPY(ctx->p1.z, p256_norm_mod, sizeof(p256_norm_mod)); } } ctx->state = 11; break; case 10: /* DBL */ err = sp_256_proj_point_dbl_8_nb((sp_ecc_ctx_t*)&ctx->dbl_ctx, &ctx->p1, &ctx->p2, ctx->tmp); if (err == MP_OKAY) { ctx->state = 11; } break; case 11: /* MONT */ /* (r + n*order).z'.z' mod prime == (u1.G + u2.Q)->x' */ /* Reload r and convert to Montgomery form. */ sp_256_from_mp(ctx->u2, 8, r); err = sp_256_mod_mul_norm_8(ctx->u2, ctx->u2, p256_mod); if (err == MP_OKAY) ctx->state = 12; break; case 12: /* SQR */ /* u1 = r.z'.z' mod prime */ sp_256_mont_sqr_8(ctx->p1.z, ctx->p1.z, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); ctx->state = 13; break; case 13: /* MUL */ sp_256_mont_mul_8(ctx->u1, ctx->u2, ctx->p1.z, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); ctx->state = 14; break; case 14: /* RES */ err = MP_OKAY; /* math okay, now check result */ *res = (int)(sp_256_cmp_8(ctx->p1.x, ctx->u1) == 0); if (*res == 0) { sp_digit carry; int32_t c; /* Reload r and add order. */ sp_256_from_mp(ctx->u2, 8, r); carry = sp_256_add_8(ctx->u2, ctx->u2, p256_order); /* Carry means result is greater than mod and is not valid. */ if (carry == 0) { sp_256_norm_8(ctx->u2); /* Compare with mod and if greater or equal then not valid. */ c = sp_256_cmp_8(ctx->u2, p256_mod); if (c < 0) { /* Convert to Montogomery form */ err = sp_256_mod_mul_norm_8(ctx->u2, ctx->u2, p256_mod); if (err == MP_OKAY) { /* u1 = (r + 1*order).z'.z' mod prime */ sp_256_mont_mul_8(ctx->u1, ctx->u2, ctx->p1.z, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); *res = (int)(sp_256_cmp_8(ctx->p1.x, ctx->u1) == 0); } } } } break; } if (err == MP_OKAY && ctx->state != 14) { err = FP_WOULDBLOCK; } return err; } #endif /* WOLFSSL_SP_NONBLOCK */ int sp_ecc_verify_256(const byte* hash, word32 hashLen, mp_int* pX, mp_int* pY, mp_int* pZ, mp_int* r, mp_int* sm, int* res, void* heap) { #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) sp_digit* d = NULL; #else sp_digit u1d[2*8]; sp_digit u2d[2*8]; sp_digit sd[2*8]; sp_digit tmpd[2*8 * 5]; sp_point_256 p1d; sp_point_256 p2d; #endif sp_digit* u1 = NULL; sp_digit* u2 = NULL; sp_digit* s = NULL; sp_digit* tmp = NULL; sp_point_256* p1; sp_point_256* p2 = NULL; sp_digit carry; int32_t c; int err; err = sp_256_point_new_8(heap, p1d, p1); if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_256_point_new_8(heap, p2d, p2); } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (err == MP_OKAY) { d = (sp_digit*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_digit) * 16 * 8, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); if (d == NULL) { err = MEMORY_E; } } #endif if (err == MP_OKAY) { #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) u1 = d + 0 * 8; u2 = d + 2 * 8; s = d + 4 * 8; tmp = d + 6 * 8; #else u1 = u1d; u2 = u2d; s = sd; tmp = tmpd; #endif if (hashLen > 32U) { hashLen = 32U; } sp_256_from_bin(u1, 8, hash, (int)hashLen); sp_256_from_mp(u2, 8, r); sp_256_from_mp(s, 8, sm); sp_256_from_mp(p2->x, 8, pX); sp_256_from_mp(p2->y, 8, pY); sp_256_from_mp(p2->z, 8, pZ); #ifndef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL { sp_256_mod_inv_8(s, s, p256_order); } #endif /* !WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL */ { sp_256_mul_8(s, s, p256_norm_order); } err = sp_256_mod_8(s, s, p256_order); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_256_norm_8(s); #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL { sp_256_mont_inv_order_8(s, s, tmp); sp_256_mont_mul_order_8(u1, u1, s); sp_256_mont_mul_order_8(u2, u2, s); } #else { sp_256_mont_mul_order_8(u1, u1, s); sp_256_mont_mul_order_8(u2, u2, s); } #endif /* WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL */ err = sp_256_ecc_mulmod_base_8(p1, u1, 0, 0, heap); } if ((err == MP_OKAY) && sp_256_iszero_8(p1->z)) { p1->infinity = 1; } if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_256_ecc_mulmod_8(p2, p2, u2, 0, 0, heap); } if ((err == MP_OKAY) && sp_256_iszero_8(p2->z)) { p2->infinity = 1; } if (err == MP_OKAY) { { sp_256_proj_point_add_8(p1, p1, p2, tmp); if (sp_256_iszero_8(p1->z)) { if (sp_256_iszero_8(p1->x) && sp_256_iszero_8(p1->y)) { sp_256_proj_point_dbl_8(p1, p2, tmp); } else { /* Y ordinate is not used from here - don't set. */ p1->x[0] = 0; p1->x[1] = 0; p1->x[2] = 0; p1->x[3] = 0; p1->x[4] = 0; p1->x[5] = 0; p1->x[6] = 0; p1->x[7] = 0; XMEMCPY(p1->z, p256_norm_mod, sizeof(p256_norm_mod)); } } } /* (r + n*order).z'.z' mod prime == (u1.G + u2.Q)->x' */ /* Reload r and convert to Montgomery form. */ sp_256_from_mp(u2, 8, r); err = sp_256_mod_mul_norm_8(u2, u2, p256_mod); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { /* u1 = r.z'.z' mod prime */ sp_256_mont_sqr_8(p1->z, p1->z, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); sp_256_mont_mul_8(u1, u2, p1->z, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); *res = (int)(sp_256_cmp_8(p1->x, u1) == 0); if (*res == 0) { /* Reload r and add order. */ sp_256_from_mp(u2, 8, r); carry = sp_256_add_8(u2, u2, p256_order); /* Carry means result is greater than mod and is not valid. */ if (carry == 0) { sp_256_norm_8(u2); /* Compare with mod and if greater or equal then not valid. */ c = sp_256_cmp_8(u2, p256_mod); if (c < 0) { /* Convert to Montogomery form */ err = sp_256_mod_mul_norm_8(u2, u2, p256_mod); if (err == MP_OKAY) { /* u1 = (r + 1*order).z'.z' mod prime */ sp_256_mont_mul_8(u1, u2, p1->z, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); *res = (int)(sp_256_cmp_8(p1->x, u1) == 0); } } } } } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (d != NULL) XFREE(d, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); #endif sp_256_point_free_8(p1, 0, heap); sp_256_point_free_8(p2, 0, heap); return err; } #endif /* HAVE_ECC_VERIFY */ #ifdef HAVE_ECC_CHECK_KEY /* Check that the x and y oridinates are a valid point on the curve. * * point EC point. * heap Heap to use if dynamically allocating. * returns MEMORY_E if dynamic memory allocation fails, MP_VAL if the point is * not on the curve and MP_OKAY otherwise. */ static int sp_256_ecc_is_point_8(sp_point_256* point, void* heap) { #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) sp_digit* d = NULL; #else sp_digit t1d[2*8]; sp_digit t2d[2*8]; #endif sp_digit* t1; sp_digit* t2; int err = MP_OKAY; #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) d = (sp_digit*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_digit) * 8 * 4, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); if (d == NULL) { err = MEMORY_E; } #endif (void)heap; if (err == MP_OKAY) { #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) t1 = d + 0 * 8; t2 = d + 2 * 8; #else t1 = t1d; t2 = t2d; #endif sp_256_sqr_8(t1, point->y); (void)sp_256_mod_8(t1, t1, p256_mod); sp_256_sqr_8(t2, point->x); (void)sp_256_mod_8(t2, t2, p256_mod); sp_256_mul_8(t2, t2, point->x); (void)sp_256_mod_8(t2, t2, p256_mod); (void)sp_256_sub_8(t2, p256_mod, t2); sp_256_mont_add_8(t1, t1, t2, p256_mod); sp_256_mont_add_8(t1, t1, point->x, p256_mod); sp_256_mont_add_8(t1, t1, point->x, p256_mod); sp_256_mont_add_8(t1, t1, point->x, p256_mod); if (sp_256_cmp_8(t1, p256_b) != 0) { err = MP_VAL; } } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (d != NULL) { XFREE(d, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); } #endif return err; } /* Check that the x and y oridinates are a valid point on the curve. * * pX X ordinate of EC point. * pY Y ordinate of EC point. * returns MEMORY_E if dynamic memory allocation fails, MP_VAL if the point is * not on the curve and MP_OKAY otherwise. */ int sp_ecc_is_point_256(mp_int* pX, mp_int* pY) { #if (!defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) || defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) sp_point_256 pubd; #endif sp_point_256* pub; byte one[1] = { 1 }; int err; err = sp_256_point_new_8(NULL, pubd, pub); if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_256_from_mp(pub->x, 8, pX); sp_256_from_mp(pub->y, 8, pY); sp_256_from_bin(pub->z, 8, one, (int)sizeof(one)); err = sp_256_ecc_is_point_8(pub, NULL); } sp_256_point_free_8(pub, 0, NULL); return err; } /* Check that the private scalar generates the EC point (px, py), the point is * on the curve and the point has the correct order. * * pX X ordinate of EC point. * pY Y ordinate of EC point. * privm Private scalar that generates EC point. * returns MEMORY_E if dynamic memory allocation fails, MP_VAL if the point is * not on the curve, ECC_INF_E if the point does not have the correct order, * ECC_PRIV_KEY_E when the private scalar doesn't generate the EC point and * MP_OKAY otherwise. */ int sp_ecc_check_key_256(mp_int* pX, mp_int* pY, mp_int* privm, void* heap) { #if (!defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) || defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) sp_digit privd[8]; sp_point_256 pubd; sp_point_256 pd; #endif sp_digit* priv = NULL; sp_point_256* pub; sp_point_256* p = NULL; byte one[1] = { 1 }; int err; err = sp_256_point_new_8(heap, pubd, pub); if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_256_point_new_8(heap, pd, p); } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (err == MP_OKAY && privm) { priv = (sp_digit*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_digit) * 8, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); if (priv == NULL) { err = MEMORY_E; } } #endif /* Quick check the lengs of public key ordinates and private key are in * range. Proper check later. */ if ((err == MP_OKAY) && ((mp_count_bits(pX) > 256) || (mp_count_bits(pY) > 256) || ((privm != NULL) && (mp_count_bits(privm) > 256)))) { err = ECC_OUT_OF_RANGE_E; } if (err == MP_OKAY) { #if (!defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) || defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) priv = privd; #endif sp_256_from_mp(pub->x, 8, pX); sp_256_from_mp(pub->y, 8, pY); sp_256_from_bin(pub->z, 8, one, (int)sizeof(one)); if (privm) sp_256_from_mp(priv, 8, privm); /* Check point at infinitiy. */ if ((sp_256_iszero_8(pub->x) != 0) && (sp_256_iszero_8(pub->y) != 0)) { err = ECC_INF_E; } } if (err == MP_OKAY) { /* Check range of X and Y */ if (sp_256_cmp_8(pub->x, p256_mod) >= 0 || sp_256_cmp_8(pub->y, p256_mod) >= 0) { err = ECC_OUT_OF_RANGE_E; } } if (err == MP_OKAY) { /* Check point is on curve */ err = sp_256_ecc_is_point_8(pub, heap); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { /* Point * order = infinity */ err = sp_256_ecc_mulmod_8(p, pub, p256_order, 1, 1, heap); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { /* Check result is infinity */ if ((sp_256_iszero_8(p->x) == 0) || (sp_256_iszero_8(p->y) == 0)) { err = ECC_INF_E; } } if (privm) { if (err == MP_OKAY) { /* Base * private = point */ err = sp_256_ecc_mulmod_base_8(p, priv, 1, 1, heap); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { /* Check result is public key */ if (sp_256_cmp_8(p->x, pub->x) != 0 || sp_256_cmp_8(p->y, pub->y) != 0) { err = ECC_PRIV_KEY_E; } } } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (priv != NULL) { XFREE(priv, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); } #endif sp_256_point_free_8(p, 0, heap); sp_256_point_free_8(pub, 0, heap); return err; } #endif #ifdef WOLFSSL_PUBLIC_ECC_ADD_DBL /* Add two projective EC points together. * (pX, pY, pZ) + (qX, qY, qZ) = (rX, rY, rZ) * * pX First EC point's X ordinate. * pY First EC point's Y ordinate. * pZ First EC point's Z ordinate. * qX Second EC point's X ordinate. * qY Second EC point's Y ordinate. * qZ Second EC point's Z ordinate. * rX Resultant EC point's X ordinate. * rY Resultant EC point's Y ordinate. * rZ Resultant EC point's Z ordinate. * returns MEMORY_E if dynamic memory allocation fails and MP_OKAY otherwise. */ int sp_ecc_proj_add_point_256(mp_int* pX, mp_int* pY, mp_int* pZ, mp_int* qX, mp_int* qY, mp_int* qZ, mp_int* rX, mp_int* rY, mp_int* rZ) { #if (!defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) || defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) sp_digit tmpd[2 * 8 * 5]; sp_point_256 pd; sp_point_256 qd; #endif sp_digit* tmp = NULL; sp_point_256* p; sp_point_256* q = NULL; int err; err = sp_256_point_new_8(NULL, pd, p); if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_256_point_new_8(NULL, qd, q); } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (err == MP_OKAY) { tmp = (sp_digit*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_digit) * 2 * 8 * 5, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); if (tmp == NULL) { err = MEMORY_E; } } #else tmp = tmpd; #endif if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_256_from_mp(p->x, 8, pX); sp_256_from_mp(p->y, 8, pY); sp_256_from_mp(p->z, 8, pZ); sp_256_from_mp(q->x, 8, qX); sp_256_from_mp(q->y, 8, qY); sp_256_from_mp(q->z, 8, qZ); sp_256_proj_point_add_8(p, p, q, tmp); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_256_to_mp(p->x, rX); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_256_to_mp(p->y, rY); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_256_to_mp(p->z, rZ); } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (tmp != NULL) { XFREE(tmp, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); } #endif sp_256_point_free_8(q, 0, NULL); sp_256_point_free_8(p, 0, NULL); return err; } /* Double a projective EC point. * (pX, pY, pZ) + (pX, pY, pZ) = (rX, rY, rZ) * * pX EC point's X ordinate. * pY EC point's Y ordinate. * pZ EC point's Z ordinate. * rX Resultant EC point's X ordinate. * rY Resultant EC point's Y ordinate. * rZ Resultant EC point's Z ordinate. * returns MEMORY_E if dynamic memory allocation fails and MP_OKAY otherwise. */ int sp_ecc_proj_dbl_point_256(mp_int* pX, mp_int* pY, mp_int* pZ, mp_int* rX, mp_int* rY, mp_int* rZ) { #if (!defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) || defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) sp_digit tmpd[2 * 8 * 2]; sp_point_256 pd; #endif sp_digit* tmp = NULL; sp_point_256* p; int err; err = sp_256_point_new_8(NULL, pd, p); #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (err == MP_OKAY) { tmp = (sp_digit*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_digit) * 2 * 8 * 2, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); if (tmp == NULL) { err = MEMORY_E; } } #else tmp = tmpd; #endif if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_256_from_mp(p->x, 8, pX); sp_256_from_mp(p->y, 8, pY); sp_256_from_mp(p->z, 8, pZ); sp_256_proj_point_dbl_8(p, p, tmp); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_256_to_mp(p->x, rX); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_256_to_mp(p->y, rY); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_256_to_mp(p->z, rZ); } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (tmp != NULL) { XFREE(tmp, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); } #endif sp_256_point_free_8(p, 0, NULL); return err; } /* Map a projective EC point to affine in place. * pZ will be one. * * pX EC point's X ordinate. * pY EC point's Y ordinate. * pZ EC point's Z ordinate. * returns MEMORY_E if dynamic memory allocation fails and MP_OKAY otherwise. */ int sp_ecc_map_256(mp_int* pX, mp_int* pY, mp_int* pZ) { #if (!defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) || defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) sp_digit tmpd[2 * 8 * 4]; sp_point_256 pd; #endif sp_digit* tmp = NULL; sp_point_256* p; int err; err = sp_256_point_new_8(NULL, pd, p); #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (err == MP_OKAY) { tmp = (sp_digit*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_digit) * 2 * 8 * 4, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); if (tmp == NULL) { err = MEMORY_E; } } #else tmp = tmpd; #endif if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_256_from_mp(p->x, 8, pX); sp_256_from_mp(p->y, 8, pY); sp_256_from_mp(p->z, 8, pZ); sp_256_map_8(p, p, tmp); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_256_to_mp(p->x, pX); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_256_to_mp(p->y, pY); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_256_to_mp(p->z, pZ); } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (tmp != NULL) { XFREE(tmp, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); } #endif sp_256_point_free_8(p, 0, NULL); return err; } #endif /* WOLFSSL_PUBLIC_ECC_ADD_DBL */ #ifdef HAVE_COMP_KEY /* Find the square root of a number mod the prime of the curve. * * y The number to operate on and the result. * returns MEMORY_E if dynamic memory allocation fails and MP_OKAY otherwise. */ static int sp_256_mont_sqrt_8(sp_digit* y) { #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) sp_digit* d; #else sp_digit t1d[2 * 8]; sp_digit t2d[2 * 8]; #endif sp_digit* t1; sp_digit* t2; int err = MP_OKAY; #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) d = (sp_digit*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_digit) * 4 * 8, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); if (d == NULL) { err = MEMORY_E; } #endif if (err == MP_OKAY) { #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) t1 = d + 0 * 8; t2 = d + 2 * 8; #else t1 = t1d; t2 = t2d; #endif { /* t2 = y ^ 0x2 */ sp_256_mont_sqr_8(t2, y, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); /* t1 = y ^ 0x3 */ sp_256_mont_mul_8(t1, t2, y, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); /* t2 = y ^ 0xc */ sp_256_mont_sqr_n_8(t2, t1, 2, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); /* t1 = y ^ 0xf */ sp_256_mont_mul_8(t1, t1, t2, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); /* t2 = y ^ 0xf0 */ sp_256_mont_sqr_n_8(t2, t1, 4, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); /* t1 = y ^ 0xff */ sp_256_mont_mul_8(t1, t1, t2, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); /* t2 = y ^ 0xff00 */ sp_256_mont_sqr_n_8(t2, t1, 8, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); /* t1 = y ^ 0xffff */ sp_256_mont_mul_8(t1, t1, t2, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); /* t2 = y ^ 0xffff0000 */ sp_256_mont_sqr_n_8(t2, t1, 16, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); /* t1 = y ^ 0xffffffff */ sp_256_mont_mul_8(t1, t1, t2, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); /* t1 = y ^ 0xffffffff00000000 */ sp_256_mont_sqr_n_8(t1, t1, 32, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); /* t1 = y ^ 0xffffffff00000001 */ sp_256_mont_mul_8(t1, t1, y, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); /* t1 = y ^ 0xffffffff00000001000000000000000000000000 */ sp_256_mont_sqr_n_8(t1, t1, 96, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); /* t1 = y ^ 0xffffffff00000001000000000000000000000001 */ sp_256_mont_mul_8(t1, t1, y, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); sp_256_mont_sqr_n_8(y, t1, 94, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); } } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (d != NULL) { XFREE(d, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); } #endif return err; } /* Uncompress the point given the X ordinate. * * xm X ordinate. * odd Whether the Y ordinate is odd. * ym Calculated Y ordinate. * returns MEMORY_E if dynamic memory allocation fails and MP_OKAY otherwise. */ int sp_ecc_uncompress_256(mp_int* xm, int odd, mp_int* ym) { #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) sp_digit* d; #else sp_digit xd[2 * 8]; sp_digit yd[2 * 8]; #endif sp_digit* x = NULL; sp_digit* y = NULL; int err = MP_OKAY; #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) d = (sp_digit*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_digit) * 4 * 8, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); if (d == NULL) { err = MEMORY_E; } #endif if (err == MP_OKAY) { #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) x = d + 0 * 8; y = d + 2 * 8; #else x = xd; y = yd; #endif sp_256_from_mp(x, 8, xm); err = sp_256_mod_mul_norm_8(x, x, p256_mod); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { /* y = x^3 */ { sp_256_mont_sqr_8(y, x, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); sp_256_mont_mul_8(y, y, x, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); } /* y = x^3 - 3x */ sp_256_mont_sub_8(y, y, x, p256_mod); sp_256_mont_sub_8(y, y, x, p256_mod); sp_256_mont_sub_8(y, y, x, p256_mod); /* y = x^3 - 3x + b */ err = sp_256_mod_mul_norm_8(x, p256_b, p256_mod); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_256_mont_add_8(y, y, x, p256_mod); /* y = sqrt(x^3 - 3x + b) */ err = sp_256_mont_sqrt_8(y); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { XMEMSET(y + 8, 0, 8U * sizeof(sp_digit)); sp_256_mont_reduce_8(y, p256_mod, p256_mp_mod); if ((((word32)y[0] ^ (word32)odd) & 1U) != 0U) { sp_256_mont_sub_8(y, p256_mod, y, p256_mod); } err = sp_256_to_mp(y, ym); } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (d != NULL) { XFREE(d, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); } #endif return err; } #endif #endif /* !WOLFSSL_SP_NO_256 */ #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_384 /* Point structure to use. */ typedef struct sp_point_384 { sp_digit x[2 * 12]; sp_digit y[2 * 12]; sp_digit z[2 * 12]; int infinity; } sp_point_384; /* The modulus (prime) of the curve P384. */ static const sp_digit p384_mod[12] = { 0xffffffff,0x00000000,0x00000000,0xffffffff,0xfffffffe,0xffffffff, 0xffffffff,0xffffffff,0xffffffff,0xffffffff,0xffffffff,0xffffffff }; /* The Montogmery normalizer for modulus of the curve P384. */ static const sp_digit p384_norm_mod[12] = { 0x00000001,0xffffffff,0xffffffff,0x00000000,0x00000001,0x00000000, 0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000 }; /* The Montogmery multiplier for modulus of the curve P384. */ static sp_digit p384_mp_mod = 0x00000001; #if defined(WOLFSSL_VALIDATE_ECC_KEYGEN) || defined(HAVE_ECC_SIGN) || \ defined(HAVE_ECC_VERIFY) /* The order of the curve P384. */ static const sp_digit p384_order[12] = { 0xccc52973,0xecec196a,0x48b0a77a,0x581a0db2,0xf4372ddf,0xc7634d81, 0xffffffff,0xffffffff,0xffffffff,0xffffffff,0xffffffff,0xffffffff }; #endif /* The order of the curve P384 minus 2. */ static const sp_digit p384_order2[12] = { 0xccc52971,0xecec196a,0x48b0a77a,0x581a0db2,0xf4372ddf,0xc7634d81, 0xffffffff,0xffffffff,0xffffffff,0xffffffff,0xffffffff,0xffffffff }; #if defined(HAVE_ECC_SIGN) || defined(HAVE_ECC_VERIFY) /* The Montogmery normalizer for order of the curve P384. */ static const sp_digit p384_norm_order[12] = { 0x333ad68d,0x1313e695,0xb74f5885,0xa7e5f24d,0x0bc8d220,0x389cb27e, 0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000 }; #endif #if defined(HAVE_ECC_SIGN) || defined(HAVE_ECC_VERIFY) /* The Montogmery multiplier for order of the curve P384. */ static sp_digit p384_mp_order = 0xe88fdc45; #endif /* The base point of curve P384. */ static const sp_point_384 p384_base = { /* X ordinate */ { 0x72760ab7,0x3a545e38,0xbf55296c,0x5502f25d,0x82542a38,0x59f741e0, 0x8ba79b98,0x6e1d3b62,0xf320ad74,0x8eb1c71e,0xbe8b0537,0xaa87ca22, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L }, /* Y ordinate */ { 0x90ea0e5f,0x7a431d7c,0x1d7e819d,0x0a60b1ce,0xb5f0b8c0,0xe9da3113, 0x289a147c,0xf8f41dbd,0x9292dc29,0x5d9e98bf,0x96262c6f,0x3617de4a, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L }, /* Z ordinate */ { 0x00000001,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000, 0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L }, /* infinity */ 0 }; #if defined(HAVE_ECC_CHECK_KEY) || defined(HAVE_COMP_KEY) static const sp_digit p384_b[12] = { 0xd3ec2aef,0x2a85c8ed,0x8a2ed19d,0xc656398d,0x5013875a,0x0314088f, 0xfe814112,0x181d9c6e,0xe3f82d19,0x988e056b,0xe23ee7e4,0xb3312fa7 }; #endif static int sp_384_point_new_ex_12(void* heap, sp_point_384* sp, sp_point_384** p) { int ret = MP_OKAY; (void)heap; #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) (void)sp; *p = (sp_point_384*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_point_384), heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); #else *p = sp; #endif if (*p == NULL) { ret = MEMORY_E; } return ret; } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) /* Allocate memory for point and return error. */ #define sp_384_point_new_12(heap, sp, p) sp_384_point_new_ex_12((heap), NULL, &(p)) #else /* Set pointer to data and return no error. */ #define sp_384_point_new_12(heap, sp, p) sp_384_point_new_ex_12((heap), &(sp), &(p)) #endif static void sp_384_point_free_12(sp_point_384* p, int clear, void* heap) { #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) /* If valid pointer then clear point data if requested and free data. */ if (p != NULL) { if (clear != 0) { XMEMSET(p, 0, sizeof(*p)); } XFREE(p, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); } #else /* Clear point data if requested. */ if (clear != 0) { XMEMSET(p, 0, sizeof(*p)); } #endif (void)heap; } /* Multiply a number by Montogmery normalizer mod modulus (prime). * * r The resulting Montgomery form number. * a The number to convert. * m The modulus (prime). * returns MEMORY_E when memory allocation fails and MP_OKAY otherwise. */ static int sp_384_mod_mul_norm_12(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* m) { #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) int64_t* t; #else int64_t t[12]; #endif int64_t o; int err = MP_OKAY; (void)m; #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) t = (int64_t*)XMALLOC(sizeof(int64_t) * 12, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); if (t == NULL) { err = MEMORY_E; } #endif if (err == MP_OKAY) { /* 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 -1 */ t[0] = 0 + (uint64_t)a[0] + (uint64_t)a[8] + (uint64_t)a[9] - (uint64_t)a[11]; /* -1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 1 1 */ t[1] = 0 - (uint64_t)a[0] + (uint64_t)a[1] - (uint64_t)a[8] + (uint64_t)a[10] + (uint64_t)a[11]; /* 0 -1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 1 */ t[2] = 0 - (uint64_t)a[1] + (uint64_t)a[2] - (uint64_t)a[9] + (uint64_t)a[11]; /* 1 0 -1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 -1 -1 */ t[3] = 0 + (uint64_t)a[0] - (uint64_t)a[2] + (uint64_t)a[3] + (uint64_t)a[8] + (uint64_t)a[9] - (uint64_t)a[10] - (uint64_t)a[11]; /* 1 1 0 -1 1 0 0 0 1 2 1 -2 */ t[4] = 0 + (uint64_t)a[0] + (uint64_t)a[1] - (uint64_t)a[3] + (uint64_t)a[4] + (uint64_t)a[8] + 2 * (uint64_t)a[9] + (uint64_t)a[10] - 2 * (uint64_t)a[11]; /* 0 1 1 0 -1 1 0 0 0 1 2 1 */ t[5] = 0 + (uint64_t)a[1] + (uint64_t)a[2] - (uint64_t)a[4] + (uint64_t)a[5] + (uint64_t)a[9] + 2 * (uint64_t)a[10] + (uint64_t)a[11]; /* 0 0 1 1 0 -1 1 0 0 0 1 2 */ t[6] = 0 + (uint64_t)a[2] + (uint64_t)a[3] - (uint64_t)a[5] + (uint64_t)a[6] + (uint64_t)a[10] + 2 * (uint64_t)a[11]; /* 0 0 0 1 1 0 -1 1 0 0 0 1 */ t[7] = 0 + (uint64_t)a[3] + (uint64_t)a[4] - (uint64_t)a[6] + (uint64_t)a[7] + (uint64_t)a[11]; /* 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 -1 1 0 0 0 */ t[8] = 0 + (uint64_t)a[4] + (uint64_t)a[5] - (uint64_t)a[7] + (uint64_t)a[8]; /* 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 -1 1 0 0 */ t[9] = 0 + (uint64_t)a[5] + (uint64_t)a[6] - (uint64_t)a[8] + (uint64_t)a[9]; /* 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 -1 1 0 */ t[10] = 0 + (uint64_t)a[6] + (uint64_t)a[7] - (uint64_t)a[9] + (uint64_t)a[10]; /* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 -1 1 */ t[11] = 0 + (uint64_t)a[7] + (uint64_t)a[8] - (uint64_t)a[10] + (uint64_t)a[11]; t[1] += t[0] >> 32; t[0] &= 0xffffffff; t[2] += t[1] >> 32; t[1] &= 0xffffffff; t[3] += t[2] >> 32; t[2] &= 0xffffffff; t[4] += t[3] >> 32; t[3] &= 0xffffffff; t[5] += t[4] >> 32; t[4] &= 0xffffffff; t[6] += t[5] >> 32; t[5] &= 0xffffffff; t[7] += t[6] >> 32; t[6] &= 0xffffffff; t[8] += t[7] >> 32; t[7] &= 0xffffffff; t[9] += t[8] >> 32; t[8] &= 0xffffffff; t[10] += t[9] >> 32; t[9] &= 0xffffffff; t[11] += t[10] >> 32; t[10] &= 0xffffffff; o = t[11] >> 32; t[11] &= 0xffffffff; t[0] += o; t[1] -= o; t[3] += o; t[4] += o; t[1] += t[0] >> 32; t[0] &= 0xffffffff; t[2] += t[1] >> 32; t[1] &= 0xffffffff; t[3] += t[2] >> 32; t[2] &= 0xffffffff; t[4] += t[3] >> 32; t[3] &= 0xffffffff; t[5] += t[4] >> 32; t[4] &= 0xffffffff; t[6] += t[5] >> 32; t[5] &= 0xffffffff; t[7] += t[6] >> 32; t[6] &= 0xffffffff; t[8] += t[7] >> 32; t[7] &= 0xffffffff; t[9] += t[8] >> 32; t[8] &= 0xffffffff; t[10] += t[9] >> 32; t[9] &= 0xffffffff; t[11] += t[10] >> 32; t[10] &= 0xffffffff; r[0] = t[0]; r[1] = t[1]; r[2] = t[2]; r[3] = t[3]; r[4] = t[4]; r[5] = t[5]; r[6] = t[6]; r[7] = t[7]; r[8] = t[8]; r[9] = t[9]; r[10] = t[10]; r[11] = t[11]; } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (t != NULL) XFREE(t, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); #endif return err; } /* Convert an mp_int to an array of sp_digit. * * r A single precision integer. * size Maximum number of bytes to convert * a A multi-precision integer. */ static void sp_384_from_mp(sp_digit* r, int size, const mp_int* a) { #if DIGIT_BIT == 32 int j; XMEMCPY(r, a->dp, sizeof(sp_digit) * a->used); for (j = a->used; j < size; j++) { r[j] = 0; } #elif DIGIT_BIT > 32 int i, j = 0; word32 s = 0; r[0] = 0; for (i = 0; i < a->used && j < size; i++) { r[j] |= ((sp_digit)a->dp[i] << s); r[j] &= 0xffffffff; s = 32U - s; if (j + 1 >= size) { break; } /* lint allow cast of mismatch word32 and mp_digit */ r[++j] = (sp_digit)(a->dp[i] >> s); /*lint !e9033*/ while ((s + 32U) <= (word32)DIGIT_BIT) { s += 32U; r[j] &= 0xffffffff; if (j + 1 >= size) { break; } if (s < (word32)DIGIT_BIT) { /* lint allow cast of mismatch word32 and mp_digit */ r[++j] = (sp_digit)(a->dp[i] >> s); /*lint !e9033*/ } else { r[++j] = 0L; } } s = (word32)DIGIT_BIT - s; } for (j++; j < size; j++) { r[j] = 0; } #else int i, j = 0, s = 0; r[0] = 0; for (i = 0; i < a->used && j < size; i++) { r[j] |= ((sp_digit)a->dp[i]) << s; if (s + DIGIT_BIT >= 32) { r[j] &= 0xffffffff; if (j + 1 >= size) { break; } s = 32 - s; if (s == DIGIT_BIT) { r[++j] = 0; s = 0; } else { r[++j] = a->dp[i] >> s; s = DIGIT_BIT - s; } } else { s += DIGIT_BIT; } } for (j++; j < size; j++) { r[j] = 0; } #endif } /* Convert a point of type ecc_point to type sp_point_384. * * p Point of type sp_point_384 (result). * pm Point of type ecc_point. */ static void sp_384_point_from_ecc_point_12(sp_point_384* p, const ecc_point* pm) { XMEMSET(p->x, 0, sizeof(p->x)); XMEMSET(p->y, 0, sizeof(p->y)); XMEMSET(p->z, 0, sizeof(p->z)); sp_384_from_mp(p->x, 12, pm->x); sp_384_from_mp(p->y, 12, pm->y); sp_384_from_mp(p->z, 12, pm->z); p->infinity = 0; } /* Convert an array of sp_digit to an mp_int. * * a A single precision integer. * r A multi-precision integer. */ static int sp_384_to_mp(const sp_digit* a, mp_int* r) { int err; err = mp_grow(r, (384 + DIGIT_BIT - 1) / DIGIT_BIT); if (err == MP_OKAY) { /*lint !e774 case where err is always MP_OKAY*/ #if DIGIT_BIT == 32 XMEMCPY(r->dp, a, sizeof(sp_digit) * 12); r->used = 12; mp_clamp(r); #elif DIGIT_BIT < 32 int i, j = 0, s = 0; r->dp[0] = 0; for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { r->dp[j] |= (mp_digit)(a[i] << s); r->dp[j] &= (1L << DIGIT_BIT) - 1; s = DIGIT_BIT - s; r->dp[++j] = (mp_digit)(a[i] >> s); while (s + DIGIT_BIT <= 32) { s += DIGIT_BIT; r->dp[j++] &= (1L << DIGIT_BIT) - 1; if (s == SP_WORD_SIZE) { r->dp[j] = 0; } else { r->dp[j] = (mp_digit)(a[i] >> s); } } s = 32 - s; } r->used = (384 + DIGIT_BIT - 1) / DIGIT_BIT; mp_clamp(r); #else int i, j = 0, s = 0; r->dp[0] = 0; for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { r->dp[j] |= ((mp_digit)a[i]) << s; if (s + 32 >= DIGIT_BIT) { #if DIGIT_BIT != 32 && DIGIT_BIT != 64 r->dp[j] &= (1L << DIGIT_BIT) - 1; #endif s = DIGIT_BIT - s; r->dp[++j] = a[i] >> s; s = 32 - s; } else { s += 32; } } r->used = (384 + DIGIT_BIT - 1) / DIGIT_BIT; mp_clamp(r); #endif } return err; } /* Convert a point of type sp_point_384 to type ecc_point. * * p Point of type sp_point_384. * pm Point of type ecc_point (result). * returns MEMORY_E when allocation of memory in ecc_point fails otherwise * MP_OKAY. */ static int sp_384_point_to_ecc_point_12(const sp_point_384* p, ecc_point* pm) { int err; err = sp_384_to_mp(p->x, pm->x); if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_384_to_mp(p->y, pm->y); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_384_to_mp(p->z, pm->z); } return err; } /* Multiply a and b into r. (r = a * b) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_384_mul_12(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit tmp_arr[12 * 2]; sp_digit* tmp = tmp_arr; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r3, #0\n\t" "mov r4, #0\n\t" "mov r9, r3\n\t" "mov r12, %[r]\n\t" "mov r10, %[a]\n\t" "mov r11, %[b]\n\t" "mov r6, #48\n\t" "add r6, r6, r10\n\t" "mov r14, r6\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" "mov %[r], #0\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" "mov r6, #44\n\t" "mov %[a], r9\n\t" "subs %[a], %[a], r6\n\t" "sbc r6, r6, r6\n\t" "mvn r6, r6\n\t" "and %[a], %[a], r6\n\t" "mov %[b], r9\n\t" "sub %[b], %[b], %[a]\n\t" "add %[a], %[a], r10\n\t" "add %[b], %[b], r11\n\t" "\n2:\n\t" /* Multiply Start */ "ldr r6, [%[a]]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b]]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, %[r]\n\t" /* Multiply Done */ "add %[a], %[a], #4\n\t" "sub %[b], %[b], #4\n\t" "cmp %[a], r14\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "beq 3f\n\t" #else "beq.n 3f\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "mov r6, r9\n\t" "add r6, r6, r10\n\t" "cmp %[a], r6\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "ble 2b\n\t" #else "ble.n 2b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "\n3:\n\t" "mov %[r], r12\n\t" "mov r8, r9\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], r8]\n\t" "mov r3, r4\n\t" "mov r4, r5\n\t" "add r8, r8, #4\n\t" "mov r9, r8\n\t" "mov r6, #88\n\t" "cmp r8, r6\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "ble 1b\n\t" #else "ble.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "str r3, [%[r], r8]\n\t" "mov %[a], r10\n\t" "mov %[b], r11\n\t" : : [r] "r" (tmp), [a] "r" (a), [b] "r" (b) : "memory", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8", "r9", "r10", "r11", "r12", "r14" ); XMEMCPY(r, tmp_arr, sizeof(tmp_arr)); } /* Conditionally subtract b from a using the mask m. * m is -1 to subtract and 0 when not copying. * * r A single precision number representing condition subtract result. * a A single precision number to subtract from. * b A single precision number to subtract. * m Mask value to apply. */ SP_NOINLINE static sp_digit sp_384_cond_sub_12(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b, sp_digit m) { sp_digit c = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r5, #48\n\t" "mov r9, r5\n\t" "mov r8, #0\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[b], r8]\n\t" "and r6, r6, %[m]\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" "subs r5, r5, %[c]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[a], r8]\n\t" "sbcs r5, r5, r6\n\t" "sbcs %[c], %[c], %[c]\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], r8]\n\t" "add r8, r8, #4\n\t" "cmp r8, r9\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "blt 1b\n\t" #else "blt.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ : [c] "+r" (c) : [r] "r" (r), [a] "r" (a), [b] "r" (b), [m] "r" (m) : "memory", "r5", "r6", "r8", "r9" ); return c; } #define sp_384_mont_reduce_order_12 sp_384_mont_reduce_12 /* Reduce the number back to 384 bits using Montgomery reduction. * * a A single precision number to reduce in place. * m The single precision number representing the modulus. * mp The digit representing the negative inverse of m mod 2^n. */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_384_mont_reduce_12(sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* m, sp_digit mp) { sp_digit ca = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r9, %[mp]\n\t" "mov r12, %[m]\n\t" "mov r10, %[a]\n\t" "mov r4, #0\n\t" "add r11, r10, #48\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" /* mu = a[i] * mp */ "mov %[mp], r9\n\t" "ldr %[a], [r10]\n\t" "mul %[mp], %[mp], %[a]\n\t" "mov %[m], r12\n\t" "add r14, r10, #40\n\t" "\n2:\n\t" /* a[i+j] += m[j] * mu */ "ldr %[a], [r10]\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" /* Multiply m[j] and mu - Start */ "ldr r8, [%[m]], #4\n\t" "umull r6, r8, %[mp], r8\n\t" "adds %[a], %[a], r6\n\t" "adc r5, r5, r8\n\t" /* Multiply m[j] and mu - Done */ "adds r4, r4, %[a]\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" "str r4, [r10], #4\n\t" /* a[i+j+1] += m[j+1] * mu */ "ldr %[a], [r10]\n\t" "mov r4, #0\n\t" /* Multiply m[j] and mu - Start */ "ldr r8, [%[m]], #4\n\t" "umull r6, r8, %[mp], r8\n\t" "adds %[a], %[a], r6\n\t" "adc r4, r4, r8\n\t" /* Multiply m[j] and mu - Done */ "adds r5, r5, %[a]\n\t" "adc r4, r4, #0\n\t" "str r5, [r10], #4\n\t" "cmp r10, r14\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "blt 2b\n\t" #else "blt.n 2b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ /* a[i+10] += m[10] * mu */ "ldr %[a], [r10]\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" /* Multiply m[j] and mu - Start */ "ldr r8, [%[m]], #4\n\t" "umull r6, r8, %[mp], r8\n\t" "adds %[a], %[a], r6\n\t" "adc r5, r5, r8\n\t" /* Multiply m[j] and mu - Done */ "adds r4, r4, %[a]\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" "str r4, [r10], #4\n\t" /* a[i+11] += m[11] * mu */ "mov r4, %[ca]\n\t" "mov %[ca], #0\n\t" /* Multiply m[11] and mu - Start */ "ldr r8, [%[m]]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, %[mp], r8\n\t" "adds r5, r5, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc %[ca], %[ca], #0\n\t" /* Multiply m[11] and mu - Done */ "ldr r6, [r10]\n\t" "ldr r8, [r10, #4]\n\t" "adds r6, r6, r5\n\t" "adcs r8, r8, r4\n\t" "adc %[ca], %[ca], #0\n\t" "str r6, [r10]\n\t" "str r8, [r10, #4]\n\t" /* Next word in a */ "sub r10, r10, #40\n\t" "cmp r10, r11\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "blt 1b\n\t" #else "blt.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "mov %[a], r10\n\t" "mov %[m], r12\n\t" : [ca] "+r" (ca), [a] "+r" (a) : [m] "r" (m), [mp] "r" (mp) : "memory", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8", "r9", "r10", "r11", "r12", "r14" ); sp_384_cond_sub_12(a - 12, a, m, (sp_digit)0 - ca); } /* Multiply two Montogmery form numbers mod the modulus (prime). * (r = a * b mod m) * * r Result of multiplication. * a First number to multiply in Montogmery form. * b Second number to multiply in Montogmery form. * m Modulus (prime). * mp Montogmery mulitplier. */ static void sp_384_mont_mul_12(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b, const sp_digit* m, sp_digit mp) { sp_384_mul_12(r, a, b); sp_384_mont_reduce_12(r, m, mp); } /* Square a and put result in r. (r = a * a) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_384_sqr_12(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a) { __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r3, #0\n\t" "mov r4, #0\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" "mov r9, r3\n\t" "mov r12, %[r]\n\t" "mov r6, #96\n\t" "neg r6, r6\n\t" "add sp, sp, r6\n\t" "mov r11, sp\n\t" "mov r10, %[a]\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" "mov %[r], #0\n\t" "mov r6, #44\n\t" "mov %[a], r9\n\t" "subs %[a], %[a], r6\n\t" "sbc r6, r6, r6\n\t" "mvn r6, r6\n\t" "and %[a], %[a], r6\n\t" "mov r2, r9\n\t" "sub r2, r2, %[a]\n\t" "add %[a], %[a], r10\n\t" "add r2, r2, r10\n\t" "\n2:\n\t" "cmp r2, %[a]\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "beq 4f\n\t" #else "beq.n 4f\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ /* Multiply * 2: Start */ "ldr r6, [%[a]]\n\t" "ldr r8, [r2]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r8\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, %[r]\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, %[r]\n\t" /* Multiply * 2: Done */ #ifdef __GNUC__ "bal 5f\n\t" #else "bal.n 5f\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "\n4:\n\t" /* Square: Start */ "ldr r6, [%[a]]\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, r6\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, %[r]\n\t" /* Square: Done */ "\n5:\n\t" "add %[a], %[a], #4\n\t" "sub r2, r2, #4\n\t" "mov r6, #48\n\t" "add r6, r6, r10\n\t" "cmp %[a], r6\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "beq 3f\n\t" #else "beq.n 3f\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "cmp %[a], r2\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "bgt 3f\n\t" #else "bgt.n 3f\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "mov r8, r9\n\t" "add r8, r8, r10\n\t" "cmp %[a], r8\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "ble 2b\n\t" #else "ble.n 2b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "\n3:\n\t" "mov %[r], r11\n\t" "mov r8, r9\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], r8]\n\t" "mov r3, r4\n\t" "mov r4, r5\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" "add r8, r8, #4\n\t" "mov r9, r8\n\t" "mov r6, #88\n\t" "cmp r8, r6\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "ble 1b\n\t" #else "ble.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "mov %[a], r10\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], r8]\n\t" "mov %[r], r12\n\t" "mov %[a], r11\n\t" "mov r3, #92\n\t" "\n4:\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[a], r3]\n\t" "str r6, [%[r], r3]\n\t" "subs r3, r3, #4\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "bge 4b\n\t" #else "bge.n 4b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "mov r6, #96\n\t" "add sp, sp, r6\n\t" : : [r] "r" (r), [a] "r" (a) : "memory", "r2", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8", "r9", "r10", "r11", "r12" ); } /* Square the Montgomery form number. (r = a * a mod m) * * r Result of squaring. * a Number to square in Montogmery form. * m Modulus (prime). * mp Montogmery mulitplier. */ static void sp_384_mont_sqr_12(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* m, sp_digit mp) { sp_384_sqr_12(r, a); sp_384_mont_reduce_12(r, m, mp); } #if !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(HAVE_COMP_KEY) /* Square the Montgomery form number a number of times. (r = a ^ n mod m) * * r Result of squaring. * a Number to square in Montogmery form. * n Number of times to square. * m Modulus (prime). * mp Montogmery mulitplier. */ static void sp_384_mont_sqr_n_12(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, int n, const sp_digit* m, sp_digit mp) { sp_384_mont_sqr_12(r, a, m, mp); for (; n > 1; n--) { sp_384_mont_sqr_12(r, r, m, mp); } } #endif /* !WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL || HAVE_COMP_KEY */ #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL /* Mod-2 for the P384 curve. */ static const uint32_t p384_mod_minus_2[12] = { 0xfffffffdU,0x00000000U,0x00000000U,0xffffffffU,0xfffffffeU,0xffffffffU, 0xffffffffU,0xffffffffU,0xffffffffU,0xffffffffU,0xffffffffU,0xffffffffU }; #endif /* !WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL */ /* Invert the number, in Montgomery form, modulo the modulus (prime) of the * P384 curve. (r = 1 / a mod m) * * r Inverse result. * a Number to invert. * td Temporary data. */ static void sp_384_mont_inv_12(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, sp_digit* td) { #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL sp_digit* t = td; int i; XMEMCPY(t, a, sizeof(sp_digit) * 12); for (i=382; i>=0; i--) { sp_384_mont_sqr_12(t, t, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); if (p384_mod_minus_2[i / 32] & ((sp_digit)1 << (i % 32))) sp_384_mont_mul_12(t, t, a, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); } XMEMCPY(r, t, sizeof(sp_digit) * 12); #else sp_digit* t1 = td; sp_digit* t2 = td + 2 * 12; sp_digit* t3 = td + 4 * 12; sp_digit* t4 = td + 6 * 12; sp_digit* t5 = td + 8 * 12; /* 0x2 */ sp_384_mont_sqr_12(t1, a, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* 0x3 */ sp_384_mont_mul_12(t5, t1, a, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* 0xc */ sp_384_mont_sqr_n_12(t1, t5, 2, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* 0xf */ sp_384_mont_mul_12(t2, t5, t1, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* 0x1e */ sp_384_mont_sqr_12(t1, t2, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* 0x1f */ sp_384_mont_mul_12(t4, t1, a, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* 0x3e0 */ sp_384_mont_sqr_n_12(t1, t4, 5, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* 0x3ff */ sp_384_mont_mul_12(t2, t4, t1, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* 0x7fe0 */ sp_384_mont_sqr_n_12(t1, t2, 5, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* 0x7fff */ sp_384_mont_mul_12(t4, t4, t1, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* 0x3fff8000 */ sp_384_mont_sqr_n_12(t1, t4, 15, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* 0x3fffffff */ sp_384_mont_mul_12(t2, t4, t1, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* 0xfffffffc */ sp_384_mont_sqr_n_12(t3, t2, 2, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* 0xfffffffd */ sp_384_mont_mul_12(r, t3, a, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* 0xffffffff */ sp_384_mont_mul_12(t3, t5, t3, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* 0xfffffffc0000000 */ sp_384_mont_sqr_n_12(t1, t2, 30, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* 0xfffffffffffffff */ sp_384_mont_mul_12(t2, t2, t1, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* 0xfffffffffffffff000000000000000 */ sp_384_mont_sqr_n_12(t1, t2, 60, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff */ sp_384_mont_mul_12(t2, t2, t1, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff000000000000000000000000000000 */ sp_384_mont_sqr_n_12(t1, t2, 120, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff */ sp_384_mont_mul_12(t2, t2, t1, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* 0x7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff8000 */ sp_384_mont_sqr_n_12(t1, t2, 15, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* 0x7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff */ sp_384_mont_mul_12(t2, t4, t1, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe00000000 */ sp_384_mont_sqr_n_12(t1, t2, 33, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffeffffffff */ sp_384_mont_mul_12(t2, t3, t1, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffeffffffff000000000000000000000000 */ sp_384_mont_sqr_n_12(t1, t2, 96, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffeffffffff0000000000000000fffffffd */ sp_384_mont_mul_12(r, r, t1, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); #endif /* WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL */ } /* Compare a with b in constant time. * * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. * return -ve, 0 or +ve if a is less than, equal to or greater than b * respectively. */ SP_NOINLINE static int32_t sp_384_cmp_12(const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit r = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r3, #0\n\t" "mvn r3, r3\n\t" "mov r6, #44\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[a], r6]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[b], r6]\n\t" "and r8, r8, r3\n\t" "and r5, r5, r3\n\t" "mov r4, r8\n\t" "subs r8, r8, r5\n\t" "sbc r8, r8, r8\n\t" "add %[r], %[r], r8\n\t" "mvn r8, r8\n\t" "and r3, r3, r8\n\t" "subs r5, r5, r4\n\t" "sbc r8, r8, r8\n\t" "sub %[r], %[r], r8\n\t" "mvn r8, r8\n\t" "and r3, r3, r8\n\t" "sub r6, r6, #4\n\t" "cmp r6, #0\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "bge 1b\n\t" #else "bge.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ : [r] "+r" (r) : [a] "r" (a), [b] "r" (b) : "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8" ); return r; } /* Normalize the values in each word to 32. * * a Array of sp_digit to normalize. */ #define sp_384_norm_12(a) /* Map the Montgomery form projective coordinate point to an affine point. * * r Resulting affine coordinate point. * p Montgomery form projective coordinate point. * t Temporary ordinate data. */ static void sp_384_map_12(sp_point_384* r, const sp_point_384* p, sp_digit* t) { sp_digit* t1 = t; sp_digit* t2 = t + 2*12; int32_t n; sp_384_mont_inv_12(t1, p->z, t + 2*12); sp_384_mont_sqr_12(t2, t1, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); sp_384_mont_mul_12(t1, t2, t1, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* x /= z^2 */ sp_384_mont_mul_12(r->x, p->x, t2, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); XMEMSET(r->x + 12, 0, sizeof(r->x) / 2U); sp_384_mont_reduce_12(r->x, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* Reduce x to less than modulus */ n = sp_384_cmp_12(r->x, p384_mod); sp_384_cond_sub_12(r->x, r->x, p384_mod, 0 - ((n >= 0) ? (sp_digit)1 : (sp_digit)0)); sp_384_norm_12(r->x); /* y /= z^3 */ sp_384_mont_mul_12(r->y, p->y, t1, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); XMEMSET(r->y + 12, 0, sizeof(r->y) / 2U); sp_384_mont_reduce_12(r->y, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* Reduce y to less than modulus */ n = sp_384_cmp_12(r->y, p384_mod); sp_384_cond_sub_12(r->y, r->y, p384_mod, 0 - ((n >= 0) ? (sp_digit)1 : (sp_digit)0)); sp_384_norm_12(r->y); XMEMSET(r->z, 0, sizeof(r->z)); r->z[0] = 1; } #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL /* Add b to a into r. (r = a + b) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static sp_digit sp_384_add_12(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit c = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r6, %[a]\n\t" "mov r8, #0\n\t" "add r6, r6, #48\n\t" "sub r8, r8, #1\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" "adds %[c], %[c], r8\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a]]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[b]]\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r5\n\t" "str r4, [%[r]]\n\t" "mov %[c], #0\n\t" "adc %[c], %[c], %[c]\n\t" "add %[a], %[a], #4\n\t" "add %[b], %[b], #4\n\t" "add %[r], %[r], #4\n\t" "cmp %[a], r6\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "bne 1b\n\t" #else "bne.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ : [c] "+r" (c), [r] "+r" (r), [a] "+r" (a), [b] "+r" (b) : : "memory", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8" ); return c; } #else /* Add b to a into r. (r = a + b) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static sp_digit sp_384_add_12(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit c = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[a]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r6, r8}\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "stm %[r]!, {r4, r5}\n\t" "mov %[c], #0\n\t" "adc %[c], %[c], %[c]\n\t" : [c] "+r" (c), [r] "+r" (r), [a] "+r" (a), [b] "+r" (b) : : "memory", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8" ); return c; } #endif /* WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL */ /* Add two Montgomery form numbers (r = a + b % m). * * r Result of addition. * a First number to add in Montogmery form. * b Second number to add in Montogmery form. * m Modulus (prime). */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_384_mont_add_12(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b, const sp_digit* m) { sp_digit o; o = sp_384_add_12(r, a, b); sp_384_cond_sub_12(r, r, m, 0 - o); } /* Double a Montgomery form number (r = a + a % m). * * r Result of doubling. * a Number to double in Montogmery form. * m Modulus (prime). */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_384_mont_dbl_12(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* m) { sp_digit o; o = sp_384_add_12(r, a, a); sp_384_cond_sub_12(r, r, m, 0 - o); } /* Triple a Montgomery form number (r = a + a + a % m). * * r Result of Tripling. * a Number to triple in Montogmery form. * m Modulus (prime). */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_384_mont_tpl_12(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* m) { sp_digit o; o = sp_384_add_12(r, a, a); sp_384_cond_sub_12(r, r, m, 0 - o); o = sp_384_add_12(r, r, a); sp_384_cond_sub_12(r, r, m, 0 - o); } #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL /* Sub b from a into r. (r = a - b) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static sp_digit sp_384_sub_12(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit c = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r6, %[a]\n\t" "add r6, r6, #48\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" "subs r5, r5, %[c]\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a]]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[b]]\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r5\n\t" "str r4, [%[r]]\n\t" "sbc %[c], %[c], %[c]\n\t" "add %[a], %[a], #4\n\t" "add %[b], %[b], #4\n\t" "add %[r], %[r], #4\n\t" "cmp %[a], r6\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "bne 1b\n\t" #else "bne.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ : [c] "+r" (c), [r] "+r" (r), [a] "+r" (a), [b] "+r" (b) : : "memory", "r4", "r5", "r6" ); return c; } #else /* Sub b from a into r. (r = a - b) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static sp_digit sp_384_sub_12(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit c = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "ldr r4, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[b], #0]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #4]\n\t" "subs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "sbcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #0]\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], #4]\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[b], #8]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #12]\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "sbcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #8]\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], #12]\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[b], #16]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #20]\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "sbcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #16]\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], #20]\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[b], #24]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #28]\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "sbcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #24]\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], #28]\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #32]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[a], #36]\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[b], #32]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #36]\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "sbcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #32]\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], #36]\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #40]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[a], #44]\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[b], #40]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[b], #44]\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "sbcs r5, r5, r8\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #40]\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], #44]\n\t" "sbc %[c], %[c], %[c]\n\t" : [c] "+r" (c), [r] "+r" (r), [a] "+r" (a), [b] "+r" (b) : : "memory", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8" ); return c; } #endif /* WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL */ /* Conditionally add a and b using the mask m. * m is -1 to add and 0 when not. * * r A single precision number representing conditional add result. * a A single precision number to add with. * b A single precision number to add. * m Mask value to apply. */ SP_NOINLINE static sp_digit sp_384_cond_add_12(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b, sp_digit m) { sp_digit c = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r5, #48\n\t" "mov r9, r5\n\t" "mov r8, #0\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[b], r8]\n\t" "and r6, r6, %[m]\n\t" "adds r5, %[c], #-1\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[a], r8]\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r6\n\t" "mov %[c], #0\n\t" "adcs %[c], %[c], %[c]\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], r8]\n\t" "add r8, r8, #4\n\t" "cmp r8, r9\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "blt 1b\n\t" #else "blt.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ : [c] "+r" (c) : [r] "r" (r), [a] "r" (a), [b] "r" (b), [m] "r" (m) : "memory", "r5", "r6", "r8", "r9" ); return c; } /* Subtract two Montgomery form numbers (r = a - b % m). * * r Result of subtration. * a Number to subtract from in Montogmery form. * b Number to subtract with in Montogmery form. * m Modulus (prime). */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_384_mont_sub_12(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b, const sp_digit* m) { sp_digit o; o = sp_384_sub_12(r, a, b); sp_384_cond_add_12(r, r, m, o); } static void sp_384_rshift1_12(sp_digit* r, sp_digit* a) { __asm__ __volatile__ ( "ldr r2, [%[a]]\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "lsr r2, r2, #1\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r3, lsl #31\n\t" "lsr r3, r3, #1\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #0]\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r4, lsl #31\n\t" "lsr r4, r4, #1\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #4]\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r2, lsl #31\n\t" "lsr r2, r2, #1\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #8]\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r3, lsl #31\n\t" "lsr r3, r3, #1\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #12]\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r4, lsl #31\n\t" "lsr r4, r4, #1\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #16]\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r2, lsl #31\n\t" "lsr r2, r2, #1\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #20]\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r3, lsl #31\n\t" "lsr r3, r3, #1\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #32]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #24]\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r4, lsl #31\n\t" "lsr r4, r4, #1\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #36]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #28]\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r2, lsl #31\n\t" "lsr r2, r2, #1\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #40]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #32]\n\t" "orr r2, r2, r3, lsl #31\n\t" "lsr r3, r3, #1\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #44]\n\t" "str r2, [%[r], #36]\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r4, lsl #31\n\t" "lsr r4, r4, #1\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #40]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #44]\n\t" : : [r] "r" (r), [a] "r" (a) : "memory", "r2", "r3", "r4" ); } /* Divide the number by 2 mod the modulus (prime). (r = a / 2 % m) * * r Result of division by 2. * a Number to divide. * m Modulus (prime). */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_384_div2_12(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* m) { sp_digit o; o = sp_384_cond_add_12(r, a, m, 0 - (a[0] & 1)); sp_384_rshift1_12(r, r); r[11] |= o << 31; } /* Double the Montgomery form projective point p. * * r Result of doubling point. * p Point to double. * t Temporary ordinate data. */ #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_NONBLOCK typedef struct sp_384_proj_point_dbl_12_ctx { int state; sp_digit* t1; sp_digit* t2; sp_digit* x; sp_digit* y; sp_digit* z; } sp_384_proj_point_dbl_12_ctx; static int sp_384_proj_point_dbl_12_nb(sp_ecc_ctx_t* sp_ctx, sp_point_384* r, const sp_point_384* p, sp_digit* t) { int err = FP_WOULDBLOCK; sp_384_proj_point_dbl_12_ctx* ctx = (sp_384_proj_point_dbl_12_ctx*)sp_ctx->data; typedef char ctx_size_test[sizeof(sp_384_proj_point_dbl_12_ctx) >= sizeof(*sp_ctx) ? -1 : 1]; (void)sizeof(ctx_size_test); switch (ctx->state) { case 0: ctx->t1 = t; ctx->t2 = t + 2*12; ctx->x = r->x; ctx->y = r->y; ctx->z = r->z; /* Put infinity into result. */ if (r != p) { r->infinity = p->infinity; } ctx->state = 1; break; case 1: /* T1 = Z * Z */ sp_384_mont_sqr_12(ctx->t1, p->z, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); ctx->state = 2; break; case 2: /* Z = Y * Z */ sp_384_mont_mul_12(ctx->z, p->y, p->z, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); ctx->state = 3; break; case 3: /* Z = 2Z */ sp_384_mont_dbl_12(ctx->z, ctx->z, p384_mod); ctx->state = 4; break; case 4: /* T2 = X - T1 */ sp_384_mont_sub_12(ctx->t2, p->x, ctx->t1, p384_mod); ctx->state = 5; break; case 5: /* T1 = X + T1 */ sp_384_mont_add_12(ctx->t1, p->x, ctx->t1, p384_mod); ctx->state = 6; break; case 6: /* T2 = T1 * T2 */ sp_384_mont_mul_12(ctx->t2, ctx->t1, ctx->t2, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); ctx->state = 7; break; case 7: /* T1 = 3T2 */ sp_384_mont_tpl_12(ctx->t1, ctx->t2, p384_mod); ctx->state = 8; break; case 8: /* Y = 2Y */ sp_384_mont_dbl_12(ctx->y, p->y, p384_mod); ctx->state = 9; break; case 9: /* Y = Y * Y */ sp_384_mont_sqr_12(ctx->y, ctx->y, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); ctx->state = 10; break; case 10: /* T2 = Y * Y */ sp_384_mont_sqr_12(ctx->t2, ctx->y, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); ctx->state = 11; break; case 11: /* T2 = T2/2 */ sp_384_div2_12(ctx->t2, ctx->t2, p384_mod); ctx->state = 12; break; case 12: /* Y = Y * X */ sp_384_mont_mul_12(ctx->y, ctx->y, p->x, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); ctx->state = 13; break; case 13: /* X = T1 * T1 */ sp_384_mont_sqr_12(ctx->x, ctx->t1, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); ctx->state = 14; break; case 14: /* X = X - Y */ sp_384_mont_sub_12(ctx->x, ctx->x, ctx->y, p384_mod); ctx->state = 15; break; case 15: /* X = X - Y */ sp_384_mont_sub_12(ctx->x, ctx->x, ctx->y, p384_mod); ctx->state = 16; break; case 16: /* Y = Y - X */ sp_384_mont_sub_12(ctx->y, ctx->y, ctx->x, p384_mod); ctx->state = 17; break; case 17: /* Y = Y * T1 */ sp_384_mont_mul_12(ctx->y, ctx->y, ctx->t1, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); ctx->state = 18; break; case 18: /* Y = Y - T2 */ sp_384_mont_sub_12(ctx->y, ctx->y, ctx->t2, p384_mod); ctx->state = 19; /* fall-through */ case 19: err = MP_OKAY; break; } if (err == MP_OKAY && ctx->state != 19) { err = FP_WOULDBLOCK; } return err; } #endif /* WOLFSSL_SP_NONBLOCK */ static void sp_384_proj_point_dbl_12(sp_point_384* r, const sp_point_384* p, sp_digit* t) { sp_digit* t1 = t; sp_digit* t2 = t + 2*12; sp_digit* x; sp_digit* y; sp_digit* z; x = r->x; y = r->y; z = r->z; /* Put infinity into result. */ if (r != p) { r->infinity = p->infinity; } /* T1 = Z * Z */ sp_384_mont_sqr_12(t1, p->z, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* Z = Y * Z */ sp_384_mont_mul_12(z, p->y, p->z, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* Z = 2Z */ sp_384_mont_dbl_12(z, z, p384_mod); /* T2 = X - T1 */ sp_384_mont_sub_12(t2, p->x, t1, p384_mod); /* T1 = X + T1 */ sp_384_mont_add_12(t1, p->x, t1, p384_mod); /* T2 = T1 * T2 */ sp_384_mont_mul_12(t2, t1, t2, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* T1 = 3T2 */ sp_384_mont_tpl_12(t1, t2, p384_mod); /* Y = 2Y */ sp_384_mont_dbl_12(y, p->y, p384_mod); /* Y = Y * Y */ sp_384_mont_sqr_12(y, y, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* T2 = Y * Y */ sp_384_mont_sqr_12(t2, y, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* T2 = T2/2 */ sp_384_div2_12(t2, t2, p384_mod); /* Y = Y * X */ sp_384_mont_mul_12(y, y, p->x, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* X = T1 * T1 */ sp_384_mont_sqr_12(x, t1, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* X = X - Y */ sp_384_mont_sub_12(x, x, y, p384_mod); /* X = X - Y */ sp_384_mont_sub_12(x, x, y, p384_mod); /* Y = Y - X */ sp_384_mont_sub_12(y, y, x, p384_mod); /* Y = Y * T1 */ sp_384_mont_mul_12(y, y, t1, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* Y = Y - T2 */ sp_384_mont_sub_12(y, y, t2, p384_mod); } /* Compare two numbers to determine if they are equal. * Constant time implementation. * * a First number to compare. * b Second number to compare. * returns 1 when equal and 0 otherwise. */ static int sp_384_cmp_equal_12(const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { return ((a[0] ^ b[0]) | (a[1] ^ b[1]) | (a[2] ^ b[2]) | (a[3] ^ b[3]) | (a[4] ^ b[4]) | (a[5] ^ b[5]) | (a[6] ^ b[6]) | (a[7] ^ b[7]) | (a[8] ^ b[8]) | (a[9] ^ b[9]) | (a[10] ^ b[10]) | (a[11] ^ b[11])) == 0; } /* Add two Montgomery form projective points. * * r Result of addition. * p First point to add. * q Second point to add. * t Temporary ordinate data. */ #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_NONBLOCK typedef struct sp_384_proj_point_add_12_ctx { int state; sp_384_proj_point_dbl_12_ctx dbl_ctx; const sp_point_384* ap[2]; sp_point_384* rp[2]; sp_digit* t1; sp_digit* t2; sp_digit* t3; sp_digit* t4; sp_digit* t5; sp_digit* x; sp_digit* y; sp_digit* z; } sp_384_proj_point_add_12_ctx; static int sp_384_proj_point_add_12_nb(sp_ecc_ctx_t* sp_ctx, sp_point_384* r, const sp_point_384* p, const sp_point_384* q, sp_digit* t) { int err = FP_WOULDBLOCK; sp_384_proj_point_add_12_ctx* ctx = (sp_384_proj_point_add_12_ctx*)sp_ctx->data; /* Ensure only the first point is the same as the result. */ if (q == r) { const sp_point_384* a = p; p = q; q = a; } typedef char ctx_size_test[sizeof(sp_384_proj_point_add_12_ctx) >= sizeof(*sp_ctx) ? -1 : 1]; (void)sizeof(ctx_size_test); switch (ctx->state) { case 0: /* INIT */ ctx->t1 = t; ctx->t2 = t + 2*12; ctx->t3 = t + 4*12; ctx->t4 = t + 6*12; ctx->t5 = t + 8*12; ctx->state = 1; break; case 1: /* Check double */ (void)sp_384_sub_12(ctx->t1, p384_mod, q->y); sp_384_norm_12(ctx->t1); if ((sp_384_cmp_equal_12(p->x, q->x) & sp_384_cmp_equal_12(p->z, q->z) & (sp_384_cmp_equal_12(p->y, q->y) | sp_384_cmp_equal_12(p->y, ctx->t1))) != 0) { XMEMSET(&ctx->dbl_ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx->dbl_ctx)); ctx->state = 2; } else { ctx->state = 3; } break; case 2: err = sp_384_proj_point_dbl_12_nb((sp_ecc_ctx_t*)&ctx->dbl_ctx, r, p, t); if (err == MP_OKAY) ctx->state = 27; /* done */ break; case 3: { int i; ctx->rp[0] = r; /*lint allow cast to different type of pointer*/ ctx->rp[1] = (sp_point_384*)t; /*lint !e9087 !e740*/ XMEMSET(ctx->rp[1], 0, sizeof(sp_point_384)); ctx->x = ctx->rp[p->infinity | q->infinity]->x; ctx->y = ctx->rp[p->infinity | q->infinity]->y; ctx->z = ctx->rp[p->infinity | q->infinity]->z; ctx->ap[0] = p; ctx->ap[1] = q; for (i=0; i<12; i++) { r->x[i] = ctx->ap[p->infinity]->x[i]; } for (i=0; i<12; i++) { r->y[i] = ctx->ap[p->infinity]->y[i]; } for (i=0; i<12; i++) { r->z[i] = ctx->ap[p->infinity]->z[i]; } r->infinity = ctx->ap[p->infinity]->infinity; ctx->state = 4; break; } case 4: /* U1 = X1*Z2^2 */ sp_384_mont_sqr_12(ctx->t1, q->z, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); ctx->state = 5; break; case 5: sp_384_mont_mul_12(ctx->t3, ctx->t1, q->z, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); ctx->state = 6; break; case 6: sp_384_mont_mul_12(ctx->t1, ctx->t1, ctx->x, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); ctx->state = 7; break; case 7: /* U2 = X2*Z1^2 */ sp_384_mont_sqr_12(ctx->t2, ctx->z, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); ctx->state = 8; break; case 8: sp_384_mont_mul_12(ctx->t4, ctx->t2, ctx->z, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); ctx->state = 9; break; case 9: sp_384_mont_mul_12(ctx->t2, ctx->t2, q->x, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); ctx->state = 10; break; case 10: /* S1 = Y1*Z2^3 */ sp_384_mont_mul_12(ctx->t3, ctx->t3, ctx->y, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); ctx->state = 11; break; case 11: /* S2 = Y2*Z1^3 */ sp_384_mont_mul_12(ctx->t4, ctx->t4, q->y, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); ctx->state = 12; break; case 12: /* H = U2 - U1 */ sp_384_mont_sub_12(ctx->t2, ctx->t2, ctx->t1, p384_mod); ctx->state = 13; break; case 13: /* R = S2 - S1 */ sp_384_mont_sub_12(ctx->t4, ctx->t4, ctx->t3, p384_mod); ctx->state = 14; break; case 14: /* Z3 = H*Z1*Z2 */ sp_384_mont_mul_12(ctx->z, ctx->z, q->z, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); ctx->state = 15; break; case 15: sp_384_mont_mul_12(ctx->z, ctx->z, ctx->t2, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); ctx->state = 16; break; case 16: /* X3 = R^2 - H^3 - 2*U1*H^2 */ sp_384_mont_sqr_12(ctx->x, ctx->t4, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); ctx->state = 17; break; case 17: sp_384_mont_sqr_12(ctx->t5, ctx->t2, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); ctx->state = 18; break; case 18: sp_384_mont_mul_12(ctx->y, ctx->t1, ctx->t5, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); ctx->state = 19; break; case 19: sp_384_mont_mul_12(ctx->t5, ctx->t5, ctx->t2, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); ctx->state = 20; break; case 20: sp_384_mont_sub_12(ctx->x, ctx->x, ctx->t5, p384_mod); ctx->state = 21; break; case 21: sp_384_mont_dbl_12(ctx->t1, ctx->y, p384_mod); ctx->state = 22; break; case 22: sp_384_mont_sub_12(ctx->x, ctx->x, ctx->t1, p384_mod); ctx->state = 23; break; case 23: /* Y3 = R*(U1*H^2 - X3) - S1*H^3 */ sp_384_mont_sub_12(ctx->y, ctx->y, ctx->x, p384_mod); ctx->state = 24; break; case 24: sp_384_mont_mul_12(ctx->y, ctx->y, ctx->t4, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); ctx->state = 25; break; case 25: sp_384_mont_mul_12(ctx->t5, ctx->t5, ctx->t3, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); ctx->state = 26; break; case 26: sp_384_mont_sub_12(ctx->y, ctx->y, ctx->t5, p384_mod); ctx->state = 27; /* fall-through */ case 27: err = MP_OKAY; break; } if (err == MP_OKAY && ctx->state != 27) { err = FP_WOULDBLOCK; } return err; } #endif /* WOLFSSL_SP_NONBLOCK */ static void sp_384_proj_point_add_12(sp_point_384* r, const sp_point_384* p, const sp_point_384* q, sp_digit* t) { const sp_point_384* ap[2]; sp_point_384* rp[2]; sp_digit* t1 = t; sp_digit* t2 = t + 2*12; sp_digit* t3 = t + 4*12; sp_digit* t4 = t + 6*12; sp_digit* t5 = t + 8*12; sp_digit* x; sp_digit* y; sp_digit* z; int i; /* Ensure only the first point is the same as the result. */ if (q == r) { const sp_point_384* a = p; p = q; q = a; } /* Check double */ (void)sp_384_sub_12(t1, p384_mod, q->y); sp_384_norm_12(t1); if ((sp_384_cmp_equal_12(p->x, q->x) & sp_384_cmp_equal_12(p->z, q->z) & (sp_384_cmp_equal_12(p->y, q->y) | sp_384_cmp_equal_12(p->y, t1))) != 0) { sp_384_proj_point_dbl_12(r, p, t); } else { rp[0] = r; /*lint allow cast to different type of pointer*/ rp[1] = (sp_point_384*)t; /*lint !e9087 !e740*/ XMEMSET(rp[1], 0, sizeof(sp_point_384)); x = rp[p->infinity | q->infinity]->x; y = rp[p->infinity | q->infinity]->y; z = rp[p->infinity | q->infinity]->z; ap[0] = p; ap[1] = q; for (i=0; i<12; i++) { r->x[i] = ap[p->infinity]->x[i]; } for (i=0; i<12; i++) { r->y[i] = ap[p->infinity]->y[i]; } for (i=0; i<12; i++) { r->z[i] = ap[p->infinity]->z[i]; } r->infinity = ap[p->infinity]->infinity; /* U1 = X1*Z2^2 */ sp_384_mont_sqr_12(t1, q->z, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); sp_384_mont_mul_12(t3, t1, q->z, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); sp_384_mont_mul_12(t1, t1, x, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* U2 = X2*Z1^2 */ sp_384_mont_sqr_12(t2, z, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); sp_384_mont_mul_12(t4, t2, z, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); sp_384_mont_mul_12(t2, t2, q->x, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* S1 = Y1*Z2^3 */ sp_384_mont_mul_12(t3, t3, y, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* S2 = Y2*Z1^3 */ sp_384_mont_mul_12(t4, t4, q->y, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* H = U2 - U1 */ sp_384_mont_sub_12(t2, t2, t1, p384_mod); /* R = S2 - S1 */ sp_384_mont_sub_12(t4, t4, t3, p384_mod); /* Z3 = H*Z1*Z2 */ sp_384_mont_mul_12(z, z, q->z, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); sp_384_mont_mul_12(z, z, t2, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* X3 = R^2 - H^3 - 2*U1*H^2 */ sp_384_mont_sqr_12(x, t4, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); sp_384_mont_sqr_12(t5, t2, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); sp_384_mont_mul_12(y, t1, t5, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); sp_384_mont_mul_12(t5, t5, t2, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); sp_384_mont_sub_12(x, x, t5, p384_mod); sp_384_mont_dbl_12(t1, y, p384_mod); sp_384_mont_sub_12(x, x, t1, p384_mod); /* Y3 = R*(U1*H^2 - X3) - S1*H^3 */ sp_384_mont_sub_12(y, y, x, p384_mod); sp_384_mont_mul_12(y, y, t4, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); sp_384_mont_mul_12(t5, t5, t3, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); sp_384_mont_sub_12(y, y, t5, p384_mod); } } #ifndef WC_NO_CACHE_RESISTANT /* Touch each possible point that could be being copied. * * r Point to copy into. * table Table - start of the entires to access * idx Index of entry to retrieve. */ static void sp_384_get_point_16_12(sp_point_384* r, const sp_point_384* table, int idx) { int i; sp_digit mask; r->x[0] = 0; r->x[1] = 0; r->x[2] = 0; r->x[3] = 0; r->x[4] = 0; r->x[5] = 0; r->x[6] = 0; r->x[7] = 0; r->x[8] = 0; r->x[9] = 0; r->x[10] = 0; r->x[11] = 0; r->y[0] = 0; r->y[1] = 0; r->y[2] = 0; r->y[3] = 0; r->y[4] = 0; r->y[5] = 0; r->y[6] = 0; r->y[7] = 0; r->y[8] = 0; r->y[9] = 0; r->y[10] = 0; r->y[11] = 0; r->z[0] = 0; r->z[1] = 0; r->z[2] = 0; r->z[3] = 0; r->z[4] = 0; r->z[5] = 0; r->z[6] = 0; r->z[7] = 0; r->z[8] = 0; r->z[9] = 0; r->z[10] = 0; r->z[11] = 0; for (i = 1; i < 16; i++) { mask = 0 - (i == idx); r->x[0] |= mask & table[i].x[0]; r->x[1] |= mask & table[i].x[1]; r->x[2] |= mask & table[i].x[2]; r->x[3] |= mask & table[i].x[3]; r->x[4] |= mask & table[i].x[4]; r->x[5] |= mask & table[i].x[5]; r->x[6] |= mask & table[i].x[6]; r->x[7] |= mask & table[i].x[7]; r->x[8] |= mask & table[i].x[8]; r->x[9] |= mask & table[i].x[9]; r->x[10] |= mask & table[i].x[10]; r->x[11] |= mask & table[i].x[11]; r->y[0] |= mask & table[i].y[0]; r->y[1] |= mask & table[i].y[1]; r->y[2] |= mask & table[i].y[2]; r->y[3] |= mask & table[i].y[3]; r->y[4] |= mask & table[i].y[4]; r->y[5] |= mask & table[i].y[5]; r->y[6] |= mask & table[i].y[6]; r->y[7] |= mask & table[i].y[7]; r->y[8] |= mask & table[i].y[8]; r->y[9] |= mask & table[i].y[9]; r->y[10] |= mask & table[i].y[10]; r->y[11] |= mask & table[i].y[11]; r->z[0] |= mask & table[i].z[0]; r->z[1] |= mask & table[i].z[1]; r->z[2] |= mask & table[i].z[2]; r->z[3] |= mask & table[i].z[3]; r->z[4] |= mask & table[i].z[4]; r->z[5] |= mask & table[i].z[5]; r->z[6] |= mask & table[i].z[6]; r->z[7] |= mask & table[i].z[7]; r->z[8] |= mask & table[i].z[8]; r->z[9] |= mask & table[i].z[9]; r->z[10] |= mask & table[i].z[10]; r->z[11] |= mask & table[i].z[11]; } } #endif /* !WC_NO_CACHE_RESISTANT */ /* Multiply the point by the scalar and return the result. * If map is true then convert result to affine coordinates. * * Simple, smaller code size and memory size, of windowing. * Calculate uindow of 4 bits. * Only add points from table. * * r Resulting point. * g Point to multiply. * k Scalar to multiply by. * map Indicates whether to convert result to affine. * ct Constant time required. * heap Heap to use for allocation. * returns MEMORY_E when memory allocation fails and MP_OKAY on success. */ static int sp_384_ecc_mulmod_fast_12(sp_point_384* r, const sp_point_384* g, const sp_digit* k, int map, int ct, void* heap) { #if (!defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) || defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) sp_point_384 td[16]; sp_point_384 rtd; sp_digit tmpd[2 * 12 * 6]; #ifndef WC_NO_CACHE_RESISTANT sp_point_384 pd; #endif #endif sp_point_384* t; sp_point_384* rt; #ifndef WC_NO_CACHE_RESISTANT sp_point_384* p; #endif sp_digit* tmp; sp_digit n; int i; int c, y; int err; /* Constant time used for cache attack resistance implementation. */ (void)ct; (void)heap; err = sp_384_point_new_12(heap, rtd, rt); #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) #ifndef WC_NO_CACHE_RESISTANT t = (sp_point_384*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_point_384) * 17, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); #else t = (sp_point_384*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_point_384) * 16, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); #endif if (t == NULL) err = MEMORY_E; tmp = (sp_digit*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_digit) * 2 * 12 * 6, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); if (tmp == NULL) err = MEMORY_E; #else t = td; tmp = tmpd; #endif if (err == MP_OKAY) { #ifndef WC_NO_CACHE_RESISTANT #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) p = t + 16; #else p = &pd; #endif #endif /* t[0] = {0, 0, 1} * norm */ XMEMSET(&t[0], 0, sizeof(t[0])); t[0].infinity = 1; /* t[1] = {g->x, g->y, g->z} * norm */ (void)sp_384_mod_mul_norm_12(t[1].x, g->x, p384_mod); (void)sp_384_mod_mul_norm_12(t[1].y, g->y, p384_mod); (void)sp_384_mod_mul_norm_12(t[1].z, g->z, p384_mod); t[1].infinity = 0; sp_384_proj_point_dbl_12(&t[ 2], &t[ 1], tmp); t[ 2].infinity = 0; sp_384_proj_point_add_12(&t[ 3], &t[ 2], &t[ 1], tmp); t[ 3].infinity = 0; sp_384_proj_point_dbl_12(&t[ 4], &t[ 2], tmp); t[ 4].infinity = 0; sp_384_proj_point_add_12(&t[ 5], &t[ 3], &t[ 2], tmp); t[ 5].infinity = 0; sp_384_proj_point_dbl_12(&t[ 6], &t[ 3], tmp); t[ 6].infinity = 0; sp_384_proj_point_add_12(&t[ 7], &t[ 4], &t[ 3], tmp); t[ 7].infinity = 0; sp_384_proj_point_dbl_12(&t[ 8], &t[ 4], tmp); t[ 8].infinity = 0; sp_384_proj_point_add_12(&t[ 9], &t[ 5], &t[ 4], tmp); t[ 9].infinity = 0; sp_384_proj_point_dbl_12(&t[10], &t[ 5], tmp); t[10].infinity = 0; sp_384_proj_point_add_12(&t[11], &t[ 6], &t[ 5], tmp); t[11].infinity = 0; sp_384_proj_point_dbl_12(&t[12], &t[ 6], tmp); t[12].infinity = 0; sp_384_proj_point_add_12(&t[13], &t[ 7], &t[ 6], tmp); t[13].infinity = 0; sp_384_proj_point_dbl_12(&t[14], &t[ 7], tmp); t[14].infinity = 0; sp_384_proj_point_add_12(&t[15], &t[ 8], &t[ 7], tmp); t[15].infinity = 0; i = 10; n = k[i+1] << 0; c = 28; y = n >> 28; #ifndef WC_NO_CACHE_RESISTANT if (ct) { sp_384_get_point_16_12(rt, t, y); rt->infinity = !y; } else #endif { XMEMCPY(rt, &t[y], sizeof(sp_point_384)); } n <<= 4; for (; i>=0 || c>=4; ) { if (c < 4) { n |= k[i--]; c += 32; } y = (n >> 28) & 0xf; n <<= 4; c -= 4; sp_384_proj_point_dbl_12(rt, rt, tmp); sp_384_proj_point_dbl_12(rt, rt, tmp); sp_384_proj_point_dbl_12(rt, rt, tmp); sp_384_proj_point_dbl_12(rt, rt, tmp); #ifndef WC_NO_CACHE_RESISTANT if (ct) { sp_384_get_point_16_12(p, t, y); p->infinity = !y; sp_384_proj_point_add_12(rt, rt, p, tmp); } else #endif { sp_384_proj_point_add_12(rt, rt, &t[y], tmp); } } if (map != 0) { sp_384_map_12(r, rt, tmp); } else { XMEMCPY(r, rt, sizeof(sp_point_384)); } } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (tmp != NULL) { XMEMSET(tmp, 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 2 * 12 * 6); XFREE(tmp, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); } if (t != NULL) { XMEMSET(t, 0, sizeof(sp_point_384) * 16); XFREE(t, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); } #else ForceZero(tmpd, sizeof(tmpd)); ForceZero(td, sizeof(td)); #endif sp_384_point_free_12(rt, 1, heap); return err; } /* A table entry for pre-computed points. */ typedef struct sp_table_entry_384 { sp_digit x[12]; sp_digit y[12]; } sp_table_entry_384; #ifdef FP_ECC /* Double the Montgomery form projective point p a number of times. * * r Result of repeated doubling of point. * p Point to double. * n Number of times to double * t Temporary ordinate data. */ static void sp_384_proj_point_dbl_n_12(sp_point_384* p, int n, sp_digit* t) { sp_digit* w = t; sp_digit* a = t + 2*12; sp_digit* b = t + 4*12; sp_digit* t1 = t + 6*12; sp_digit* t2 = t + 8*12; sp_digit* x; sp_digit* y; sp_digit* z; x = p->x; y = p->y; z = p->z; /* Y = 2*Y */ sp_384_mont_dbl_12(y, y, p384_mod); /* W = Z^4 */ sp_384_mont_sqr_12(w, z, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); sp_384_mont_sqr_12(w, w, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); #ifndef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL while (--n > 0) #else while (--n >= 0) #endif { /* A = 3*(X^2 - W) */ sp_384_mont_sqr_12(t1, x, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); sp_384_mont_sub_12(t1, t1, w, p384_mod); sp_384_mont_tpl_12(a, t1, p384_mod); /* B = X*Y^2 */ sp_384_mont_sqr_12(t1, y, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); sp_384_mont_mul_12(b, t1, x, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* X = A^2 - 2B */ sp_384_mont_sqr_12(x, a, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); sp_384_mont_dbl_12(t2, b, p384_mod); sp_384_mont_sub_12(x, x, t2, p384_mod); /* Z = Z*Y */ sp_384_mont_mul_12(z, z, y, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* t2 = Y^4 */ sp_384_mont_sqr_12(t1, t1, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL if (n != 0) #endif { /* W = W*Y^4 */ sp_384_mont_mul_12(w, w, t1, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); } /* y = 2*A*(B - X) - Y^4 */ sp_384_mont_sub_12(y, b, x, p384_mod); sp_384_mont_mul_12(y, y, a, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); sp_384_mont_dbl_12(y, y, p384_mod); sp_384_mont_sub_12(y, y, t1, p384_mod); } #ifndef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL /* A = 3*(X^2 - W) */ sp_384_mont_sqr_12(t1, x, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); sp_384_mont_sub_12(t1, t1, w, p384_mod); sp_384_mont_tpl_12(a, t1, p384_mod); /* B = X*Y^2 */ sp_384_mont_sqr_12(t1, y, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); sp_384_mont_mul_12(b, t1, x, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* X = A^2 - 2B */ sp_384_mont_sqr_12(x, a, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); sp_384_mont_dbl_12(t2, b, p384_mod); sp_384_mont_sub_12(x, x, t2, p384_mod); /* Z = Z*Y */ sp_384_mont_mul_12(z, z, y, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* t2 = Y^4 */ sp_384_mont_sqr_12(t1, t1, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* y = 2*A*(B - X) - Y^4 */ sp_384_mont_sub_12(y, b, x, p384_mod); sp_384_mont_mul_12(y, y, a, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); sp_384_mont_dbl_12(y, y, p384_mod); sp_384_mont_sub_12(y, y, t1, p384_mod); #endif /* Y = Y/2 */ sp_384_div2_12(y, y, p384_mod); } /* Convert the projective point to affine. * Ordinates are in Montgomery form. * * a Point to convert. * t Temporary data. */ static void sp_384_proj_to_affine_12(sp_point_384* a, sp_digit* t) { sp_digit* t1 = t; sp_digit* t2 = t + 2 * 12; sp_digit* tmp = t + 4 * 12; sp_384_mont_inv_12(t1, a->z, tmp); sp_384_mont_sqr_12(t2, t1, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); sp_384_mont_mul_12(t1, t2, t1, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); sp_384_mont_mul_12(a->x, a->x, t2, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); sp_384_mont_mul_12(a->y, a->y, t1, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); XMEMCPY(a->z, p384_norm_mod, sizeof(p384_norm_mod)); } #endif /* FP_ECC */ /* Add two Montgomery form projective points. The second point has a q value of * one. * Only the first point can be the same pointer as the result point. * * r Result of addition. * p First point to add. * q Second point to add. * t Temporary ordinate data. */ static void sp_384_proj_point_add_qz1_12(sp_point_384* r, const sp_point_384* p, const sp_point_384* q, sp_digit* t) { const sp_point_384* ap[2]; sp_point_384* rp[2]; sp_digit* t1 = t; sp_digit* t2 = t + 2*12; sp_digit* t3 = t + 4*12; sp_digit* t4 = t + 6*12; sp_digit* t5 = t + 8*12; sp_digit* x; sp_digit* y; sp_digit* z; int i; /* Check double */ (void)sp_384_sub_12(t1, p384_mod, q->y); sp_384_norm_12(t1); if ((sp_384_cmp_equal_12(p->x, q->x) & sp_384_cmp_equal_12(p->z, q->z) & (sp_384_cmp_equal_12(p->y, q->y) | sp_384_cmp_equal_12(p->y, t1))) != 0) { sp_384_proj_point_dbl_12(r, p, t); } else { rp[0] = r; /*lint allow cast to different type of pointer*/ rp[1] = (sp_point_384*)t; /*lint !e9087 !e740*/ XMEMSET(rp[1], 0, sizeof(sp_point_384)); x = rp[p->infinity | q->infinity]->x; y = rp[p->infinity | q->infinity]->y; z = rp[p->infinity | q->infinity]->z; ap[0] = p; ap[1] = q; for (i=0; i<12; i++) { r->x[i] = ap[p->infinity]->x[i]; } for (i=0; i<12; i++) { r->y[i] = ap[p->infinity]->y[i]; } for (i=0; i<12; i++) { r->z[i] = ap[p->infinity]->z[i]; } r->infinity = ap[p->infinity]->infinity; /* U2 = X2*Z1^2 */ sp_384_mont_sqr_12(t2, z, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); sp_384_mont_mul_12(t4, t2, z, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); sp_384_mont_mul_12(t2, t2, q->x, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* S2 = Y2*Z1^3 */ sp_384_mont_mul_12(t4, t4, q->y, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* H = U2 - X1 */ sp_384_mont_sub_12(t2, t2, x, p384_mod); /* R = S2 - Y1 */ sp_384_mont_sub_12(t4, t4, y, p384_mod); /* Z3 = H*Z1 */ sp_384_mont_mul_12(z, z, t2, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* X3 = R^2 - H^3 - 2*X1*H^2 */ sp_384_mont_sqr_12(t1, t4, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); sp_384_mont_sqr_12(t5, t2, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); sp_384_mont_mul_12(t3, x, t5, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); sp_384_mont_mul_12(t5, t5, t2, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); sp_384_mont_sub_12(x, t1, t5, p384_mod); sp_384_mont_dbl_12(t1, t3, p384_mod); sp_384_mont_sub_12(x, x, t1, p384_mod); /* Y3 = R*(X1*H^2 - X3) - Y1*H^3 */ sp_384_mont_sub_12(t3, t3, x, p384_mod); sp_384_mont_mul_12(t3, t3, t4, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); sp_384_mont_mul_12(t5, t5, y, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); sp_384_mont_sub_12(y, t3, t5, p384_mod); } } #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL #ifdef FP_ECC /* Generate the pre-computed table of points for the base point. * * a The base point. * table Place to store generated point data. * tmp Temporary data. * heap Heap to use for allocation. */ static int sp_384_gen_stripe_table_12(const sp_point_384* a, sp_table_entry_384* table, sp_digit* tmp, void* heap) { #if (!defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) || defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) sp_point_384 td, s1d, s2d; #endif sp_point_384* t; sp_point_384* s1 = NULL; sp_point_384* s2 = NULL; int i, j; int err; (void)heap; err = sp_384_point_new_12(heap, td, t); if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_384_point_new_12(heap, s1d, s1); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_384_point_new_12(heap, s2d, s2); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_384_mod_mul_norm_12(t->x, a->x, p384_mod); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_384_mod_mul_norm_12(t->y, a->y, p384_mod); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_384_mod_mul_norm_12(t->z, a->z, p384_mod); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { t->infinity = 0; sp_384_proj_to_affine_12(t, tmp); XMEMCPY(s1->z, p384_norm_mod, sizeof(p384_norm_mod)); s1->infinity = 0; XMEMCPY(s2->z, p384_norm_mod, sizeof(p384_norm_mod)); s2->infinity = 0; /* table[0] = {0, 0, infinity} */ XMEMSET(&table[0], 0, sizeof(sp_table_entry_384)); /* table[1] = Affine version of 'a' in Montgomery form */ XMEMCPY(table[1].x, t->x, sizeof(table->x)); XMEMCPY(table[1].y, t->y, sizeof(table->y)); for (i=1; i<4; i++) { sp_384_proj_point_dbl_n_12(t, 96, tmp); sp_384_proj_to_affine_12(t, tmp); XMEMCPY(table[1<x, sizeof(table->x)); XMEMCPY(table[1<y, sizeof(table->y)); } for (i=1; i<4; i++) { XMEMCPY(s1->x, table[1<x)); XMEMCPY(s1->y, table[1<y)); for (j=(1<x, table[j-(1<x)); XMEMCPY(s2->y, table[j-(1<y)); sp_384_proj_point_add_qz1_12(t, s1, s2, tmp); sp_384_proj_to_affine_12(t, tmp); XMEMCPY(table[j].x, t->x, sizeof(table->x)); XMEMCPY(table[j].y, t->y, sizeof(table->y)); } } } sp_384_point_free_12(s2, 0, heap); sp_384_point_free_12(s1, 0, heap); sp_384_point_free_12( t, 0, heap); return err; } #endif /* FP_ECC */ #ifndef WC_NO_CACHE_RESISTANT /* Touch each possible entry that could be being copied. * * r Point to copy into. * table Table - start of the entires to access * idx Index of entry to retrieve. */ static void sp_384_get_entry_16_12(sp_point_384* r, const sp_table_entry_384* table, int idx) { int i; sp_digit mask; r->x[0] = 0; r->x[1] = 0; r->x[2] = 0; r->x[3] = 0; r->x[4] = 0; r->x[5] = 0; r->x[6] = 0; r->x[7] = 0; r->x[8] = 0; r->x[9] = 0; r->x[10] = 0; r->x[11] = 0; r->y[0] = 0; r->y[1] = 0; r->y[2] = 0; r->y[3] = 0; r->y[4] = 0; r->y[5] = 0; r->y[6] = 0; r->y[7] = 0; r->y[8] = 0; r->y[9] = 0; r->y[10] = 0; r->y[11] = 0; for (i = 1; i < 16; i++) { mask = 0 - (i == idx); r->x[0] |= mask & table[i].x[0]; r->x[1] |= mask & table[i].x[1]; r->x[2] |= mask & table[i].x[2]; r->x[3] |= mask & table[i].x[3]; r->x[4] |= mask & table[i].x[4]; r->x[5] |= mask & table[i].x[5]; r->x[6] |= mask & table[i].x[6]; r->x[7] |= mask & table[i].x[7]; r->x[8] |= mask & table[i].x[8]; r->x[9] |= mask & table[i].x[9]; r->x[10] |= mask & table[i].x[10]; r->x[11] |= mask & table[i].x[11]; r->y[0] |= mask & table[i].y[0]; r->y[1] |= mask & table[i].y[1]; r->y[2] |= mask & table[i].y[2]; r->y[3] |= mask & table[i].y[3]; r->y[4] |= mask & table[i].y[4]; r->y[5] |= mask & table[i].y[5]; r->y[6] |= mask & table[i].y[6]; r->y[7] |= mask & table[i].y[7]; r->y[8] |= mask & table[i].y[8]; r->y[9] |= mask & table[i].y[9]; r->y[10] |= mask & table[i].y[10]; r->y[11] |= mask & table[i].y[11]; } } #endif /* !WC_NO_CACHE_RESISTANT */ /* Multiply the point by the scalar and return the result. * If map is true then convert result to affine coordinates. * * Implementation uses striping of bits. * Choose bits 4 bits apart. * * r Resulting point. * k Scalar to multiply by. * table Pre-computed table. * map Indicates whether to convert result to affine. * ct Constant time required. * heap Heap to use for allocation. * returns MEMORY_E when memory allocation fails and MP_OKAY on success. */ static int sp_384_ecc_mulmod_stripe_12(sp_point_384* r, const sp_point_384* g, const sp_table_entry_384* table, const sp_digit* k, int map, int ct, void* heap) { #if (!defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) || defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) sp_point_384 rtd; sp_point_384 pd; sp_digit td[2 * 12 * 6]; #endif sp_point_384* rt; sp_point_384* p = NULL; sp_digit* t; int i, j; int y, x; int err; (void)g; /* Constant time used for cache attack resistance implementation. */ (void)ct; (void)heap; err = sp_384_point_new_12(heap, rtd, rt); if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_384_point_new_12(heap, pd, p); } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) t = (sp_digit*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_digit) * 2 * 12 * 6, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); if (t == NULL) { err = MEMORY_E; } #else t = td; #endif if (err == MP_OKAY) { XMEMCPY(p->z, p384_norm_mod, sizeof(p384_norm_mod)); XMEMCPY(rt->z, p384_norm_mod, sizeof(p384_norm_mod)); y = 0; for (j=0,x=95; j<4; j++,x+=96) { y |= (int)(((k[x / 32] >> (x % 32)) & 1) << j); } #ifndef WC_NO_CACHE_RESISTANT if (ct) { sp_384_get_entry_16_12(rt, table, y); } else #endif { XMEMCPY(rt->x, table[y].x, sizeof(table[y].x)); XMEMCPY(rt->y, table[y].y, sizeof(table[y].y)); } rt->infinity = !y; for (i=94; i>=0; i--) { y = 0; for (j=0,x=i; j<4; j++,x+=96) { y |= (int)(((k[x / 32] >> (x % 32)) & 1) << j); } sp_384_proj_point_dbl_12(rt, rt, t); #ifndef WC_NO_CACHE_RESISTANT if (ct) { sp_384_get_entry_16_12(p, table, y); } else #endif { XMEMCPY(p->x, table[y].x, sizeof(table[y].x)); XMEMCPY(p->y, table[y].y, sizeof(table[y].y)); } p->infinity = !y; sp_384_proj_point_add_qz1_12(rt, rt, p, t); } if (map != 0) { sp_384_map_12(r, rt, t); } else { XMEMCPY(r, rt, sizeof(sp_point_384)); } } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (t != NULL) { XFREE(t, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); } #endif sp_384_point_free_12(p, 0, heap); sp_384_point_free_12(rt, 0, heap); return err; } #ifdef FP_ECC #ifndef FP_ENTRIES #define FP_ENTRIES 16 #endif typedef struct sp_cache_384_t { sp_digit x[12]; sp_digit y[12]; sp_table_entry_384 table[16]; uint32_t cnt; int set; } sp_cache_384_t; static THREAD_LS_T sp_cache_384_t sp_cache_384[FP_ENTRIES]; static THREAD_LS_T int sp_cache_384_last = -1; static THREAD_LS_T int sp_cache_384_inited = 0; #ifndef HAVE_THREAD_LS static volatile int initCacheMutex_384 = 0; static wolfSSL_Mutex sp_cache_384_lock; #endif static void sp_ecc_get_cache_384(const sp_point_384* g, sp_cache_384_t** cache) { int i, j; uint32_t least; if (sp_cache_384_inited == 0) { for (i=0; ix, sp_cache_384[i].x) & sp_384_cmp_equal_12(g->y, sp_cache_384[i].y)) { sp_cache_384[i].cnt++; break; } } /* No match. */ if (i == FP_ENTRIES) { /* Find empty entry. */ i = (sp_cache_384_last + 1) % FP_ENTRIES; for (; i != sp_cache_384_last; i=(i+1)%FP_ENTRIES) { if (!sp_cache_384[i].set) { break; } } /* Evict least used. */ if (i == sp_cache_384_last) { least = sp_cache_384[0].cnt; for (j=1; jx, sizeof(sp_cache_384[i].x)); XMEMCPY(sp_cache_384[i].y, g->y, sizeof(sp_cache_384[i].y)); sp_cache_384[i].set = 1; sp_cache_384[i].cnt = 1; } *cache = &sp_cache_384[i]; sp_cache_384_last = i; } #endif /* FP_ECC */ /* Multiply the base point of P384 by the scalar and return the result. * If map is true then convert result to affine coordinates. * * r Resulting point. * g Point to multiply. * k Scalar to multiply by. * map Indicates whether to convert result to affine. * ct Constant time required. * heap Heap to use for allocation. * returns MEMORY_E when memory allocation fails and MP_OKAY on success. */ static int sp_384_ecc_mulmod_12(sp_point_384* r, const sp_point_384* g, const sp_digit* k, int map, int ct, void* heap) { #ifndef FP_ECC return sp_384_ecc_mulmod_fast_12(r, g, k, map, ct, heap); #else sp_digit tmp[2 * 12 * 7]; sp_cache_384_t* cache; int err = MP_OKAY; #ifndef HAVE_THREAD_LS if (initCacheMutex_384 == 0) { wc_InitMutex(&sp_cache_384_lock); initCacheMutex_384 = 1; } if (wc_LockMutex(&sp_cache_384_lock) != 0) err = BAD_MUTEX_E; #endif /* HAVE_THREAD_LS */ if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_ecc_get_cache_384(g, &cache); if (cache->cnt == 2) sp_384_gen_stripe_table_12(g, cache->table, tmp, heap); #ifndef HAVE_THREAD_LS wc_UnLockMutex(&sp_cache_384_lock); #endif /* HAVE_THREAD_LS */ if (cache->cnt < 2) { err = sp_384_ecc_mulmod_fast_12(r, g, k, map, ct, heap); } else { err = sp_384_ecc_mulmod_stripe_12(r, g, cache->table, k, map, ct, heap); } } return err; #endif } #else #ifdef FP_ECC /* Generate the pre-computed table of points for the base point. * * a The base point. * table Place to store generated point data. * tmp Temporary data. * heap Heap to use for allocation. */ static int sp_384_gen_stripe_table_12(const sp_point_384* a, sp_table_entry_384* table, sp_digit* tmp, void* heap) { #if (!defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) || defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) sp_point_384 td, s1d, s2d; #endif sp_point_384* t; sp_point_384* s1 = NULL; sp_point_384* s2 = NULL; int i, j; int err; (void)heap; err = sp_384_point_new_12(heap, td, t); if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_384_point_new_12(heap, s1d, s1); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_384_point_new_12(heap, s2d, s2); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_384_mod_mul_norm_12(t->x, a->x, p384_mod); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_384_mod_mul_norm_12(t->y, a->y, p384_mod); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_384_mod_mul_norm_12(t->z, a->z, p384_mod); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { t->infinity = 0; sp_384_proj_to_affine_12(t, tmp); XMEMCPY(s1->z, p384_norm_mod, sizeof(p384_norm_mod)); s1->infinity = 0; XMEMCPY(s2->z, p384_norm_mod, sizeof(p384_norm_mod)); s2->infinity = 0; /* table[0] = {0, 0, infinity} */ XMEMSET(&table[0], 0, sizeof(sp_table_entry_384)); /* table[1] = Affine version of 'a' in Montgomery form */ XMEMCPY(table[1].x, t->x, sizeof(table->x)); XMEMCPY(table[1].y, t->y, sizeof(table->y)); for (i=1; i<8; i++) { sp_384_proj_point_dbl_n_12(t, 48, tmp); sp_384_proj_to_affine_12(t, tmp); XMEMCPY(table[1<x, sizeof(table->x)); XMEMCPY(table[1<y, sizeof(table->y)); } for (i=1; i<8; i++) { XMEMCPY(s1->x, table[1<x)); XMEMCPY(s1->y, table[1<y)); for (j=(1<x, table[j-(1<x)); XMEMCPY(s2->y, table[j-(1<y)); sp_384_proj_point_add_qz1_12(t, s1, s2, tmp); sp_384_proj_to_affine_12(t, tmp); XMEMCPY(table[j].x, t->x, sizeof(table->x)); XMEMCPY(table[j].y, t->y, sizeof(table->y)); } } } sp_384_point_free_12(s2, 0, heap); sp_384_point_free_12(s1, 0, heap); sp_384_point_free_12( t, 0, heap); return err; } #endif /* FP_ECC */ #ifndef WC_NO_CACHE_RESISTANT /* Touch each possible entry that could be being copied. * * r Point to copy into. * table Table - start of the entires to access * idx Index of entry to retrieve. */ static void sp_384_get_entry_256_12(sp_point_384* r, const sp_table_entry_384* table, int idx) { int i; sp_digit mask; r->x[0] = 0; r->x[1] = 0; r->x[2] = 0; r->x[3] = 0; r->x[4] = 0; r->x[5] = 0; r->x[6] = 0; r->x[7] = 0; r->x[8] = 0; r->x[9] = 0; r->x[10] = 0; r->x[11] = 0; r->y[0] = 0; r->y[1] = 0; r->y[2] = 0; r->y[3] = 0; r->y[4] = 0; r->y[5] = 0; r->y[6] = 0; r->y[7] = 0; r->y[8] = 0; r->y[9] = 0; r->y[10] = 0; r->y[11] = 0; for (i = 1; i < 256; i++) { mask = 0 - (i == idx); r->x[0] |= mask & table[i].x[0]; r->x[1] |= mask & table[i].x[1]; r->x[2] |= mask & table[i].x[2]; r->x[3] |= mask & table[i].x[3]; r->x[4] |= mask & table[i].x[4]; r->x[5] |= mask & table[i].x[5]; r->x[6] |= mask & table[i].x[6]; r->x[7] |= mask & table[i].x[7]; r->x[8] |= mask & table[i].x[8]; r->x[9] |= mask & table[i].x[9]; r->x[10] |= mask & table[i].x[10]; r->x[11] |= mask & table[i].x[11]; r->y[0] |= mask & table[i].y[0]; r->y[1] |= mask & table[i].y[1]; r->y[2] |= mask & table[i].y[2]; r->y[3] |= mask & table[i].y[3]; r->y[4] |= mask & table[i].y[4]; r->y[5] |= mask & table[i].y[5]; r->y[6] |= mask & table[i].y[6]; r->y[7] |= mask & table[i].y[7]; r->y[8] |= mask & table[i].y[8]; r->y[9] |= mask & table[i].y[9]; r->y[10] |= mask & table[i].y[10]; r->y[11] |= mask & table[i].y[11]; } } #endif /* !WC_NO_CACHE_RESISTANT */ /* Multiply the point by the scalar and return the result. * If map is true then convert result to affine coordinates. * * Implementation uses striping of bits. * Choose bits 8 bits apart. * * r Resulting point. * k Scalar to multiply by. * table Pre-computed table. * map Indicates whether to convert result to affine. * ct Constant time required. * heap Heap to use for allocation. * returns MEMORY_E when memory allocation fails and MP_OKAY on success. */ static int sp_384_ecc_mulmod_stripe_12(sp_point_384* r, const sp_point_384* g, const sp_table_entry_384* table, const sp_digit* k, int map, int ct, void* heap) { #if (!defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) || defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) sp_point_384 rtd; sp_point_384 pd; sp_digit td[2 * 12 * 6]; #endif sp_point_384* rt; sp_point_384* p = NULL; sp_digit* t; int i, j; int y, x; int err; (void)g; /* Constant time used for cache attack resistance implementation. */ (void)ct; (void)heap; err = sp_384_point_new_12(heap, rtd, rt); if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_384_point_new_12(heap, pd, p); } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) t = (sp_digit*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_digit) * 2 * 12 * 6, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); if (t == NULL) { err = MEMORY_E; } #else t = td; #endif if (err == MP_OKAY) { XMEMCPY(p->z, p384_norm_mod, sizeof(p384_norm_mod)); XMEMCPY(rt->z, p384_norm_mod, sizeof(p384_norm_mod)); y = 0; for (j=0,x=47; j<8; j++,x+=48) { y |= (int)(((k[x / 32] >> (x % 32)) & 1) << j); } #ifndef WC_NO_CACHE_RESISTANT if (ct) { sp_384_get_entry_256_12(rt, table, y); } else #endif { XMEMCPY(rt->x, table[y].x, sizeof(table[y].x)); XMEMCPY(rt->y, table[y].y, sizeof(table[y].y)); } rt->infinity = !y; for (i=46; i>=0; i--) { y = 0; for (j=0,x=i; j<8; j++,x+=48) { y |= (int)(((k[x / 32] >> (x % 32)) & 1) << j); } sp_384_proj_point_dbl_12(rt, rt, t); #ifndef WC_NO_CACHE_RESISTANT if (ct) { sp_384_get_entry_256_12(p, table, y); } else #endif { XMEMCPY(p->x, table[y].x, sizeof(table[y].x)); XMEMCPY(p->y, table[y].y, sizeof(table[y].y)); } p->infinity = !y; sp_384_proj_point_add_qz1_12(rt, rt, p, t); } if (map != 0) { sp_384_map_12(r, rt, t); } else { XMEMCPY(r, rt, sizeof(sp_point_384)); } } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (t != NULL) { XFREE(t, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); } #endif sp_384_point_free_12(p, 0, heap); sp_384_point_free_12(rt, 0, heap); return err; } #ifdef FP_ECC #ifndef FP_ENTRIES #define FP_ENTRIES 16 #endif typedef struct sp_cache_384_t { sp_digit x[12]; sp_digit y[12]; sp_table_entry_384 table[256]; uint32_t cnt; int set; } sp_cache_384_t; static THREAD_LS_T sp_cache_384_t sp_cache_384[FP_ENTRIES]; static THREAD_LS_T int sp_cache_384_last = -1; static THREAD_LS_T int sp_cache_384_inited = 0; #ifndef HAVE_THREAD_LS static volatile int initCacheMutex_384 = 0; static wolfSSL_Mutex sp_cache_384_lock; #endif static void sp_ecc_get_cache_384(const sp_point_384* g, sp_cache_384_t** cache) { int i, j; uint32_t least; if (sp_cache_384_inited == 0) { for (i=0; ix, sp_cache_384[i].x) & sp_384_cmp_equal_12(g->y, sp_cache_384[i].y)) { sp_cache_384[i].cnt++; break; } } /* No match. */ if (i == FP_ENTRIES) { /* Find empty entry. */ i = (sp_cache_384_last + 1) % FP_ENTRIES; for (; i != sp_cache_384_last; i=(i+1)%FP_ENTRIES) { if (!sp_cache_384[i].set) { break; } } /* Evict least used. */ if (i == sp_cache_384_last) { least = sp_cache_384[0].cnt; for (j=1; jx, sizeof(sp_cache_384[i].x)); XMEMCPY(sp_cache_384[i].y, g->y, sizeof(sp_cache_384[i].y)); sp_cache_384[i].set = 1; sp_cache_384[i].cnt = 1; } *cache = &sp_cache_384[i]; sp_cache_384_last = i; } #endif /* FP_ECC */ /* Multiply the base point of P384 by the scalar and return the result. * If map is true then convert result to affine coordinates. * * r Resulting point. * g Point to multiply. * k Scalar to multiply by. * map Indicates whether to convert result to affine. * ct Constant time required. * heap Heap to use for allocation. * returns MEMORY_E when memory allocation fails and MP_OKAY on success. */ static int sp_384_ecc_mulmod_12(sp_point_384* r, const sp_point_384* g, const sp_digit* k, int map, int ct, void* heap) { #ifndef FP_ECC return sp_384_ecc_mulmod_fast_12(r, g, k, map, ct, heap); #else sp_digit tmp[2 * 12 * 7]; sp_cache_384_t* cache; int err = MP_OKAY; #ifndef HAVE_THREAD_LS if (initCacheMutex_384 == 0) { wc_InitMutex(&sp_cache_384_lock); initCacheMutex_384 = 1; } if (wc_LockMutex(&sp_cache_384_lock) != 0) err = BAD_MUTEX_E; #endif /* HAVE_THREAD_LS */ if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_ecc_get_cache_384(g, &cache); if (cache->cnt == 2) sp_384_gen_stripe_table_12(g, cache->table, tmp, heap); #ifndef HAVE_THREAD_LS wc_UnLockMutex(&sp_cache_384_lock); #endif /* HAVE_THREAD_LS */ if (cache->cnt < 2) { err = sp_384_ecc_mulmod_fast_12(r, g, k, map, ct, heap); } else { err = sp_384_ecc_mulmod_stripe_12(r, g, cache->table, k, map, ct, heap); } } return err; #endif } #endif /* WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL */ /* Multiply the point by the scalar and return the result. * If map is true then convert result to affine coordinates. * * km Scalar to multiply by. * p Point to multiply. * r Resulting point. * map Indicates whether to convert result to affine. * heap Heap to use for allocation. * returns MEMORY_E when memory allocation fails and MP_OKAY on success. */ int sp_ecc_mulmod_384(mp_int* km, ecc_point* gm, ecc_point* r, int map, void* heap) { #if (!defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) || defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) sp_point_384 p; sp_digit kd[12]; #endif sp_point_384* point; sp_digit* k = NULL; int err = MP_OKAY; err = sp_384_point_new_12(heap, p, point); #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (err == MP_OKAY) { k = (sp_digit*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_digit) * 12, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); if (k == NULL) err = MEMORY_E; } #else k = kd; #endif if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_384_from_mp(k, 12, km); sp_384_point_from_ecc_point_12(point, gm); err = sp_384_ecc_mulmod_12(point, point, k, map, 1, heap); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_384_point_to_ecc_point_12(point, r); } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (k != NULL) { XFREE(k, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); } #endif sp_384_point_free_12(point, 0, heap); return err; } #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL static const sp_table_entry_384 p384_table[16] = { /* 0 */ { { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }, { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 } }, /* 1 */ { { 0x49c0b528,0x3dd07566,0xa0d6ce38,0x20e378e2,0x541b4d6e,0x879c3afc, 0x59a30eff,0x64548684,0x614ede2b,0x812ff723,0x299e1513,0x4d3aadc2 }, { 0x4b03a4fe,0x23043dad,0x7bb4a9ac,0xa1bfa8bf,0x2e83b050,0x8bade756, 0x68f4ffd9,0xc6c35219,0x3969a840,0xdd800226,0x5a15c5e9,0x2b78abc2 } }, /* 2 */ { { 0xf26feef9,0x24480c57,0x3a0e1240,0xc31a2694,0x273e2bc7,0x735002c3, 0x3ef1ed4c,0x8c42e9c5,0x7f4948e8,0x028babf6,0x8a978632,0x6a502f43 }, { 0xb74536fe,0xf5f13a46,0xd8a9f0eb,0x1d218bab,0x37232768,0x30f36bcc, 0x576e8c18,0xc5317b31,0x9bbcb766,0xef1d57a6,0xb3e3d4dc,0x917c4930 } }, /* 3 */ { { 0xe349ddd0,0x11426e2e,0x9b2fc250,0x9f117ef9,0xec0174a6,0xff36b480, 0x18458466,0x4f4bde76,0x05806049,0x2f2edb6d,0x19dfca92,0x8adc75d1 }, { 0xb7d5a7ce,0xa619d097,0xa34411e9,0x874275e5,0x0da4b4ef,0x5403e047, 0x77901d8f,0x2ebaafd9,0xa747170f,0x5e63ebce,0x7f9d8036,0x12a36944 } }, /* 4 */ { { 0x2f9fbe67,0x378205de,0x7f728e44,0xc4afcb83,0x682e00f1,0xdbcec06c, 0x114d5423,0xf2a145c3,0x7a52463e,0xa01d9874,0x7d717b0a,0xfc0935b1 }, { 0xd4d01f95,0x9653bc4f,0x9560ad34,0x9aa83ea8,0xaf8e3f3f,0xf77943dc, 0xe86fe16e,0x70774a10,0xbf9ffdcf,0x6b62e6f1,0x588745c9,0x8a72f39e } }, /* 5 */ { { 0x2341c342,0x73ade4da,0xea704422,0xdd326e54,0x3741cef3,0x336c7d98, 0x59e61549,0x1eafa00d,0xbd9a3efd,0xcd3ed892,0xc5c6c7e4,0x03faf26c }, { 0x3045f8ac,0x087e2fcf,0x174f1e73,0x14a65532,0xfe0af9a7,0x2cf84f28, 0x2cdc935b,0xddfd7a84,0x6929c895,0x4c0f117b,0x4c8bcfcc,0x356572d6 } }, /* 6 */ { { 0x3f3b236f,0xfab08607,0x81e221da,0x19e9d41d,0x3927b428,0xf3f6571e, 0x7550f1f6,0x4348a933,0xa85e62f0,0x7167b996,0x7f5452bf,0x62d43759 }, { 0xf2955926,0xd85feb9e,0x6df78353,0x440a561f,0x9ca36b59,0x389668ec, 0xa22da016,0x052bf1a1,0xf6093254,0xbdfbff72,0xe22209f3,0x94e50f28 } }, /* 7 */ { { 0x3062e8af,0x90b2e5b3,0xe8a3d369,0xa8572375,0x201db7b1,0x3fe1b00b, 0xee651aa2,0xe926def0,0xb9b10ad7,0x6542c9be,0xa2fcbe74,0x098e309b }, { 0xfff1d63f,0x779deeb3,0x20bfd374,0x23d0e80a,0x8768f797,0x8452bb3b, 0x1f952856,0xcf75bb4d,0x29ea3faa,0x8fe6b400,0x81373a53,0x12bd3e40 } }, /* 8 */ { { 0x16973cf4,0x070d34e1,0x7e4f34f7,0x20aee08b,0x5eb8ad29,0x269af9b9, 0xa6a45dda,0xdde0a036,0x63df41e0,0xa18b528e,0xa260df2a,0x03cc71b2 }, { 0xa06b1dd7,0x24a6770a,0x9d2675d3,0x5bfa9c11,0x96844432,0x73c1e2a1, 0x131a6cf0,0x3660558d,0x2ee79454,0xb0289c83,0xc6d8ddcd,0xa6aefb01 } }, /* 9 */ { { 0x01ab5245,0xba1464b4,0xc48d93ff,0x9b8d0b6d,0x93ad272c,0x939867dc, 0xae9fdc77,0xbebe085e,0x894ea8bd,0x73ae5103,0x39ac22e1,0x740fc89a }, { 0x28e23b23,0x5e28b0a3,0xe13104d0,0x2352722e,0xb0a2640d,0xf4667a18, 0x49bb37c3,0xac74a72e,0xe81e183a,0x79f734f0,0x3fd9c0eb,0xbffe5b6c } }, /* 10 */ { { 0x00623f3b,0x03cf2922,0x5f29ebff,0x095c7111,0x80aa6823,0x42d72247, 0x7458c0b0,0x044c7ba1,0x0959ec20,0xca62f7ef,0xf8ca929f,0x40ae2ab7 }, { 0xa927b102,0xb8c5377a,0xdc031771,0x398a86a0,0xc216a406,0x04908f9d, 0x918d3300,0xb423a73a,0xe0b94739,0x634b0ff1,0x2d69f697,0xe29de725 } }, /* 11 */ { { 0x8435af04,0x744d1400,0xfec192da,0x5f255b1d,0x336dc542,0x1f17dc12, 0x636a68a8,0x5c90c2a7,0x7704ca1e,0x960c9eb7,0x6fb3d65a,0x9de8cf1e }, { 0x511d3d06,0xc60fee0d,0xf9eb52c7,0x466e2313,0x206b0914,0x743c0f5f, 0x2191aa4d,0x42f55bac,0xffebdbc2,0xcefc7c8f,0xe6e8ed1c,0xd4fa6081 } }, /* 12 */ { { 0x98683186,0x867db639,0xddcc4ea9,0xfb5cf424,0xd4f0e7bd,0xcc9a7ffe, 0x7a779f7e,0x7c57f71c,0xd6b25ef2,0x90774079,0xb4081680,0x90eae903 }, { 0x0ee1fceb,0xdf2aae5e,0xe86c1a1f,0x3ff1da24,0xca193edf,0x80f587d6, 0xdc9b9d6a,0xa5695523,0x85920303,0x7b840900,0xba6dbdef,0x1efa4dfc } }, /* 13 */ { { 0xe0540015,0xfbd838f9,0xc39077dc,0x2c323946,0xad619124,0x8b1fb9e6, 0x0ca62ea8,0x9612440c,0x2dbe00ff,0x9ad9b52c,0xae197643,0xf52abaa1 }, { 0x2cac32ad,0xd0e89894,0x62a98f91,0xdfb79e42,0x276f55cb,0x65452ecf, 0x7ad23e12,0xdb1ac0d2,0xde4986f0,0xf68c5f6a,0x82ce327d,0x389ac37b } }, /* 14 */ { { 0xb8a9e8c9,0xcd96866d,0x5bb8091e,0xa11963b8,0x045b3cd2,0xc7f90d53, 0x80f36504,0x755a72b5,0x21d3751c,0x46f8b399,0x53c193de,0x4bffdc91 }, { 0xb89554e7,0xcd15c049,0xf7a26be6,0x353c6754,0xbd41d970,0x79602370, 0x12b176c0,0xde16470b,0x40c8809d,0x56ba1175,0xe435fb1e,0xe2db35c3 } }, /* 15 */ { { 0x6328e33f,0xd71e4aab,0xaf8136d1,0x5486782b,0x86d57231,0x07a4995f, 0x1651a968,0xf1f0a5bd,0x76803b6d,0xa5dc5b24,0x42dda935,0x5c587cbc }, { 0xbae8b4c0,0x2b6cdb32,0xb1331138,0x66d1598b,0x5d7e9614,0x4a23b2d2, 0x74a8c05d,0x93e402a6,0xda7ce82e,0x45ac94e6,0xe463d465,0xeb9f8281 } }, }; /* Multiply the base point of P384 by the scalar and return the result. * If map is true then convert result to affine coordinates. * * r Resulting point. * k Scalar to multiply by. * map Indicates whether to convert result to affine. * ct Constant time required. * heap Heap to use for allocation. * returns MEMORY_E when memory allocation fails and MP_OKAY on success. */ static int sp_384_ecc_mulmod_base_12(sp_point_384* r, const sp_digit* k, int map, int ct, void* heap) { return sp_384_ecc_mulmod_stripe_12(r, &p384_base, p384_table, k, map, ct, heap); } #else static const sp_table_entry_384 p384_table[256] = { /* 0 */ { { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }, { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 } }, /* 1 */ { { 0x49c0b528,0x3dd07566,0xa0d6ce38,0x20e378e2,0x541b4d6e,0x879c3afc, 0x59a30eff,0x64548684,0x614ede2b,0x812ff723,0x299e1513,0x4d3aadc2 }, { 0x4b03a4fe,0x23043dad,0x7bb4a9ac,0xa1bfa8bf,0x2e83b050,0x8bade756, 0x68f4ffd9,0xc6c35219,0x3969a840,0xdd800226,0x5a15c5e9,0x2b78abc2 } }, /* 2 */ { { 0x2b0c535b,0x29864753,0x70506296,0x90dd6953,0x216ab9ac,0x038cd6b4, 0xbe12d76a,0x3df9b7b7,0x5f347bdb,0x13f4d978,0x13e94489,0x222c5c9c }, { 0x2680dc64,0x5f8e796f,0x58352417,0x120e7cb7,0xd10740b8,0x254b5d8a, 0x5337dee6,0xc38b8efb,0x94f02247,0xf688c2e1,0x6c25bc4c,0x7b5c75f3 } }, /* 3 */ { { 0x9edffea5,0xe26a3cc3,0x37d7e9fc,0x35bbfd1c,0x9bde3ef6,0xf0e7700d, 0x1a538f5a,0x0380eb47,0x05bf9eb3,0x2e9da8bb,0x1a460c3e,0xdbb93c73 }, { 0xf526b605,0x37dba260,0xfd785537,0x95d4978e,0xed72a04a,0x24ed793a, 0x76005b1a,0x26948377,0x9e681f82,0x99f557b9,0xd64954ef,0xae5f9557 } }, /* 4 */ { { 0xf26feef9,0x24480c57,0x3a0e1240,0xc31a2694,0x273e2bc7,0x735002c3, 0x3ef1ed4c,0x8c42e9c5,0x7f4948e8,0x028babf6,0x8a978632,0x6a502f43 }, { 0xb74536fe,0xf5f13a46,0xd8a9f0eb,0x1d218bab,0x37232768,0x30f36bcc, 0x576e8c18,0xc5317b31,0x9bbcb766,0xef1d57a6,0xb3e3d4dc,0x917c4930 } }, /* 5 */ { { 0xe349ddd0,0x11426e2e,0x9b2fc250,0x9f117ef9,0xec0174a6,0xff36b480, 0x18458466,0x4f4bde76,0x05806049,0x2f2edb6d,0x19dfca92,0x8adc75d1 }, { 0xb7d5a7ce,0xa619d097,0xa34411e9,0x874275e5,0x0da4b4ef,0x5403e047, 0x77901d8f,0x2ebaafd9,0xa747170f,0x5e63ebce,0x7f9d8036,0x12a36944 } }, /* 6 */ { { 0x4fc52870,0x28f9c07a,0x1a53a961,0xce0b3748,0x0e1828d9,0xd550fa18, 0x6adb225a,0xa24abaf7,0x6e58a348,0xd11ed0a5,0x948acb62,0xf3d811e6 }, { 0x4c61ed22,0x8618dd77,0x80b47c9d,0x0bb747f9,0xde6b8559,0x22bf796f, 0x680a21e9,0xfdfd1c6d,0x2af2c9dd,0xc0db1577,0xc1e90f3d,0xa09379e6 } }, /* 7 */ { { 0xe085c629,0x386c66ef,0x095bc89a,0x5fc2a461,0x203f4b41,0x1353d631, 0x7e4bd8f5,0x7ca1972b,0xa7df8ce9,0xb077380a,0xee7e4ea3,0xd8a90389 }, { 0xe7b14461,0x1bc74dc7,0x0c9c4f78,0xdc2cb014,0x84ef0a10,0x52b4b3a6, 0x20327fe2,0xbde6ea5d,0x660f9615,0xb71ec435,0xb8ad8173,0xeede5a04 } }, /* 8 */ { { 0x893b9a2d,0x5584cbb3,0x00850c5d,0x820c660b,0x7df2d43d,0x4126d826, 0x0109e801,0xdd5bbbf0,0x38172f1c,0x85b92ee3,0xf31430d9,0x609d4f93 }, { 0xeadaf9d6,0x1e059a07,0x0f125fb0,0x70e6536c,0x560f20e7,0xd6220751, 0x7aaf3a9a,0xa59489ae,0x64bae14e,0x7b70e2f6,0x76d08249,0x0dd03701 } }, /* 9 */ { { 0x8510521f,0x4cc13be8,0xf724cc17,0x87315ba9,0x353dc263,0xb49d83bb, 0x0c279257,0x8b677efe,0xc93c9537,0x510a1c1c,0xa4702c99,0x33e30cd8 }, { 0x2208353f,0xf0ffc89d,0xced42b2b,0x0170fa8d,0x26e2a5f5,0x090851ed, 0xecb52c96,0x81276455,0x7fe1adf4,0x0646c4e1,0xb0868eab,0x513f047e } }, /* 10 */ { { 0xdf5bdf53,0xc07611f4,0x58b11a6d,0x45d331a7,0x1c4ee394,0x58965daf, 0x5a5878d1,0xba8bebe7,0x82dd3025,0xaecc0a18,0xa923eb8b,0xcf2a3899 }, { 0xd24fd048,0xf98c9281,0x8bbb025d,0x841bfb59,0xc9ab9d53,0xb8ddf8ce, 0x7fef044e,0x538a4cb6,0x23236662,0x092ac21f,0x0b66f065,0xa919d385 } }, /* 11 */ { { 0x85d480d8,0x3db03b40,0x1b287a7d,0x8cd9f479,0x4a8f3bae,0x8f24dc75, 0x3db41892,0x482eb800,0x9c56e0f5,0x38bf9eb3,0x9a91dc6f,0x8b977320 }, { 0x7209cfc2,0xa31b05b2,0x05b2db70,0x4c49bf85,0xd619527b,0x56462498, 0x1fac51ba,0x3fe51039,0xab4b8342,0xfb04f55e,0x04c6eabf,0xc07c10dc } }, /* 12 */ { { 0xdb32f048,0xad22fe4c,0x475ed6df,0x5f23bf91,0xaa66b6cb,0xa50ce0c0, 0xf03405c0,0xdf627a89,0xf95e2d6a,0x3674837d,0xba42e64e,0x081c95b6 }, { 0xe71d6ceb,0xeba3e036,0x6c6b0271,0xb45bcccf,0x0684701d,0x67b47e63, 0xe712523f,0x60f8f942,0x5cd47adc,0x82423472,0x87649cbb,0x83027d79 } }, /* 13 */ { { 0x3615b0b8,0xb3929ea6,0xa54dac41,0xb41441fd,0xb5b6a368,0x8995d556, 0x167ef05e,0xa80d4529,0x6d25a27f,0xf6bcb4a1,0x7bd55b68,0x210d6a4c }, { 0x25351130,0xf3804abb,0x903e37eb,0x1d2df699,0x084c25c8,0x5f201efc, 0xa1c68e91,0x31a28c87,0x563f62a5,0x81dad253,0xd6c415d4,0x5dd6de70 } }, /* 14 */ { { 0x846612ce,0x29f470fd,0xda18d997,0x986f3eec,0x2f34af86,0x6b84c161, 0x46ddaf8b,0x5ef0a408,0xe49e795f,0x14405a00,0xaa2f7a37,0x5f491b16 }, { 0xdb41b38d,0xc7f07ae4,0x18fbfcaa,0xef7d119e,0x14443b19,0x3a18e076, 0x79a19926,0x4356841a,0xe2226fbe,0x91f4a91c,0x3cc88721,0xdc77248c } }, /* 15 */ { { 0xe4b1ec9d,0xd570ff1a,0xe7eef706,0x21d23e0e,0xca19e086,0x3cde40f4, 0xcd4bb270,0x7d6523c4,0xbf13aa6c,0x16c1f06c,0xd14c4b60,0x5aa7245a }, { 0x44b74de8,0x37f81467,0x620a934e,0x839e7a17,0xde8b1aa1,0xf74d14e8, 0xf30d75e2,0x8789fa51,0xc81c261e,0x09b24052,0x33c565ee,0x654e2678 } }, /* 16 */ { { 0x2f9fbe67,0x378205de,0x7f728e44,0xc4afcb83,0x682e00f1,0xdbcec06c, 0x114d5423,0xf2a145c3,0x7a52463e,0xa01d9874,0x7d717b0a,0xfc0935b1 }, { 0xd4d01f95,0x9653bc4f,0x9560ad34,0x9aa83ea8,0xaf8e3f3f,0xf77943dc, 0xe86fe16e,0x70774a10,0xbf9ffdcf,0x6b62e6f1,0x588745c9,0x8a72f39e } }, /* 17 */ { { 0x2341c342,0x73ade4da,0xea704422,0xdd326e54,0x3741cef3,0x336c7d98, 0x59e61549,0x1eafa00d,0xbd9a3efd,0xcd3ed892,0xc5c6c7e4,0x03faf26c }, { 0x3045f8ac,0x087e2fcf,0x174f1e73,0x14a65532,0xfe0af9a7,0x2cf84f28, 0x2cdc935b,0xddfd7a84,0x6929c895,0x4c0f117b,0x4c8bcfcc,0x356572d6 } }, /* 18 */ { { 0x7d8c1bba,0x7ecbac01,0x90b0f3d5,0x6058f9c3,0xf6197d0f,0xaee116e3, 0x4033b128,0xc4dd7068,0xc209b983,0xf084dba6,0x831dbc4a,0x97c7c2cf }, { 0xf96010e8,0x2f4e61dd,0x529faa17,0xd97e4e20,0x69d37f20,0x4ee66660, 0x3d366d72,0xccc139ed,0x13488e0f,0x690b6ee2,0xf3a6d533,0x7cad1dc5 } }, /* 19 */ { { 0xda57a41f,0x660a9a81,0xec0039b6,0xe74a0412,0x5e1dad15,0x42343c6b, 0x46681d4c,0x284f3ff5,0x63749e89,0xb51087f1,0x6f9f2f13,0x070f23cc }, { 0x5d186e14,0x542211da,0xfddb0dff,0x84748f37,0xdb1f4180,0x41a3aab4, 0xa6402d0e,0x25ed667b,0x02f58355,0x2f2924a9,0xfa44a689,0x5844ee7c } }, /* 20 */ { { 0x3f3b236f,0xfab08607,0x81e221da,0x19e9d41d,0x3927b428,0xf3f6571e, 0x7550f1f6,0x4348a933,0xa85e62f0,0x7167b996,0x7f5452bf,0x62d43759 }, { 0xf2955926,0xd85feb9e,0x6df78353,0x440a561f,0x9ca36b59,0x389668ec, 0xa22da016,0x052bf1a1,0xf6093254,0xbdfbff72,0xe22209f3,0x94e50f28 } }, /* 21 */ { { 0x3062e8af,0x90b2e5b3,0xe8a3d369,0xa8572375,0x201db7b1,0x3fe1b00b, 0xee651aa2,0xe926def0,0xb9b10ad7,0x6542c9be,0xa2fcbe74,0x098e309b }, { 0xfff1d63f,0x779deeb3,0x20bfd374,0x23d0e80a,0x8768f797,0x8452bb3b, 0x1f952856,0xcf75bb4d,0x29ea3faa,0x8fe6b400,0x81373a53,0x12bd3e40 } }, /* 22 */ { { 0x104cbba5,0xc023780d,0xfa35dd4c,0x6207e747,0x1ca9b6a3,0x35c23928, 0x97987b10,0x4ff19be8,0x8022eee8,0xb8476bbf,0xd3bbe74d,0xaa0a4a14 }, { 0x187d4543,0x20f94331,0x79f6e066,0x32153870,0xac7e82e1,0x83b0f74e, 0x828f06ab,0xa7748ba2,0xc26ef35f,0xc5f0298a,0x8e9a7dbd,0x0f0c5070 } }, /* 23 */ { { 0xdef029dd,0x0c5c244c,0x850661b8,0x3dabc687,0xfe11d981,0x9992b865, 0x6274dbad,0xe9801b8f,0x098da242,0xe54e6319,0x91a53d08,0x9929a91a }, { 0x35285887,0x37bffd72,0xf1418102,0xbc759425,0xfd2e6e20,0x9280cc35, 0xfbc42ee5,0x735c600c,0x8837619a,0xb7ad2864,0xa778c57b,0xa3627231 } }, /* 24 */ { { 0x91361ed8,0xae799b5c,0x6c63366c,0x47d71b75,0x1b265a6a,0x54cdd521, 0x98d77b74,0xe0215a59,0xbab29db0,0x4424d9b7,0x7fd9e536,0x8b0ffacc }, { 0x37b5d9ef,0x46d85d12,0xbfa91747,0x5b106d62,0x5f99ba2d,0xed0479f8, 0x1d104de4,0x0e6f3923,0x25e8983f,0x83a84c84,0xf8105a70,0xa9507e0a } }, /* 25 */ { { 0x14cf381c,0xf6c68a6e,0xc22e31cc,0xaf9d27bd,0xaa8a5ccb,0x23568d4d, 0xe338e4d2,0xe431eec0,0x8f52ad1f,0xf1a828fe,0xe86acd80,0xdb6a0579 }, { 0x4507832a,0x2885672e,0x887e5289,0x73fc275f,0x05610d08,0x65f80278, 0x075ff5b0,0x8d9b4554,0x09f712b5,0x3a8e8fb1,0x2ebe9cf2,0x39f0ac86 } }, /* 26 */ { { 0x4c52edf5,0xd8fabf78,0xa589ae53,0xdcd737e5,0xd791ab17,0x94918bf0, 0xbcff06c9,0xb5fbd956,0xdca46d45,0xf6d3032e,0x41a3e486,0x2cdff7e1 }, { 0x61f47ec8,0x6674b3ba,0xeef84608,0x8a882163,0x4c687f90,0xa257c705, 0xf6cdf227,0xe30cb2ed,0x7f6ea846,0x2c4c64ca,0xcc6bcd3c,0x186fa17c } }, /* 27 */ { { 0x1dfcb91e,0x48a3f536,0x646d358a,0x83595e13,0x91128798,0xbd15827b, 0x2187757a,0x3ce612b8,0x61bd7372,0x873150a1,0xb662f568,0xf4684530 }, { 0x401896f6,0x8833950b,0x77f3e090,0xe11cb89a,0x48e7f4a5,0xb2f12cac, 0xf606677e,0x313dd769,0x16579f93,0xfdcf08b3,0x46b8f22b,0x6429cec9 } }, /* 28 */ { { 0xbb75f9a4,0x4984dd54,0x29d3b570,0x4aef06b9,0x3d6e4c1e,0xb5f84ca2, 0xb083ef35,0x24c61c11,0x392ca9ff,0xce4a7392,0x6730a800,0x865d6517 }, { 0x722b4a2b,0xca3dfe76,0x7b083e0e,0x12c04bf9,0x1b86b8a5,0x803ce5b5, 0x6a7e3e0c,0x3fc7632d,0xc81adbe4,0xc89970c2,0x120e16b1,0x3cbcd3ad } }, /* 29 */ { { 0xec30ce93,0xfbfb4cc7,0xb72720a2,0x10ed6c7d,0x47b55500,0xec675bf7, 0x333ff7c3,0x90725903,0x5075bfc0,0xc7c3973e,0x07acf31b,0xb049ecb0 }, { 0x4f58839c,0xb4076eaf,0xa2b05e4f,0x101896da,0xab40c66e,0x3f6033b0, 0xc8d864ba,0x19ee9eeb,0x47bf6d2a,0xeb6cf155,0xf826477d,0x8e5a9663 } }, /* 30 */ { { 0xf7fbd5e1,0x69e62fdd,0x76912b1d,0x38ecfe54,0xd1da3bfb,0x845a3d56, 0x1c86f0d4,0x0494950e,0x3bc36ce8,0x83cadbf9,0x4fccc8d1,0x41fce572 }, { 0x8332c144,0x05f939c2,0x0871e46e,0xb17f248b,0x66e8aff6,0x3d8534e2, 0x3b85c629,0x1d06f1dc,0xa3131b73,0xdb06a32e,0x8b3f64e5,0xf295184d } }, /* 31 */ { { 0x36ddc103,0xd9653ff7,0x95ef606f,0x25f43e37,0xfe06dce8,0x09e301fc, 0x30b6eebf,0x85af2341,0x0ff56b20,0x79b12b53,0xfe9a3c6b,0x9b4fb499 }, { 0x51d27ac2,0x0154f892,0x56ca5389,0xd33167e3,0xafc065a6,0x7828ec1f, 0x7f746c9b,0x0959a258,0x0c44f837,0xb18f1be3,0xc4132fdb,0xa7946117 } }, /* 32 */ { { 0x5e3c647b,0xc0426b77,0x8cf05348,0xbfcbd939,0x172c0d3d,0x31d312e3, 0xee754737,0x5f49fde6,0x6da7ee61,0x895530f0,0xe8b3a5fb,0xcf281b0a }, { 0x41b8a543,0xfd149735,0x3080dd30,0x41a625a7,0x653908cf,0xe2baae07, 0xba02a278,0xc3d01436,0x7b21b8f8,0xa0d0222e,0xd7ec1297,0xfdc270e9 } }, /* 33 */ { { 0xbc7f41d6,0x00873c0c,0x1b7ad641,0xd976113e,0x238443fb,0x2a536ff4, 0x41e62e45,0x030d00e2,0x5f545fc6,0x532e9867,0x8e91208c,0xcd033108 }, { 0x9797612c,0xd1a04c99,0xeea674e2,0xd4393e02,0xe19742a1,0xd56fa69e, 0x85f0590e,0xdd2ab480,0x48a2243d,0xa5cefc52,0x54383f41,0x48cc67b6 } }, /* 34 */ { { 0xfc14ab48,0x4e50430e,0x26706a74,0x195b7f4f,0xcc881ff6,0x2fe8a228, 0xd945013d,0xb1b968e2,0x4b92162b,0x936aa579,0x364e754a,0x4fb766b7 }, { 0x31e1ff7f,0x13f93bca,0xce4f2691,0x696eb5ca,0xa2b09e02,0xff754bf8, 0xe58e3ff8,0x58f13c9c,0x1678c0b0,0xb757346f,0xa86692b3,0xd54200db } }, /* 35 */ { { 0x6dda1265,0x9a030bbd,0xe89718dd,0xf7b4f3fc,0x936065b8,0xa6a4931f, 0x5f72241c,0xbce72d87,0x65775857,0x6cbb51cb,0x4e993675,0xc7161815 }, { 0x2ee32189,0xe81a0f79,0x277dc0b2,0xef2fab26,0xb71f469f,0x9e64f6fe, 0xdfdaf859,0xb448ce33,0xbe6b5df1,0x3f5c1c4c,0x1de45f7b,0xfb8dfb00 } }, /* 36 */ { { 0x4d5bb921,0xc7345fa7,0x4d2b667e,0x5c7e04be,0x282d7a3e,0x47ed3a80, 0x7e47b2a4,0x5c2777f8,0x08488e2e,0x89b3b100,0xb2eb5b45,0x9aad77c2 }, { 0xdaac34ae,0xd681bca7,0x26afb326,0x2452e4e5,0x41a1ee14,0x0c887924, 0xc2407ade,0x743b04d4,0xfc17a2ac,0xcb5e999b,0x4a701a06,0x4dca2f82 } }, /* 37 */ { { 0x1127bc1a,0x68e31ca6,0x17ead3be,0xa3edd59b,0xe25f5a15,0x67b6b645, 0xa420e15e,0x76221794,0x4b1e872e,0x794fd83b,0xb2dece1b,0x7cab3f03 }, { 0xca9b3586,0x7119bf15,0x4d250bd7,0xa5545924,0xcc6bcf24,0x173633ea, 0xb1b6f884,0x9bd308c2,0x447d38c3,0x3bae06f5,0xf341fe1c,0x54dcc135 } }, /* 38 */ { { 0x943caf0d,0x56d3598d,0x225ff133,0xce044ea9,0x563fadea,0x9edf6a7c, 0x73e8dc27,0x632eb944,0x3190dcab,0x814b467e,0x6dbb1e31,0x2d4f4f31 }, { 0xa143b7ca,0x8d69811c,0xde7cf950,0x4ec1ac32,0x37b5fe82,0x223ab5fd, 0x9390f1d9,0xe82616e4,0x75804610,0xabff4b20,0x875b08f0,0x11b9be15 } }, /* 39 */ { { 0x3bbe682c,0x4ae31a3d,0x74eef2dd,0xbc7c5d26,0x3c47dd40,0x92afd10a, 0xc14ab9e1,0xec7e0a3b,0xb2e495e4,0x6a6c3dd1,0x309bcd85,0x085ee5e9 }, { 0x8c2e67fd,0xf381a908,0xe261eaf2,0x32083a80,0x96deee15,0x0fcd6a49, 0x5e524c79,0xe3b8fb03,0x1d5b08b9,0x8dc360d9,0x7f26719f,0x3a06e2c8 } }, /* 40 */ { { 0x7237cac0,0x5cd9f5a8,0x43586794,0x93f0b59d,0xe94f6c4e,0x4384a764, 0xb62782d3,0x8304ed2b,0xcde06015,0x0b8db8b3,0x5dbe190f,0x4336dd53 }, { 0x92ab473a,0x57443553,0xbe5ed046,0x031c7275,0x21909aa4,0x3e78678c, 0x99202ddb,0x4ab7e04f,0x6977e635,0x2648d206,0x093198be,0xd427d184 } }, /* 41 */ { { 0x0f9b5a31,0x822848f5,0xbaadb62a,0xbb003468,0x3357559c,0x233a0472, 0x79aee843,0x49ef6880,0xaeb9e1e3,0xa89867a0,0x1f6f9a55,0xc151931b }, { 0xad74251e,0xd264eb0b,0x4abf295e,0x37b9b263,0x04960d10,0xb600921b, 0x4da77dc0,0x0de53dbc,0xd2b18697,0x01d9bab3,0xf7156ddf,0xad54ec7a } }, /* 42 */ { { 0x79efdc58,0x8e74dc35,0x4ff68ddb,0x456bd369,0xd32096a5,0x724e74cc, 0x386783d0,0xe41cff42,0x7c70d8a4,0xa04c7f21,0xe61a19a2,0x41199d2f }, { 0x29c05dd2,0xd389a3e0,0xe7e3fda9,0x535f2a6b,0x7c2b4df8,0x26ecf72d, 0xfe745294,0x678275f4,0x9d23f519,0x6319c9cc,0x88048fc4,0x1e05a02d } }, /* 43 */ { { 0xd4d5ffe8,0x75cc8e2e,0xdbea17f2,0xf8bb4896,0xcee3cb4a,0x35059790, 0xa47c6165,0x4c06ee85,0x92935d2f,0xf98fff25,0x32ffd7c7,0x34c4a572 }, { 0xea0376a2,0xc4b14806,0x4f115e02,0x2ea5e750,0x1e55d7c0,0x532d76e2, 0xf31044da,0x68dc9411,0x71b77993,0x9272e465,0x93a8cfd5,0xadaa38bb } }, /* 44 */ { { 0x7d4ed72a,0x4bf0c712,0xba1f79a3,0xda0e9264,0xf4c39ea4,0x48c0258b, 0x2a715138,0xa5394ed8,0xbf06c660,0x4af511ce,0xec5c37cd,0xfcebceef }, { 0x779ae8c1,0xf23b75aa,0xad1e606e,0xdeff59cc,0x22755c82,0xf3f526fd, 0xbb32cefd,0x64c5ab44,0x915bdefd,0xa96e11a2,0x1143813e,0xab19746a } }, /* 45 */ { { 0xec837d7d,0x43c78585,0xb8ee0ba4,0xca5b6fbc,0xd5dbb5ee,0x34e924d9, 0xbb4f1ca5,0x3f4fa104,0x398640f7,0x15458b72,0xd7f407ea,0x4231faa9 }, { 0xf96e6896,0x53e0661e,0xd03b0f9d,0x554e4c69,0x9c7858d1,0xd4fcb07b, 0x52cb04fa,0x7e952793,0x8974e7f7,0x5f5f1574,0x6b6d57c8,0x2e3fa558 } }, /* 46 */ { { 0x6a9951a8,0x42cd4803,0x42792ad0,0xa8b15b88,0xabb29a73,0x18e8bcf9, 0x409933e8,0xbfd9a092,0xefb88dc4,0x760a3594,0x40724458,0x14418863 }, { 0x99caedc7,0x162a56ee,0x91d101c9,0x8fb12ecd,0x393202da,0xea671967, 0xa4ccd796,0x1aac8c4a,0x1cf185a8,0x7db05036,0x8cfd095a,0x0c9f86cd } }, /* 47 */ { { 0x10b2a556,0x9a728147,0x327b70b2,0x767ca964,0x5e3799b7,0x04ed9e12, 0x22a3eb2a,0x6781d2dc,0x0d9450ac,0x5bd116eb,0xa7ebe08a,0xeccac1fc }, { 0xdc2d6e94,0xde68444f,0x35ecf21b,0x3621f429,0x29e03a2c,0x14e2d543, 0x7d3e7f0a,0x53e42cd5,0x73ed00b9,0xbba26c09,0xc57d2272,0x00297c39 } }, /* 48 */ { { 0xb8243a7d,0x3aaaab10,0x8fa58c5b,0x6eeef93e,0x9ae7f764,0xf866fca3, 0x61ab04d3,0x64105a26,0x03945d66,0xa3578d8a,0x791b848c,0xb08cd3e4 }, { 0x756d2411,0x45edc5f8,0xa755128c,0xd4a790d9,0x49e5f6a0,0xc2cf0963, 0xf649beaa,0xc66d267d,0x8467039e,0x3ce6d968,0x42f7816f,0x50046c6b } }, /* 49 */ { { 0x66425043,0x92ae1602,0xf08db890,0x1ff66afd,0x8f162ce5,0x386f5a7f, 0xfcf5598f,0x18d2dea0,0x1a8ca18e,0x78372b3a,0x8cd0e6f7,0xdf0d20eb }, { 0x75bb4045,0x7edd5e1d,0xb96d94b7,0x252a47ce,0x2c626776,0xbdb29358, 0x40dd1031,0x853c3943,0x7d5f47fd,0x9dc9becf,0xbae4044a,0x27c2302f } }, /* 50 */ { { 0x8f2d49ce,0x2d1d208a,0x162df0a2,0x0d91aa02,0x09a07f65,0x9c5cce87, 0x84339012,0xdf07238b,0x419442cd,0x5028e2c8,0x72062aba,0x2dcbd358 }, { 0xe4680967,0xb5fbc3cb,0x9f92d72c,0x2a7bc645,0x116c369d,0x806c76e1, 0x3177e8d8,0x5c50677a,0x4569df57,0x753739eb,0x36c3f40b,0x2d481ef6 } }, /* 51 */ { { 0xfea1103e,0x1a2d39fd,0x95f81b17,0xeaae5592,0xf59b264a,0xdbd0aa18, 0xcb592ee0,0x90c39c1a,0x9750cca3,0xdf62f80d,0xdf97cc6c,0xda4d8283 }, { 0x1e201067,0x0a6dd346,0x69fb1f6b,0x1531f859,0x1d60121f,0x4895e552, 0x4c041c91,0x0b21aab0,0xbcc1ccf8,0x9d896c46,0x3141bde7,0xd24da3b3 } }, /* 52 */ { { 0x53b0a354,0x575a0537,0x0c6ddcd8,0x392ff2f4,0x56157b94,0x0b8e8cff, 0x3b1b80d1,0x073e57bd,0x3fedee15,0x2a75e0f0,0xaa8e6f19,0x752380e4 }, { 0x6558ffe9,0x1f4e227c,0x19ec5415,0x3a348618,0xf7997085,0xab382d5e, 0xddc46ac2,0x5e6deaff,0xfc8d094c,0xe5144078,0xf60e37c6,0xf674fe51 } }, /* 53 */ { { 0xaf63408f,0x6fb87ae5,0xcd75a737,0xa39c36a9,0xcf4c618d,0x7833313f, 0xf034c88d,0xfbcd4482,0x39b35288,0x4469a761,0x66b5d9c9,0x77a711c5 }, { 0x944f8d65,0x4a695dc7,0x161aaba8,0xe6da5f65,0x24601669,0x8654e9c3, 0x28ae7491,0xbc8b93f5,0x8f5580d8,0x5f1d1e83,0xcea32cc8,0x8ccf9a1a } }, /* 54 */ { { 0x7196fee2,0x28ab110c,0x874c8945,0x75799d63,0x29aedadd,0xa2629348, 0x2be88ff4,0x9714cc7b,0xd58d60d6,0xf71293cf,0x32a564e9,0xda6b6cb3 }, { 0x3dd821c2,0xf43fddb1,0x90dd323d,0xf2f2785f,0x048489f8,0x91246419, 0xd24c6749,0x61660f26,0xc803c15c,0x961d9e8c,0xfaadc4c9,0x631c6158 } }, /* 55 */ { { 0xfd752366,0xacf2ebe0,0x139be88b,0xb93c340e,0x0f20179e,0x98f66485, 0xff1da785,0x14820254,0x4f85c16e,0x5278e276,0x7aab1913,0xa246ee45 }, { 0x53763b33,0x43861eb4,0x45c0bc0d,0xc49f03fc,0xad6b1ea1,0xafff16bc, 0x6fd49c99,0xce33908b,0xf7fde8c3,0x5c51e9bf,0xff142c5e,0x076a7a39 } }, /* 56 */ { { 0x9e338d10,0x04639dfe,0xf42b411b,0x8ee6996f,0xa875cef2,0x960461d1, 0x95b4d0ba,0x1057b6d6,0xa906e0bc,0x27639252,0xe1c20f8a,0x2c19f09a }, { 0xeef4c43d,0x5b8fc3f0,0x07a84aa9,0xe2e1b1a8,0x835d2bdb,0x5f455528, 0x207132dd,0x0f4aee4d,0x3907f675,0xe9f8338c,0x0e0531f0,0x7a874dc9 } }, /* 57 */ { { 0x97c27050,0x84b22d45,0x59e70bf8,0xbd0b8df7,0x79738b9b,0xb4d67405, 0xcd917c4f,0x47f4d5f5,0x13ce6e33,0x9099c4ce,0x521d0f8b,0x942bfd39 }, { 0xa43b566d,0x5028f0f6,0x21bff7de,0xaf6e8669,0xc44232cd,0x83f6f856, 0xf915069a,0x65680579,0xecfecb85,0xd12095a2,0xdb01ba16,0xcf7f06ae } }, /* 58 */ { { 0x8ef96c80,0x0f56e3c4,0x3ddb609c,0xd521f2b3,0x7dc1450d,0x2be94102, 0x02a91fe2,0x2d21a071,0x1efa37de,0x2e6f74fa,0x156c28a1,0x9a9a90b8 }, { 0x9dc7dfcb,0xc54ea9ea,0x2c2c1d62,0xc74e66fc,0x49d3e067,0x9f23f967, 0x54dd38ad,0x1c7c3a46,0x5946cee3,0xc7005884,0x45cc045d,0x89856368 } }, /* 59 */ { { 0xfce73946,0x29da7cd4,0x23168563,0x8f697db5,0xcba92ec6,0x8e235e9c, 0x9f91d3ea,0x55d4655f,0xaa50a6cd,0xf3689f23,0x21e6a1a0,0xdcf21c26 }, { 0x61b818bf,0xcffbc82e,0xda47a243,0xc74a2f96,0x8bc1a0cf,0x234e980a, 0x7929cb6d,0xf35fd6b5,0xefe17d6c,0x81468e12,0x58b2dafb,0xddea6ae5 } }, /* 60 */ { { 0x7e787b2e,0x294de887,0x39a9310d,0x258acc1f,0xac14265d,0x92d9714a, 0x708b48a0,0x18b5591c,0xe1abbf71,0x27cc6bb0,0x568307b9,0xc0581fa3 }, { 0xf24d4d58,0x9e0f58a3,0xe0ce2327,0xfebe9bb8,0x9d1be702,0x91fd6a41, 0xfacac993,0x9a7d8a45,0x9e50d66d,0xabc0a08c,0x06498201,0x02c342f7 } }, /* 61 */ { { 0x157bdbc2,0xccd71407,0xad0e1605,0x72fa89c6,0xb92a015f,0xb1d3da2b, 0xa0a3fe56,0x8ad9e7cd,0x24f06737,0x160edcbd,0x61275be6,0x79d4db33 }, { 0x5f3497c4,0xd3d31fd9,0x04192fb0,0x8cafeaee,0x13a50af3,0xe13ca745, 0x8c85aae5,0x18826167,0x9eb556ff,0xce06cea8,0xbdb549f3,0x2eef1995 } }, /* 62 */ { { 0x50596edc,0x8ed7d3eb,0x905243a2,0xaa359362,0xa4b6d02b,0xa212c2c2, 0xc4fbec68,0x611fd727,0xb84f733d,0x8a0b8ff7,0x5f0daf0e,0xd85a6b90 }, { 0xd4091cf7,0x60e899f5,0x2eff2768,0x4fef2b67,0x10c33964,0xc1f195cb, 0x93626a8f,0x8275d369,0x0d6c840a,0xc77904f4,0x7a868acd,0x88d8b7fd } }, /* 63 */ { { 0x7bd98425,0x85f23723,0xc70b154e,0xd4463992,0x96687a2e,0xcbb00ee2, 0xc83214fd,0x905fdbf7,0x13593684,0x2019d293,0xef51218e,0x0428c393 }, { 0x981e909a,0x40c7623f,0x7be192da,0x92513385,0x4010907e,0x48fe480f, 0x3120b459,0xdd7a187c,0xa1fd8f3c,0xc9d7702d,0xe358efc5,0x66e4753b } }, /* 64 */ { { 0x16973cf4,0x070d34e1,0x7e4f34f7,0x20aee08b,0x5eb8ad29,0x269af9b9, 0xa6a45dda,0xdde0a036,0x63df41e0,0xa18b528e,0xa260df2a,0x03cc71b2 }, { 0xa06b1dd7,0x24a6770a,0x9d2675d3,0x5bfa9c11,0x96844432,0x73c1e2a1, 0x131a6cf0,0x3660558d,0x2ee79454,0xb0289c83,0xc6d8ddcd,0xa6aefb01 } }, /* 65 */ { { 0x01ab5245,0xba1464b4,0xc48d93ff,0x9b8d0b6d,0x93ad272c,0x939867dc, 0xae9fdc77,0xbebe085e,0x894ea8bd,0x73ae5103,0x39ac22e1,0x740fc89a }, { 0x28e23b23,0x5e28b0a3,0xe13104d0,0x2352722e,0xb0a2640d,0xf4667a18, 0x49bb37c3,0xac74a72e,0xe81e183a,0x79f734f0,0x3fd9c0eb,0xbffe5b6c } }, /* 66 */ { { 0xc6a2123f,0xb1a358f5,0xfe28df6d,0x927b2d95,0xf199d2f9,0x89702753, 0x1a3f82dc,0x0a73754c,0x777affe1,0x063d029d,0xdae6d34d,0x5439817e }, { 0x6b8b83c4,0xf7979eef,0x9d945682,0x615cb214,0xc5e57eae,0x8f0e4fac, 0x113047dd,0x042b89b8,0x93f36508,0x888356dc,0x5fd1f32f,0xbf008d18 } }, /* 67 */ { { 0x4e8068db,0x8012aa24,0xa5729a47,0xc72cc641,0x43f0691d,0x3c33df2c, 0x1d92145f,0xfa057347,0xb97f7946,0xaefc0f2f,0x2f8121bf,0x813d75cb }, { 0x4383bba6,0x05613c72,0xa4224b3f,0xa924ce70,0x5f2179a6,0xe59cecbe, 0x79f62b61,0x78e2e8aa,0x53ad8079,0x3ac2cc3b,0xd8f4fa96,0x55518d71 } }, /* 68 */ { { 0x00623f3b,0x03cf2922,0x5f29ebff,0x095c7111,0x80aa6823,0x42d72247, 0x7458c0b0,0x044c7ba1,0x0959ec20,0xca62f7ef,0xf8ca929f,0x40ae2ab7 }, { 0xa927b102,0xb8c5377a,0xdc031771,0x398a86a0,0xc216a406,0x04908f9d, 0x918d3300,0xb423a73a,0xe0b94739,0x634b0ff1,0x2d69f697,0xe29de725 } }, /* 69 */ { { 0x8435af04,0x744d1400,0xfec192da,0x5f255b1d,0x336dc542,0x1f17dc12, 0x636a68a8,0x5c90c2a7,0x7704ca1e,0x960c9eb7,0x6fb3d65a,0x9de8cf1e }, { 0x511d3d06,0xc60fee0d,0xf9eb52c7,0x466e2313,0x206b0914,0x743c0f5f, 0x2191aa4d,0x42f55bac,0xffebdbc2,0xcefc7c8f,0xe6e8ed1c,0xd4fa6081 } }, /* 70 */ { { 0xb0ab9645,0xb5e405d3,0xd5f1f711,0xaeec7f98,0x585c2a6e,0x8ad42311, 0x512c6944,0x045acb9e,0xa90db1c6,0xae106c4e,0x898e6563,0xb89f33d5 }, { 0x7fed2ce4,0x43b07cd9,0xdd815b20,0xf9934e17,0x0a81a349,0x6778d4d5, 0x52918061,0x9e616ade,0xd7e67112,0xfa06db06,0x88488091,0x1da23cf1 } }, /* 71 */ { { 0x42f2c4b5,0x821c46b3,0x66059e47,0x931513ef,0x66f50cd1,0x7030ae43, 0x43e7b127,0x43b536c9,0x5fca5360,0x006258cf,0x6b557abf,0xe4e3ee79 }, { 0x24c8b22f,0xbb6b3900,0xfcbf1054,0x2eb5e2c1,0x567492af,0x937b18c9, 0xacf53957,0xf09432e4,0x1dbf3a56,0x585f5a9d,0xbe0887cf,0xf86751fd } }, /* 72 */ { { 0x9d10e0b2,0x157399cb,0x60dc51b7,0x1c0d5956,0x1f583090,0x1d496b8a, 0x88590484,0x6658bc26,0x03213f28,0x88c08ab7,0x7ae58de4,0x8d2e0f73 }, { 0x486cfee6,0x9b79bc95,0xe9e5bc57,0x036a26c7,0xcd8ae97a,0x1ad03601, 0xff3a0494,0x06907f87,0x2c7eb584,0x078f4bbf,0x7e8d0a5a,0xe3731bf5 } }, /* 73 */ { { 0xe1cd0abe,0x72f2282b,0x87efefa2,0xd4f9015e,0x6c3834bd,0x9d189806, 0xb8a29ced,0x9c8cdcc1,0xfee82ebc,0x0601b9f4,0x7206a756,0x371052bc }, { 0x46f32562,0x76fa1092,0x17351bb4,0xdaad534c,0xb3636bb5,0xc3d64c37, 0x45d54e00,0x038a8c51,0x32c09e7c,0x301e6180,0x95735151,0x9764eae7 } }, /* 74 */ { { 0xcbd5256a,0x8791b19f,0x6ca13a3b,0x4007e0f2,0x4cf06904,0x03b79460, 0xb6c17589,0xb18a9c22,0x81d45908,0xa1cb7d7d,0x21bb68f1,0x6e13fa9d }, { 0xa71e6e16,0x47183c62,0xe18749ed,0x5cf0ef8e,0x2e5ed409,0x2c9c7f9b, 0xe6e117e1,0x042eeacc,0x13fb5a7f,0xb86d4816,0xc9e5feb1,0xea1cf0ed } }, /* 75 */ { { 0xcea4cc9b,0x6e6573c9,0xafcec8f3,0x5417961d,0xa438b6f6,0x804bf02a, 0xdcd4ea88,0xb894b03c,0x3799571f,0xd0f807e9,0x862156e8,0x3466a7f5 }, { 0x56515664,0x51e59acd,0xa3c5eb0b,0x55b0f93c,0x6a4279db,0x84a06b02, 0xc5fae08e,0x5c850579,0xa663a1a2,0xcf07b8db,0xf46ffc8d,0x49a36bbc } }, /* 76 */ { { 0x46d93106,0xe47f5acc,0xaa897c9c,0x65b7ade0,0x12d7e4be,0x37cf4c94, 0xd4b2caa9,0xa2ae9b80,0xe60357a3,0x5e7ce09c,0xc8ecd5f9,0x29f77667 }, { 0xa8a0b1c5,0xdf6868f5,0x62978ad8,0x240858cf,0xdc0002a1,0x0f7ac101, 0xffe9aa05,0x1d28a9d7,0x5b962c97,0x744984d6,0x3d28c8b2,0xa8a7c00b } }, /* 77 */ { { 0xae11a338,0x7c58a852,0xd1af96e7,0xa78613f1,0x5355cc73,0x7e9767d2, 0x792a2de6,0x6ba37009,0x124386b2,0x7d60f618,0x11157674,0xab09b531 }, { 0x98eb9dd0,0x95a04841,0x15070328,0xe6c17acc,0x489c6e49,0xafc6da45, 0xbb211530,0xab45a60a,0x7d7ea933,0xc58d6592,0x095642c6,0xa3ef3c65 } }, /* 78 */ { { 0xdf010879,0x89d420e9,0x39576179,0x9d25255d,0xe39513b6,0x9cdefd50, 0xd5d1c313,0xe4efe45b,0x3f7af771,0xc0149de7,0x340ab06b,0x55a6b4f4 }, { 0xebeaf771,0xf1325251,0x878d4288,0x2ab44128,0x18e05afe,0xfcd5832e, 0xcc1fb62b,0xef52a348,0xc1c4792a,0x2bd08274,0x877c6dc7,0x345c5846 } }, /* 79 */ { { 0xbea65e90,0xde15ceb0,0x2416d99c,0x0987f72b,0xfd863dec,0x44db578d, 0xac6a3578,0xf617b74b,0xdb48e999,0x9e62bd7a,0xeab1a1be,0x877cae61 }, { 0x3a358610,0x23adddaa,0x325e2b07,0x2fc4d6d1,0x1585754e,0x897198f5, 0xb392b584,0xf741852c,0xb55f7de1,0x9927804c,0x1aa8efae,0xe9e6c4ed } }, /* 80 */ { { 0x98683186,0x867db639,0xddcc4ea9,0xfb5cf424,0xd4f0e7bd,0xcc9a7ffe, 0x7a779f7e,0x7c57f71c,0xd6b25ef2,0x90774079,0xb4081680,0x90eae903 }, { 0x0ee1fceb,0xdf2aae5e,0xe86c1a1f,0x3ff1da24,0xca193edf,0x80f587d6, 0xdc9b9d6a,0xa5695523,0x85920303,0x7b840900,0xba6dbdef,0x1efa4dfc } }, /* 81 */ { { 0xe0540015,0xfbd838f9,0xc39077dc,0x2c323946,0xad619124,0x8b1fb9e6, 0x0ca62ea8,0x9612440c,0x2dbe00ff,0x9ad9b52c,0xae197643,0xf52abaa1 }, { 0x2cac32ad,0xd0e89894,0x62a98f91,0xdfb79e42,0x276f55cb,0x65452ecf, 0x7ad23e12,0xdb1ac0d2,0xde4986f0,0xf68c5f6a,0x82ce327d,0x389ac37b } }, /* 82 */ { { 0xf8e60f5b,0x511188b4,0x48aa2ada,0x7fe67015,0x381abca2,0xdb333cb8, 0xdaf3fc97,0xb15e6d9d,0x36aabc03,0x4b24f6eb,0x72a748b4,0xc59789df }, { 0x29cf5279,0x26fcb8a5,0x01ad9a6c,0x7a3c6bfc,0x4b8bac9b,0x866cf88d, 0x9c80d041,0xf4c89989,0x70add148,0xf0a04241,0x45d81a41,0x5a02f479 } }, /* 83 */ { { 0xc1c90202,0xfa5c877c,0xf8ac7570,0xd099d440,0xd17881f7,0x428a5b1b, 0x5b2501d7,0x61e267db,0xf2e4465b,0xf889bf04,0x76aa4cb8,0x4da3ae08 }, { 0xe3e66861,0x3ef0fe26,0x3318b86d,0x5e772953,0x747396df,0xc3c35fbc, 0x439ffd37,0x5115a29c,0xb2d70374,0xbfc4bd97,0x56246b9d,0x088630ea } }, /* 84 */ { { 0xb8a9e8c9,0xcd96866d,0x5bb8091e,0xa11963b8,0x045b3cd2,0xc7f90d53, 0x80f36504,0x755a72b5,0x21d3751c,0x46f8b399,0x53c193de,0x4bffdc91 }, { 0xb89554e7,0xcd15c049,0xf7a26be6,0x353c6754,0xbd41d970,0x79602370, 0x12b176c0,0xde16470b,0x40c8809d,0x56ba1175,0xe435fb1e,0xe2db35c3 } }, /* 85 */ { { 0x6328e33f,0xd71e4aab,0xaf8136d1,0x5486782b,0x86d57231,0x07a4995f, 0x1651a968,0xf1f0a5bd,0x76803b6d,0xa5dc5b24,0x42dda935,0x5c587cbc }, { 0xbae8b4c0,0x2b6cdb32,0xb1331138,0x66d1598b,0x5d7e9614,0x4a23b2d2, 0x74a8c05d,0x93e402a6,0xda7ce82e,0x45ac94e6,0xe463d465,0xeb9f8281 } }, /* 86 */ { { 0xfecf5b9b,0x34e0f9d1,0xf206966a,0xa115b12b,0x1eaa0534,0x5591cf3b, 0xfb1558f9,0x5f0293cb,0x1bc703a5,0x1c8507a4,0x862c1f81,0x92e6b81c }, { 0xcdaf24e3,0xcc9ebc66,0x72fcfc70,0x68917ecd,0x8157ba48,0x6dc9a930, 0xb06ab2b2,0x5d425c08,0x36e929c4,0x362f8ce7,0x62e89324,0x09f6f57c } }, /* 87 */ { { 0xd29375fb,0x1c7d6b78,0xe35d1157,0xfabd851e,0x4243ea47,0xf6f62dcd, 0x8fe30b0f,0x1dd92460,0xffc6e709,0x08166dfa,0x0881e6a7,0xc6c4c693 }, { 0xd6a53fb0,0x20368f87,0x9eb4d1f9,0x38718e9f,0xafd7e790,0x03f08acd, 0x72fe2a1c,0x0835eb44,0x88076e5d,0x7e050903,0xa638e731,0x538f765e } }, /* 88 */ { { 0xc2663b4b,0x0e0249d9,0x47cd38dd,0xe700ab5b,0x2c46559f,0xb192559d, 0x4bcde66d,0x8f9f74a8,0x3e2aced5,0xad161523,0x3dd03a5b,0xc155c047 }, { 0x3be454eb,0x346a8799,0x83b7dccd,0x66ee94db,0xab9d2abe,0x1f6d8378, 0x7733f355,0x4a396dd2,0xf53553c2,0x419bd40a,0x731dd943,0xd0ead98d } }, /* 89 */ { { 0xec142408,0x908e0b0e,0x4114b310,0x98943cb9,0x1742b1d7,0x03dbf7d8, 0x693412f4,0xd270df6b,0x8f69e20c,0xc5065494,0x697e43a1,0xa76a90c3 }, { 0x4624825a,0xe0fa3384,0x8acc34c2,0x82e48c0b,0xe9a14f2b,0x7b24bd14, 0x4db30803,0x4f5dd5e2,0x932da0a3,0x0c77a9e7,0x74c653dc,0x20db90f2 } }, /* 90 */ { { 0x0e6c5fd9,0x261179b7,0x6c982eea,0xf8bec123,0xd4957b7e,0x47683338, 0x0a72f66a,0xcc47e664,0x1bad9350,0xbd54bf6a,0xf454e95a,0xdfbf4c6a }, { 0x6907f4fa,0x3f7a7afa,0x865ca735,0x7311fae0,0x2a496ada,0x24737ab8, 0x15feb79b,0x13e425f1,0xa1b93c21,0xe9e97c50,0x4ddd3eb5,0xb26b6eac } }, /* 91 */ { { 0x2a2e5f2b,0x81cab9f5,0xbf385ac4,0xf93caf29,0xc909963a,0xf4bf35c3, 0x74c9143c,0x081e7300,0xc281b4c5,0x3ea57fa8,0x9b340741,0xe497905c }, { 0x55ab3cfb,0xf556dd8a,0x518db6ad,0xd444b96b,0x5ef4b955,0x34f5425a, 0xecd26aa3,0xdda7a3ac,0xda655e97,0xb57da11b,0xc2024c70,0x02da3eff } }, /* 92 */ { { 0x6481d0d9,0xe24b0036,0x818fdfe2,0x3740dbe5,0x190fda00,0xc1fc1f45, 0x3cf27fde,0x329c9280,0x6934f43e,0x7435cb53,0x7884e8fe,0x2b505a5d }, { 0x711adcc9,0x6cfcc6a6,0x531e21e1,0xf034325c,0x9b2a8a99,0xa2f4a967, 0x3c21bdff,0x9d5f3842,0x31b57d66,0xb25c7811,0x0b8093b9,0xdb5344d8 } }, /* 93 */ { { 0xae50a2f5,0x0d72e667,0xe4a861d1,0x9b7f8d8a,0x330df1cb,0xa129f70f, 0xe04fefc3,0xe90aa5d7,0xe72c3ae1,0xff561ecb,0xcdb955fa,0x0d8fb428 }, { 0xd7663784,0xd2235f73,0x7e2c456a,0xc05baec6,0x2adbfccc,0xe5c292e4, 0xefb110d5,0x4fd17988,0xd19d49f3,0x27e57734,0x84f679fe,0x188ac4ce } }, /* 94 */ { { 0xa796c53e,0x7ee344cf,0x0868009b,0xbbf6074d,0x474a1295,0x1f1594f7, 0xac11632d,0x66776edc,0x04e2fa5a,0x1862278b,0xc854a89a,0x52665cf2 }, { 0x8104ab58,0x7e376464,0x7204fd6d,0x16775913,0x44ea1199,0x86ca06a5, 0x1c9240dd,0xaa3f765b,0x24746149,0x5f8501a9,0xdcd251d7,0x7b982e30 } }, /* 95 */ { { 0xc15f3060,0xe44e9efc,0xa87ebbe6,0x5ad62f2e,0xc79500d4,0x36499d41, 0x336fa9d1,0xa66d6dc0,0x5afd3b1f,0xf8afc495,0xe5c9822b,0x1d8ccb24 }, { 0x79d7584b,0x4031422b,0xea3f20dd,0xc54a0580,0x958468c5,0x3f837c8f, 0xfbea7735,0x3d82f110,0x7dffe2fc,0x679a8778,0x20704803,0x48eba63b } }, /* 96 */ { { 0xdf46e2f6,0x89b10d41,0x19514367,0x13ab57f8,0x1d469c87,0x067372b9, 0x4f6c5798,0x0c195afa,0x272c9acf,0xea43a12a,0x678abdac,0x9dadd8cb }, { 0xe182579a,0xcce56c6b,0x2d26c2d8,0x86febadb,0x2a44745c,0x1c668ee1, 0x98dc047a,0x580acd86,0x51b9ec2d,0x5a2b79cc,0x4054f6a0,0x007da608 } }, /* 97 */ { { 0x17b00dd0,0x9e3ca352,0x0e81a7a6,0x046779cb,0xd482d871,0xb999fef3, 0xd9233fbc,0xe6f38134,0xf48cd0e0,0x112c3001,0x3c6c66ae,0x934e7576 }, { 0xd73234dc,0xb44d4fc3,0x864eafc1,0xfcae2062,0x26bef21a,0x843afe25, 0xf3b75fdf,0x61355107,0x794c2e6b,0x8367a5aa,0x8548a372,0x3d2629b1 } }, /* 98 */ { { 0x437cfaf8,0x6230618f,0x2032c299,0x5b8742cb,0x2293643a,0x949f7247, 0x09464f79,0xb8040f1a,0x4f254143,0x049462d2,0x366c7e76,0xabd6b522 }, { 0xd5338f55,0x119b392b,0x01495a0c,0x1a80a9ce,0xf8d7537e,0xf3118ca7, 0x6bf4b762,0xb715adc2,0xa8482b6c,0x24506165,0x96a7c84d,0xd958d7c6 } }, /* 99 */ { { 0xbdc21f31,0x9ad8aa87,0x8063e58c,0xadb3cab4,0xb07dd7b8,0xefd86283, 0x1be7c6b4,0xc7b9b762,0x015582de,0x2ef58741,0x299addf3,0xc970c52e }, { 0x22f24d66,0x78f02e2a,0x74cc100a,0xefec1d10,0x09316e1a,0xaf2a6a39, 0x5849dd49,0xce7c2205,0x96bffc4c,0x9c1fe75c,0x7ba06ec0,0xcad98fd2 } }, /* 100 */ { { 0xb648b73e,0xed76e2d0,0x1cfd285e,0xa9f92ce5,0x2ed13de1,0xa8c86c06, 0xa5191a93,0x1d3a574e,0x1ad1b8bf,0x385cdf8b,0x47d2cfe3,0xbbecc28a }, { 0x69cec548,0x98d326c0,0xf240a0b2,0x4f5bc1dd,0x29057236,0x241a7062, 0xc68294a4,0x0fc6e9c5,0xa319f17a,0x4d04838b,0x9ffc1c6f,0x8b612cf1 } }, /* 101 */ { { 0x4c3830eb,0x9bb0b501,0x8ee0d0c5,0x3d08f83c,0x79ba9389,0xa4a62642, 0x9cbc2914,0x5d5d4044,0x074c46f0,0xae9eb83e,0x74ead7d6,0x63bb758f }, { 0xc6bb29e0,0x1c40d2ea,0x4b02f41e,0x95aa2d87,0x53cb199a,0x92989175, 0x51584f6d,0xdd91bafe,0x31a1aaec,0x3715efb9,0x46780f9e,0xc1b6ae5b } }, /* 102 */ { { 0x42772f41,0xcded3e4b,0x3bcb79d1,0x3a700d5d,0x80feee60,0x4430d50e, 0xf5e5d4bb,0x444ef1fc,0xe6e358ff,0xc660194f,0x6a91b43c,0xe68a2f32 }, { 0x977fe4d2,0x5842775c,0x7e2a41eb,0x78fdef5c,0xff8df00e,0x5f3bec02, 0x5852525d,0xf4b840cd,0x4e6988bd,0x0870483a,0xcc64b837,0x39499e39 } }, /* 103 */ { { 0xb08df5fe,0xfc05de80,0x63ba0362,0x0c12957c,0xd5cf1428,0xea379414, 0x54ef6216,0xc559132a,0xb9e65cf8,0x33d5f12f,0x1695d663,0x09c60278 }, { 0x61f7a2fb,0x3ac1ced4,0xd4f5eeb8,0xdd838444,0x8318fcad,0x82a38c6c, 0xe9f1a864,0x315be2e5,0x442daf47,0x317b5771,0x95aa5f9e,0x81b5904a } }, /* 104 */ { { 0x8b21d232,0x6b6b1c50,0x8c2cba75,0x87f3dbc0,0xae9f0faf,0xa7e74b46, 0xbb7b8079,0x036a0985,0x8d974a25,0x4f185b90,0xd9af5ec9,0x5aa7cef0 }, { 0x57dcfffc,0xe0566a70,0xb8453225,0x6ea311da,0x23368aa9,0x72ea1a8d, 0x48cd552d,0xed9b2083,0xc80ea435,0xb987967c,0x6c104173,0xad735c75 } }, /* 105 */ { { 0xcee76ef4,0xaea85ab3,0xaf1d2b93,0x44997444,0xeacb923f,0x0851929b, 0x51e3bc0c,0xb080b590,0x59be68a2,0xc4ee1d86,0x64b26cda,0xf00de219 }, { 0xf2e90d4d,0x8d7fb5c0,0x77d9ec64,0x00e219a7,0x5d1c491c,0xc4e6febd, 0x1a8f4585,0x080e3754,0x48d2af9c,0x4a9b86c8,0xb6679851,0x2ed70db6 } }, /* 106 */ { { 0x586f25cb,0xaee44116,0xa0fcf70f,0xf7b6861f,0x18a350e8,0x55d2cd20, 0x92dc286f,0x861bf3e5,0x6226aba7,0x9ab18ffa,0xa9857b03,0xd15827be }, { 0x92e6acef,0x26c1f547,0xac1fbac3,0x422c63c8,0xfcbfd71d,0xa2d8760d, 0xb2511224,0x35f6a539,0x048d1a21,0xbaa88fa1,0xebf999db,0x49f1abe9 } }, /* 107 */ { { 0xf7492b73,0x16f9f4f4,0xcb392b1a,0xcf28ec1e,0x69ca6ffc,0x45b130d4, 0xb72efa58,0x28ba8d40,0x5ca066f5,0xace987c7,0x4ad022eb,0x3e399246 }, { 0x752555bb,0x63a2d84e,0x9c2ae394,0xaaa93b4a,0xc89539ca,0xcd80424e, 0xaa119a99,0x6d6b5a6d,0x379f2629,0xbd50334c,0xef3cc7d3,0x899e925e } }, /* 108 */ { { 0xbf825dc4,0xb7ff3651,0x40b9c462,0x0f741cc4,0x5cc4fb5b,0x771ff5a9, 0x47fd56fe,0xcb9e9c9b,0x5626c0d3,0xbdf053db,0xf7e14098,0xa97ce675 }, { 0x6c934f5e,0x68afe5a3,0xccefc46f,0x6cd5e148,0xd7a88586,0xc7758570, 0xdd558d40,0x49978f5e,0x64ae00c1,0xa1d5088a,0xf1d65bb2,0x58f2a720 } }, /* 109 */ { { 0x3e4daedb,0x66fdda4a,0x65d1b052,0x38318c12,0x4c4bbf5c,0x28d910a2, 0x78a9cd14,0x762fe5c4,0xd2cc0aee,0x08e5ebaa,0xca0c654c,0xd2cdf257 }, { 0x08b717d2,0x48f7c58b,0x386cd07a,0x3807184a,0xae7d0112,0x3240f626, 0xc43917b0,0x03e9361b,0x20aea018,0xf261a876,0x7e1e6372,0x53f556a4 } }, /* 110 */ { { 0x2f512a90,0xc84cee56,0x1b0ea9f1,0x24b3c004,0xe26cc1ea,0x0ee15d2d, 0xf0c9ef7d,0xd848762c,0xd5341435,0x1026e9c5,0xfdb16b31,0x8f5b73dc }, { 0xd2c75d95,0x1f69bef2,0xbe064dda,0x8d33d581,0x57ed35e6,0x8c024c12, 0xc309c281,0xf8d435f9,0xd6960193,0xfd295061,0xe9e49541,0x66618d78 } }, /* 111 */ { { 0x8ce382de,0x571cfd45,0xde900dde,0x175806ee,0x34aba3b5,0x61849965, 0xde7aec95,0xe899778a,0xff4aa97f,0xe8f00f6e,0x010b0c6d,0xae971cb5 }, { 0x3af788f1,0x1827eebc,0xe413fe2d,0xd46229ff,0x4741c9b4,0x8a15455b, 0xf8e424eb,0x5f02e690,0xdae87712,0x40a1202e,0x64944f6d,0x49b3bda2 } }, /* 112 */ { { 0x035b2d69,0xd63c6067,0x6bed91b0,0xb507150d,0x7afb39b2,0x1f35f82f, 0x16012b66,0xb9bd9c01,0xed0a5f50,0x00d97960,0x2716f7c9,0xed705451 }, { 0x127abdb4,0x1576eff4,0xf01e701c,0x6850d698,0x3fc87e2f,0x9fa7d749, 0xb0ce3e48,0x0b6bcc6f,0xf7d8c1c0,0xf4fbe1f5,0x02719cc6,0xcf75230e } }, /* 113 */ { { 0x722d94ed,0x6761d6c2,0x3718820e,0xd1ec3f21,0x25d0e7c6,0x65a40b70, 0xbaf3cf31,0xd67f830e,0xb93ea430,0x633b3807,0x0bc96c69,0x17faa0ea }, { 0xdf866b98,0xe6bf3482,0xa9db52d4,0x205c1ee9,0xff9ab869,0x51ef9bbd, 0x75eeb985,0x3863dad1,0xd3cf442a,0xef216c3b,0xf9c8e321,0x3fb228e3 } }, /* 114 */ { { 0x0760ac07,0x94f9b70c,0x9d79bf4d,0xf3c9ccae,0xc5ffc83d,0x73cea084, 0xdc49c38e,0xef50f943,0xbc9e7330,0xf467a2ae,0x44ea7fba,0x5ee534b6 }, { 0x03609e7f,0x20cb6272,0x62fdc9f0,0x09844355,0x0f1457f7,0xaf5c8e58, 0xb4b25941,0xd1f50a6c,0x2ec82395,0x77cb247c,0xda3dca33,0xa5f3e1e5 } }, /* 115 */ { { 0x7d85fa94,0x023489d6,0x2db9ce47,0x0ba40537,0xaed7aad1,0x0fdf7a1f, 0x9a4ccb40,0xa57b0d73,0x5b18967c,0x48fcec99,0xb7274d24,0xf30b5b6e }, { 0xc81c5338,0x7ccb4773,0xa3ed6bd0,0xb85639e6,0x1d56eada,0x7d9df95f, 0x0a1607ad,0xe256d57f,0x957574d6,0x6da7ffdc,0x01c7a8c4,0x65f84046 } }, /* 116 */ { { 0xcba1e7f1,0x8d45d0cb,0x02b55f64,0xef0a08c0,0x17e19892,0x771ca31b, 0x4885907e,0xe1843ecb,0x364ce16a,0x67797ebc,0x8df4b338,0x816d2b2d }, { 0x39aa8671,0xe870b0e5,0xc102b5f5,0x9f0db3e4,0x1720c697,0x34296659, 0x613c0d2a,0x0ad4c89e,0x418ddd61,0x1af900b2,0xd336e20e,0xe087ca72 } }, /* 117 */ { { 0xaba10079,0x222831ff,0x6d64fff2,0x0dc5f87b,0x3e8cb330,0x44547907, 0x702a33fb,0xe815aaa2,0x5fba3215,0x338d6b2e,0x79f549c8,0x0f7535cb }, { 0x2ee95923,0x471ecd97,0xc6d1c09f,0x1e868b37,0xc666ef4e,0x2bc7b8ec, 0x808a4bfc,0xf5416589,0x3fbc4d2e,0xf23e9ee2,0x2d75125b,0x4357236c } }, /* 118 */ { { 0xba9cdb1b,0xfe176d95,0x2f82791e,0x45a1ca01,0x4de4cca2,0x97654af2, 0x5cc4bcb9,0xbdbf9d0e,0xad97ac0a,0xf6a7df50,0x61359fd6,0xc52112b0 }, { 0x4f05eae3,0x696d9ce3,0xe943ac2b,0x903adc02,0x0848be17,0xa9075347, 0x2a3973e5,0x1e20f170,0x6feb67e9,0xe1aacc1c,0xe16bc6b9,0x2ca0ac32 } }, /* 119 */ { { 0xef871eb5,0xffea12e4,0xa8bf0a7a,0x94c2f25d,0x78134eaa,0x4d1e4c2a, 0x0360fb10,0x11ed16fb,0x85fc11be,0x4029b6db,0xf4d390fa,0x5e9f7ab7 }, { 0x30646612,0x5076d72f,0xdda1d0d8,0xa0afed1d,0x85a1d103,0x29022257, 0x4e276bcd,0xcb499e17,0x51246c3d,0x16d1da71,0x589a0443,0xc72d56d3 } }, /* 120 */ { { 0xdae5bb45,0xdf5ffc74,0x261bd6dc,0x99068c4a,0xaa98ec7b,0xdc0afa7a, 0xf121e96d,0xedd2ee00,0x1414045c,0x163cc7be,0x335af50e,0xb0b1bbce }, { 0x01a06293,0xd440d785,0x6552e644,0xcdebab7c,0x8c757e46,0x48cb8dbc, 0x3cabe3cb,0x81f9cf78,0xb123f59a,0xddd02611,0xeeb3784d,0x3dc7b88e } }, /* 121 */ { { 0xc4741456,0xe1b8d398,0x6032a121,0xa9dfa902,0x1263245b,0x1cbfc86d, 0x5244718c,0xf411c762,0x05b0fc54,0x96521d54,0xdbaa4985,0x1afab46e }, { 0x8674b4ad,0xa75902ba,0x5ad87d12,0x486b43ad,0x36e0d099,0x72b1c736, 0xbb6cd6d6,0x39890e07,0x59bace4e,0x8128999c,0x7b535e33,0xd8da430b } }, /* 122 */ { { 0xc6b75791,0x39f65642,0x21806bfb,0x050947a6,0x1362ef84,0x0ca3e370, 0x8c3d2391,0x9bc60aed,0x732e1ddc,0x9b488671,0xa98ee077,0x12d10d9e }, { 0x3651b7dc,0xb6f2822d,0x80abd138,0x6345a5ba,0x472d3c84,0x62033262, 0xacc57527,0xd54a1d40,0x424447cb,0x6ea46b3a,0x2fb1a496,0x5bc41057 } }, /* 123 */ { { 0xa751cd0e,0xe70c57a3,0xeba3c7d6,0x190d8419,0x9d47d55a,0xb1c3bee7, 0xf912c6d8,0xda941266,0x407a6ad6,0x12e9aacc,0x6e838911,0xd6ce5f11 }, { 0x70e1f2ce,0x063ca97b,0x8213d434,0xa3e47c72,0x84df810a,0xa016e241, 0xdfd881a4,0x688ad7b0,0xa89bf0ad,0xa37d99fc,0xa23c2d23,0xd8e3f339 } }, /* 124 */ { { 0x750bed6f,0xbdf53163,0x83e68b0a,0x808abc32,0x5bb08a33,0x85a36627, 0x6b0e4abe,0xf72a3a0f,0xfaf0c6ad,0xf7716d19,0x5379b25f,0x22dcc020 }, { 0xf9a56e11,0x7400bf8d,0x56a47f21,0x6cb8bad7,0x7a6eb644,0x7c97176f, 0xd1f5b646,0xe8fd84f7,0x44ddb054,0x98320a94,0x1dde86f5,0x07071ba3 } }, /* 125 */ { { 0x98f8fcb9,0x6fdfa0e5,0x94d0d70c,0x89cec8e0,0x106d20a8,0xa0899397, 0xba8acc9c,0x915bfb9a,0x5507e01c,0x1370c94b,0x8a821ffb,0x83246a60 }, { 0xbe3c378f,0xa8273a9f,0x35a25be9,0x7e544789,0x4dd929d7,0x6cfa4972, 0x365bd878,0x987fed9d,0x5c29a7ae,0x4982ac94,0x5ddd7ec5,0x4589a5d7 } }, /* 126 */ { { 0xa95540a9,0x9fabb174,0x0162c5b0,0x7cfb886f,0xea3dee18,0x17be766b, 0xe88e624c,0xff7da41f,0x8b919c38,0xad0b71eb,0xf31ff9a9,0x86a522e0 }, { 0x868bc259,0xbc8e6f72,0x3ccef9e4,0x6130c638,0x9a466555,0x09f1f454, 0x19b2bfb4,0x8e6c0f09,0x0ca7bb22,0x945c46c9,0x4dafb67b,0xacd87168 } }, /* 127 */ { { 0x10c53841,0x090c72ca,0x55a4fced,0xc20ae01b,0xe10234ad,0x03f7ebd5, 0x85892064,0xb3f42a6a,0xb4a14722,0xbdbc30c0,0x8ca124cc,0x971bc437 }, { 0x517ff2ff,0x6f79f46d,0xecba947b,0x6a9c96e2,0x62925122,0x5e79f2f4, 0x6a4e91f1,0x30a96bb1,0x2d4c72da,0x1147c923,0x5811e4df,0x65bc311f } }, /* 128 */ { { 0x139b3239,0x87c7dd7d,0x4d833bae,0x8b57824e,0x9fff0015,0xbcbc4878, 0x909eaf1a,0x8ffcef8b,0xf1443a78,0x9905f4ee,0xe15cbfed,0x020dd4a2 }, { 0xa306d695,0xca2969ec,0xb93caf60,0xdf940cad,0x87ea6e39,0x67f7fab7, 0xf98c4fe5,0x0d0ee10f,0xc19cb91e,0xc646879a,0x7d1d7ab4,0x4b4ea50c } }, /* 129 */ { { 0x7a0db57e,0x19e40945,0x9a8c9702,0xe6017cad,0x1be5cff9,0xdbf739e5, 0xa7a938a2,0x3646b3cd,0x68350dfc,0x04511085,0x56e098b5,0xad3bd6f3 }, { 0xee2e3e3e,0x935ebabf,0x473926cb,0xfbd01702,0x9e9fb5aa,0x7c735b02, 0x2e3feff0,0xc52a1b85,0x046b405a,0x9199abd3,0x39039971,0xe306fcec } }, /* 130 */ { { 0x23e4712c,0xd6d9aec8,0xc3c198ee,0x7ca8376c,0x31bebd8a,0xe6d83187, 0xd88bfef3,0xed57aff3,0xcf44edc7,0x72a645ee,0x5cbb1517,0xd4e63d0b }, { 0xceee0ecf,0x98ce7a1c,0x5383ee8e,0x8f012633,0xa6b455e8,0x3b879078, 0xc7658c06,0xcbcd3d96,0x0783336a,0x721d6fe7,0x5a677136,0xf21a7263 } }, /* 131 */ { { 0x9586ba11,0x19d8b3cd,0x8a5c0480,0xd9e0aeb2,0x2230ef5c,0xe4261dbf, 0x02e6bf09,0x095a9dee,0x80dc7784,0x8963723c,0x145157b1,0x5c97dbaf }, { 0x4bc4503e,0x97e74434,0x85a6b370,0x0fb1cb31,0xcd205d4b,0x3e8df2be, 0xf8f765da,0x497dd1bc,0x6c988a1a,0x92ef95c7,0x64dc4cfa,0x3f924baa } }, /* 132 */ { { 0x7268b448,0x6bf1b8dd,0xefd79b94,0xd4c28ba1,0xe4e3551f,0x2fa1f8c8, 0x5c9187a9,0x769e3ad4,0x40326c0d,0x28843b4d,0x50d5d669,0xfefc8094 }, { 0x90339366,0x30c85bfd,0x5ccf6c3a,0x4eeb56f1,0x28ccd1dc,0x0e72b149, 0xf2ce978e,0x73ee85b5,0x3165bb23,0xcdeb2bf3,0x4e410abf,0x8106c923 } }, /* 133 */ { { 0x7d02f4ee,0xc8df0161,0x18e21225,0x8a781547,0x6acf9e40,0x4ea895eb, 0x6e5a633d,0x8b000cb5,0x7e981ffb,0xf31d86d5,0x4475bc32,0xf5c8029c }, { 0x1b568973,0x764561ce,0xa62996ec,0x2f809b81,0xda085408,0x9e513d64, 0xe61ce309,0xc27d815d,0x272999e0,0x0da6ff99,0xfead73f7,0xbd284779 } }, /* 134 */ { { 0x9b1cdf2b,0x6033c2f9,0xbc5fa151,0x2a99cf06,0x12177b3b,0x7d27d259, 0xc4485483,0xb1f15273,0x102e2297,0x5fd57d81,0xc7f6acb7,0x3d43e017 }, { 0x3a70eb28,0x41a8bb0b,0x3e80b06b,0x67de2d8e,0x70c28de5,0x09245a41, 0xa7b26023,0xad7dbcb1,0x2cbc6c1e,0x70b08a35,0x9b33041f,0xb504fb66 } }, /* 135 */ { { 0xf97a27c2,0xa8e85ab5,0xc10a011b,0x6ac5ec8b,0xffbcf161,0x55745533, 0x65790a60,0x01780e85,0x99ee75b0,0xe451bf85,0x39c29881,0x8907a63b }, { 0x260189ed,0x76d46738,0x47bd35cb,0x284a4436,0x20cab61e,0xd74e8c40, 0x416cf20a,0x6264bf8c,0x5fd820ce,0xfa5a6c95,0xf24bb5fc,0xfa7154d0 } }, /* 136 */ { { 0x9b3f5034,0x18482cec,0xcd9e68fd,0x962d445a,0x95746f23,0x266fb1d6, 0x58c94a4b,0xc66ade5a,0xed68a5b6,0xdbbda826,0x7ab0d6ae,0x05664a4d }, { 0x025e32fc,0xbcd4fe51,0xa96df252,0x61a5aebf,0x31592a31,0xd88a07e2, 0x98905517,0x5d9d94de,0x5fd440e7,0x96bb4010,0xe807db4c,0x1b0c47a2 } }, /* 137 */ { { 0x08223878,0x5c2a6ac8,0xe65a5558,0xba08c269,0x9bbc27fd,0xd22b1b9b, 0x72b9607d,0x919171bf,0xe588dc58,0x9ab455f9,0x23662d93,0x6d54916e }, { 0x3b1de0c1,0x8da8e938,0x804f278f,0xa84d186a,0xd3461695,0xbf4988cc, 0xe10eb0cb,0xf5eae3be,0xbf2a66ed,0x1ff8b68f,0xc305b570,0xa68daf67 } }, /* 138 */ { { 0x44b2e045,0xc1004cff,0x4b1c05d4,0x91b5e136,0x88a48a07,0x53ae4090, 0xea11bb1a,0x73fb2995,0x3d93a4ea,0x32048570,0x3bfc8a5f,0xcce45de8 }, { 0xc2b3106e,0xaff4a97e,0xb6848b4f,0x9069c630,0xed76241c,0xeda837a6, 0x6cc3f6cf,0x8a0daf13,0x3da018a8,0x199d049d,0xd9093ba3,0xf867c6b1 } }, /* 139 */ { { 0x56527296,0xe4d42a56,0xce71178d,0xae26c73d,0x6c251664,0x70a0adac, 0x5dc0ae1d,0x813483ae,0xdaab2daf,0x7574eacd,0xc2d55f4f,0xc56b52dc }, { 0x95f32923,0x872bc167,0x5bdd2a89,0x4be17581,0xa7699f00,0x9b57f1e7, 0x3ac2de02,0x5fcd9c72,0x92377739,0x83af3ba1,0xfc50b97f,0xa64d4e2b } }, /* 140 */ { { 0x0e552b40,0x2172dae2,0xd34d52e8,0x62f49725,0x07958f98,0x7930ee40, 0x751fdd74,0x56da2a90,0xf53e48c3,0xf1192834,0x8e53c343,0x34d2ac26 }, { 0x13111286,0x1073c218,0xda9d9827,0x201dac14,0xee95d378,0xec2c29db, 0x1f3ee0b1,0x9316f119,0x544ce71c,0x7890c9f0,0x27612127,0xd77138af } }, /* 141 */ { { 0x3b4ad1cd,0x78045e6d,0x4aa49bc1,0xcd86b94e,0xfd677a16,0x57e51f1d, 0xfa613697,0xd9290935,0x34f4d893,0x7a3f9593,0x5d5fcf9b,0x8c9c248b }, { 0x6f70d4e9,0x9f23a482,0x63190ae9,0x17273454,0x5b081a48,0x4bdd7c13, 0x28d65271,0x1e2de389,0xe5841d1f,0x0bbaaa25,0x746772e5,0xc4c18a79 } }, /* 142 */ { { 0x593375ac,0x10ee2681,0x7dd5e113,0x4f3288be,0x240f3538,0x9a97b2fb, 0x1de6b1e2,0xfa11089f,0x1351bc58,0x516da562,0x2dfa85b5,0x573b6119 }, { 0x6cba7df5,0x89e96683,0x8c28ab40,0xf299be15,0xad43fcbf,0xe91c9348, 0x9a1cefb3,0xe9bbc7cc,0x738b2775,0xc8add876,0x775eaa01,0x6e3b1f2e } }, /* 143 */ { { 0xb677788b,0x0365a888,0x3fd6173c,0x634ae8c4,0x9e498dbe,0x30498761, 0xc8f779ab,0x08c43e6d,0x4c09aca9,0x068ae384,0x2018d170,0x2380c70b }, { 0xa297c5ec,0xcf77fbc3,0xca457948,0xdacbc853,0x336bec7e,0x3690de04, 0x14eec461,0x26bbac64,0x1f713abf,0xd1c23c7e,0xe6fd569e,0xf08bbfcd } }, /* 144 */ { { 0x84770ee3,0x5f8163f4,0x744a1706,0x0e0c7f94,0xe1b2d46d,0x9c8f05f7, 0xd01fd99a,0x417eafe7,0x11440e5b,0x2ba15df5,0x91a6fbcf,0xdc5c552a }, { 0xa270f721,0x86271d74,0xa004485b,0x32c0a075,0x8defa075,0x9d1a87e3, 0xbf0d20fe,0xb590a7ac,0x8feda1f5,0x430c41c2,0x58f6ec24,0x454d2879 } }, /* 145 */ { { 0x7c525435,0x52b7a635,0x37c4bdbc,0x3d9ef57f,0xdffcc475,0x2bb93e9e, 0x7710f3be,0xf7b8ba98,0x21b727de,0x42ee86da,0x2e490d01,0x55ac3f19 }, { 0xc0c1c390,0x487e3a6e,0x446cde7b,0x036fb345,0x496ae951,0x089eb276, 0x71ed1234,0xedfed4d9,0x900f0b46,0x661b0dd5,0x8582f0d3,0x11bd6f1b } }, /* 146 */ { { 0x076bc9d1,0x5cf9350f,0xcf3cd2c3,0x15d903be,0x25af031c,0x21cfc8c2, 0x8b1cc657,0xe0ad3248,0x70014e87,0xdd9fb963,0x297f1658,0xf0f3a5a1 }, { 0xf1f703aa,0xbb908fba,0x2f6760ba,0x2f9cc420,0x66a38b51,0x00ceec66, 0x05d645da,0x4deda330,0xf7de3394,0xb9cf5c72,0x1ad4c906,0xaeef6502 } }, /* 147 */ { { 0x7a19045d,0x0583c8b1,0xd052824c,0xae7c3102,0xff6cfa58,0x2a234979, 0x62c733c0,0xfe9dffc9,0x9c0c4b09,0x3a7fa250,0x4fe21805,0x516437bb }, { 0xc2a23ddb,0x9454e3d5,0x289c104e,0x0726d887,0x4fd15243,0x8977d918, 0x6d7790ba,0xc559e73f,0x465af85f,0x8fd3e87d,0x5feee46b,0xa2615c74 } }, /* 148 */ { { 0x4335167d,0xc8d607a8,0xe0f5c887,0x8b42d804,0x398d11f9,0x5f9f13df, 0x20740c67,0x5aaa5087,0xa3d9234b,0x83da9a6a,0x2a54bad1,0xbd3a5c4e }, { 0x2db0f658,0xdd13914c,0x5a3f373a,0x29dcb66e,0x5245a72b,0xbfd62df5, 0x91e40847,0x19d18023,0xb136b1ae,0xd9df74db,0x3f93bc5b,0x72a06b6b } }, /* 149 */ { { 0xad19d96f,0x6da19ec3,0xfb2a4099,0xb342daa4,0x662271ea,0x0e61633a, 0xce8c054b,0x3bcece81,0x8bd62dc6,0x7cc8e061,0xee578d8b,0xae189e19 }, { 0xdced1eed,0x73e7a25d,0x7875d3ab,0xc1257f0a,0x1cfef026,0x2cb2d5a2, 0xb1fdf61c,0xd98ef39b,0x24e83e6c,0xcd8e6f69,0xc7b7088b,0xd71e7076 } }, /* 150 */ { { 0x9d4245bf,0x33936830,0x2ac2953b,0x22d96217,0x56c3c3cd,0xb3bf5a82, 0x0d0699e8,0x50c9be91,0x8f366459,0xec094463,0x513b7c35,0x6c056dba }, { 0x045ab0e3,0x687a6a83,0x445c9295,0x8d40b57f,0xa16f5954,0x0f345048, 0x3d8f0a87,0x64b5c639,0x9f71c5e2,0x106353a2,0x874f0dd4,0xdd58b475 } }, /* 151 */ { { 0x62230c72,0x67ec084f,0x481385e3,0xf14f6cca,0x4cda7774,0xf58bb407, 0xaa2dbb6b,0xe15011b1,0x0c035ab1,0xd488369d,0x8245f2fd,0xef83c24a }, { 0x9fdc2538,0xfb57328f,0x191fe46a,0x79808293,0x32ede548,0xe28f5c44, 0xea1a022c,0x1b3cda99,0x3df2ec7f,0x39e639b7,0x760e9a18,0x77b6272b } }, /* 152 */ { { 0xa65d56d5,0x2b1d51bd,0x7ea696e0,0x3a9b71f9,0x9904f4c4,0x95250ecc, 0xe75774b7,0x8bc4d6eb,0xeaeeb9aa,0x0e343f8a,0x930e04cb,0xc473c1d1 }, { 0x064cd8ae,0x282321b1,0x5562221c,0xf4b4371e,0xd1bf1221,0xc1cc81ec, 0xe2c8082f,0xa52a07a9,0xba64a958,0x350d8e59,0x6fb32c9a,0x29e4f3de } }, /* 153 */ { { 0xba89aaa5,0x0aa9d56c,0xc4c6059e,0xf0208ac0,0xbd6ddca4,0x7400d9c6, 0xf2c2f74a,0xb384e475,0xb1562dd3,0x4c1061fc,0x2e153b8d,0x3924e248 }, { 0x849808ab,0xf38b8d98,0xa491aa36,0x29bf3260,0x88220ede,0x85159ada, 0xbe5bc422,0x8b47915b,0xd7300967,0xa934d72e,0x2e515d0d,0xc4f30398 } }, /* 154 */ { { 0x1b1de38b,0xe3e9ee42,0x42636760,0xa124e25a,0x90165b1a,0x90bf73c0, 0x146434c5,0x21802a34,0x2e1fa109,0x54aa83f2,0xed9c51e9,0x1d4bd03c }, { 0x798751e6,0xc2d96a38,0x8c3507f5,0xed27235f,0xc8c24f88,0xb5fb80e2, 0xd37f4f78,0xf873eefa,0xf224ba96,0x7229fd74,0x9edd7149,0x9dcd9199 } }, /* 155 */ { { 0x4e94f22a,0xee9f81a6,0xf71ec341,0xe5609892,0xa998284e,0x6c818ddd, 0x3b54b098,0x9fd47295,0x0e8a7cc9,0x47a6ac03,0xb207a382,0xde684e5e }, { 0x2b6b956b,0x4bdd1ecd,0xf01b3583,0x09084414,0x55233b14,0xe2f80b32, 0xef5ebc5e,0x5a0fec54,0xbf8b29a2,0x74cf25e6,0x7f29e014,0x1c757fa0 } }, /* 156 */ { { 0xeb0fdfe4,0x1bcb5c4a,0xf0899367,0xd7c649b3,0x05bc083b,0xaef68e3f, 0xa78aa607,0x57a06e46,0x21223a44,0xa2136ecc,0x52f5a50b,0x89bd6484 }, { 0x4455f15a,0x724411b9,0x08a9c0fd,0x23dfa970,0x6db63bef,0x7b0da4d1, 0xfb162443,0x6f8a7ec1,0xe98284fb,0xc1ac9cee,0x33566022,0x085a582b } }, /* 157 */ { { 0xec1f138a,0x15cb61f9,0x668f0c28,0x11c9a230,0xdf93f38f,0xac829729, 0x4048848d,0xcef25698,0x2bba8fbf,0x3f686da0,0x111c619a,0xed5fea78 }, { 0xd6d1c833,0x9b4f73bc,0x86e7bf80,0x50951606,0x042b1d51,0xa2a73508, 0x5fb89ec2,0x9ef6ea49,0x5ef8b892,0xf1008ce9,0x9ae8568b,0x78a7e684 } }, /* 158 */ { { 0x10470cd8,0x3fe83a7c,0xf86df000,0x92734682,0xda9409b5,0xb5dac06b, 0x94939c5f,0x1e7a9660,0x5cc116dc,0xdec6c150,0x66bac8cc,0x1a52b408 }, { 0x6e864045,0x5303a365,0x9139efc1,0x45eae72a,0x6f31d54f,0x83bec646, 0x6e958a6d,0x2fb4a86f,0x4ff44030,0x6760718e,0xe91ae0df,0x008117e3 } }, /* 159 */ { { 0x384310a2,0x5d5833ba,0x1fd6c9fc,0xbdfb4edc,0x849c4fb8,0xb9a4f102, 0x581c1e1f,0xe5fb239a,0xd0a9746d,0xba44b2e7,0x3bd942b9,0x78f7b768 }, { 0xc87607ae,0x076c8ca1,0xd5caaa7e,0x82b23c2e,0x2763e461,0x6a581f39, 0x3886df11,0xca8a5e4a,0x264e7f22,0xc87e90cf,0x215cfcfc,0x04f74870 } }, /* 160 */ { { 0x141d161c,0x5285d116,0x93c4ed17,0x67cd2e0e,0x7c36187e,0x12c62a64, 0xed2584ca,0xf5329539,0x42fbbd69,0xc4c777c4,0x1bdfc50a,0x107de776 }, { 0xe96beebd,0x9976dcc5,0xa865a151,0xbe2aff95,0x9d8872af,0x0e0a9da1, 0xa63c17cc,0x5e357a3d,0xe15cc67c,0xd31fdfd8,0x7970c6d8,0xc44bbefd } }, /* 161 */ { { 0x4c0c62f1,0x703f83e2,0x4e195572,0x9b1e28ee,0xfe26cced,0x6a82858b, 0xc43638fa,0xd381c84b,0xa5ba43d8,0x94f72867,0x10b82743,0x3b4a783d }, { 0x7576451e,0xee1ad7b5,0x14b6b5c8,0xc3d0b597,0xfcacc1b8,0x3dc30954, 0x472c9d7b,0x55df110e,0x02f8a328,0x97c86ed7,0x88dc098f,0xd0433413 } }, /* 162 */ { { 0x2ca8f2fe,0x1a60d152,0x491bd41f,0x61640948,0x58dfe035,0x6dae29a5, 0x278e4863,0x9a615bea,0x9ad7c8e5,0xbbdb4477,0x2ceac2fc,0x1c706630 }, { 0x99699b4b,0x5e2b54c6,0x239e17e8,0xb509ca6d,0xea063a82,0x728165fe, 0xb6a22e02,0x6b5e609d,0xb26ee1df,0x12813905,0x439491fa,0x07b9f722 } }, /* 163 */ { { 0x48ff4e49,0x1592ec14,0x6d644129,0x3e4e9f17,0x1156acc0,0x7acf8288, 0xbb092b0b,0x5aa34ba8,0x7d38393d,0xcd0f9022,0xea4f8187,0x416724dd }, { 0xc0139e73,0x3c4e641c,0x91e4d87d,0xe0fe46cf,0xcab61f8a,0xedb3c792, 0xd3868753,0x4cb46de4,0x20f1098a,0xe449c21d,0xf5b8ea6e,0x5e5fd059 } }, /* 164 */ { { 0x75856031,0x7fcadd46,0xeaf2fbd0,0x89c7a4cd,0x7a87c480,0x1af523ce, 0x61d9ae90,0xe5fc1095,0xbcdb95f5,0x3fb5864f,0xbb5b2c7d,0xbeb5188e }, { 0x3ae65825,0x3d1563c3,0x0e57d641,0x116854c4,0x1942ebd3,0x11f73d34, 0xc06955b3,0x24dc5904,0x995a0a62,0x8a0d4c83,0x5d577b7d,0xfb26b86d } }, /* 165 */ { { 0xc686ae17,0xc53108e7,0xd1c1da56,0x9090d739,0x9aec50ae,0x4583b013, 0xa49a6ab2,0xdd9a088b,0xf382f850,0x28192eea,0xf5fe910e,0xcc8df756 }, { 0x9cab7630,0x877823a3,0xfb8e7fc1,0x64984a9a,0x364bfc16,0x5448ef9c, 0xc44e2a9a,0xbbb4f871,0x435c95e9,0x901a41ab,0xaaa50a06,0xc6c23e5f } }, /* 166 */ { { 0x9034d8dd,0xb78016c1,0x0b13e79b,0x856bb44b,0xb3241a05,0x85c6409a, 0x2d78ed21,0x8d2fe19a,0x726eddf2,0xdcc7c26d,0x25104f04,0x3ccaff5f }, { 0x6b21f843,0x397d7edc,0xe975de4c,0xda88e4dd,0x4f5ab69e,0x5273d396, 0x9aae6cc0,0x537680e3,0x3e6f9461,0xf749cce5,0x957bffd3,0x021ddbd9 } }, /* 167 */ { { 0x777233cf,0x7b64585f,0x0942a6f0,0xfe6771f6,0xdfe6eef0,0x636aba7a, 0x86038029,0x63bbeb56,0xde8fcf36,0xacee5842,0xd4a20524,0x48d9aa99 }, { 0x0da5e57a,0xcff7a74c,0xe549d6c9,0xc232593c,0xf0f2287b,0x68504bcc, 0xbc8360b5,0x6d7d098d,0x5b402f41,0xeac5f149,0xb87d1bf1,0x61936f11 } }, /* 168 */ { { 0xb8153a9d,0xaa9da167,0x9e83ecf0,0xa49fe3ac,0x1b661384,0x14c18f8e, 0x38434de1,0x61c24dab,0x283dae96,0x3d973c3a,0x82754fc9,0xc99baa01 }, { 0x4c26b1e3,0x477d198f,0xa7516202,0x12e8e186,0x362addfa,0x386e52f6, 0xc3962853,0x31e8f695,0x6aaedb60,0xdec2af13,0x29cf74ac,0xfcfdb4c6 } }, /* 169 */ { { 0xcca40298,0x6b3ee958,0xf2f5d195,0xc3878153,0xed2eae5b,0x0c565630, 0x3a697cf2,0xd089b37e,0xad5029ea,0xc2ed2ac7,0x0f0dda6a,0x7e5cdfad }, { 0xd9b86202,0xf98426df,0x4335e054,0xed1960b1,0x3f14639e,0x1fdb0246, 0x0db6c670,0x17f709c3,0x773421e1,0xbfc687ae,0x26c1a8ac,0x13fefc4a } }, /* 170 */ { { 0x7ffa0a5f,0xe361a198,0xc63fe109,0xf4b26102,0x6c74e111,0x264acbc5, 0x77abebaf,0x4af445fa,0x24cddb75,0x448c4fdd,0x44506eea,0x0b13157d }, { 0x72e9993d,0x22a6b159,0x85e5ecbe,0x2c3c57e4,0xfd83e1a1,0xa673560b, 0xc3b8c83b,0x6be23f82,0x40bbe38e,0x40b13a96,0xad17399b,0x66eea033 } }, /* 171 */ { { 0xb4c6c693,0x49fc6e95,0x36af7d38,0xefc735de,0x35fe42fc,0xe053343d, 0x6a9ab7c3,0xf0aa427c,0x4a0fcb24,0xc79f0436,0x93ebbc50,0x16287243 }, { 0x16927e1e,0x5c3d6bd0,0x673b984c,0x40158ed2,0x4cd48b9a,0xa7f86fc8, 0x60ea282d,0x1643eda6,0xe2a1beed,0x45b393ea,0x19571a94,0x664c839e } }, /* 172 */ { { 0x27eeaf94,0x57745750,0xea99e1e7,0x2875c925,0x5086adea,0xc127e7ba, 0x86fe424f,0x765252a0,0x2b6c0281,0x1143cc6c,0xd671312d,0xc9bb2989 }, { 0x51acb0a5,0x880c337c,0xd3c60f78,0xa3710915,0x9262b6ed,0x496113c0, 0x9ce48182,0x5d25d9f8,0xb3813586,0x53b6ad72,0x4c0e159c,0x0ea3bebc } }, /* 173 */ { { 0xc5e49bea,0xcaba450a,0x7c05da59,0x684e5415,0xde7ac36c,0xa2e9cab9, 0x2e6f957b,0x4ca79b5f,0x09b817b1,0xef7b0247,0x7d89df0f,0xeb304990 }, { 0x46fe5096,0x508f7307,0x2e04eaaf,0x695810e8,0x3512f76c,0x88ef1bd9, 0x3ebca06b,0x77661351,0xccf158b7,0xf7d4863a,0x94ee57da,0xb2a81e44 } }, /* 174 */ { { 0x6d53e6ba,0xff288e5b,0x14484ea2,0xa90de1a9,0xed33c8ec,0x2fadb60c, 0x28b66a40,0x579d6ef3,0xec24372d,0x4f2dd6dd,0x1d66ec7d,0xe9e33fc9 }, { 0x039eab6e,0x110899d2,0x3e97bb5e,0xa31a667a,0xcfdce68e,0x6200166d, 0x5137d54b,0xbe83ebae,0x4800acdf,0x085f7d87,0x0c6f8c86,0xcf4ab133 } }, /* 175 */ { { 0x931e08fb,0x03f65845,0x1506e2c0,0x6438551e,0x9c36961f,0x5791f0dc, 0xe3dcc916,0x68107b29,0xf495d2ca,0x83242374,0x6ee5895b,0xd8cfb663 }, { 0xa0349b1b,0x525e0f16,0x4a0fab86,0x33cd2c6c,0x2af8dda9,0x46c12ee8, 0x71e97ad3,0x7cc424ba,0x37621eb0,0x69766ddf,0xa5f0d390,0x95565f56 } }, /* 176 */ { { 0x1a0f5e94,0xe0e7bbf2,0x1d82d327,0xf771e115,0xceb111fa,0x10033e3d, 0xd3426638,0xd269744d,0x00d01ef6,0xbdf2d9da,0xa049ceaf,0x1cb80c71 }, { 0x9e21c677,0x17f18328,0x19c8f98b,0x6452af05,0x80b67997,0x35b9c5f7, 0x40f8f3d4,0x5c2e1cbe,0x66d667ca,0x43f91656,0xcf9d6e79,0x9faaa059 } }, /* 177 */ { { 0x0a078fe6,0x8ad24618,0x464fd1dd,0xf6cc73e6,0xc3e37448,0x4d2ce34d, 0xe3271b5f,0x624950c5,0xefc5af72,0x62910f5e,0xaa132bc6,0x8b585bf8 }, { 0xa839327f,0x11723985,0x4aac252f,0x34e2d27d,0x6296cc4e,0x402f59ef, 0x47053de9,0x00ae055c,0x28b4f09b,0xfc22a972,0xfa0c180e,0xa9e86264 } }, /* 178 */ { { 0xbc310ecc,0x0b7b6224,0x67fa14ed,0x8a1a74f1,0x7214395c,0x87dd0960, 0xf5c91128,0xdf1b3d09,0x86b264a8,0x39ff23c6,0x3e58d4c5,0xdc2d49d0 }, { 0xa9d6f501,0x2152b7d3,0xc04094f7,0xf4c32e24,0xd938990f,0xc6366596, 0x94fb207f,0x084d078f,0x328594cb,0xfd99f1d7,0xcb2d96b3,0x36defa64 } }, /* 179 */ { { 0x13ed7cbe,0x4619b781,0x9784bd0e,0x95e50015,0x2c7705fe,0x2a32251c, 0x5f0dd083,0xa376af99,0x0361a45b,0x55425c6c,0x1f291e7b,0x812d2cef }, { 0x5fd94972,0xccf581a0,0xe56dc383,0x26e20e39,0x63dbfbf0,0x0093685d, 0x36b8c575,0x1fc164cc,0x390ef5e7,0xb9c5ab81,0x26908c66,0x40086beb } }, /* 180 */ { { 0x37e3c115,0xe5e54f79,0xc1445a8a,0x69b8ee8c,0xb7659709,0x79aedff2, 0x1b46fbe6,0xe288e163,0xd18d7bb7,0xdb4844f0,0x48aa6424,0xe0ea23d0 }, { 0xf3d80a73,0x714c0e4e,0x3bd64f98,0x87a0aa9e,0x2ec63080,0x8844b8a8, 0x255d81a3,0xe0ac9c30,0x455397fc,0x86151237,0x2f820155,0x0b979464 } }, /* 181 */ { { 0x4ae03080,0x127a255a,0x580a89fb,0x232306b4,0x6416f539,0x04e8cd6a, 0x13b02a0e,0xaeb70dee,0x4c09684a,0xa3038cf8,0x28e433ee,0xa710ec3c }, { 0x681b1f7d,0x77a72567,0x2fc28170,0x86fbce95,0xf5735ac8,0xd3408683, 0x6bd68e93,0x3a324e2a,0xc027d155,0x7ec74353,0xd4427177,0xab60354c } }, /* 182 */ { { 0xef4c209d,0x32a5342a,0x08d62704,0x2ba75274,0xc825d5fe,0x4bb4af6f, 0xd28e7ff1,0x1c3919ce,0xde0340f6,0x1dfc2fdc,0x29f33ba9,0xc6580baf }, { 0x41d442cb,0xae121e75,0x3a4724e4,0x4c7727fd,0x524f3474,0xe556d6a4, 0x785642a2,0x87e13cc7,0xa17845fd,0x182efbb1,0x4e144857,0xdcec0cf1 } }, /* 183 */ { { 0xe9539819,0x1cb89541,0x9d94dbf1,0xc8cb3b4f,0x417da578,0x1d353f63, 0x8053a09e,0xb7a697fb,0xc35d8b78,0x8d841731,0xb656a7a9,0x85748d6f }, { 0xc1859c5d,0x1fd03947,0x535d22a2,0x6ce965c1,0x0ca3aadc,0x1966a13e, 0x4fb14eff,0x9802e41d,0x76dd3fcd,0xa9048cbb,0xe9455bba,0x89b182b5 } }, /* 184 */ { { 0x43360710,0xd777ad6a,0x55e9936b,0x841287ef,0x04a21b24,0xbaf5c670, 0x35ad86f1,0xf2c0725f,0xc707e72e,0x338fa650,0xd8883e52,0x2bf8ed2e }, { 0xb56e0d6a,0xb0212cf4,0x6843290c,0x50537e12,0x98b3dc6f,0xd8b184a1, 0x0210b722,0xd2be9a35,0x559781ee,0x407406db,0x0bc18534,0x5a78d591 } }, /* 185 */ { { 0xd748b02c,0x4d57aa2a,0xa12b3b95,0xbe5b3451,0x64711258,0xadca7a45, 0x322153db,0x597e091a,0x32eb1eab,0xf3271006,0x2873f301,0xbd9adcba }, { 0x38543f7f,0xd1dc79d1,0x921b1fef,0x00022092,0x1e5df8ed,0x86db3ef5, 0x9e6b944a,0x888cae04,0x791a32b4,0x71bd29ec,0xa6d1c13e,0xd3516206 } }, /* 186 */ { { 0x55924f43,0x2ef6b952,0x4f9de8d5,0xd2f401ae,0xadc68042,0xfc73e8d7, 0x0d9d1bb4,0x627ea70c,0xbbf35679,0xc3bb3e3e,0xd882dee4,0x7e8a254a }, { 0xb5924407,0x08906f50,0xa1ad444a,0xf14a0e61,0x65f3738e,0xaa0efa21, 0xae71f161,0xd60c7dd6,0xf175894d,0x9e8390fa,0x149f4c00,0xd115cd20 } }, /* 187 */ { { 0xa52abf77,0x2f2e2c1d,0x54232568,0xc2a0dca5,0x54966dcc,0xed423ea2, 0xcd0dd039,0xe48c93c7,0x176405c7,0x1e54a225,0x70d58f2e,0x1efb5b16 }, { 0x94fb1471,0xa751f9d9,0x67d2941d,0xfdb31e1f,0x53733698,0xa6c74eb2, 0x89a0f64a,0xd3155d11,0xa4b8d2b6,0x4414cfe4,0xf7a8e9e3,0x8d5a4be8 } }, /* 188 */ { { 0x52669e98,0x5c96b4d4,0x8fd42a03,0x4547f922,0xd285174e,0xcf5c1319, 0x064bffa0,0x805cd1ae,0x246d27e7,0x50e8bc4f,0xd5781e11,0xf89ef98f }, { 0xdee0b63f,0xb4ff95f6,0x222663a4,0xad850047,0x4d23ce9c,0x02691860, 0x50019f59,0x3e5309ce,0x69a508ae,0x27e6f722,0x267ba52c,0xe9376652 } }, /* 189 */ { { 0xc0368708,0xa04d289c,0x5e306e1d,0xc458872f,0x33112fea,0x76fa23de, 0x6efde42e,0x718e3974,0x1d206091,0xf0c98cdc,0x14a71987,0x5fa3ca62 }, { 0xdcaa9f2a,0xeee8188b,0x589a860d,0x312cc732,0xc63aeb1f,0xf9808dd6, 0x4ea62b53,0x70fd43db,0x890b6e97,0x2c2bfe34,0xfa426aa6,0x105f863c } }, /* 190 */ { { 0xb38059ad,0x0b29795d,0x90647ea0,0x5686b77e,0xdb473a3e,0xeff0470e, 0xf9b6d1e2,0x278d2340,0xbd594ec7,0xebbff95b,0xd3a7f23d,0xf4b72334 }, { 0xa5a83f0b,0x2a285980,0x9716a8b3,0x0786c41a,0x22511812,0x138901bd, 0xe2fede6e,0xd1b55221,0xdf4eb590,0x0806e264,0x762e462e,0x6c4c897e } }, /* 191 */ { { 0xb4b41d9d,0xd10b905f,0x4523a65b,0x826ca466,0xb699fa37,0x535bbd13, 0x73bc8f90,0x5b9933d7,0xcd2118ad,0x9332d61f,0xd4a65fd0,0x158c693e }, { 0xe6806e63,0x4ddfb2a8,0xb5de651b,0xe31ed3ec,0x819bc69a,0xf9460e51, 0x2c76b1f8,0x6229c0d6,0x901970a3,0xbb78f231,0x9cee72b8,0x31f3820f } }, /* 192 */ { { 0xc09e1c72,0xe931caf2,0x12990cf4,0x0715f298,0x943262d8,0x33aad81d, 0x73048d3f,0x5d292b7a,0xdc7415f6,0xb152aaa4,0x0fd19587,0xc3d10fd9 }, { 0x75ddadd0,0xf76b35c5,0x1e7b694c,0x9f5f4a51,0xc0663025,0x2f1ab7eb, 0x920260b0,0x01c9cc87,0x05d39da6,0xc4b1f61a,0xeb4a9c4e,0x6dcd76c4 } }, /* 193 */ { { 0xfdc83f01,0x0ba0916f,0x9553e4f9,0x354c8b44,0xffc5e622,0xa6cc511a, 0xe95be787,0xb954726a,0x75b41a62,0xcb048115,0xebfde989,0xfa2ae6cd }, { 0x0f24659a,0x6376bbc7,0x4c289c43,0x13a999fd,0xec9abd8b,0xc7134184, 0xa789ab04,0x28c02bf6,0xd3e526ec,0xff841ebc,0x640893a8,0x442b191e } }, /* 194 */ { { 0xfa2b6e20,0x4cac6c62,0xf6d69861,0x97f29e9b,0xbc96d12d,0x228ab1db, 0x5e8e108d,0x6eb91327,0x40771245,0xd4b3d4d1,0xca8a803a,0x61b20623 }, { 0xa6a560b1,0x2c2f3b41,0x3859fcf4,0x879e1d40,0x024dbfc3,0x7cdb5145, 0x3bfa5315,0x55d08f15,0xaa93823a,0x2f57d773,0xc6a2c9a2,0xa97f259c } }, /* 195 */ { { 0xe58edbbb,0xc306317b,0x79dfdf13,0x25ade51c,0x16d83dd6,0x6b5beaf1, 0x1dd8f925,0xe8038a44,0xb2a87b6b,0x7f00143c,0xf5b438de,0xa885d00d }, { 0xcf9e48bd,0xe9f76790,0xa5162768,0xf0bdf9f0,0xad7b57cb,0x0436709f, 0xf7c15db7,0x7e151c12,0x5d90ee3b,0x3514f022,0x2c361a8d,0x2e84e803 } }, /* 196 */ { { 0x563ec8d8,0x2277607d,0xe3934cb7,0xa661811f,0xf58fd5de,0x3ca72e7a, 0x62294c6a,0x7989da04,0xf6bbefe9,0x88b3708b,0x53ed7c82,0x0d524cf7 }, { 0x2f30c073,0x69f699ca,0x9dc1dcf3,0xf0fa264b,0x05f0aaf6,0x44ca4568, 0xd19b9baf,0x0f5b23c7,0xeabd1107,0x39193f41,0x2a7c9b83,0x9e3e10ad } }, /* 197 */ { { 0xd4ae972f,0xa90824f0,0xc6e846e7,0x43eef02b,0x29d2160a,0x7e460612, 0xfe604e91,0x29a178ac,0x4eb184b2,0x23056f04,0xeb54cdf4,0x4fcad55f }, { 0xae728d15,0xa0ff96f3,0xc6a00331,0x8a2680c6,0x7ee52556,0x5f84cae0, 0xc5a65dad,0x5e462c3a,0xe2d23f4f,0x5d2b81df,0xc5b1eb07,0x6e47301b } }, /* 198 */ { { 0xaf8219b9,0x77411d68,0x51b1907a,0xcb883ce6,0x101383b5,0x25c87e57, 0x982f970d,0x9c7d9859,0x118305d2,0xaa6abca5,0x9013a5db,0x725fed2f }, { 0xababd109,0x487cdbaf,0x87586528,0xc0f8cf56,0x8ad58254,0xa02591e6, 0xdebbd526,0xc071b1d1,0x961e7e31,0x927dfe8b,0x9263dfe1,0x55f895f9 } }, /* 199 */ { { 0xb175645b,0xf899b00d,0xb65b4b92,0x51f3a627,0xb67399ef,0xa2f3ac8d, 0xe400bc20,0xe717867f,0x1967b952,0x42cc9020,0x3ecd1de1,0x3d596751 }, { 0xdb979775,0xd41ebcde,0x6a2e7e88,0x99ba61bc,0x321504f2,0x039149a5, 0x27ba2fad,0xe7dc2314,0xb57d8368,0x9f556308,0x57da80a7,0x2b6d16c9 } }, /* 200 */ { { 0x279ad982,0x84af5e76,0x9c8b81a6,0x9bb4c92d,0x0e698e67,0xd79ad44e, 0x265fc167,0xe8be9048,0x0c3a4ccc,0xf135f7e6,0xb8863a33,0xa0a10d38 }, { 0xd386efd9,0xe197247c,0xb52346c2,0x0eefd3f9,0x78607bc8,0xc22415f9, 0x508674ce,0xa2a8f862,0xc8c9d607,0xa72ad09e,0x50fa764f,0xcd9f0ede } }, /* 201 */ { { 0xd1a46d4d,0x063391c7,0x9eb01693,0x2df51c11,0x849e83de,0xc5849800, 0x8ad08382,0x48fd09aa,0xaa742736,0xa405d873,0xe1f9600c,0xee49e61e }, { 0x48c76f73,0xd76676be,0x01274b2a,0xd9c100f6,0x83f8718d,0x110bb67c, 0x02fc0d73,0xec85a420,0x744656ad,0xc0449e1e,0x37d9939b,0x28ce7376 } }, /* 202 */ { { 0x44544ac7,0x97e9af72,0xba010426,0xf2c658d5,0xfb3adfbd,0x732dec39, 0xa2df0b07,0xd12faf91,0x2171e208,0x8ac26725,0x5b24fa54,0xf820cdc8 }, { 0x94f4cf77,0x307a6eea,0x944a33c6,0x18c783d2,0x0b741ac5,0x4b939d4c, 0x3ffbb6e4,0x1d7acd15,0x7a255e44,0x06a24858,0xce336d50,0x14fbc494 } }, /* 203 */ { { 0x51584e3c,0x9b920c0c,0xf7e54027,0xc7733c59,0x88422bbe,0xe24ce139, 0x523bd6ab,0x11ada812,0xb88e6def,0xde068800,0xfe8c582d,0x7b872671 }, { 0x7de53510,0x4e746f28,0xf7971968,0x492f8b99,0x7d928ac2,0x1ec80bc7, 0x432eb1b5,0xb3913e48,0x32028f6e,0xad084866,0x8fc2f38b,0x122bb835 } }, /* 204 */ { { 0x3b0b29c3,0x0a9f3b1e,0x4fa44151,0x837b6432,0x17b28ea7,0xb9905c92, 0x98451750,0xf39bc937,0xce8b6da1,0xcd383c24,0x010620b2,0x299f57db }, { 0x58afdce3,0x7b6ac396,0x3d05ef47,0xa15206b3,0xb9bb02ff,0xa0ae37e2, 0x9db3964c,0x107760ab,0x67954bea,0xe29de9a0,0x431c3f82,0x446a1ad8 } }, /* 205 */ { { 0x5c6b8195,0xc6fecea0,0xf49e71b9,0xd744a7c5,0x177a7ae7,0xa8e96acc, 0x358773a7,0x1a05746c,0x37567369,0xa4162146,0x87d1c971,0xaa0217f7 }, { 0x77fd3226,0x61e9d158,0xe4f600be,0x0f6f2304,0x7a6dff07,0xa9c4cebc, 0x09f12a24,0xd15afa01,0x8c863ee9,0x2bbadb22,0xe5eb8c78,0xa28290e4 } }, /* 206 */ { { 0x3e9de330,0x55b87fa0,0x195c145b,0x12b26066,0xa920bef0,0xe08536e0, 0x4d195adc,0x7bff6f2c,0x945f4187,0x7f319e9d,0xf892ce47,0xf9848863 }, { 0x4fe37657,0xd0efc1d3,0x5cf0e45a,0x3c58de82,0x8b0ccbbe,0x626ad21a, 0xaf952fc5,0xd2a31208,0xeb437357,0x81791995,0x98e95d4f,0x5f19d30f } }, /* 207 */ { { 0x0e6865bb,0x72e83d9a,0xf63456a6,0x22f5af3b,0x463c8d9e,0x409e9c73, 0xdfe6970e,0x40e9e578,0x711b91ca,0x876b6efa,0x942625a3,0x895512cf }, { 0xcb4e462b,0x84c8eda8,0x4412e7c8,0x84c0154a,0xceb7b71f,0x04325db1, 0x66f70877,0x1537dde3,0x1992b9ac,0xf3a09399,0xd498ae77,0xa7316606 } }, /* 208 */ { { 0xcad260f5,0x13990d2f,0xeec0e8c0,0x76c3be29,0x0f7bd7d5,0x7dc5bee0, 0xefebda4b,0x9be167d2,0x9122b87e,0xcce3dde6,0x82b5415c,0x75a28b09 }, { 0xe84607a6,0xf6810bcd,0x6f4dbf0d,0xc6d58128,0x1b4dafeb,0xfead577d, 0x066b28eb,0x9bc440b2,0x8b17e84b,0x53f1da97,0xcda9a575,0x0459504b } }, /* 209 */ { { 0x329e5836,0x13e39a02,0xf717269d,0x2c9e7d51,0xf26c963b,0xc5ac58d6, 0x79967bf5,0x3b0c6c43,0x55908d9d,0x60bbea3f,0xf07c9ad1,0xd84811e7 }, { 0x5bd20e4a,0xfe7609a7,0x0a70baa8,0xe4325dd2,0xb3600386,0x3711f370, 0xd0924302,0x97f9562f,0x4acc4436,0x040dc0c3,0xde79cdd4,0xfd6d725c } }, /* 210 */ { { 0xcf13eafb,0xb3efd0e3,0x5aa0ae5f,0x21009cbb,0x79022279,0xe480c553, 0xb2fc9a6d,0x755cf334,0x07096ae7,0x8564a5bf,0xbd238139,0xddd649d0 }, { 0x8a045041,0xd0de10b1,0xc957d572,0x6e05b413,0x4e0fb25c,0x5c5ff806, 0x641162fb,0xd933179b,0xe57439f9,0x42d48485,0x8a8d72aa,0x70c5bd0a } }, /* 211 */ { { 0x97bdf646,0xa7671738,0xab329f7c,0xaa1485b4,0xf8f25fdf,0xce3e11d6, 0xc6221824,0x76a3fc7e,0xf3924740,0x045f281f,0x96d13a9a,0x24557d4e }, { 0xdd4c27cd,0x875c804b,0x0f5c7fea,0x11c5f0f4,0xdc55ff7e,0xac8c880b, 0x1103f101,0x2acddec5,0xf99faa89,0x38341a21,0xce9d6b57,0xc7b67a2c } }, /* 212 */ { { 0x8e357586,0x9a0d724f,0xdf648da0,0x1d7f4ff5,0xfdee62a5,0x9c3e6c9b, 0x0389b372,0x0499cef0,0x98eab879,0xe904050d,0x6c051617,0xe8eef1b6 }, { 0xc37e3ca9,0xebf5bfeb,0xa4e0b91d,0x7c5e946d,0x2c4bea28,0x79097314, 0xee67b2b7,0x81f6c109,0xdafc5ede,0xaf237d9b,0x2abb04c7,0xd2e60201 } }, /* 213 */ { { 0x8a4f57bf,0x6156060c,0xff11182a,0xf9758696,0x6296ef00,0x8336773c, 0xff666899,0x9c054bce,0x719cd11c,0xd6a11611,0xdbe1acfa,0x9824a641 }, { 0xba89fd01,0x0b7b7a5f,0x889f79d8,0xf8d3b809,0xf578285c,0xc5e1ea08, 0xae6d8288,0x7ac74536,0x7521ef5f,0x5d37a200,0xb260a25d,0x5ecc4184 } }, /* 214 */ { { 0xa708c8d3,0xddcebb19,0xc63f81ec,0xe63ed04f,0x11873f95,0xd045f5a0, 0x79f276d5,0x3b5ad544,0x425ae5b3,0x81272a3d,0x10ce1605,0x8bfeb501 }, { 0x888228bf,0x4233809c,0xb2aff7df,0x4bd82acf,0x0cbd4a7f,0x9c68f180, 0x6b44323d,0xfcd77124,0x891db957,0x60c0fcf6,0x04da8f7f,0xcfbb4d89 } }, /* 215 */ { { 0x3b26139a,0x9a6a5df9,0xb2cc7eb8,0x3e076a83,0x5a964bcd,0x47a8e82d, 0xb9278d6b,0x8a4e2a39,0xe4443549,0x93506c98,0xf1e0d566,0x06497a8f }, { 0x2b1efa05,0x3dee8d99,0x45393e33,0x2da63ca8,0xcf0579ad,0xa4af7277, 0x3236d8ea,0xaf4b4639,0x32b617f5,0x6ccad95b,0xb88bb124,0xce76d8b8 } }, /* 216 */ { { 0x083843dc,0x63d2537a,0x1e4153b4,0x89eb3514,0xea9afc94,0x5175ebc4, 0x8ed1aed7,0x7a652580,0xd85e8297,0x67295611,0xb584b73d,0x8dd2d68b }, { 0x0133c3a4,0x237139e6,0x4bd278ea,0x9de838ab,0xc062fcd9,0xe829b072, 0x63ba8706,0x70730d4f,0xd3cd05ec,0x6080483f,0x0c85f84d,0x872ab5b8 } }, /* 217 */ { { 0x999d4d49,0xfc0776d3,0xec3f45e7,0xa3eb59de,0x0dae1fc1,0xbc990e44, 0xa15371ff,0x33596b1e,0x9bc7ab25,0xd447dcb2,0x35979582,0xcd5b63e9 }, { 0x77d1ff11,0xae3366fa,0xedee6903,0x59f28f05,0xa4433bf2,0x6f43fed1, 0xdf9ce00e,0x15409c9b,0xaca9c5dc,0x21b5cded,0x82d7bdb4,0xf9f33595 } }, /* 218 */ { { 0x9422c792,0x95944378,0xc958b8bf,0x239ea923,0xdf076541,0x4b61a247, 0xbb9fc544,0x4d29ce85,0x0b424559,0x9a692a67,0x0e486900,0x6e0ca5a0 }, { 0x85b3bece,0x6b79a782,0xc61f9892,0x41f35e39,0xae747f82,0xff82099a, 0xd0ca59d6,0x58c8ae3f,0x99406b5f,0x4ac930e2,0x9df24243,0x2ce04eb9 } }, /* 219 */ { { 0x1ac37b82,0x4366b994,0x25b04d83,0xff0c728d,0x19c47b7c,0x1f551361, 0xbeff13e7,0xdbf2d5ed,0xe12a683d,0xf78efd51,0x989cf9c4,0x82cd85b9 }, { 0xe0cb5d37,0xe23c6db6,0x72ee1a15,0x818aeebd,0x28771b14,0x8212aafd, 0x1def817d,0x7bc221d9,0x9445c51f,0xdac403a2,0x12c3746b,0x711b0517 } }, /* 220 */ { { 0x5ea99ecc,0x0ed9ed48,0xb8cab5e1,0xf799500d,0xb570cbdc,0xa8ec87dc, 0xd35dfaec,0x52cfb2c2,0x6e4d80a4,0x8d31fae2,0xdcdeabe5,0xe6a37dc9 }, { 0x1deca452,0x5d365a34,0x0d68b44e,0x09a5f8a5,0xa60744b1,0x59238ea5, 0xbb4249e9,0xf2fedc0d,0xa909b2e3,0xe395c74e,0x39388250,0xe156d1a5 } }, /* 221 */ { { 0x47181ae9,0xd796b3d0,0x44197808,0xbaf44ba8,0x34cf3fac,0xe6933094, 0xc3bd5c46,0x41aa6ade,0xeed947c6,0x4fda75d8,0x9ea5a525,0xacd9d412 }, { 0xd430301b,0x65cc55a3,0x7b52ea49,0x3c9a5bcf,0x159507f0,0x22d319cf, 0xde74a8dd,0x2ee0b9b5,0x877ac2b6,0x20c26a1e,0x92e7c314,0x387d73da } }, /* 222 */ { { 0x8cd3fdac,0x13c4833e,0x332e5b8e,0x76fcd473,0xe2fe1fd3,0xff671b4b, 0x5d98d8ec,0x4d734e8b,0x514bbc11,0xb1ead3c6,0x7b390494,0xd14ca858 }, { 0x5d2d37e9,0x95a443af,0x00464622,0x73c6ea73,0x15755044,0xa44aeb4b, 0xfab58fee,0xba3f8575,0xdc680a6f,0x9779dbc9,0x7b37ddfc,0xe1ee5f5a } }, /* 223 */ { { 0x12d29f46,0xcd0b4648,0x0ed53137,0x93295b0b,0x80bef6c9,0xbfe26094, 0x54248b00,0xa6565788,0x80e7f9c4,0x69c43fca,0xbe141ea1,0x2190837b }, { 0xa1b26cfb,0x875e159a,0x7affe852,0x90ca9f87,0x92ca598e,0x15e6550d, 0x1938ad11,0xe3e0945d,0x366ef937,0xef7636bb,0xb39869e5,0xb6034d0b } }, /* 224 */ { { 0x26d8356e,0x4d255e30,0xd314626f,0xf83666ed,0xd0c8ed64,0x421ddf61, 0x26677b61,0x96e473c5,0x9e9b18b3,0xdad4af7e,0xa9393f75,0xfceffd4a }, { 0x11c731d5,0x843138a1,0xb2f141d9,0x05bcb3a1,0x617b7671,0x20e1fa95, 0x88ccec7b,0xbefce812,0x90f1b568,0x582073dc,0x1f055cb7,0xf572261a } }, /* 225 */ { { 0x36973088,0xf3148277,0x86a9f980,0xc008e708,0xe046c261,0x1b795947, 0xca76bca0,0xdf1e6a7d,0x71acddf0,0xabafd886,0x1364d8f4,0xff7054d9 }, { 0xe2260594,0x2cf63547,0xd73b277e,0x468a5372,0xef9bd35e,0xc7419e24, 0x24043cc3,0x2b4a1c20,0x890b39cd,0xa28f047a,0x46f9a2e3,0xdca2cea1 } }, /* 226 */ { { 0x53277538,0xab788736,0xcf697738,0xa734e225,0x6b22e2c1,0x66ee1d1e, 0xebe1d212,0x2c615389,0x02bb0766,0xf36cad40,0x3e64f207,0x120885c3 }, { 0x90fbfec2,0x59e77d56,0xd7a574ae,0xf9e781aa,0x5d045e53,0x801410b0, 0xa91b5f0e,0xd3b5f0aa,0x7fbb3521,0xb3d1df00,0xc72bee9a,0x11c4b33e } }, /* 227 */ { { 0x83c3a7f3,0xd32b9832,0x88d8a354,0x8083abcf,0x50f4ec5a,0xdeb16404, 0x641e2907,0x18d747f0,0xf1bbf03e,0x4e8978ae,0x88a0cd89,0x932447dc }, { 0xcf3d5897,0x561e0feb,0x13600e6d,0xfc3a682f,0xd16a6b73,0xc78b9d73, 0xd29bf580,0xe713fede,0x08d69e5c,0x0a225223,0x1ff7fda4,0x3a924a57 } }, /* 228 */ { { 0xb4093bee,0xfb64554c,0xa58c6ec0,0xa6d65a25,0x43d0ed37,0x4126994d, 0x55152d44,0xa5689a51,0x284caa8d,0xb8e5ea8c,0xd1f25538,0x33f05d4f }, { 0x1b615d6e,0xe0fdfe09,0x705507da,0x2ded7e8f,0x17bbcc80,0xdd5631e5, 0x267fd11f,0x4f87453e,0xff89d62d,0xc6da723f,0xe3cda21d,0x55cbcae2 } }, /* 229 */ { { 0x6b4e84f3,0x336bc94e,0x4ef72c35,0x72863031,0xeeb57f99,0x6d85fdee, 0xa42ece1b,0x7f4e3272,0x36f0320a,0x7f86cbb5,0x923331e6,0xf09b6a2b }, { 0x56778435,0x21d3ecf1,0x8323b2d2,0x2977ba99,0x1704bc0f,0x6a1b57fb, 0x389f048a,0xd777cf8b,0xac6b42cd,0x9ce2174f,0x09e6c55a,0x404e2bff } }, /* 230 */ { { 0x204c5ddb,0x9b9b135e,0x3eff550e,0x9dbfe044,0xec3be0f6,0x35eab4bf, 0x0a43e56f,0x8b4c3f0d,0x0e73f9b3,0x4c1c6673,0x2c78c905,0x92ed38bd }, { 0xa386e27c,0xc7003f6a,0xaced8507,0xb9c4f46f,0x59df5464,0xea024ec8, 0x429572ea,0x4af96152,0xe1fc1194,0x279cd5e2,0x281e358c,0xaa376a03 } }, /* 231 */ { { 0x3cdbc95c,0x07859223,0xef2e337a,0xaae1aa6a,0x472a8544,0xc040108d, 0x8d037b7d,0x80c853e6,0x8c7eee24,0xd221315c,0x8ee47752,0x195d3856 }, { 0xdacd7fbe,0xd4b1ba03,0xd3e0c52b,0x4b5ac61e,0x6aab7b52,0x68d3c052, 0x660e3fea,0xf0d7248c,0x3145efb4,0xafdb3f89,0x8f40936d,0xa73fd9a3 } }, /* 232 */ { { 0xbb1b17ce,0x891b9ef3,0xc6127f31,0x14023667,0x305521fd,0x12b2e58d, 0xe3508088,0x3a47e449,0xff751507,0xe49fc84b,0x5310d16e,0x4023f722 }, { 0xb73399fa,0xa608e5ed,0xd532aa3e,0xf12632d8,0x845e8415,0x13a2758e, 0x1fc2d861,0xae4b6f85,0x339d02f2,0x3879f5b1,0x80d99ebd,0x446d22a6 } }, /* 233 */ { { 0x4be164f1,0x0f502302,0x88b81920,0x8d09d2d6,0x984aceff,0x514056f1, 0x75e9e80d,0xa5c4ddf0,0xdf496a93,0x38cb47e6,0x38df6bf7,0x899e1d6b }, { 0xb59eb2a6,0x69e87e88,0x9b47f38b,0x280d9d63,0x3654e955,0x599411ea, 0x969aa581,0xcf8dd4fd,0x530742a7,0xff5c2baf,0x1a373085,0xa4391536 } }, /* 234 */ { { 0xa8a4bdd2,0x6ace72a3,0xb68ef702,0xc656cdd1,0x90c4dad8,0xd4a33e7e, 0x9d951c50,0x4aece08a,0x085d68e6,0xea8005ae,0x6f7502b8,0xfdd7a7d7 }, { 0x98d6fa45,0xce6fb0a6,0x1104eb8c,0x228f8672,0xda09d7dc,0xd23d8787, 0x2ae93065,0x5521428b,0xea56c366,0x95faba3d,0x0a88aca5,0xedbe5039 } }, /* 235 */ { { 0xbfb26c82,0xd64da0ad,0x952c2f9c,0xe5d70b3c,0xf7e77f68,0xf5e8f365, 0x08f2d695,0x7234e002,0xd12e7be6,0xfaf900ee,0x4acf734e,0x27dc6934 }, { 0xc260a46a,0x80e4ff5e,0x2dc31c28,0x7da5ebce,0xca69f552,0x485c5d73, 0x69cc84c2,0xcdfb6b29,0xed6d4eca,0x031c5afe,0x22247637,0xc7bbf4c8 } }, /* 236 */ { { 0x49fe01b2,0x9d5b72c7,0x793a91b8,0x34785186,0xcf460438,0xa3ba3c54, 0x3ab21b6f,0x73e8e43d,0xbe57b8ab,0x50cde8e0,0xdd204264,0x6488b3a7 }, { 0xdddc4582,0xa9e398b3,0x5bec46fe,0x1698c1a9,0x156d3843,0x7f1446ef, 0x770329a2,0x3fd25dd8,0x2c710668,0x05b1221a,0xa72ee6cf,0x65b2dc2a } }, /* 237 */ { { 0xcd021d63,0x21a885f7,0xfea61f08,0x3f344b15,0xc5cf73e6,0xad5ba6dd, 0x227a8b23,0x154d0d8f,0xdc559311,0x9b74373c,0x98620fa1,0x4feab715 }, { 0x7d9ec924,0x5098938e,0x6d47e550,0x84d54a5e,0x1b617506,0x1a2d1bdc, 0x615868a4,0x99fe1782,0x3005a924,0x171da780,0x7d8f79b6,0xa70bf5ed } }, /* 238 */ { { 0xfe2216c5,0x0bc1250d,0x7601b351,0x2c37e250,0xd6f06b7e,0xb6300175, 0x8bfeb9b7,0x4dde8ca1,0xb82f843d,0x4f210432,0xb1ac0afd,0x8d70e2f9 }, { 0xaae91abb,0x25c73b78,0x863028f2,0x0230dca3,0xe5cf30b7,0x8b923ecf, 0x5506f265,0xed754ec2,0x729a5e39,0x8e41b88c,0xbabf889b,0xee67cec2 } }, /* 239 */ { { 0x1be46c65,0xe183acf5,0xe7565d7a,0x9789538f,0xd9627b4e,0x87873391, 0x9f1d9187,0xbf4ac4c1,0x4691f5c8,0x5db99f63,0x74a1fb98,0xa68df803 }, { 0xbf92b5fa,0x3c448ed1,0x3e0bdc32,0xa098c841,0x79bf016c,0x8e74cd55, 0x115e244d,0x5df0d09c,0x3410b66e,0x9418ad01,0x17a02130,0x8b6124cb } }, /* 240 */ { { 0xc26e3392,0x425ec3af,0xa1722e00,0xc07f8470,0xe2356b43,0xdcc28190, 0xb1ef59a6,0x4ed97dff,0xc63028c1,0xc22b3ad1,0x68c18988,0x070723c2 }, { 0x4cf49e7d,0x70da302f,0x3f12a522,0xc5e87c93,0x18594148,0x74acdd1d, 0xca74124c,0xad5f73ab,0xd69fd478,0xe72e4a3e,0x7b117cc3,0x61593868 } }, /* 241 */ { { 0xa9aa0486,0x7b7b9577,0xa063d557,0x6e41fb35,0xda9047d7,0xb017d5c7, 0x68a87ba9,0x8c748280,0xdf08ad93,0xab45fa5c,0x4c288a28,0xcd9fb217 }, { 0x5747843d,0x59544642,0xa56111e3,0x34d64c6c,0x4bfce8d5,0x12e47ea1, 0x6169267f,0x17740e05,0xeed03fb5,0x5c49438e,0x4fc3f513,0x9da30add } }, /* 242 */ { { 0xccfa5200,0xc4e85282,0x6a19b13d,0x2707608f,0xf5726e2f,0xdcb9a53d, 0xe9427de5,0x612407c9,0xd54d582a,0x3e5a17e1,0x655ae118,0xb99877de }, { 0x015254de,0x6f0e972b,0xf0a6f7c5,0x92a56db1,0xa656f8b2,0xd297e4e1, 0xad981983,0x99fe0052,0x07cfed84,0xd3652d2f,0x843c1738,0xc784352e } }, /* 243 */ { { 0x7e9b2d8a,0x6ee90af0,0x57cf1964,0xac8d7018,0x71f28efc,0xf6ed9031, 0x6812b20e,0x7f70d5a9,0xf1c61eee,0x27b557f4,0xc6263758,0xf1c9bd57 }, { 0x2a1a6194,0x5cf7d014,0x1890ab84,0xdd614e0b,0x0e93c2a6,0x3ef9de10, 0xe0cd91c5,0xf98cf575,0x14befc32,0x504ec0c6,0x6279d68c,0xd0513a66 } }, /* 244 */ { { 0xa859fb6a,0xa8eadbad,0xdb283666,0xcf8346e7,0x3e22e355,0x7b35e61a, 0x99639c6b,0x293ece2c,0x56f241c8,0xfa0162e2,0xbf7a1dda,0xd2e6c7b9 }, { 0x40075e63,0xd0de6253,0xf9ec8286,0x2405aa61,0x8fe45494,0x2237830a, 0x364e9c8c,0x4fd01ac7,0x904ba750,0x4d9c3d21,0xaf1b520b,0xd589be14 } }, /* 245 */ { { 0x4662e53b,0x13576a4f,0xf9077676,0x35ec2f51,0x97c0af97,0x66297d13, 0x9e598b58,0xed3201fe,0x5e70f604,0x49bc752a,0xbb12d951,0xb54af535 }, { 0x212c1c76,0x36ea4c2b,0xeb250dfd,0x18f5bbc7,0x9a0a1a46,0xa0d466cc, 0xdac2d917,0x52564da4,0x8e95fab5,0x206559f4,0x9ca67a33,0x7487c190 } }, /* 246 */ { { 0xdde98e9c,0x75abfe37,0x2a411199,0x99b90b26,0xdcdb1f7c,0x1b410996, 0x8b3b5675,0xab346f11,0xf1f8ae1e,0x04852193,0x6b8b98c1,0x1ec4d227 }, { 0x45452baa,0xba3bc926,0xacc4a572,0x387d1858,0xe51f171e,0x9478eff6, 0x931e1c00,0xf357077d,0xe54c8ca8,0xffee77cd,0x551dc9a4,0xfb4892ff } }, /* 247 */ { { 0x2db8dff8,0x5b1bdad0,0x5a2285a2,0xd462f4fd,0xda00b461,0x1d6aad8e, 0x41306d1b,0x43fbefcf,0x6a13fe19,0x428e86f3,0x17f89404,0xc8b2f118 }, { 0xf0d51afb,0x762528aa,0x549b1d06,0xa3e2fea4,0xea3ddf66,0x86fad8f2, 0x4fbdd206,0x0d9ccc4b,0xc189ff5a,0xcde97d4c,0x199f19a6,0xc36793d6 } }, /* 248 */ { { 0x51b85197,0xea38909b,0xb4c92895,0xffb17dd0,0x1ddb3f3f,0x0eb0878b, 0xc57cf0f2,0xb05d28ff,0x1abd57e2,0xd8bde2e7,0xc40c1b20,0x7f2be28d }, { 0x299a2d48,0x6554dca2,0x8377982d,0x5130ba2e,0x1071971a,0x8863205f, 0x7cf2825d,0x15ee6282,0x03748f2b,0xd4b6c57f,0x430385a0,0xa9e3f4da } }, /* 249 */ { { 0x83fbc9c6,0x33eb7cec,0x4541777e,0x24a311c7,0x4f0767fc,0xc81377f7, 0x4ab702da,0x12adae36,0x2a779696,0xb7fcb6db,0x01cea6ad,0x4a6fb284 }, { 0xcdfc73de,0x5e8b1d2a,0x1b02fd32,0xd0efae8d,0xd81d8519,0x3f99c190, 0xfc808971,0x3c18f7fa,0x51b7ae7b,0x41f713e7,0xf07fc3f8,0x0a4b3435 } }, /* 250 */ { { 0x019b7d2e,0x7dda3c4c,0xd4dc4b89,0x631c8d1a,0x1cdb313c,0x5489cd6e, 0x4c07bb06,0xd44aed10,0x75f000d1,0x8f97e13a,0xdda5df4d,0x0e9ee64f }, { 0x3e346910,0xeaa99f3b,0xfa294ad7,0x622f6921,0x0d0b2fe9,0x22aaa20d, 0x1e5881ba,0x4fed2f99,0xc1571802,0x9af3b2d6,0xdc7ee17c,0x919e67a8 } }, /* 251 */ { { 0x76250533,0xc724fe4c,0x7d817ef8,0x8a2080e5,0x172c9751,0xa2afb0f4, 0x17c0702e,0x9b10cdeb,0xc9b7e3e9,0xbf3975e3,0x1cd0cdc5,0x206117df }, { 0xbe05ebd5,0xfb049e61,0x16c782c0,0xeb0bb55c,0xab7fed09,0x13a331b8, 0x632863f0,0xf6c58b1d,0x4d3b6195,0x6264ef6e,0x9a53f116,0x92c51b63 } }, /* 252 */ { { 0x288b364d,0xa57c7bc8,0x7b41e5c4,0x4a562e08,0x698a9a11,0x699d21c6, 0xf3f849b9,0xa4ed9581,0x9eb726ba,0xa223eef3,0xcc2884f9,0x13159c23 }, { 0x3a3f4963,0x73931e58,0x0ada6a81,0x96500389,0x5ab2950b,0x3ee8a1c6, 0x775fab52,0xeedf4949,0x4f2671b6,0x63d652e1,0x3c4e2f55,0xfed4491c } }, /* 253 */ { { 0xf4eb453e,0x335eadc3,0xcadd1a5b,0x5ff74b63,0x5d84a91a,0x6933d0d7, 0xb49ba337,0x9ca3eeb9,0xc04c15b8,0x1f6facce,0xdc09a7e4,0x4ef19326 }, { 0x3dca3233,0x53d2d324,0xa2259d4b,0x0ee40590,0x5546f002,0x18c22edb, 0x09ea6b71,0x92429801,0xb0e91e61,0xaada0add,0x99963c50,0x5fe53ef4 } }, /* 254 */ { { 0x90c28c65,0x372dd06b,0x119ce47d,0x1765242c,0x6b22fc82,0xc041fb80, 0xb0a7ccc1,0x667edf07,0x1261bece,0xc79599e7,0x19cff22a,0xbc69d9ba }, { 0x13c06819,0x009d77cd,0xe282b79d,0x635a66ae,0x225b1be8,0x4edac4a6, 0x524008f9,0x57d4f4e4,0xb056af84,0xee299ac5,0x3a0bc386,0xcc38444c } }, /* 255 */ { { 0xcd4c2356,0x490643b1,0x750547be,0x740a4851,0xd4944c04,0x643eaf29, 0x299a98a0,0xba572479,0xee05fdf9,0x48b29f16,0x089b2d7b,0x33fb4f61 }, { 0xa950f955,0x86704902,0xfedc3ddf,0x97e1034d,0x05fbb6a2,0x211320b6, 0x432299bb,0x23d7b93f,0x8590e4a3,0x1fe1a057,0xf58c0ce6,0x8e1d0586 } }, }; /* Multiply the base point of P384 by the scalar and return the result. * If map is true then convert result to affine coordinates. * * r Resulting point. * k Scalar to multiply by. * map Indicates whether to convert result to affine. * ct Constant time required. * heap Heap to use for allocation. * returns MEMORY_E when memory allocation fails and MP_OKAY on success. */ static int sp_384_ecc_mulmod_base_12(sp_point_384* r, const sp_digit* k, int map, int ct, void* heap) { return sp_384_ecc_mulmod_stripe_12(r, &p384_base, p384_table, k, map, ct, heap); } #endif /* Multiply the base point of P384 by the scalar and return the result. * If map is true then convert result to affine coordinates. * * km Scalar to multiply by. * r Resulting point. * map Indicates whether to convert result to affine. * heap Heap to use for allocation. * returns MEMORY_E when memory allocation fails and MP_OKAY on success. */ int sp_ecc_mulmod_base_384(mp_int* km, ecc_point* r, int map, void* heap) { #if (!defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) || defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) sp_point_384 p; sp_digit kd[12]; #endif sp_point_384* point; sp_digit* k = NULL; int err = MP_OKAY; err = sp_384_point_new_12(heap, p, point); #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (err == MP_OKAY) { k = (sp_digit*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_digit) * 12, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); if (k == NULL) { err = MEMORY_E; } } #else k = kd; #endif if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_384_from_mp(k, 12, km); err = sp_384_ecc_mulmod_base_12(point, k, map, 1, heap); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_384_point_to_ecc_point_12(point, r); } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (k != NULL) { XFREE(k, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); } #endif sp_384_point_free_12(point, 0, heap); return err; } #if defined(WOLFSSL_VALIDATE_ECC_KEYGEN) || defined(HAVE_ECC_SIGN) || \ defined(HAVE_ECC_VERIFY) /* Returns 1 if the number of zero. * Implementation is constant time. * * a Number to check. * returns 1 if the number is zero and 0 otherwise. */ static int sp_384_iszero_12(const sp_digit* a) { return (a[0] | a[1] | a[2] | a[3] | a[4] | a[5] | a[6] | a[7] | a[8] | a[9] | a[10] | a[11]) == 0; } #endif /* WOLFSSL_VALIDATE_ECC_KEYGEN || HAVE_ECC_SIGN || HAVE_ECC_VERIFY */ /* Add 1 to a. (a = a + 1) * * a A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_384_add_one_12(sp_digit* a) { __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r2, #1\n\t" "ldr r1, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "adds r1, r1, r2\n\t" "mov r2, #0\n\t" "str r1, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "ldr r1, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "adcs r1, r1, r2\n\t" "str r1, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "ldr r1, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "adcs r1, r1, r2\n\t" "str r1, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "ldr r1, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "adcs r1, r1, r2\n\t" "str r1, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "ldr r1, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "adcs r1, r1, r2\n\t" "str r1, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "ldr r1, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "adcs r1, r1, r2\n\t" "str r1, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "ldr r1, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "adcs r1, r1, r2\n\t" "str r1, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "ldr r1, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "adcs r1, r1, r2\n\t" "str r1, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "ldr r1, [%[a], #32]\n\t" "adcs r1, r1, r2\n\t" "str r1, [%[a], #32]\n\t" "ldr r1, [%[a], #36]\n\t" "adcs r1, r1, r2\n\t" "str r1, [%[a], #36]\n\t" "ldr r1, [%[a], #40]\n\t" "adcs r1, r1, r2\n\t" "str r1, [%[a], #40]\n\t" "ldr r1, [%[a], #44]\n\t" "adcs r1, r1, r2\n\t" "str r1, [%[a], #44]\n\t" : : [a] "r" (a) : "memory", "r1", "r2" ); } /* Read big endian unsigned byte array into r. * * r A single precision integer. * size Maximum number of bytes to convert * a Byte array. * n Number of bytes in array to read. */ static void sp_384_from_bin(sp_digit* r, int size, const byte* a, int n) { int i, j = 0; word32 s = 0; r[0] = 0; for (i = n-1; i >= 0; i--) { r[j] |= (((sp_digit)a[i]) << s); if (s >= 24U) { r[j] &= 0xffffffff; s = 32U - s; if (j + 1 >= size) { break; } r[++j] = (sp_digit)a[i] >> s; s = 8U - s; } else { s += 8U; } } for (j++; j < size; j++) { r[j] = 0; } } /* Generates a scalar that is in the range 1..order-1. * * rng Random number generator. * k Scalar value. * returns RNG failures, MEMORY_E when memory allocation fails and * MP_OKAY on success. */ static int sp_384_ecc_gen_k_12(WC_RNG* rng, sp_digit* k) { int err; byte buf[48]; do { err = wc_RNG_GenerateBlock(rng, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (err == 0) { sp_384_from_bin(k, 12, buf, (int)sizeof(buf)); if (sp_384_cmp_12(k, p384_order2) < 0) { sp_384_add_one_12(k); break; } } } while (err == 0); return err; } /* Makes a random EC key pair. * * rng Random number generator. * priv Generated private value. * pub Generated public point. * heap Heap to use for allocation. * returns ECC_INF_E when the point does not have the correct order, RNG * failures, MEMORY_E when memory allocation fails and MP_OKAY on success. */ int sp_ecc_make_key_384(WC_RNG* rng, mp_int* priv, ecc_point* pub, void* heap) { #if (!defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) || defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) sp_point_384 p; sp_digit kd[12]; #ifdef WOLFSSL_VALIDATE_ECC_KEYGEN sp_point_384 inf; #endif #endif sp_point_384* point; sp_digit* k = NULL; #ifdef WOLFSSL_VALIDATE_ECC_KEYGEN sp_point_384* infinity = NULL; #endif int err; (void)heap; err = sp_384_point_new_12(heap, p, point); #ifdef WOLFSSL_VALIDATE_ECC_KEYGEN if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_384_point_new_12(heap, inf, infinity); } #endif #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (err == MP_OKAY) { k = (sp_digit*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_digit) * 12, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); if (k == NULL) { err = MEMORY_E; } } #else k = kd; #endif if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_384_ecc_gen_k_12(rng, k); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_384_ecc_mulmod_base_12(point, k, 1, 1, NULL); } #ifdef WOLFSSL_VALIDATE_ECC_KEYGEN if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_384_ecc_mulmod_12(infinity, point, p384_order, 1, 1, NULL); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { if (sp_384_iszero_12(point->x) || sp_384_iszero_12(point->y)) { err = ECC_INF_E; } } #endif if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_384_to_mp(k, priv); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_384_point_to_ecc_point_12(point, pub); } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (k != NULL) { XFREE(k, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); } #endif #ifdef WOLFSSL_VALIDATE_ECC_KEYGEN sp_384_point_free_12(infinity, 1, heap); #endif sp_384_point_free_12(point, 1, heap); return err; } #ifdef HAVE_ECC_DHE /* Write r as big endian to byte array. * Fixed length number of bytes written: 48 * * r A single precision integer. * a Byte array. */ static void sp_384_to_bin(sp_digit* r, byte* a) { int i, j, s = 0, b; j = 384 / 8 - 1; a[j] = 0; for (i=0; i<12 && j>=0; i++) { b = 0; /* lint allow cast of mismatch sp_digit and int */ a[j--] |= (byte)(r[i] << s); /*lint !e9033*/ b += 8 - s; if (j < 0) { break; } while (b < 32) { a[j--] = (byte)(r[i] >> b); b += 8; if (j < 0) { break; } } s = 8 - (b - 32); if (j >= 0) { a[j] = 0; } if (s != 0) { j++; } } } /* Multiply the point by the scalar and serialize the X ordinate. * The number is 0 padded to maximum size on output. * * priv Scalar to multiply the point by. * pub Point to multiply. * out Buffer to hold X ordinate. * outLen On entry, size of the buffer in bytes. * On exit, length of data in buffer in bytes. * heap Heap to use for allocation. * returns BUFFER_E if the buffer is to small for output size, * MEMORY_E when memory allocation fails and MP_OKAY on success. */ int sp_ecc_secret_gen_384(mp_int* priv, ecc_point* pub, byte* out, word32* outLen, void* heap) { #if (!defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) || defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) sp_point_384 p; sp_digit kd[12]; #endif sp_point_384* point = NULL; sp_digit* k = NULL; int err = MP_OKAY; if (*outLen < 48U) { err = BUFFER_E; } if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_384_point_new_12(heap, p, point); } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (err == MP_OKAY) { k = (sp_digit*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_digit) * 12, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); if (k == NULL) err = MEMORY_E; } #else k = kd; #endif if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_384_from_mp(k, 12, priv); sp_384_point_from_ecc_point_12(point, pub); err = sp_384_ecc_mulmod_12(point, point, k, 1, 1, heap); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_384_to_bin(point->x, out); *outLen = 48; } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (k != NULL) { XFREE(k, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); } #endif sp_384_point_free_12(point, 0, heap); return err; } #endif /* HAVE_ECC_DHE */ #if defined(HAVE_ECC_SIGN) || defined(HAVE_ECC_VERIFY) #endif #if defined(HAVE_ECC_SIGN) || defined(HAVE_ECC_VERIFY) #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL /* Sub b from a into a. (a -= b) * * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static sp_digit sp_384_sub_in_place_12(sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit c = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "mov r8, %[a]\n\t" "add r8, r8, #48\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" "subs r5, r5, %[c]\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a]]\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[b]]\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[b], #4]\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "str r3, [%[a]]\n\t" "str r4, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "sbc %[c], %[c], %[c]\n\t" "add %[a], %[a], #8\n\t" "add %[b], %[b], #8\n\t" "cmp %[a], r8\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "bne 1b\n\t" #else "bne.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ : [c] "+r" (c), [a] "+r" (a), [b] "+r" (b) : : "memory", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8" ); return c; } #else /* Sub b from a into r. (r = a - b) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision integer. */ SP_NOINLINE static sp_digit sp_384_sub_in_place_12(sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_digit c = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "subs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[a], {r3, r4}\n\t" "ldm %[b]!, {r5, r6}\n\t" "sbcs r3, r3, r5\n\t" "sbcs r4, r4, r6\n\t" "stm %[a]!, {r3, r4}\n\t" "sbc %[c], %[c], %[c]\n\t" : [c] "+r" (c), [a] "+r" (a), [b] "+r" (b) : : "memory", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6" ); return c; } #endif /* WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL */ /* Mul a by digit b into r. (r = a * b) * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * b A single precision digit. */ SP_NOINLINE static void sp_384_mul_d_12(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, sp_digit b) { __asm__ __volatile__ ( "add r9, %[a], #48\n\t" /* A[0] * B */ "ldr r6, [%[a]], #4\n\t" "umull r5, r3, r6, %[b]\n\t" "mov r4, #0\n\t" "str r5, [%[r]], #4\n\t" /* A[0] * B - Done */ "\n1:\n\t" "mov r5, #0\n\t" /* A[] * B */ "ldr r6, [%[a]], #4\n\t" "umull r6, r8, r6, %[b]\n\t" "adds r3, r3, r6\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adc r5, r5, #0\n\t" /* A[] * B - Done */ "str r3, [%[r]], #4\n\t" "mov r3, r4\n\t" "mov r4, r5\n\t" "cmp %[a], r9\n\t" #ifdef __GNUC__ "blt 1b\n\t" #else "blt.n 1b\n\t" #endif /* __GNUC__ */ "str r3, [%[r]]\n\t" : [r] "+r" (r), [a] "+r" (a) : [b] "r" (b) : "memory", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8", "r9" ); } /* Divide the double width number (d1|d0) by the dividend. (d1|d0 / div) * * d1 The high order half of the number to divide. * d0 The low order half of the number to divide. * div The dividend. * returns the result of the division. * * Note that this is an approximate div. It may give an answer 1 larger. */ SP_NOINLINE static sp_digit div_384_word_12(sp_digit d1, sp_digit d0, sp_digit div) { sp_digit r = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "lsr r6, %[div], #16\n\t" "add r6, r6, #1\n\t" "udiv r4, %[d1], r6\n\t" "lsl r8, r4, #16\n\t" "umull r4, r5, %[div], r8\n\t" "subs %[d0], %[d0], r4\n\t" "sbc %[d1], %[d1], r5\n\t" "udiv r5, %[d1], r6\n\t" "lsl r4, r5, #16\n\t" "add r8, r8, r4\n\t" "umull r4, r5, %[div], r4\n\t" "subs %[d0], %[d0], r4\n\t" "sbc %[d1], %[d1], r5\n\t" "lsl r4, %[d1], #16\n\t" "orr r4, r4, %[d0], lsr #16\n\t" "udiv r4, r4, r6\n\t" "add r8, r8, r4\n\t" "umull r4, r5, %[div], r4\n\t" "subs %[d0], %[d0], r4\n\t" "sbc %[d1], %[d1], r5\n\t" "lsl r4, %[d1], #16\n\t" "orr r4, r4, %[d0], lsr #16\n\t" "udiv r4, r4, r6\n\t" "add r8, r8, r4\n\t" "umull r4, r5, %[div], r4\n\t" "subs %[d0], %[d0], r4\n\t" "sbc %[d1], %[d1], r5\n\t" "udiv r4, %[d0], %[div]\n\t" "add r8, r8, r4\n\t" "mov %[r], r8\n\t" : [r] "+r" (r) : [d1] "r" (d1), [d0] "r" (d0), [div] "r" (div) : "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8" ); return r; } /* AND m into each word of a and store in r. * * r A single precision integer. * a A single precision integer. * m Mask to AND against each digit. */ static void sp_384_mask_12(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, sp_digit m) { #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL int i; for (i=0; i<12; i++) { r[i] = a[i] & m; } #else r[0] = a[0] & m; r[1] = a[1] & m; r[2] = a[2] & m; r[3] = a[3] & m; r[4] = a[4] & m; r[5] = a[5] & m; r[6] = a[6] & m; r[7] = a[7] & m; r[8] = a[8] & m; r[9] = a[9] & m; r[10] = a[10] & m; r[11] = a[11] & m; #endif } /* Divide d in a and put remainder into r (m*d + r = a) * m is not calculated as it is not needed at this time. * * a Number to be divided. * d Number to divide with. * m Multiplier result. * r Remainder from the division. * returns MP_OKAY indicating success. */ static WC_INLINE int sp_384_div_12(const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* d, sp_digit* m, sp_digit* r) { sp_digit t1[24], t2[13]; sp_digit div, r1; int i; (void)m; div = d[11]; XMEMCPY(t1, a, sizeof(*t1) * 2 * 12); for (i=11; i>=0; i--) { sp_digit hi = t1[12 + i] - (t1[12 + i] == div); r1 = div_384_word_12(hi, t1[12 + i - 1], div); sp_384_mul_d_12(t2, d, r1); t1[12 + i] += sp_384_sub_in_place_12(&t1[i], t2); t1[12 + i] -= t2[12]; sp_384_mask_12(t2, d, t1[12 + i]); t1[12 + i] += sp_384_add_12(&t1[i], &t1[i], t2); sp_384_mask_12(t2, d, t1[12 + i]); t1[12 + i] += sp_384_add_12(&t1[i], &t1[i], t2); } r1 = sp_384_cmp_12(t1, d) >= 0; sp_384_cond_sub_12(r, t1, d, (sp_digit)0 - r1); return MP_OKAY; } /* Reduce a modulo m into r. (r = a mod m) * * r A single precision number that is the reduced result. * a A single precision number that is to be reduced. * m A single precision number that is the modulus to reduce with. * returns MP_OKAY indicating success. */ static WC_INLINE int sp_384_mod_12(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* m) { return sp_384_div_12(a, m, NULL, r); } #endif #if defined(HAVE_ECC_SIGN) || defined(HAVE_ECC_VERIFY) #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL /* Order-2 for the P384 curve. */ static const uint32_t p384_order_minus_2[12] = { 0xccc52971U,0xecec196aU,0x48b0a77aU,0x581a0db2U,0xf4372ddfU,0xc7634d81U, 0xffffffffU,0xffffffffU,0xffffffffU,0xffffffffU,0xffffffffU,0xffffffffU }; #else /* The low half of the order-2 of the P384 curve. */ static const uint32_t p384_order_low[6] = { 0xccc52971U,0xecec196aU,0x48b0a77aU,0x581a0db2U,0xf4372ddfU,0xc7634d81U }; #endif /* WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL */ /* Multiply two number mod the order of P384 curve. (r = a * b mod order) * * r Result of the multiplication. * a First operand of the multiplication. * b Second operand of the multiplication. */ static void sp_384_mont_mul_order_12(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* b) { sp_384_mul_12(r, a, b); sp_384_mont_reduce_order_12(r, p384_order, p384_mp_order); } /* Square number mod the order of P384 curve. (r = a * a mod order) * * r Result of the squaring. * a Number to square. */ static void sp_384_mont_sqr_order_12(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a) { sp_384_sqr_12(r, a); sp_384_mont_reduce_order_12(r, p384_order, p384_mp_order); } #ifndef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL /* Square number mod the order of P384 curve a number of times. * (r = a ^ n mod order) * * r Result of the squaring. * a Number to square. */ static void sp_384_mont_sqr_n_order_12(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, int n) { int i; sp_384_mont_sqr_order_12(r, a); for (i=1; i= sizeof(*sp_ctx) ? -1 : 1]; (void)sizeof(ctx_size_test); switch (ctx->state) { case 0: XMEMCPY(t, a, sizeof(sp_digit) * 12); ctx->i = 382; ctx->state = 1; break; case 1: sp_384_mont_sqr_order_12(t, t); ctx->state = 2; break; case 2: if ((p384_order_minus_2[ctx->i / 32] & ((sp_int_digit)1 << (ctx->i % 32))) != 0) { sp_384_mont_mul_order_12(t, t, a); } ctx->i--; ctx->state = (ctx->i == 0) ? 3 : 1; break; case 3: XMEMCPY(r, t, sizeof(sp_digit) * 12U); err = MP_OKAY; break; } return err; } #endif /* WOLFSSL_SP_NONBLOCK */ static void sp_384_mont_inv_order_12(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, sp_digit* td) { #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL sp_digit* t = td; int i; XMEMCPY(t, a, sizeof(sp_digit) * 12); for (i=382; i>=0; i--) { sp_384_mont_sqr_order_12(t, t); if ((p384_order_minus_2[i / 32] & ((sp_int_digit)1 << (i % 32))) != 0) { sp_384_mont_mul_order_12(t, t, a); } } XMEMCPY(r, t, sizeof(sp_digit) * 12U); #else sp_digit* t = td; sp_digit* t2 = td + 2 * 12; sp_digit* t3 = td + 4 * 12; int i; /* t = a^2 */ sp_384_mont_sqr_order_12(t, a); /* t = a^3 = t * a */ sp_384_mont_mul_order_12(t, t, a); /* t2= a^c = t ^ 2 ^ 2 */ sp_384_mont_sqr_n_order_12(t2, t, 2); /* t = a^f = t2 * t */ sp_384_mont_mul_order_12(t, t2, t); /* t2= a^f0 = t ^ 2 ^ 4 */ sp_384_mont_sqr_n_order_12(t2, t, 4); /* t = a^ff = t2 * t */ sp_384_mont_mul_order_12(t, t2, t); /* t2= a^ff00 = t ^ 2 ^ 8 */ sp_384_mont_sqr_n_order_12(t2, t, 8); /* t3= a^ffff = t2 * t */ sp_384_mont_mul_order_12(t3, t2, t); /* t2= a^ffff0000 = t3 ^ 2 ^ 16 */ sp_384_mont_sqr_n_order_12(t2, t3, 16); /* t = a^ffffffff = t2 * t3 */ sp_384_mont_mul_order_12(t, t2, t3); /* t2= a^ffffffff0000 = t ^ 2 ^ 16 */ sp_384_mont_sqr_n_order_12(t2, t, 16); /* t = a^ffffffffffff = t2 * t3 */ sp_384_mont_mul_order_12(t, t2, t3); /* t2= a^ffffffffffff000000000000 = t ^ 2 ^ 48 */ sp_384_mont_sqr_n_order_12(t2, t, 48); /* t= a^fffffffffffffffffffffffff = t2 * t */ sp_384_mont_mul_order_12(t, t2, t); /* t2= a^ffffffffffffffffffffffff000000000000000000000000 */ sp_384_mont_sqr_n_order_12(t2, t, 96); /* t2= a^ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff = t2 * t */ sp_384_mont_mul_order_12(t2, t2, t); for (i=191; i>=1; i--) { sp_384_mont_sqr_order_12(t2, t2); if (((sp_digit)p384_order_low[i / 32] & ((sp_int_digit)1 << (i % 32))) != 0) { sp_384_mont_mul_order_12(t2, t2, a); } } sp_384_mont_sqr_order_12(t2, t2); sp_384_mont_mul_order_12(r, t2, a); #endif /* WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL */ } #endif /* HAVE_ECC_SIGN || HAVE_ECC_VERIFY */ #ifdef HAVE_ECC_SIGN #ifndef SP_ECC_MAX_SIG_GEN #define SP_ECC_MAX_SIG_GEN 64 #endif /* Sign the hash using the private key. * e = [hash, 384 bits] from binary * r = (k.G)->x mod order * s = (r * x + e) / k mod order * The hash is truncated to the first 384 bits. * * hash Hash to sign. * hashLen Length of the hash data. * rng Random number generator. * priv Private part of key - scalar. * rm First part of result as an mp_int. * sm Sirst part of result as an mp_int. * heap Heap to use for allocation. * returns RNG failures, MEMORY_E when memory allocation fails and * MP_OKAY on success. */ #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_NONBLOCK typedef struct sp_ecc_sign_384_ctx { int state; union { sp_384_ecc_mulmod_12_ctx mulmod_ctx; sp_384_mont_inv_order_12_ctx mont_inv_order_ctx; }; sp_digit e[2*12]; sp_digit x[2*12]; sp_digit k[2*12]; sp_digit r[2*12]; sp_digit tmp[3 * 2*12]; sp_point_384 point; sp_digit* s; sp_digit* kInv; int i; } sp_ecc_sign_384_ctx; int sp_ecc_sign_384_nb(sp_ecc_ctx_t* sp_ctx, const byte* hash, word32 hashLen, WC_RNG* rng, mp_int* priv, mp_int* rm, mp_int* sm, mp_int* km, void* heap) { int err = FP_WOULDBLOCK; sp_ecc_sign_384_ctx* ctx = (sp_ecc_sign_384_ctx*)sp_ctx->data; typedef char ctx_size_test[sizeof(sp_ecc_sign_384_ctx) >= sizeof(*sp_ctx) ? -1 : 1]; (void)sizeof(ctx_size_test); (void)heap; switch (ctx->state) { case 0: /* INIT */ ctx->s = ctx->e; ctx->kInv = ctx->k; if (hashLen > 48U) { hashLen = 48U; } sp_384_from_bin(ctx->e, 12, hash, (int)hashLen); ctx->i = SP_ECC_MAX_SIG_GEN; ctx->state = 1; break; case 1: /* GEN */ sp_384_from_mp(ctx->x, 12, priv); /* New random point. */ if (km == NULL || mp_iszero(km)) { err = sp_384_ecc_gen_k_12(rng, ctx->k); } else { sp_384_from_mp(ctx->k, 12, km); mp_zero(km); } XMEMSET(&ctx->mulmod_ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx->mulmod_ctx)); ctx->state = 2; break; case 2: /* MULMOD */ err = sp_384_ecc_mulmod_12_nb((sp_ecc_ctx_t*)&ctx->mulmod_ctx, &ctx->point, &p384_base, ctx->k, 1, 1, heap); if (err == MP_OKAY) { ctx->state = 3; } break; case 3: /* MODORDER */ { int32_t c; /* r = point->x mod order */ XMEMCPY(ctx->r, ctx->point.x, sizeof(sp_digit) * 12U); sp_384_norm_12(ctx->r); c = sp_384_cmp_12(ctx->r, p384_order); sp_384_cond_sub_12(ctx->r, ctx->r, p384_order, 0L - (sp_digit)(c >= 0)); sp_384_norm_12(ctx->r); ctx->state = 4; break; } case 4: /* KMODORDER */ /* Conv k to Montgomery form (mod order) */ sp_384_mul_12(ctx->k, ctx->k, p384_norm_order); err = sp_384_mod_12(ctx->k, ctx->k, p384_order); if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_384_norm_12(ctx->k); XMEMSET(&ctx->mont_inv_order_ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx->mont_inv_order_ctx)); ctx->state = 5; } break; case 5: /* KINV */ /* kInv = 1/k mod order */ err = sp_384_mont_inv_order_12_nb((sp_ecc_ctx_t*)&ctx->mont_inv_order_ctx, ctx->kInv, ctx->k, ctx->tmp); if (err == MP_OKAY) { XMEMSET(&ctx->mont_inv_order_ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx->mont_inv_order_ctx)); ctx->state = 6; } break; case 6: /* KINVNORM */ sp_384_norm_12(ctx->kInv); ctx->state = 7; break; case 7: /* R */ /* s = r * x + e */ sp_384_mul_12(ctx->x, ctx->x, ctx->r); ctx->state = 8; break; case 8: /* S1 */ err = sp_384_mod_12(ctx->x, ctx->x, p384_order); if (err == MP_OKAY) ctx->state = 9; break; case 9: /* S2 */ { sp_digit carry; int32_t c; sp_384_norm_12(ctx->x); carry = sp_384_add_12(ctx->s, ctx->e, ctx->x); sp_384_cond_sub_12(ctx->s, ctx->s, p384_order, 0 - carry); sp_384_norm_12(ctx->s); c = sp_384_cmp_12(ctx->s, p384_order); sp_384_cond_sub_12(ctx->s, ctx->s, p384_order, 0L - (sp_digit)(c >= 0)); sp_384_norm_12(ctx->s); /* s = s * k^-1 mod order */ sp_384_mont_mul_order_12(ctx->s, ctx->s, ctx->kInv); sp_384_norm_12(ctx->s); /* Check that signature is usable. */ if (sp_384_iszero_12(ctx->s) == 0) { ctx->state = 10; break; } /* not usable gen, try again */ ctx->i--; if (ctx->i == 0) { err = RNG_FAILURE_E; } ctx->state = 1; break; } case 10: /* RES */ err = sp_384_to_mp(ctx->r, rm); if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_384_to_mp(ctx->s, sm); } break; } if (err == MP_OKAY && ctx->state != 10) { err = FP_WOULDBLOCK; } if (err != FP_WOULDBLOCK) { XMEMSET(ctx->e, 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 2U * 12U); XMEMSET(ctx->x, 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 2U * 12U); XMEMSET(ctx->k, 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 2U * 12U); XMEMSET(ctx->r, 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 2U * 12U); XMEMSET(ctx->tmp, 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 3U * 2U * 12U); } return err; } #endif /* WOLFSSL_SP_NONBLOCK */ int sp_ecc_sign_384(const byte* hash, word32 hashLen, WC_RNG* rng, mp_int* priv, mp_int* rm, mp_int* sm, mp_int* km, void* heap) { #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) sp_digit* d = NULL; #else sp_digit ed[2*12]; sp_digit xd[2*12]; sp_digit kd[2*12]; sp_digit rd[2*12]; sp_digit td[3 * 2*12]; sp_point_384 p; #endif sp_digit* e = NULL; sp_digit* x = NULL; sp_digit* k = NULL; sp_digit* r = NULL; sp_digit* tmp = NULL; sp_point_384* point = NULL; sp_digit carry; sp_digit* s = NULL; sp_digit* kInv = NULL; int err = MP_OKAY; int32_t c; int i; (void)heap; err = sp_384_point_new_12(heap, p, point); #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (err == MP_OKAY) { d = (sp_digit*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_digit) * 7 * 2 * 12, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); if (d == NULL) { err = MEMORY_E; } } #endif if (err == MP_OKAY) { #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) e = d + 0 * 12; x = d + 2 * 12; k = d + 4 * 12; r = d + 6 * 12; tmp = d + 8 * 12; #else e = ed; x = xd; k = kd; r = rd; tmp = td; #endif s = e; kInv = k; if (hashLen > 48U) { hashLen = 48U; } } for (i = SP_ECC_MAX_SIG_GEN; err == MP_OKAY && i > 0; i--) { sp_384_from_mp(x, 12, priv); /* New random point. */ if (km == NULL || mp_iszero(km)) { err = sp_384_ecc_gen_k_12(rng, k); } else { sp_384_from_mp(k, 12, km); mp_zero(km); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_384_ecc_mulmod_base_12(point, k, 1, 1, NULL); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { /* r = point->x mod order */ XMEMCPY(r, point->x, sizeof(sp_digit) * 12U); sp_384_norm_12(r); c = sp_384_cmp_12(r, p384_order); sp_384_cond_sub_12(r, r, p384_order, 0L - (sp_digit)(c >= 0)); sp_384_norm_12(r); /* Conv k to Montgomery form (mod order) */ sp_384_mul_12(k, k, p384_norm_order); err = sp_384_mod_12(k, k, p384_order); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_384_norm_12(k); /* kInv = 1/k mod order */ sp_384_mont_inv_order_12(kInv, k, tmp); sp_384_norm_12(kInv); /* s = r * x + e */ sp_384_mul_12(x, x, r); err = sp_384_mod_12(x, x, p384_order); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_384_norm_12(x); sp_384_from_bin(e, 12, hash, (int)hashLen); carry = sp_384_add_12(s, e, x); sp_384_cond_sub_12(s, s, p384_order, 0 - carry); sp_384_norm_12(s); c = sp_384_cmp_12(s, p384_order); sp_384_cond_sub_12(s, s, p384_order, 0L - (sp_digit)(c >= 0)); sp_384_norm_12(s); /* s = s * k^-1 mod order */ sp_384_mont_mul_order_12(s, s, kInv); sp_384_norm_12(s); /* Check that signature is usable. */ if (sp_384_iszero_12(s) == 0) { break; } } #ifdef WOLFSSL_ECDSA_SET_K_ONE_LOOP i = 1; #endif } if (i == 0) { err = RNG_FAILURE_E; } if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_384_to_mp(r, rm); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_384_to_mp(s, sm); } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (d != NULL) { XMEMSET(d, 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 8 * 12); XFREE(d, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); } #else XMEMSET(e, 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 2U * 12U); XMEMSET(x, 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 2U * 12U); XMEMSET(k, 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 2U * 12U); XMEMSET(r, 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 2U * 12U); XMEMSET(r, 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 2U * 12U); XMEMSET(tmp, 0, sizeof(sp_digit) * 3U * 2U * 12U); #endif sp_384_point_free_12(point, 1, heap); return err; } #endif /* HAVE_ECC_SIGN */ #ifndef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL /* Divide the number by 2 mod the modulus. (r = a / 2 % m) * * r Result of division by 2. * a Number to divide. * m Modulus. */ static void sp_384_div2_mod_12(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* m) { __asm__ __volatile__ ( "ldr r4, [%[a]]\n\t" "ands r8, r4, #1\n\t" "beq 1f\n\t" "mov r12, #0\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "ldr r7, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[m], #0]\n\t" "ldr r9, [%[m], #4]\n\t" "ldr r10, [%[m], #8]\n\t" "ldr r14, [%[m], #12]\n\t" "adds r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r9\n\t" "adcs r6, r6, r10\n\t" "adcs r7, r7, r14\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #0]\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], #4]\n\t" "str r6, [%[r], #8]\n\t" "str r7, [%[r], #12]\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "ldr r7, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[m], #16]\n\t" "ldr r9, [%[m], #20]\n\t" "ldr r10, [%[m], #24]\n\t" "ldr r14, [%[m], #28]\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r9\n\t" "adcs r6, r6, r10\n\t" "adcs r7, r7, r14\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #16]\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], #20]\n\t" "str r6, [%[r], #24]\n\t" "str r7, [%[r], #28]\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #32]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[a], #36]\n\t" "ldr r6, [%[a], #40]\n\t" "ldr r7, [%[a], #44]\n\t" "ldr r8, [%[m], #32]\n\t" "ldr r9, [%[m], #36]\n\t" "ldr r10, [%[m], #40]\n\t" "ldr r14, [%[m], #44]\n\t" "adcs r4, r4, r8\n\t" "adcs r5, r5, r9\n\t" "adcs r6, r6, r10\n\t" "adcs r7, r7, r14\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #32]\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], #36]\n\t" "str r6, [%[r], #40]\n\t" "str r7, [%[r], #44]\n\t" "adc r8, r12, r12\n\t" "b 2f\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[a], #2]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #0]\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], #2]\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[a], #6]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #4]\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], #6]\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[a], #10]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #8]\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], #10]\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[a], #14]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #12]\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], #14]\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[a], #18]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #16]\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], #18]\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[a], #22]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #20]\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], #22]\n\t" "\n2:\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[r]]\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[r], #4]\n\t" "lsr r3, r3, #1\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r4, lsl #31\n\t" "lsr r4, r4, #1\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #0]\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5, lsl #31\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, #1\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #4]\n\t" "orr r5, r5, r3, lsl #31\n\t" "lsr r3, r3, #1\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], #8]\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r4, lsl #31\n\t" "lsr r4, r4, #1\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #12]\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5, lsl #31\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, #1\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #16]\n\t" "orr r5, r5, r3, lsl #31\n\t" "lsr r3, r3, #1\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], #20]\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r4, lsl #31\n\t" "lsr r4, r4, #1\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[a], #32]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #24]\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5, lsl #31\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, #1\n\t" "ldr r3, [%[a], #36]\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #28]\n\t" "orr r5, r5, r3, lsl #31\n\t" "lsr r3, r3, #1\n\t" "ldr r4, [%[a], #40]\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], #32]\n\t" "orr r3, r3, r4, lsl #31\n\t" "lsr r4, r4, #1\n\t" "ldr r5, [%[a], #44]\n\t" "str r3, [%[r], #36]\n\t" "orr r4, r4, r5, lsl #31\n\t" "lsr r5, r5, #1\n\t" "orr r5, r5, r8, lsl #31\n\t" "str r4, [%[r], #40]\n\t" "str r5, [%[r], #44]\n\t" : : [r] "r" (r), [a] "r" (a), [m] "r" (m) : "memory", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r7", "r8", "r9", "r10", "r14" ); } static int sp_384_num_bits_12(sp_digit* a) { int r = 0; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "ldr r2, [%[a], #44]\n\t" "cmp r2, #0\n\t" "beq 11f\n\t" "mov r3, #384\n\t" "clz %[r], r2\n\t" "sub %[r], r3, %[r]\n\t" "b 13f\n\t" "\n11:\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #40]\n\t" "cmp r2, #0\n\t" "beq 10f\n\t" "mov r3, #352\n\t" "clz %[r], r2\n\t" "sub %[r], r3, %[r]\n\t" "b 13f\n\t" "\n10:\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #36]\n\t" "cmp r2, #0\n\t" "beq 9f\n\t" "mov r3, #320\n\t" "clz %[r], r2\n\t" "sub %[r], r3, %[r]\n\t" "b 13f\n\t" "\n9:\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #32]\n\t" "cmp r2, #0\n\t" "beq 8f\n\t" "mov r3, #288\n\t" "clz %[r], r2\n\t" "sub %[r], r3, %[r]\n\t" "b 13f\n\t" "\n8:\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #28]\n\t" "cmp r2, #0\n\t" "beq 7f\n\t" "mov r3, #256\n\t" "clz %[r], r2\n\t" "sub %[r], r3, %[r]\n\t" "b 13f\n\t" "\n7:\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #24]\n\t" "cmp r2, #0\n\t" "beq 6f\n\t" "mov r3, #224\n\t" "clz %[r], r2\n\t" "sub %[r], r3, %[r]\n\t" "b 13f\n\t" "\n6:\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #20]\n\t" "cmp r2, #0\n\t" "beq 5f\n\t" "mov r3, #192\n\t" "clz %[r], r2\n\t" "sub %[r], r3, %[r]\n\t" "b 13f\n\t" "\n5:\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #16]\n\t" "cmp r2, #0\n\t" "beq 4f\n\t" "mov r3, #160\n\t" "clz %[r], r2\n\t" "sub %[r], r3, %[r]\n\t" "b 13f\n\t" "\n4:\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #12]\n\t" "cmp r2, #0\n\t" "beq 3f\n\t" "mov r3, #128\n\t" "clz %[r], r2\n\t" "sub %[r], r3, %[r]\n\t" "b 13f\n\t" "\n3:\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #8]\n\t" "cmp r2, #0\n\t" "beq 2f\n\t" "mov r3, #96\n\t" "clz %[r], r2\n\t" "sub %[r], r3, %[r]\n\t" "b 13f\n\t" "\n2:\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #4]\n\t" "cmp r2, #0\n\t" "beq 1f\n\t" "mov r3, #64\n\t" "clz %[r], r2\n\t" "sub %[r], r3, %[r]\n\t" "b 13f\n\t" "\n1:\n\t" "ldr r2, [%[a], #0]\n\t" "mov r3, #32\n\t" "clz %[r], r2\n\t" "sub %[r], r3, %[r]\n\t" "\n13:\n\t" : [r] "+r" (r) : [a] "r" (a) : "r2", "r3" ); return r; } /* Non-constant time modular inversion. * * @param [out] r Resulting number. * @param [in] a Number to invert. * @param [in] m Modulus. * @return MP_OKAY on success. */ static int sp_384_mod_inv_12(sp_digit* r, const sp_digit* a, const sp_digit* m) { sp_digit u[12]; sp_digit v[12]; sp_digit b[12]; sp_digit d[12]; int ut, vt; sp_digit o; XMEMCPY(u, m, sizeof(u)); XMEMCPY(v, a, sizeof(v)); ut = sp_384_num_bits_12(u); vt = sp_384_num_bits_12(v); XMEMSET(b, 0, sizeof(b)); if ((v[0] & 1) == 0) { sp_384_rshift1_12(v, v); XMEMCPY(d, m, sizeof(u)); d[0] += 1; sp_384_rshift1_12(d, d); vt--; while ((v[0] & 1) == 0) { sp_384_rshift1_12(v, v); sp_384_div2_mod_12(d, d, m); vt--; } } else { XMEMSET(d+1, 0, sizeof(d)-sizeof(sp_digit)); d[0] = 1; } while (ut > 1 && vt > 1) { if (ut > vt || (ut == vt && sp_384_cmp_12(u, v) >= 0)) { sp_384_sub_12(u, u, v); o = sp_384_sub_12(b, b, d); if (o != 0) sp_384_add_12(b, b, m); ut = sp_384_num_bits_12(u); do { sp_384_rshift1_12(u, u); sp_384_div2_mod_12(b, b, m); ut--; } while (ut > 0 && (u[0] & 1) == 0); } else { sp_384_sub_12(v, v, u); o = sp_384_sub_12(d, d, b); if (o != 0) sp_384_add_12(d, d, m); vt = sp_384_num_bits_12(v); do { sp_384_rshift1_12(v, v); sp_384_div2_mod_12(d, d, m); vt--; } while (vt > 0 && (v[0] & 1) == 0); } } if (ut == 1) XMEMCPY(r, b, sizeof(b)); else XMEMCPY(r, d, sizeof(d)); return MP_OKAY; } #endif /* WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL */ #ifdef HAVE_ECC_VERIFY /* Verify the signature values with the hash and public key. * e = Truncate(hash, 384) * u1 = e/s mod order * u2 = r/s mod order * r == (u1.G + u2.Q)->x mod order * Optimization: Leave point in projective form. * (x, y, 1) == (x' / z'*z', y' / z'*z'*z', z' / z') * (r + n*order).z'.z' mod prime == (u1.G + u2.Q)->x' * The hash is truncated to the first 384 bits. * * hash Hash to sign. * hashLen Length of the hash data. * rng Random number generator. * priv Private part of key - scalar. * rm First part of result as an mp_int. * sm Sirst part of result as an mp_int. * heap Heap to use for allocation. * returns RNG failures, MEMORY_E when memory allocation fails and * MP_OKAY on success. */ #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_NONBLOCK typedef struct sp_ecc_verify_384_ctx { int state; union { sp_384_ecc_mulmod_12_ctx mulmod_ctx; sp_384_mont_inv_order_12_ctx mont_inv_order_ctx; sp_384_proj_point_dbl_12_ctx dbl_ctx; sp_384_proj_point_add_12_ctx add_ctx; }; sp_digit u1[2*12]; sp_digit u2[2*12]; sp_digit s[2*12]; sp_digit tmp[2*12 * 5]; sp_point_384 p1; sp_point_384 p2; } sp_ecc_verify_384_ctx; int sp_ecc_verify_384_nb(sp_ecc_ctx_t* sp_ctx, const byte* hash, word32 hashLen, mp_int* pX, mp_int* pY, mp_int* pZ, mp_int* r, mp_int* sm, int* res, void* heap) { int err = FP_WOULDBLOCK; sp_ecc_verify_384_ctx* ctx = (sp_ecc_verify_384_ctx*)sp_ctx->data; typedef char ctx_size_test[sizeof(sp_ecc_verify_384_ctx) >= sizeof(*sp_ctx) ? -1 : 1]; (void)sizeof(ctx_size_test); switch (ctx->state) { case 0: /* INIT */ if (hashLen > 48U) { hashLen = 48U; } sp_384_from_bin(ctx->u1, 12, hash, (int)hashLen); sp_384_from_mp(ctx->u2, 12, r); sp_384_from_mp(ctx->s, 12, sm); sp_384_from_mp(ctx->p2.x, 12, pX); sp_384_from_mp(ctx->p2.y, 12, pY); sp_384_from_mp(ctx->p2.z, 12, pZ); ctx->state = 1; break; case 1: /* NORMS0 */ sp_384_mul_12(ctx->s, ctx->s, p384_norm_order); err = sp_384_mod_12(ctx->s, ctx->s, p384_order); if (err == MP_OKAY) ctx->state = 2; break; case 2: /* NORMS1 */ sp_384_norm_12(ctx->s); XMEMSET(&ctx->mont_inv_order_ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx->mont_inv_order_ctx)); ctx->state = 3; break; case 3: /* NORMS2 */ err = sp_384_mont_inv_order_12_nb((sp_ecc_ctx_t*)&ctx->mont_inv_order_ctx, ctx->s, ctx->s, ctx->tmp); if (err == MP_OKAY) { ctx->state = 4; } break; case 4: /* NORMS3 */ sp_384_mont_mul_order_12(ctx->u1, ctx->u1, ctx->s); ctx->state = 5; break; case 5: /* NORMS4 */ sp_384_mont_mul_order_12(ctx->u2, ctx->u2, ctx->s); XMEMSET(&ctx->mulmod_ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx->mulmod_ctx)); ctx->state = 6; break; case 6: /* MULBASE */ err = sp_384_ecc_mulmod_12_nb((sp_ecc_ctx_t*)&ctx->mulmod_ctx, &ctx->p1, &p384_base, ctx->u1, 0, 0, heap); if (err == MP_OKAY) { if (sp_384_iszero_12(ctx->p1.z)) { ctx->p1.infinity = 1; } XMEMSET(&ctx->mulmod_ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx->mulmod_ctx)); ctx->state = 7; } break; case 7: /* MULMOD */ err = sp_384_ecc_mulmod_12_nb((sp_ecc_ctx_t*)&ctx->mulmod_ctx, &ctx->p2, &ctx->p2, ctx->u2, 0, 0, heap); if (err == MP_OKAY) { if (sp_384_iszero_12(ctx->p2.z)) { ctx->p2.infinity = 1; } XMEMSET(&ctx->add_ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx->add_ctx)); ctx->state = 8; } break; case 8: /* ADD */ err = sp_384_proj_point_add_12_nb((sp_ecc_ctx_t*)&ctx->add_ctx, &ctx->p1, &ctx->p1, &ctx->p2, ctx->tmp); if (err == MP_OKAY) ctx->state = 9; break; case 9: /* DBLPREP */ if (sp_384_iszero_12(ctx->p1.z)) { if (sp_384_iszero_12(ctx->p1.x) && sp_384_iszero_12(ctx->p1.y)) { XMEMSET(&ctx->dbl_ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx->dbl_ctx)); ctx->state = 10; break; } else { /* Y ordinate is not used from here - don't set. */ int i; for (i=0; i<12; i++) { ctx->p1.x[i] = 0; } XMEMCPY(ctx->p1.z, p384_norm_mod, sizeof(p384_norm_mod)); } } ctx->state = 11; break; case 10: /* DBL */ err = sp_384_proj_point_dbl_12_nb((sp_ecc_ctx_t*)&ctx->dbl_ctx, &ctx->p1, &ctx->p2, ctx->tmp); if (err == MP_OKAY) { ctx->state = 11; } break; case 11: /* MONT */ /* (r + n*order).z'.z' mod prime == (u1.G + u2.Q)->x' */ /* Reload r and convert to Montgomery form. */ sp_384_from_mp(ctx->u2, 12, r); err = sp_384_mod_mul_norm_12(ctx->u2, ctx->u2, p384_mod); if (err == MP_OKAY) ctx->state = 12; break; case 12: /* SQR */ /* u1 = r.z'.z' mod prime */ sp_384_mont_sqr_12(ctx->p1.z, ctx->p1.z, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); ctx->state = 13; break; case 13: /* MUL */ sp_384_mont_mul_12(ctx->u1, ctx->u2, ctx->p1.z, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); ctx->state = 14; break; case 14: /* RES */ err = MP_OKAY; /* math okay, now check result */ *res = (int)(sp_384_cmp_12(ctx->p1.x, ctx->u1) == 0); if (*res == 0) { sp_digit carry; int32_t c; /* Reload r and add order. */ sp_384_from_mp(ctx->u2, 12, r); carry = sp_384_add_12(ctx->u2, ctx->u2, p384_order); /* Carry means result is greater than mod and is not valid. */ if (carry == 0) { sp_384_norm_12(ctx->u2); /* Compare with mod and if greater or equal then not valid. */ c = sp_384_cmp_12(ctx->u2, p384_mod); if (c < 0) { /* Convert to Montogomery form */ err = sp_384_mod_mul_norm_12(ctx->u2, ctx->u2, p384_mod); if (err == MP_OKAY) { /* u1 = (r + 1*order).z'.z' mod prime */ sp_384_mont_mul_12(ctx->u1, ctx->u2, ctx->p1.z, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); *res = (int)(sp_384_cmp_12(ctx->p1.x, ctx->u1) == 0); } } } } break; } if (err == MP_OKAY && ctx->state != 14) { err = FP_WOULDBLOCK; } return err; } #endif /* WOLFSSL_SP_NONBLOCK */ int sp_ecc_verify_384(const byte* hash, word32 hashLen, mp_int* pX, mp_int* pY, mp_int* pZ, mp_int* r, mp_int* sm, int* res, void* heap) { #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) sp_digit* d = NULL; #else sp_digit u1d[2*12]; sp_digit u2d[2*12]; sp_digit sd[2*12]; sp_digit tmpd[2*12 * 5]; sp_point_384 p1d; sp_point_384 p2d; #endif sp_digit* u1 = NULL; sp_digit* u2 = NULL; sp_digit* s = NULL; sp_digit* tmp = NULL; sp_point_384* p1; sp_point_384* p2 = NULL; sp_digit carry; int32_t c; int err; err = sp_384_point_new_12(heap, p1d, p1); if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_384_point_new_12(heap, p2d, p2); } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (err == MP_OKAY) { d = (sp_digit*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_digit) * 16 * 12, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); if (d == NULL) { err = MEMORY_E; } } #endif if (err == MP_OKAY) { #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) u1 = d + 0 * 12; u2 = d + 2 * 12; s = d + 4 * 12; tmp = d + 6 * 12; #else u1 = u1d; u2 = u2d; s = sd; tmp = tmpd; #endif if (hashLen > 48U) { hashLen = 48U; } sp_384_from_bin(u1, 12, hash, (int)hashLen); sp_384_from_mp(u2, 12, r); sp_384_from_mp(s, 12, sm); sp_384_from_mp(p2->x, 12, pX); sp_384_from_mp(p2->y, 12, pY); sp_384_from_mp(p2->z, 12, pZ); #ifndef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL { sp_384_mod_inv_12(s, s, p384_order); } #endif /* !WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL */ { sp_384_mul_12(s, s, p384_norm_order); } err = sp_384_mod_12(s, s, p384_order); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_384_norm_12(s); #ifdef WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL { sp_384_mont_inv_order_12(s, s, tmp); sp_384_mont_mul_order_12(u1, u1, s); sp_384_mont_mul_order_12(u2, u2, s); } #else { sp_384_mont_mul_order_12(u1, u1, s); sp_384_mont_mul_order_12(u2, u2, s); } #endif /* WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL */ err = sp_384_ecc_mulmod_base_12(p1, u1, 0, 0, heap); } if ((err == MP_OKAY) && sp_384_iszero_12(p1->z)) { p1->infinity = 1; } if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_384_ecc_mulmod_12(p2, p2, u2, 0, 0, heap); } if ((err == MP_OKAY) && sp_384_iszero_12(p2->z)) { p2->infinity = 1; } if (err == MP_OKAY) { { sp_384_proj_point_add_12(p1, p1, p2, tmp); if (sp_384_iszero_12(p1->z)) { if (sp_384_iszero_12(p1->x) && sp_384_iszero_12(p1->y)) { sp_384_proj_point_dbl_12(p1, p2, tmp); } else { /* Y ordinate is not used from here - don't set. */ p1->x[0] = 0; p1->x[1] = 0; p1->x[2] = 0; p1->x[3] = 0; p1->x[4] = 0; p1->x[5] = 0; p1->x[6] = 0; p1->x[7] = 0; p1->x[8] = 0; p1->x[9] = 0; p1->x[10] = 0; p1->x[11] = 0; XMEMCPY(p1->z, p384_norm_mod, sizeof(p384_norm_mod)); } } } /* (r + n*order).z'.z' mod prime == (u1.G + u2.Q)->x' */ /* Reload r and convert to Montgomery form. */ sp_384_from_mp(u2, 12, r); err = sp_384_mod_mul_norm_12(u2, u2, p384_mod); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { /* u1 = r.z'.z' mod prime */ sp_384_mont_sqr_12(p1->z, p1->z, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); sp_384_mont_mul_12(u1, u2, p1->z, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); *res = (int)(sp_384_cmp_12(p1->x, u1) == 0); if (*res == 0) { /* Reload r and add order. */ sp_384_from_mp(u2, 12, r); carry = sp_384_add_12(u2, u2, p384_order); /* Carry means result is greater than mod and is not valid. */ if (carry == 0) { sp_384_norm_12(u2); /* Compare with mod and if greater or equal then not valid. */ c = sp_384_cmp_12(u2, p384_mod); if (c < 0) { /* Convert to Montogomery form */ err = sp_384_mod_mul_norm_12(u2, u2, p384_mod); if (err == MP_OKAY) { /* u1 = (r + 1*order).z'.z' mod prime */ sp_384_mont_mul_12(u1, u2, p1->z, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); *res = (int)(sp_384_cmp_12(p1->x, u1) == 0); } } } } } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (d != NULL) XFREE(d, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); #endif sp_384_point_free_12(p1, 0, heap); sp_384_point_free_12(p2, 0, heap); return err; } #endif /* HAVE_ECC_VERIFY */ #ifdef HAVE_ECC_CHECK_KEY /* Check that the x and y oridinates are a valid point on the curve. * * point EC point. * heap Heap to use if dynamically allocating. * returns MEMORY_E if dynamic memory allocation fails, MP_VAL if the point is * not on the curve and MP_OKAY otherwise. */ static int sp_384_ecc_is_point_12(sp_point_384* point, void* heap) { #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) sp_digit* d = NULL; #else sp_digit t1d[2*12]; sp_digit t2d[2*12]; #endif sp_digit* t1; sp_digit* t2; int err = MP_OKAY; #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) d = (sp_digit*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_digit) * 12 * 4, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); if (d == NULL) { err = MEMORY_E; } #endif (void)heap; if (err == MP_OKAY) { #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) t1 = d + 0 * 12; t2 = d + 2 * 12; #else t1 = t1d; t2 = t2d; #endif sp_384_sqr_12(t1, point->y); (void)sp_384_mod_12(t1, t1, p384_mod); sp_384_sqr_12(t2, point->x); (void)sp_384_mod_12(t2, t2, p384_mod); sp_384_mul_12(t2, t2, point->x); (void)sp_384_mod_12(t2, t2, p384_mod); (void)sp_384_sub_12(t2, p384_mod, t2); sp_384_mont_add_12(t1, t1, t2, p384_mod); sp_384_mont_add_12(t1, t1, point->x, p384_mod); sp_384_mont_add_12(t1, t1, point->x, p384_mod); sp_384_mont_add_12(t1, t1, point->x, p384_mod); if (sp_384_cmp_12(t1, p384_b) != 0) { err = MP_VAL; } } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (d != NULL) { XFREE(d, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); } #endif return err; } /* Check that the x and y oridinates are a valid point on the curve. * * pX X ordinate of EC point. * pY Y ordinate of EC point. * returns MEMORY_E if dynamic memory allocation fails, MP_VAL if the point is * not on the curve and MP_OKAY otherwise. */ int sp_ecc_is_point_384(mp_int* pX, mp_int* pY) { #if (!defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) || defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) sp_point_384 pubd; #endif sp_point_384* pub; byte one[1] = { 1 }; int err; err = sp_384_point_new_12(NULL, pubd, pub); if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_384_from_mp(pub->x, 12, pX); sp_384_from_mp(pub->y, 12, pY); sp_384_from_bin(pub->z, 12, one, (int)sizeof(one)); err = sp_384_ecc_is_point_12(pub, NULL); } sp_384_point_free_12(pub, 0, NULL); return err; } /* Check that the private scalar generates the EC point (px, py), the point is * on the curve and the point has the correct order. * * pX X ordinate of EC point. * pY Y ordinate of EC point. * privm Private scalar that generates EC point. * returns MEMORY_E if dynamic memory allocation fails, MP_VAL if the point is * not on the curve, ECC_INF_E if the point does not have the correct order, * ECC_PRIV_KEY_E when the private scalar doesn't generate the EC point and * MP_OKAY otherwise. */ int sp_ecc_check_key_384(mp_int* pX, mp_int* pY, mp_int* privm, void* heap) { #if (!defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) || defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) sp_digit privd[12]; sp_point_384 pubd; sp_point_384 pd; #endif sp_digit* priv = NULL; sp_point_384* pub; sp_point_384* p = NULL; byte one[1] = { 1 }; int err; err = sp_384_point_new_12(heap, pubd, pub); if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_384_point_new_12(heap, pd, p); } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (err == MP_OKAY && privm) { priv = (sp_digit*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_digit) * 12, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); if (priv == NULL) { err = MEMORY_E; } } #endif /* Quick check the lengs of public key ordinates and private key are in * range. Proper check later. */ if ((err == MP_OKAY) && ((mp_count_bits(pX) > 384) || (mp_count_bits(pY) > 384) || ((privm != NULL) && (mp_count_bits(privm) > 384)))) { err = ECC_OUT_OF_RANGE_E; } if (err == MP_OKAY) { #if (!defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) || defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) priv = privd; #endif sp_384_from_mp(pub->x, 12, pX); sp_384_from_mp(pub->y, 12, pY); sp_384_from_bin(pub->z, 12, one, (int)sizeof(one)); if (privm) sp_384_from_mp(priv, 12, privm); /* Check point at infinitiy. */ if ((sp_384_iszero_12(pub->x) != 0) && (sp_384_iszero_12(pub->y) != 0)) { err = ECC_INF_E; } } if (err == MP_OKAY) { /* Check range of X and Y */ if (sp_384_cmp_12(pub->x, p384_mod) >= 0 || sp_384_cmp_12(pub->y, p384_mod) >= 0) { err = ECC_OUT_OF_RANGE_E; } } if (err == MP_OKAY) { /* Check point is on curve */ err = sp_384_ecc_is_point_12(pub, heap); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { /* Point * order = infinity */ err = sp_384_ecc_mulmod_12(p, pub, p384_order, 1, 1, heap); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { /* Check result is infinity */ if ((sp_384_iszero_12(p->x) == 0) || (sp_384_iszero_12(p->y) == 0)) { err = ECC_INF_E; } } if (privm) { if (err == MP_OKAY) { /* Base * private = point */ err = sp_384_ecc_mulmod_base_12(p, priv, 1, 1, heap); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { /* Check result is public key */ if (sp_384_cmp_12(p->x, pub->x) != 0 || sp_384_cmp_12(p->y, pub->y) != 0) { err = ECC_PRIV_KEY_E; } } } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (priv != NULL) { XFREE(priv, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); } #endif sp_384_point_free_12(p, 0, heap); sp_384_point_free_12(pub, 0, heap); return err; } #endif #ifdef WOLFSSL_PUBLIC_ECC_ADD_DBL /* Add two projective EC points together. * (pX, pY, pZ) + (qX, qY, qZ) = (rX, rY, rZ) * * pX First EC point's X ordinate. * pY First EC point's Y ordinate. * pZ First EC point's Z ordinate. * qX Second EC point's X ordinate. * qY Second EC point's Y ordinate. * qZ Second EC point's Z ordinate. * rX Resultant EC point's X ordinate. * rY Resultant EC point's Y ordinate. * rZ Resultant EC point's Z ordinate. * returns MEMORY_E if dynamic memory allocation fails and MP_OKAY otherwise. */ int sp_ecc_proj_add_point_384(mp_int* pX, mp_int* pY, mp_int* pZ, mp_int* qX, mp_int* qY, mp_int* qZ, mp_int* rX, mp_int* rY, mp_int* rZ) { #if (!defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) || defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) sp_digit tmpd[2 * 12 * 5]; sp_point_384 pd; sp_point_384 qd; #endif sp_digit* tmp = NULL; sp_point_384* p; sp_point_384* q = NULL; int err; err = sp_384_point_new_12(NULL, pd, p); if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_384_point_new_12(NULL, qd, q); } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (err == MP_OKAY) { tmp = (sp_digit*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_digit) * 2 * 12 * 5, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); if (tmp == NULL) { err = MEMORY_E; } } #else tmp = tmpd; #endif if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_384_from_mp(p->x, 12, pX); sp_384_from_mp(p->y, 12, pY); sp_384_from_mp(p->z, 12, pZ); sp_384_from_mp(q->x, 12, qX); sp_384_from_mp(q->y, 12, qY); sp_384_from_mp(q->z, 12, qZ); sp_384_proj_point_add_12(p, p, q, tmp); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_384_to_mp(p->x, rX); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_384_to_mp(p->y, rY); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_384_to_mp(p->z, rZ); } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (tmp != NULL) { XFREE(tmp, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); } #endif sp_384_point_free_12(q, 0, NULL); sp_384_point_free_12(p, 0, NULL); return err; } /* Double a projective EC point. * (pX, pY, pZ) + (pX, pY, pZ) = (rX, rY, rZ) * * pX EC point's X ordinate. * pY EC point's Y ordinate. * pZ EC point's Z ordinate. * rX Resultant EC point's X ordinate. * rY Resultant EC point's Y ordinate. * rZ Resultant EC point's Z ordinate. * returns MEMORY_E if dynamic memory allocation fails and MP_OKAY otherwise. */ int sp_ecc_proj_dbl_point_384(mp_int* pX, mp_int* pY, mp_int* pZ, mp_int* rX, mp_int* rY, mp_int* rZ) { #if (!defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) || defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) sp_digit tmpd[2 * 12 * 2]; sp_point_384 pd; #endif sp_digit* tmp = NULL; sp_point_384* p; int err; err = sp_384_point_new_12(NULL, pd, p); #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (err == MP_OKAY) { tmp = (sp_digit*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_digit) * 2 * 12 * 2, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); if (tmp == NULL) { err = MEMORY_E; } } #else tmp = tmpd; #endif if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_384_from_mp(p->x, 12, pX); sp_384_from_mp(p->y, 12, pY); sp_384_from_mp(p->z, 12, pZ); sp_384_proj_point_dbl_12(p, p, tmp); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_384_to_mp(p->x, rX); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_384_to_mp(p->y, rY); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_384_to_mp(p->z, rZ); } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (tmp != NULL) { XFREE(tmp, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); } #endif sp_384_point_free_12(p, 0, NULL); return err; } /* Map a projective EC point to affine in place. * pZ will be one. * * pX EC point's X ordinate. * pY EC point's Y ordinate. * pZ EC point's Z ordinate. * returns MEMORY_E if dynamic memory allocation fails and MP_OKAY otherwise. */ int sp_ecc_map_384(mp_int* pX, mp_int* pY, mp_int* pZ) { #if (!defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) || defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) sp_digit tmpd[2 * 12 * 6]; sp_point_384 pd; #endif sp_digit* tmp = NULL; sp_point_384* p; int err; err = sp_384_point_new_12(NULL, pd, p); #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (err == MP_OKAY) { tmp = (sp_digit*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_digit) * 2 * 12 * 6, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); if (tmp == NULL) { err = MEMORY_E; } } #else tmp = tmpd; #endif if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_384_from_mp(p->x, 12, pX); sp_384_from_mp(p->y, 12, pY); sp_384_from_mp(p->z, 12, pZ); sp_384_map_12(p, p, tmp); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_384_to_mp(p->x, pX); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_384_to_mp(p->y, pY); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { err = sp_384_to_mp(p->z, pZ); } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (tmp != NULL) { XFREE(tmp, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); } #endif sp_384_point_free_12(p, 0, NULL); return err; } #endif /* WOLFSSL_PUBLIC_ECC_ADD_DBL */ #ifdef HAVE_COMP_KEY /* Find the square root of a number mod the prime of the curve. * * y The number to operate on and the result. * returns MEMORY_E if dynamic memory allocation fails and MP_OKAY otherwise. */ static int sp_384_mont_sqrt_12(sp_digit* y) { #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) sp_digit* d; #else sp_digit t1d[2 * 12]; sp_digit t2d[2 * 12]; sp_digit t3d[2 * 12]; sp_digit t4d[2 * 12]; sp_digit t5d[2 * 12]; #endif sp_digit* t1; sp_digit* t2; sp_digit* t3; sp_digit* t4; sp_digit* t5; int err = MP_OKAY; #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) d = (sp_digit*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_digit) * 5 * 2 * 12, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); if (d == NULL) { err = MEMORY_E; } #endif if (err == MP_OKAY) { #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) t1 = d + 0 * 12; t2 = d + 2 * 12; t3 = d + 4 * 12; t4 = d + 6 * 12; t5 = d + 8 * 12; #else t1 = t1d; t2 = t2d; t3 = t3d; t4 = t4d; t5 = t5d; #endif { /* t2 = y ^ 0x2 */ sp_384_mont_sqr_12(t2, y, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* t1 = y ^ 0x3 */ sp_384_mont_mul_12(t1, t2, y, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* t5 = y ^ 0xc */ sp_384_mont_sqr_n_12(t5, t1, 2, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* t1 = y ^ 0xf */ sp_384_mont_mul_12(t1, t1, t5, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* t2 = y ^ 0x1e */ sp_384_mont_sqr_12(t2, t1, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* t3 = y ^ 0x1f */ sp_384_mont_mul_12(t3, t2, y, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* t2 = y ^ 0x3e0 */ sp_384_mont_sqr_n_12(t2, t3, 5, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* t1 = y ^ 0x3ff */ sp_384_mont_mul_12(t1, t3, t2, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* t2 = y ^ 0x7fe0 */ sp_384_mont_sqr_n_12(t2, t1, 5, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* t3 = y ^ 0x7fff */ sp_384_mont_mul_12(t3, t3, t2, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* t2 = y ^ 0x3fff800 */ sp_384_mont_sqr_n_12(t2, t3, 15, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* t4 = y ^ 0x3ffffff */ sp_384_mont_mul_12(t4, t3, t2, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* t2 = y ^ 0xffffffc000000 */ sp_384_mont_sqr_n_12(t2, t4, 30, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* t1 = y ^ 0xfffffffffffff */ sp_384_mont_mul_12(t1, t4, t2, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* t2 = y ^ 0xfffffffffffffff000000000000000 */ sp_384_mont_sqr_n_12(t2, t1, 60, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* t1 = y ^ 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff */ sp_384_mont_mul_12(t1, t1, t2, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* t2 = y ^ 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff000000000000000000000000000000 */ sp_384_mont_sqr_n_12(t2, t1, 120, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* t1 = y ^ 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff */ sp_384_mont_mul_12(t1, t1, t2, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* t2 = y ^ 0x7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff8000 */ sp_384_mont_sqr_n_12(t2, t1, 15, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* t1 = y ^ 0x7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff */ sp_384_mont_mul_12(t1, t3, t2, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* t2 = y ^ 0x3fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff80000000 */ sp_384_mont_sqr_n_12(t2, t1, 31, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* t1 = y ^ 0x3fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffbfffffff */ sp_384_mont_mul_12(t1, t4, t2, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* t2 = y ^ 0x3fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffbfffffff0 */ sp_384_mont_sqr_n_12(t2, t1, 4, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* t1 = y ^ 0x3fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffbfffffffc */ sp_384_mont_mul_12(t1, t5, t2, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* t2 = y ^ 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffeffffffff0000000000000000 */ sp_384_mont_sqr_n_12(t2, t1, 62, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* t1 = y ^ 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffeffffffff0000000000000001 */ sp_384_mont_mul_12(t1, y, t2, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); /* t2 = y ^ 0x3fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffbfffffffc00000000000000040000000 */ sp_384_mont_sqr_n_12(y, t1, 30, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); } } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (d != NULL) { XFREE(d, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); } #endif return err; } /* Uncompress the point given the X ordinate. * * xm X ordinate. * odd Whether the Y ordinate is odd. * ym Calculated Y ordinate. * returns MEMORY_E if dynamic memory allocation fails and MP_OKAY otherwise. */ int sp_ecc_uncompress_384(mp_int* xm, int odd, mp_int* ym) { #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) sp_digit* d; #else sp_digit xd[2 * 12]; sp_digit yd[2 * 12]; #endif sp_digit* x = NULL; sp_digit* y = NULL; int err = MP_OKAY; #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) d = (sp_digit*)XMALLOC(sizeof(sp_digit) * 4 * 12, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); if (d == NULL) { err = MEMORY_E; } #endif if (err == MP_OKAY) { #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) x = d + 0 * 12; y = d + 2 * 12; #else x = xd; y = yd; #endif sp_384_from_mp(x, 12, xm); err = sp_384_mod_mul_norm_12(x, x, p384_mod); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { /* y = x^3 */ { sp_384_mont_sqr_12(y, x, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); sp_384_mont_mul_12(y, y, x, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); } /* y = x^3 - 3x */ sp_384_mont_sub_12(y, y, x, p384_mod); sp_384_mont_sub_12(y, y, x, p384_mod); sp_384_mont_sub_12(y, y, x, p384_mod); /* y = x^3 - 3x + b */ err = sp_384_mod_mul_norm_12(x, p384_b, p384_mod); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { sp_384_mont_add_12(y, y, x, p384_mod); /* y = sqrt(x^3 - 3x + b) */ err = sp_384_mont_sqrt_12(y); } if (err == MP_OKAY) { XMEMSET(y + 12, 0, 12U * sizeof(sp_digit)); sp_384_mont_reduce_12(y, p384_mod, p384_mp_mod); if ((((word32)y[0] ^ (word32)odd) & 1U) != 0U) { sp_384_mont_sub_12(y, p384_mod, y, p384_mod); } err = sp_384_to_mp(y, ym); } #if (defined(WOLFSSL_SP_SMALL) || defined(WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK)) && !defined(WOLFSSL_SP_NO_MALLOC) if (d != NULL) { XFREE(d, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_ECC); } #endif return err; } #endif #endif /* WOLFSSL_SP_384 */ #endif /* WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_ECC */ #endif /* WOLFSSL_SP_ARM_CORTEX_M_ASM */ #endif /* WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_RSA || WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_DH || WOLFSSL_HAVE_SP_ECC */