#!/bin/bash check_result(){ if [ $1 -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed at \"$2\", Abort" exit 1 else echo "Step Succeeded!" fi } openssl pkey -in root-ed448-priv.pem -noout >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "OpenSSL does not support Ed448" echo "Skipping Ed448 certificate renewal" exit 0 fi ############################################################ ###### update the self-signed root-ed448.pem ############### ############################################################ echo "Updating root-ed448.pem" echo "" #pipe the following arguments to openssl req... echo -e "US\\nMontana\\nBozeman\\nwolfSSL_Ed448\\nRoot-Ed448\\nwww.wolfssl.com\\ninfo@wolfssl.com\\n.\\n.\\n" | \ openssl req -new -key root-ed448-priv.pem -config ../renewcerts/wolfssl.cnf -nodes -out root-ed448.csr check_result $? "Generate request" openssl x509 -req -in root-ed448.csr -days 1000 -extfile ../renewcerts/wolfssl.cnf -extensions ca_ecc_cert -signkey root-ed448-priv.pem -out root-ed448.pem check_result $? "Generate certificate" rm root-ed448.csr openssl x509 -in root-ed448.pem -outform DER > root-ed448.der check_result $? "Convert to DER" openssl x509 -in root-ed448.pem -text > tmp.pem check_result $? "Add text" mv tmp.pem root-ed448.pem echo "End of section" echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------" ############################################################ ###### update ca-ed448.pem signed by root ################## ############################################################ echo "Updating ca-ed448.pem" echo "" #pipe the following arguments to openssl req... echo -e "US\\nMontana\\nBozeman\\nwolfSSL_ed448\\nCA-ed448\\nwww.wolfssl.com\\ninfo@wolfssl.com\\n\\n\\n\\n" | openssl req -new -key ca-ed448-priv.pem -config ../renewcerts/wolfssl.cnf -nodes -out ca-ed448.csr check_result $? "Generate request" openssl x509 -req -in ca-ed448.csr -days 1000 -extfile ../renewcerts/wolfssl.cnf -extensions ca_ecc_cert -CA root-ed448.pem -CAkey root-ed448-priv.pem -set_serial 01 -out ca-ed448.pem check_result $? "Generate certificate" rm ca-ed448.csr openssl x509 -in ca-ed448.pem -outform DER > ca-ed448.der check_result $? "Convert to DER" openssl x509 -in ca-ed448.pem -text > tmp.pem check_result $? "Add text" mv tmp.pem ca-ed448.pem echo "End of section" echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------" ############################################################ ###### update server-ed448.pem signed by ca ################ ############################################################ echo "Updating server-ed448.pem" echo "" #pipe the following arguments to openssl req... echo -e "US\\nMontana\\nBozeman\\nwolfSSL_ed448\\nServer-ed448\\nwww.wolfssl.com\\ninfo@wolfssl.com\\n\\n\\n\\n" | openssl req -new -key server-ed448-priv.pem -config ../renewcerts/wolfssl.cnf -nodes -out server-ed448.csr check_result $? "Generate request" openssl x509 -req -in server-ed448.csr -days 1000 -extfile ../renewcerts/wolfssl.cnf -extensions server_ecc -CA ca-ed448.pem -CAkey ca-ed448-priv.pem -set_serial 01 -out server-ed448-cert.pem check_result $? "Generate certificate" rm server-ed448.csr openssl x509 -in server-ed448-cert.pem -outform DER > server-ed448.der check_result $? "Convert to DER" openssl x509 -in server-ed448-cert.pem -text > tmp.pem check_result $? "Add text" mv tmp.pem server-ed448-cert.pem cat server-ed448-cert.pem ca-ed448.pem > server-ed448.pem check_result $? "Add CA into server cert" echo "End of section" echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------" ############################################################ ###### update the self-signed client-ed448.pem ############# ############################################################ echo "Updating client-ed448.pem" echo "" #pipe the following arguments to openssl req... echo -e "US\\nMontana\\nBozeman\\nwolfSSL_ed448\\nClient-ed448\\nwww.wolfssl.com\\ninfo@wolfssl.com\\n\\n\\n\\n" | openssl req -new -key client-ed448-priv.pem -config ../renewcerts/wolfssl.cnf -nodes -out client-ed448.csr check_result $? "Generate request" openssl x509 -req -in client-ed448.csr -days 1000 -extfile ../renewcerts/wolfssl.cnf -extensions wolfssl_opts -signkey client-ed448-priv.pem -out client-ed448.pem check_result $? "Generate certificate" rm client-ed448.csr openssl x509 -in client-ed448.pem -outform DER > client-ed448.der check_result $? "Convert to DER" openssl x509 -in client-ed448.pem -text > tmp.pem check_result $? "Add text" mv tmp.pem client-ed448.pem echo "End of section" echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------"