wolfSSL for Renesas RA Evaluation Kit (EK-RA6M4) ================================================= ## Description This directory contains e2studio projects targeted at the Renesas RA 32-bit MCUs. The example projects include a wolfSSL TLS client. They also include benchmark and cryptography tests for the wolfCrypt library. The wolfssl project contains both the wolfSSL and wolfCrypt libraries. It is built as a `Renesas RA C Library Project` and contains the Renesas RA configuration. The wolfssl project uses `Secure Cryptography Engine on RA6 Protected Mode` as hardware acceleration for cypto and TLS operation. The other projects (benchmark, client, and test) are built as a `Renesas RA C Project Using RA Library`, where the RA library is the wolfssl project. The wolfssl Project Summary is listed below and is relevant for every project. ### Project Summary |Item|Name/Version| |:--|:--| |Board|EK-RA6M4| |Device|R7FA6M4AF3CFB| |Toolchain|GCC ARM Embedded| |FSP Version|3.5.0| #### Selected software components |Components|Version| |:--|:--| |Board Support Package Common Files|v3.5.0| |Secure Cryptography Engine on RA6 Protected Mode|v3.5.0| |I/O Port|v3.5.0| |Arm CMSIS Version 5 - Core (M)|v5.8.0+fsp.3.5.0| |RA6M4-EK Board Support Files|v3.5.0| |Board support package for R7FA6M4AF3CFB|v3.5.0| |Board support package for RA6M4|v3.5.0| |Board support package for RA6M4 - FSP Data|v3.5.0| |FreeRTOS|v10.4.3-LTS.Patch.2+fsp.3.5.0| |FreeRTOS - Memory Management - Heap 4|v10.4.3-LTS.Patch.2+fsp.3.5.0| |r_ether to FreeRTOS+TCP Wrapper|v3.5.0| |Ethernet|v3.5.0| |Ethernet PHY|v3.5.0| |FreeRTOS+TCP|v2.3.2-LTS.Patch.1+fsp.3.5.0| |FreeRTOS - Buffer Allocation 2|v2.3.2-LTS.Patch.1+fsp.3.5.0| ## Setup Steps and Build wolfSSL Library 1.) Import projects from [File]->[Open projects from File System] + Select folder at /path/to/wolfssl/IDE/Renesas/e2studio/RA6M4 + Deselect the Non-Eclipse project, RA6M4, by clicking the checkbox\ Only the folders with 'Eclipse project' under 'Import as' need to be selected. 2.) Create a `dummy_library` Static Library. + Click File->New->`RA C/C++ Project`. + Select `EK-RA6M4` from Drop-down list. + Check `Static Library`. + Select FreeRTOS from RTOS selection. Click Next. + Check `FreeRTOS minimal - Static Allocation`. Click Finish. + Open Smart Configurator by clicking configuration.xml in the project + Go to `BSP` tab and increase Heap Size under `RA Common` on Properties page, e.g. 0x1000 + Go to `Stacks` tab + Add `SCE Protected Mode` stack from `New Stack` -> `Security` + Add New thead and set properties |Property|Value| |:--|:--| |Thread Symbol|sce_tst_thread| |Thread Name|sce_tst_thread| |Thread Stack size|increase depending on your environment
e.g. 0xA000| |Thread MemoryAllocation|Dyamic| |Common General Use Mutexes|Enabled| |Common General Enable Backward Compatibility|Enabled| |Common Memory Allocation Support Dynamic Allocation|Enabled| |Common Memory Allocation Total Heap Size|increase depending on your environment
e.g. 0x20000| + Add `Heap 4` stack to sce_tst_thread from `New Stack` -> `RTOS` -> `FreeRTOS Heap 4` + Add `FreeRTOS + TCP` stack to sce_tst_thread from `New Stack` -> `Networking` -> `FreeRTOS+TCP` and set properties |Property|Value| |:--|:--| |Network Events call vApplicationIPNetworkEventHook|Disable| |Use DHCP|Disable| + Save `dummy_library` FSP configuration + Copy configuration.xml and pincfg under `dummy_library` to `wolfSSL_RA6M4` + Open Smart Configurator by clicking copied configuration.xml + Click `Generate Project Content` on Smart Configurator 3.) Build the wolfSSL project 4.) Create a 'dummy_application' Renesas RA C Project Using RA Library. + Click File->New->`RA C/C++ Project`. + Select `EK-RA6M4` from Drop-down list. + Check `Executable Using an RA Static Library`. + Select FreeRTOS from RTOS selection. Click Finish. + Enter `dummy_application` as the project name. Click Next. + Under `RA library project`, select `wolfSSL_RA6M4`. + Click Finish. + Copy the followng folder and file at `dummy_application` to `test_RA6M4`\ script/\ src/sce_tst_thread_entry.c + Add `sce_test()` call under /* TODO: add your own code here */ line at sce_tst_thread_entry.c ``` ... /* TODO: add your own code here */ sce_test(); ... ``` 5.) Prepare SEGGER_RTT to logging + Download J-Link software from [Segger](https://www.segger.com/downloads/jlink) + Choose `J-Link Software and Documentation Pack` + Copy sample program files below from `Installed SEGGER` folder, `e.g C:\Program Files\SEGGER\JLink\Samples\RTT`, to /path/to/wolfssl/IDE/Reenesas/e2studio/RA6M4/test/src/SEGGER_RTT\ SEGGER_RTT.c\ SEGGER_RTT.h\ SEGGER_RTT_Conf.h\ SEGGER_RTT_printf.c + To connect RTT block, you can configure RTT viewer configuration based on where RTT block is in map file\ e.g.\ [test_RA6M4.map] ``` COMMON 0x200232a8 0xa8 ./src/SEGGER_RTT/SEGGER_RTT.o\ ```` you can specify "RTT control block" to 0x200232a8 by Address\ OR\ you can specify "RTT control block" to 0x20020000 0x10000 by Search Range ## Run Client 1.) Enable TLS_CLIENT definition in wolfssl_demo.h of test_RA6M4 projet 2.) Client IP address and Server IP address + Client IP address can be changed by the following line in wolf_client.c. ``` static const byte ucIPAddress[4] = { 192, 168, 11, 241 }; ``` + Client IP address can be changed by the following line in wolf_client.c. ``` #define SERVER_IP "" ``` 3.) Build test_RA6M4 project 4.) Prepare peer wolfssl server + On Linux ``` $ autogen.sh $ ./configure --enable-extended-master=no CFLAGS="-DWOLFSSL_STATIC_RSA -DHAVE_AES_CBC" ``` Run peer wolfSSL server RSA sign and verify use, launch server with the following option ``` $./example/server/server -b -d -i ``` You will see the following message on J-LinK RTT Viewer ``` cipher : AES128-SHA256 Received: I hear you fa shizzle! cipher : AES256-SHA256 Received: I hear you fa shizzle! cipher : ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256 Received: I hear you fa shizzle! cipher : ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 Received: I hear you fa shizzle! ``` ECDSA sign and verify use, launch server with the following option ``` $./examples/server/server -b -d -c ./certs/server-ecc.pem -k ./certs/ecc-key.pem ``` You will see the following message on J-LinK RTT Viewer ``` cipher : ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-SHA256 Received: I hear you fa shizzle! cipher : ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 Received: I hear you fa shizzle! ``` 5.) Run the example Client **Note**\ To run "RSA verify" client, enable "#define USE_CERT_BUFFERS_2048" in wolfssl_demo.h\ To run "ECDSA verify" client, enable "#define USE_CERT_BUFFERS_256" in wolfssl_demo.h ## Run Crypt test and Benchmark 1.) Enable CRYPT_TEST and/or BENCHMARK definition in wolfssl_demo.h 2.) Enable SCEKEY_INSTALLED definition in user_settings.h if you have installed key for AES In the example code for benchmark, it assumes that AES key is installed at DIRECT_KEY_ADDRESS which is 0x08000000U as follows: ``` #if defined(SCEKEY_INSTALLED) /* aes 256 */ memcpy(guser_PKCbInfo.sce_wrapped_key_aes256.value, (uint32_t *)DIRECT_KEY_ADDRESS, HW_SCE_AES256_KEY_INDEX_WORD_SIZE*4); guser_PKCbInfo.sce_wrapped_key_aes256.type = SCE_KEY_INDEX_TYPE_AES256; guser_PKCbInfo.aes256_installedkey_set = 1; /* aes 128 */ guser_PKCbInfo.aes128_installedkey_set = 0; #endif ``` To install key, please refer [Installing and Updating Secure Keys](https://www.renesas.com/us/en/document/apn/installing-and-updating-secure-keys-ra-family). You can update code above to handle AES128 key when you install its key. 3.) Run Benchmark and Crypto Test ## Support For support inquiries and questions, please email support@wolfssl.com. Feel free to reach out to info@wolfssl.jp as well.