#!/bin/sh # this script will reformat the wolfSSL source code to be compatible with # an Arduino project # run as bash ./wolfssl-arduino.sh [INSTALL] [path] # # ./wolfssl-arduino.sh # The default is to install to a local wolfSSL directory (`ROOT_DIR`). # If successfully built, and the INSTALL option is used, tis directory # is then moved to the target. # # ./wolfssl-arduino.sh INSTALL # Creates a local wolfSSL directory and then moves it to the ARDUINO_ROOT # # ./wolfssl-arduino.sh INSTALL /mnt/c/workspace/Arduino-wolfSSL-$USER # Updates the Arduino-wolfSSL fork for $USER to refresh versions. # # To ensure a pristine build, the directory must not exist. # # Reminder there's typically no $USER for GitHub actions, but: # ROOT_DIR="/mnt/c/Users/$USER/Documents/Arduino/libraries" # # The company name is "wolfSSL Inc."; There's a space, no comma, and a period after "Inc." # The Arduino library name is "wolfssl" (all lower case) # The Arduino library directory name is "wolfssl" (all lower case) # The Arduino library include file is "wolfssl.h" (all lower case) # The Published wolfSSL Arduino Registry is at https://github.com/wolfSSL/Arduino-wolfSSL.git # See https://downloads.arduino.cc/libraries/logs/github.com/wolfSSL/Arduino-wolfSSL/ ROOT_DIR="/wolfssl" # The Arduino Version will initially have a suffix appended during fine tuning stage. WOLFSSL_VERSION_ARUINO_SUFFIX="" # For verbose copy, set CP_CMD="-v", otherwise clear it: CP_CMD="cp" # Do not set to empty string, as copy will fail with this: CP_CMD="" # CP_CMD="cp -v " CP_CMD="cp " # Specify the executable shell checker you want to use: MY_SHELLCHECK="shellcheck" # There are special circumstances to publish to GitHub repository. # Typically: https://github.com/wolfSSL/Arduino-wolfSSL # # Unlike a local Arduino library that requires a clean directory, # we'll allow extra files, overwrites, etc. # # Note in all cases, the local IDE/ARDUINO/wolfssl must be empty. THIS_INSTALL_IS_GITHUB="false" # Check if the executable is available in the PATH if command -v "$MY_SHELLCHECK" >/dev/null 2>&1; then # Run your command here shellcheck "$0" || exit 1 else echo "$MY_SHELLCHECK is not installed. Please install it if changes to this script have been made." fi if ! [ "$CP_CMD" = "cp " ]; then if [ "$CP_CMD" = "cp -v" ]; then echo "Copy verbose mode" else echo "ERROR: Copy mode not supported: $CP_CMD" exit 1 fi fi if [ "$ROOT_DIR" = "" ]; then echo "ERROR: ROOT_DIR cannot be blank" exit 1 fi # Check environment if [ -n "$WSL_DISTRO_NAME" ]; then # we found a non-blank WSL environment distro name current_path="$(pwd)" pattern="/mnt/?" if echo "$current_path" | grep -Eq "^$pattern"; then # if we are in WSL and shared Windows file system, 'ln' does not work. ARDUINO_ROOT="/mnt/c/Users/$USER/Documents/Arduino/libraries" else ARDUINO_ROOT="$HOME/Arduino/libraries" fi fi echo "The Arduino library root is: $ARDUINO_ROOT" if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then THIS_OPERATION="$1" if [ "$THIS_OPERATION" = "INSTALL" ]; then THIS_INSTALL_DIR=$2 if [ "$THIS_INSTALL_DIR" = "/" ]; then echo "ERROR: THIS_INSTALL_DIR cannot be /" exit 1 fi echo "Install is active." if [ "$THIS_INSTALL_DIR" = "" ]; then if [ -d "$ARDUINO_ROOT$ROOT_DIR" ]; then echo "Error: the installation directory already exists: $ARDUINO_ROOT$ROOT_DIR" echo "A new directory needs to be created to ensure there are no stray files" echo "Please delete or move the directory and try again." exit 1 fi else echo "Installing to $THIS_INSTALL_DIR" if [ -d "$THIS_INSTALL_DIR/.git" ];then echo "Target is a GitHub repository." THIS_INSTALL_IS_GITHUB="true" else echo "Target is NOT a GitHub repository." fi fi else echo "Error: not a valid operation: $THIS_OPERATION" exit 1 fi fi ROOT_SRC_DIR="${ROOT_DIR}/src" EXAMPLES_DIR="${ROOT_DIR}/examples" WOLFSSL_SRC="${ROOT_SRC_DIR}/src" WOLFSSL_HEADERS="${ROOT_SRC_DIR}/wolfssl" WOLFCRYPT_ROOT="${ROOT_SRC_DIR}/wolfcrypt" WOLFCRYPT_SRC="${WOLFCRYPT_ROOT}/src" WOLFCRYPT_HEADERS="${WOLFSSL_HEADERS}/wolfcrypt" OPENSSL_DIR="${WOLFSSL_HEADERS}/openssl" # TOP indicates the file directory for top level of the wolfssl repository. TOP_DIR="../.." WOLFSSL_SRC_TOP="${TOP_DIR}/src" WOLFSSL_HEADERS_TOP="${TOP_DIR}/wolfssl" WOLFCRYPT_ROOT_TOP="${TOP_DIR}/wolfcrypt" WOLFCRYPT_SRC_TOP="${WOLFCRYPT_ROOT_TOP}/src" WOLFCRYPT_HEADERS_TOP="${WOLFSSL_HEADERS_TOP}/wolfcrypt" OPENSSL_DIR_TOP="${WOLFSSL_HEADERS_TOP}/openssl" WOLFSSL_VERSION=$(grep -i "LIBWOLFSSL_VERSION_STRING" ${TOP_DIR}/wolfssl/version.h | cut -d '"' -f 2) if [ "$WOLFSSL_VERSION" = "" ]; then echo "ERROR: Could not find wolfSSL Version in ${TOP_DIR}/wolfssl/version.h" exit 1 else echo "Found wolfSSL version $WOLFSSL_VERSION" echo "# WOLFSSL_VERSION_ARUINO_SUFFIX $WOLFSSL_VERSION_ARUINO_SUFFIX" fi echo "" THIS_DIR=${PWD##*/} if [ "$THIS_DIR" = "ARDUINO" ]; then # mkdir ./wolfssl if [ -d ".${ROOT_DIR}" ]; then echo "ERROR: $(realpath ".${ROOT_DIR}") is not empty" exit 1 else echo "Step 01: mkdir .${ROOT_DIR}" mkdir ."${ROOT_DIR}" fi # mkdir ./wolfssl/src if [ ! -d ".${ROOT_SRC_DIR}" ]; then echo "Step 02: mkdir .${ROOT_SRC_DIR}" mkdir ."${ROOT_SRC_DIR}" fi # mkdir ./wolfssl/src/wolfssl if [ ! -d ".${WOLFSSL_HEADERS}" ]; then echo "Step 03: mkdir .${WOLFSSL_HEADERS}" mkdir ."${WOLFSSL_HEADERS}" fi # cp ../../wolfssl/*.h ./wolfssl/src/wolfssl echo "Step 04: cp ${WOLFSSL_HEADERS_TOP}/*.h .${WOLFSSL_HEADERS}" $CP_CMD "${WOLFSSL_HEADERS_TOP}"/*.h ."${WOLFSSL_HEADERS}" if [ ! -d ".${WOLFCRYPT_HEADERS}" ]; then # mkdir ./wolfssl/src/wolfssl/wolfcrypt echo "Step 05: mkdir .${WOLFCRYPT_HEADERS}" mkdir ."${WOLFCRYPT_HEADERS}" mkdir ."${WOLFCRYPT_HEADERS}/port" mkdir ."${WOLFCRYPT_HEADERS}/port/atmel" mkdir ."${WOLFCRYPT_HEADERS}/port/Espressif" fi # cp ../../wolfssl/wolfcrypt/*.h ./wolfssl/src/wolfssl/wolfcrypt echo "Step 06: cp ${WOLFCRYPT_HEADERS_TOP}/*.h .${WOLFCRYPT_HEADERS}" $CP_CMD "${WOLFCRYPT_HEADERS_TOP}"/*.h ."${WOLFCRYPT_HEADERS}" || exit 1 $CP_CMD "${WOLFCRYPT_HEADERS_TOP}"/port/atmel/*.h ."${WOLFCRYPT_HEADERS}/port/atmel" || exit 1 $CP_CMD "${WOLFCRYPT_HEADERS_TOP}"/port/Espressif/*.h ."${WOLFCRYPT_HEADERS}/port/Espressif" || exit 1 # Add in source files to wolfcrypt/src if [ ! -d ".${WOLFCRYPT_ROOT}" ]; then # mkdir ./wolfssl/src/wolfcrypt echo "Step 07: mkdir .${WOLFCRYPT_ROOT}" mkdir ."${WOLFCRYPT_ROOT}" fi # mkdir ./wolfssl/src/wolfcrypt/src if [ ! -d ".${WOLFCRYPT_SRC}" ]; then echo "Step 08: mkdir .${WOLFCRYPT_SRC}" mkdir ."${WOLFCRYPT_SRC}" mkdir ."${WOLFCRYPT_SRC}"/port mkdir ."${WOLFCRYPT_SRC}"/port/atmel mkdir ."${WOLFCRYPT_SRC}"/port/Espressif fi # cp ../../wolfcrypt/src/*.c ./wolfssl/src/wolfcrypt/src echo "Step 09: cp ${WOLFCRYPT_SRC_TOP}/*.c .${WOLFCRYPT_SRC}" $CP_CMD -r "${WOLFCRYPT_SRC_TOP}"/*.c ."${WOLFCRYPT_SRC}" || exit 1 $CP_CMD -r "${WOLFCRYPT_SRC_TOP}"/port/atmel/*.c ."${WOLFCRYPT_SRC}"/port/atmel || exit 1 $CP_CMD -r "${WOLFCRYPT_SRC_TOP}"/port/Espressif/*.c ."${WOLFCRYPT_SRC}"/port/Espressif || exit 1 # Add in source files to top level src folders if [ ! -d ".${WOLFSSL_SRC}" ]; then # mkdir ./wolfssl/src/src echo "Step 10: mkdir .${WOLFSSL_SRC}" mkdir ."${WOLFSSL_SRC}" fi $CP_CMD "${WOLFSSL_SRC_TOP}"/*.c ."${WOLFSSL_SRC}" || exit 1 # put bio and evp as includes $CP_CMD ."${WOLFSSL_SRC}"/bio.c ."${WOLFSSL_HEADERS}" || exit 1 $CP_CMD ."${WOLFCRYPT_SRC}"/evp.c ."${WOLFSSL_HEADERS}" || exit 1 # make a copy of evp.c and bio.c for ssl.c to include inline $CP_CMD ."${WOLFSSL_HEADERS}"/evp.c ."${WOLFCRYPT_SRC}"/evp.c || exit 1 $CP_CMD ."${WOLFSSL_HEADERS}"/bio.c ."${WOLFCRYPT_SRC}"/bio.c || exit 1 # copy openssl compatibility headers to their appropriate location if [ ! -d ".${OPENSSL_DIR}" ]; then mkdir ."${OPENSSL_DIR}" fi $CP_CMD "${OPENSSL_DIR_TOP}"/* ."${OPENSSL_DIR}" || exit 1 # Finally, copy the Arduino-specific wolfssl library files into place: [lib]/src $CP_CMD ./wolfssl.h ".${ROOT_SRC_DIR}"/wolfssl.h echo "Copy examples...." # Copy examples mkdir -p ".${ROOT_SRC_DIR}"/examples echo "Copy wolfssl_client example...." mkdir -p ".${EXAMPLES_DIR}"/wolfssl_client $CP_CMD ./sketches/wolfssl_client/wolfssl_client.ino ".${EXAMPLES_DIR}"/wolfssl_client/wolfssl_client.ino || exit 1 $CP_CMD ./sketches/wolfssl_client/README.md ".${EXAMPLES_DIR}"/wolfssl_client/README.md || exit 1 echo "Copy wolfssl_server example...." mkdir -p .${EXAMPLES_DIR}/wolfssl_server $CP_CMD ./sketches/wolfssl_server/wolfssl_server.ino ".${EXAMPLES_DIR}"/wolfssl_server/wolfssl_server.ino || exit 1 $CP_CMD ./sketches/wolfssl_server/README.md ".${EXAMPLES_DIR}"/wolfssl_server/README.md || exit 1 echo "Copy wolfssl_server example...." mkdir -p .${EXAMPLES_DIR}/wolfssl_version $CP_CMD ./sketches/wolfssl_version/wolfssl_version.ino ".${EXAMPLES_DIR}"/wolfssl_version/wolfssl_version.ino || exit 1 $CP_CMD ./sketches/wolfssl_version/README.md ".${EXAMPLES_DIR}"/wolfssl_version/README.md || exit 1 else echo "ERROR: You must be in the IDE/ARDUINO directory to run this script" exit 1 fi # At this point, the library is complete, but we need some additional files. # # optional diagnostics: # echo ".${ROOT_DIR}" # echo "${TOP_DIR}" # echo "cp ${TOP_DIR}/README.md .${ROOT_DIR}/" # Replace the `${WOLFSSL_VERSION}` text in Arduino_README_prepend.md, # saving it to a .tmp file. Prepend that file to the wolfSSL README.md # file as PREPENDED_README.md, then copy that to the publish directory # as an Arduino-specific README.md file. VERSION_PLACEHOLDER="\${WOLFSSL_VERSION}" ARDUINO_VERSION_SUFFIX_PLACEHOLDER="\${WOLFSSL_VERSION_ARUINO_SUFFIX}" PREPEND_FILE="Arduino_README_prepend.md" PROPERTIES_FILE_TEMPLATE="library.properties.template" sed s/"$VERSION_PLACEHOLDER"/"$WOLFSSL_VERSION"/ "$PREPEND_FILE" > "$PREPEND_FILE.tmp" cat "$PREPEND_FILE.tmp" ${TOP_DIR}/README.md > PREPENDED_README.md # Here we'll insert the wolfSSL version into the `library.properties.tmp` file, along with an Arduino version suffix. # The result should be something like version=5.6.6.Arduino.1 (for the 1st incremental version on top of 5.6.6) sed s/"$VERSION_PLACEHOLDER"/"$WOLFSSL_VERSION"/ "$PROPERTIES_FILE_TEMPLATE" > "library.properties.tmp" sed -i.backup s/"$ARDUINO_VERSION_SUFFIX_PLACEHOLDER"/"$WOLFSSL_VERSION_ARUINO_SUFFIX"/ "library.properties.tmp" # cat library.properties.tmp # echo "${WOLFSSL_VERSION_ARUINO_SUFFIX}" echo "Step 11: Final root file copy" $CP_CMD PREPENDED_README.md ."${ROOT_DIR}"/README.md || exit 1 $CP_CMD library.properties.tmp ."${ROOT_DIR}"/library.properties || exit 1 $CP_CMD "${TOP_DIR}"/"LICENSING" ."${ROOT_DIR}"/ || exit 1 $CP_CMD "${TOP_DIR}"/"README" ."${ROOT_DIR}"/ || exit 1 $CP_CMD "${TOP_DIR}"/"COPYING" ."${ROOT_DIR}"/ || exit 1 $CP_CMD "${TOP_DIR}"/"ChangeLog.md" ."${ROOT_DIR}"/ || exit 1 $CP_CMD "${TOP_DIR}"/".editorconfig" ."${ROOT_DIR}"/ || exit 1 $CP_CMD "${TOP_DIR}"/".gitignore" ."${ROOT_DIR}"/ || exit 1 $CP_CMD "keywords.txt" ."${ROOT_DIR}"/ || exit 1 echo "Step 12: Workspace to publish:" echo "" head -n 3 PREPENDED_README.md echo "" ls ./wolfssl -al echo "" # Optionally install to a separate directory. # Note we should have exited above if a problem was encountered, # as we'll never want to install a bad library. if [ "$THIS_OPERATION" = "INSTALL" ]; then echo "Config:" echo "cp ../../examples/configs/user_settings_arduino.h ".${ROOT_SRC_DIR}"/user_settings.h" # Nearly an ordinary copy, but we remove any lines with ">>" (typically edit with caution warning in comments) grep -v '>>' ../../examples/configs/user_settings_arduino.h > ".${ROOT_SRC_DIR}"/user_settings.h || exit 1 # Show the user_settings.h revision string: grep "WOLFSSL_USER_SETTINGS_ID" ."${ROOT_SRC_DIR}/user_settings.h" echo "" if [ "$THIS_INSTALL_IS_GITHUB" = "true" ]; then echo "Installing to GitHub directory: $THIS_INSTALL_DIR" cp -r ."$ROOT_DIR"/* "$THIS_INSTALL_DIR" || exit 1 echo "Removing workspace library directory: .$ROOT_DIR" rm -rf ".$ROOT_DIR" else echo "Installing to local directory:" echo "mv .$ROOT_DIR $ARDUINO_ROOT" mv ."$ROOT_DIR" "$ARDUINO_ROOT" || exit 1 echo "Arduino wolfSSL Version: $WOLFSSL_VERSION$WOLFSSL_VERSION_ARUINO_SUFFIX" fi fi echo "Done!"