/* wolfssl_demo.c * * Copyright (C) 2006-2024 wolfSSL Inc. * * This file is part of wolfSSL. * * wolfSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * wolfSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <wolfssl/wolfcrypt/settings.h> #include "wolfssl/ssl.h" #include <wolfssl/wolfio.h> #include "wolfssl/certs_test.h" #include "wolfssl/wolfcrypt/types.h" #include "wolfssl_demo.h" #include <wolfcrypt/test/test.h> #include <wolfcrypt/benchmark/benchmark.h> #include "FreeRTOS.h" #if defined(FREERTOS_TCP) #include "FreeRTOS_IP.h" #include "FreeRTOS_Sockets.h" #include "platform/iot_network.h" #include "platform.h" #endif #if defined(BENCHMARK) #include "r_cmt_rx_if.h" #endif #if defined(TLS_CLIENT) #if defined(WOLFSSL_RENESAS_TSIP_TLS) #include "key_data.h" #include <wolfssl/wolfcrypt/port/Renesas/renesas-tsip-crypt.h> extern const st_key_block_data_t g_key_block_data; uint32_t g_encrypted_root_public_key[140]; #if defined(TLS_MULTITHREAD_TEST) static TsipUserCtx userContext_taskA; static TsipUserCtx userContext_taskB; #else static TsipUserCtx userContext; #endif #endif /* WOLFSSL_RENESAS_TSIP_TLS */ static WOLFSSL_CTX* client_ctx; #endif /* TLS_CLIENT */ #define TLSSERVER_IP "" #define TLSSERVER_PORT 11111 #define YEAR 2024 #define MON 9 #define FREQ 10000 /* Hz */ #define MAX_MSGSTR 80 static long tick; static int tmTick; #if defined(TSIP_CRYPT_UNIT_TEST) int tsip_crypt_test(); int tsip_crypt_sha_multitest(); int tsip_crypt_AesCbc_multitest(); int tsip_crypt_AesGcm_multitest(); int tsip_crypt_Sha_AesCbcGcm_multitest(); #endif #if defined(TLS_MULTITHREAD_TEST) xSemaphoreHandle exit_semaph; static xSemaphoreHandle Mutex; #endif static int msg(const char* pname, int l, const char * sFormat, ...) { int ret = 0; char buf[MAX_MSGSTR] = {0}; va_list ParamList; #if defined(TLS_MULTITHREAD_TEST) xSemaphoreTake(Mutex, portMAX_DELAY); #endif va_start(ParamList, sFormat); printf("[%s][%02d] ", pname, l); ret = vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), sFormat, ParamList); printf(buf); va_end(ParamList); #if defined(TLS_MULTITHREAD_TEST) xSemaphoreGive(Mutex); #endif return ret; } #if defined(TLS_MULTITHREAD_TEST) static void my_Logging_cb(const int logLevel, const char *const logMessage) { (void)logLevel; msg("custom-log", logLevel, "%s\n", logMessage); } #endif /* time * returns seconds from EPOCH */ time_t time(time_t *t) { (void)t; return ((YEAR-1970)*365+30*MON)*24*60*60 + tmTick++; } /* timeTick * called periodically by H/W timer to increase tmTick. */ #if defined(BENCHMARK) static void timeTick(void* pdata) { (void)pdata; tick++; } #endif double current_time(int reset) { if(reset) tick = 0 ; return ((double)tick/FREQ) ; } /* --------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Benchmark_demo */ /* --------------------------------------------------------*/ #if defined(BENCHMARK) static void Benchmark_demo(void) { uint32_t channel; R_CMT_CreatePeriodic(FREQ, &timeTick, &channel); printf("Start wolfCrypt Benchmark\n"); benchmark_test(NULL); printf("End wolfCrypt Benchmark\n"); } #endif /* BENCHMARK */ /* --------------------------------------------------------*/ /* CryptTest_demo */ /* --------------------------------------------------------*/ #if defined(CRYPT_TEST) static void CryptTest_demo(void) { int ret; if ((ret = wolfCrypt_Init()) != 0) { printf("wolfCrypt_Init failed %d\n", ret); } printf("Start wolfCrypt Test\n"); wolfcrypt_test(NULL); printf("End wolfCrypt Test\n"); if ((ret = wolfCrypt_Cleanup()) != 0) { printf("wolfCrypt_Cleanup failed %d\n", ret); } } #endif /* CRYPT_TEST */ /* --------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Tls_client_demo */ /* --------------------------------------------------------*/ #if defined(TLS_CLIENT) static void Tls_client_init() { #ifndef NO_FILESYSTEM #ifdef USE_ECC_CERT char *cert = "./certs/ca-ecc-cert.pem"; #else char *cert = "./certs/ca-cert.pem"; #endif #else #if defined(USE_ECC_CERT) && defined(USE_CERT_BUFFERS_256) const unsigned char *cert = ca_ecc_cert_der_256; #define SIZEOF_CERT sizeof_ca_ecc_cert_der_256 #else const unsigned char *cert = ca_cert_der_2048; #define SIZEOF_CERT sizeof_ca_cert_der_2048 #endif #endif client_ctx = NULL; wolfSSL_Init(); /* Create and initialize WOLFSSL_CTX */ if ((client_ctx = wolfSSL_CTX_new(wolfSSLv23_client_method_ex((void *)NULL))) == NULL) { printf("ERROR: failed to create WOLFSSL_CTX\n"); return; } #ifdef WOLFSSL_RENESAS_TSIP_TLS tsip_set_callbacks(client_ctx); #endif /* load root CA certificate */ #if defined(NO_FILESYSTEM) if (wolfSSL_CTX_load_verify_buffer(client_ctx, cert, SIZEOF_CERT, SSL_FILETYPE_ASN1) != SSL_SUCCESS) { printf("ERROR: can't load certificate data\n"); return; } #else if (wolfSSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(client_ctx, cert, 0) != SSL_SUCCESS) { printf("ERROR: can't load \"%s\"\n", cert); return NULL; } #endif #if defined(WOLFSSL_TLS13) && defined(WOLFSSL_RENESAS_TSIP_TLS) if (wolfSSL_CTX_UseSupportedCurve(client_ctx, WOLFSSL_ECC_SECP256R1) != WOLFSSL_SUCCESS) { wolfSSL_CTX_free(client_ctx); client_ctx = NULL; printf("client can't set use supported curves\n"); return; } #endif } static void Tls_client(void *pvParam) { #define BUFF_SIZE 256 #define ADDR_SIZE 16 int ret; int err; #if defined(TLS_MULTITHREAD_TEST) BaseType_t xStatus; #endif TestInfo* p = (TestInfo*)pvParam; WOLFSSL_CTX* ctx = (WOLFSSL_CTX *)client_ctx; WOLFSSL* ssl = NULL; Socket_t socket; socklen_t socksize = sizeof(struct freertos_sockaddr); struct freertos_sockaddr PeerAddr; char addrBuff[ADDR_SIZE] = {0}; const char* pcName = p->name; static const char sendBuff[]= "Hello Server\n" ; char rcvBuff[BUFF_SIZE] = {0}; if (!p) { printf("Unexpected error. Thread parameter is null\n"); return; } /* create TCP socket */ socket = FreeRTOS_socket(FREERTOS_AF_INET, FREERTOS_SOCK_STREAM, FREERTOS_IPPROTO_TCP); configASSERT(socket != FREERTOS_INVALID_SOCKET); FreeRTOS_bind(socket, NULL, socksize); /* attempt to connect TLS server */ PeerAddr.sin_addr = FreeRTOS_inet_addr(TLSSERVER_IP); PeerAddr.sin_port = FreeRTOS_htons(p->port); ret = FreeRTOS_connect(socket, &PeerAddr, sizeof(PeerAddr)); if (ret != 0) { msg(pcName, p->id, "ERROR FreeRTOS_connect: %d\n",ret); ret = -1; } #if defined(TLS_MULTITHREAD_TEST) msg(pcName, p->id, " Ready to connect.\n"); xStatus = xSemaphoreTake(p->xBinarySemaphore, portMAX_DELAY); if (xStatus != pdTRUE) { msg(pcName, p->id, " Error : Failed to xSemaphoreTake\n"); goto out; } #endif /* create WOLFSSL object */ if (ret == 0) { ssl = wolfSSL_new(ctx); if (ssl == NULL) { msg(pcName, p->id, "ERROR wolfSSL_new: %d\n", wolfSSL_get_error(ssl, 0)); ret = -1; } } if (ret == 0) { #ifdef WOLFSSL_RENESAS_TSIP_TLS #if !defined(TLS_MULTITHREAD_TEST) memset(&userContext, 0, sizeof(TsipUserCtx)); tsip_set_callback_ctx(ssl, &userContext); #else if (p->port - TLSSERVER_PORT == 0) { memset(&userContext_taskA, 0, sizeof(TsipUserCtx)); tsip_set_callback_ctx(ssl, (void*)&userContext_taskA); } else { memset(&userContext_taskB, 0, sizeof(TsipUserCtx)); tsip_set_callback_ctx(ssl, (void*)&userContext_taskB); } #endif #endif } msg(pcName, p->id, " Cipher : %s\n", p->cipher); /* use specific cipher */ if (p->cipher != NULL && wolfSSL_set_cipher_list(ssl, p->cipher) != WOLFSSL_SUCCESS) { ret = -1; } if (ret == 0) { /* associate socket with ssl object */ if (wolfSSL_set_fd(ssl, (int)socket) != WOLFSSL_SUCCESS) { msg(pcName, p->id, "ERROR wolfSSL_set_fd: %d\n", wolfSSL_get_error(ssl, 0)); ret = -1; } } /* set client certificate */ #if defined(USE_ECC_CERT) if (ret == 0) { err = wolfSSL_use_certificate_buffer(ssl, cliecc_cert_der_256, sizeof_cliecc_cert_der_256, WOLFSSL_FILETYPE_ASN1); if(err != SSL_SUCCESS) { printf("ERROR: can't load client-certificate\n"); ret = -1; } } #else if (ret == 0) { err = wolfSSL_use_certificate_buffer(ssl, client_cert_der_2048, sizeof_client_cert_der_2048, WOLFSSL_FILETYPE_ASN1); if (err != SSL_SUCCESS) { printf("ERROR: can't load client-certificate\n"); ret = -1; } } #endif /* USE_ECC_CERT */ /* set client key(s) */ #if defined(WOLFSSL_RENESAS_TSIP_TLS) #if defined(USE_ECC_CERT) /* Client authentication using ECDSA certificate can be handled by TSIP. * Therefore, the client private key should be TSIP-specific format * and be set by tsip_use_PrivateKey_buffer_TLS. */ if (ret == 0){ ret = tsip_use_PrivateKey_buffer_TLS(ssl, (const char*)g_key_block_data.encrypted_user_ecc256_private_key, sizeof(g_key_block_data.encrypted_user_ecc256_private_key), TSIP_ECCP256); if (ret != 0) { printf("ERROR tsip_use_PrivateKey_buffer_TLS\n"); } } # if defined(WOLFSSL_CHECK_SIG_FAULTS) if (ret == 0){ ret = tsip_use_PublicKey_buffer(ssl, (const char*)g_key_block_data.encrypted_user_ecc256_public_key, sizeof(g_key_block_data.encrypted_user_ecc256_public_key), TSIP_ECCP256); if (ret != 0) { printf("ERROR tsip_use_PublicKey_buffer\n"); } } #endif /* WOLFSSL_CHECK_SIG_FAULTS */ #else /* Client authentication using RSA certificate can be handled by TSIP. * Note that the internal verification of the signature process requires * not only the client's private key but also its public key, so pass them * using tsip_use_PrivateKey_buffer_TLS and tsip_use_PublicKey_buffer_TLS * respectively. */ if (ret == 0) { ret = tsip_use_PrivateKey_buffer_TLS(ssl, (const char*)g_key_block_data.encrypted_user_rsa2048_private_key, sizeof(g_key_block_data.encrypted_user_rsa2048_private_key), TSIP_RSA2048); if (ret != 0) { printf("ERROR tsip_use_PrivateKey_buffer_TLS :%d\n", ret); } } if (ret == 0) { ret = tsip_use_PublicKey_buffer_TLS(ssl, (const char*)g_key_block_data.encrypted_user_rsa2048_public_key, sizeof(g_key_block_data.encrypted_user_rsa2048_public_key), TSIP_RSA2048); if (ret != 0) { printf("ERROR tsip_use_PublicKey_buffer: %d\n", ret); } } #endif /* USE_ECC_CERT */ #else #if defined(USE_ECC_CERT) if (ret == 0) { err = wolfSSL_use_PrivateKey_buffer(ssl, ecc_clikey_der_256, sizeof_ecc_clikey_der_256, WOLFSSL_FILETYPE_ASN1); if (err != SSL_SUCCESS) { printf("ERROR wolfSSL_use_PrivateKey_buffer: %d\n", wolfSSL_get_error(ssl, 0)); ret = -1; } } #else if (ret == 0) { err = wolfSSL_use_PrivateKey_buffer(ssl, client_key_der_2048, sizeof_client_key_der_2048, WOLFSSL_FILETYPE_ASN1); if (err != SSL_SUCCESS) { printf("ERROR wolfSSL_use_PrivateKey_buffer: %d\n", wolfSSL_get_error(ssl, 0)); ret = -1; } } #endif /* USE_ECC_CERT */ #endif /* WOLFSSL_RENESAS_TSIP_TLS */ #ifdef DEBUG_WOLFSSL wolfSSL_Debugging_ON(); #endif if (ret == 0) { if (wolfSSL_connect(ssl) != WOLFSSL_SUCCESS) { msg(pcName, p->id, "ERROR wolfSSL_connect: %d\n", wolfSSL_get_error(ssl, 0)); ret = -1; } } #ifdef DEBUG_WOLFSSL wolfSSL_Debugging_OFF(); #endif if (ret == 0) { if (wolfSSL_write(ssl, sendBuff, strlen(sendBuff)) != strlen(sendBuff)) { msg(pcName, p->id, "ERROR wolfSSL_write: %d\n", wolfSSL_get_error(ssl, 0)); ret = -1; } } if (ret == 0) { if ((ret=wolfSSL_read(ssl, rcvBuff, BUFF_SIZE -1)) < 0) { msg(pcName, p->id, "ERROR wolfSSL_read: %d\n", wolfSSL_get_error(ssl, 0)); ret = -1; } else { rcvBuff[ret] = '\0'; msg(pcName, p->id, "Received: %s\n\n", rcvBuff); ret = 0; } } #if defined(TLS_MULTITHREAD_TEST) out: #endif if (ssl) { wolfSSL_shutdown(ssl); wolfSSL_free(ssl); ssl = NULL; /* reset call backs */ #ifdef WOLFSSL_RENESAS_TSIP_TLS tsip_set_callbacks(client_ctx); #endif } if (socket) { FreeRTOS_shutdown(socket, FREERTOS_SHUT_RDWR); while (FreeRTOS_recv(socket, rcvBuff, BUFF_SIZE -1, 0) >=0) { vTaskDelay(250); } FreeRTOS_closesocket(socket); socket = NULL; } #ifdef TLS_MULTITHREAD_TEST xSemaphoreGive(exit_semaph); vTaskDelete(NULL); #endif return; } static void Tls_client_demo(void) { /* setup ciphersuite list to use for TLS handshake */ #if defined(WOLFSSL_RENESAS_TSIP_TLS) #ifdef USE_ECC_CERT const char* cipherlist[] = { #if defined(WOLFSSL_TLS13) "TLS13-AES128-GCM-SHA256", "TLS13-AES128-CCM-SHA256", #endif "ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-SHA256", "ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256", }; #if defined(WOLFSSL_TLS13) #define cipherlist_sz 2 #else #define cipherlist_sz 2 #endif TestInfo info[cipherlist_sz]; #else const char* cipherlist[] = { #if defined(WOLFSSL_TLS13) "TLS13-AES128-GCM-SHA256", "TLS13-AES128-CCM-SHA256", #endif "ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256", "ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256", "AES128-SHA", "AES128-SHA256", "AES256-SHA", "AES256-SHA256" }; #if defined(WOLFSSL_TLS13) #define cipherlist_sz 2 #else #define cipherlist_sz 6 #endif TestInfo info[cipherlist_sz]; #endif #else const char* cipherlist[] = { NULL }; #define cipherlist_sz 1 TestInfo info[cipherlist_sz]; #endif int i = 0; #ifdef TLS_MULTITHREAD_TEST int j = 0; BaseType_t xReturned; BaseType_t xHigherPriorityTaskWoken; xHigherPriorityTaskWoken = pdFALSE; Mutex = xSemaphoreCreateMutex(); #endif printf("/*------------------------------------------------*/\n"); printf(" TLS_Client demo\n"); printf(" - TLS server address:" TLSSERVER_IP " port: %d\n", TLSSERVER_PORT); #if defined(WOLFSSL_RENESAS_TSIP_TLS) && (WOLFSSL_RENESAS_TSIP_VER >=109) printf(" - with TSIP\n"); #endif printf("/*------------------------------------------------*/\n"); /* setup credentials for TLS handshake */ #if defined(WOLFSSL_RENESAS_TSIP_TLS) && (WOLFSSL_RENESAS_TSIP_VER >=109) #if defined(USE_ECC_CERT) /* Root CA cert has ECC-P256 public key */ tsip_inform_cert_sign((const byte*)ca_ecc_cert_der_sig); #else /* Root CA cert has RSA public key */ tsip_inform_cert_sign((const byte*)ca_cert_der_sig); #endif wc_tsip_inform_user_keys_ex( (byte*)&g_key_block_data.encrypted_provisioning_key, (byte*)&g_key_block_data.iv, (byte*)&g_key_block_data.encrypted_user_rsa2048_ne_key, encrypted_user_key_type); #endif /* WOLFSSL_RENESAS_TSIP_TLS && (WOLFSSL_RENESAS_TSIP_VER >=109) */ Tls_client_init(); #ifdef TLS_MULTITHREAD_TEST exit_semaph = xSemaphoreCreateCounting(cipherlist_sz, 0); #ifdef DEBUG_WOLFSSL wolfSSL_SetLoggingCb(my_Logging_cb); #endif do { for (j = i; j < (i+2); j++) { info[j].id = j; info[j].port = TLSSERVER_PORT + (j%2); info[j].cipher = cipherlist[j]; info[j].ctx = client_ctx; info[j].xBinarySemaphore = xSemaphoreCreateBinary(); info[j].log_f = my_Logging_cb; memset(info[j].name, 0, sizeof(info[j].name)); sprintf(info[j].name, "clt_thd_%s", ((j%2) == 0) ? "taskA" : "taskB"); printf(" %s connecting to %d port\n", info[j].name, info[j].port); xReturned = xTaskCreate(Tls_client, info[j].name, THREAD_STACK_SIZE, &info[j], 3, NULL); if (xReturned != pdPASS) { printf("Failed to create task\n"); } } for (j = i; j < (i+2); j++) { xSemaphoreGiveFromISR(info[j].xBinarySemaphore, &xHigherPriorityTaskWoken); } /* check if all tasks are completed */ for (j = i; j < (i+2); j++) { if(!xSemaphoreTake(exit_semaph, portMAX_DELAY)) { printf("a semaphore was not given by a test task."); } } i += 2; } while (i < cipherlist_sz); vSemaphoreDelete(exit_semaph); vSemaphoreDelete(Mutex); #else do { info[i].port = TLSSERVER_PORT; info[i].cipher = cipherlist[i]; info[i].ctx = client_ctx; info[i].id = i; memset(info[i].name, 0, sizeof(info[i].name)); sprintf(info[i].name, "wolfSSL_TLS_client_do(%02d)", i); Tls_client(&info[i]); i++; } while (i < cipherlist_sz); if (client_ctx) { wolfSSL_CTX_free(client_ctx); } #endif wolfSSL_Cleanup(); printf("End of TLS_Client demo.\n"); } #endif /* TLS_CLIENT */ /* Demo entry function called by iot_demo_runner * To run this entry function as an aws_iot_demo, define this as * DEMO_entryFUNCTION in aws_demo_config.h. */ void wolfSSL_demo_task(bool awsIotMqttMode, const char* pIdentifier, void* pNetworkServerInfo, void* pNetworkCredentialInfo, const IotNetworkInterface_t* pNetworkInterface) { (void)awsIotMqttMode; (void)pIdentifier; (void)pNetworkServerInfo; (void)pNetworkCredentialInfo; (void)pNetworkInterface; #if defined(CRYPT_TEST) CryptTest_demo(); #elif defined(BENCHMARK) Benchmark_demo(); #elif defined(TSIP_CRYPT_UNIT_TEST) int ret = 0; if ((ret = wolfCrypt_Init()) != 0) { printf("wolfCrypt_Init failed %d\n", ret); } printf("Start wolf tsip crypt Test\n"); printf(" \n"); printf(" simple crypt test by using TSIP\n"); tsip_crypt_test(); printf(" \n"); printf(" multi sha thread test\n"); tsip_crypt_sha_multitest(); printf(" \n"); printf(" multi aes cbc thread test\n"); tsip_crypt_AesCbc_multitest(); printf(" \n"); printf(" multi aes gcm thread test\n"); tsip_crypt_AesGcm_multitest(); printf(" \n"); printf(" multi sha aescbc aesgcm thread test\n"); tsip_crypt_Sha_AesCbcGcm_multitest(); printf(" \n"); printf("End wolf tsip crypt Test\n"); if ((ret = wolfCrypt_Cleanup()) != 0) { printf("wolfCrypt_Cleanup failed %d\n", ret); } #elif defined(TLS_CLIENT) Tls_client_demo(); #endif while (1) { vTaskDelay(10000); } }