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include b8253ac4c5 Final set of spelling fixes il y a 1 mois
CMakeLists.txt a13f48aea0 Update Espressif Examples il y a 1 mois
Kconfig 34298e8ada More spelling fixes il y a 1 mois a13f48aea0 Update Espressif Examples il y a 1 mois 34298e8ada More spelling fixes il y a 1 mois

wolfSSL Espressif Component

This is the directory for wolfSSL as an Espressif ESP-IDF component.

Other options are available, such as installing wolfSSL as a local project component using the Managed Component.

Enabling this wolfSSL ESP-IDF component allows other ESP-IDF libraries such as those that depend on ESP-TLS to also use the wolfSSL library. (See

The wolfSSL source code is not included here. Instead, the menuconfig option can be used to configure the sdkconfig file setting: CONFIG_CUSTOM_SETTING_WOLFSSL_ROOT to point to the desired wolfSSL code.

Directory Contents

This directory must contain, at a minimum:

  • CMakeLists.txt
  • ./include/user_settings.h

The directory should also contain:

  • Kconfig

The directory may contain wolfSSL source, for example with a Managed Component, or if the script was used from wolfSSL/IDE/Espressif/ESP-IDF.

Under normal circumstances when the wolfSSL source is not included here, the CMakeLists.txt will search for it in this order:

  • A hard-coded WOLFSSL_ROOT cmake variable.
  • WOLFSSL_ROOT Environment Variable
  • The CONFIG_CUSTOM_SETTING_WOLFSSL_ROOT value in the sdkconfig file, from the Kconfig option.
  • Any parent directories, up to the root (if this directory is in the ESP-IDF components)
  • Any parent directories, up to the root (if this directory is a project component)

While recursing up the directory tree, the following names of wolfSSL directories will be considered:

  • wolfssl-[current user name]
  • wolfssl-master
  • wolfssl

Getting Started

See the Espressif Getting Started Guide.

# Set environment variable to ESP-IDF location
# For example, VisualGDB in WSL

# Or wherever the ESP-IDF is installed:

echo "Run from ${WRK_IDF_PATH}"

cd [your project] menuconfig

Enable wolfSSL to be used in the ESP-TLS:

Component config  --->
    ESP-TLS  --->
        Choose SSL/TLS library for ESP-TLS (See help for more Info)
            (X) wolfSSL (License info in wolfSSL directory README)

Adjust wolfSSL settings, such as path to source code as needed:

Component config  --->
    wolfSSL  --->
        [*] Include wolfSSL in ESP-TLS
        [*] Use the specified wolfssl for ESP-TLS
        (~/workspace/wolfssl) Enter a path for wolfSSL source code


All settings for wolfSSL are adjusted in the include/user_settings.h file.

The user_settings.h file should not be included directly. Instead, #include <wolfssl/wolfcrypt/settings.h> before any other wolfSSL headers, like this:

/* ESP-IDF */
#include <esp_log.h>
#include "sdkconfig.h"

/* wolfSSL */
/* Always include wolfcrypt/settings.h before any other wolfSSL file.    */
/* Reminder: settings.h pulls in user_settings.h; don't include it here. */
    #include <wolfssl/wolfcrypt/settings.h>
    #if defined(WOLFSSL_ESPIDF)
        #include <wolfssl/version.h>
        #include <wolfssl/wolfcrypt/types.h>
        #include <wolfcrypt/test/test.h>
        #include <wolfssl/wolfcrypt/port/Espressif/esp-sdk-lib.h>
        #include <wolfssl/wolfcrypt/port/Espressif/esp32-crypt.h>
        #error "Problem with wolfSSL user_settings. "           \
               "Check components/wolfssl/include "              \
               "and confirm WOLFSSL_USER_SETTINGS is defined, " \
               "typically in the component CMakeLists.txt"
    /* Define WOLFSSL_USER_SETTINGS project wide for settings.h to include   */
    /* wolfSSL user settings in ./components/wolfssl/include/user_settings.h */
    #error "Missing WOLFSSL_USER_SETTINGS in CMakeLists or Makefile:\


See the wolfSSL examples:


The ESP-IDF wolfSSL is also available for PlatformIO:

The wolfSSL library can also be used for Espressif with Arduino:

Additional Information


Have a specific request or questions? We'd love to hear from you! Please contact us at or open an issue on GitHub.

Licensing and Support

wolfSSL (formerly known as CyaSSL) and wolfCrypt are either licensed for use under the GPLv2 (or at your option any later version) or a standard commercial license. For our users who cannot use wolfSSL under GPLv2 (or any later version), a commercial license to wolfSSL and wolfCrypt is available.

See the LICENSE.txt, visit, contact us at or call +1 425 245 8247

View Commercial Support Options: