/*++ Copyright (c) 2016 Minoca Corp. This file is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3. Alternative licensing terms are available. Contact info@minocacorp.com for details. See the LICENSE file at the root of this project for complete licensing information. Module Name: Minoca OS Abstract: This module contains the top level build target for Minoca OS. Author: Evan Green 14-Apr-2016 Environment: Build --*/ function build() { cflags_line = "$BASE_CPPFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $BASE_CFLAGS $CFLAGS " + "-MMD -MF $OUT.d "; cc = { "type": "tool", "name": "cc", "command": "$CC " + cflags_line + "-c -o $OUT $IN", "description": "Compiling - $IN", "depsformat": "gcc", "depfile": "$OUT.d" }; cxx = { "type": "tool", "name": "cxx", "command": "$CXX " + cflags_line + "-c -o $OUT $IN", "description": "Compiling - $IN", "depsformat": "gcc", "depfile": "$OUT.d" }; ldflags_line = "-Wl,-Map=$OUT.map $BASE_LDFLAGS $LDFLAGS "; ld = { "type": "tool", "name": "ld", "command": "$CC " + ldflags_line + "-o $OUT $IN -Bdynamic $DYNLIBS", "description": "Linking - $OUT", }; ar = { "type": "tool", "name": "ar", "command": "$AR rcs $OUT $IN", "description": "Building Library - $OUT", }; asflags_line = cflags_line + "$BASE_ASFLAGS $ASFLAGS "; as = { "type": "tool", "name": "as", "command": "$CC " + asflags_line + "-c -o $OUT $IN", "description": "Assembling - $IN", "depsformat": "gcc", "depfile": "$OUT.d" }; objcopy = { "type": "tool", "name": "objcopy", "command": "$SHELL -c \"cd `dirname $IN` && $OBJCOPY $OBJCOPY_FLAGS `basename $IN` $OUT\"", "description": "Objectifying - $IN" }; strip_tool = { "type": "tool", "name": "strip", "command": "$STRIP $STRIP_FLAGS -o $OUT $IN", "description": "Stripping - $OUT", }; build_cflags_line = "$BUILD_BASE_CPPFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $BUILD_BASE_CFLAGS " + "$CFLAGS -MMD -MF $OUT.d "; build_cc = { "type": "tool", "name": "build_cc", "command": "$BUILD_CC " + build_cflags_line + "-c -o $OUT $IN", "description": "Compiling - $IN", "depsformat": "gcc", "depfile": "$OUT.d" }; build_cxx = { "type": "tool", "name": "build_cxx", "command": "$BUILD_CXX " + build_cflags_line + "-c -o $OUT $IN", "description": "Compiling - $IN", "depsformat": "gcc", "depfile": "$OUT.d" }; build_ldflags_line = "-Wl,-Map=$OUT.map $BUILD_BASE_LDFLAGS $LDFLAGS "; build_ld = { "type": "tool", "name": "build_ld", "command": "$BUILD_CC " + build_ldflags_line + "-o $OUT $IN -Bdynamic $DYNLIBS", "description": "Linking - $OUT", }; build_ar = { "type": "tool", "name": "build_ar", "command": "$BUILD_AR rcs $OUT $IN", "description": "Building Library - $OUT", }; build_asflags_line = build_cflags_line + "$BUILD_BASE_ASFLAGS $ASFLAGS "; build_as = { "type": "tool", "name": "build_as", "command": "$BUILD_CC " + build_asflags_line + "-c -o $OUT $IN", "description": "Assembling - $IN", "depsformat": "gcc", "depfile": "$OUT.d" }; build_strip = { "type": "tool", "name": "build_strip", "command": "$BUILD_STRIP $STRIP_FLAGS -o $OUT $IN", "description": "Stripping - $OUT", }; build_rcc = { "type": "tool", "name": "build_rcc", "command": "$RCC -o $OUT $IN", "description": "Compiling Resource - $IN", }; iasl = { "type": "tool", "name": "iasl", "command": "$SHELL -c \"$IASL $IASL_FLAGS -p $OUT $IN > $OUT.stdout\"", "description": "Compiling ASL - $IN" }; cp = { "type": "tool", "name": "copy", "command": "$SHELL -c \"cp $CPFLAGS $IN $OUT && [ -z $CHMOD_FLAGS ] || chmod $CHMOD_FLAGS $OUT\"", "description": "Copying - $IN -> $OUT" }; if (build_os == "Windows") { symlink_command = "cp $IN $OUT"; } else { symlink_command = "ln -sf $SYMLINK_IN $OUT"; } symlink = { "type": "tool", "name": "symlink", "command": symlink_command, "description": "Symlinking - $OUT" }; stamp = { "type": "tool", "name": "stamp", "command": "$SHELL -c \"date > $OUT\"", "description": "Stamp - $OUT" }; touch = { "type": "tool", "name": "touch", "command": "touch $OUT", "description": "Touch - $OUT" }; gen_version = { "type": "tool", "name": "gen_version", "command": "$SHELL $//tasks/build/print_version.sh $OUT $FORM $MAJOR $MINOR $REVISION $RELEASE $SERIAL $BUILD_STRING", "description": "Versioning - $OUT" }; config_entry = { "type": "global_config", "config": global_config }; entries = [cc, cxx, ld, ar, as, objcopy, strip_tool, build_cc, build_cxx, build_ld, build_ar, build_as, build_rcc, build_strip, iasl, cp, symlink, stamp, touch, gen_version, config_entry]; all = [ "//lib:test_apps", "//images:" ]; all_group = group("all", all); all_group[0]["default"] = TRUE; entries += all_group; return entries; } return build();