/*++ Copyright (c) 2015 Minoca Corp. This file is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3. Alternative licensing terms are available. Contact info@minocacorp.com for details. See the LICENSE file at the root of this project for complete licensing information. Module Name: bcm2.asl Abstract: This module implements the platform specific BCM2709 table. Author: Chris Stevens 17-Mar-2015 Environment: Firmware --*/ // // ---------------------------------------------------------------- Definitions // [0004] Signature : "BCM2" [0004] Table Length : 000000DC [0001] Revision : 01 [0001] Checksum : 00 [0006] Oem ID : "Minoca" [0008] Oem Table ID : "Minoca " [0004] Oem Revision : 00000001 [0004] Asl Compiler ID : "INTL" [0004] Asl Compiler Revision : 20110623 // // APB clock frequency. // UINT64 : 000000000EE6B280 // // Interrupt controller physical address. // UINT64 : 000000003F00B200 // // Interrupt controller GSI base. // UINT64 : 0000000000000000 // // ARM Timer physical address. // UINT64 : 000000003F00B400 // // ARM Timer GSI. // UINT32 : 00000040 // // Debug UART physical address. // UINT64 : 000000003F201000 // // Debug UART clock frequency. // UINT32 : 002DC6C0 // // System Timer physical address. // UINT64 : 000000003F003000 // // System Timer frequency. // UINT64 : 00000000000F4240 // // System Timer GSI Base. // UINT32 : 00000000 // // PWM clock frequency. // UINT32 : 1DCD6500 // // Mailbox physical address. // UINT64 : 000000003F00B880 // // Local CPU physical address. // UINT64 : 0000000040000000 // // Processor 0 information. See BCM2709_CPU_ENTRY. // UINT8 : 00 UINT8 : 18 UINT16 : 0000 UINT32 : 00000F00 UINT32 : 00000001 UINT32 : 00000000 UINT64 : 0000000001FFA000 // // Processor 1 information. See BCM2709_CPU_ENTRY. // UINT8 : 00 UINT8 : 18 UINT16 : 0000 UINT32 : 00000F01 UINT32 : 00000001 UINT32 : 00000000 UINT64 : 0000000001FFB000 // // Processor 2 information. See BCM2709_CPU_ENTRY. // UINT8 : 00 UINT8 : 18 UINT16 : 0000 UINT32 : 00000F02 UINT32 : 00000001 UINT32 : 00000000 UINT64 : 0000000001FFC000 // // Processor 3 information. See BCM2709_CPU_ENTRY. // UINT8 : 00 UINT8 : 18 UINT16 : 0000 UINT32 : 00000F03 UINT32 : 00000001 UINT32 : 00000000 UINT64 : 0000000001FFD000