123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147 |
- class Comments extends Class
- pagePost: (post_id, cb=false) ->
- @post_id = post_id
- @rules = {}
- $(".button-submit-comment").on "click", =>
- @submitComment()
- return false
- @loadComments("noanim", cb)
- @autoExpand $(".comment-textarea")
- $(".certselect").on "click", =>
- if Page.server_info.rev < 160
- Page.cmd "wrapperNotification", ["error", "Comments requires at least ZeroNet 0.3.0 Please upgade!"]
- else
- Page.cmd "certSelect", [["zeroid.bit"]]
- return false
- loadComments: (type="show", cb=false) ->
- query = "SELECT comment.*, json_content.json_id AS content_json_id, keyvalue.value AS cert_user_id, json.directory,
- (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM comment_vote WHERE comment_vote.comment_uri = comment.comment_id || '@' || json.directory)+1 AS votes
- FROM comment
- LEFT JOIN json USING (json_id)
- LEFT JOIN json AS json_content ON (json_content.directory = json.directory AND json_content.file_name='content.json')
- LEFT JOIN keyvalue ON (keyvalue.json_id = json_content.json_id AND key = 'cert_user_id')
- WHERE post_id = #{@post_id} ORDER BY date_added DESC"
- Page.cmd "dbQuery", query, (comments) =>
- $(".comments-num").text(comments.length)
- for comment in comments
- user_address = comment.directory.replace("users/", "")
- comment_address = "#{comment.comment_id}_#{user_address}"
- elem = $("#comment_"+comment_address)
- if elem.length == 0 # Create if not exits
- elem = $(".comment.template").clone().removeClass("template").attr("id", "comment_"+comment_address).data("post_id", @post_id)
- if type != "noanim"
- elem.cssSlideDown()
- @applyCommentData(elem, comment)
- elem.appendTo(".comments")
- applyCommentData: (elem, comment) ->
- [user_name, cert_domain] = comment.cert_user_id.split("@")
- user_address = comment.directory.replace("users/", "")
- $(".comment-body", elem).html Text.toMarked(comment.body, {"sanitize": true})
- $(".user_name", elem).text(user_name).css("color": Text.toColor(comment.cert_user_id)).attr("title", "#{user_name}@#{cert_domain}: #{user_address}")
- $(".added", elem).text(Time.since(comment.date_added)).attr("title", Time.date(comment.date_added, "long"))
- #$(".cert_domain", elem).html("@#{cert_domain}").css("display", "none")
- submitComment: ->
- if not Page.site_info.cert_user_id # Not registered
- Page.cmd "wrapperNotification", ["info", "Please, select your account."]
- return false
- body = $(".comment-new .comment-textarea").val()
- if not body
- $(".comment-new .comment-textarea").focus()
- return false
- $(".comment-new .button-submit").addClass("loading")
- inner_path = "data/users/#{Page.site_info.auth_address}/data.json"
- Page.cmd "fileGet", {"inner_path": inner_path, "required": false}, (data) =>
- if data
- data = JSON.parse(data)
- else # Default data
- data = {"next_comment_id": 1, "comment": [], "comment_vote": {} }
- data.comment.push {
- "comment_id": data.next_comment_id,
- "body": body,
- "post_id": @post_id,
- "date_added": Time.timestamp()
- }
- data.next_comment_id += 1
- json_raw = unescape(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(data, undefined, '\t')))
- Page.writePublish inner_path, btoa(json_raw), (res) =>
- $(".comment-new .button-submit").removeClass("loading")
- @loadComments()
- @checkCert("updaterules")
- @log "Writepublish result", res
- if res != false
- $(".comment-new .comment-textarea").val("")
- checkCert: (type) ->
- last_cert_user_id = $(".comment-new .user_name").text()
- if Page.site_info.cert_user_id
- $(".comment-new").removeClass("comment-nocert")
- $(".comment-new .user_name").text(Page.site_info.cert_user_id)
- else
- $(".comment-new").addClass("comment-nocert")
- $(".comment-new .user_name").text("Please sign in")
- if $(".comment-new .user_name").text() != last_cert_user_id or type == "updaterules" # User changed
- # Update used/allowed space
- if Page.site_info.cert_user_id
- Page.cmd "fileRules", "data/users/#{Page.site_info.auth_address}/content.json", (rules) =>
- @rules = rules
- if rules.max_size
- @setCurrentSize(rules.current_size)
- else
- @setCurrentSize(0)
- else
- @setCurrentSize(0)
- setCurrentSize: (current_size) ->
- if current_size
- current_size_kb = current_size/1000
- $(".user-size").text("used: #{current_size_kb.toFixed(1)}k/#{Math.round(@rules.max_size/1000)}k")
- $(".user-size-used").css("width", Math.round(70*current_size/@rules.max_size))
- else
- $(".user-size").text("")
- autoExpand: (elem) ->
- editor = elem[0]
- # Autoexpand
- if elem.height() > 0 then elem.height(1)
- elem.on "input", =>
- if editor.scrollHeight > elem.height()
- old_height = elem.height()
- elem.height(1)
- new_height = editor.scrollHeight
- new_height += parseFloat elem.css("borderTopWidth")
- new_height += parseFloat elem.css("borderBottomWidth")
- new_height -= parseFloat elem.css("paddingTop")
- new_height -= parseFloat elem.css("paddingBottom")
- min_height = parseFloat(elem.css("lineHeight"))*2 # 2 line minimum
- if new_height < min_height then new_height = min_height+4
- elem.height(new_height-4)
- # Update used space
- if @rules.max_size
- if elem.val().length > 0
- current_size = @rules.current_size + elem.val().length + 90
- else
- current_size = @rules.current_size
- @setCurrentSize(current_size)
- if elem.height() > 0 then elem.trigger "input"
- else elem.height("48px")
- window.Comments = new Comments()