123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156 |
- class ContentCreateProfile extends Class
- constructor: ->
- @loaded = true
- @hubs = []
- @default_hubs = []
- @need_update = true
- @creation_status = []
- @downloading = {}
- handleDownloadClick: (e) =>
- hub = e.target.attributes.address.value
- @downloading[hub] = true
- Page.needSite hub, =>
- @update()
- return false
- handleJoinClick: (e) =>
- hub_address = e.target.attributes.address.value
- if Page.user?.hub
- hub_name = (hub.content.title for hub in @hubs when hub.address == Page.user.hub)?[0]
- hub_name ?= Page.user.hub
- Page.cmd "wrapperConfirm", ["You already have profile on hub <b>#{hub_name}</b>,<br>are you sure you want to create a new one?", "Create new profile"], =>
- @joinHub(hub_address)
- else
- @joinHub(hub_address)
- joinHub: (hub) =>
- user = new User({hub: hub, auth_address: Page.site_info.auth_address})
- @creation_status.push "Checking user on selected hub..."
- Page.cmd "fileGet", {"inner_path": user.getPath()+"/content.json", "required": false}, (found) =>
- if found
- Page.cmd "wrapperNotification", ["error", "User #{Page.site_info.cert_user_id} already exists on this hub"]
- @creation_status = []
- return
- # Create new profile
- user_name = Page.site_info.cert_user_id.replace(/@.*/, "")
- data = user.getDefaultData()
- data.avatar = "generate"
- data.user_name = user_name.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+user_name.slice(1)
- data.hub = hub
- @creation_status.push "Creating new profile..."
- user.save data, hub, =>
- @creation_status = []
- Page.checkUser()
- Page.setUrl("?Home")
- return false
- updateHubs: =>
- Page.cmd "mergerSiteList", true, (sites) =>
- # Get userlist
- Page.cmd "dbQuery", "SELECT * FROM json", (users) =>
- site_users = {}
- for user in users
- site_users[user.hub] ?= []
- site_users[user.hub].push(user)
- hubs = []
- for address, site of sites
- if address == Page.userdb
- continue
- site["users"] = site_users[site.address] or []
- hubs.push(site)
- @hubs = hubs
- Page.projector.scheduleRender()
- @default_hubs = []
- for address, content of Page.site_info.content.settings.default_hubs
- if not sites[address] and not @downloading[address]
- @default_hubs.push {
- users: [],
- address: address,
- content: content,
- type: "available"
- }
- renderHub: (hub) =>
- rendered = 0
- h("div.hub.card", {key: hub.address+hub.type, enterAnimation: Animation.slideDown, exitAnimation: Animation.slideUp}, [
- if hub.type == "available"
- h("a.button.button-join", {href: "#Download:#{hub.address}", address: hub.address, onclick: @handleDownloadClick}, "Download")
- else
- h("a.button.button-join", {href: "#Join:#{hub.address}", address: hub.address, onclick: @handleJoinClick}, "Join!")
- h("div.avatars", [
- hub.users.map (user) =>
- if user.avatar not in ["jpg", "png"] or rendered >= 4
- return ""
- avatar = "merged-ZeroMe/#{hub.address}/#{user.directory}/avatar.#{user.avatar}"
- rendered += 1
- h("a.avatar", {key: user.user_name, title: user.user_name, style: "background-image: url('#{avatar}')"})
- if hub.users.length - rendered > 0
- h("a.avatar.empty", "+#{hub.users.length - rendered}")
- ])
- h("div.name", hub.content.title),
- h("div.intro", hub.content.description)
- ])
- renderSeededHubs: =>
- h("div.hubs.hubs-seeded", @hubs.map(@renderHub))
- renderDefaultHubs: =>
- h("div.hubs.hubs-default", @default_hubs.map(@renderHub))
- handleSelectUserClick: ->
- Page.cmd "certSelect", {"accepted_domains": ["zeroid.bit"], "accept_any": true}
- return false
- render: =>
- if @loaded and not Page.on_loaded.resolved then Page.on_loaded.resolve()
- if @need_update
- @updateHubs()
- @need_update = false
- h("div#Content.center.content-signup", [
- h("h1", "Create new profile"),
- h("a.button.button-submit.button-certselect.certselect", {href: "#Select+user", onclick: @handleSelectUserClick}, [
- h("div.icon.icon-profile"),
- if Page.site_info?.cert_user_id
- "As: #{Page.site_info.cert_user_id}"
- else
- "Select ID..."
- ])
- if @creation_status.length > 0
- h("div.creation-status", {enterAnimation: Animation.slideDown, exitAnimation: Animation.slideUp}, [
- @creation_status.map (creation_status) =>
- h("h3", {key: creation_status, enterAnimation: Animation.slideDown, exitAnimation: Animation.slideUp}, creation_status)
- ])
- else if Page.site_info.cert_user_id
- h("div.hubs", {enterAnimation: Animation.slideDown, exitAnimation: Animation.slideUp}, [
- if @hubs.length
- h("div.hubselect.seeded", {enterAnimation: Animation.slideDown, exitAnimation: Animation.slideUp}, [
- h("h2", "Seeded HUBs")
- @renderSeededHubs()
- ])
- if @default_hubs.length
- h("div.hubselect.default", {enterAnimation: Animation.slideDown, exitAnimation: Animation.slideUp}, [
- h("h2", "Available HUBs")
- @renderDefaultHubs()
- ])
- h("h5", "(With this you choose where is your profile stored. There is no difference on content and you will able to reach all users from any hub)")
- ])
- ])
- update: =>
- @need_update = true
- Page.projector.scheduleRender()
- window.ContentCreateProfile = ContentCreateProfile