123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250 |
- class Post extends Class
- constructor: (row, @item_list) ->
- @liked = false
- @commenting = false
- @submitting_like = false
- @owned = false
- @editable_comments = {}
- @field_comment = new Autosize({placeholder: "Add your comment", onsubmit: @handleCommentSubmit, title_submit: "Send"})
- @comment_limit = 3
- @menu = null
- @meta = null
- @css_style = ""
- @setRow(row)
- setRow: (row) ->
- @row = row
- if @row.meta
- @meta = new PostMeta(@, JSON.parse(@row.meta))
- if Page.user
- @liked = Page.user.likes[@row.key]
- @user = new User({hub: row.site, auth_address: row.directory.replace("data/users/", "")})
- @user.row = row
- @owned = @user.auth_address == Page.user?.auth_address
- if @owned
- @editable_body = new Editable("div.body", @handlePostSave, @handlePostDelete)
- @editable_body.render_function = Text.renderMarked
- @editable_body.empty_text = " "
- getLink: ->
- "?Post/#{@user.hub}/#{@user.auth_address}/#{@row.post_id}"
- handlePostSave: (body, cb) =>
- Page.user.getData Page.user.hub, (data) =>
- post_index = i for post, i in data.post when post.post_id == @row.post_id
- data.post[post_index].body = body
- Page.user.save data, Page.user.hub, (res) =>
- cb(res)
- handlePostDelete: (cb) =>
- Page.user.getData Page.user.hub, (data) =>
- post_index = i for post, i in data.post when post.post_id == @row.post_id
- data.post.splice(post_index, 1)
- if @meta?.meta?.img
- Page.cmd "fileDelete", "#{@user.getPath()}/#{@row.post_id}.jpg", =>
- Page.user.save data, Page.user.hub, (res) =>
- cb(res)
- else
- Page.user.save data, Page.user.hub, (res) =>
- cb(res)
- handleLikeClick: (e) =>
- @submitting_like = true
- [site, post_uri] = @row.key.split("-")
- if Page.user.likes[post_uri]
- Animation.flashOut(e.currentTarget.firstChild)
- Page.user.dislike site, post_uri, =>
- @submitting_like = false
- @unfollow()
- else
- Animation.flashIn(e.currentTarget.firstChild)
- Page.user.like site, post_uri, =>
- @submitting_like = false
- @follow()
- return false
- handleCommentClick: =>
- if @field_comment.node
- @field_comment.node.focus()
- else
- @commenting = true
- setTimeout ( =>
- @field_comment.node.focus()
- ), 600
- return false
- handleCommentSubmit: =>
- if not @field_comment.attrs.value then return
- timer_loading = setTimeout ( => @field_comment.loading = true ), 100 # Only add loading message if takes more than 100ms
- [site, post_uri] = @row.key.split("-")
- Page.user.comment site, post_uri, @field_comment.attrs.value, (res) =>
- clearInterval(timer_loading)
- @field_comment.loading = false
- if res
- @field_comment.setValue("")
- @follow()
- handleCommentSave: (comment_id, body, cb) =>
- Page.user.getData @row.site, (data) =>
- comment_index = i for comment, i in data.comment when comment.comment_id == comment_id
- data.comment[comment_index].body = body
- Page.user.save data, @row.site, (res) =>
- cb(res)
- handleCommentDelete: (comment_id, cb) =>
- Page.user.getData @row.site, (data) =>
- comment_index = i for comment, i in data.comment when comment.comment_id == comment_id
- data.comment.splice(comment_index, 1)
- Page.user.save data, @row.site, (res) =>
- cb(res)
- @unfollow()
- handleMoreCommentsClick: =>
- @comment_limit += 10
- return false
- handleReplyClick: (e) =>
- user_name = e.currentTarget.attributes.user_name.value
- if @field_comment.attrs.value
- @field_comment.setValue("#{@field_comment.attrs.value}\n@#{user_name}: ")
- else
- @field_comment.setValue("@#{user_name}: ")
- @handleCommentClick(e)
- return false
- getEditableComment: (comment_uri) ->
- if not @editable_comments[comment_uri]
- [user_address, comment_id] = comment_uri.split("_")
- handleCommentSave = (body, cb) =>
- @handleCommentSave(parseInt(comment_id), body, cb)
- handleCommentDelete = (cb) =>
- @handleCommentDelete(parseInt(comment_id), cb)
- @editable_comments[comment_uri] = new Editable("div.body", handleCommentSave, handleCommentDelete)
- @editable_comments[comment_uri].render_function = Text.renderMarked
- return @editable_comments[comment_uri]
- getPostUri: =>
- return "#{@user.auth_address}_#{@row.post_id}"
- handleSettingsClick: =>
- @css_style = "z-index: #{@row.date_added}; position: relative"
- Page.cmd "feedListFollow", [], (follows) =>
- if not @menu
- @menu = new Menu()
- followed = follows["Post follow"] and @getPostUri() in follows["Post follow"][1]
- @menu.items = []
- @menu.items.push ["Follow in newsfeed", ( => if followed then @unfollow() else @follow() ), followed]
- @menu.items.push ["Mute user", @user.handleMuteClick]
- @menu.items.push ["Permalink", @getLink()]
- if @owned
- @menu.items.push ["Edit", ( (e) => @editable_body.handleEditClick(e) )]
- @menu.toggle()
- return false
- unfollow: =>
- Page.cmd "feedListFollow", [], (follows) =>
- if not follows["Post follow"]
- return
- followed_uris = follows["Post follow"][1]
- index = followed_uris.indexOf @getPostUri()
- if index == -1
- return
- followed_uris.splice(index, 1)
- if followed_uris.length == 0
- delete follows["Post follow"]
- @log "Unfollow", follows
- Page.cmd "feedFollow", [follows]
- follow: =>
- Page.cmd "feedListFollow", [], (follows) =>
- if not follows["Post follow"]
- follows["Post follow"] = ["""
- "comment" AS type,
- comment.date_added AS date_added,
- "a followed post" AS title,
- '@' || user_name || ': ' || comment.body AS body,
- '?Post/' || json.site || '/' || REPLACE(post_uri, '_', '/') AS url
- FROM comment
- LEFT JOIN json USING (json_id)
- WHERE post_uri IN (:params)
- """, []]
- followed_uris = follows["Post follow"][1]
- followed_uris.push @getPostUri()
- Page.cmd "feedFollow", [follows]
- renderComments: =>
- if not @row.comments and not @commenting
- return []
- if @row.selected
- comment_limit = @comment_limit + 50
- else
- comment_limit = @comment_limit
- h("div.comment-list", {enterAnimation: Animation.slideDown, exitAnimation: Animation.slideUp, animate_scrollfix: true, animate_noscale: true}, [
- if @commenting then h("div.comment-create", {enterAnimation: Animation.slideDown},
- @field_comment.render()
- ),
- @row.comments?[0..comment_limit-1].map (comment) =>
- user_address = comment.directory.replace("data/users/", "")
- comment_uri = user_address+"_"+comment.comment_id
- owned = user_address == Page.user?.auth_address
- user_link = "?Profile/"+comment.hub+"/"+user_address+"/"+comment.cert_user_id
- h("div.comment", {id: comment_uri, key: comment_uri, animate_scrollfix: true, enterAnimation: Animation.slideDown, exitAnimation: Animation.slideUp}, [
- h("div.user", [
- h("a.name.link", {href: user_link, style: "color: #{Text.toColor(user_address)}", onclick: Page.handleLinkClick}, comment.user_name),
- h("span.sep", " \u00B7 "),
- h("span.address", {title: user_address}, comment.cert_user_id),
- h("span.sep", " \u2015 "),
- h("a.added.link", {href: "#", title: Time.date(comment.date_added, "long")}, Time.since(comment.date_added)),
- h("a.icon.icon-reply", {href: "#Reply", onclick: @handleReplyClick, user_name: comment.user_name}, "Reply")
- ])
- if owned
- @getEditableComment(comment_uri).render(comment.body)
- else if comment.body?.length > 5000
- h("div.body.maxheight", {innerHTML: Text.renderMarked(comment.body), afterCreate: Maxheight.apply})
- else
- h("div.body", {innerHTML: Text.renderMarked(comment.body) })
- ])
- if @row.comments?.length > comment_limit
- h("a.more", {href: "#More", onclick: @handleMoreCommentsClick, enterAnimation: Animation.slideDown, exitAnimation: Animation.slideUp}, "Show more comments...")
- ])
- render: =>
- [site, post_uri] = @row.key.split("-")
- h("div.post", {key: @row.key, enterAnimation: Animation.slideDown, exitAnimation: Animation.slideUp, animate_scrollfix: true, classes: {selected: @row.selected}, style: @css_style}, [
- h("div.user", [
- @user.renderAvatar({href: @user.getLink(), onclick: Page.handleLinkClick}),
- h("a.name.link", {href: @user.getLink(), onclick: Page.handleLinkClick, style: "color: #{Text.toColor(@user.auth_address)}"},
- @row.user_name
- ),
- h("span.sep", " \u00B7 "),
- h("span.address", {title: @user.auth_address}, @row.cert_user_id),
- h("span.sep", " \u2015 "),
- h("a.added.link", {href: @getLink(), title: Time.date(@row.date_added, "long"), onclick: Page.handleLinkClick}, Time.since(@row.date_added)),
- if @menu then @menu.render(".menu-right"),
- h("a.settings", {href: "#Settings", onclick: Page.returnFalse, onmousedown: @handleSettingsClick}, "\u22EE")
- ])
- if @owned
- @editable_body.render(@row.body)
- else
- h("div.body", {classes: {maxheight: not @row.selected and @row.body?.length > 3000}, innerHTML: Text.renderMarked(@row.body), afterCreate: Maxheight.apply, afterUpdate: Maxheight.apply})
- if @meta
- @meta.render()
- h("div.actions", [
- h("a.icon.icon-comment.link", {href: "#Comment", onclick: @handleCommentClick}, "Comment"),
- h("a.like.link", {classes: {active: Page.user?.likes[post_uri], loading: @submitting_like, "like-zero": @row.likes == 0}, href: "#Like", onclick: @handleLikeClick},
- h("div.icon.icon-heart", {classes: {active: Page.user?.likes[post_uri]}}),
- if @row.likes then @row.likes
- )
- # h("a.icon.icon-share.link", {href: "#Share"}, "Share"),
- ]),
- @renderComments()
- ])
- window.Post = Post