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Integrates updated upnppunch with project; Makes project close ports using UPnP on exit.

sirMackk 7 years ago
4 changed files with 466 additions and 100 deletions
  1. 8 0
  2. 6 6
  3. 274 0
  4. 178 94

+ 8 - 0

@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ from Config import config
 from Crypt import CryptConnection
 from Crypt import CryptHash
 from Tor import TorManager
+from util import UpnpPunch
 class ConnectionServer:
@@ -73,6 +74,13 @@ class ConnectionServer:
   "StreamServer bind error, must be running already: %s" % err)
     def stop(self):
+        self.log.debug('Closing port %d' % self.port)
+        if self.running:
+            try:
+                UpnpPunch.ask_to_close_port(self.port)
+      'Closed port via upnp.')
+            except (UpnpPunch.UpnpError, UpnpPunch.IGDError), err:
+      "Failed at attempt to use upnp to close port: %s" %err)
         self.running = False

+ 6 - 6

@@ -69,13 +69,13 @@ class FileServer(ConnectionServer):
 "Trying to open port using UpnpPunch...")
-            upnp_punch = UpnpPunch.open_port(self.port, 'ZeroNet')
-            upnp_punch = True
-        except Exception, err:
-            self.log.error("UpnpPunch run error: %s" % Debug.formatException(err))
-            upnp_punch = False
+            UpnpPunch.ask_to_open_port(self.port, 'ZeroNet', retries=3)
+        except (UpnpPunch.UpnpError, UpnpPunch.IGDError) as err:
+            self.log.error("UpnpPunch run error: %s" %
+                           Debug.formatException(err))
+            return False
-        if upnp_punch and self.testOpenport(port)["result"] is True:
+        if self.testOpenport(port)["result"] is True:
             return True
 "Upnp mapping failed :( Please forward port %s on your router to your ipaddress" % port)

+ 274 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+import socket
+from urlparse import urlparse
+import pytest
+import mock
+from util import UpnpPunch as upnp
+def mock_socket():
+    mock_socket = mock.MagicMock()
+    mock_socket.recv = mock.MagicMock(return_value='Hello')
+    mock_socket.bind = mock.MagicMock()
+    mock_socket.send_to = mock.MagicMock()
+    return mock_socket
+def url_obj():
+    return urlparse('')
+@pytest.fixture(params=['WANPPPConnection', 'WANIPConnection'])
+def igd_profile(request):
+    return """<root><serviceList><service>
+  <serviceType>urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:{}:1</serviceType>
+  <serviceId>urn:upnp-org:serviceId:wanpppc:pppoa</serviceId>
+  <controlURL>/upnp/control/wanpppcpppoa</controlURL>
+  <eventSubURL>/upnp/event/wanpppcpppoa</eventSubURL>
+  <SCPDURL>/WANPPPConnection.xml</SCPDURL>
+def httplib_response():
+    class FakeResponse(object):
+        def __init__(self, status=200, body='OK'):
+            self.status = status
+            self.body = body
+        def read(self):
+            return self.body
+    return FakeResponse
+class TestUpnpPunch(object):
+    def test_perform_m_search(self, mock_socket):
+        local_ip = ''
+        with mock.patch('util.UpnpPunch.socket.socket',
+                        return_value=mock_socket):
+            result = upnp.perform_m_search(local_ip)
+            assert result == 'Hello'
+            assert local_ip == mock_socket.bind.call_args_list[0][0][0][0]
+            assert ('',
+                    1900) == mock_socket.sendto.call_args_list[0][0][1]
+    def test_perform_m_search_socket_error(self, mock_socket):
+        mock_socket.recv.side_effect = socket.error('Timeout error')
+        with mock.patch('util.UpnpPunch.socket.socket',
+                        return_value=mock_socket):
+            with pytest.raises(upnp.UpnpError):
+                upnp.perform_m_search('')
+    def test_retrieve_location_from_ssdp(self, url_obj):
+        ctrl_location = url_obj.geturl()
+        parsed_location = urlparse(ctrl_location)
+        rsp = ('auth: gibberish\r\nlocation: {0}\r\n'
+               'Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n').format(ctrl_location)
+        result = upnp._retrieve_location_from_ssdp(rsp)
+        assert result == parsed_location
+    def test_retrieve_location_from_ssdp_no_header(self):
+        rsp = 'auth: gibberish\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n'
+        with pytest.raises(upnp.IGDError):
+            upnp._retrieve_location_from_ssdp(rsp)
+    def test_retrieve_igd_profile(self, url_obj):
+        with mock.patch('urllib2.urlopen') as mock_urlopen:
+            upnp._retrieve_igd_profile(url_obj)
+            mock_urlopen.assert_called_with(url_obj.geturl(), timeout=5)
+    def test_retrieve_igd_profile_timeout(self, url_obj):
+        with mock.patch('urllib2.urlopen') as mock_urlopen:
+            mock_urlopen.side_effect = socket.error('Timeout error')
+            with pytest.raises(upnp.IGDError):
+                upnp._retrieve_igd_profile(url_obj)
+    def test_parse_igd_profile_service_type(self, igd_profile):
+        control_path, upnp_schema = upnp._parse_igd_profile(igd_profile)
+        assert control_path == '/upnp/control/wanpppcpppoa'
+        assert upnp_schema in ('WANPPPConnection', 'WANIPConnection',)
+    def test_parse_igd_profile_no_ctrlurl(self, igd_profile):
+        igd_profile = igd_profile.replace('controlURL', 'nope')
+        with pytest.raises(upnp.IGDError):
+            control_path, upnp_schema = upnp._parse_igd_profile(igd_profile)
+    def test_parse_igd_profile_no_schema(self, igd_profile):
+        igd_profile = igd_profile.replace('Connection', 'nope')
+        with pytest.raises(upnp.IGDError):
+            control_path, upnp_schema = upnp._parse_igd_profile(igd_profile)
+    def test_create_open_message_parsable(self):
+        from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError
+        msg, _ = upnp._create_open_message('', 8888)
+        try:
+            upnp.parseString(msg)
+        except ExpatError as e:
+  'Incorrect XML message: {}'.format(e))
+    def test_create_open_message_contains_right_stuff(self):
+        settings = {'description': 'test desc',
+                    'protocol': 'test proto',
+                    'upnp_schema': 'test schema'}
+        msg, fn_name = upnp._create_open_message('', 8888, **settings)
+        assert fn_name == 'AddPortMapping'
+        assert '' in msg
+        assert '8888' in msg
+        assert settings['description'] in msg
+        assert settings['protocol'] in msg
+        assert settings['upnp_schema'] in msg
+    def test_parse_for_errors_bad_rsp(self, httplib_response):
+        rsp = httplib_response(status=500)
+        with pytest.raises(upnp.IGDError) as exc:
+            upnp._parse_for_errors(rsp)
+        assert 'Unable to parse' in exc.value.message
+    def test_parse_for_errors_error(self, httplib_response):
+        soap_error = ('<document>'
+                      '<errorCode>500</errorCode>'
+                      '<errorDescription>Bad request</errorDescription>'
+                      '</document>')
+        rsp = httplib_response(status=500, body=soap_error)
+        with pytest.raises(upnp.IGDError) as exc:
+            upnp._parse_for_errors(rsp)
+        assert 'SOAP request error' in exc.value.message
+    def test_parse_for_errors_good_rsp(self, httplib_response):
+        rsp = httplib_response(status=200)
+        assert rsp == upnp._parse_for_errors(rsp)
+    def test_send_requests_success(self):
+        with mock.patch(
+                'util.UpnpPunch._send_soap_request') as mock_send_request:
+            mock_send_request.return_value = mock.MagicMock(status=200)
+            upnp._send_requests(['msg'], None, None, None)
+        assert mock_send_request.called
+    def test_send_requests_failed(self):
+        with mock.patch(
+                'util.UpnpPunch._send_soap_request') as mock_send_request:
+            mock_send_request.return_value = mock.MagicMock(status=500)
+            with pytest.raises(upnp.UpnpError):
+                upnp._send_requests(['msg'], None, None, None)
+        assert mock_send_request.called
+    def test_collect_idg_data(self):
+        pass
+    @mock.patch('util.UpnpPunch._get_local_ips')
+    @mock.patch('util.UpnpPunch._collect_idg_data')
+    @mock.patch('util.UpnpPunch._send_requests')
+    def test_ask_to_open_port_success(self, mock_send_requests,
+                                      mock_collect_idg, mock_local_ips):
+        mock_collect_idg.return_value = {'upnp_schema': 'schema-yo'}
+        mock_local_ips.return_value = ['']
+        result = upnp.ask_to_open_port(retries=5)
+        soap_msg = mock_send_requests.call_args[0][0][0][0]
+        assert result is None
+        assert mock_collect_idg.called
+        assert '' in soap_msg
+        assert '15441' in soap_msg
+        assert 'schema-yo' in soap_msg
+    @mock.patch('util.UpnpPunch._get_local_ips')
+    @mock.patch('util.UpnpPunch._collect_idg_data')
+    @mock.patch('util.UpnpPunch._send_requests')
+    def test_ask_to_open_port_failure(self, mock_send_requests,
+                                      mock_collect_idg, mock_local_ips):
+        mock_local_ips.return_value = ['']
+        mock_collect_idg.return_value = {'upnp_schema': 'schema-yo'}
+        mock_send_requests.side_effect = upnp.UpnpError()
+        with pytest.raises(upnp.UpnpError):
+            upnp.ask_to_open_port()
+    @mock.patch('util.UpnpPunch._collect_idg_data')
+    @mock.patch('util.UpnpPunch._send_requests')
+    def test_orchestrate_soap_request(self, mock_send_requests,
+                                      mock_collect_idg):
+        soap_mock = mock.MagicMock()
+        args = ['', 31337, soap_mock, 'upnp-test', {'upnp_schema':
+                                                             'schema-yo'}]
+        mock_collect_idg.return_value = args[-1]
+        upnp._orchestrate_soap_request(*args[:-1])
+        assert mock_collect_idg.called
+        soap_mock.assert_called_with(
+            *args[:2] + ['upnp-test', 'UDP', 'schema-yo'])
+        assert mock_send_requests.called
+    @mock.patch('util.UpnpPunch._collect_idg_data')
+    @mock.patch('util.UpnpPunch._send_requests')
+    def test_orchestrate_soap_request_without_desc(self, mock_send_requests,
+                                                   mock_collect_idg):
+        soap_mock = mock.MagicMock()
+        args = ['', 31337, soap_mock, {'upnp_schema': 'schema-yo'}]
+        mock_collect_idg.return_value = args[-1]
+        upnp._orchestrate_soap_request(*args[:-1])
+        assert mock_collect_idg.called
+        soap_mock.assert_called_with(*args[:2] + [None, 'UDP', 'schema-yo'])
+        assert mock_send_requests.called
+    def test_create_close_message_parsable(self):
+        from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError
+        msg, _ = upnp._create_close_message('', 8888)
+        try:
+            upnp.parseString(msg)
+        except ExpatError as e:
+  'Incorrect XML message: {}'.format(e))
+    def test_create_close_message_contains_right_stuff(self):
+        settings = {'protocol': 'test proto',
+                    'upnp_schema': 'test schema'}
+        msg, fn_name = upnp._create_close_message('', 8888, **
+                                                  settings)
+        assert fn_name == 'DeletePortMapping'
+        assert '8888' in msg
+        assert settings['protocol'] in msg
+        assert settings['upnp_schema'] in msg
+    @mock.patch('util.UpnpPunch._get_local_ips')
+    @mock.patch('util.UpnpPunch._orchestrate_soap_request')
+    def test_communicate_with_igd_success(self, mock_orchestrate,
+                                          mock_get_local_ips):
+        mock_get_local_ips.return_value = ['']
+        upnp._communicate_with_igd()
+        assert mock_get_local_ips.called
+        assert mock_orchestrate.called
+    @mock.patch('util.UpnpPunch._get_local_ips')
+    @mock.patch('util.UpnpPunch._orchestrate_soap_request')
+    def test_communicate_with_igd_succeed_despite_single_failure(
+            self, mock_orchestrate, mock_get_local_ips):
+        mock_get_local_ips.return_value = ['']
+        mock_orchestrate.side_effect = [upnp.UpnpError, None]
+        upnp._communicate_with_igd(retries=2)
+        assert mock_get_local_ips.called
+        assert mock_orchestrate.called
+    @mock.patch('util.UpnpPunch._get_local_ips')
+    @mock.patch('util.UpnpPunch._orchestrate_soap_request')
+    def test_communicate_with_igd_total_failure(self, mock_orchestrate,
+                                                mock_get_local_ips):
+        mock_get_local_ips.return_value = ['']
+        mock_orchestrate.side_effect = [upnp.UpnpError, upnp.IGDError]
+        with pytest.raises(upnp.UpnpError):
+            upnp._communicate_with_igd(retries=2)
+        assert mock_get_local_ips.called
+        assert mock_orchestrate.called

+ 178 - 94

@@ -5,18 +5,30 @@ import logging
 from urlparse import urlparse
 from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
-import gevent
 from gevent import socket
-# Relevant UPnP spec:
+# Relevant UPnP spec:
 # General TODOs:
 # Handle 0 or >1 IGDs
-remove_whitespace = re.compile(r'>\s*<')
+class UpnpError(Exception):
+    pass
-def _m_search_ssdp(local_ip):
+class IGDError(UpnpError):
+    """
+    Signifies a problem with the IGD.
+    """
+    pass
+REMOVE_WHITESPACE = re.compile(r'>\s*<')
+def perform_m_search(local_ip):
     Broadcast a UDP SSDP M-SEARCH packet and return response.
@@ -43,10 +55,8 @@ def _m_search_ssdp(local_ip):
         return sock.recv(2048)
-    except socket.error, err:
-        # no reply from IGD, possibly no IGD on LAN
-        logging.debug("UDP SSDP M-SEARCH send error using ip %s: %s" % (local_ip, err))
-        return False
+    except socket.error:
+        raise UpnpError("No reply from IGD using {} as IP".format(local_ip))
 def _retrieve_location_from_ssdp(response):
@@ -54,24 +64,28 @@ def _retrieve_location_from_ssdp(response):
     Parse raw HTTP response to retrieve the UPnP location header
     and return a ParseResult object.
-    parsed = re.findall(r'(?P<name>.*?): (?P<value>.*?)\r\n', response)
-    location_header = filter(lambda x: x[0].lower() == 'location', parsed)
+    parsed_headers = re.findall(r'(?P<name>.*?): (?P<value>.*?)\r\n', response)
+    header_locations = [header[1]
+                        for header in parsed_headers
+                        if header[0].lower() == 'location']
-    if not len(location_header):
-        # no location header returned :(
-        return False
+    if len(header_locations) < 1:
+        raise IGDError('IGD response does not contain a "location" header.')
-    return urlparse(location_header[0][1])
+    return urlparse(header_locations[0])
 def _retrieve_igd_profile(url):
     Retrieve the device's UPnP profile.
-    return urllib2.urlopen(url.geturl()).read()
+    try:
+        return urllib2.urlopen(url.geturl(), timeout=5).read()
+    except socket.error:
+        raise IGDError('IGD profile query timed out')
-def _node_val(node):
+def _get_first_child_data(node):
     Get the text value of the first child text node of a node.
@@ -82,34 +96,65 @@ def _parse_igd_profile(profile_xml):
     Traverse the profile xml DOM looking for either
     WANIPConnection or WANPPPConnection and return
-    the value found as well as the 'controlURL'.
+    the 'controlURL' and the service xml schema.
     dom = parseString(profile_xml)
     service_types = dom.getElementsByTagName('serviceType')
     for service in service_types:
-        if _node_val(service).find('WANIPConnection') > 0 or \
-           _node_val(service).find('WANPPPConnection') > 0:
-            control_url = service.parentNode.getElementsByTagName(
-                'controlURL'
-            )[0].childNodes[0].data
-            upnp_schema = _node_val(service).split(':')[-2]
-            return control_url, upnp_schema
-    return False
-def _get_local_ip():
+        if _get_first_child_data(service).find('WANIPConnection') > 0 or \
+           _get_first_child_data(service).find('WANPPPConnection') > 0:
+            try:
+                control_url = _get_first_child_data(
+                    service.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('controlURL')[0])
+                upnp_schema = _get_first_child_data(service).split(':')[-2]
+                return control_url, upnp_schema
+            except IndexError:
+                # Pass the error because any error here should raise the
+                # that's specified outside the for loop.
+                pass
+    raise IGDError(
+        'Could not find a control url or UPNP schema in IGD response.')
+# add description
+def _get_local_ips():
+    local_ips = []
+    # get local ip using UDP and a  broadcast address
     s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
     s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST, 1)
-    # not using <broadcast> because gevents getaddrinfo doesn't like that
+    # Not using <broadcast> because gevents getaddrinfo doesn't like that
     # using port 1 as per hobbldygoop's comment about port 0 not working on osx:
     s.connect(('', 1))
-    return s.getsockname()[0]
+    local_ips.append(s.getsockname()[0])
+    # Get ip by using UDP and a normal address (google dns ip)
+    try:
+        s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
+        s.connect(('', 0))
+        local_ips.append(s.getsockname()[0])
+    except:
+        pass
-def _create_soap_message(local_ip, port, description="UPnPPunch", protocol="TCP",
+    # Get ip by '' hostname . Not supported on all platforms.
+    try:
+        local_ips += socket.gethostbyname_ex('')[2]
+    except:
+        pass
+    # Delete duplicates
+    local_ips = list(set(local_ips))
+    logging.debug("Found local ips: %s" % local_ips)
+    return local_ips
+def _create_open_message(local_ip,
+                         port,
+                         description="UPnPPunch",
+                         protocol="TCP",
     Build a SOAP AddPortMapping message.
@@ -134,46 +179,67 @@ def _create_soap_message(local_ip, port, description="UPnPPunch", protocol="TCP"
-    return remove_whitespace.sub('><', soap_message)
+    return (REMOVE_WHITESPACE.sub('><', soap_message), 'AddPortMapping')
+def _create_close_message(local_ip,
+                          port,
+                          description=None,
+                          protocol='TCP',
+                          upnp_schema='WANIPConnection'):
+    soap_message = """<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<s:Envelope xmlns:s="" s:encodingStyle="">
+    <s:Body>
+        <u:DeletePortMapping xmlns:u="urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:{upnp_schema}:1">
+            <NewRemoteHost></NewRemoteHost>
+            <NewExternalPort>{port}</NewExternalPort>
+            <NewProtocol>{protocol}</NewProtocol>
+        </u:DeletePortMapping>
+    </s:Body>
+                        protocol=protocol,
+                        upnp_schema=upnp_schema)
+    return (REMOVE_WHITESPACE.sub('><', soap_message), 'DeletePortMapping')
 def _parse_for_errors(soap_response):
-    if soap_response.status == 500:
+    logging.debug(soap_response.status)
+    if soap_response.status >= 400:
         response_data =
+        logging.debug(response_data)
             err_dom = parseString(response_data)
-            err_code = _node_val(err_dom.getElementsByTagName('errorCode')[0])
-            err_msg = _node_val(
+            err_code = _get_first_child_data(err_dom.getElementsByTagName(
+                'errorCode')[0])
+            err_msg = _get_first_child_data(
-        except Exception, err:
-            logging.error("Unable to parse SOAP error: {0}, response: {1}".format(err, response_data))
-            return False
-        logging.error('SOAP request error: {0} - {1}'.format(err_code, err_msg))
-        raise Exception(
+        except Exception as err:
+            raise IGDError(
+                'Unable to parse SOAP error: {0}. Got: "{1}"'.format(
+                    err, response_data))
+        raise IGDError(
             'SOAP request error: {0} - {1}'.format(err_code, err_msg)
-        return False
-    else:
-        return True
+    return soap_response
-def _send_soap_request(location, upnp_schema, control_url, soap_message):
+def _send_soap_request(location, upnp_schema, control_path, soap_fn,
+                       soap_message):
     Send out SOAP request to UPnP device and return a response.
     headers = {
         'SOAPAction': (
-            '1#AddPortMapping"'.format(schema=upnp_schema)
+            '1#{fn_name}"'.format(schema=upnp_schema, fn_name=soap_fn)
         'Content-Type': 'text/xml'
-    logging.debug("Sending UPnP request to {0}:{1}...".format(location.hostname, location.port))
+    logging.debug("Sending UPnP request to {0}:{1}...".format(
+        location.hostname, location.port))
     conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(location.hostname, location.port)
-    conn.request('POST', control_url, soap_message, headers)
+    conn.request('POST', control_path, soap_message, headers)
     response = conn.getresponse()
@@ -181,64 +247,82 @@ def _send_soap_request(location, upnp_schema, control_url, soap_message):
     return _parse_for_errors(response)
-def open_port(port=15441, desc="UpnpPunch"):
-    """
-    Attempt to forward a port using UPnP.
-    """
+def _collect_idg_data(ip_addr):
+    idg_data = {}
+    idg_response = perform_m_search(ip_addr)
+    idg_data['location'] = _retrieve_location_from_ssdp(idg_response)
+    idg_data['control_path'], idg_data['upnp_schema'] = _parse_igd_profile(
+        _retrieve_igd_profile(idg_data['location']))
+    return idg_data
-    local_ips = [_get_local_ip()]
-    try:
-        local_ips += socket.gethostbyname_ex('')[2]  # Get ip by '' hostname not supported on all platform
-    except:
-        pass
-    try:
-        s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
-        s.connect(('', 0))  # Using google dns route
-        local_ips.append(s.getsockname()[0])
-    except:
-        pass
+def _send_requests(messages, location, upnp_schema, control_path):
+    responses = [_send_soap_request(location, upnp_schema, control_path,
+                                    message_tup[1], message_tup[0])
+                 for message_tup in messages]
-    local_ips = list(set(local_ips))  # Delete duplicates
-    logging.debug("Found local ips: %s" % local_ips)
-    local_ips = local_ips * 3  # Retry every ip 3 times
+    if all(rsp.status == 200 for rsp in responses):
+        return
+    raise UpnpError('Sending requests using UPnP failed.')
-    for local_ip in local_ips:
-        logging.debug("Trying using local ip: %s" % local_ip)
-        idg_response = _m_search_ssdp(local_ip)
-        if not idg_response:
-            logging.debug("No IGD response")
-            continue
+def _orchestrate_soap_request(ip, port, msg_fn, desc=None):
+    logging.debug("Trying using local ip: %s" % ip)
+    idg_data = _collect_idg_data(ip)
-        location = _retrieve_location_from_ssdp(idg_response)
+    soap_messages = [
+        msg_fn(ip, port, desc, proto, idg_data['upnp_schema'])
+        for proto in ['TCP', 'UDP']
+    ]
-        if not location:
-            logging.debug("No location")
-            continue
+    _send_requests(soap_messages, **idg_data)
-        parsed = _parse_igd_profile(
-            _retrieve_igd_profile(location)
-        )
-        if not parsed:
-            logging.debug("IGD parse error using location %s" % repr(location))
+def _communicate_with_igd(port=15441,
+                          desc="UpnpPunch",
+                          retries=3,
+                          fn=_create_open_message):
+    """
+    Manage sending a message generated by 'fn'.
+    """
+    # Retry every ip 'retries' times
+    local_ips = _get_local_ips() * retries
+    success = False
+    for local_ip in local_ips:
+        try:
+            _orchestrate_soap_request(local_ip, port, fn, desc)
+            success = True
+        except (UpnpError, IGDError) as e:
+            logging.debug('Upnp request using "{0}" failed: {1}'.format(
+                local_ip, e))
+            success = False
-        control_url, upnp_schema = parsed
+    if not success:
+        raise UpnpError(
+            'Failed to communicate with igd using port {0} on local machine after {1} tries.'.format(
+                port, retries))
+def ask_to_open_port(port=15441, desc="UpnpPunch", retries=3):
+    logging.debug("Trying to open port %d." % port)
+    _communicate_with_igd(port=port,
+                          desc=desc,
+                          retries=retries,
+                          fn=_create_open_message)
-        soap_messages = [_create_soap_message(local_ip, port, desc, proto, upnp_schema)
-                         for proto in ['TCP', 'UDP']]
-        requests = [gevent.spawn(
-            _send_soap_request, location, upnp_schema, control_url, message
-        ) for message in soap_messages]
+def ask_to_close_port(port=15441, desc="UpnpPunch", retries=3):
+    logging.debug("Trying to close port %d." % port)
+    # retries=1 because multiple successes cause 500 response and failure
+    _communicate_with_igd(port=port,
+                          desc=desc,
+                          retries=1,
+                          fn=_create_close_message)
-        gevent.joinall(requests, timeout=3)
-        if all([request.value for request in requests]):
-            return True
-    return False
 if __name__ == "__main__":
     from gevent import monkey
@@ -247,5 +331,5 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     s = time.time()
-    print open_port(15441, "ZeroNet")
+    print ask_to_open_port(15441, "ZeroNet", retries=3)
     print "Done in", time.time()-s