import time import collections from util import helper from Plugin import PluginManager import ContentDbPlugin # We can only import plugin host clases after the plugins are loaded @PluginManager.afterLoad def importPluginnedClasses(): global config from Config import config def processAccessLog(): if access_log: content_db = ContentDbPlugin.content_db now = int(time.time()) num = 0 for site_id in access_log: content_db.execute( "UPDATE file_optional SET time_accessed = %s WHERE ?" % now, {"site_id": site_id, "inner_path": access_log[site_id].keys()} ) num += len(access_log[site_id]) access_log.clear() def processRequestLog(): if request_log: content_db = ContentDbPlugin.content_db cur = content_db.getCursor() num = 0 cur.execute("BEGIN") for site_id in request_log: for inner_path, uploaded in request_log[site_id].iteritems(): content_db.execute( "UPDATE file_optional SET uploaded = uploaded + %s WHERE ?" % uploaded, {"site_id": site_id, "inner_path": inner_path} ) num += 1 cur.execute("END") request_log.clear() if "access_log" not in locals().keys(): # To keep between module reloads access_log = collections.defaultdict(dict) # {site_id: {inner_path1: 1, inner_path2: 1...}} request_log = collections.defaultdict(lambda: collections.defaultdict(int)) # {site_id: {inner_path1: 1, inner_path2: 1...}} helper.timer(61, processAccessLog) helper.timer(60, processRequestLog) @PluginManager.registerTo("ContentManager") class ContentManagerPlugin(object): def optionalDownloaded(self, inner_path, hash_id, size=None, own=False): is_pinned = 0 if "|" in inner_path: # Big file piece file_inner_path, file_range = inner_path.split("|") # Auto-pin bigfiles if size and config.pin_bigfile and size > 1024 * 1024 * config.pin_bigfile: is_pinned = 1 else: file_inner_path = inner_path self.contents.db.executeDelayed( "UPDATE file_optional SET time_downloaded = :now, is_downloaded = 1, peer = peer + 1, is_pinned = :is_pinned WHERE site_id = :site_id AND inner_path = :inner_path AND is_downloaded = 0", {"now": int(time.time()), "site_id": self.contents.db.site_ids[], "inner_path": file_inner_path, "is_pinned": is_pinned} ) return super(ContentManagerPlugin, self).optionalDownloaded(inner_path, hash_id, size, own) def optionalRemoved(self, inner_path, hash_id, size=None): self.contents.db.execute( "UPDATE file_optional SET is_downloaded = 0, peer = peer - 1 WHERE site_id = :site_id AND inner_path = :inner_path AND is_downloaded = 1", {"site_id": self.contents.db.site_ids[], "inner_path": inner_path} ) print "Removed hash_id: %s" % hash_id, self.contents.db.cur.cursor.rowcount if self.contents.db.cur.cursor.rowcount > 0: back = super(ContentManagerPlugin, self).optionalRemoved(inner_path, hash_id, size) # Re-add to hashfield if we have other file with the same hash_id if self.isDownloaded(hash_id=hash_id, force_check_db=True): self.hashfield.appendHashId(hash_id) def isDownloaded(self, inner_path=None, hash_id=None, force_check_db=False): if hash_id and not force_check_db and hash_id not in self.hashfield: return False if inner_path: res = self.contents.db.execute( "SELECT is_downloaded FROM file_optional WHERE site_id = :site_id AND inner_path = :inner_path LIMIT 1", {"site_id": self.contents.db.site_ids[], "inner_path": inner_path} ) else: res = self.contents.db.execute( "SELECT is_downloaded FROM file_optional WHERE site_id = :site_id AND hash_id = :hash_id AND is_downloaded = 1 LIMIT 1", {"site_id": self.contents.db.site_ids[], "hash_id": hash_id} ) row = res.fetchone() if row and row[0]: return True else: return False @PluginManager.registerTo("WorkerManager") class WorkerManagerPlugin(object): def doneTask(self, task): super(WorkerManagerPlugin, self).doneTask(task) if task["optional_hash_id"] and not self.tasks: # Execute delayed queries immedietly after tasks finished ContentDbPlugin.content_db.processDelayed() @PluginManager.registerTo("UiRequest") class UiRequestPlugin(object): def parsePath(self, path): global access_log path_parts = super(UiRequestPlugin, self).parsePath(path) if path_parts: site_id = ContentDbPlugin.content_db.site_ids.get(path_parts["request_address"]) if site_id: if ContentDbPlugin.content_db.isOptionalFile(site_id, path_parts["inner_path"]): access_log[site_id][path_parts["inner_path"]] = 1 return path_parts @PluginManager.registerTo("FileRequest") class FileRequestPlugin(object): def actionGetFile(self, params): stats = super(FileRequestPlugin, self).actionGetFile(params) self.recordFileRequest(params["site"], params["inner_path"], stats) return stats def actionStreamFile(self, params): stats = super(FileRequestPlugin, self).actionStreamFile(params) self.recordFileRequest(params["site"], params["inner_path"], stats) return stats def recordFileRequest(self, site_address, inner_path, stats): if not stats: # Only track the last request of files return False site_id = ContentDbPlugin.content_db.site_ids[site_address] if site_id and ContentDbPlugin.content_db.isOptionalFile(site_id, inner_path): request_log[site_id][inner_path] += stats["bytes_sent"] @PluginManager.registerTo("Site") class SitePlugin(object): def isDownloadable(self, inner_path): is_downloadable = super(SitePlugin, self).isDownloadable(inner_path) if is_downloadable: return is_downloadable for path in self.settings.get("optional_help", {}).iterkeys(): if inner_path.startswith(path): return True return False @PluginManager.registerTo("ConfigPlugin") class ConfigPlugin(object): def createArguments(self): group = self.parser.add_argument_group("OptionalManager plugin") group.add_argument('--optional_limit', help='Limit total size of optional files', default="10%", metavar="GB or free space %") group.add_argument('--pin_bigfile', help='Automatically pin files larger than this limit', default=20, metavar="MB", type=int) return super(ConfigPlugin, self).createArguments()