class Sidebar extends Class constructor: -> @tag = null @container = null @opened = false @width = 410 @fixbutton = $(".fixbutton") @fixbutton_addx = 0 @fixbutton_initx = 0 @fixbutton_targetx = 0 @frame = $("#inner-iframe") @initFixbutton() @dragStarted = 0 @globe = null @original_set_site_info = wrapper.setSiteInfo # We going to override this, save the original # Start in opened state for debugging if false @startDrag() @moved() @fixbutton_targetx = @fixbutton_initx - @width @stopDrag() initFixbutton: -> # Detect dragging @fixbutton.on "mousedown", (e) => e.preventDefault() # Disable previous listeners "click" "mousemove" # Make sure its not a click @dragStarted = (+ new Date) "mousemove", (e) => @fixbutton_addx = @fixbutton.offset().left-e.pageX @startDrag() @fixbutton.parent().on "click", (e) => @stopDrag() @fixbutton_initx = @fixbutton.offset().left # Initial x position # Start dragging the fixbutton startDrag: -> @log "startDrag" @fixbutton_targetx = @fixbutton_initx # Fallback x position @fixbutton.addClass("dragging") # Fullscreen drag bg to capture mouse events over iframe $("
").appendTo(document.body) # IE position wrap fix if navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') != -1 or navigator.appVersion.indexOf('Trident/') > 0 @fixbutton.css("pointer-events", "none") # Don't go to homepage "click", (e) => @stopDrag() @fixbutton.removeClass("dragging") if Math.abs(@fixbutton.offset().left - @fixbutton_initx) > 5 # If moved more than some pixel the button then don't go to homepage e.preventDefault() # Animate drag @fixbutton.parents().on "mousemove", @animDrag @fixbutton.parents().on "mousemove" ,@waitMove # Stop dragging listener @fixbutton.parents().on "mouseup", (e) => e.preventDefault() @stopDrag() # Wait for moving the fixbutton waitMove: (e) => if Math.abs(@fixbutton.offset().left - @fixbutton_targetx) > 10 and (+ new Date)-@dragStarted > 100 @moved() @fixbutton.parents().off "mousemove" ,@waitMove moved: -> @log "Moved" @createHtmltag() $(document.body).css("perspective", "1000px").addClass("body-sidebar") $(window).off "resize" $(window).on "resize", => $(document.body).css "height", $(window).height() @scrollable() $(window).trigger "resize" # Override setsiteinfo to catch changes wrapper.setSiteInfo = (site_info) => @setSiteInfo(site_info) @original_set_site_info.apply(wrapper, arguments) setSiteInfo: (site_info) -> @updateHtmlTag() @displayGlobe() # Create the sidebar html tag createHtmltag: -> if not @container @container = $(""" """) @container.appendTo(document.body) @tag = @container.find(".sidebar") @updateHtmlTag() @scrollable = window.initScrollable() updateHtmlTag: -> "sidebarGetHtmlTag", {}, (res) => if @tag.find(".content").children().length == 0 # First update @log "Creating content" morphdom(@tag.find(".content")[0], '
') @scrollable() else # Not first update, patch the html to keep unchanged dom elements @log "Patching content" morphdom @tag.find(".content")[0], '
', { onBeforeMorphEl: (from_el, to_el) -> # Ignore globe loaded state if from_el.className == "globe" return false else return true } animDrag: (e) => mousex = e.pageX overdrag = @fixbutton_initx-@width-mousex if overdrag > 0 # Overdragged overdrag_percent = 1+overdrag/300 mousex = (e.pageX + (@fixbutton_initx-@width)*overdrag_percent)/(1+overdrag_percent) targetx = @fixbutton_initx-mousex-@fixbutton_addx @fixbutton.offset left: mousex+@fixbutton_addx if @tag @tag.css("transform", "translateX(#{0-targetx}px)") # Check if opened if (not @opened and targetx > @width/3) or (@opened and targetx > @width*0.9) @fixbutton_targetx = @fixbutton_initx - @width # Make it opened else @fixbutton_targetx = @fixbutton_initx # Stop dragging the fixbutton stopDrag: -> @fixbutton.parents().off "mousemove" "mousemove" @fixbutton.css("pointer-events", "") $(".drag-bg").remove() if not @fixbutton.hasClass("dragging") return @fixbutton.removeClass("dragging") # Move back to initial position if @fixbutton_targetx != @fixbutton.offset().left # Animate fixbutton @fixbutton.stop().animate {"left": @fixbutton_targetx}, 500, "easeOutBack", => # Switch back to auto align if @fixbutton_targetx == @fixbutton_initx # Closed @fixbutton.css("left", "auto") else # Opened @fixbutton.css("left", @fixbutton_targetx) $(".fixbutton-bg").trigger "mouseout" # Switch fixbutton back to normal status # Animate sidebar and iframe if @fixbutton_targetx == @fixbutton_initx # Closed targetx = 0 @opened = false else # Opened targetx = @width if not @opened @onOpened() @opened = true # Revent sidebar transitions @tag.css("transition", "0.4s ease-out") @tag.css("transform", "translateX(-#{targetx}px)").one transitionEnd, => @tag.css("transition", "") if not @opened @container.remove() @container = null @tag.remove() @tag = null # Revert body transformations @log "stopdrag", "opened:", @opened if not @opened @onClosed() onOpened: -> @log "Opened" @scrollable() # Re-calculate height when site admin opened or closed @tag.find("#checkbox-owned").off("click").on "click", => setTimeout (=> @scrollable() ), 300 # Site limit button @tag.find("#button-sitelimit").on "click", => "siteSetLimit", $("#input-sitelimit").val(), => wrapper.notifications.add "done-sitelimit", "done", "Site storage limit modified!", 5000 @updateHtmlTag() return false # Change identity button @tag.find("#button-identity").on "click", => "certSelect" return false # Owned checkbox @tag.find("#checkbox-owned").on "click", => "siteSetOwned", [@tag.find("#checkbox-owned").is(":checked")] # Save settings @tag.find("#button-settings").on "click", => "fileGet", "content.json", (res) => data = JSON.parse(res) data["title"] = $("#settings-title").val() data["description"] = $("#settings-description").val() json_raw = unescape(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(data, undefined, '\t'))) "fileWrite", ["content.json", btoa(json_raw)], (res) => if res != "ok" # fileWrite failed wrapper.notifications.add "file-write", "error", "File write error: #{res}" else wrapper.notifications.add "file-write", "done", "Site settings saved!", 5000 @updateHtmlTag() return false # Sign content.json @tag.find("#button-sign").on "click", => inner_path = @tag.find("#select-contents").val() if wrapper.site_info.privatekey # Privatekey stored in users.json "siteSign", ["stored", inner_path], (res) => wrapper.notifications.add "sign", "done", "#{inner_path} Signed!", 5000 else # Ask the user for privatekey wrapper.displayPrompt "Enter your private key:", "password", "Sign", (privatekey) => # Prompt the private key "siteSign", [privatekey, inner_path], (res) => if res == "ok" wrapper.notifications.add "sign", "done", "#{inner_path} Signed!", 5000 return false # Publish content.json @tag.find("#button-publish").on "click", => inner_path = @tag.find("#select-contents").val() @tag.find("#button-publish").addClass "loading" "sitePublish", {"inner_path": inner_path, "sign": false}, => @tag.find("#button-publish").removeClass "loading" @loadGlobe() onClosed: -> $(window).off "resize" $(document.body).css("transition", "0.6s ease-in-out").removeClass("body-sidebar").on transitionEnd, (e) => if == document.body $(document.body).css("height", "auto").css("perspective", "").css("transition", "").off transitionEnd @unloadGlobe() # We dont need site info anymore wrapper.setSiteInfo = @original_set_site_info loadGlobe: => if @tag.find(".globe").hasClass("loading") setTimeout (=> if typeof(DAT) == "undefined" # Globe script not loaded, do it first $.getScript("/uimedia/globe/all.js", @displayGlobe) else @displayGlobe() ), 600 displayGlobe: => "sidebarGetPeers", [], (globe_data) => if @globe @globe.scene.remove(@globe.points) @globe.addData( globe_data, {format: 'magnitude', name: "hello", animated: false} ) @globe.createPoints() else @globe = new DAT.Globe( @tag.find(".globe")[0], {"imgDir": "/uimedia/globe/"} ) @globe.addData( globe_data, {format: 'magnitude', name: "hello"} ) @globe.createPoints() @globe.animate() @tag.find(".globe").removeClass("loading") unloadGlobe: => if not @globe return false @globe.unload() @globe = null window.sidebar = new Sidebar() window.transitionEnd = 'transitionend webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd otransitionend'