import time import json import os import sys import re import socket from subprocess import call from bitcoinrpc.authproxy import AuthServiceProxy def publish(): print "* Signing and Publishing..." call(" ".join(command_sign_publish), shell=True) def processNameOp(domain, value, test=False): if not value.strip().startswith("{"): return False try: data = json.loads(value) except Exception, err: print "Json load error: %s" % err return False if "zeronet" not in data: print "No zeronet in ", data.keys() return False if not isinstance(data["zeronet"], dict): print "Not dict: ", data["zeronet"] return False if not re.match("^[a-z0-9]([a-z0-9-]{0,62}[a-z0-9])?$", domain): print "Invalid domain: ", domain return False if test: return True if "slave" in sys.argv: print "Waiting for master update arrive" time.sleep(30) # Wait 30 sec to allow master updater # Note: Requires the file data/names.json to exist and contain "{}" to work names_raw = open(names_path, "rb").read() names = json.loads(names_raw) for subdomain, address in data["zeronet"].items(): subdomain = subdomain.lower() address = re.sub("[^A-Za-z0-9]", "", address) print subdomain, domain, "->", address if subdomain: if re.match("^[a-z0-9]([a-z0-9-]{0,62}[a-z0-9])?$", subdomain): names["%s.%s.bit" % (subdomain, domain)] = address else: print "Invalid subdomain:", domain, subdomain else: names["%s.bit" % domain] = address new_names_raw = json.dumps(names, indent=2, sort_keys=True) if new_names_raw != names_raw: open(names_path, "wb").write(new_names_raw) print "-", domain, "Changed" return True else: print "-", domain, "Not changed" return False def processBlock(block_id, test=False): print "Processing block #%s..." % block_id s = time.time() block_hash = rpc.getblockhash(block_id) block = rpc.getblock(block_hash) print "Checking %s tx" % len(block["tx"]) updated = 0 for tx in block["tx"]: try: transaction = rpc.getrawtransaction(tx, 1) for vout in transaction.get("vout", []): if "scriptPubKey" in vout and "nameOp" in vout["scriptPubKey"] and "name" in vout["scriptPubKey"]["nameOp"]: name_op = vout["scriptPubKey"]["nameOp"] updated += processNameOp(name_op["name"].replace("d/", ""), name_op["value"], test) except Exception, err: print "Error processing tx #%s %s" % (tx, err) print "Done in %.3fs (updated %s)." % (time.time() - s, updated) return updated # Connecting to RPC def initRpc(config): """Initialize Namecoin RPC""" rpc_data = { 'connect': '', 'port': '8336', 'user': 'PLACEHOLDER', 'password': 'PLACEHOLDER', 'clienttimeout': '900' } try: fptr = open(config, 'r') lines = fptr.readlines() fptr.close() except: return None # Or take some other appropriate action for line in lines: if not line.startswith('rpc'): continue key_val = line.split(None, 1)[0] (key, val) = key_val.split('=', 1) if not key or not val: continue rpc_data[key[3:]] = val url = 'http://%(user)s:%(password)s@%(connect)s:%(port)s' % rpc_data return url, int(rpc_data['clienttimeout']) # Loading config... # Check whether platform is on windows or linux # On linux namecoin is installed under ~/.namecoin, while on on windows it is in %appdata%/Namecoin if sys.platform == "win32": namecoin_location = os.getenv('APPDATA') + "/Namecoin/" else: namecoin_location = os.path.expanduser("~/.namecoin/") config_path = namecoin_location + 'zeroname_config.json' if not os.path.isfile(config_path): # Create sample config open(config_path, "w").write( json.dumps({'site': 'site', 'zeronet_path': '/home/zeronet', 'privatekey': '', 'lastprocessed': 223910}, indent=2) ) print "* Example config written to %s" % config_path sys.exit(0) config = json.load(open(config_path)) names_path = "%s/data/%s/data/names.json" % (config["zeronet_path"], config["site"]) os.chdir(config["zeronet_path"]) # Change working dir - tells script where Zeronet install is. # Parameters to sign and publish command_sign_publish = [sys.executable, "", "siteSign", config["site"], config["privatekey"], "--publish"] if sys.platform == 'win32': command_sign_publish = ['"%s"' % param for param in command_sign_publish] # Initialize rpc connection rpc_auth, rpc_timeout = initRpc(namecoin_location + "namecoin.conf") rpc = AuthServiceProxy(rpc_auth, timeout=rpc_timeout) while 1: try: time.sleep(1) last_block = int(rpc.getinfo()["blocks"]) break # Connection succeeded except socket.timeout: # Timeout print ".", sys.stdout.flush() except Exception, err: print "Exception", err.__class__, err time.sleep(5) rpc = AuthServiceProxy(rpc_auth, timeout=rpc_timeout) if not config["lastprocessed"]: # First startup: Start processing from last block config["lastprocessed"] = last_block print "- Testing domain parsing..." assert processBlock(223911, test=True) # Testing zeronetwork.bit assert processBlock(227052, test=True) # Testing brainwallets.bit assert not processBlock(236824, test=True) # Utf8 domain name (invalid should skip) assert not processBlock(236752, test=True) # Uppercase domain (invalid should skip) assert processBlock(236870, test=True) # Encoded domain (should pass) # sys.exit(0) print "- Parsing skipped blocks..." should_publish = False for block_id in range(config["lastprocessed"], last_block + 1): if processBlock(block_id): should_publish = True config["lastprocessed"] = last_block if should_publish: publish() while 1: print "- Waiting for new block" sys.stdout.flush() while 1: try: time.sleep(1) rpc.waitforblock() print "Found" break # Block found except socket.timeout: # Timeout print ".", sys.stdout.flush() except Exception, err: print "Exception", err.__class__, err time.sleep(5) rpc = AuthServiceProxy(rpc_auth, timeout=rpc_timeout) last_block = int(rpc.getinfo()["blocks"]) should_publish = False for block_id in range(config["lastprocessed"] + 1, last_block + 1): if processBlock(block_id): should_publish = True config["lastprocessed"] = last_block open(config_path, "w").write(json.dumps(config, indent=2)) if should_publish: publish()