from Config import config from Db import Db import time class ChartDb(Db): def __init__(self): self.version = 2 super(ChartDb, self).__init__(self.getSchema(), "%s/chart.db" % config.data_dir) self.foreign_keys = True self.checkTables() self.sites = self.loadSites() self.types = self.loadTypes() def getSchema(self): schema = {} schema["db_name"] = "Chart" schema["tables"] = {} schema["tables"]["data"] = { "cols": [ ["data_id", "INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ASC AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL UNIQUE"], ["type_id", "INTEGER NOT NULL"], ["site_id", "INTEGER"], ["value", "INTEGER"], ["date_added", "DATETIME DEFAULT (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)"] ], "indexes": [ "CREATE INDEX site_id ON data (site_id)", "CREATE INDEX date_added ON data (date_added)" ], "schema_changed": 2 } schema["tables"]["type"] = { "cols": [ ["type_id", "INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL UNIQUE"], ["name", "TEXT"] ], "schema_changed": 1 } schema["tables"]["site"] = { "cols": [ ["site_id", "INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL UNIQUE"], ["address", "TEXT"] ], "schema_changed": 1 } return schema def getTypeId(self, name): if name not in self.types: self.execute("INSERT INTO type ?", {"name": name}) self.types[name] = self.cur.cursor.lastrowid return self.types[name] def getSiteId(self, address): if address not in self.sites: self.execute("INSERT INTO site ?", {"address": address}) self.sites[address] = self.cur.cursor.lastrowid return self.sites[address] def loadSites(self): sites = {} for row in self.execute("SELECT * FROM site"): sites[row["address"]] = row["site_id"] return sites def loadTypes(self): types = {} for row in self.execute("SELECT * FROM type"): types[row["name"]] = row["type_id"] return types def deleteSite(self, address): if address in self.sites: site_id = self.sites[address] del self.sites[address] self.execute("DELETE FROM site WHERE ?", {"site_id": site_id}) self.execute("DELETE FROM data WHERE ?", {"site_id": site_id}) def archive(self): week_back = 1 while 1: s = time.time() date_added_from = time.time() - 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * (week_back + 1) date_added_to = date_added_from + 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 res = self.execute(""" SELECT MAX(date_added) AS date_added, SUM(value) AS value, GROUP_CONCAT(data_id) AS data_ids, type_id, site_id, COUNT(*) AS num FROM data WHERE site_id IS NULL AND date_added > :date_added_from AND date_added < :date_added_to GROUP BY strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H', date_added, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'), type_id """, {"date_added_from": date_added_from, "date_added_to": date_added_to}) num_archived = 0 cur = self.getCursor() for row in res: if row["num"] == 1: continue cur.execute("INSERT INTO data ?", { "type_id": row["type_id"], "site_id": row["site_id"], "value": row["value"], "date_added": row["date_added"] }) cur.execute("DELETE FROM data WHERE data_id IN (%s)" % row["data_ids"]) num_archived += row["num"] self.log.debug("Archived %s data from %s weeks ago in %.3fs" % (num_archived, week_back, time.time() - s)) week_back += 1 time.sleep(0.1) if num_archived == 0: break # Only keep 6 month of global stats self.execute( "DELETE FROM data WHERE site_id IS NULL AND date_added < :date_added_limit", {"date_added_limit": time.time() - 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 * 6 } ) # Only keep 1 month of site stats self.execute( "DELETE FROM data WHERE site_id IS NOT NULL AND date_added < :date_added_limit", {"date_added_limit": time.time() - 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 } ) if week_back > 1: self.execute("VACUUM")