import time import collections import itertools import re import gevent from util import helper from Plugin import PluginManager from Config import config if "content_db" not in locals().keys(): # To keep between module reloads content_db = None @PluginManager.registerTo("ContentDb") class ContentDbPlugin(object): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): global content_db content_db = self self.filled = {} # Site addresses that already filled from content.json self.need_filling = False # file_optional table just created, fill data from content.json files self.time_peer_numbers_updated = 0 self.my_optional_files = {} # Last 50 site_address/inner_path called by fileWrite (auto-pinning these files) self.optional_files = collections.defaultdict(dict) self.optional_files_loading = False helper.timer(60 * 5, self.checkOptionalLimit) super(ContentDbPlugin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def getSchema(self): schema = super(ContentDbPlugin, self).getSchema() # Need file_optional table schema["tables"]["file_optional"] = { "cols": [ ["file_id", "INTEGER PRIMARY KEY UNIQUE NOT NULL"], ["site_id", "INTEGER REFERENCES site (site_id) ON DELETE CASCADE"], ["inner_path", "TEXT"], ["hash_id", "INTEGER"], ["size", "INTEGER"], ["peer", "INTEGER DEFAULT 0"], ["uploaded", "INTEGER DEFAULT 0"], ["is_downloaded", "INTEGER DEFAULT 0"], ["is_pinned", "INTEGER DEFAULT 0"], ["time_added", "INTEGER DEFAULT 0"], ["time_downloaded", "INTEGER DEFAULT 0"], ["time_accessed", "INTEGER DEFAULT 0"] ], "indexes": [ "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX file_optional_key ON file_optional (site_id, inner_path)", "CREATE INDEX is_downloaded ON file_optional (is_downloaded)" ], "schema_changed": 11 } return schema def initSite(self, site): super(ContentDbPlugin, self).initSite(site) if self.need_filling: self.fillTableFileOptional(site) if not self.optional_files_loading: gevent.spawn_later(1, self.loadFilesOptional) self.optional_files_loading = True def checkTables(self): changed_tables = super(ContentDbPlugin, self).checkTables() if "file_optional" in changed_tables: self.need_filling = True return changed_tables # Load optional files ending def loadFilesOptional(self): s = time.time() num = 0 total = 0 total_downloaded = 0 res = content_db.execute("SELECT site_id, inner_path, size, is_downloaded FROM file_optional") site_sizes = collections.defaultdict(lambda: collections.defaultdict(int)) for row in res: self.optional_files[row["site_id"]][row["inner_path"][-8:]] = 1 num += 1 # Update site size stats site_sizes[row["site_id"]]["size_optional"] += row["size"] if row["is_downloaded"]: site_sizes[row["site_id"]]["optional_downloaded"] += row["size"] # Site site size stats to sites.json settings site_ids_reverse = {val: key for key, val in self.site_ids.iteritems()} for site_id, stats in site_sizes.iteritems(): site_address = site_ids_reverse.get(site_id) if not site_address: self.log.error("Not found site_id: %s" % site_id) continue site = self.sites[site_address] site.settings["size_optional"] = stats["size_optional"] site.settings["optional_downloaded"] = stats["optional_downloaded"] total += stats["size_optional"] total_downloaded += stats["optional_downloaded"] self.log.debug( "Loaded %s optional files: %.2fMB, downloaded: %.2fMB in %.3fs" % (num, float(total) / 1024 / 1024, float(total_downloaded) / 1024 / 1024, time.time() - s) ) if self.need_filling and self.getOptionalLimitBytes() < total_downloaded: limit_bytes = self.getOptionalLimitBytes() limit_new = round((float(total_downloaded) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024) * 1.1, 2) # Current limit + 10% self.log.debug( "First startup after update and limit is smaller than downloaded files size (%.2fGB), increasing it from %.2fGB to %.2fGB" % (float(total_downloaded) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024, float(limit_bytes) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024, limit_new) ) config.saveValue("optional_limit", limit_new) config.optional_limit = str(limit_new) # Predicts if the file is optional def isOptionalFile(self, site_id, inner_path): return self.optional_files[site_id].get(inner_path[-8:]) # Fill file_optional table with optional files found in sites def fillTableFileOptional(self, site): s = time.time() site_id = self.site_ids.get(site.address) if not site_id: return False cur = self.getCursor() cur.execute("BEGIN") res = cur.execute("SELECT * FROM content WHERE size_files_optional > 0 AND site_id = %s" % site_id) num = 0 for row in res.fetchall(): content = site.content_manager.contents[row["inner_path"]] try: num += self.setContentFilesOptional(site, row["inner_path"], content, cur=cur) except Exception, err: self.log.error("Error loading %s into file_optional: %s" % (row["inner_path"], err)) cur.execute("COMMIT") cur.close() # Set my files to pinned from User import UserManager user = UserManager.user_manager.get() if not user: user = UserManager.user_manager.create() auth_address = user.getAuthAddress(site.address) self.execute( "UPDATE file_optional SET is_pinned = 1 WHERE site_id = :site_id AND inner_path LIKE :inner_path", {"site_id": site_id, "inner_path": "%%/%s/%%" % auth_address} ) self.log.debug( "Filled file_optional table for %s in %.3fs (loaded: %s, is_pinned: %s)" % (site.address, time.time() - s, num, self.cur.cursor.rowcount) ) self.filled[site.address] = True def setContentFilesOptional(self, site, content_inner_path, content, cur=None): if not cur: cur = self cur.execute("BEGIN") num = 0 site_id = self.site_ids[site.address] content_inner_dir = helper.getDirname(content_inner_path) for relative_inner_path, file in content.get("files_optional", {}).iteritems(): file_inner_path = content_inner_dir + relative_inner_path hash_id = int(file["sha512"][0:4], 16) if hash_id in site.content_manager.hashfield: is_downloaded = 1 else: is_downloaded = 0 if site.address + "/" + file_inner_path in self.my_optional_files: is_pinned = 1 else: is_pinned = 0 cur.insertOrUpdate("file_optional", { "hash_id": hash_id, "size": int(file["size"]), "is_pinned": is_pinned }, { "site_id": site_id, "inner_path": file_inner_path }, oninsert={ "time_added": int(time.time()), "time_downloaded": int(time.time()) if is_downloaded else 0, "is_downloaded": is_downloaded, "peer": is_downloaded }) self.optional_files[site_id][file_inner_path[-8:]] = 1 num += 1 if cur == self: cur.execute("END") return num def setContent(self, site, inner_path, content, size=0): super(ContentDbPlugin, self).setContent(site, inner_path, content, size=size) old_content = site.content_manager.contents.get(inner_path, {}) if (not self.need_filling or self.filled.get(site.address)) and "files_optional" in content or "files_optional" in old_content: self.setContentFilesOptional(site, inner_path, content) # Check deleted files if old_content: old_files = old_content.get("files_optional", {}).keys() new_files = content.get("files_optional", {}).keys() content_inner_dir = helper.getDirname(inner_path) deleted = [content_inner_dir + key for key in old_files if key not in new_files] if deleted: site_id = self.site_ids[site.address] self.execute("DELETE FROM file_optional WHERE ?", {"site_id": site_id, "inner_path": deleted}) def deleteContent(self, site, inner_path): content = site.content_manager.contents.get(inner_path) if content and "files_optional" in content: site_id = self.site_ids[site.address] content_inner_dir = helper.getDirname(inner_path) optional_inner_paths = [ content_inner_dir + relative_inner_path for relative_inner_path in content.get("files_optional", {}).keys() ] self.execute("DELETE FROM file_optional WHERE ?", {"site_id": site_id, "inner_path": optional_inner_paths}) super(ContentDbPlugin, self).deleteContent(site, inner_path) def updatePeerNumbers(self): s = time.time() num_file = 0 num_updated = 0 num_site = 0 for site in self.sites.values(): if not site.content_manager.has_optional_files: continue has_updated_hashfield = next(( peer for peer in site.peers.itervalues() if peer.has_hashfield and peer.hashfield.time_changed > self.time_peer_numbers_updated ), None) if not has_updated_hashfield and site.content_manager.hashfield.time_changed < self.time_peer_numbers_updated: continue hashfield_peers = itertools.chain.from_iterable( for peer in site.peers.itervalues() if peer.has_hashfield ) peer_nums = collections.Counter( itertools.chain( hashfield_peers, site.content_manager.hashfield ) ) site_id = self.site_ids[site.address] if not site_id: continue res = self.execute("SELECT file_id, hash_id, peer FROM file_optional WHERE ?", {"site_id": site_id}) updates = {} for row in res: peer_num = peer_nums.get(row["hash_id"], 0) if peer_num != row["peer"]: updates[row["file_id"]] = peer_num self.execute("BEGIN") for file_id, peer_num in updates.iteritems(): self.execute("UPDATE file_optional SET peer = ? WHERE file_id = ?", (peer_num, file_id)) self.execute("END") num_updated += len(updates) num_file += len(peer_nums) num_site += 1 self.time_peer_numbers_updated = time.time() self.log.debug("%s/%s peer number for %s site updated in %.3fs" % (num_updated, num_file, num_site, time.time() - s)) def queryDeletableFiles(self): # First return the files with atleast 10 seeder and not accessed in last weed query = """ SELECT * FROM file_optional WHERE peer > 10 AND is_downloaded = 1 AND is_pinned = 0 ORDER BY time_accessed < %s DESC, uploaded / size """ % int(time.time() - 60 * 60 * 7) limit_start = 0 while 1: num = 0 res = self.execute("%s LIMIT %s, 50" % (query, limit_start)) for row in res: yield row num += 1 if num < 50: break limit_start += 50 self.log.debug("queryDeletableFiles returning less-seeded files") # Then return files less seeder but still not accessed in last week query = """ SELECT * FROM file_optional WHERE is_downloaded = 1 AND peer <= 10 AND is_pinned = 0 ORDER BY peer DESC, time_accessed < %s DESC, uploaded / size """ % int(time.time() - 60 * 60 * 7) limit_start = 0 while 1: num = 0 res = self.execute("%s LIMIT %s, 50" % (query, limit_start)) for row in res: yield row num += 1 if num < 50: break limit_start += 50 self.log.debug("queryDeletableFiles returning everyting") # At the end return all files query = """ SELECT * FROM file_optional WHERE is_downloaded = 1 AND peer <= 10 AND is_pinned = 0 ORDER BY peer DESC, time_accessed, uploaded / size """ limit_start = 0 while 1: num = 0 res = self.execute("%s LIMIT %s, 50" % (query, limit_start)) for row in res: yield row num += 1 if num < 50: break limit_start += 50 def getOptionalLimitBytes(self): if config.optional_limit.endswith("%"): limit_percent = float(re.sub("[^0-9.]", "", config.optional_limit)) limit_bytes = helper.getFreeSpace() * (limit_percent / 100) else: limit_bytes = float(re.sub("[^0-9.]", "", config.optional_limit)) * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 return limit_bytes def checkOptionalLimit(self, limit=None): if not limit: limit = self.getOptionalLimitBytes() size = self.execute("SELECT SUM(size) FROM file_optional WHERE is_downloaded = 1 AND is_pinned = 0").fetchone()[0] if not size: size = 0 need_delete = size - limit self.log.debug("Optional size: %.1fMB/%.1fMB" % (float(size) / 1024 / 1024, float(limit) / 1024 / 1024)) if need_delete <= 0: return False self.updatePeerNumbers() site_ids_reverse = {val: key for key, val in self.site_ids.iteritems()} deleted_file_ids = [] for row in self.queryDeletableFiles(): site_address = site_ids_reverse.get(row["site_id"]) site = self.sites.get(site_address) if not site: self.log.error("No site found for id: %s" % row["site_id"]) continue site.log.debug("Deleting %s %.3f MB left" % (row["inner_path"], float(need_delete) / 1024 / 1024)) deleted_file_ids.append(row["file_id"]) try: site.content_manager.optionalRemove(row["inner_path"], row["hash_id"], row["size"])["inner_path"]) need_delete -= row["size"] except Exception, err: site.log.error("Error deleting %s: %s" % (row["inner_path"], err)) if need_delete <= 0: break cur = self.getCursor() cur.execute("BEGIN") for file_id in deleted_file_ids: cur.execute("UPDATE file_optional SET is_downloaded = 0, is_pinned = 0, peer = peer - 1 WHERE ?", {"file_id": file_id}) cur.execute("COMMIT") cur.close()