# ZeroName Zeroname plugin to connect Namecoin and register all the .bit domain name. ## Start You can create your own Zeroname. ### Namecoin node You need to run a namecoin node. [Namecoin](https://namecoin.org/download/) You will need to start it as a RPC server. Example of `~/.namecoin/namecoin.conf` minimal setup: ``` daemon=1 rpcuser=your-name rpcpassword=your-password rpcport=8336 server=1 txindex=1 ``` Don't forget to change the `rpcuser` value and `rpcpassword` value! You can start your node : `./namecoind` ### Create a Zeroname site You will also need to create a site `python zeronet.py createSite` and regitser the info. In the site you will need to create a file `./data//data/names.json` with this is it: ``` {} ``` ### `zeroname_config.json` file In `~/.namecoin/zeroname_config.json` ``` { "lastprocessed": 223910, "zeronet_path": "/root/ZeroNet", # Update with your path "privatekey": "", # Update with your private key of your site "site": "" # Update with the address of your site } ``` ### Run updater You can now run the script : `updater/zeroname_updater.py` and wait until it is fully sync (it might take a while).