.gitlab-ci.yml 1.5 KB

  1. stages:
  2. - test
  3. .test_template: &test_template
  4. stage: test
  5. before_script:
  6. - pip install --upgrade pip wheel
  7. # Selenium and requests can't be installed without a requests hint on Python 3.4
  8. - pip install --upgrade requests>=2.22.0
  9. - pip install --upgrade codecov coveralls flake8 mock pytest==4.6.3 pytest-cov selenium
  10. - pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt
  11. script:
  12. - pip list
  13. - openssl version -a
  14. - python -m pytest -x plugins/CryptMessage/Test --color=yes
  15. - python -m pytest -x plugins/Bigfile/Test --color=yes
  16. - python -m pytest -x plugins/AnnounceLocal/Test --color=yes
  17. - python -m pytest -x plugins/OptionalManager/Test --color=yes
  18. - python -m pytest src/Test --cov=src --cov-config src/Test/coverage.ini --color=yes
  19. - mv plugins/disabled-Multiuser plugins/Multiuser
  20. - python -m pytest -x plugins/Multiuser/Test --color=yes
  21. - mv plugins/disabled-Bootstrapper plugins/Bootstrapper
  22. - python -m pytest -x plugins/Bootstrapper/Test --color=yes
  23. - flake8 . --count --select=E9,F63,F72,F82 --show-source --statistics --exclude=src/lib/pybitcointools/
  24. test:py3.4:
  25. image: python:3.4.3
  26. <<: *test_template
  27. test:py3.5:
  28. image: python:3.5.7
  29. <<: *test_template
  30. test:py3.6:
  31. image: python:3.6.9
  32. <<: *test_template
  33. test:py3.7-openssl1.1.0:
  34. image: python:3.7.0b5
  35. <<: *test_template
  36. test:py3.7-openssl1.1.1:
  37. image: python:3.7.4
  38. <<: *test_template
  39. test:py3.8:
  40. image: python:3.8.0b3
  41. <<: *test_template