manual_install.txt 1.2 KB

  1. Minimum version requred:
  2. Manual install method for Windows:
  3. - The download/unpack process is automatized on Windows, but if it's fails for any reasons follow the next steps.
  4. - Download Expert Bundle from https://www.torproject.org/download/download.html (tor-win32-*.zip)
  5. - Copy everything from the archive's `Tor` directory `tools\tor` and the files from `Data\Tor` to `tools\tor\data` (you need to create it)
  6. - You should get directory structure similar to this:
  7. tools\tor:
  8. │ libeay32.dll
  9. │ libevent-2-0-5.dll
  10. │ libevent_core-2-0-5.dll
  11. │ libevent_extra-2-0-5.dll
  12. │ libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll
  13. │ libssp-0.dll
  14. │ manual_install.txt
  15. │ ssleay32.dll
  16. │ start.cmd
  17. │ tor.exe
  18. │ torrc
  19. │ zlib1.dll
  20. tools\tor\data:
  21. │ geoip
  22. │ geoip6
  23. - Start ZeroNet, it will run and use the tools\tor\tor.exe file
  24. For other OS:
  25. - Follow install instructions at: https://www.torproject.org/docs/installguide.html.en
  26. - Edit torrc configuration file
  27. - Remove the `#` character from line `# ControlPort 9051`
  28. - Restart tor service
  29. - Start ZeroNet
  30. For more info check: http://zeronet.readthedocs.org/en/latest/faq/