.travis.yml 504 B

  1. # Not that we depend on this, but otherwise it seems that the default
  2. # language is Ruby!
  3. language: c
  4. notifications:
  5. email: false
  6. addons:
  7. apt:
  8. packages:
  9. - build-essential
  10. - nasm
  11. - qemu-system-x86
  12. - python3
  13. - gcc-multilib
  14. before_script:
  15. - cd http && python3 -m http.server 8080 &
  16. script:
  17. - make
  18. - qemu-system-i386 -hda build/boot_asmg.x86 -serial stdio -device isa-debug-exit -display none -m 256M | ./test/decode_tests.py
  19. - ls -l build/asmg.x86.exe build/asmg_dbg.x86.exe