/* vim: set expandtab ts=4 sw=4: */ /* * You may redistribute this program and/or modify it under the terms of * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, * either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "interface/DNSServer.h" #include "benc/String.h" #include "exception/Jmp.h" #include "crypto/AddressCalc.h" #include "util/Base32.h" #include "util/Identity.h" #include "wire/Message.h" #include "wire/Error.h" enum ResponseCode { ResponseCode_NO_ERROR = 0, ResponseCode_FORMAT_ERROR = 1, ResponseCode_SERVER_ERROR = 2, ResponseCode_NXDOMAIN = 3, ResponseCode_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 4, ResponseCode_REFUSED = 5, ResponseCode_XYDOMAIN = 6, ResponseCode_YXRRSET = 7, ResponseCode_NXRRSET = 8, ResponseCode_NOT_AUTH_FOR_ZONE = 9, }; enum Type { Type_TXT = 16, Type_AAAA = 28 }; enum Class { Class_IN = 1 }; struct DNSServer_RR { String** name; uint16_t type; uint16_t class; uint32_t ttl; String* data; }; struct DNSServer_Question { String** name; uint16_t class; uint16_t type; }; struct DNSServer_Flags { int responseCode; bool cd; bool authenticated; bool z; bool recursionAvailable; bool recursionDesired; bool truncated; bool authoritative; int opCode; bool isResponse; }; struct DNSServer_Message { uint16_t id; struct DNSServer_Flags flags; struct DNSServer_Question** questions; struct DNSServer_RR** answers; struct DNSServer_RR** authorities; struct DNSServer_RR** additionals; }; struct DNSServer_pvt { struct DNSServer pub; struct Interface* iface; struct Log* logger; struct RainflyClient* rainfly; struct Sockaddr* addr; /* Plain old DNS servers for resolving non-cjdns addresses. */ int serverCount; struct Sockaddr** servers; struct Allocator* alloc; Identity }; static void parseFlags(uint16_t flags, struct DNSServer_Flags* out) { #define POP(count) flags & ((1<<(count))-1); flags >>= (count) out->responseCode = POP(4); out->cd = POP(1); out->authenticated = POP(1); out->z = POP(1); out->recursionAvailable = POP(1); out->recursionDesired = POP(1); out->truncated = POP(1); out->authoritative = POP(1); out->opCode = POP(4); out->isResponse = POP(1); Assert_true(flags == 0); #undef POP } static uint16_t flagsAsInt(struct DNSServer_Flags* flags) { uint16_t out = 0; #define PUSH(count, data) out <<= (count); out |= ((data) & ((1<<(count))-1)) PUSH(1, flags->isResponse); PUSH(4, flags->opCode); PUSH(1, flags->authoritative); PUSH(1, flags->truncated); PUSH(1, flags->recursionDesired); PUSH(1, flags->recursionAvailable); PUSH(1, flags->z); PUSH(1, flags->authenticated); PUSH(1, flags->cd); PUSH(4, flags->responseCode); return out; #undef PUSH } static String** parseName(struct Message* msg, struct Allocator* alloc, struct Except* eh) { String** array = Allocator_calloc(alloc, sizeof(uintptr_t), 1); uint8_t len = Message_pop8(msg, eh); int count = 0; while (len) { count++; array = Allocator_realloc(alloc, array, sizeof(uintptr_t) * count + 1); array[count] = NULL; String* str = array[count-1] = String_newBinary(NULL, len, alloc); Message_pop(msg, str->bytes, len, eh); len = Message_pop8(msg, eh); } return array; } static void serializeName(struct Message* msg, String** name, struct Except* eh) { Message_push8(msg, 0, eh); int i; for (i = 0; name[i]; i++) ; i--; for (;i >= 0; i--) { Message_push(msg, name[i]->bytes, name[i]->len, eh); Message_push8(msg, name[i]->len, eh); } } static struct DNSServer_Question* parseQuestion(struct Message* msg, struct Allocator* alloc, struct Except* eh) { struct DNSServer_Question* q = Allocator_malloc(alloc, sizeof(struct DNSServer_Question)); q->name = parseName(msg, alloc, eh); q->type = Message_pop16(msg, eh); q->class = Message_pop16(msg, eh); return q; } static void serializeQuestion(struct Message* msg, struct DNSServer_Question* q, struct Except* eh) { Message_push16(msg, q->class, eh); Message_push16(msg, q->type, eh); serializeName(msg, q->name, eh); } static struct DNSServer_RR* parseRR(struct Message* msg, struct Allocator* alloc, struct Except* eh) { struct DNSServer_RR* rr = Allocator_malloc(alloc, sizeof(struct DNSServer_RR)); rr->name = parseName(msg, alloc, eh); rr->type = Message_pop16(msg, eh); rr->class = Message_pop16(msg, eh); rr->ttl = Message_pop32(msg, eh); uint16_t dataLen = Message_pop16(msg, eh); rr->data = String_newBinary(NULL, dataLen, alloc); Message_pop(msg, rr->data->bytes, dataLen, eh); return rr; } static void serializeRR(struct Message* msg, struct DNSServer_RR* rr, struct Except* eh) { Message_push(msg, rr->data->bytes, rr->data->len, eh); Message_push16(msg, rr->data->len, eh); Message_push32(msg, rr->ttl, eh); Message_push16(msg, rr->class, eh); Message_push16(msg, rr->type, eh); serializeName(msg, rr->name, eh); } static struct DNSServer_Message* parseMessage(struct Message* msg, struct Allocator* alloc, struct Except* eh) { struct DNSServer_Message* dmesg = Allocator_calloc(alloc, sizeof(struct DNSServer_Message), 1); dmesg->id = Message_pop16(msg, eh); uint16_t flags = Message_pop16(msg, eh); parseFlags(flags, &dmesg->flags); int totalQuestions = Message_pop16(msg, eh); int totalAnswerRRs = Message_pop16(msg, eh); int totalAuthorityRRs = Message_pop16(msg, eh); int totalAdditionalRRs = Message_pop16(msg, eh); dmesg->questions = Allocator_calloc(alloc, sizeof(uintptr_t), totalQuestions+1); dmesg->answers = Allocator_calloc(alloc, sizeof(uintptr_t), totalAnswerRRs+1); dmesg->authorities = Allocator_calloc(alloc, sizeof(uintptr_t), totalAuthorityRRs+1); dmesg->additionals = Allocator_calloc(alloc, sizeof(uintptr_t), totalAdditionalRRs+1); for (int i = 0; i < totalQuestions; i++) { dmesg->questions[i] = parseQuestion(msg, alloc, eh); } for (int i = 0; i < totalAnswerRRs; i++) { dmesg->answers[i] = parseRR(msg, alloc, eh); } for (int i = 0; i < totalAuthorityRRs; i++) { dmesg->authorities[i] = parseRR(msg, alloc, eh); } for (int i = 0; i < totalAdditionalRRs; i++) { dmesg->additionals[i] = parseRR(msg, alloc, eh); } return dmesg; } static void serializeMessage(struct Message* msg, struct DNSServer_Message* dmesg, struct Except* eh) { int totalAdditionalRRs = 0; int totalAuthorityRRs = 0; int totalAnswerRRs = 0; int totalQuestions = 0; for (int i = 0; dmesg->additionals && dmesg->additionals[i]; i++) { serializeRR(msg, dmesg->additionals[i], eh); totalAdditionalRRs++; } for (int i = 0; dmesg->authorities && dmesg->authorities[i]; i++) { serializeRR(msg, dmesg->authorities[i], eh); totalAuthorityRRs++; } for (int i = 0; dmesg->answers && dmesg->answers[i]; i++) { serializeRR(msg, dmesg->answers[i], eh); totalAnswerRRs++; } for (int i = 0; dmesg->questions && dmesg->questions[i]; i++) { serializeQuestion(msg, dmesg->questions[i], eh); totalQuestions++; } Message_push16(msg, totalAdditionalRRs, eh); Message_push16(msg, totalAuthorityRRs, eh); Message_push16(msg, totalAnswerRRs, eh); Message_push16(msg, totalQuestions, eh); Message_push16(msg, flagsAsInt(&dmesg->flags), eh); Message_push16(msg, dmesg->id, eh); } static int cannonicalizeDomain(String* str) { #define XX(x,y) [((uint8_t)x)]=y, static const char numForAscii[256] = { XX('a','a') XX('b','b') XX('c','c') XX('d','d') XX('e','e') XX('f','f') XX('g','g') XX('h','h') XX('i','i') XX('j','j') XX('k','k') XX('l','l') XX('m','m') XX('n','n') XX('o','o') XX('p','p') XX('q','q') XX('r','r') XX('s','s') XX('t','t') XX('u','u') XX('v','v') XX('w','w') XX('x','x') XX('y','y') XX('z','z') XX('A','a') XX('B','b') XX('C','c') XX('D','d') XX('E','e') XX('F','f') XX('G','g') XX('H','h') XX('I','i') XX('J','j') XX('K','k') XX('L','l') XX('M','m') XX('N','n') XX('O','o') XX('P','p') XX('Q','q') XX('R','r') XX('S','s') XX('T','t') XX('U','u') XX('V','v') XX('W','w') XX('X','x') XX('Y','y') XX('Z','z') XX('0','0') XX('1','1') XX('2','2') XX('3','3') XX('4','4') XX('5','5') XX('6','6') XX('7','7') XX('8','8') XX('9','9') XX('-','-') }; #undef XX for (int i = 0; i < (int)str->len; i++) { if (!(str->bytes[i] = numForAscii[(uint8_t)str->bytes[i]])) { return -1; } } return 0; } static uint8_t sendResponse(struct Message* msg, struct DNSServer_Message* dmesg, struct Sockaddr* sourceAddr, struct DNSServer_pvt* ctx, struct Except* eh) { dmesg->flags.isResponse = 1; serializeMessage(msg, dmesg, eh); Message_push(msg, sourceAddr, ctx->addr->addrLen, eh); // lazy man's alignment if ((uintptr_t)(msg->bytes) % 8) { int len = (((uintptr_t)(msg->bytes)) % 8); Message_shift(msg, len, eh); Bits_memmove(msg->bytes, &msg->bytes[len], msg->length - len); msg->length -= len; } return Interface_sendMessage(ctx->iface, msg); } /** @return non-zero on failure. */ static int trySendResponse(struct Message* msg, struct DNSServer_Message* dmesg, struct Sockaddr* sourceAddr, struct DNSServer_pvt* ctx) { struct Jmp j = { .message = NULL }; Jmp_try(j) { sendResponse(msg, dmesg, sourceAddr, ctx, &j.handler); return 0; } Jmp_catch { return -1; } } static uint8_t handleDotK(struct Message* msg, struct DNSServer_Message* dmesg, struct DNSServer_Question* q, struct Sockaddr* sourceAddr, struct DNSServer_pvt* ctx) { // .k address lookup String* domain = q->name[0]; uint8_t publicKey[32]; uint8_t ipv6[16]; if (Base32_decode(publicKey, 32, domain->bytes, domain->len) != 32) { Log_debug(ctx->logger, "Unparsable .k address [%s]", domain->bytes); } else if (!AddressCalc_addressForPublicKey(ipv6, publicKey)) { Log_debug(ctx->logger, "Invalid (not fc prefix) .k address [%s]", q->name[0]->bytes); } else if (q->type != Type_AAAA || q->class != Class_IN) { Bits_memset(&dmesg->flags, 0, sizeof(struct DNSServer_Flags)); dmesg->flags.responseCode = ResponseCode_NO_ERROR; dmesg->answers = NULL; dmesg->authorities = NULL; dmesg->additionals = NULL; sendResponse(msg, dmesg, sourceAddr, ctx, NULL); return Error_NONE; } else { struct DNSServer_RR rr = { .name = q->name, .type = Type_AAAA, .class = Class_IN, .ttl = ~0, .data = &(String) { .bytes = ipv6, .len = 16 } }; struct DNSServer_RR* answers[2] = { &rr, NULL }; dmesg->answers = answers; dmesg->authorities = NULL; dmesg->additionals = NULL; Bits_memset(&dmesg->flags, 0, sizeof(struct DNSServer_Flags)); dmesg->flags.responseCode = ResponseCode_NO_ERROR; sendResponse(msg, dmesg, sourceAddr, ctx, NULL); return Error_NONE; } Bits_memset(&dmesg->flags, 0, sizeof(struct DNSServer_Flags)); dmesg->flags.responseCode = ResponseCode_NXDOMAIN; dmesg->answers = NULL; dmesg->authorities = NULL; dmesg->additionals = NULL; sendResponse(msg, dmesg, sourceAddr, ctx, NULL); return Error_NONE; } struct DNSServer_RainflyRequest { struct RainflyClient_Lookup* lookup; struct Sockaddr* addr; struct Message* msg; struct DNSServer_Message* dmesg; struct DNSServer_pvt* ctx; Identity }; static void onRainflyReply(struct RainflyClient_Lookup* promise, Dict* value, enum RainflyClient_ResponseCode code) { struct DNSServer_RainflyRequest* lookup = Identity_cast((struct DNSServer_RainflyRequest*)promise->userData); struct DNSServer_pvt* ctx = Identity_cast((struct DNSServer_pvt*)lookup->ctx); struct DNSServer_Message* dmesg = lookup->dmesg; struct DNSServer_Question* q = dmesg->questions[0]; String* cjdns = Dict_getString(value, String_CONST("cjdns")); uint8_t publicKey[32]; uint8_t ipv6[16]; if (code) { // got error code } else if (!cjdns || cjdns->len < 3) { // no error, no answer } else if (Base32_decode(publicKey, 32, cjdns->bytes, cjdns->len-2) != 32) { Log_debug(ctx->logger, "Unparsable .k address [%s]", cjdns->bytes); } else if (!AddressCalc_addressForPublicKey(ipv6, publicKey)) { Log_debug(ctx->logger, "Invalid (not fc prefix) .k address [%s]", cjdns->bytes); } else { struct DNSServer_RR rr = { .name = q->name, .type = Type_AAAA, .class = Class_IN, .ttl = 153600, .data = &(String) { .bytes = ipv6, .len = 16 } }; struct DNSServer_RR* answers[2] = { &rr, NULL }; dmesg->answers = answers; dmesg->authorities = NULL; dmesg->additionals = NULL; Bits_memset(&dmesg->flags, 0, sizeof(struct DNSServer_Flags)); dmesg->flags.responseCode = ResponseCode_NO_ERROR; if (!trySendResponse(lookup->msg, dmesg, lookup->addr, ctx)) { return; } else { code = RainflyClient_ResponseCode_SERVER_ERROR; } } Bits_memset(&dmesg->flags, 0, sizeof(struct DNSServer_Flags)); dmesg->flags.responseCode = code; dmesg->answers = NULL; dmesg->authorities = NULL; dmesg->additionals = NULL; sendResponse(lookup->msg, dmesg, lookup->addr, ctx, NULL); return; } static uint8_t handleDotH(struct Message* msg, struct DNSServer_Message* dmesg, struct DNSServer_Question* q, String* domain, struct Sockaddr* sourceAddr, struct DNSServer_pvt* ctx) { // .h address lookup if (q->type != Type_AAAA || q->class != Class_IN) { Bits_memset(&dmesg->flags, 0, sizeof(struct DNSServer_Flags)); dmesg->flags.responseCode = ResponseCode_NO_ERROR; dmesg->answers = NULL; dmesg->authorities = NULL; dmesg->additionals = NULL; sendResponse(msg, dmesg, sourceAddr, ctx, NULL); return Error_NONE; } if (cannonicalizeDomain(domain)) { // invalid domain Bits_memset(&dmesg->flags, 0, sizeof(struct DNSServer_Flags)); dmesg->flags.responseCode = ResponseCode_NXDOMAIN; dmesg->answers = NULL; dmesg->authorities = NULL; dmesg->additionals = NULL; sendResponse(msg, dmesg, sourceAddr, ctx, NULL); return Error_NONE; } struct RainflyClient_Lookup* lookup = RainflyClient_lookup(ctx->rainfly, domain); Allocator_adopt(lookup->alloc, msg->alloc); struct DNSServer_RainflyRequest* req = Allocator_calloc(lookup->alloc, sizeof(struct DNSServer_RainflyRequest), 1); req->lookup = lookup; req->addr = sourceAddr; req->msg = msg; req->dmesg = dmesg; req->ctx = ctx; Identity_set(req); lookup->onReply = onRainflyReply; lookup->userData = req; return Error_NONE; } static void legacyResponse(struct Message* msg, struct DNSServer_Message* dmesg, struct DNSServer_Question* q, String* domain, struct Sockaddr* sourceAddr, struct DNSServer_pvt* ctx) { } static void receiveB(struct Message* msg, struct DNSServer_pvt* ctx, struct Except* eh) { struct Sockaddr* sourceAddr = Allocator_malloc(msg->alloc, ctx->addr->addrLen); Message_pop(msg, sourceAddr, ctx->addr->addrLen, eh); struct DNSServer_Message* dmesg = parseMessage(msg, msg->alloc, eh); if (msg->length > 0) { Log_debug(ctx->logger, "[%d] bytes of crap following DNS request", msg->length); Message_shift(msg, -(msg->length), NULL); } if (!dmesg->questions || !dmesg->questions[0]) { Log_debug(ctx->logger, "Got DNS query with no questions"); return; } struct DNSServer_Question* q = dmesg->questions[0]; if (!q->name[0] || !q->name[1]) { Log_debug(ctx->logger, "Missing domain"); return; } String* tld = NULL; String* domain = NULL; for (int i = 0; q->name[i]; i++) { if (cannonicalizeDomain(q->name[i])) { Log_debug(ctx->logger, "Invalid chars in domain"); return; } tld = q->name[i]; if (i > 0) { domain = q->name[i-1]; } } if (String_equals(tld, String_CONST("h"))) { handleDotH(msg, dmesg, q, domain, sourceAddr, ctx); return; } else if (String_equals(tld, String_CONST("k"))) { if (q->name[2]) { Log_debug(ctx->logger, ".k domain with subdomain"); return; } handleDotK(msg, dmesg, q, sourceAddr, ctx); return; } else if (dmesg->answers) { // response from a legacy server legacyResponse(msg, dmesg, q, domain, sourceAddr, ctx); return; // } else if (ctx->serverCount > 0) { // // return; } else { // not authoritative for zone Bits_memset(&dmesg->flags, 0, sizeof(struct DNSServer_Flags)); dmesg->flags.responseCode = ResponseCode_NOT_AUTH_FOR_ZONE; dmesg->answers = NULL; dmesg->authorities = NULL; dmesg->additionals = NULL; sendResponse(msg, dmesg, sourceAddr, ctx, NULL); } return; } static uint8_t receiveMessage(struct Message* msg, struct Interface* iface) { struct DNSServer_pvt* const ctx = Identity_cast((struct DNSServer_pvt*)iface->receiverContext); struct Jmp jmp = { .message = NULL }; Jmp_try(jmp) { receiveB(msg, ctx, &jmp.handler); } Jmp_catch { Log_debug(ctx->logger, "Failed to parse dns message [%s]", jmp.message); } return Error_NONE; } /////////// int DNSServer_addServer(struct DNSServer* dns, struct Sockaddr* addr) { struct DNSServer_pvt* ctx = Identity_cast((struct DNSServer_pvt*)dns); if (addr->addrLen != ctx->addr->addrLen || Sockaddr_getFamily(addr) != Sockaddr_getFamily(ctx->addr)) { return DNSServer_addServer_WRONG_ADDRESS_TYPE; } ctx->serverCount++; ctx->servers = Allocator_realloc(ctx->alloc, ctx->servers, ctx->serverCount * sizeof(uintptr_t)); ctx->servers[ctx->serverCount-1] = Sockaddr_clone(addr, ctx->alloc); return 0; } struct DNSServer* DNSServer_new(struct AddrInterface* iface, struct Log* logger, struct RainflyClient* rainfly) { struct DNSServer_pvt* context = Allocator_clone(iface->generic.allocator, (&(struct DNSServer_pvt) { .iface = &iface->generic, .logger = logger, .rainfly = rainfly, .addr = iface->addr, .alloc = iface->generic.allocator })); Identity_set(context); iface->generic.receiveMessage = receiveMessage; iface->generic.receiverContext = context; return &context->pub; }