cjdnslog(1) -- display cjdroute log messages ============================================= ## SYNOPSIS `/usr/bin/cjdnslog` [...] ## DESCRIPTION Cjdroute has numerous log points. Cjdnslog enables and taps selected log points and sends the resulting log messages to stdout. ## OPTIONS With no options, cjdnslog logs everything. * `--help` Print usage summary. * `-f source_file.c` Restrict output to log messages generated in source_file.c. * `-v log_level` Restrict output to messages at log_level or higher. Log levels include DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR. * `-l lineno` Restrict output to message generated on source line lineno. Normally used in conjunction with `-f`. ## USAGE Running cjdnslog requires admin privilege. The cjdnsadmin lib will try to read `/etc/cjdroute.conf` for the admin password. This will normally succeed only for root. Otherwise, it tries `~/.cjdnsadmin` ## FILES `~/.cjdnsadmin` ## SEE ALSO cjdroute(1)