responses[$txid])) { $data = fread($this->socket, $this->buffersize); if($data != "") { try { $decoded = Bencode::decode($data, 'TYPE_ARRAY'); } catch(Exception $e) { die("Failed to decode: $data\n"); } } $this->responses[$decoded['txid']] = @$decoded; } $response = $this->responses[$txid]; unset($this->response[$txid]); return $response; } public function send_raw($message) { $txid = $this->randStr(); if (!isset($message['txid'])) $message['txid'] = $txid; else $txid = $message['txid']; fwrite($this->socket, Bencode::encode($message)); return $txid; } private function getCookie() { $data = $this->receive($this->send_raw(array("q" => "cookie"))); return $data['cookie']; } public function call($function, $args) { $cookie = $this->getCookie(); $txid = $this->randStr(); if ($this->password != NULL) { $request = array("q" => "auth", "aq" => $function, "hash" => hash("sha256", $this->password.$cookie), "cookie" => $cookie, "args" => $args, "txid" => $txid ); } else { $request = array("q" => $function, "args" => $args, "txid" => $txid ); } $requestBencoded = Bencode::encode($request); $request['hash'] = hash("sha256", $requestBencoded); $this->send_raw($request); return $this->receive($txid); } function __construct($password=NULL, $host="", $port=10010) { $this->socket = stream_socket_client("udp://".$host.":".$port, $errorno, $errorstr); if (!$this->socket) die("Failed to connect, Error #$errorno: $errorstr\n"); fwrite($this->socket, Bencode::encode(array("q"=>"ping"))); // Try to ping it $returndata = fread($this->socket, $this->buffersize); if (empty($returndata)) die("Error: cjdroute does not working\n"); if (!endsWith($returndata, "1:q4:ponge")) die("Can't ping: $returndata\n"); $this->password = $password; $page = 0; while (true) { $request = array("q" => "Admin_availableFunctions", "args" => array("page" => $page)); fwrite($this->socket, Bencode::encode($request)); $result = Bencode::decode(fread($this->socket, $this->buffersize)); foreach($result['availableFunctions'] as $function => $description) $this->functions[$function] = $description; if (isset($result['more'])) $page++; else break; } } function __destructor() { socket_close($this->socket); } } function endsWith($haystack, $needle) { return $needle === "" || strpos($haystack, $needle, strlen($haystack) - strlen($needle)) !== FALSE; }