/* vim: set expandtab ts=4 sw=4: */ /* * You may redistribute this program and/or modify it under the terms of * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, * either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "memory/Allocator.h" #include "interface/Interface.h" #include "util/log/Log.h" #include "switch/SwitchCore.h" #include "switch/NumberCompress.h" #include "util/Bits.h" #include "util/Checksum.h" #include "util/Endian.h" #include "wire/Control.h" #include "wire/Error.h" #include "wire/Headers.h" #include "wire/Message.h" #include #include struct SwitchInterface { struct Interface* iface; struct SwitchCore* core; struct Allocator_OnFreeJob* onFree; /** * How much traffic has flowed down an interface as the sum of all packet priority. * If this number reaches bufferMax, further incoming traffic is dropped to prevent flooding. * Users should periodically adjust the buffer toward zero to fairly meter out priority in * congestion situations. */ int64_t buffer; /** * How high the buffer is allowed to get before beginning to drop packets. * For nodes in the core, this number should be large because a buffer * limit of a core link will cause route flapping. * For edge nodes it is a measure of how much the ISP trusts the end user not to flood. */ int64_t bufferMax; /** * How congested an interface is. * this number is subtraced from packet priority when the packet is sent down this interface. */ uint32_t congestion; }; struct SwitchCore { struct SwitchInterface interfaces[NumberCompress_INTERFACES]; uint32_t interfaceCount; bool routerAdded; struct Log* logger; struct Allocator* allocator; }; struct SwitchCore* SwitchCore_new(struct Log* logger, struct Allocator* allocator) { struct SwitchCore* core = Allocator_calloc(allocator, sizeof(struct SwitchCore), 1); core->allocator = allocator; core->interfaceCount = 0; core->logger = logger; return core; } static inline uint16_t sendMessage(const struct SwitchInterface* switchIf, struct Message* toSend, struct Log* logger) { struct Headers_SwitchHeader* switchHeader = (struct Headers_SwitchHeader*) toSend->bytes; uint32_t priority = Headers_getPriority(switchHeader); if (switchIf->buffer + priority > switchIf->bufferMax) { uint32_t messageType = Headers_getMessageType(switchHeader); Headers_setPriorityAndMessageType(switchHeader, 0, messageType); } return Interface_sendMessage(switchIf->iface, toSend); } struct ErrorPacket { struct Headers_SwitchHeader switchHeader; struct Control ctrl; }; Assert_compileTime( sizeof(struct ErrorPacket) == Headers_SwitchHeader_SIZE + sizeof(struct Control)); static inline void sendError(struct SwitchInterface* iface, struct Message* cause, uint32_t code, struct Log* logger) { struct Headers_SwitchHeader* header = (struct Headers_SwitchHeader*) cause->bytes; if (Headers_getMessageType(header) == Headers_SwitchHeader_TYPE_CONTROL && ((struct ErrorPacket*) cause->bytes)->ctrl.type_be == Control_ERROR_be) { // Errors never cause other errors to be sent. return; } // limit of 256 bytes cause->length = (cause->length < Control_Error_MAX_SIZE) ? cause->length : Control_Error_MAX_SIZE; // Shift back so we can add another header. Message_shift(cause, Headers_SwitchHeader_SIZE + Control_HEADER_SIZE + Control_Error_HEADER_SIZE, NULL); struct ErrorPacket* err = (struct ErrorPacket*) cause->bytes; err->switchHeader.label_be = Bits_bitReverse64(header->label_be); Headers_setPriorityAndMessageType(&err->switchHeader, Headers_getPriority(header), Headers_SwitchHeader_TYPE_CONTROL); err->ctrl.type_be = Control_ERROR_be; err->ctrl.content.error.errorType_be = Endian_hostToBigEndian32(code); err->ctrl.checksum_be = 0; err->ctrl.checksum_be = Checksum_engine((uint8_t*) &err->ctrl, cause->length - Headers_SwitchHeader_SIZE); sendMessage(iface, cause, logger); } #define DEBUG_SRC_DST(logger, message) \ Log_debug(logger, message " ([%u] to [%u])", sourceIndex, destIndex) /** This never returns an error, it sends an error packet instead. */ static uint8_t receiveMessage(struct Message* message, struct Interface* iface) { struct SwitchInterface* sourceIf = (struct SwitchInterface*) iface->receiverContext; if (sourceIf->buffer > sourceIf->bufferMax) { Log_warn(sourceIf->core->logger, "DROP because node seems to be flooding."); return Error_NONE; } if (message->length < Headers_SwitchHeader_SIZE) { Log_debug(sourceIf->core->logger, "DROP runt packet."); return Error_NONE; } struct SwitchCore* core = sourceIf->core; struct Headers_SwitchHeader* header = (struct Headers_SwitchHeader*) message->bytes; const uint64_t label = Endian_bigEndianToHost64(header->label_be); uint32_t bits = NumberCompress_bitsUsedForLabel(label); const uint32_t sourceIndex = sourceIf - core->interfaces; const uint32_t destIndex = NumberCompress_getDecompressed(label, bits); const uint32_t sourceBits = NumberCompress_bitsUsedForNumber(sourceIndex); Assert_true(destIndex < NumberCompress_INTERFACES); Assert_true(sourceIndex < NumberCompress_INTERFACES); if (1 == destIndex) { if (1 != (label & 0xf)) { /* routing interface: must always be compressed as 0001 */ DEBUG_SRC_DST(sourceIf->core->logger, "DROP packet for this router because the destination " "discriminator was wrong"); sendError(sourceIf, message, Error_MALFORMED_ADDRESS, sourceIf->core->logger); return Error_NONE; } //Assert_true(bits == 4); } if (sourceBits > bits) { if (destIndex == 1) { // If the destination index is this router, don't drop the packet since there no // way for a node to know the size of the representation of its source label. // - label ends in 0001; if there are enough zeroes at the end after removing the 1, // we can still fit in the source discriminator // - the return path probably doesn't start with 3 zeroes, but it will still be working, // as the source discriminator is large enough to make space for 3 zeroes between // reverse return path and forward path (see below) if (0 != ((label ^ 1) & (UINT64_MAX >> (64 - sourceBits - 4)))) { // This is a bug. // https://github.com/cjdelisle/cjdns/issues/93 // The problem is that there is no way to splice a route and know for certain // that you've not spliced one which will end up in this if statement. // Unfortunately there seems no clean way around this issue at the moment. // If this router and switch communicated using labels with "64 + four less // than the number of bits in largest discriminator" bits wide, it could handle // this situation, this solution is obviously non-trivial. DEBUG_SRC_DST(sourceIf->core->logger, "DROP packet for this router because there is no way to " "represent the return path."); sendError(sourceIf, message, Error_RETURN_PATH_INVALID, sourceIf->core->logger); return Error_NONE; } bits = sourceBits; } else if (1 == sourceIndex) { // - we need at least 3 zeroes between reverse return path and forward path: // right now the label only contains the forward path // - sourceBits == 4, bits < 4 -> bits + 64 - sourceBits < 64 // - the reverse source discriminator "1000" and the target discriminator "0001" // can overlap as "10001" (or "100001" or ...) if (0 != label >> (bits + 64 - sourceBits)) { // not enough zeroes DEBUG_SRC_DST(sourceIf->core->logger, "DROP packet because source address is " "larger than destination address."); sendError(sourceIf, message, Error_MALFORMED_ADDRESS, sourceIf->core->logger); return Error_NONE; } } else { Log_info(sourceIf->core->logger, "source exceeds dest"); DEBUG_SRC_DST(sourceIf->core->logger, "DROP packet because source address is " "larger than destination address."); sendError(sourceIf, message, Error_MALFORMED_ADDRESS, sourceIf->core->logger); return Error_NONE; } } if (core->interfaces[destIndex].iface == NULL) { Log_info(sourceIf->core->logger, "no such iface"); DEBUG_SRC_DST(sourceIf->core->logger, "DROP packet because there is no interface " "where the bits specify."); sendError(sourceIf, message, Error_MALFORMED_ADDRESS, sourceIf->core->logger); return Error_NONE; } /*if (sourceIndex == destIndex && sourceIndex != 1) { DEBUG_SRC_DST(sourceIf->core->logger, "DROP Packet with redundant route."); sendError(sourceIf, message, Error_LOOP_ROUTE, sourceIf->core->logger); return Error_NONE; }*/ uint64_t sourceLabel = Bits_bitReverse64(NumberCompress_getCompressed(sourceIndex, bits)); uint64_t targetLabel = (label >> bits) | sourceLabel; header->label_be = Endian_hostToBigEndian64(targetLabel); /* Too much noise. Log_debug(sourceIf->core->logger, "Forwarding packet ([%u] to [%u]), labels [0x%016" PRIx64 "] -> [0x%016" PRIx64 "]", sourceIndex, destIndex, label, targetLabel); */ int cloneLength = (message->length < Control_Error_MAX_SIZE) ? message->length : Control_Error_MAX_SIZE; uint8_t messageClone[Control_Error_MAX_SIZE]; Bits_memcpy(messageClone, message->bytes, cloneLength); const uint16_t err = sendMessage(&core->interfaces[destIndex], message, sourceIf->core->logger); if (err) { Log_debug(sourceIf->core->logger, "Sending packet caused an error [%s]", Error_strerror(err)); // be careful, the message could have decrypted content in it // and we don't want to spill it out over the wire. message->length = message->capacity; Message_shift(message, -message->length, NULL); Message_shift(message, Control_Error_MAX_SIZE, NULL); Bits_memcpy(message->bytes, messageClone, cloneLength); message->length = cloneLength; header = (struct Headers_SwitchHeader*) message->bytes; header->label_be = Endian_bigEndianToHost64(label); sendError(sourceIf, message, err, sourceIf->core->logger); return Error_NONE; } return Error_NONE; } static int removeInterface(struct Allocator_OnFreeJob* job) { struct SwitchInterface* si = (struct SwitchInterface*) job->userData; Bits_memset(si, 0, sizeof(struct SwitchInterface)); return 0; } void SwitchCore_swapInterfaces(struct Interface* if1, struct Interface* if2) { struct SwitchInterface* si1 = (struct SwitchInterface*) if1->receiverContext; struct SwitchInterface* si2 = (struct SwitchInterface*) if2->receiverContext; Assert_true(Allocator_cancelOnFree(si1->onFree) > -1); Assert_true(Allocator_cancelOnFree(si2->onFree) > -1); struct SwitchInterface si3; Bits_memcpyConst(&si3, si1, sizeof(struct SwitchInterface)); Bits_memcpyConst(si1, si2, sizeof(struct SwitchInterface)); Bits_memcpyConst(si2, &si3, sizeof(struct SwitchInterface)); // Now the if#'s are in reverse order :) si1->onFree = Allocator_onFree(if2->allocator, removeInterface, si1); si2->onFree = Allocator_onFree(if1->allocator, removeInterface, si2); if1->receiverContext = si2; if2->receiverContext = si1; } /** * @param trust a positive integer representing how much you trust the * connected node not to send a flood. * @param labelOut an integer pointer which will be set to the path to the newly added node * in host endian order. * @return 0 if all goes well, -1 if the list is full. */ int SwitchCore_addInterface(struct Interface* iface, const uint64_t trust, uint64_t* labelOut, struct SwitchCore* core) { // This is some hackery to make sure the router interface is always index 1. uint32_t ifIndex = core->interfaceCount; if (ifIndex > 0 && !core->routerAdded) { ifIndex++; } else if (ifIndex == 1) { ifIndex--; } // If there's a vacent spot where another iface was before it was removed, use that. for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ifIndex; i++) { if (core->interfaces[i].iface == NULL && i != 1) { ifIndex = i; break; } } if (ifIndex == NumberCompress_INTERFACES) { return SwitchCore_addInterface_OUT_OF_SPACE; } struct SwitchInterface* newIf = &core->interfaces[ifIndex]; Bits_memcpyConst(newIf, (&(struct SwitchInterface) { .iface = iface, .core = core, .buffer = 0, .bufferMax = trust, .congestion = 0 }), sizeof(struct SwitchInterface)); newIf->onFree = Allocator_onFree(iface->allocator, removeInterface, newIf); iface->receiverContext = &core->interfaces[ifIndex]; iface->receiveMessage = receiveMessage; uint32_t bits = NumberCompress_bitsUsedForNumber(ifIndex); *labelOut = NumberCompress_getCompressed(ifIndex, bits) | (1 << bits); core->interfaceCount++; return 0; } int SwitchCore_setRouterInterface(struct Interface* iface, struct SwitchCore* core) { Bits_memcpyConst(&core->interfaces[1], (&(struct SwitchInterface) { .iface = iface, .core = core, .buffer = 0, .bufferMax = INT64_MAX, .congestion = 0 }), sizeof(struct SwitchInterface)); iface->receiverContext = &core->interfaces[1]; iface->receiveMessage = receiveMessage; core->interfaceCount++; core->routerAdded = true; return 0; }