/* vim: set expandtab ts=4 sw=4: */ /* * You may redistribute this program and/or modify it under the terms of * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, * either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #define string_strlen #define string_strcmp #include "benc/List.h" #include "benc/Dict.h" #include "util/Base32.h" #include "util/platform/libc/string.h" #include "memory/MallocAllocator.h" #include "util/events/EventBase.h" #include "io/FileWriter.h" #include "io/FileReader.h" #include "benc/serialization/BencSerializer.h" #include "benc/serialization/json/JsonBencSerializer.h" #include "util/log/WriterLog.h" #include "util/platform/Sockaddr.h" #include "interface/addressable/UDPAddrInterface.h" #include "interface/DNSServer.h" #include "interface/RainflyClient.h" #include "util/Assert.h" #include "util/platform/libc/string.h" static void genconf() { printf("{\n" " \"dns\": {\n" " \"bind\": \"[::]:53\",\n" " \"authorities\": [\n" " \"7kuc3jcyql3cm8lx5zdj8vc0tkz8679kyx83utbm1ub5bxpf4mf1.mittens.h\",\n" " \"tvlxu5rbcj76rfdmsw9xd3kjn79fhv6kpvl2hzv98637j4rdj1b1.tom.h\",\n" " \"kkxfwnm3upf0jv35jq4lx0dn0z3m9bh71gv84cdjlcp68w1qckt1.maru.h\",\n" " \"02wmqfu7v0kdq17fwv68hk646bdvhcr8ybk2ycy7ddzv21n5nb60.scruffy.h\"\n" " ],\n" "\n" " \"servers\": [\n" " \"[fc71:ec46:57a0:2bbc:537d:b680:3630:93e4]:9001\",\n" " \"[fc8e:9a1c:27c3:281b:29b1:1a04:3701:c125]:9001\",\n" " \"[fcad:0450:4a40:9778:14e2:e442:6678:3161]:9001\",\n" " \"[fc2f:baa8:4a89:2db5:6789:aa75:07e6:4cb2]:9001\"\n" " ]\n" "\n" " // Where your non .h domain lookups will go\n" " \"legacy\": [\n" " \"\"\n" " \"\"\n" " ]\n" " \"minSignatures\":2\n" " }\n" "}\n"); } int main(int argc, char** argv) { if (argc > 1 && !strcmp("--genconf", argv[argc-1])) { genconf(); return 0; } struct Allocator* alloc = MallocAllocator_new(1<<22); struct EventBase* base = EventBase_new(alloc); struct Writer* logWriter = FileWriter_new(stdout, alloc); struct Log* logger = WriterLog_new(logWriter, alloc); struct Random* rand = Random_new(alloc, logger, NULL); struct Reader* stdinReader = FileReader_new(stdin, alloc); Dict config; if (JsonBencSerializer_get()->parseDictionary(stdinReader, alloc, &config)) { Log_critical(logger, "Failed to parse configuration"); return -1; } Dict* dns = Dict_getDict(&config, String_CONST("dns")); if (!dns) { Log_critical(logger, "No DNS in configuration"); return -1; } struct Sockaddr_storage addr; Assert_true(!Sockaddr_parse("::", &addr)); struct AddrInterface* ifaceB = UDPAddrInterface_new(base, &addr.addr, alloc, NULL, logger); struct RainflyClient* client = RainflyClient_new(ifaceB, base, rand, logger); String* bind = Dict_getString(dns, String_CONST("bind")); Assert_true(!Sockaddr_parse(bind ? bind->bytes : "[::]:5353", &addr)); struct AddrInterface* iface = UDPAddrInterface_new(base, &addr.addr, alloc, NULL, logger); struct DNSServer* dnsServer = DNSServer_new(iface, logger, client); List* auth = Dict_getList(dns, String_CONST("authorities")); for (int i = 0; i < (int)List_size(auth); i++) { String* str = List_getString(auth, i); if (!str) { Log_warn(logger, "Element [%d] in [dns.authorities] list of wrong type", i); continue; } uint8_t key[32] = {0}; if (str->len < 52 || Base32_decode(key, 32, str->bytes, 52) != 32) { Log_warn(logger, "Failed to parse key [%s]", str->bytes); continue; } if (RainflyClient_addKey(client, key)) { Log_warn(logger, "Failed to add key to RainflyClient [%s]", str->bytes); } } List* servers = Dict_getList(dns, String_CONST("servers")); for (int i = 0; i < (int)List_size(servers); i++) { String* str = List_getString(servers, i); if (!str) { Log_warn(logger, "Element [%d] in [dns.servers] list of wrong type", i); continue; } struct Sockaddr_storage node; if (Sockaddr_parse(str->bytes, &node)) { Log_warn(logger, "Failed to parse server name [%s]", str->bytes); continue; } if (RainflyClient_addServer(client, &node.addr)) { Log_warn(logger, "Failed to add server to RainflyClient [%s]", str->bytes); } } List* legacy = Dict_getList(dns, String_CONST("legacy")); for (int i = 0; i < (int)List_size(legacy); i++) { String* str = List_getString(legacy, i); if (!str) { Log_warn(logger, "Element [%d] in [dns.legacy] list of wrong type", i); continue; } struct Sockaddr_storage node; if (Sockaddr_parse(str->bytes, &node)) { Log_warn(logger, "Failed to parse legacy server name [%s]", str->bytes); continue; } if (DNSServer_addServer(dnsServer, &node.addr)) { Log_warn(logger, "Failed to add server to DNSServer [%s]", str->bytes); } } EventBase_beginLoop(base); }