/* vim: set expandtab ts=4 sw=4: */ /* * You may redistribute this program and/or modify it under the terms of * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, * either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "benc/Object.h" #include "dht/DHTMessage.h" #include "dht/DHTModule.h" #include "dht/DHTModuleRegistry.h" #include "memory/Allocator.h" #include "io/Reader.h" #include "io/ArrayReader.h" #include "io/Writer.h" #include "io/ArrayWriter.h" #include "benc/serialization/BencSerializer.h" #include "benc/serialization/standard/StandardBencSerializer.h" #include "util/Bits.h" #include "util/log/Log.h" #include "wire/Message.h" #define SERIALIZER StandardBencSerializer_get() struct SerializationModule_context { struct DHTModule module; struct Log* logger; }; /*--------------------Prototypes--------------------*/ static int handleOutgoing(struct DHTMessage* message, void* vcontext); static int handleIncoming(struct DHTMessage* message, void* vcontext); /*--------------------Interface--------------------*/ void SerializationModule_register(struct DHTModuleRegistry* registry, struct Log* logger, struct Allocator* allocator) { struct SerializationModule_context* context = Allocator_malloc(allocator, sizeof(struct SerializationModule_context)); Bits_memcpyConst(context, (&(struct SerializationModule_context) { .module = { .name = "SerializationModule", .context = context, .handleIncoming = handleIncoming, .handleOutgoing = handleOutgoing }, .logger = logger }), sizeof(struct SerializationModule_context)); DHTModuleRegistry_register(&(context->module), registry); } /*--------------------Internals--------------------*/ /** * Take an outgoing message and serialize the bencoded message. * * @see DHTModule->handleOutgoing in DHTModules.h */ static int handleOutgoing(struct DHTMessage* message, void* vcontext) { uint8_t buff[DHTMessage_MAX_SIZE]; struct Writer* writer = ArrayWriter_new(buff, DHTMessage_MAX_SIZE, message->allocator); SERIALIZER->serializeDictionary(writer, message->asDict); while ((writer->bytesWritten + message->binMessage->length) % 8) { Message_push8(message->binMessage, 0, NULL); } message->binMessage->length = 0; Message_push(message->binMessage, buff, writer->bytesWritten, NULL); return 0; } /** * Take an incoming message and deserialize the bencoded message. * * @see DHTModule->handleIncoming in DHTModules.h */ static int handleIncoming(struct DHTMessage* message, void* vcontext) { message->asDict = Dict_new(message->allocator); struct Reader* reader = ArrayReader_new(message->binMessage->bytes, message->binMessage->length, message->allocator); int ret = SERIALIZER->parseDictionary(reader, message->allocator, message->asDict); if (ret != 0) { #ifdef Log_INFO struct SerializationModule_context* context = vcontext; Log_info(context->logger, "Failed to parse message [%d]", ret); #endif return -2; } if (message->binMessage->length != (int)reader->bytesRead) { #ifdef Log_INFO struct SerializationModule_context* context = vcontext; Log_info(context->logger, "Message contains [%d] bytes of crap at the end", (int)(message->binMessage->length - (int)reader->bytesRead)); #endif } Message_reset(message->binMessage); return 0; }