# Self-check your network services Once your node is running, you are now a newly minted IPv6 host. Your operating system may automatically reconfigure network services to use this new address. Take control of the services your host is offering as described below. ## 1: Obtain IP address. Use `ifconfig -a` to find the IPv6 address of your TUN device. (Assigned by cjdroute.) ## 2: Scan for open services. Run `nmap` to discover which services are accessible from this address. For example, to scan the address fcf7:75f0:82e3:327c:7112:b9ab:d1f9:bbbe: nmap -6 -n -r -v -p1-65535 -sT fcf7:75f0:82e3:327c:7112:b9ab:d1f9:bbbe This should result in an output like the following. Starting Nmap 5.61TEST2 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2011-12-29 20:40 EST Initiating Connect Scan at 20:40 Scanning fcf7:75f0:82e3:327c:7112:b9ab:d1f9:bbbe [65535 ports] Completed Connect Scan at 20:40, 4.38s elapsed (65535 total ports) Nmap scan report for fcf7:75f0:82e3:327c:7112:b9ab:d1f9:bbbe Host is up (0.00073s latency). All 65535 scanned ports on fcf7:75f0:82e3:327c:7112:b9ab:d1f9:bbbe are closed Read data files from: /usr/local/bin/../share/nmap Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 4.60 seconds Raw packets sent: 0 (0B) | Rcvd: 0 (0B) If you have open ports, you might see something more like this. Starting Nmap 6.47 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2015-06-04 09:52 UTC Initiating Ping Scan at 09:52 Scanning fcde:c974:bde5:a226:b8a9:bd8:3e8:7df5 [2 ports] Completed Ping Scan at 09:52, 0.00s elapsed (1 total hosts) Initiating Connect Scan at 09:52 Scanning fcde:c974:bde5:a226:b8a9:bd8:3e8:7df5 [65535 ports] Discovered open port 40499/tcp on fcde:c974:bde5:a226:b8a9:bd8:3e8:7df5 Discovered open port 53529/tcp on fcde:c974:bde5:a226:b8a9:bd8:3e8:7df5 Completed Connect Scan at 09:52, 4.66s elapsed (65535 total ports) Nmap scan report for fcde:c974:bde5:a226:b8a9:bd8:3e8:7df5 Host is up (0.00079s latency). Not shown: 65533 closed ports PORT STATE SERVICE 40499/tcp open unknown 53529/tcp open unknown If port 22 were open, you could probably guess that SSH is responsible. But what the heck is using 40499? Here's how you figure that out. First, install `netstat` (`pacman -S net-tools` on Arch, for example). Second, run the following netcat command and read the lines that reference those ports. netstat -tulpn ## 3: If you see anything open, fix it. Examples for SSH and Samba are below. ### SSH Edit `/etc/ssh/sshd_config`: ListenAddress ^ Replace `` in the example above with your STATIC IP (or map DHCP via MAC). ### Samba Edit `/etc/samba/smb.conf`: [global] interfaces = eth0 bind interfaces only = Yes ^ This will cause Samba to not bind to `tun0` (or whichever TUN device you are using). ### Apache You will have to find the `Listen` directive in your Apache configuration, which is located in different files depending on your distribution and platform. Many distributions make Apache listen to all interfaces, IPv4 as well as IPv6: Listen 80 You can change this to: Listen For example, to force Apache onto IPv4 addresses only for all of its hosts. If you wish to mix and match virtual hosts, exposing some via IPv6 and others only via IPv4, you can configure each virtual host separately: # configuration goes here Versus a virtual host in IPv4: # configuration goes here If you keep listening on all IP versions, make sure your default `DocumentRoot` points to something useful and not something sensitive, since Apache will fall back to that `DocumentRoot` if none of your virtual hosts matches an incoming request. ### Lighttpd Comment out the following line in `/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf`: include_shell "/usr/share/lighttpd/use-ipv6.pl" Thats it for now! Got More? Tell us on IRC.