var dgram = require('dgram'), bencode = require('bencode'), sys = require('util'), crypto = require('crypto'), path = require('path'), fs = require('fs'); var CJDNS = function (config) { if (!config.config) { throw 'Please, add "config":"path/to/your/cjdroute.conf" to ~/.cjdnsadmin file!'; } this.configFile = path.resolve(config.config.replace(/^~\//, process.env.HOME + '/')); this.config = fs.readFileSync(this.configFile); if (!this.config) { throw 'Can\'t read config file! path: ' + this.configFile; } this.oldConfig = this.config; this.parseConfig(); = (this.config.admin.bind || 'localhost:11234').split(':'); this.port =[1] || '80'; =[0]; this.password = this.config.admin.password; this.send({q: 'ping'}, function (err, msg) { if (msg && msg.q === 'pong') { sys.log('Cjdns Admin backend found and ready to work!'); } else { sys.log(msg); } }); }; CJDNS.prototype.parseConfig = function() { var config; eval('config = ' + this.config); this.config = config; }; CJDNS.prototype.checkConfig = function (config) { return config && config.UDPInterface && config.UDPInterface[0] && config.UDPInterface[0].connectTo; }; CJDNS.prototype.saveConfig = function(newConfig, callback) { var cjdns = this, conf, reserveConf; if (this.checkConfig(newConfig)) { conf = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.config)); conf.interfaces = newConfig; this.config = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(conf)); conf = JSON.stringify(conf, null, 4); reserveConf = path.dirname(this.configFile) + '/' + path.basename(this.configFile) + '.' + (new Date()).getTime() + path.extname(this.configFile); //save current version to yourConfDir/..conf fs.writeFile( reserveConf, this.oldConfig, function (err, data) { if (!err) { //save new config only if old conf saved! fs.writeFile(cjdns.configFile, conf, function (err, data) { callback(err, { msg: 'Old config saved to "' + reserveConf + '"' }); }); cjdns.oldConfig = conf; } else { callback({ error: 'Can\'t save old config!' },{ msg: 'Can\'t save old config!' }); } } ); } else { callback({ error: 'Config is not valid!' }); } }; CJDNS.prototype.send = function(data, callback, otherSocket) { var msg = new Buffer(bencode.encode(data)), socket = otherSocket || dgram.createSocket('udp4'); socket.on('message', function (msg) { var response = bencode.decode(msg, 'utf8'); callback(null, response); if (!otherSocket) { socket.close(); } }); socket.send(msg, 0, msg.length, this.port,, function(err, bytes) { if (err) { callback(err); } }); }; CJDNS.prototype.sendAuth = function(data, callback, otherSocket) { var cjdns = this, request = { q: 'auth', aq: data.q }; if (data.args) { request.args = data.args; } function makeHash (password, cookie, request) { var hash = password + '' + cookie, sha256 = crypto.createHash('sha256'); sha256.update(hash); hash = sha256.digest('hex'); request.hash = hash; hash = bencode.encode(request); sha256 = crypto.createHash('sha256'); sha256.update(hash); hash = sha256.digest('hex'); return hash; } this.send({q:'cookie'}, function (err, data) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } request.cookie = data.cookie; request.hash = makeHash(cjdns.password, request.cookie, request); cjdns.send(request, callback, otherSocket); }); }; CJDNS.prototype.subscribe = function (callback) { var logsSocket = dgram.createSocket('udp4'), cjdns = this; if (this.logsId) { this.unsubscribe(); } if (this.logsPing) { clearInterval(this.logsPing); this.logsPing = undefined; } this.sendAuth({ q: 'AdminLog_subscribe', args: { level: 'KEYS' } }, callback, logsSocket); this.logsPing = setInterval(function () { cjdns.sendAuth({ q: 'ping' }, function () {}, logsSocket); }, 9000); }; CJDNS.prototype.unsubscribe = function (callback) { if (this.logsId) { this.sendAuth({ q: 'AdminLog_unsubscribe', args: { streamId: this.logsId } }); } }; module.exports = CJDNS;