# Building for Windows * If you're trying to build **on** windows, forget it, you wouldn't build software for an iPhone **on** an iPhone... ## Build Prerequisites Install mingw32 For Ubuntu 14.04: sudo apt-get install mingw-w64 For older Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install gcc-mingw32 ## Build Process Cross-compile cjdns with the following command: SYSTEM=win32 CROSS_COMPILE=i686-w64-mingw32- ./cross-do ## Run-time Dependencies On your Windows machine, you need the TAP driver installed to allow cjdns to create its virtual network interface. You can get it from the OpenVPN project at their [main download page](https://openvpn.net/index.php/open-source/downloads.html), under "Tap-windows", or use [this direct link to version 9.9.2_3](http://swupdate.openvpn.org/community/releases/tap-windows-9.9.2_3.exe). Check name of your new virtual connection it must contain only english letters or numbers ## Installation Once the TAP driver is installed, copy the `cjdroute.exe` file over to your windows machine. Generate a configuration file with: cjdroute --genconf > cjdroute.conf You probably want to uncomment the `"logTo":"stdout"` line so that you can see any error messages in your terminal. Then, execute cjdns from an elevated command prompt: cjdroute --nobg < cjdroute.conf The `--nobg` option is required; otherwise cjdns just quits. The first time you start it, a Windows firewall dialog will probably pop up. *Make sure to allow cjdns to accept connections from the Internet.* ## Next Steps Congratulations! You are now running cjdns on Windows! Go find some peers!