# Glossary ## Proposed rules This is an incomplete list of terms used in direct context of cjdns. - Please add terms used in direct context of cjdns itself, tools and best practices, peering, community, Hyperboria, similar routing protocols -- e.g. NodeStore, peer stats, WTFM, buildbot, 802.11s - Please don't add terms which are out of scope -- e.g. BitTorrent or Peer To Peer - Abbreviations are okay, e.g. P2P, DHT, OLSR ## List of Terms ### Blag The [correct pronunciation](http://xkcd.com/148/) of 'blog'. ### Hidden Peers This was a peering bug which was fixed in cjdns v14. Please make sure none of your peers is affected, and if there is one, tell them to update. tools/peerStats | sort ### NodeStore The internal name of cjdns' routing table. ### P2P Abbreviation of Peer To Peer. ### Wobsite See [blag](#blag).