/* vim: set expandtab ts=4 sw=4: */ /* * You may redistribute this program and/or modify it under the terms of * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, * either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /*@flow*/ 'use strict'; const Os = require('os'); const Fs = require('fs'); const Spawn = require('child_process').spawn; const nThen = require('nthen'); const Crypto = require('crypto'); const Saferphore = require('saferphore'); /*:: export type Builder_File_t = {| includes: string[], links: string[], cflags: string[], ldflags: string[], mtime: number, |}; export type Builder_Hfile_t = {| mtime: number, |}; export type Builder_Compiler_t = {| isLLVM: bool, isClang: bool, isGCC: bool, version: string |}; export type Builder_State_t = {| compilerType: Builder_Compiler_t, cFiles: { [string]: Builder_File_t }, hFiles: { [string]: Builder_Hfile_t }, |}; export type Builder_Linter_t = (string, string, (string, bool)=>void)=>void; export type Builder_TestRunnerCb_t = (string, bool)=>void; export type Builder_t = {| cc: (string[], (number, string, string)=>void)=>void, buildLibrary: (string)=>void, buildExecutable: (string, ?string)=>void, buildTest: (string)=>string, runTest: (string, (string, Builder_TestRunnerCb_t)=>void)=>void, lintFiles: (Builder_Linter_t)=>void, config: Builder_Config_t, tmpFile: (?string)=>string, compilerType: () => Builder_Compiler_t, fileCflags: {[string]: string[]}, |}; export type Builder_BaseConfig_t = {| systemName?: ?string, gcc?: ?string, buildDir?: ?string, |}; export type Builder_Config_t = { systemName: string, gcc: string, buildDir: string, includeDirs: string[], cflags: string[], ldflags: string[], libs: string[], jobs: number, } & {[string]:any}; import type { Nthen_WaitFor_t } from 'nthen'; import type { Saferphore_t } from 'saferphore'; export type Builder_Stage_t = (Builder_t, Nthen_WaitFor_t)=>void; export type Builder_CompileJob_t = { cFile: string, outputFile: ?string, type: 'exe'|'lib' }; export type Builder_Pub_t = {| build: (Builder_Stage_t)=>Builder_Pub_t, test: (Builder_Stage_t)=>Builder_Pub_t, pack: (Builder_Stage_t)=>Builder_Pub_t, failure: (Builder_Stage_t)=>Builder_Pub_t, success: (Builder_Stage_t)=>Builder_Pub_t, complete: (Builder_Stage_t)=>Builder_Pub_t, |} export type Builder_PreCtx_t = { buildStage: Builder_Stage_t, testStage: Builder_Stage_t, packStage: Builder_Stage_t, failureStage: Builder_Stage_t, successStage: Builder_Stage_t, completeStage: Builder_Stage_t, failure: bool, linters: Builder_Linter_t[], executables: Array, tests: Array<(Builder_TestRunnerCb_t)=>void>, toCompile: { [string]: Builder_File_t }, config: Builder_Config_t, sema: Saferphore_t, }; export type Builder_Ctx_t = Builder_PreCtx_t & { builder: Builder_t, state: Builder_State_t, }; */ const error = function (message) /*:Error*/ { try { throw new Error(message); } catch (e) { return e; } }; const expandArgs = function (args) { const out = []; for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { if (typeof(args[i]) === 'object') { if (Array.isArray(args[i])) { out.push.apply(out, expandArgs(args[i])); } else { throw new Error("object in arguments [" + args.join() + "]"); } } else { out.push(args[i]); } } return out; }; const compiler = function ( ctx /*:Builder_Ctx_t*/, args /*:string[]*/, callback /*:(number, string, string)=>bool|void*/, content /*:string*/ ) { let stop = false; args = expandArgs(args); ctx.sema.take(function (returnAfter) { if (stop) { return void returnAfter(function (ret) { callback(1, '', 'interrupted'); }); } if (process.env.VERBOSE) { console.log(ctx.config.gcc + ' ' + args.join(' ')); } const gcc = Spawn(ctx.config.gcc, args); let err = ''; let out = ''; gcc.stdout.on('data', function (dat) { out += dat.toString(); }); gcc.stderr.on('data', function (dat) { err += dat.toString(); }); gcc.on('close', returnAfter(function (ret) { if (callback(ret, out, err)) { stop = true; } })); gcc.on('error', function (err) { if (err.code === 'ENOENT') { console.error('\x1b[1;31mError: ' + ctx.config.gcc + ' is required!\x1b[0m'); } else { console.error( '\x1b[1;31mFail run ' + process.cwd() + ': ' + ctx.config.gcc + ' ' + args.join(' ') + '\x1b[0m' ); console.error('Message:' + err); } // handle the error safely console.log(args); }); if (content) { gcc.stdin.write(content, function (err) { if (err) { throw err; } gcc.stdin.end(); }); } }); }; const cc = function ( ctx /*:Builder_Ctx_t*/, args /*:string[]*/, callback /*:(?Error, ?string)=>bool|void*/, content /*:string*/ ) { compiler(ctx, args, function (ret, out, err) { if (ret) { return callback(error(ctx.config.gcc + " " + args.map(String).join(' ') + "\n\n" + err)); } if (err !== '') { //process.stdout.write(err); } return callback(undefined, out); }, content); }; const getStatePrototype = function () /*:Builder_State_t*/ { return { compilerType: { isLLVM: false, isClang: false, isGCC: false, version: '' }, cFiles: {}, hFiles: {}, }; }; const tmpFile = function (ctx /*:Builder_Ctx_t*/, name) { name = name || ''; return ctx.config.buildDir + '/tmp/' + name + Crypto.pseudoRandomBytes(10).toString('hex'); }; const finalizeCtx = function ( state /*:Builder_State_t*/, pctx /*:Builder_PreCtx_t*/ ) /*:Builder_Ctx_t*/ { const ctx = ((pctx /*:any*/) /*:Builder_Ctx_t*/); ctx.state = state; ctx.builder = (Object.freeze({ cc: function (args, callback) { compiler(ctx, args, callback, ''); }, buildLibrary: function (cFile) { ctx.executables.push({ cFile, outputFile: null, type: 'lib' }); }, buildExecutable: function (cFile, outputFile) { ctx.executables.push({ cFile, outputFile, type: 'exe' }); }, buildTest: function (cFile) { const outputFile = getTempExe(ctx, cFile); ctx.executables.push({ cFile, outputFile, type: 'exe' }); return outputFile; }, runTest: function (outFile, testRunner) { ctx.tests.push(function (cb) { testRunner(outFile, cb); }); }, lintFiles: function (linter) { ctx.linters.push(linter); }, config: ctx.config, tmpFile: function (name) { return tmpFile(ctx, name); }, compilerType: () => JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(ctx.state.compilerType)), fileCflags: {}, }) /*:Builder_t*/); return ctx; }; // You Were Warned const execJs = function (js, ctx, file, fileName, callback, thisObj) { let res; let x; let err; // # 74 "./wire/Message.h" js = js.replace(/\n#.*\n/g, ''); // Js_SQ Js_DQ const qs = js.split('Js_Q'); if (qs.length && (qs.length % 2) === 0) { throw new Error("Uneven number of Js_Q, content: [" + js + "]"); } for (let i = 1; i < qs.length; i += 2) { // escape nested quotes, they'll come back out in the final .i file qs[i] = qs[i].replace(/\'/g, '\\u0027'); } js = '"use strict";' + qs.join("'"); const to = setTimeout(function () { throw new Error("Inline JS did not return after 120 seconds [" + js + "]"); }, 120000); nThen(function (waitFor) { try { /* jshint -W054 */ // Suppress jshint warning on Function being a form of eval const func = new Function('require', 'js', 'console', 'builder', js); const jsObj = Object.freeze({ async: function () { return waitFor(function (result) { res = result; }); }, linkerDependency: (cFile) => file.links.push(cFile), currentFile: fileName, }); x = func.call(thisObj, require, jsObj, console, ctx.builder); } catch (e) { clearTimeout(to); console.error("Error executing: [" + js + "] in File [" + fileName + "]"); throw e; } }).nThen(function (waitFor) { if (err) { return; } res = res || x || ''; clearTimeout(to); process.nextTick(function () { callback(undefined, res); }); }); }; const debug = console.log; const preprocessBlock = function (block, ctx, fileObj, fileName, callback, thisObj) { // a block is an array of strings and arrays, any inside arrays must be // preprocessed first. deep first top to bottom. let nt = nThen; block.forEach(function (elem, i) { if (typeof(elem) === 'string') { return; } nt = nt(function (waitFor) { preprocessBlock(elem, ctx, fileObj, fileName, waitFor(function (err, ret) { if (err) { throw err; } block[i] = ret; }), thisObj); }).nThen; }); nt(function (waitFor) { const capture = block.join(''); execJs(capture, ctx, fileObj, fileName, waitFor(function (err, ret) { if (err) { throw err; } callback(undefined, ret); }), thisObj); }); }; const preprocess = function (content /*:string*/, ctx, fileObj, fileName, callback) { // " ?> // worse: // " ?> const flatArray = content.split(/(<\?js|\?>)/); const elems = []; const unflatten = function (array, startAt, out) { let i = startAt; for (; i < array.length; i++) { if (((i - startAt) % 2) === 0) { out.push(array[i]); } else if (array[i] === '') { return i; } } return i; }; if (unflatten(flatArray, 0, elems) !== flatArray.length) { throw new Error(); } const thisObj = {}; let nt = nThen; elems.forEach(function (elem, i) { if (typeof(elem) === 'string') { return; } nt = nt(function (waitFor) { preprocessBlock(elem, ctx, fileObj, fileName, waitFor(function (err, ret) { if (err) { throw err; } elems[i] = ret; }), thisObj); }).nThen; }); nt(function (waitFor) { callback(undefined, elems.join('')); }); }; const mkFile = function () /*:Builder_File_t*/ { return { includes: [], links: [], cflags: [], ldflags: [], mtime: 0, }; }; const getOFile = function (ctx, cFile) { return ctx.config.buildDir + '/' + cFile.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]/g, '_') + '.o'; }; const getIFile = function (ctx, cFile) { return ctx.config.buildDir + '/' + cFile.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]/g, '_') + '.i'; }; const getTempExe = function (ctx, cFile) { return ctx.config.buildDir + '/' + cFile.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]/g, '_'); }; const getExeFile = function (ctx, exe /*:Builder_CompileJob_t*/) { let outputFile = exe.outputFile; if (!outputFile) { outputFile = exe.cFile.replace(/^.*\/([^\/\.]*).*$/, (a, b) => b); } if (ctx.config.systemName === 'win32' && !(/\.exe$/.test(outputFile))) { outputFile += '.exe'; } return outputFile; }; const getFlags = function (ctx, cFile, includeDirs) { const flags = []; if (cFile.indexOf('node_build/dependencies/libuv') > -1) { //console.log('cargo:warning=' + cFile); for (const f of ctx.config.cflags) { if (f !== '-Werror') { flags.push(f); } } } else { flags.push.apply(flags, ctx.config.cflags); } flags.push.apply(flags, ctx.builder.fileCflags[cFile] || []); if (includeDirs) { for (let i = 0; i < ctx.config.includeDirs.length; i++) { if (flags[flags.indexOf(ctx.config.includeDirs[i])-1] === '-I') { continue; } flags.push('-I'); flags.push(ctx.config.includeDirs[i]); } } return flags; }; const preprocessFile = function (cFile, ctx, callback) { if (ctx.state.cFiles[cFile]) { return void callback(); } const state = ctx.state; //debug(' preprocessing ' + cFile); //debug('\x1b[2;32mCompiling ' + cFile + '\x1b[0m'); const fileObj = mkFile(); let fileContent = ''; const cflags = getFlags(ctx, cFile, true); fileObj.cflags = getFlags(ctx, cFile, false); nThen((w) => { //debug("CPP"); cc(ctx, ['-E', ...cflags, cFile], w(function (err, output) { if (err) { throw err; } fileContent = output; return false; }), ''); // Stat the C file Fs.stat(cFile, w(function (err, st) { if (err) { throw err; } fileObj.mtime = st.mtime.getTime(); })); }).nThen((w) => { //debug("Preprocess"); preprocess(fileContent, ctx, fileObj, cFile, w(function (err, output) { if (err) { throw err; } Fs.writeFile(getIFile(ctx, cFile), output, w(function (err) { if (err) { throw err; } })); })); // Also snatch the local includes const includes = fileContent.match(/# [0-9]+ "\.\/[^"]*"/g) || []; const uniqIncl = {}; for (const incl of includes) { uniqIncl[incl.replace(/^.* "\.\//, '').slice(0,-1)] = 1; } fileObj.includes = Object.keys(uniqIncl); fileObj.includes.forEach((incl) => { if (ctx.state.hFiles[incl]) { return; } Fs.stat(incl, w((err, st) => { if (err) { throw err; } ctx.state.hFiles[incl] = { mtime: st.mtime.getTime() }; })); }); }).nThen(function (_) { debug('\x1b[2;36mPreprocessing ' + cFile + ' complete\x1b[0m'); state.cFiles[cFile] = fileObj; ctx.toCompile[cFile] = fileObj; callback(); }); }; const preprocessFiles = function (ctx, files, callback) { const added = {}; for (const f of files) { added[f] = 1; } const doMore = () => { if (files.length === 0) { return void callback(); } const filez = files; files = []; nThen((w) => { filez.forEach((file) => { preprocessFile(file, ctx, w(() => { ctx.state.cFiles[file].links.forEach(function (link) { if (link === file || added[link]) { return; } added[link] = 1; files.push(link); }); })); }); }).nThen((w) => { doMore(); }); }; doMore(); }; const getLinkOrder = function (cFile, files) /*:string[]*/ { const completeFiles = []; const getFile = function (name) { const f = files[name]; //debug('Resolving links for ' + name); for (let i = 0; i < f.links.length; i++) { if (f.links[i] === name) { continue; } if (completeFiles.indexOf(f.links[i]) > -1) { continue; } getFile(f.links[i]); } completeFiles.push(name); }; getFile(cFile); return completeFiles; }; // Called on the .c file with a main() function which corrisponds to // an executable. // We kick the file entries right out of the state object when they // or an #include get dirty, so we just need to traverse links to // make sure everything is present. const needsToLink = function (ctx, cFile) { const nlCache = {}; const nll = []; const nl = (cFile) => { if (nlCache[cFile]) { return false; } if (nll.indexOf(cFile) > -1) { return false; //throw new Error(`File ${cFile} is self-referencial:\n${nll.join('\n')}\n\n`); } nll.push(cFile); const out = (() => { //debug(' ' + cFile); if (typeof(ctx.state.cFiles[cFile]) !== 'object') { return true; } for (const l of ctx.state.cFiles[cFile].links) { if (l !== cFile && nl(l)) { return true; } } nlCache[cFile] = true; return false; })(); if (nll.pop() !== cFile) { throw new Error(); } return out; }; return nl(cFile); }; const makeTime = function () { let time = 0; return function () { const oldTime = time; time = new Date().getTime(); return time - oldTime; }; }; const link = function (cFile, callback, ctx /*:Builder_Ctx_t*/) { const state = ctx.state; const temp = getTempExe(ctx, cFile); nThen((waitFor) => { const linkOrder = getLinkOrder(cFile, state.cFiles); for (let i = 0; i < linkOrder.length; i++) { linkOrder[i] = getOFile(ctx, linkOrder[i]); } const fileObj = state.cFiles[cFile]; const ldArgs = [] .concat(ctx.config.ldflags) .concat(fileObj.ldflags) .concat(['-o', temp]) .concat(linkOrder) .concat(ctx.config.libs); debug('\x1b[1;31mLinking C executable ' + cFile + '\x1b[0m'); cc(ctx, ldArgs, waitFor(function (err, ret) { if (err) { throw err; } return false; }), ''); }).nThen((_) => callback()); }; const compile = function (ctx, cFile, done) { //debug("CC"); const file = ctx.state.cFiles[cFile]; const oFile = getOFile(ctx, cFile); const iFile = getIFile(ctx, cFile); cc(ctx, ['-c', '-x', 'cpp-output', '-o', oFile, ...file.cflags, iFile], (err) => { done(err); return typeof(err) !== 'undefined'; }, ''); }; /** * Get a copy of process.env with a few entries which are constantly changing removed. * This prevents isStaleState from returning true every time one builds in a different * window. */ const normalizedProcessEnv = function () { const out = process.env; delete out.WINDOWID; delete out.OLDPWD; return out; }; const getRebuildIfChangesHash = function (rebuildIfChanges, callback) { const hash = Crypto.createHash('sha256'); const rebIfChg = []; nThen(function (waitFor) { rebuildIfChanges.forEach(function (fileName, i) { Fs.readFile(fileName, waitFor(function (err, ret) { if (err) { throw err; } rebIfChg[i] = ret; })); }); hash.update(JSON.stringify(normalizedProcessEnv())); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { rebIfChg.forEach(function (data) { hash.update(data); }); callback(hash.digest('hex')); }); }; const probeCompiler = function (ctx /*:Builder_Ctx_t*/, callback) { nThen(function (waitFor) { const compilerType = ctx.state.compilerType = { isLLVM: false, isClang: false, isGCC: false, version: '' }; compiler(ctx, ['-v'], waitFor(function (ret, out, err) { // TODO(cjd): afl-clang-fast errors when called with -v //if (ret !== 0) { throw new Error("Failed to probe compiler ret[" + ret + "]\n" + err); } if (/Apple LLVM version /.test(err)) { compilerType.isLLVM = true; if (/clang/.test(err)) { // Apple LLVM version 6.1.0 (clang-602.0.53) (based on LLVM 3.6.0svn) // Target: x86_64-apple-darwin14.4.0 // Thread model: posix compilerType.isClang = true; compilerType.version = err.match(/Apple LLVM version ([^ ]+) /)[1]; } else if (/gcc version /.test(err)) { // Using built-in specs. // Target: i686-apple-darwin11 // Configured with: /private/const/tmp/llvmgcc42/llvmgcc42....... // Thread model: posix // gcc version 4.2.1 (Based on Apple Inc. build 5658) (LLVM build 2336.11.00) compilerType.isGCC = true; compilerType.version = err.match(/gcc version ([^ ]+) /)[1]; } } else if (/clang version /.test(err)) { // FreeBSD clang version 3.0 (tags/RELEASE_30/final 145349) 20111210 // Target: x86_64-unknown-freebsd10.0 // Thread model: posix // clang version 3.2 (trunk) // Target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu // Thread model: posix compilerType.isLLVM = true; compilerType.isClang = true; compilerType.version = err.match(/clang version ([^ ]+) /)[1]; } else if (/gcc version /.test(err)) { compilerType.isGCC = true; compilerType.version = err.match(/gcc version ([^ ]+) /)[1]; } //console.log(JSON.stringify(compilerType)); }), ''); }).nThen(callback); }; process.on('exit', function () { console.log("Total build time: " + Math.floor(process.uptime() * 1000) + "ms."); }); const deepFreeze = (obj) => { Object.freeze(obj); for (const k in obj) { if (typeof(obj[k]) === 'object') { deepFreeze(obj[k]); } } }; const sweep = (path, done) => { let files = []; nThen((w) => { Fs.readdir(path, w((err, fls) => { if (err) { throw err; } files = fls; })); }).nThen((w) => { files.forEach((f) => { const file = path + '/' + f; Fs.stat(file, w((err, st) => { if (err) { throw err; } if (st.isDirectory()) { sweep(file, w(() => { Fs.rmdir(file, w((err) => { if (err) { throw err; } })); })); } else { Fs.unlink(file, w((err) => { if (err) { throw err; } })); } })); }); }).nThen((_) => done()); }; module.exports.configure = function ( params /*:Builder_BaseConfig_t*/, configFunc /*:(Builder_t, Nthen_WaitFor_t)=>void*/ ) /*:Builder_Pub_t*/ { // Track time taken for various steps const time = makeTime(); time(); const systemName = params.systemName || process.platform; const buildDir = params.buildDir || 'build_' + systemName; let gcc; if (params.gcc) { gcc = params.gcc; } else if (systemName === 'openbsd') { gcc = 'egcc'; } else if (systemName === 'freebsd') { gcc = 'clang'; } else { gcc = 'gcc'; } // Since many of the compile operations are short, the best // performance seems to be when running 1.25x the number of jobs as // cpu cores. On BSD and iphone systems, os.cpus() is not reliable so // if it returns undefined let's just assume 1 // workaround, nodejs seems to be broken on openbsd (undefined result after second call) const cpus = Os.cpus(); const jobs = Math.floor((typeof cpus === 'undefined' ? 1 : cpus.length) * 1.25); const pctx /*:Builder_PreCtx_t*/ = { buildStage: (_x,_y)=>{}, testStage: (_x,_y)=>{}, packStage: (_x,_y)=>{}, failureStage: (_x,_y)=>{}, successStage: (_x,_y)=>{}, completeStage: (_x,_y)=>{}, failure: false, linters: [], executables: [], tests: [], toCompile: {}, sema: Saferphore.create(1), config: { buildDir, gcc, systemName, version: '', includeDirs: ['.'], cflags: [], ldflags: [], libs: [], jobs, }, }; let state = getStatePrototype(); let ctx; let hasState = false; nThen(function (waitFor) { // make the build directory Fs.exists(buildDir, waitFor(function (exists) { if (exists) { return; } Fs.mkdir(buildDir, {}, waitFor(function (err) { if (err) { throw err; } })); })); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { Fs.exists(buildDir + '/tmp', waitFor(function (exists) { if (exists) { sweep(buildDir + '/tmp', waitFor()); } else { Fs.mkdir(buildDir + '/tmp', {}, waitFor(function (err) { if (err) { throw err; } })); } })); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { if (process.env['CJDNS_FULL_REBUILD']) { debug("CJDNS_FULL_REBUILD set, non-incremental build"); return; } // read out the state if it exists Fs.exists(buildDir + '/state.json', waitFor(function (exists) { if (!exists) { return; } Fs.readFile(buildDir + '/state.json', waitFor(function (err, ret) { if (err) { throw err; } state = ( JSON.parse(ret) /*:Builder_State_t*/ ); hasState = true; debug("Loaded state file"); })); })); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { debug("Initialize " + time() + "ms"); // Do the configuration step if (hasState) { ctx = finalizeCtx(state, pctx); return; } state = getStatePrototype(); ctx = finalizeCtx(state, pctx); probeCompiler(ctx, waitFor()); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { //if (!ctx.builder) { throw new Error(); } configFunc(ctx.builder, waitFor); }).nThen(function (_) { ctx.sema = Saferphore.create(ctx.config.jobs); if (ctx.config.systemName !== systemName) { throw new Error("systemName cannot be changed in configure phase " + "it must be specified in the initial configuration " + `initial systemName = ${systemName}, changed to ${ctx.config.systemName}`); } if (ctx.config.gcc !== gcc) { throw new Error("gcc cannot be changed in configure phase " + "it must be specified in the initial configuration " + `initial gcc = ${gcc}, changed to ${ctx.config.gcc}`); } deepFreeze(ctx.config); debug("Configure " + time() + "ms"); if (!ctx) { throw new Error(); } postConfigure(ctx, time); }); const out = Object.freeze({ build: function (x /*:Builder_Stage_t*/) { pctx.buildStage = x; return out; }, test: function (x /*:Builder_Stage_t*/) { pctx.testStage = x; return out; }, pack: function (x /*:Builder_Stage_t*/) { pctx.packStage = x; return out; }, failure: function (x /*:Builder_Stage_t*/) { pctx.failureStage = x; return out; }, success: function (x /*:Builder_Stage_t*/) { pctx.successStage = x; return out; }, complete: function (x /*:Builder_Stage_t*/) { pctx.completeStage = x; return out; }, }); return out; }; const checkFileMtime = (fileName, done) => { Fs.stat(fileName, function (err, stat) { if (err) { if (err.code === 'ENOENT') { done(-1); } else { throw err; } } else { done(stat.mtime.getTime()); } }); }; const removeStaleFiles = (ctx, done) => { const stales = {}; // Transient dependencies are provided by gcc -MM so there's no need to resolve them const dependents = {}; nThen((w) => { Object.keys(ctx.state.cFiles).forEach(function (cFile) { const file = ctx.state.cFiles[cFile]; for (const incl of file.includes) { if (!ctx.state.hFiles[incl]) { // Missing the header entirely, definitely stale debug(`\x1b[1;34m${cFile} stale (header ${incl} deleted)\x1b[0m`); stales[cFile] = 1; return; } (dependents[incl] = dependents[incl] || []).push(cFile); } const cflags = getFlags(ctx, cFile, false); if (JSON.stringify(cflags) !== JSON.stringify(file.cflags)) { debug(`\x1b[1;34m${cFile} stale (change of cflags)\x1b[0m`); stales[cFile] = 1; return; } checkFileMtime(cFile, w((mtime) => { if (mtime !== file.mtime) { debug(`\x1b[1;34m${cFile} stale\x1b[0m`); stales[cFile] = 1; } else { Fs.access(getOFile(ctx, cFile), Fs.constants.F_OK, w((err) => { if (err && err.code !== 'ENOENT') { throw err; } else if (err) { // Not stale but needs to be compiled ctx.toCompile[cFile] = file; } })); } })); }); }).nThen((w) => { Object.keys(ctx.state.hFiles).forEach(function (hFile) { const file = ctx.state.hFiles[hFile]; checkFileMtime(hFile, w((mtime) => { if (mtime === file.mtime) { return; } else if (mtime === -1) { debug(`\x1b[1;34m${hFile} stale (deleted)\x1b[0m`); delete ctx.state.hFiles[hFile]; } else { debug(`\x1b[1;34m${hFile} stale\x1b[0m`); file.mtime = mtime; } for (const cFile of (dependents[hFile] || [])) { debug(`\x1b[1;34m${cFile} stale (includes ${hFile})\x1b[0m`); stales[cFile] = 1; } })); }); }).nThen((w) => { Object.keys(stales).forEach((cFile) => { const file = ctx.state.cFiles[cFile]; if (typeof(file) === 'undefined') { return; } delete ctx.state.cFiles[cFile]; // Sweep up relevant files [getIFile(ctx, cFile), getOFile(ctx, cFile)].forEach((deleteMe) => { if (!deleteMe) { return; } Fs.unlink(deleteMe, w(function (err) { if (err && err.code !== 'ENOENT') { throw err; } })); }); }); }).nThen((w) => { done(); }); }; const postConfigure = (ctx /*:Builder_Ctx_t*/, time) => { const state = ctx.state; nThen((waitFor) => { removeStaleFiles(ctx, waitFor()); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { debug("Scan for out of date files " + time() + "ms"); ctx.buildStage(ctx.builder, waitFor); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { ctx.executables = ctx.executables.filter((exe) => { if (!needsToLink(ctx, exe.cFile)) { debug(`\x1b[1;31m${getExeFile(ctx, exe)} up to date\x1b[0m`); return false; } return true; }); preprocessFiles(ctx, ctx.executables.map(exe => exe.cFile), waitFor()); }).nThen(function (w) { debug("Preprocess " + time() + "ms"); // save state const stateJson = JSON.stringify(state, null, '\t'); Fs.writeFile(ctx.config.buildDir + '/state.json', stateJson, w(function (err) { if (err) { throw err; } //debug("Saved state " + time() + "ms"); deepFreeze(state); })); }).nThen(function (w) { Object.keys(ctx.toCompile).forEach((cFile) => { compile(ctx, cFile, w((err) => { if (err) { throw err; } debug('\x1b[2;32mCompiling ' + cFile + ' complete\x1b[0m'); })); }); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { debug("Compile " + time() + "ms"); for (const exe of ctx.executables) { if (exe.type === 'exe') { link(exe.cFile, waitFor(), ctx); } } }).nThen((w) => { debug("Link " + time() + "ms"); ctx.tests.forEach(function (test) { test(w(function (output, failure) { debug(output); if (failure) { ctx.failure = true; } })); }); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { if (ctx.linters.length === 0) { return; } debug("Checking codestyle"); const sema = Saferphore.create(64); Object.keys(ctx.toCompile).forEach(function (cFile) { sema.take(waitFor(function (returnAfter) { Fs.readFile(cFile, waitFor(function (err, ret) { if (err) { throw err; } ret = ret.toString('utf8'); nThen(function (waitFor) { ctx.linters.forEach(function (linter) { linter(cFile, ret, waitFor(function (out, isErr) { if (isErr) { debug("\x1b[1;31m" + out + "\x1b[0m"); ctx.failure = true; } })); }); }).nThen(returnAfter(waitFor())); })); })); }); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { ctx.testStage(ctx.builder, waitFor); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { if (ctx.failure) { return; } debug("Test " + time() + "ms"); ctx.executables.forEach(function (exe) { const temp = getTempExe(ctx, exe.cFile); if (exe.outputFile === temp) { return; } const outputFile = getExeFile(ctx, exe); Fs.rename(temp, outputFile, waitFor(function (err) { // TODO(cjd): It would be better to know in advance whether to expect the file. if (err && err.code !== 'ENOENT') { throw err; } })); }); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { if (ctx.failure) { return; } ctx.packStage(ctx.builder, waitFor); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { if (ctx.failure) { return; } debug("Pack " + time() + "ms"); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { if (ctx.failure) { return; } ctx.successStage(ctx.builder, waitFor); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { if (!ctx.failure) { return; } ctx.failureStage(ctx.builder, waitFor); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { ctx.completeStage(ctx.builder, waitFor); sweep(ctx.config.buildDir + '/tmp', waitFor()); }); };