/* vim: set expandtab ts=4 sw=4: */ /* * You may redistribute this program and/or modify it under the terms of * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, * either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ (function () { 'use strict' let Cjdns = require('./cjdnsadmin/cjdnsadmin'); let Benc = require('./cjdnsadmin/bencode'); let nThen = require('nthen'); let Fs = require('fs'); let Spawn = require('child_process').spawn; let DEFAULT_BCONF = '/etc/cjdroute.bconf'; let usage = function () { console.log("Usage: cjdnsctl [ OPTIONS ] OBJECT { COMMAND | help }"); console.log("where OBJECT := { iptun | conf | peers }"); console.log(" OPTIONS := { -f { cjdns-binary-config-file }"); }; let confHelp = function () { console.log("Usage: cjdnsctl conf gen [ B_LOCATION ] [ yes ]"); console.log(" cjdnsctl conf convert INPUT [ B_LOCATION ] [ yes ]"); console.log(" cjdnsctl conf json [ B_LOCATION ]"); console.log(" cjdnsctl conf get PATH"); console.log(" cjdnsctl conf set PATH VALUE"); console.log("where B_LOCATION := binary file path, default: " + DEFAULT_BCONF); console.log(" INPUT := a legacy format cjdroute.conf file"); console.log(" PATH := a json path for example authorizedPasswords[0].password"); console.log(" VALUE := any valid json"); }; let iptunHelp = function () { console.log("Usage: cjdnsctl iptun add KEY APA [ APA ] [ comment COMMENT ]"); console.log(" cjdnsctl iptun rm KEY"); console.log(" cjdnsctl iptun conn KEY"); console.log(" cjdnsctl iptun disconn KEY"); console.log(" cjdnsctl iptun ls"); console.log("where KEY := base-32 encoded string ending in .k"); console.log(" APA := ADDRESS[ [ /PREFIX ] /ALLOCATION ]"); console.log(" PREFIX := 0-32 for IPv4, 0-128 for IPv6 (announced to client)"); console.log(" ALLOCATION := 0-32 for IPv4, 0-128 for IPv6 (issued to client)"); console.log(" COMMENT := a string, never sent, shown in `cjdnsctl iptun ls`"); }; let peersHelp = function () { console.log("Usage: cjdnsctl peers conn ADDR KEY PASSWD [ user LOGIN ] [ dev DEV ] " + "[ comment COMMENT ]"); console.log(" cjdnsctl peers disconn KEY"); console.log(" cjdnsctl peers auth PASSWD LOGIN [ comment COMMENT ]"); console.log(" cjdnsctl peers deauth LOGIN"); console.log(" cjdnsctl peers ls"); console.log(" cjdnsctl peers lsdev"); console.log(" cjdnsctl peers lsauth"); console.log("where KEY := base-32 encoded string ending in .k"); console.log(" ADDR := a string representation of a Sockaddr for connecting to the peer"); console.log(" PASSWD := a string"); console.log(" LOGIN := a string"); console.log(" COMMENT := a string, never sent, shown in `cjdnsctl peers ls`"); } let syncConf = function (ctx) { let bstr = Benc.encode(ctx.conf); //console.log('>' + ctx.confFile); Fs.writeFile(ctx.confFile, bstr, function (err, ret) { if (err) { console.error("Failed to sync changes to cjdns config file [" + ctx.confFile + "]"); throw err; } }); }; let assertNum = function (str, lowerBound, upperBound) { let num = Number(str); if (num <= upperBound && num >= lowerBound) { return num; } throw new Error("[" + str + "] must be a number between [" + lowerBound + "] and [" + upperBound + "]"); }; let iptunAdd = function (ctx, argIndex, cb) { let ip6; let prefix6; let alloc6; let ip4; let prefix4; let alloc4; let key; let comment; if ((/[a-z0-9]+\.k/).test(process.argv[argIndex+1])) { key = process.argv[argIndex+1]; } else { console.error("ERROR: `cjdnsctl iptun add` requires the public key of the connecting node"); return cb(); } for (let i = argIndex+2; i < process.argv.length; i++) { if ((/[0-9a-fA-F]+:/).test(process.argv[i])) { let arr = process.argv[i].split('/'); ip6 = arr[0]; prefix6 = arr[1] && assertNum(arr[1], 0, 128); alloc6 = arr[2] && assertNum(arr[2], 0, 128); } if ((/[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+/).test(process.argv[i])) { let arr = process.argv[i].split('/'); ip4 = arr[0]; prefix4 = arr[1] && assertNum(arr[1], 0, 32); alloc4 = arr[2] && assertNum(arr[2], 0, 32); } if (process.argv[i] === 'comment') { if (!process.argv[i+1]) { console.error("ERROR: `comment` must be followed by a string"); return cb(); } comment = process.argv[i+1]; } } if (!ip4 && !ip6) { console.error("ERROR: `cjdnsctl iptun add` requires an ipv4 and/or ipv6 address to issue"); return cb(); } for (let i = 0; i < ctx.conf.router.ipTunnel.allowedConnections.length; i++) { if (ctx.conf.router.ipTunnel.allowedConnections[i].publicKey === key) { console.error("ERROR: public key [" + key + "] is already authorized"); return cb(); } } nThen(function (waitFor) { ctx.cjdns.IpTunnel_allowConnection(key, prefix6, alloc6, ip6, prefix4, alloc4, ip4, waitFor(function (err, ret) { if (err) { throw err; } if (ret.error && ret.error !== 'none') { throw new Error("Response from cjdns: " + ret.error); } })); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { let conn = { publicKey: key }; if (ip4 !== undefined) { conn.ip4Address = ip4; } if (prefix4 !== undefined) { conn.ip4Prefix = prefix4; } if (alloc4 !== undefined) { conn.ip4Alloc = alloc4; } if (ip6 !== undefined) { conn.ip6Address = ip6; } if (prefix6 !== undefined) { conn.ip6Prefix = prefix6; } if (alloc6 !== undefined) { conn.ip6Alloc = alloc6; } if (comment !== undefined) { conn.comment = comment; } ctx.conf.router.ipTunnel.allowedConnections.push(conn); syncConf(ctx); cb(); }); }; let getIptunConnections = function (ctx, cb) { let connTable; nThen(function (waitFor) { ctx.cjdns.IpTunnel_listConnections(waitFor(function (err, ret) { if (err) { throw err; } if (ret.error && ret.error !== 'none') { throw new Error("Response from cjdns: " + ret.error); } connTable = ret.connections; })); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { let nt = nThen; for (let i = 0; i < connTable.length; i++) { (function(i) { nt = nt(function (waitFor) { ctx.cjdns.IpTunnel_showConnection(i, waitFor(function (err, ret) { if (err) { throw err; } if (ret.error && ret.error !== 'none') { throw new Error("Response from cjdns: " + ret.error); } ret._connNum = connTable[i]; connTable[i] = ret; })); }).nThen; })(i); } nt(waitFor()); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { cb(connTable); }); }; let iptunRm = function (ctx, argIndex, cb) { if (argIndex+2 !== process.argv.length) { console.error("ERROR: `cjdnsctl iptun rm` takes one argument"); iptunHelp(); return cb(); } let publicKey = process.argv[argIndex+1]; let index = -1; let entry; for (let i = 0; i < ctx.conf.router.ipTunnel.allowedConnections.length; i++) { if (ctx.conf.router.ipTunnel.allowedConnections[i].publicKey === publicKey) { index = i; entry = ctx.conf.router.ipTunnel.allowedConnections[i]; break; } } if (index === -1) { console.error("ERROR: no connection found in conf matching key [" + publicKey + "]"); return cb(); } ctx.conf.router.ipTunnel.allowedConnections.splice(index, 1); let connTable; nThen(function (waitFor) { getIptunConnections(waitFor(function (ct) { connTable = ct; })); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { let found = false; for (let i = 0; i < connTable.length; i++) { if (Number(connTable[i].outgoing)) { // fallthrough } else if (connTable[i].key === publicKey) { found = true; ctx.cjdns.IpTunnel_removeConnection(Number(connTable[i]._connNum), waitFor(function (err, ret) { if (err) { throw err; } if (ret.error && ret.error !== 'none') { throw new Error("Response from cjdns: " + ret.error); } cb(); })); } } if (!found) { throw new Error("no such connection inside of running cjdns"); } }).nThen(function (waitFor) { syncConf(ctx); cb(); }); }; let iptunLs = function (ctx, argIndex, cb) { if (argIndex+1 !== process.argv.length) { console.error("ERROR: `cjdnsctl iptun ls` takes no arguments"); iptunHelp(); return cb(); } console.log(JSON.stringify(ctx.conf.router.ipTunnel.allowedConnections, null, ' ')); cb(); }; let iptunConnDisconn = function (ctx, i, cb) { if (i+2 !== process.argv.length) { console.error("ERROR: `cjdnsctl iptun " + process.argv[i] + "` takes exactly one argument"); return cb(); } if (process.argv[i] === 'conn') { if (ctx.conf.router.ipTunnel.outgoingConnections.length > 0) { console.error("ERROR: already connected to an IPTunnel (multiple is not well tested)"); return cb(); } ctx.conf.router.ipTunnel.outgoingConnections.push(process.argv[i+1]); ctx.cjdns.IpTunnel_connectTo(process.argv[i+1], function (err, ret) { if (err) { throw err; } if (ret.error !== 'none') { throw new Error("Response from cjdns: " + ret.error); } syncConf(ctx); cb(); }); } else if (process.argv[i] !== 'disconn') { throw new Error(); } if (ctx.conf.router.ipTunnel.outgoingConnections.length === 0) { console.error("ERROR: not connected to any IPTunnel"); return cb(); } let idx = ctx.conf.router.ipTunnel.outgoingConnections.indexOf(process.argv[i+1]); if (idx === -1) { console.error("ERROR: no connection for given key"); return cb(); } ctx.conf.router.ipTunnel.outgoingConnections.splice(idx, 1); let connTable; nThen(function (waitFor) { getIptunConnections(waitFor(function (ct) { connTable = ct; })); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { let found = false; for (let i = 0; i < connTable.length; i++) { if (!connTable[i].outgoing) { // fallthrough } else if (connTable[i].key === process.argv[i+1]) { found = true; ctx.cjdns.IpTunnel_removeConnection(connTable[i]._connNum, waitFor(function (err, ret) { if (err) { throw err; } if (ret.error && ret.error !== 'none') { throw new Error("Response from cjdns: " + ret.error); } })); } } if (!found) { throw new Error("no such connection inside of running cjdns"); } }).nThen(function (waitFor) { syncConf(ctx); cb(); }); }; let iptun = function (ctx, i, cb) { switch (process.argv[i+1]) { case 'add': return iptunAdd(ctx, i+1, cb); case 'rm': return iptunRm(ctx, i+1, cb); case 'ls': return iptunLs(ctx, i+1, cb); case 'conn': case 'disconn': return iptunConnDisconn(ctx, i+1, cb); case undefined: case 'help': iptunHelp(); cb(); return; default: { console.error("Unrecognized argument: " + process.argv[i+1]); iptunHelp(); cb(); } } }; let runCjdroute = function (args, stdin, cb) { let cjdroute = 'cjdroute'; nThen(function (waitFor) { Fs.exists(process.cwd() + '/cjdroute', waitFor(function (ex) { if (ex) { cjdroute = process.cwd() + '/cjdroute'; } })); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { let proc = Spawn(cjdroute, args); let err = ''; let out = ''; proc.stderr.on('data', function (dat) { err += dat.toString(); }); proc.stdout.on('data', function (dat) { out += dat.toString(); }); proc.on('close', waitFor(function (ret) { cb(ret, out, err); })); proc.on('error', function (err) { throw err; }); if (stdin) { proc.stdin.write(stdin, function (err) { if (err) { throw err; } proc.stdin.end(); }); } }); }; let lockConfFile = function (confFile, cb) { let uid; let mode; nThen(function (waitFor) { Fs.stat(confFile, waitFor(function (err, stat) { if (err) { throw err; } mode = stat.mode; uid = stat.uid; })); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { if (uid === 0) { return; } Fs.chown(confFile, process.getuid(), process.getgid(), waitFor(function (err) { if (err) { throw err; } })); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { if (mode.toString(8).slice(-3) === '600') { return; } Fs.chmod(confFile, parseInt('600',8), waitFor(function (err) { if (err) { throw err; } })); }).nThen(cb); }; let confGen = function (i) { let confFile = DEFAULT_BCONF; let force = false; let conf; let confStr; if (process.argv.length > i+3) { console.error("ERROR: `cjdnsctl conf gen` requires maximum 2 arguments"); return; } if (process.argv[i+2] === 'yes') { force = true; } if (process.argv.length > i+1) { if (force || process.argv[i+1] !== 'yes') { confFile = process.argv[i+1]; } else { force = true; } } nThen(function (waitFor) { Fs.exists(confFile, waitFor(function (ex) { if (ex && !force) { console.error("ERROR: `cjdnsctl conf gen` output file [" + confFile + "] exists."); let cf = (confFile === DEFAULT_BCONF) ? "" : (confFile + " "); console.error(" use `cjdnsctl conf gen " + cf + "yes` to overwrite."); confFile = null; } })); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { if (!confFile) { return; } runCjdroute(['--genconf'], undefined, waitFor(function (ret, out, err) { confStr = out; })); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { if (!confFile) { return; } runCjdroute(['--cleanconf'], confStr, waitFor(function (ret, out, err) { conf = JSON.parse(out); // Don't need default auth'd passwords. conf.authorizedPasswords = []; })); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { if (!confFile) { return; } let bstr = Benc.encode(conf) if (bstr !== Benc.encode(Benc.decode(bstr))) { throw new Error(); } Fs.writeFile(confFile, bstr, waitFor(function (err, ret) { if (err) { throw err; } })); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { if (!confFile) { return; } lockConfFile(confFile, waitFor()); }); }; let fixConf = function (conf) { conf.authorizedPasswords = conf.authorizedPasswords.map(function (pwd, i) { let out = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(pwd)); if (!('user' in out)) { // This is synchronized with Configurator.c out.user = '_noname_' + i; } return out; }); Object.keys(conf.interfaces).forEach(function (iface) { if (!Array.isArray(conf.interfaces[iface])) { conf.interfaces[iface] = [ conf.interfaces[iface] ]; } conf.interfaces[iface].forEach(function (ifaceB) { if (!('bind' in ifaceB)) { if (iface === 'ETHInterface') { ifaceB.bind = 'all'; } else { ifaceB.bind = '' + Math.floor(Math.random() * (65535 - 1025)) + 1025; } } }); }); }; let confConvert = function (i) { let confFile = DEFAULT_BCONF; let force = false; let conf; if (process.argv.length > i+4 || process.argv.length <= i+1) { console.error("ERROR: `cjdnsctl conf convert` requires between 1 and 3 arguments"); return; } let inputFile = process.argv[i+1]; if (process.argv.length > i+2 && process.argv[process.argv.length-1] === 'yes') { force = true; process.argv.pop(); } if (process.argv.length > i+2) { confFile = process.argv.pop(); } let inputContent; nThen(function (waitFor) { Fs.exists(confFile, waitFor(function (ex) { if (ex && !force) { console.error("ERROR: `cjdnsctl conf convert` output file [" + confFile + "] exists"); let cf = (confFile === DEFAULT_BCONF) ? "" : (confFile + " "); console.error(" use `cjdnsctl conf convert " + cf + "yes` to overwrite."); confFile = null; } })); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { Fs.readFile(inputFile, waitFor(function (err, ret) { if (err) { throw err; } inputContent = ret.toString('utf8'); })); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { if (!confFile) { return; } runCjdroute(['--cleanconf'], inputContent, waitFor(function (ret, out, err) { conf = JSON.parse(out); })); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { if (!confFile) { return; } fixConf(conf); let bstr = Benc.encode(conf) if (bstr !== Benc.encode(Benc.decode(bstr))) { throw new Error(); } Fs.writeFile(confFile, bstr, waitFor(function (err, ret) { if (err) { throw err; } })); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { if (!confFile) { return; } lockConfFile(confFile, waitFor()); }); }; let confJson = function (i) { let confFile = DEFAULT_BCONF; if (process.argv.length > i+2) { console.error("ERROR: `cjdnsctl conf json` takes at most, 1 argument"); return; } if (process.argv.length > i+1) { confFile = process.argv[i+1]; } Fs.readFile(confFile, function (err, ret) { if (err) { throw err; } let conf = Benc.decode(ret.toString('utf8')); if (!conf) { console.error("ERROR: failed to parse bconf file [" + confFile + "]"); } process.stdout.write(JSON.stringify(conf, null, ' ')); }); }; let confGet = function (ctx, i, cb) { if (process.argv.length !== i+2) { console.error("ERROR: `cjdnsctl conf get` requires exactly one argument"); cb(); return; } console.log(JSON.stringify(eval('ctx.conf.' + process.argv[i+1]), null, ' ')); cb(); }; let confSet = function (ctx, i, cb) { if (process.argv.length !== i+3) { console.error("ERROR: `cjdnsctl conf set` requires exactly two arguments"); cb(); return; } if (process.argv[i+2] === 'undefined') { eval('delete ctx.conf.' + process.argv[i+1] + ';'); } else { let val = JSON.parse(process.argv[i+2]); eval('ctx.conf.' + process.argv[i+1] + ' = val;'); } syncConf(ctx); cb(); }; let conf = function (ctx, i, cb) { switch (process.argv[i+1]) { case 'gen': return confGen(i+1); case 'convert': return confConvert(i+1); case 'json': return confJson(i+1); case 'get': return confGet(ctx, i+1, cb); case 'set': return confSet(ctx, i+1, cb); case undefined: case 'help': confHelp(); return; default: { console.error("Unrecognized argument: " + process.argv[i+1]); confHelp(); } } }; let getAllConnectBlocks = function (ctx) { let connectBlocks = {}; [ "UDPInterface", "ETHInterface" ].forEach(function (ifaceName) { if (!(ifaceName in ctx.conf.interfaces)) { return; } let iface = ctx.conf.interfaces[ifaceName]; for (let i = 0; i < iface.length; i++) { for (let ipPort in iface[i].connectTo) { connectBlocks[iface[i].connectTo[ipPort].publicKey] = { ipPort: ipPort, block: iface[i].connectTo[ipPort], iface: ifaceName.substring(0,3) + '/' + iface[i].bind }; } } }); return connectBlocks; }; let getDevices = function (ctx, cb) { let ifaces = []; let page = 0; let handler = function (err, ret) { if (err) { throw err; } if (ret.error && ret.error !== 'none') { throw new Error("Response from cjdns: " + ret.error); } if (!ret.ifaces) { throw new Error("response missing ifaces"); } ifaces.push.apply(ifaces, ret.ifaces); if (ret.more) { page++; ctx.cjdns.InterfaceController_getInterfaces(page, handler); } else { ifaces.sort(); cb(ifaces); } }; ctx.cjdns.InterfaceController_getInterfaces(page, handler); }; let peersConn = function (ctx, i, cb) { if (process.argv.length < i+4) { console.error("ERROR: `cjdnsctl peers conn` requires at least 3 arguments"); cb(); return; } for (let ii = 0; ii <= i; ii++) { process.argv.shift(); } let values = { addr: process.argv.shift(), key: process.argv.shift(), pass: process.argv.shift(), user: null, dev: null, comment: null }; let opts = ['user','dev','comment']; while (process.argv.length) { let nextName = process.argv.shift(); let nextVal = process.argv.shift(); let idx = opts.indexOf(nextName); if (idx === -1) { console.error("ERROR: `cjdnsctl peers conn` extra parameters include " + JSON.stringify(opts) + " argument " + JSON.stringify(nextName) + " unhandled"); cb(); return; } if (typeof(nextVal) === 'undefined') { console.error("ERROR: `cjdnsctl peers conn` extra parameter " + JSON.stringify(nextName) + " requires a value"); cb(); return; } values[nextName] = nextVal; } if (values.key in getAllConnectBlocks(ctx)) { console.error("ERROR: node " + JSON.stringify(values.key) + " already in a connectTo block"); cb(); return; } let connectBlock = null; let ifaces; nThen(function (waitFor) { getDevices(ctx, waitFor(function (ifs) { ifaces = ifs; })); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { if (values.dev === null) { // No device specified, we need to guess. let matcher; let type; if (/^([a-fA-F0-9]{2}:){5}[a-fA-F0-9]{2}$/.test(values.addr)) { // It's ethernet, pick the first eth device matcher = /^ETH\//; type = "Ethernet/MAC"; } else if (/^\[[a-fA-F0-9:]+\]:[0-9]+$/.test(values.addr)) { // It's ipv6 matcher = /^UDP\/\[/; type = "UDP/IPv6"; } else if (/^([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}:[0-9]+$/.test(values.addr)) { // It's ipv4 matcher = /^UDP\/[0-9]+/; type = "UDP/IPv4"; } else { console.error("ERROR: address " + JSON.stringify(values.addr) + " is not " + "recognized as Ethernet/MAC, UDP/IPv6 or UDP/IPv4"); return; } for (let i = 0; i < ifaces.length; i++) { if (matcher.test(ifaces[i].name)) { values.dev = ifaces[i].name; console.log("Using iface " + JSON.stringify(values.dev)); break; } } if (values.dev === null) { console.error("ERROR: address " + JSON.stringify(values.addr) + " is recognized " + "as type " + JSON.stringify(type) + " and there is no existing interface " + "for this address type.\nTry `cjdnsctl peers lsdev` for a list"); return; } } else { let found = false; for (let i = 0; i < ifaces.length; i++) { if (ifaces[i].name === values.dev) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { console.error("ERROR: dev " + JSON.stringify(values.dev) + " does not exist.\n" + "Try `cjdnsctl peers lsdev` for a list"); return; } } // Now we have to guess the correct block in the conf to insert the connect block into Object.keys(ctx.conf.interfaces).some(function (iface) { // Check iface type (UDP|ETH) if (iface.indexOf(values.dev.split('/')[0]) !== 0) { return; } ctx.conf.interfaces[iface].some(function (ifaceB, i) { if (ifaceB.bind === values.dev.split('/')[1]) { values.confBlock = ctx.conf.interfaces[iface][i].connectTo; return true; } }); return "confBlock" in values; }); if (!("confBlock" in values)) { console.error("ERROR: dev " + JSON.stringify(values.dev) + " cannot be matched " + "to a block in the configuration db"); return; } let block = { password: values.pass, publicKey: values.key }; if (values.user) { block.login = values.user; } if (values.comment) { block.comment = values.comment; } values.confBlock[values.addr] = block; ctx.cjdns.InterfaceController_connectTo( values.key, values.pass, values.dev, values.addr, values.user, waitFor(function (err, ret) { if (err) { throw err; } if (ret.error !== 'none') { throw new Error("Response from cjdns: " + ret.error); } syncConf(ctx); })); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { if (values.dev.indexOf('UDP') !== 0) { return; } ctx.cjdns.RouteGen_addException(values.addr.replace(/:[0-9]+$/, ''), waitFor(function (err, ret) { if (err) { throw err; } if (ret.error !== 'none') { throw new Error("Response from cjdns: " + ret.error); } })); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { if (values.dev.indexOf('UDP') !== 0) { return; } ctx.cjdns.RouteGen_commit(waitFor(function (err, ret) { if (err) { throw err; } if (ret.error !== 'none') { throw new Error("Response from cjdns: " + ret.error); } })); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { cb(); }); }; let peersDisconn = function (ctx, i, cb) { if (process.argv.length !== i+2) { console.error("ERROR: `cjdnsctl peers disconn` requires exactly one argument"); cb(); return; } let key = process.argv[i+1]; let addr; let dev; Object.keys(ctx.conf.interfaces).forEach(function (iface) { ctx.conf.interfaces[iface].forEach(function (ifaceB) { Object.keys(ifaceB.connectTo).forEach(function (ip) { if (ifaceB.connectTo[ip].publicKey === key) { addr = ip; dev = iface; delete ifaceB.connectTo[ip]; } }); }); }); if (!addr) { console.error("not found"); cb(); return; } nThen(function (waitFor) { ctx.cjdns.InterfaceController_disconnectPeer(key, function (err, ret) { if (err) { throw err; } if (ret.error !== 'none') { throw new Error("Response from cjdns: " + ret.error); } syncConf(ctx); }); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { if (dev.indexOf('UDP') !== 0) { return; } ctx.cjdns.RouteGen_removeException(addr.replace(/:[0-9]+$/, ''), waitFor(function (err, ret) { if (err) { throw err; } if (ret.error !== 'none') { throw new Error("Response from cjdns: " + ret.error); } })); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { if (dev.indexOf('UDP') !== 0) { return; } ctx.cjdns.RouteGen_commit(waitFor(function (err, ret) { if (err) { throw err; } if (ret.error !== 'none') { throw new Error("Response from cjdns: " + ret.error); } })); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { cb(); }); }; let peersAuth = function (ctx, i, cb) { let comment; if (process.argv.length !== i+3) { if (process.argv.length === i+5 && process.argv[i+3] === 'comment') { comment = process.argv[i+4]; } else { console.err("ERROR: `cjdnsctl peers auth` requires 2 arguments plus optional comment"); cb(); return; } } let block = { password: process.argv[i+1], user: process.argv[i+2] }; if (comment) { block.comment = comment; } ctx.conf.authorizedPasswords.push(block); ctx.cjdns.AuthorizedPasswords_add(block.password, block.user, function (err, ret) { if (err) { throw err; } if (ret.error !== 'none') { throw new Error("Response from cjdns: " + ret.error); } syncConf(ctx); cb(); }); }; let peersDeauth = function (ctx, i, cb) { if (process.argv.length !== i+2) { console.error("ERROR: `cjdnsctl peers deauth` requires exactly one argument"); cb(); return; } let login = process.argv[i+1]; let found = false; for (let i = 0; i < ctx.conf.authorizedPasswords.length; i++) { if (ctx.conf.authorizedPasswords[i].user === login) { ctx.conf.authorizedPasswords.splice(i, 1); found = true; break; } } if (!found) { console.error("not found"); cb(); return; } ctx.cjdns.AuthorizedPasswords_remove(login, function (err, ret) { if (err) { throw err; } if (ret.error !== 'none') { throw new Error("Response from cjdns: " + ret.error); } syncConf(ctx); cb(); }); }; let peersLsAuth = function (ctx, i, cb) { ctx.conf.authorizedPasswords.forEach(function (pwd, i) { let out = pwd.user; if ('comment' in pwd) { out += ' comment ' + JSON.stringify(pwd.comment); } console.log(out); }); cb(); }; let parseAddr = function (addr) { let out; addr.replace(/^(v[0-9]+)((\.[0-9a-f]{4}){4})\.([a-z0-9]{52}\.k)$/, function (all, v, l, x, k) { out = { ver: v, path: l.substring(1), key: k }; }); if (!out) { throw new Error("failed to parse address [" + addr + "]"); } return out; }; let formatPeerData = function (peer) { let p = peer.linkAddr + '\t' + peer.addr + ' ' + peer.state + ' in ' + peer.recvKbps + 'kb/s' + ' out ' + peer.sendKbps + 'kb/s'; if (peer.duplicates !== 0) { p += ' ' + ' DUP ' + peer.duplicates; } if (peer.lostPackets !== 0) { p += ' ' + ' LOS ' + peer.lostPackets; } if (peer.receivedOutOfRange !== 0) { p += ' ' + ' OOR ' + peer.receivedOutOfRange; } if ('user' in peer) { p += ' ' + JSON.stringify(peer.user); } ['_passwdBlock', '_connectBlock'].forEach(function (blk) { if (blk in peer && 'comment' in peer[blk].block) { p += ' comment ' + JSON.stringify(peer[blk].block.comment); } }); return p; }; let peersLs = function (ctx, _i, cb) { let peerStats = []; let connectBlocks = getAllConnectBlocks(ctx); let passwords = {}; ctx.conf.authorizedPasswords.forEach(function (pwd, i) { passwords[pwd.user] = pwd; }); nThen(function (waitFor) { let again = function (i) { ctx.cjdns.InterfaceController_peerStats(i, waitFor(function (err, ret) { if (err) { throw err; } peerStats.push.apply(peerStats, ret.peers); if ('more' in ret) { again(i+1); } else { cb(peers); } })); }; again(0); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { let ifaces = {}; for (let i = 0; i < peerStats.length; i++) { peerStats[i]._parsedAddr = parseAddr(peerStats[i].addr); if (peerStats[i]._parsedAddr.key in connectBlocks) { peerStats[i]._connectBlock = connectBlocks[peerStats[i]._parsedAddr.key]; delete connectBlocks[peerStats[i]._parsedAddr.key]; } if ('user' in peerStats[i] && peerStats[i].user in passwords) { peerStats[i]._passwdBlock = passwords[peerStats[i].user]; delete passwords[peerStats[i].user]; } (ifaces[peerStats[i].ifName] = ifaces[peerStats[i].ifName] || []).push(peerStats[i]); } for (let iface in ifaces) { console.log("iface: " + iface); let pc = ifaces[iface]; for (let i = 0; i < pc.length; i++) { console.log(' ' + formatPeerData(pc[i])); } } /*if (Object.keys(passwords).length) { console.log("unconnected authorized passwords:"); for (let uname in passwords) { let out = uname; if ('comment' in passwords[uname]) { out += ' comment ' + passwords[uname].comment; } console.log(' ' + out); } }*/ if (Object.keys(connectBlocks).length) { console.log("unsynced connect blocks:"); console.log(JSON.stringify(connectBlocks, null, ' ')); } cb(); return; }); }; let peersLsdev = function (ctx, i, cb) { let ifaces; nThen(function (waitFor) { getDevices(ctx, waitFor(function (ifs) { ifaces = ifs; })); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { for (let i = 0; i < ifaces.length; i++) { console.log(ifaces[i].name); } cb(); }); }; let peers = function (ctx, i, cb) { switch (process.argv[i+1]) { case 'conn': return peersConn(ctx, i+1, cb); case 'disconn': return peersDisconn(ctx, i+1, cb); case 'auth': return peersAuth(ctx, i+1, cb); case 'deauth': return peersDeauth(ctx, i+1, cb); case 'lsauth': return peersLsAuth(ctx, i+1, cb); case 'ls': return peersLs(ctx, i+1, cb); case 'lsdev': return peersLsdev(ctx, i+1, cb); case undefined: case 'help': peersHelp(); cb(); return; default: { console.error("Unrecognized argument: " + process.argv[i+1]); peersHelp(); cb(); } } }; let funMap = { 'iptun': iptun, 'conf': conf, 'peers': peers }; let main = module.exports.main = function () { let confFile = DEFAULT_BCONF; let func; let i = 0; for (; i < process.argv.length; i++) { if (funMap[process.argv[i]]) { func = funMap[process.argv[i]]; break; } if (process.argv[i] === '-f') { confFile = process.argv[++i]; } } if (func === conf && ['get','set'].indexOf(process.argv[i+1]) === -1) { conf(null, i); return; } if (confFile && func) { let out = { confFile: confFile }; nThen(function (waitFor) { Fs.readFile(confFile, waitFor(function (err, ret) { if (err) { console.error("Need access to the cjdns configuration db [" + confFile + "]"); throw err; } let str = ret.toString('utf8'); out.conf = Benc.decode(str); if (!out.conf) { throw new Error("Failed to parse [" + confFile + "]"); } if (Benc.encode(out.conf) !== str) { throw new Error("bencode roundtrip failed"); } fixConf(out.conf); })); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { let addrPort = out.conf.admin.bind; let lColon = addrPort.lastIndexOf(':'); let addr = addrPort.substring(0, lColon); let port = Number(addrPort.substring(lColon+1)); Cjdns.connect(addr, port, out.conf.admin.password, waitFor(function (cjdns) { out.cjdns = cjdns; })); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { func(out, i, waitFor()); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { out.cjdns.disconnect(); }); } else { return usage(); } }; }());