#!/usr/bin/env perl BEGIN { use File::Basename 'dirname'; use File::Spec; push @INC, join('/', File::Spec->splitdir(dirname(__FILE__)), '..', 'lib'); } use CJDNS; use JSON; unless ($ARGV[0]) { die "Usage: cexec .. \n"; } if (open(CFG, '<', $ENV{HOME} . "/.cjdnsadmin")) { local $/; my $cfg = from_json(); # slurrrrp! my $cjdns = CJDNS->new($cfg->{addr}, $cfg->{port}, $cfg->{password}); my $method = $ARGV[0]; my @args = @ARGV[1..$#ARGV]; if ($method eq "capabilities") { print $cjdns->$method(@args) . "\n"; } else { print to_json($cjdns->$method(@args)) . "\n"; } } else { print("Please create a file named .cjdnsadmin in your home directory with\n"); print("ip, port, and password of your cjdns engine in json.\n"); print("for example:\n"); print("{\n"); print(" \"addr\": \"\",\n"); print(" \"port\": 11234,\n"); print(" \"password\": \"You tell me! (you\'ll find it in your cjdroute.conf)\"\n"); print("}\n"); }