/* vim: set expandtab ts=4 sw=4: */ /* * You may redistribute this program and/or modify it under the terms of * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, * either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "crypto/random/Random.h" #include "crypto/random/test/DeterminentRandomSeed.h" #include "util/Assert.h" #include "util/events/Time.h" #include "util/CString.h" #include "memory/Allocator.h" #include "wire/Message.h" #include "util/Js.h" #include "util/events/libuv/Glock.h" #include #include #include #ifdef SUBNODE #define testcjdroute_SUBNODE 1 #else #define testcjdroute_SUBNODE 0 #endif Js({ return builder.config.cjdnsTest_prototypes; }) typedef int (* Test)(int argc, char** argv); typedef void* (* FuzzTestInit)(struct Allocator* alloc, struct Random* rand); typedef void (* FuzzTest)(void* ctx, Message_t* fuzz); typedef struct FuzzTest* (* MkFuzz)(struct Allocator* alloc); static const struct { Test func; char* name; } TESTS[] = { Js({ return builder.config.cjdnsTest_tests }) }; static const int TEST_COUNT = (int) (sizeof(TESTS) / sizeof(*TESTS)); static const struct { FuzzTestInit init; FuzzTest fuzz; char* name; } FUZZ_TESTS[] = { Js({ return builder.config.cjdnsTest_fuzzTests }) }; static const int FUZZ_TEST_COUNT = (int) (sizeof(FUZZ_TESTS) / sizeof(*FUZZ_TESTS)); static const char* FUZZ_CASES[] = { Js({ return builder.config.cjdnsTest_fuzzCases }) }; static const int FUZZ_CASE_COUNT = (int) (sizeof(FUZZ_CASES) / sizeof(*FUZZ_CASES)); Js({ builder.config.cjdnsTest_files.forEach((f) => js.linkerDependency(f)); }) static uint64_t runTest(Test test, char* name, uint64_t startTime, int argc, char** argv, int quiet) { if (!quiet) { fprintf(stderr, "Running test %s", name); } Assert_true(!test(argc, argv)); if (!quiet) { uint64_t now = Time_hrtime(); char* seventySpaces = " "; int count = CString_strlen(name); if (count > 69) { count = 69; } fprintf(stderr, "%s%d.%d ms\n", &seventySpaces[count], (int)((now - startTime)/1000000), (int)((now - startTime)/1000)%1000); return now; } return startTime; } static void usage(char* appName) { printf("%s run one test\n", appName); printf("%s all run every test\n\n", appName); printf("Flags:\n"); printf(" --quiet # Don't write test timings to stderr"); printf(" --stderr-to # Redirect stderr to a file (append mode)"); printf(" --inittests # When using `fuzz` first initialize ALL tests"); printf("\n"); printf("Available Tests:\n"); for (int i = 0; i < TEST_COUNT; i++) { printf("%s %s\n", appName, TESTS[i].name); } printf("\nAvailable Fuzz Tests:\n"); for (int i = 0; i < FUZZ_CASE_COUNT; i++) { printf("%s fuzz < %s\n", appName, FUZZ_CASES[i]); } } static void readFile(int fileNo, struct Allocator* alloc, Message_t* fuzz) { int32_t msgLen = Message_getLength(fuzz); uint8_t* bytes = NULL; Err_assert(Message_peakBytes(&bytes, fuzz, msgLen)); ssize_t length = read(fileNo, bytes, msgLen); if (length >= msgLen) { printf("No test files over [%d] bytes\n", msgLen); length = 0; } Err_assert(Message_truncate(fuzz, length)); } static void** initFuzzTests(struct Allocator* alloc, struct Random* rand) { void** contexts = Allocator_calloc(alloc, sizeof(char*), FUZZ_TEST_COUNT); for (int i = 0; i < FUZZ_TEST_COUNT; i++) { contexts[i] = FUZZ_TESTS[i].init(alloc, rand); } return contexts; } static int runFuzzTest( void** ctxs, struct Allocator* alloc, struct Random* rand, Message_t* fuzz, const char* testCase, int quiet) { if (Message_getLength(fuzz) < 4) { return 100; } uint32_t selector = -1; Err_assert(Message_epop32be(&selector, fuzz)); if (selector >= (uint32_t)FUZZ_TEST_COUNT) { printf("selector [%x] out of bounds [%u]\n", selector, FUZZ_TEST_COUNT); return 100; } if (!testCase) { testCase = FUZZ_TESTS[selector].name; } if (!quiet) { fprintf(stderr, "Running fuzz %s", testCase); } void* ctx = ctxs ? ctxs[selector] : FUZZ_TESTS[selector].init(alloc, rand); FUZZ_TESTS[selector].fuzz(ctx, fuzz); return 0; } static uint64_t runFuzzTestManual( struct Allocator* alloc, struct Random* detRand, const char* testCase, uint64_t startTime, int quiet) { int f = open(testCase, O_RDONLY); Assert_true(f > -1); Message_t* fuzz = Message_new(4096, 128, alloc); readFile(f, alloc, fuzz); close(f); runFuzzTest(NULL, alloc, detRand, fuzz, testCase, quiet); if (!quiet) { uint64_t now = Time_hrtime(); char* seventySpaces = " "; int count = CString_strlen(testCase); if (count > 69) { count = 69; } fprintf(stderr, "%s%d.%d ms\n", &seventySpaces[count], (int)((now - startTime)/1000000), (int)((now - startTime)/1000)%1000); return now; } return startTime; } // We don't really want to let AFL write the random seed because the amount of mixing // that occurs between the input and output makes any attempt at optimizing the seed // useless. // // We do, however, want to make sure that crashes discovered by AFL are reproducable. // // We might imagine letting part of the AFL message content be the random data which // is returned, but we don't know how much will be requested in advance. Possibly // something for the future. #define RANDOM_SEED "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef" static int fuzzMain(struct Allocator* alloc, struct Random* detRand, int initTests, int quiet) { Message_t* fuzz = Message_new(4096, 128, alloc); #ifdef __AFL_INIT // Enable AFL deferred forkserver mode. Requires compilation using afl-clang-fast initTests = 1; #endif void** ctxs = (initTests) ? initFuzzTests(alloc, detRand) : NULL; #ifdef __AFL_INIT __AFL_INIT(); #endif readFile(STDIN_FILENO, alloc, fuzz); int out = runFuzzTest(ctxs, alloc, detRand, fuzz, NULL, quiet); printf("\n"); return out; } static void stderrTo(char* file) { int f = open(file, O_CREAT | O_APPEND | O_WRONLY, 0666); Assert_true(f > -1); Assert_true(dup2(f, STDERR_FILENO) == STDERR_FILENO); } static int main2(int argc, char** argv, struct Allocator* alloc, struct Random* detRand) { int initTests = 0; int quiet = 0; for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { if (!CString_strcmp("--inittests", argv[i])) { initTests = 1; } if (!CString_strcmp("--stderr-to", argv[i]) && argc > i + 1) { stderrTo(argv[i + 1]); } if (!CString_strcmp("--quiet", argv[i])) { quiet = 1; } } if (argc > 1 && !CString_strcmp("fuzz", argv[1])) { return fuzzMain(alloc, detRand, initTests, quiet); } uint64_t now = Time_hrtime(); uint64_t startTime = now; if (argc < 2) { Assert_true(argc > 0); usage(argv[0]); return 100; } if (argc > 1 && CString_strcmp("all", argv[1])) { for (int i = 0; i < TEST_COUNT; i++) { if (!CString_strcmp(TESTS[i].name, argv[1])) { TESTS[i].func(argc, argv); return 0; } } for (int i = 0; i < FUZZ_CASE_COUNT; i++) { if (!CString_strcmp(FUZZ_CASES[i], argv[1])) { runFuzzTestManual(alloc, detRand, FUZZ_CASES[i], now, quiet); return 0; } } usage(argv[0]); return 100; } for (int i = 0; i < TEST_COUNT; i++) { now = runTest(TESTS[i].func, TESTS[i].name, now, argc, argv, quiet); } for (int i = 0; i < FUZZ_CASE_COUNT; i++) { struct Allocator* child = Allocator_child(alloc); now = runFuzzTestManual(child, detRand, FUZZ_CASES[i], now, quiet); Allocator_free(child); } if (!quiet) { fprintf(stderr, "Total test time %d.%d ms\n", (int)((now - startTime)/1000000), (int)((now - startTime)/1000)%1000); } return 0; } int testcjdroute_main(int argc, char** argv); int testcjdroute_main(int argc, char** argv) { Glock_init(); struct Allocator* alloc = Allocator_new(1<<24); Allocator_free(alloc); alloc = Allocator_new(1<<24); RandomSeed_t* rs = DeterminentRandomSeed_new(alloc, RANDOM_SEED); struct Random* detRand = NULL; Err_assert(Random_newWithSeed(&detRand, alloc, NULL, rs)); int out = main2(argc, argv, alloc, detRand); Allocator_free(alloc); // We need to drop the lock before we exit, otherwise the rust thread can't complete. Glock_beginBlockingCall(); return out; }