/* vim: set expandtab ts=4 sw=4: */ /* * You may redistribute this program and/or modify it under the terms of * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, * either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "admin/Admin.h" #include "benc/Dict.h" #include "benc/String.h" #include "benc/Int.h" #include "crypto/Key.h" #include "dht/dhtcore/Node.h" #include "dht/dhtcore/NodeStore.h" #include "dht/dhtcore/NodeStore_admin.h" #include "memory/Allocator.h" #include "switch/EncodingScheme.h" #include "util/AddrTools.h" #include "util/version/Version.h" struct Context { struct Admin* admin; struct Allocator* alloc; struct NodeStore* store; Identity }; #define ENTRIES_PER_PAGE 4 static void dumpTable(Dict* args, void* vcontext, String* txid, struct Allocator* requestAlloc) { struct Context* ctx = Identity_check((struct Context*) vcontext); int64_t* page = Dict_getInt(args, String_CONST("page")); int ctr = (page) ? *page * ENTRIES_PER_PAGE : 0; Dict* out = Dict_new(requestAlloc); List* table = List_new(requestAlloc); struct Node_Two* nn = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < ctr+ENTRIES_PER_PAGE; i++) { nn = NodeStore_getNextNode(ctx->store, nn); if (!nn) { break; } if (i < ctr) { continue; } Dict* nodeDict = Dict_new(requestAlloc); String* ip = String_newBinary(NULL, 39, requestAlloc); Address_printIp(ip->bytes, &nn->address); Dict_putString(nodeDict, String_CONST("ip"), ip, requestAlloc); String* addr = Address_toString(&nn->address, requestAlloc); Dict_putString(nodeDict, String_CONST("addr"), addr, requestAlloc); String* path = String_newBinary(NULL, 19, requestAlloc); AddrTools_printPath(path->bytes, nn->address.path); Dict_putString(nodeDict, String_CONST("path"), path, requestAlloc); Dict_putInt(nodeDict, String_CONST("link"), Node_getReach(nn), requestAlloc); Dict_putInt(nodeDict, String_CONST("version"), nn->address.protocolVersion, requestAlloc); Dict_putInt(nodeDict, String_CONST("time"), NodeStore_timeSinceLastPing(ctx->store, nn), requestAlloc); List_addDict(table, nodeDict, requestAlloc); } Dict_putList(out, String_CONST("routingTable"), table, requestAlloc); if (nn) { Dict_putInt(out, String_CONST("more"), 1, requestAlloc); } Dict_putInt(out, String_CONST("count"), ctx->store->nodeCount, requestAlloc); Dict_putInt(out, String_CONST("peers"), ctx->store->peerCount, requestAlloc); Dict_putString(out, String_CONST("deprecation"), String_CONST("ip,path,version will soon be removed"), requestAlloc); Admin_sendMessage(out, txid, ctx->admin); } static int linkCount(struct Node_Two* parent) { struct Node_Link* link = NULL; int i = 0; do { link = NodeStore_nextLink(parent, link); i++; } while (link); return i; } static struct Node_Link* getLinkByNum(struct Node_Two* parent, int linkNum) { struct Node_Link* link = NULL; for (int i = 0; i <= linkNum; i++) { link = NodeStore_nextLink(parent, link); if (!link) { break; } } return link; } static void getLink(Dict* args, void* vcontext, String* txid, struct Allocator* alloc) { struct Context* ctx = Identity_check((struct Context*) vcontext); Dict* ret = Dict_new(alloc); Dict* result = Dict_new(alloc); Dict_putDict(ret, String_new("result", alloc), result, alloc); Dict_putString(ret, String_new("error", alloc), String_new("none", alloc), alloc); struct Node_Link* link = NULL; struct Node_Two* node = NULL; String* ipStr = Dict_getString(args, String_new("parent", alloc)); int64_t* linkNum = Dict_getInt(args, String_new("linkNum", alloc)); uint8_t ip[16]; if (ipStr->len != 39 || AddrTools_parseIp(ip, ipStr->bytes)) { Dict_remove(ret, String_CONST("result")); Dict_putString(ret, String_new("error", alloc), String_new("parse_parent", alloc), alloc); } else if (!(node = NodeStore_nodeForAddr(ctx->store, ip))) { Dict_putString(ret, String_new("error", alloc), String_new("not_found", alloc), alloc); } else if ((link = getLinkByNum(node, *linkNum))) { Dict_putInt(result, String_new("inverseLinkEncodingFormNumber", alloc), link->inverseLinkEncodingFormNumber, alloc); Dict_putInt(result, String_new("linkState", alloc), link->linkState, alloc); Dict_putInt(result, String_new("isOneHop", alloc), Node_isOneHopLink(link), alloc); String* cannonicalLabel = String_newBinary(NULL, 19, alloc); AddrTools_printPath(cannonicalLabel->bytes, link->cannonicalLabel); Dict_putString(result, String_new("cannonicalLabel", alloc), cannonicalLabel, alloc); String* parent = String_newBinary(NULL, 39, alloc); AddrTools_printIp(parent->bytes, link->parent->address.ip6.bytes); Dict_putString(result, String_new("parent", alloc), parent, alloc); String* child = String_newBinary(NULL, 39, alloc); AddrTools_printIp(child->bytes, link->child->address.ip6.bytes); Dict_putString(result, String_new("child", alloc), child, alloc); } Admin_sendMessage(ret, txid, ctx->admin); } static void nodeForAddr(Dict* args, void* vcontext, String* txid, struct Allocator* alloc) { struct Context* ctx = Identity_check((struct Context*) vcontext); Dict* ret = Dict_new(alloc); Dict* result = Dict_new(alloc); Dict_putDict(ret, String_new("result", alloc), result, alloc); Dict_putString(ret, String_new("error", alloc), String_new("none", alloc), alloc); // no ipStr specified --> return self-node struct Node_Two* node = ctx->store->selfNode; String* ipStr = Dict_getString(args, String_new("ip", alloc)); uint8_t ip[16]; while (ipStr) { if (ipStr->len != 39 || AddrTools_parseIp(ip, ipStr->bytes)) { Dict_remove(ret, String_CONST("result")); Dict_putString(ret, String_new("error", alloc), String_new("parse_ip", alloc), alloc); } else if (!(node = NodeStore_nodeForAddr(ctx->store, ip))) { // not found } else { break; } Admin_sendMessage(ret, txid, ctx->admin); return; } Dict_putInt(result, String_new("protocolVersion", alloc), node->address.protocolVersion, alloc); String* key = Key_stringify(node->address.key, alloc); Dict_putString(result, String_new("key", alloc), key, alloc); uint32_t count = linkCount(node); Dict_putInt(result, String_new("linkCount", alloc), count, alloc); Dict_putInt(result, String_new("reach", alloc), Node_getReach(node), alloc); List* encScheme = EncodingScheme_asList(node->encodingScheme, alloc); Dict_putList(result, String_new("encodingScheme", alloc), encScheme, alloc); Dict* bestParent = Dict_new(alloc); String* parentIp = String_newBinary(NULL, 39, alloc); AddrTools_printIp(parentIp->bytes, Node_getBestParent(node)->parent->address.ip6.bytes); Dict_putString(bestParent, String_CONST("ip"), parentIp, alloc); String* parentChildLabel = String_newBinary(NULL, 19, alloc); AddrTools_printPath(parentChildLabel->bytes, Node_getBestParent(node)->cannonicalLabel); Dict_putString(bestParent, String_CONST("parentChildLabel"), parentChildLabel, alloc); Dict_putDict(result, String_CONST("bestParent"), bestParent, alloc); String* bestLabel = String_newBinary(NULL, 19, alloc); AddrTools_printPath(bestLabel->bytes, node->address.path); Dict_putString(result, String_CONST("routeLabel"), bestLabel, alloc); Admin_sendMessage(ret, txid, ctx->admin); } static void getRouteLabel(Dict* args, void* vcontext, String* txid, struct Allocator* requestAlloc) { struct Context* ctx = Identity_check((struct Context*) vcontext); char* err = NULL; String* pathToParentS = Dict_getString(args, String_CONST("pathToParent")); uint64_t pathToParent = 0; if (pathToParentS->len != 19 || AddrTools_parsePath(&pathToParent, pathToParentS->bytes)) { err = "parse_pathToParent"; } String* pathParentToChildS = Dict_getString(args, String_CONST("pathParentToChild")); uint64_t pathParentToChild = 0; if (pathParentToChildS->len != 19 || AddrTools_parsePath(&pathParentToChild, pathParentToChildS->bytes)) { err = "parse_pathParentToChild"; } uint64_t label = UINT64_MAX; if (!err) { label = NodeStore_getRouteLabel(ctx->store, pathToParent, pathParentToChild); err = NodeStore_getRouteLabel_strerror(label); } Dict* response = Dict_new(requestAlloc); if (!err) { String* printedPath = String_newBinary(NULL, 19, requestAlloc); AddrTools_printPath(printedPath->bytes, label); Dict_putString(response, String_new("result", requestAlloc), printedPath, requestAlloc); Dict_putString(response, String_new("error", requestAlloc), String_new("none", requestAlloc), requestAlloc); Admin_sendMessage(response, txid, ctx->admin); } else { Dict_putString(response, String_new("error", requestAlloc), String_new(err, requestAlloc), requestAlloc); Admin_sendMessage(response, txid, ctx->admin); } } void NodeStore_admin_register(struct NodeStore* nodeStore, struct Admin* admin, struct Allocator* alloc) { struct Context* ctx = Allocator_clone(alloc, (&(struct Context) { .admin = admin, .alloc = alloc, .store = nodeStore })); Identity_set(ctx); Admin_registerFunction("NodeStore_dumpTable", dumpTable, ctx, false, ((struct Admin_FunctionArg[]) { { .name = "page", .required = 1, .type = "Int" }, }), admin); Admin_registerFunction("NodeStore_getLink", getLink, ctx, false, ((struct Admin_FunctionArg[]) { { .name = "parent", .required = 1, .type = "String" }, { .name = "linkNum", .required = 1, .type = "Int" }, }), admin); Admin_registerFunction("NodeStore_nodeForAddr", nodeForAddr, ctx, false, ((struct Admin_FunctionArg[]) { { .name = "ip", .required = 0, .type = "String" }, }), admin); Admin_registerFunction("NodeStore_getRouteLabel", getRouteLabel, ctx, true, ((struct Admin_FunctionArg[]) { { .name = "pathToParent", .required = 1, .type = "String" }, { .name = "pathParentToChild", .required = 1, .type = "String" } }), admin); }