/* vim: set expandtab ts=4 sw=4: */
* You may redistribute this program and/or modify it under the terms of
* the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
* either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
#ifndef CryptoAuth_H
#define CryptoAuth_H
#include "benc/StringList.h"
#include "crypto/random/Random.h"
#include "crypto/ReplayProtector.h"
#include "memory/Allocator.h"
#include "util/Endian.h"
#include "util/log/Log.h"
#include "util/events/EventBase.h"
#include "wire/Message.h"
#include "util/Linker.h"
struct CryptoAuth
uint8_t publicKey[32];
struct CryptoAuth_Session
uint8_t herPublicKey[32];
String* displayName;
struct ReplayProtector replayProtector;
* Bind this CryptoAuth session to the other node's ip6 address,
* any packet avertizing a key which doesn't hash to this will be dropped.
uint8_t herIp6[16];
* After this number of seconds of inactivity,
* a connection will be reset to prevent them hanging in a bad state.
uint32_t resetAfterInactivitySeconds;
/** If a session is not completely setup, reset it after this many seconds of inactivity. */
uint32_t setupResetAfterInactivitySeconds;
* Associate a password:authtype pair with a user object.
* Calling CryptoAuth_getUser() on any interface which has established a connection with
* the same password:authType pair will return the same user object.
* @param password This should be a key derived from the password using a good key derivation
* function, using a plaintext password here is NOT recommended.
* @param authType The method of authenticating the user, only option currently is 1 for sha256
* based authentication.
* @param user The thing to associate with this user, will be returned by CryptoAuth_getUser().
* If this is NULL and requireAuthentication is enabled, authentication will fail.
* Duplicate user entires are OK.
* @param ipv6 If not NULL, only allow connections to this CryptoAuth from the key which hashes
* to the given IPv6 address.
* @param context The CryptoAuth context.
* @return 0 if all goes well,
* CryptoAuth_addUser_DUPLICATE if the same *password* already exists.
#define CryptoAuth_addUser_DUPLICATE -3
int CryptoAuth_addUser_ipv6(String* password,
String* login,
uint8_t ipv6[16],
struct CryptoAuth* ca);
static inline int CryptoAuth_addUser(String* password, String* login, struct CryptoAuth* ca)
return CryptoAuth_addUser_ipv6(password, login, NULL, ca);
* Remove all users registered with this CryptoAuth.
* @param context the context to remove users for.
* @param user the identifier which was passed to addUser(), all users with this id will be removed.
* @return the number of users removed.
int CryptoAuth_removeUsers(struct CryptoAuth* context, String* user);
* Get a list of all the users added via addUser.
* @param context the context used to call addUser.
* @param alloc the Allocator to use to create the usersOut array.
* @returns List* containing the user String's
struct StringList* CryptoAuth_getUsers(struct CryptoAuth* context, struct Allocator* alloc);
* Create a new crypto authenticator.
* @param allocator the means of aquiring memory.
* @param privateKey the private key to use for this CryptoAuth or null if one should be generated.
* @param eventBase the libevent context for handling timeouts.
* @param logger the mechanism for logging output from the CryptoAuth.
* if NULL then no logging will be done.
* @param rand random number generator.
* @return a new CryptoAuth context.
struct CryptoAuth* CryptoAuth_new(struct Allocator* allocator,
const uint8_t* privateKey,
struct EventBase* eventBase,
struct Log* logger,
struct Random* rand);
* Wrap an interface with crypto authentication.
* NOTE2: Every received packet is prefixed by the 4 byte *nonce* for that packet
* in host endian order.
* @param toWarp the interface to wrap
* @param herPublicKey the public key of the other party or NULL if unknown.
* @param requireAuth if the remote end of this interface begins the connection, require
* them to present valid authentication credentials to connect.
* If this end begins the connection, this parameter has no effect.
* @param name a name for this CA which will appear in logs.
* @param context the CryptoAuth context.
struct CryptoAuth_Session* CryptoAuth_newSession(struct CryptoAuth* ca,
struct Allocator* alloc,
const uint8_t herPublicKey[32],
const bool requireAuth,
char* name);
/** @return 0 on success, -1 otherwise. */
int CryptoAuth_encrypt(struct CryptoAuth_Session* session, struct Message* msg);
enum CryptoAuth_DecryptErr {
CryptoAuth_DecryptErr_NONE = 0,
// Packet too short
CryptoAuth_DecryptErr_RUNT = 1,
// Received a run message to an un-setup session
CryptoAuth_DecryptErr_NO_SESSION = 2,
CryptoAuth_DecryptErr_FINAL_SHAKE_FAIL = 3,
CryptoAuth_DecryptErr_FAILED_DECRYPT_RUN_MSG = 4,
CryptoAuth_DecryptErr_WRONG_PERM_PUBKEY = 6,
// Only specific IPv6 can connect to this CA session and the request has the wrong one.
CryptoAuth_DecryptErr_IP_RESTRICTED = 7,
// Authentication is required and is missing.
CryptoAuth_DecryptErr_AUTH_REQUIRED = 8,
// Basically this means the login name doesn't exist, beware of giving this information up.
CryptoAuth_DecryptErr_UNRECOGNIZED_AUTH = 9,
// Key packet and we are not in a state to accept a key packet
CryptoAuth_DecryptErr_STRAY_KEY = 10,
CryptoAuth_DecryptErr_HANDSHAKE_DECRYPT_FAILED = 11,
// Set zero as the temporary public key
CryptoAuth_DecryptErr_WISEGUY = 12,
// Duplicate hello or key packet (same temp key and not a repeat-packet type)
// Or repeat key packet with different key than what is known
// Or a repeat hello packet for which we already know the temp key (meaning it is associated
// with an existing session) when we are not in a state to accept a repeat hello.
CryptoAuth_DecryptErr_INVALID_PACKET = 13,
// Replay checker could not validate this packet
CryptoAuth_DecryptErr_REPLAY = 14,
// Authenticated decryption failed
CryptoAuth_DecryptErr_DECRYPT = 15
// returns 0 if everything if ok, otherwise an encryption error.
// If there is an error, the content of the message MIGHT already be decrypted !
enum CryptoAuth_DecryptErr CryptoAuth_decrypt(struct CryptoAuth_Session* sess, struct Message* msg);
* Choose the authentication credentials to use.
* WARNING: Even if the remote end begins the connection, these credentials will be presented which
* will cause the connection initiation to fail if the remote end does not know of them.
* @param password the password to use for authenticating, this must match the password given to
* CryptoAuth_addUser() at the other end of the connection.
* @param login the username to use for logging in with the other node.
* if null then the authtype will be type 1 (password only).
* @param wrappedInterface this MUST be the output from CryptoAuth_wrapInterface().
void CryptoAuth_setAuth(const String* password,
const String* login,
struct CryptoAuth_Session* caSession);
/** Reset the session's state to CryptoAuth_NEW, a new connection will be negotiated. */
//void CryptoAuth_reset(struct CryptoAuth_Session* session);
void CryptoAuth_resetIfTimeout(struct CryptoAuth_Session* session);
void CryptoAuth_reset(struct CryptoAuth_Session* caSession);
enum CryptoAuth_State {
// New CryptoAuth session, has not sent or received anything
CryptoAuth_State_INIT = 0,
// Sent a hello message, waiting for reply
CryptoAuth_State_SENT_HELLO = 1,
// Received a hello message, have not yet sent a reply
CryptoAuth_State_RECEIVED_HELLO = 2,
// Received a hello message, sent a key message, waiting for the session to complete
CryptoAuth_State_SENT_KEY = 3,
// Sent a hello message, received a key message, may or may not have sent some data traffic
// but no data traffic has yet been received
CryptoAuth_State_RECEIVED_KEY = 4,
// Received data traffic, session is in run state
CryptoAuth_State_ESTABLISHED = 100
static inline char* CryptoAuth_stateString(int state)
switch (state) {
case CryptoAuth_State_INIT: return "INIT";
case CryptoAuth_State_SENT_HELLO: return "SENT_HELLO";
case CryptoAuth_State_RECEIVED_HELLO: return "RECEIVED_HELLO";
case CryptoAuth_State_SENT_KEY: return "SENT_KEY";
case CryptoAuth_State_RECEIVED_KEY: return "RECEIVED_KEY";
case CryptoAuth_State_ESTABLISHED: return "ESTABLISHED";
default: return "INVALID";
enum CryptoAuth_State CryptoAuth_getState(struct CryptoAuth_Session* session);