/* vim: set expandtab ts=4 sw=4: */ /* * You may redistribute this program and/or modify it under the terms of * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, * either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "benc/String.h" #include "net/SwitchPinger.h" #include "dht/Address.h" #include "util/Bits.h" #include "util/Checksum.h" #include "util/Endian.h" #include "util/Pinger.h" #include "util/version/Version.h" #include "util/Identity.h" #include "wire/SwitchHeader.h" #include "wire/Control.h" #include "wire/Error.h" struct SwitchPinger_pvt { struct SwitchPinger pub; struct Pinger* pinger; struct Admin* admin; struct Log* logger; struct Allocator* allocator; struct Address* myAddr; /** * The label is stored here while the message is sent through the pinger * and it decides which ping the incoming message belongs to. */ uint64_t incomingLabel; /** The version of the node which sent the message. */ uint32_t incomingVersion; uint8_t incomingKey[32]; /** The error code if an error has been returned (see Error.h) */ int error; /** Pings which are currently waiting for responses. */ int outstandingPings; /** Maximum number of pings which can be outstanding at one time. */ int maxConcurrentPings; Identity }; struct Ping { struct SwitchPinger_Ping pub; uint64_t label; String* data; struct SwitchPinger_pvt* context; SwitchPinger_ResponseCallback onResponse; void* onResponseContext; struct Pinger_Ping* pingerPing; Identity }; // incoming message from network, pointing to the beginning of the switch header. static Iface_DEFUN messageFromControlHandler(struct Message* msg, struct Iface* iface) { struct SwitchPinger_pvt* ctx = Identity_check((struct SwitchPinger_pvt*) iface); struct SwitchHeader* switchHeader = (struct SwitchHeader*) msg->bytes; ctx->incomingLabel = Endian_bigEndianToHost64(switchHeader->label_be); ctx->incomingVersion = 0; Message_shift(msg, -SwitchHeader_SIZE, NULL); uint32_t handle = Message_pop32(msg, NULL); #ifdef Version_7_COMPAT if (handle != 0xffffffff) { Message_push32(msg, handle, NULL); handle = 0xffffffff; Assert_true(SwitchHeader_isV7Ctrl(switchHeader)); } #endif Assert_true(handle == 0xffffffff); struct Control* ctrl = (struct Control*) msg->bytes; if (ctrl->header.type_be == Control_PONG_be) { Message_shift(msg, -Control_Header_SIZE, NULL); ctx->error = Error_NONE; if (msg->length >= Control_Pong_MIN_SIZE) { struct Control_Ping* pongHeader = (struct Control_Ping*) msg->bytes; ctx->incomingVersion = Endian_bigEndianToHost32(pongHeader->version_be); if (pongHeader->magic != Control_Pong_MAGIC) { Log_debug(ctx->logger, "dropped invalid switch pong"); return NULL; } Message_shift(msg, -Control_Pong_HEADER_SIZE, NULL); } else { Log_debug(ctx->logger, "got runt pong message, length: [%d]", msg->length); return NULL; } } else if (ctrl->header.type_be == Control_KEYPONG_be) { Message_shift(msg, -Control_Header_SIZE, NULL); ctx->error = Error_NONE; if (msg->length >= Control_KeyPong_HEADER_SIZE && msg->length <= Control_KeyPong_MAX_SIZE) { struct Control_KeyPing* pongHeader = (struct Control_KeyPing*) msg->bytes; ctx->incomingVersion = Endian_bigEndianToHost32(pongHeader->version_be); if (pongHeader->magic != Control_KeyPong_MAGIC) { Log_debug(ctx->logger, "dropped invalid switch key-pong"); return NULL; } Bits_memcpyConst(ctx->incomingKey, pongHeader->key, 32); Message_shift(msg, -Control_KeyPong_HEADER_SIZE, NULL); } else if (msg->length > Control_KeyPong_MAX_SIZE) { Log_debug(ctx->logger, "got overlong key-pong message, length: [%d]", msg->length); return NULL; } else { Log_debug(ctx->logger, "got runt key-pong message, length: [%d]", msg->length); return NULL; } } else if (ctrl->header.type_be == Control_ERROR_be) { Message_shift(msg, -Control_Header_SIZE, NULL); Assert_true((uint8_t*)&ctrl->content.error.errorType_be == msg->bytes); if (msg->length < (Control_Error_HEADER_SIZE + SwitchHeader_SIZE + Control_Header_SIZE)) { Log_debug(ctx->logger, "runt error packet"); return NULL; } ctx->error = Message_pop32(msg, NULL); Message_push32(msg, 0, NULL); Message_shift(msg, -(Control_Error_HEADER_SIZE + SwitchHeader_SIZE), NULL); struct Control* origCtrl = (struct Control*) msg->bytes; Log_debug(ctx->logger, "error [%s] was caused by our [%s]", Error_strerror(ctx->error), Control_typeString(origCtrl->header.type_be)); int shift; if (origCtrl->header.type_be == Control_PING_be) { shift = -(Control_Header_SIZE + Control_Ping_HEADER_SIZE); } else if (origCtrl->header.type_be == Control_KEYPING_be) { shift = -(Control_Header_SIZE + Control_KeyPing_HEADER_SIZE); } else { Assert_failure("problem in Ducttape.c"); } if (msg->length < -shift) { Log_debug(ctx->logger, "runt error packet"); } Message_shift(msg, shift, NULL); } else { // If it gets here then Ducttape.c is failing. Assert_true(false); } String* msgStr = &(String) { .bytes = (char*) msg->bytes, .len = msg->length }; Pinger_pongReceived(msgStr, ctx->pinger); Bits_memset(ctx->incomingKey, 0, 32); return NULL; } static void onPingResponse(String* data, uint32_t milliseconds, void* vping) { struct Ping* p = Identity_check((struct Ping*) vping); enum SwitchPinger_Result err = SwitchPinger_Result_OK; uint64_t label = p->context->incomingLabel; if (data) { if (label != p->label) { err = SwitchPinger_Result_LABEL_MISMATCH; } else if ((p->data || data->len > 0) && !String_equals(data, p->data)) { err = SwitchPinger_Result_WRONG_DATA; } else if (p->context->error == Error_LOOP_ROUTE) { err = SwitchPinger_Result_LOOP_ROUTE; } else if (p->context->error) { err = SwitchPinger_Result_ERROR_RESPONSE; } } else { err = SwitchPinger_Result_TIMEOUT; } uint32_t version = p->context->incomingVersion; struct SwitchPinger_Response* resp = Allocator_calloc(p->pub.pingAlloc, sizeof(struct SwitchPinger_Response), 1); resp->version = p->context->incomingVersion; resp->res = err; resp->label = label; resp->data = data; resp->milliseconds = milliseconds; resp->version = version; Bits_memcpyConst(resp->key, p->context->incomingKey, 32); resp->ping = &p->pub; p->onResponse(resp, p->pub.onResponseContext); } static void sendPing(String* data, void* sendPingContext) { struct Ping* p = Identity_check((struct Ping*) sendPingContext); struct Message* msg = Message_new(0, data->len + 512, p->pub.pingAlloc); while (((uintptr_t)msg->bytes - data->len) % 4) { Message_push8(msg, 0, NULL); } msg->length = 0; Message_push(msg, data->bytes, data->len, NULL); Assert_true(!((uintptr_t)msg->bytes % 4) && "alignment fault"); if (p->pub.keyPing) { Message_shift(msg, Control_KeyPing_HEADER_SIZE, NULL); struct Control_KeyPing* keyPingHeader = (struct Control_KeyPing*) msg->bytes; keyPingHeader->magic = Control_KeyPing_MAGIC; keyPingHeader->version_be = Endian_hostToBigEndian32(Version_CURRENT_PROTOCOL); Bits_memcpyConst(keyPingHeader->key, p->context->myAddr->key, 32); } else { Message_shift(msg, Control_Ping_HEADER_SIZE, NULL); struct Control_Ping* pingHeader = (struct Control_Ping*) msg->bytes; pingHeader->magic = Control_Ping_MAGIC; pingHeader->version_be = Endian_hostToBigEndian32(Version_CURRENT_PROTOCOL); } Message_shift(msg, Control_Header_SIZE, NULL); struct Control* ctrl = (struct Control*) msg->bytes; ctrl->header.checksum_be = 0; ctrl->header.type_be = (p->pub.keyPing) ? Control_KEYPING_be : Control_PING_be; ctrl->header.checksum_be = Checksum_engine(msg->bytes, msg->length); #ifdef Version_7_COMPAT if (0) { #endif Message_push32(msg, 0xffffffff, NULL); #ifdef Version_7_COMPAT } #endif Message_shift(msg, SwitchHeader_SIZE, NULL); struct SwitchHeader* switchHeader = (struct SwitchHeader*) msg->bytes; Bits_memset(switchHeader, 0, SwitchHeader_SIZE); switchHeader->label_be = Endian_hostToBigEndian64(p->label); SwitchHeader_setVersion(switchHeader, SwitchHeader_CURRENT_VERSION); #ifdef Version_7_COMPAT // v7 detects ctrl packets by the bit which has been // re-appropriated for suppression of errors. switchHeader->congestAndSuppressErrors = 1; SwitchHeader_setVersion(switchHeader, 0); #endif Iface_send(&p->context->pub.controlHandlerIf, msg); } static String* RESULT_STRING_OK = String_CONST_SO("pong"); static String* RESULT_STRING_LABEL_MISMATCH = String_CONST_SO("diff_label"); static String* RESULT_STRING_WRONG_DATA = String_CONST_SO("diff_data"); static String* RESULT_STRING_ERROR_RESPONSE = String_CONST_SO("err_switch"); static String* RESULT_STRING_TIMEOUT = String_CONST_SO("timeout"); static String* RESULT_STRING_UNKNOWN = String_CONST_SO("err_unknown"); static String* RESULT_STRING_LOOP = String_CONST_SO("err_loop"); String* SwitchPinger_resultString(enum SwitchPinger_Result result) { switch (result) { case SwitchPinger_Result_OK: return RESULT_STRING_OK; case SwitchPinger_Result_LABEL_MISMATCH: return RESULT_STRING_LABEL_MISMATCH; case SwitchPinger_Result_WRONG_DATA: return RESULT_STRING_WRONG_DATA; case SwitchPinger_Result_ERROR_RESPONSE: return RESULT_STRING_ERROR_RESPONSE; case SwitchPinger_Result_TIMEOUT: return RESULT_STRING_TIMEOUT; case SwitchPinger_Result_LOOP_ROUTE: return RESULT_STRING_LOOP; default: return RESULT_STRING_UNKNOWN; }; } static int onPingFree(struct Allocator_OnFreeJob* job) { struct Ping* ping = Identity_check((struct Ping*)job->userData); struct SwitchPinger_pvt* ctx = Identity_check(ping->context); ctx->outstandingPings--; Assert_true(ctx->outstandingPings >= 0); return 0; } struct SwitchPinger_Ping* SwitchPinger_newPing(uint64_t label, String* data, uint32_t timeoutMilliseconds, SwitchPinger_ResponseCallback onResponse, struct Allocator* alloc, struct SwitchPinger* context) { struct SwitchPinger_pvt* ctx = Identity_check((struct SwitchPinger_pvt*)context); if (data && data->len > Control_Ping_MAX_SIZE) { return NULL; } if (ctx->outstandingPings > ctx->maxConcurrentPings) { Log_debug(ctx->logger, "Skipping switch ping because there are already [%d] outstanding", ctx->outstandingPings); return NULL; } struct Pinger_Ping* pp = Pinger_newPing(data, onPingResponse, sendPing, timeoutMilliseconds, alloc, ctx->pinger); struct Ping* ping = Allocator_clone(pp->pingAlloc, (&(struct Ping) { .pub = { .pingAlloc = pp->pingAlloc }, .label = label, .data = String_clone(data, pp->pingAlloc), .context = ctx, .onResponse = onResponse, .pingerPing = pp })); Identity_set(ping); Allocator_onFree(pp->pingAlloc, onPingFree, ping); pp->context = ping; ctx->outstandingPings++; return &ping->pub; } struct SwitchPinger* SwitchPinger_new(struct EventBase* eventBase, struct Random* rand, struct Log* logger, struct Address* myAddr, struct Allocator* allocator) { struct Allocator* alloc = Allocator_child(allocator); struct SwitchPinger_pvt* sp = Allocator_malloc(alloc, sizeof(struct SwitchPinger_pvt)); Bits_memcpyConst(sp, (&(struct SwitchPinger_pvt) { .pub = { .controlHandlerIf = { .send = messageFromControlHandler } }, .pinger = Pinger_new(eventBase, rand, logger, alloc), .logger = logger, .allocator = alloc, .myAddr = myAddr, .maxConcurrentPings = SwitchPinger_DEFAULT_MAX_CONCURRENT_PINGS, }), sizeof(struct SwitchPinger_pvt)); Identity_set(sp); return &sp->pub; }