#!/usr/bin/env python2 # You may redistribute this program and/or modify it under the terms of # the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, # either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import os import json from time import sleep def anonConnect(ip='', port=11234): from cjdnsadmin import connect path = os.path.expanduser('~/.cjdnsadmin') try: with open(path, 'r') as adminInfo: data = json.load(adminInfo) return connect(data['addr'], data['port'], '') except IOError: return connect(ip, int(port), '') def connect(ip='', port=11234, password=''): from cjdnsadmin import connectWithAdminInfo return connectWithAdminInfo() def disconnect(cjdns): cjdns.disconnect() def whoami(cjdns): from publicToIp6 import PublicToIp6_convert; resp=cjdns.NodeStore_nodeForAddr(0) key=resp['result']['key'] ver=resp['result']['protocolVersion'] IP=PublicToIp6_convert(key) return {'IP':IP,'key':key,'version':ver} def dumpTable(cjdns,verbose=False,unique_ip=False,nodes=[]): if nodes == []: nodes=[] rt = [] i = 0; while True: table = cjdns.NodeStore_dumpTable(i) res=table['routingTable'] for t in res: ip=t['ip'] if (not ip in nodes) and unique_ip: nodes.append(ip) rt.append(t) if verbose: print(t['ip'] + ' ' + t['path'] + ' ' + str(t['link']) + ' ' + str(t['version'])); if not unique_ip: nodes.append(ip) rt.append(t) if verbose: print(t['ip'] + ' ' + t['path'] + ' ' + str(t['link']) + ' ' + str(t['version'])); if not 'more' in table: break i += 1 return rt def streamRoutingTable(cjdns, delay=10): known = [] while True: i = 0 while True: table = cjdns.NodeStore_dumpTable(i) routes = table['routingTable'] for entry in routes: if entry['ip'] not in known: known.append(entry['ip']) yield entry if 'more' not in table: break i += 1 sleep(delay) def parseAddr(addr): tokens = addr.split('.', 5) res = { 'version': tokens[0].strip('v'), 'switchLabel': '.'.join(tokens[1:5]), 'publicKey': tokens[5], } return res def peerStats(cjdns,up=False,verbose=False,human_readable=False): from publicToIp6 import PublicToIp6_convert; allPeers = [] i = 0; while True: ps = cjdns.InterfaceController_peerStats(page=i); peers = ps['peers'] for p in peers: p.update(parseAddr(p['addr'])) if p['state'] == 'UNRESPONSIVE' and up: continue allPeers.append(p) if (not 'more' in ps): break i += 1 if verbose: STAT_FORMAT = '%s\t%s\tv%s\t%s\tin %s\tout %s\t%s\tdup %d los %d oor %d' for peer in allPeers: ip = PublicToIp6_convert(peer['publicKey']) b_in = peer['bytesIn'] b_out = peer['bytesOut'] if human_readable: b_in = sizeof_fmt(b_in) b_out = sizeof_fmt(b_out) p = STAT_FORMAT % (peer['lladdr'], ip, peer['version'], peer['switchLabel'], str(b_in), str(b_out), peer['state'], peer['duplicates'], peer['lostPackets'], peer['receivedOutOfRange']) if 'user' in peer: p += '\t%r' % peer['user'] print p return allPeers def sizeof_fmt(num): for x in ['B','KB','MB','GB','TB']: if num < 1024.0: return "%3.1f%s" % (num, x) num /= 1024.0 def parseLabel(route): route = route.replace('.','') broute= int('0x' + route, 16); route = route.replace('0','x') route = route.replace('1','y') route = route.replace('f','1111') route = route.replace('e','1110') route = route.replace('d','1101') route = route.replace('c','1100') route = route.replace('b','1011') route = route.replace('a','1010') route = route.replace('9','1001') route = route.replace('8','1000') route = route.replace('7','0111') route = route.replace('6','0110') route = route.replace('5','0101') route = route.replace('4','0100') route = route.replace('3','0011') route = route.replace('2','0010') route = route.replace('y','0001') route = route.replace('x','0000') # reverse the string, strip trailing zeros, then strip the trailing 1 route = route[::-1].rstrip('0')[:-1] return {'route':route,'broute':broute}