/* * You may redistribute this program and/or modify it under the terms of * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, * either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ var Spawn = require('child_process').spawn; var Http = require("http"); var Fs = require("fs"); var TIMEOUT = 600000; if (process.env.TestRunner_TIMEOUT && !isNaN(Number(process.env.TestRunner_TIMEOUT))) { TIMEOUT = Number(process.env.TestRunner_TIMEOUT); } console.log("timeout is " + TIMEOUT); var parseURL = function (url) { url = url.replace(/[a-zA-Z]*:\/\//, ''); var path = url.split('/')[1] || ''; url = url.split('/')[0]; var port = url.split(':')[1]; url = url.split(':')[0]; port = Number(port) || 8083; var host = url || undefined; return { host: host, port: port, path: '/' + path }; }; var remote = module.exports.remote = function (url, argv) { var params = parseURL(url); if (!params.host) { throw new Error("For the client, the hostname is required"); } params.headers = { args: [ JSON.stringify(argv) ] }; params.method = 'POST'; return function (fileName, callback) { var out = []; out.push('Testing Remotely'); var req = Http.request(params, function(res) { if (res.statusCode !== 200) { out.push('STATUS: ' + res.statusCode); out.push('HEADERS: ' + JSON.stringify(res.headers)); } res.setEncoding('utf8'); var body = ''; res.on('data', function (chunk) { body += String(chunk); }); res.on('end', function () { var ret = JSON.parse(body); if (ret.returnCode !== 0) { output.push(ret.stdout); } out.push(ret.stderr); callback(out.join('\n'), (ret.returnCode !== 0)); }); }); Fs.createReadStream(fileName).pipe(req); req.on('error', function(e) { console.log('problem with request: ' + e.message); }); }; }; var client = function (url, fileName, argv) { var params = parseURL(url); if (!params.host) { throw new Error("For the client, the hostname is required"); } params.headers = { args: [ JSON.stringify(argv) ] }; params.method = 'POST'; var req = Http.request(params, function(res) { if (res.statusCode !== 200) { console.log('STATUS: ' + res.statusCode); console.log('HEADERS: ' + JSON.stringify(res.headers)); } res.setEncoding('utf8'); var body = ''; res.on('data', function (chunk) { body += String(chunk); }); res.on('end', function () { var ret = JSON.parse(body); process.stdout.write(ret.stdout); process.stderr.write(ret.stderr); process.exit(ret.returnCode); }); }); Fs.createReadStream(fileName).pipe(req); req.on('error', function(e) { console.log('problem with request: ' + e.message); }); }; /// Server var spawnProc = function(file, args, callback, timeoutMilliseconds) { var child = Spawn(file, args); var out = '', err = ''; var t0 = +new Date(); var to = setTimeout(function() { child.kill('SIGKILL'); err += "test TIMEOUT in [" + ((+new Date()) - t0) + "ms] try TestRunner_TIMEOUT=\n"; callback(1000, out, err); }, timeoutMilliseconds); child.stdout.on('data', function (data) { out += String(data); }); child.stderr.on('data', function (data) { err += String(data); }); child.on('close', function (code) { clearTimeout(to); callback(code, out, err); }); child.on('error', function(err) { clearTimeout(to); callback(1, '', err.stack); }); }; var local = module.exports.local = function (argv) { return function (fileName, callback) { var output = []; spawnProc(fileName, argv, function (code, out, err) { if (code !== 0) { output.push(out); } output.push(err); callback(output.join('\n'), (code !== 0)); }, TIMEOUT); }; }; var send = function (response, content) { response.writeHeader(200, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"}); response.write(content); response.end(); }; var runTest = function (fileName, args, response, timeoutMilliseconds) { Fs.chmodSync(fileName, '755'); setTimeout(function () { spawnProc(fileName, args, function(code, out, err) { send(response, JSON.stringify({ returnCode: code, stdout: out, stderr: err })); //Fs.unlink(fileName); }, timeoutMilliseconds); }, 100); }; var server = function (url, tempDir) { var params = parseURL(url); tempDir = tempDir || '/tmp'; console.log("Serving http://" + (params.host || '') + ':' + params.port + params.path); Http.createServer(function(request, response) { if (request.method === 'POST' && request.url === params.path) { var args = JSON.parse(request.headers.args); var fileName = tempDir + "/test-" + String(Math.random()).substring(2) + ".exe"; request.pipe(Fs.createWriteStream(fileName)); request.on("end", function() { runTest(fileName, args, response, TIMEOUT); }); } else { response.end(); } }).listen(params.port, params.host); }; /// Main var usage = function () { console.log( "Usage:\n" + " TestRunner server [http://][][:][/] [tempDir]\n" + " bind to (default port is 8083) and allow remote execution by anyone\n" + " providing . will be used for temporary files (default is /tmp)\n" + " http:// is optional, you can put https:// or penispenispenis:// or whatever you\n" + " want but only http is supported.\n" + " To bind to all interfaces, you can omit the hostname, eg: :3333/supersecret\n" + " and to have the default port, you can provide only the password eg: /secret\n" + " or the hostname and password, eg: mycomputer/secret\n" + " The server will print a line explaining exactly what hostname/port/pass it is\n" + " serving.\n" + "\n" + " TestRunner client [http://][][:][/] [argv1, " + "[argv2, ...]]\n" + " connect to the specified URL and upload to be run with\n" + " arguments ...\n" + " the URL has the same semantics as that for the server except the hostname must be\n" + " specified."); }; var main = function (argv) { var cli = argv.indexOf("client"); if (cli !== -1) { argv.splice(0,cli+1); var cliUrl = argv.shift(); var fileName = argv.shift(); return client(cliUrl, fileName, argv); } var serv = argv.indexOf("server"); if (serv !== -1) { argv.splice(0,serv+1); var servUrl = argv.shift(); var tempDir = argv.shift(); return server(servUrl, tempDir); } return usage(); }; if (!module.parent) { main(process.argv); }